SIIxeCWoman s ?Page HATTIK PALMER SOCIETY EDITOR PMOME 637-2M5 Mr*. 0*to Fes w ti vtslt ta-liw, Mr. ??<< Mrs. Grady Soldi at Atlanta. I -M Mrs. Myrda Hubbard has returned ? her home in Tampa. Fla., efwr speoSng ?m past dues weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mre. Item Palmer. -M- I Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kaylor iter. Dime, have heme altar spend past week with her , Mr. od Mrs. B. D. Fuller la Haanagar, Ala. MlaM SopUa and Ida Kay* at New York are visiting their brother and sUssr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kay* and Carol. A/1C Joaapb H. Wilson 0 at Kaaaler Air Fore* Baas. MUs.. U visiting Ms parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Harvey J. Wil son. Jr. -M Mr. aad Mrs. Roscoe WU aon and children have return ed home altar spending the past week with rwUUves and friends la Monroe. La. ? Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Har shaw and Ml as Ads Harsbaw spent last Saturday In Asha vUle. Mr. and Mrs. Harshaw returned home that night and Miss Harshaw remained for a longer visit with her sister. Miss Helen Harshaw. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Taylor and Frank Taylor spent last Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Nelson of Top ton, N. C. Mrs. J antes Parker and son, Jimmy, have returned home after visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. N. A. (XI and Mr. OU of Black Mount -M Miss B1U Moore wUl leave Monday to enter Marshee Business CoUege, Atlanta. She will be accompanied *> Atlanta by her mother, Mrs. R. A. Martin. -M Mrs. Ann Phillips left on Saturday for FayettevUle to attend Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. -M Mr. and Mrs. Morris New ton and laugher have return ed home after spending a week with relatives and friends In Hickory. -M Mrs. OttUle dsCalongne of Marietta, Ga., was the week end guest of Mrs. Ruby HU1. -M Mr. andMrs.FranclsPayne and children returned to their home In Atlanta Sunday after spending the past week here at their cabin on Hlwassee Lake. -M Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds and son, Edward, have return ed home after spending the past week with friends and relatives in Cresswell, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davidson spent the weekend with relatives in Englewood, Tennessee. -M Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Fish and son, WUllam, returned home Sunday after spending the pastweekwlth their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mansfield and children of Tuscaloosa, Ala. -M Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyd spent the weekend with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mlolen, and famUy of DoravUle, Ga? and were accompanied home Simday by their niece, Kay Mlolen, who will spend the summer here with them. son Wi? SuJf CUrt.n 2>a?il Do W.J Wi(liam, Jr MURPHY - Mr. and Mrs. Gay Davidson of Murphy, North Carolina, announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy Charlene, to Mr. William D. Bracket!, Jr., the son of Mr. and and Mrs. William D. Bracket!, Sr., of Hendersonville, North Carolina. The bride-elect graduated from Murphy High School in 19S8. She graduated from Brevard College in 1960, and is presently employed with the firm of McKeever and Edwards, Attorneys, as a legal secretary. The bridegroom-elect graduated from Hendersonville High School in 1953; graduated from Lehigh University of Bethle hem, Pennsylvania in 1958, and served two years in the United States Army. He is presently employed with the Murphy Office of the Employment Security Commission of North Carolina. An early fall wedding is planned. -M- -M Mrs. R. D. Eckard and lit- Misses Nadeane Queen and tie son of Atlanta, Ga., are Yuanne Prldges, student at spending several weeks with Young Harris College, Young her parents, Mr. and Tom Harris, Ga., were the weekend Palmer. