Teacher ?( to "She's jut Ilk* ou of ua." Miaa Hawkins directed tot Suitor play, "The Sky's The Limit," and traveled to Weah D. C? with the claaa. uadnf from Hl Migb School to 1958, aha attaalal Mara Hill Baptist J tailor Co 11 ego and re - calved aa Aaaodau to Arta degree to 1960. Prom Mara H1U aha want to the Univer sity of Tannaaaoa where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree to Home Economics. Her specialisation area was TRANQUIL - 1TE relieves mental tension, no narcotics, no barbiturates. 20 Tablets only $1.00 at Mauney Drug Co. to Murphy. 3$-2tc ARTHRITIS IT Your doctor can tell you there i* no known own for theoo condi tions. However, pood, fast rtlitf from nag gimg pain attacks of minor arthritis, rheu mstism, backaches and muscular aches can be yours when yon take novo. There ie nothing faeter, wafer or man effective, muvo'e medially peered formula haa helped econa of men and women to lead happy and full Uvea. Buy a trial aim Bottle. Take aa directed. Y< get wonderl have, or et I will refund your money. tAVI MOMtY. Ueetkeltutm MAUMEY DRUG CO. MURPHY. N. C. MISS MARTHA SUE HAWKINS Child Development and Fam ily Relations. Miss Hawkins says that her Interests are music and dan cing and that she loves K> con verse with people about their baste philosophy of life. "1 enjoy learning what makes people tick," she says. Cherokee Scout h Clay County Progress, Thu.. April 25, 1963 Dodsoa Birtkdty MURPHY ? Mrs. Chester Dodson entertained with a party honoring her daughter, Cynthia on her 5th birthday, Thursday, April 11. Gaines were played and each guest was presented an Raster basket, also they en Joyed an egg hint. Toy ac cordions were given as fav ors. Mrs. Dodson served re freshments of birthday cake and kool aid to the following: Jennifer Dodson, Susan Ben son, Donna Lovlngood, Jane and Allen Blakemore, Larry and Garry Westmoreland, David, Dexter and Davanne and Dennette Hubbard, Peggy and Belinda Smart, Danny Town son, Kathy Alexander, Sara Wells, Marsha Waggon er, Ann and Rob Manchester, Meshale WUks, Jeb and Dick ie Stewart and Mitch Martin. Only Y SO YBARS AGO APRIL 7, IM3 i Bffi* Johnson *f O Mr. and Mr*. Harry mA Mn.J.W.Thom|>ec ylABn taAdsnta.Ga^aelaBt Saturday. Mrs. Mary Nsll Ballenona entertained with ? party on last Saturday, April I, In honor of her Unto soa. Charles. on his fifth birthday. Invited were LMto Nettle Die key, John Astoy. Charlaa and Mary Blla Fata. Aaols Ruth and Waltar Carrtafar, Jean w>d Harry Mauney,Mar garet and Porter Marooay. As Easier was near, a little buny rabbit and baby chicks ware given to each for souvenlers. 20 YBARS AGO APRIL 1. 1943 C*K. J. N. Hill, Jr.. who has been serving a year with the U. S. armed toreaa over seas, arrived home last week on a thirty-day leave of ab Mrs. BUI Brwidoo and Miss Emily Sword spent lastSatur day at F on tana with their sis ter, Miss Sara Sword. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Brown Deei Transfers Pitt and Ada Almond to Hat tie Belle snd Maude Hughes, property In Valley*)wn Town M. end Verdle Cook ?> Earl and Marva Matoy. pro perty In Cherokee County. Grady and Ida Coleman e Charlie and Jane Raper. pro perty In Shoal Creek Town ShFred W. and Lou BUnn KU patrick, Jr.. ?