ANDREWS IN u Lucy Laughter Staff Correspondent Phono 101-W Andrews, H.C Berkshire To Add New Type Sewing Machines ANDREWS - Berkshire ln Mrnational. Inc.. plana ? te ...n a limited number of new type sewing machines at the Andrewt plant this morth. Leroy Lipoid. Berkshire s mmtU production supertn toidoit, announced the new ./yMHnm in ? speech to the Andrews Rotary Club Sept. IT. Approximately ten new joes at die Andrews plant will be created by installation of the new machines. "Andrews' plant operates on an over-time basis,' Mr. Luppold said, "even though the hosiery market Is In an over-produced state." "While the hosiery In dustry Is following the trend to seamless stockings, with seamless accounting for 80 per cent of U. S. hosiery pro duction, Berkshire Is still producing around 26 per cent full fashion and 76 per cent seamless." he explained, "and therefore our seamless plant at Andrews continues in overtime production, even though some plants owned by other companies are on limit ed production." Mr, Luppold pointed out that \ The ranid changing demand from full fashion to seamless hosiery gave hosiery manu facturers a short time to convert their plants." Chvrch Notes JTT2 "i Baptist Church will be held today (Oct. 3) as follows: The Anna Whitaker Circle, Mrs. James Glenn, chairman, irfll meet with Mrs. Frank Wilhlde at 2:00 pjn. Ada Mae Pruette Circle, Mrs. Mabel ^ man, at the home of Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick with Mrs. A. B. Chandler. Sr.. co-hostess, at 7:30 P^V The Ruth Bagwell Circle, Mrs. Iris Adams, chair - man. at her home at 7.30 P*The Marjorie Hicks Ayers Circle, Mrs. J. V. Brooks, chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. Sandra Dock try. Cherokee Scout fc Clay County Progress, Thurs.. Oct. 3, 1963 "The Andrews plant will rontlwif Its present pro ducdoo rate through (be fall *nd winter if our sales fore cast Is anywhere near what we expect, he said. Mr. Luppoid and other Berkshire officials were in Andrews to plan the instal lation of the new machines. The new machines will pro duce stockings with a sewn toe. rather than the conven tional looping method. Other Berkshire officials present at the Rotary meet ing were William Sheeler, superintendent of product ion machinery; Owen Degler. superintendent of quality con trol; Lester Marburger. plant engineer; and Harry Wagner. Mr. Luppoid* s assistant, all of Reading, Pa. Cliff Huls of the Andrews plant was also a guest at the meeting. S. J. Gernert, superin tendent of the Andrews plant, a member of the club, intro duced Mr. Luppoid and the other guests. Mrs. West Honored With Household Shower ANDREWS " Esther Sun day School class of First Baptist Church n.2t at the home of Mrs. Charles West Monday night, Sept. 23, honoring Mrs. West with a household shower. Mrs. West escorted the members through her new home. Mrs. Cecile Mills, class president, presided over the business session. Mrs. J. Al ton Morris led the group in prayer. After the business session, Mrs. West opened her gifts and displayed them. Refreshments were served to Mrs Clyde Gladson, Mrs. Lewis King. Mrs. J. Alton Morris, Mrs. Kenneth Davis, Miss Bessie Laney, Mrs. Malda Dockery, Mrs. Louise DeHart, Mrs. Jo Bates, Mrs. Dewey Garrett, Mrs. Cecile Mills, Mrs. Arden Davis , Mrs. Ruth Cheney, Mrs. Vincent Stiles, Mrs. Jewel Miller, Mrs. Robert Minor, Mrs. Vir gil O'Dell, Mrs. Winona Hugh es, Mrs. Ruby Stiles, Mrs. Dessle Jerkins, Miss Betty Gladson and the honor ee? Rev. Goodson New Pastor At Valleytown Baptist Church ANDREWS - The Rev. Roy A. Goodson, new pastor of Valleytown Baptist Church comes to Andrews from the Piney Grove Missionary Bap tist Church in Trenton, Ga. Rev. Goodson served as an evangelist in several south eastern states prior to com ing to Andrews, and has con ducted revival services at Hyatt's Creek Baptist Church and Valley River Baptist Church during his evangelis tic work. Rev. Goodson's family in cludes his wile, Betty, and four children, Charles 19, Gayle 17, Michael 13, and Gary 10. The new pastor succeeds the Rev. France PostelL Rev. Goodson extended a welcome to the public to at tend services at the church. Old Time Loggers Meet Saturday At Joyce Kilmer Forest ANDREWS - The next meet ing of the Old Time Loggers will be Saturday, Oct. 5, at the picnic area at Joyce Kil mer Forest. A picnic lunch will be served at noon. Those who need transpor tation should gather at the Andrews Library at 10:00 ajn. or at the Courthouse in Robbins ville at 10:30 ajn. President Claude Day is urging all the Old Timers to come, as this will probably be the last meeting of the year. Cpl. Conley Wins Marine Honor* ANDREWS - Lance Cor poral Ronald A. Conley, a sophomore at Beraa College and a member of the Marine Platoon Leaders Class which has completed training at the Marine Corps Schools, Quan tlco, Va., placed first