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. IQdom. Mrs. Dale Lee left Sunday for a three day buying trip to Charlotte. -M Mr. W. Reld Martin of Ral eigh and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levin and Robert and Betty of Canton were weekend guests of Mrs. Jerry Davidson. -M Mrs. J. W. Odora of Char lotte is visiting her brother in-law and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom, also her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John CQell. Mrs. Odom is the former Miss Bertha Hall. -M Mrs. Tom Palmer and Mrs. R. D. Bckard visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. J. A. Israel in Knoxville, Tenn., last week. Little Johnny Is rael returned home with them for a visit. -M Randall Colvard of Chat tanooga, Tenn., spent the weekend here with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Sneed. Mrs. B. S. Kolker left on last Thursday for a visit with friends and relatives in New York. -M Miss Blda Queen of Atlanta, Ga.. is spending a week's vacation here with her sis ter. Miss Beulah Queen. -M Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duvall of Bryson City attended the funeral Sunday of Mrs. Mat tie Stalcigt. -M Mr. and Mrs. Laco Crid ers and daughters, Carolyn, Gloria and Donna Criders of Virginia, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Palmer. Other guess of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer last week were SPC. and Mrs. Wil liam B. Lee anJ children of Fort Berating, Ga. Mr. Lee is the nephew of Mrs. Pal mer. The Lees have been in Puerto Rico for the past two years. -M Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wil liams and children have re turned home after spending several days with Mrs. Wil liams' mother, Mrs. Jackson Carter of Georgetown. S. C. , Those from the Free Medio dist Church who are attaod- I lira Camp Hope at Waynes- \ ville for a week are Peggy < Cook, Klnda Rogers, and Samuel Elliott. I Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mc Nabfc and sons ofSmyrna,Ga.. were weekend guess of Mrs. A. N. Clark and Mrs. Arnold Dalrymple. Mr. Mid Mrs. Morgan Rob ertson and chlltken of Flint. Mich? have arrived for a visit wis Mrs. Robertson's par ens, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Billon. Cherokee Scout k Clay Co ratty Progress, Thn, June IS, 196S - Mr. B. C. Gaddls of Ashe vlUe U spending thli week with U* ilswr and brother in-law. Mr. and Mra. Jack Thompson. Mlaa Marlwi Brthnan ol At lanta. Ga.. la visiting bar brother - In - law and filter, Mr. and Mra. Ronnie Atkin son. While here they left on Monday tor Denver. Colo.. ?> attend the swifting of Mrs.1 Atkinson's brofeer. Bnroute they will iDf by Houston. Texas and be accompanied on the way with Mrs. Atkin son and another brother. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil El liott and son. Danny of Wln terhaven. Fla- were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Waler Coleman. -hi jack Barnett of Cullowhee spent several days here last week with his mother and an aiatt, Mrs. OUle Barnett and Mrs. E. A. Browning. -M Mrs. Jack Adams and daughter. Sherry Spence, spent last Thursday In Savan nah, Ga? with Sgt. Adams and other friends. -M Mrs. Francis Tyner and sons, Herbert and Wicker of Auburndale, Fla., are visit ing Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman. Ray Billon and friend, Don Williams of Nashville, spent the weekend here with Mr. Elliott's parents, Mr. and_ Mrs. Cliff Elliott. -M S. N. Bo bo and daughter. Sandra of Smyrna, Ga., were weekend guests at his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Bo bo and Miss Beulah Queen. -M Miss Sandra Cagle of Knox vllle, Tenn., was the weekend guest of her aunt. Miss Beulah Qu Mrs. J. L. McMullian of BlalrsvlUe, G a., was the over night guest of her sister, Mrs. W. P. Odom on Monday. -M Messrs. F. C. Bourne. Sr., and F. C. Bourne, Jr., have returned home after spending the past week In Marathon, Fla., on a fishing trip. -M Ltitle Miss Laurie Bafab Is spending a vacation with her grandmother and great - grandmother In Macon. Ga. -M Ms. W. H. Anderson and daughter. Miss Tope Ander son of Fletcher, are visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. F. C. Bourne, Jr.. and Mr. Bourne. -M Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Single ton and children, Knox, and Sara Varner, and Martha Brlnkley are spending this week in Myrtle Beach, S. C. Perry Brown left Sunday to attend a Band Clinic being held In Inman, S. C. He was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown, who returned home Sunday night. Mn. H. A. I H t la Atlanta wld Mr. ?d Mr*. Harry P. I Mr*. N. J. Latvia i hon* Mat Monday attar I a pa dant tn St. Joseph Hos pttal. Atlanta. Mr*. Ardar Akin left last Thursday for Clyd* a> vlalt bar *0* and daughter In-law, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Attn. WMM there Mr*. Akin aid Mr*. Robart AUa and eon. Bob 'att Saturday for a visit with relatives in Tampa, Fla. Maasr*. Harman Edwards and