> ZebulonVance and Mary E. Davidson, pro perty In Cherokee County. Lake Hiwassee Develop ment Co.. Inc.. to F arris and Lora J. Gossett. property In Shoal Creek Township. Leonard and Edna P aimer to Wayne Palmer Jenkins, Ann Lee Palmer Hancock. Lens Palmer Zommerman and Ran dall Palmer, property In Val leyrown Township. M. H. and Amanda Palmer to Autin and Bessie Ramsey, property In Murphy Township. Lawson andSaUleTrantham to Deacons of Red Marble Bap tist Church snd successors, property In Valleytown Town ship. Charles snd Martha White to Charlie snd Jane Raper, property In Shoal Creek Town ship. SUNGLASSES GALORE. We have the largest selection of sunglasses In town. Polaroids. Foster Grant. Sunglasses for kiddles. Mauney Drug Co. In Murphy. Latest Styles. Many frames to choose from. Come in today. 38-2tc esterday I have returned from abusl m trip to Nnw York. of Morrls u at Mrs. VtrgU Billots of Mob ile, Ala^ arrived Tuesday for a vtalt with Mr. andMrs.Wal Mra. J. B. Gray spent sev eral days laat week la Ashe vllla. Mr. and Mrs. Bdwln Haoaley at Foe tana, apaat Monday and Tueeday here ad* their mother, Mrs. Vesta Hensley. Mrs. Peyton Ivte was a visitor In Chattanooga on last Friday. Misses Elizabeth Gray and Martha Barnes spent laat weehand in Chattanooga. ? Mrs. Mardle Palmer of At lanta, Ga.. visited her little daughter, Phyllis, also her Mr. and Mrs. J. L. parents. Hall. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wal droup of Antkwws announce the birth of a daughter, March 24, at Petrle Hospital. Murphy. 10 YEARS AGO APRIL 2, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Loch aby, Rt. 2. Murphy, anooisce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Sua, March 29, at Petrie Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall of Murphy annotates the birth of a daughter, March 27, at Petrie Hospital. Mrs. W. A. Hoover returned Saturday night from a vtalt with relatives in Cberryvllle. Mrs. R. D. Chandler spent two days last week In Chatta nooga with her son-in-law md daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Canata and boys. While there she attended the Billy Graham revival. H. C. Bueck, page In the General Assembly, spent last weekend at home. He was ac companied by Teddy Rabb. son of Prof. Rabb. professor of history and political science at State College, Raleigh, and Mrs. Rabb. Teddy la also a P?ge. Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer spent the weekend in Asbe vllle with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Howard had as guests last week, Mrs. Howard's brother-in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. Beutner of Chicago. 30 YEARS AGO APRIL 14, 1933 Mrs. W. T. Forsyth and daughter. Miss Mary For syth of Andrews were visi tors in town on Monday of this week. Mrs. R. C. Mattox return ed home Monday from a visit to her daughter. Miss Cedl Mattox. who Is attending Ashe ville Normal at Ashevllle. Mr. Cooper ' HMD, Mies.. ?ill Mao ha foe 20 YRARS AGO APRIL 8, IMS Miaa Beau-ice Howard at Akron. Ohio, arrived IMS waak for aa vlalt old bar parents, and Mr*. Ed Howard. Mr. aad Mr*. Paul of CopperbUl. Tha, visitors la l Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pi p uowm, Us. Mrs. Hianaa Bo wittf Mrt( Dixie Palmar aad Mra. W. P. Odom wars visitors to Asba vtlle one day last waak. Mrs. Myrda Moors of Cul berson was a vtslsir In Town Saturday. Mrs. Hubert Katroa loft on Monday for bar home Is Alex