among thirteen Kentucky collegia tee also attending that session. He scored a 90.5 percentile and placed 38th in a class of 7C6 members. His grades were based on academics, leadership ability, and phy sical readiness. CpL Conley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Conley of Andrews and was a member of the graduating class of 1962 from Andrews High School. He will be commissioned as second lieutenant in the Mar ine Corps upon graduating from college, Valleytown HD Club Plans To Join In Citizenship Rally ANDREWS - The September meeting of the Valleytown Home Demonstration Club was held Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 2 pjn. at Sunny Corner, Whisenhunt Hill, home of Mrs. John M. Whisenhunt, with Mrs. Howard Whitehouse as co - hostess. Mrs. Luke Ellis, president, presided. The collect was read in unison, followed by devot ional by Mrs. W. A. Hyde. Miss Thelma Wheeler pre sented a program on Family Life. She announced a work shop on Christmas deco rations to be held soon with Miss Mary Hensley as demon strator. Final plans were made for the Little Citizen ship Conference to be held on October 8 at the First Baptist Church in Murphy. Nineteen members were present at the attractive home, decorated with fall floral ar rangements. Mrs. Jack Con ley was welcomed as a new member. Guests were Mrs. Ellen Wheeler and Mrs. W. E. Neel. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gernert left Saturday for Reading, Pa., where they will spend the week. -A Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Reece and daughter, Leah, of Char lotte, were weekend guests of Mr. Recce's mother, Mrs. Wade Reece. ... i! m.f. 3 Big Buy BACON 39<? ( I I ?? Eatwel I Grated junn 6,40 can a#* PORK BEANS 19 MARSHMELL0WS.J9! Luziome COFFEE I" TREND Liquid 22 oz 490 CHEESE Kraft Velveeta 2 ib gg( CRISCO 3 lb. 750 MARGARINE Blue Bonnett Bonus Coupon Inside TCOH 310 TREND Washing Powder Otant 4g? JORDAN'S MARKET Co in of 1st And Locust Stroots Phono 147 Androwt, N.C WILDCAT HALFBACK Mike Sheidy provided breakaway action Friday night as he opened the game against Swain with an 83 yard touchdown jaunt. Only Undefeated Conference Team Cats Grab Loop Lead With Win Over Swain BRYSON CITY - Andrews High's galloping Wildcats ex ploded with long runs of the razzle-dazzle variety here Friday night to hand Swain High its first grid defeat of the year, 41-20. Swain, favored to win, matched the Wildcats touch down for touchdown until the score reached 14-14 in the second period, but from there on, Andrews couldn't behead ed, as the team's win streak moved to four straight. The win moved Andrews in to a tie with Sylva-Webster for top standing in the con ference, and gave the Cats the best overall record in the loop. They are the only con ference team still undefeated for the year. Wildcat halfback Mike Sheidy turned in the finest performance of his career thus far, getting the game off to an explosive start by re turning Swain's opening kick off for an 83 yard touchdown. John Gernert added his first point with the PAT kick. Swain took the kickoff and picked up three first downs, but stalled in Wildcat terri tory and punted. Andrews took over on the 20, but fumbled to Swain on their first offensive play. Swain moved on in to score with Talmadge Jones carrying three yards. Steve Cooper ran the point to tie the score. Andrews unlimbered its aerial attack after receiving the kickoff. Jimmy Watkins passed to Butch Sursavage for connections of 15 and 40 yards, rolling to the Swain six. Sheidy scooted in for the score. Gernert added a nother point. Swain stormed back with Talmadge and Alfred Jones and Steve Cooper carrying the mail. The Cats finally stopped the drive on their 10 but again set up a Swain score by fumbling. Swain recovered on the 12 and Alfred Jones scored four plays later. Cooper again ran the point to tip up the game, 14-14. Andrews broke the tie sec onds later, as Sheidy took the ensueing kickoff, and handed off to Watkins on the 20. Watkins dazzled the Maroon Devils by zipping 80 yards to regain the lead for Andrews, with Eddie Adams providing a key block to spring the speedy quarterback loose. Gernert added his third point of the night. The Wildcat defense set up like concrete after Swain re ceived the kickoff, forcing the Maroons to punt. The Cats blocked the punt and Eddie Adams grabbed in on the Swain 44. Sizeable gains were picked up by Watklns and Sheidy, and the Cats pushed to Swain's one with bare seconds remaining in the half. Time ran out, but a double penalty occur ed on the last play. Referees gave the Cats another play and Sheidy boom ed in for the tally. Swain block ed Gernert's extra point attempt. During the half, the referees announced that the Wildcat TD, scored after time ran out, would have to be decided by state athletic authorities if it should have an effect