C. L. Alveraon spent sev eral day* In Birmingham, Ala. last' Mrs. Claude Fowler and son, Harry, returned home on Friday afmr spending the past weak with their daughter and sister. Miss Virginia Fowler of Enka. Miss Fowler re turned borne with them to spend the weekend. -M Mrs. F. C. Bourne, Sr., and granddaughter, Barbara Hoimsom are spending some time In Danville, Ky. They will be accompanied home by Diane Gardner, who Is a student at Center College and will spend the summer here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bourne, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerue Babb and Jack Owens attended the Seminar held at GtaitersvUle,' Ala., last weekend. They were accompanied borne by Mrs. Babb's father, Mr. Phil Buchhlet who spend the night with them and returned K> his home in Spartanburg, S.C? the next day. _m_ Mrs. J. L. McMullln of BUlrsvllle, Ga? was the over night guest of her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom, on Mon day. id* ml puma, Elliott. J* , 0*orpm^l guest (Ms ? Mm. Wiliac* 1 i. VarnooKtagi ran. Joseph and Kathy, of Col umbia, S. C? ware weekend guest* of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. The Rev. and Mrs. R. V. Prevolt of Oollswah. Teon., were dinner guests on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Kanry Hyatt. -M Mr. and Mra. G. W. Barass of Gastonla. Mr. and Mrs. GoorfS Crisp and children, Adrian and Donna, of Char lotte ware weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil CDnll and family. -M Mlas Pat Bryson of Chatta nooga. Tenn., was the weekend guest of Mlsa Virginia Ann Elliott. -M Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lloyd, Mrs. Bill Bates and Mrs. Fannie Ramsey were gussts Stmday of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Martin of Suit. -M Mrs. R. C. Mattox, Mra. Margie Wltherspoon and Miss Josephine Helghway motored to Bryson City Sunday where they were Joined by Miss Addle Mae Cooks and from there they went K> Cherokee for lunch and afterwards a> Plsgah Mountain and return ed home by way of the Blue Ridge Parkway. -M Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kaylor, Jr., and children of Atlanta, Ga? were weekend guests NOTICE TAXPAYERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY YOU WILL RICIIVIA 2 p* cart DISCOUNT If Yoa Pay Your 1963 COUNTY TAX ON OR BIFORI July 1st, 1963 (mm la w? ond Mk* puyiMat. YwH son money by doing so, nad sombre n Temporary Receipt. REMINDER..Delinquent 1962 County Taxes Will Be Advertised In Angnst. Pay Now, Save Adverting Cost. CHEROKEE COUNTY ky C?rlyU P. Mitktsoi, tmd Tu Culltukw (3KDSIPIS!L CHURCH OF CHRIST HAYESVILLE, N. C. Vacation Bible School Classes Each Morning Monday through Saturday 9.00-10.30 A. M. GUEST SPEAKER BUFORD TUCKER Minister of 11th Street Church Of Christ NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 8 DAYS Starts SUNDAY, JUNE 16 thru SUNDAY, JUNE 23 7:30 p. m. ea evening Public Is Invited To Attend Live Modern - : Live Cool WlTlHJEUECTRtq ' j Air Conditioning Buy now collect cash bonus Visit our store for full details WhlJt?poo& Window Air Conditioning Units Smoky Mountain Gas, Inc. Andrew* Hwy. Murphy, N. C. THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO TOP THIS COMPACT Technically, two ways. With a manual top. Or with an optional lutomatk top, as shown above with the snazzy Dart GT convertible. Either way, you have the top of the convertible news for '63. Dodge Dart! Low in price and upkeep like other compacts. But loaded with room and comfort. Dart's the large economy size compact! Its Six acts like a V8. And you get a 5-year/SO,000-mile warranty* ?^ fS 1?-' m Mlai I ,?*, ? 1,1, I, I. ? ? 1AC1 tour uoogv uiiwr i wirriiny ?drh Qfinu m imwiii in worwninsaip on ism csrs n> . l?l : 1 -1- - - ,,,,[, ' ^ , ,4 , . ?- 1 1 ? ? ?!? won oiponooo w inciuw pira fifocwiwi Of ropwr wnout cnargo rot roquiroa pons Of ibor for Nopoors or 904100 mites. wKcMmr comos first; on tN ooctM Mock, Nod sod internal ?arts; transmission cs !5Wir" ter Corn tarts; trinwteHlon cooo and internal porta (oi ,, (oacliidim d?I coooraXr , ,;i.j |4 ? -i- 4- 4-- ? ? 1 - A 41- ; - . - ? -M- ,4. ftn Amm .1 proviooa me vinicie nos eeen sorvicoo at rNwuivw iniervin iccoroi ng to mo uooge Mfunw COMPACT DMHIMN!! CHRYSLER E. C. MOORE COMPANY 207 Vfllltf Rlvir Avt. Mirphy, N. C. -SEE "EMPIRE", NBC-TV. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS.

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