andria. La., afar spending several days with bar Mice, Mrs. H. A. Matrix aad Mr. Matlox. Mrs. Wlllard Cooper spent one day last waak In Atlanta with bar daughter, Mrs. P. P. Woodyard and Lt Woodyard of Mobile, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper left Saturday for Philadelphia after spending several days In Murphy with friends and relatives. Misses Bthia andBdifoVoy les of Knoxville, Term., spent last weak with their sister. Miss Mayda Voyles and other relatives. Miss Josephine Heighway spent last weekend in Header sonvllle with her sister, Mrs. Jock Lovingood and Mr. Lovlngood. 10 YEARS AGO APRIL 9. 19S3 Mr*. Ben Da via and daugh ter, Beanie Jo, of Charlotte, ?peat the Batter holiday with Mre. Davis's titter. Mist Clara McCombe. Mm. Don Witherspoon It spending several days In Hen derson vllle with her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mm. Mack Paten and child ren. Bobby and Don. Lt. and Mm. George Disrn and daughter, Kathy of Nor folk, Vs., will arrive over the weekend to spend tan days with Mm. Dunn's parents, Mr. and Mm. Roy Lovtngood. Mm. W. A. Singleton and children, Sara Vamer and Knox, are visiting Mm. Sin gleton's parents, Mr. and Mm. J. A. Agnew inSummer vtlle, Ga. Mr. and Mm. John Britain and sons, Johnny and Jerry, of Ad ants were guests of Mr. and Mm. W. C. Kinney over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp son and da ugh tern, Barbara, and Wanda, were in Hayes vtlle for the weekend. Mm. J. W. Thompson spent last week-end In Ad ants with her son. Dr. J. W. Thompson, tnd family. Mr. and Mm. Harry Bishop were visitors InKnoxvlllelast week. Mm. Robert Barclay and son, John, of CopperhiU, spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. J. w. Thompson. 30 YEARS AGO APRIL 21, 1933 Miss Alline Richardson re turned Sunday to resume her work as teacher In the Green Creek School in Polk County. Miss Vera Cearley of Dooly District, Ga^ Is visiting her sister. Miss Vivian Cearley. Messrs. Allen and Noah Lovlngood are spending sev eral days this week on a fish ing trip to Santeedah Dam be low Robfafnsvllle. Miss Juaniu Healey enter tained with an Easter egg hunt at the home of her par ens. Mr. and Mm. S. A. Healey on Sunday afternoon. Those present were: Misses Mildred and J ane Hill. Roberta Carrlnger, Marian Axley, Rosylan Chandler and Mary Frances Bell. Miss Mildred HU1 received the price for finding the most eggs. Mr. and Mm. Harry Bishop entertained the Fortnightly Bridge Club at their home Tuesday evening. Those pre sent were Mr. and Mm. Dale Lee, Mm. J. W. Thompson. Mm. Bdwlna Clarke, Mm. Frank McDonald and Mm. Walter Mauney. 20 YEARS AGO APRIL IS. 1943 Mr. and Mrs. BUI Canatt of Ho us Kin, Texas, are visit ing Mrs. Cansa's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Chandler. Bob McCotnbs who is em ployed in KnoxvlUe, spent one day last week here. Mrs. Tbm Mainey, Mrs. Dot Cooper, Mrs. Harold Gross and Miss Llnetta Dean were vlsllDrs in AshevUleoee last week. and Mrs. Leon Budar and Mrs. Dorothy McCotnbs and pasts ot Mrs. McCotnbs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Howard. Mrs. L. A. Preach is vls idng friends in New York City. Mr. Preach and Mr. Kolker will )otn her for &e Raster holidays. Mr. and Mrs. BUI McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. RobertAldn spent^ Sunday at Tatj^ Ga. Thursday in 10 YEARS AGO 1951 APRIL 1A Mr. and Mrs, Wi * CharleeM, R. C Ta? and Mr. Tirt Mk, Mr*. J. L. Hall. Neal Tate of PoM, V*. i J. L. Hall, Mr. tedMr*.Harry Cbrts apMr M Mm, G*?, te " 9f * M A data, O*. She wee i panted horn* Friday by bar K. H. Woolay, wbc Mr*. Jack Roberts and aop. ta"Ash*vuLwith ' Mr.' 