Scout Photo-Davis MRS. JOHN DICKEY AND MRS. BOYCE STILES aren't pinning a tail on the elephant here, but are decorating the Republican Headquarters which opened here Monday, September 14, on Peachtree Street in the office formerly occupied by Bateman & Nipper Real Estate. The Headquarters are open each day except Sunday, from 9:00 to 4:30 p.m., with free coffee, do nuts and cookies served. 2 Honor-Grade Prisoners Flee Cherokee Prison Camp MURPHY- Two honor grade prisoners from Haywood County scaled a compound wall at Cherokee County prison unit near here Tuesday morn ing September 22, and made a successful break into the Hiwassee River. Prison officials said the trail ended at the river and that a detail of 35 searchers with dogs was still trying Tuesday night to pick it up. The convicts were J. C. Clontz, 20, and Wayne H.Bur nette, 22, both of Canton. Clontz was serving two to five years for forgery and Burn ette was serving a five-year term for armed robbery. Nei ther is regarded as particul arly dangerous. Lt. C.R. Conley of the pri son camp at Peachtree said the fugitives likely are look ing for a car to lengthen their getaway. They were missed by guard Arnold Kil patrick at a check, and he went outside the compound with a dog to look for them. He saw them running toward the river at one point, but they disappeared before any one could close in. A prison number torn from a green fatigue uniform was found in the bushes, Conley said. Clontz escaped from a pri son detail once before, Lt Conley said, enjoying a few hours of freedom in Decem ber, 1960, while serving time for a misdemeanor He begar serving his latest sentence last December. Burnette was sentenced lasl November. Captain M.O. McCall of the Cherokee Prison Unit state< that there was possible conn ections between the escapees and an automobile stolen ii Brasstown Tuesday night, am a two -ton truck stolen in Mur phy near the Southern depot but the search will continue. The car stolen fromBrass town was found within an hour in Hayes ville by Patrolman R. H. Ensley. The truck was found within a mile of where it was originally parked. De tails are incomplete concern ing both thefts. At press time the search for the escapees was center ed in the mountain area be tween Hayes ville and And rews. The Cherokee Camp is being assisted in the search by guards from the Haywood County Prison Unit and Crag gy Prison in Buncombe County. Clontz was described as tall and slender at 5-11 and 135 pounds while Burnette is 5-8 and 140. Both have brown hair and both have arm tatt oos. The break was the second In less than a month from the Cherokee unit. On August 29, Seth Gibson a trusty serving 40 years for rape walked away from the prison farm and remained at large for six days. He was caught about seven miles from the camp, after a week of tension in the county. Two women were attacked in their homes and later iden tified Gibson as their assail > ant. r There was considerable ' public clamor about Gibson's s honor-grade status before he i was captured, and George s Randall, state Director of Pri sons, told State Sen. W. Franli t Forsyth and Mrs. Mary Fayc Brumby, Democratic candi date for State Representative 1 that the camp here is beinj * considered for abandonment i The present search for l Clontz and Burnette is beinj I conducted in an entirely diff ? ? erent atmosphere, Lt. Conle; ? Hit THOSE ATTENDING A COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT luncheon meeting In Waynesvtlle September 21, were(sea ed, L-R) Mrs. Roscoe McMlllian, Sure Garden Club Pre: idem; Mrs. Lonzo Shields, Murphy Garden Club; (sunt ing) Miss Louise Ballard, Wilson Medford, and Mrs. Edgar Harshaw, Murphy Garden Club. Thousand Dollar Civic Improvement Contest Told WAYNES VILLE ? Comm unity improvement was the subject of a luncheon meet ing on September 31 in Way nes ville. City officials, gar den club presidents, as well as key members from near by communities were given details of a contest offering North Carolina cities cash awards for successful pro jects in civic beautifies tlon or improvement. This new program, co sponsored by the Garden Club ef North Carolina, Inc., and the Community Improvement Fund of Sears, is designed - ? - to Invite and stimulate