on the final outcome of the game. Andrews settled the quest ion by adding two more scores in the second half, and holding Swain to one more. Early in the third period, Andrews stopped Swain on the Wildcat 30. On first down, halfback Terry Marr added another dazzling run, speeding 70 yards to score. Gernert faked the PAT kick, and Sheidy carried over for the point. After kicking off, the Cats recovered a Swain fumble on the next Maroon offensive play. Three plays later, Watkins hit Sursavage with a short jump pass, and the big end romped 30 yards for the final Wildcat touchdown. Gernert kicked the final point. Late in the final quarter, Swain recovered a third And rews fumble on their 47 yard line, and pushed to the Wildcat 11. From there, Cooper ran in for the last Maroon score. STATISTICS Andrews Swain 1st Downs 3 14 Rush Ydg. 187 239 Pass Ydg. 119 0 Passes 7-8 0-5 Punts 1-35 3-31 Penalties 25 35 Pass. Intcpt. 0 0 'Fumbles Rec. By l 3 -A Wayne Ladd, who is employ ed at Lawrenceville, Ga., spent the weekend with his family. -A Church of God Observes Homecoming ANDREWS - Homecoming was observed at the Church of God on Sunday with approxi mately 100 people in attend ance. Richard Urshrey of Kansas City, Mo., a ministerial stu dent at Lee College, Cleve land, Tenn., was morning speaker. Among those present were the Rev. Jack Thomas, Dis trict pastor of Shooting Creek, the Rev. W. T. Nelson, pastor of Hayesville Church of God, the Rev. Tom Wilson, Cleve land, Charles Hollofield, the Rev. Richard Bowen and die Pioneers for Christ quartet, plus other quartets from Lee College. Mrs. H. C.Ledford of Wins ton Salem, wife of the late H. C. Ledford, a former pas tor of Andrews Church of God, was also present. The Rev. Robert Orr, pas tor, was in charge of the program during the day. Tommy Pullium, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pullium, recently left for Pasadena, Calif., and has enrolled at the Pasadena City College. -A Baptist Church Elects New Deacons ANDREWS - Under the routing system. First Bap tist Church has elected four new deacons who Include W. C. Gray, Richard Flowers, George Hicks and H. L. Mul key. All the men have served be fore and there will be no ordination service. They took office on Oct. 1. Two succeed Dillie Raxter and Floyd Gib son, and two new deacons were added this year. A deacon is not eligible to be re-elected until he has been off the board for one year. After Oct. 1, the board will be composed of the above named four and James Harris, Clyde Rector, Jake Buchanan, Floyd Brooks, H. G. Reid, ! Golman Roper, Jack Long, and Lee Pulllum. Other general officers re cently elected are: superin tendent of Sunday School, Floyd Brooks; Training Union director, Clyde Rector; presi dent of Woman's Missionary Society, Mrs. Amos Harris; president of Brotherhood, Lee Pulllum; treasurer. Miss F annle McGuire; clerk, Miss Doris Raxter; organist, Mrs. Pauline Stalcupi pianist and assistant organist, Mrs. Faye Sherrlll; hostesses, Miss Meredith Whi taker, Mrs. A. B. Chandler. Sr., Mrs. Daisy Seay, Mrs. Mabel Rayburn, Mrs. Annie Stover; librarian, Mrs. Mabel Rayburn. Futere Farmers' Work Week' Through Saturday ANDREWS - Members of the High School chapter of Future Farmers of America have been "hiring out for odd jobs' this week to earn money for the chapter's class room equipment and supplies. Working from 3:30 to 6 .-00 each day, the club members tike on any job they can do. This Saturday they will be ready for work most of the day, from 9:00 aun. to 4:00 PJTle The boys work for theprlce set by the customer, andean be reached by phone at 225-J Jor 231- W. -A Mrs. Katherine Brallier of Franklin, Ky., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Dave Swan. JAMES EDWIN BRISTOL. JR., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bristol of Andrews was one of five recruits selected out of 2,000 to receive an honor certificate and plaque during grad uation ceremonies at the U. S. Naval Training Center Sept. 6. The selection is based on individual performance of duty In all phases of basic training, including leadership, initiative, military bearing, and high overall scholastic standing. He is shown here being congratulated by the Reviewing Ofiicial, Morris G. Oesterreich, Commander in Chief, United Spanish War Veterans. Bristol will continue his Naval schooling In Radio and Electronics. (U. S. Navy Photo) We have a number of 1955 and up used cars on which prices have been reduced. Down payments have been cut and payments lowered. Also on hand at reduced prices are demonstrators and officials' cars. Come by and see and trade for these cars now during our clearance to make room for trade-ins on the new 1964 Dodge. Oadge ] OassstiB E. C. MOORE COMPANY Dealer No. 600 Vi-j . . *' m 207 V?IUy liver Aire. *?r*kf,N. C.

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