'and Mr*. Bchrin Spaars. Mr*. Rob ert* is tea motbar at Mr*. SpeeTS* Mr. and Mr*. Hobart Mc Kaavar left for Naaaau in for a vacation oI tan day*. Dr. W. H. McCaU and Dr. McCracfase of AshevlUa vara In Murphy Sunday. Cpi^and Mt*^A. B. Bre paranta, Mr. adM^. Walter Coleman. SO YEARS AGO APRIL 28, 1933 Member* of te* 1933 grad uadng daaa beard Dr. United Q. La*vail of Gainesville. Ga^ in ? t**pfr1ilg aartnon last Sunday afternoon. Hla text era* from lb* 3rd chapter of 2nd Pater and fate (heme -A Character Savon Stories Tall." Mte* Ann McCall *f Mar Ion spent Monday wilh her aiait, Mr*. J. H. McCall. Mr. W. A. Cook and eon, Edwin, nun business visi tor* in Atlanta. Ga^ on Mon day of this tank. Mr*. W. M. Fain and daugh ter, Mary Porter, are visiting reladves and friends in Knox vtlle, Temu. this tank. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop ?pant the weekend with rela tive* in Knoxvllle. Ml** Bonnie Barwood of Andrews la visiting Mis* Vir ginia Deween this weak. 30 YBARS AGO APRIL 22. 1943 Mrs. BdwinaHagaman spent last Tuesday in Atlanta. Mrs. Don Gantry and son. Tommy, are vial tliti relatives in'Cans a this weak. Miss Bile McComba will ?pond the Easter Holidays in Knoxvllle with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whits and Fred Starr of Gainesville. Ga? were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Savage. Mrs. Harve Blklns and daughter, Bllzabeth Anne, were vlslBrs in Chattanooga. Tenn* last Saturday. Miss Thelma HaU left this week for Atlanta. Bddie M alio nee at Morris town. Teoau, spent last weekend here with his wife and baby. Misses Charlens andWanda Bowles were visitors in Chattanooga, Saturday. Misses Bndly Sword and Sara Sword will spend this weekend in Atlanta. Mrs. Robert Weaver and Mrs. J. B. Gray were visi tors in CuUowliso and Bryson City on I" Mrs. J. N. Moody has re turned to her home dor spending two months with her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Nolan of Richmond, Va. Mrs. A. B. Vestal, Mrs. Claude Doraey, Mrs. Kyle D. Crowther, Miss Mabel Short and Sgt. Harvey Blklns *y. ; * *" 10 YBABB AGO ah ml a. m? Mr. ?d Mr*. J. C. Wslla oC~ " " Ka *( Mr. ad Mr*. WlttBagllah of Psachwwa, Mr*. Me La* ad Mrs. N*U SuMd oaaHit thsOoe sard Corsat School it M Grady Hotel ts At Mrs. Prak May Bold Of Holfln. Ala, spat several days last week old Mr. awl Mrs. Bat Adams. Mr. aad Mrs. V. P. Odora apant last weahaod la Jsf fsrsoa, Ga, wldt relatives. Mr. aad Mrs. H. A. Mattox ad Mrs. R. C. Matmx aad Mrs. Jot* Baylasa spent lat WaAaadey In Aaherllle. Mrs, C. W. Saraf* attended S* Cldaen - Tlmas at da Battery Hoal la A Ma rills oa Saturday. She was da overnight guest of Or. aad Mrs. R. B. MoClure. of a Jean Chas tain, Mr. aad Mrs. Chastala of Murphy, a da brlda of JorryO* Heary Hatches. eon of Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Hatches of Murphy la da Martina Crash Mstlindiet Church Saurday. April 25, at 6:30 o'clock In Mr*. Gay Haw Una of Sidt, announce da an gagement of their daughter, Dorta Jean, a David Eugene Shields, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Shields of Murphy. 11a wedding will take place LIS TUSSY COSMETICS Now HALF PRICE. Cnamdaodar ant. roll-on daodarant. attck dooferant. Wind and Waadrer lotion. Wind and Waathar hand craam. All half prica at Matnay Oarua Co. la Murphy. M->tc MURPHY- 29 HUCt T?m an Palrfraxnd* Ma*. 4>00 p.m.-Nlr* Si00 p.m. Pa an Opon I Hour Earllar Charakoa County Raacua Sguod Proudly Proaant* MY ONtY^ RAM 01 SHMC AMERICAN A EUROPEAN T.V. CIRCUS STARS l? PERSON Tha Inlomationally Famous CRISTIANI TROUPE SCORES OF TRAINED THOROBRED NORSES ANO PONIES ? BIG GROUP OF PERFORMING WILD ANIMALS Owttn of Hw Air DELILAH Mofdt Of P orf ocming ELEPHANTS ACROBATIC MARVaS ? CLOWNS GALORE ? ACTS and PERFORMERS From AH NATIONS ? Tho WORLD'S FINEST ( LARGEST NEW 3-RING CIRCUS ? OVERWHELMING In SIZE SSSS? HIPPOPOTAMUS li ? y y ? ?# THE EUPHANT peaturio i I n ? I H H I, "MUTIIT MEOW ON EARTH" Childron 75c Adults $1.25 Grond stOAd Rmrvtd Choirs 50c Extra Visit GATLINBURG, Tenn. "IN THE HEART OF THE GREAT SMOKIES" I amj enjoy your stay at the NEW 103 ROOM Swimming . 2 Meeting Halls Air-Conditioned . Gourmet Dining Art Gallery . Kiddie Tours For R*s*rvatl*ns Coll your nearest HOLIDAY INN or writ* HOLIDAY INN, GATLIHBURG, TENN. Car Buyers' Bulletin How to save $21T and get a better wagon in the bargain Compare your Ford Dealer's Fairlane Wagon with the Chew Biscavne Wagon...and draw your own conclusions: FORD FAMLANE RANCH WASON Compare prica labels: Our Falrlans wagon retails for $211 lass than tha Chavy wagonl Compare room: Fairlans's load dock la 1.2 inchas longer. Its front lag room is over 1' greater. Compare performance: Fair lane's Challenger V-8 really mores this trim wagon, which is about 800 pounds lighter than the Chevy Biscayne wagon. Compare economy: Fairtane's twice-a-year (or 6,000-mile) maintenance saves plenty. Compare nimbleness: Fair lane's nearly 0 Inches shorter outside?easier to park and handle. Compare everywhere! There's no doubt about It. Your Ford Dealer gives you more car for less money. But what's new about that? PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY OF"SOUTHERN JOURNEYS" TOUR AND VACATION GUIDE... AT YOUR i&v Murphy, N. C. Dealer No. 691 Phone 937-2121 BURCH MOTORS I t See Us For FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS HAYWOOD, SWAIN, JACKSON, MACON, CHEROKEE, 6RAHAM, & CLAY COUNTIES LONG TERMS-LOW COST LOANS AVAILABLE T0 20 YEARS UP TO Or Good Brick Construction HAYWOODJ SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Contact Our Attorneys Leonard Lloyd, Robblnsville, N. C., for Graham Canity McKeever & Edwards, Murphy, N. C., for Cherokee County Gray & Carter, Hayesvllle, N. C., for Clay County (c)are... from folks who Care ? ?* you can count on Perhaps at no other thne b special care more inportant than when you need MONEY. Then, you want sound, confi dential end friendly service from peo ple you cm trust Because we are folks wtw care?about you and your needs? ynasll always find a friendly welcome at HOME. Stop in today for money you need for iMiyrooSon.lt win bo a pleasure to serve you. torn CO* m yma. H wM U f fcrf?? O0l fMltfM ? ? ? CkMfH. | mm |m?H mh| miml| ?im| r^inunaEim ?TlKilKT^lC] | aa MM | MM MM I MM | *m| MM I P.ttl Mil hJ HOME CREDIT COMPANY ' 'g * i '! i : - "a?Hy - 837-3183