orgar izations to cooperate by p<n iclpation In an all-out cam paign to accomplish com re unity beautification. Miss Louise Ballard of Waynes ville, state civic dev? lopment chairman of the Gai den Clubs cf North CaroUn Inc. presided at the meetii and explained that the pn gram was designed to a smaller cities, through tl leadership of local garder clubs, in achieving the beai tiflcation of unsightly are* both public and private. Continued On Back Don old Zoberer First Baptist To Begin Revival Services 28 th. MURPHY- Revival will be gin Monday, September 28, at the First Baptist Church in Murphy, with Rev. Donald L. Zuberer of Louiville, Kent ucky as visiting pastorate evangelist. Mr. Zuberer is a grad uate of Georgetown Baptist I College and Southern Semin ary in Louiville. He is in his second year of pastorate at the Parkland Baptist : Church. He is married and is the father of two children. , For many years prior to entering the ministry, Mr. i Zuberer was a trumpet play ( er in a local band. The public is cordially in , vited to hear the messages J of this young preacher. Services will be held night ly at 7:30 P.M. The nursery f will be open to provide for the care of small children. ' Special music by the choir, men's chorus, and other vo cal groups will be rendered nightly. Services will continue through the Sunday services, October 4. Junaluska Hwy. Dedication Date Set For October 6 ANDREWS- Mayor P. B. Ferebee announces there wil be a dedication and ribbon cutting for the opening of net Junaluska Highway on Tues' day. October 6 at 10:30 a.m ?t the beginning of the nev road at Junaluska. Attending the ceremony wil be Hon. Melvin Broughton Jr., former chairman of Stati '* Highway Commission and pre' sently chairman of State Dem ocratic Executive Committee State Chairman of Hlghwa; Division, MerrlllEvans.Chie State Highway Engineer, Cam eron Lee, and Director o Highway, William Babcock, aU of Raleigh. Governor TerrySanfordha; r also been invited but it L; .. not know yet whether he wil be able to attend. These quests will fly to th Andrews airport at 10:00 a m. on Tuesday and will leav s. Tuesday afternoon. .. Highway engineers and em ployees a this immediate are J will be present. Other guest * include Senator Frank For 1(j iyth. Representative Herma M West and other local sut i officers and nominee of thi a. area. The general public 1 , also Invited. ' Final inspection and accept a nee of this road was mad on Monday, September 31. First Passenger Train In 16 Years 550 Canton Fans To Arrive For Murphy - Canton Game MURPHY- More than 550 fans of the Canton Black Bears will arrive by passen ger train at the Southern De pot here at 7U5 Friday even ing, Sept. 25, to attend the Canton-Murphy football game. Thirteen passenger cars have been chartered from Sou thern Railway to make the trip from Canton to Murphy. Due to a passenger train travel ing over restricted freight rails, the trip will require 4 hours, a spokesman for Southern Railway said. Prior to 1928 there were two passenger trains daily and two nightly commuting between Murphy and Ashev ille. In 1928 train numbers 18 and 19 were discontinued, leaving only two to serve Cherokee County. On July 14, 1948, trains number 16 and 11 made their departure from Murphy, leav ing Cherokee County without passenger service. There has not been a passenger train here in sixteen years. ! T ransportation from the de pot to the football field and back is being handled by the MURPHY Junior Chamber of Commerce. However, there is a shortage of vehicles. Fans are being transported by private cars, and anyone wish ing to donate their automob ile and a driver is asked to contact Jaycee Helton Carm ichael, who is transportation chairman for this project. Coffee and donuts will be served free to the Canton fans upon their arrival and during their departure by the local Jaycee Club. The problem of traffic is being taken care of by the Cherokee County Rescue Squad. Captain Charles Hyatt of the Rescue Squad has stat ed that two-way radios will be used to aid in controlling traffic from the depot to the ball field. Vehicles used in transport ing these fans will travel car avan style to and from the field and each car will have signs reading "Welcome, Canton." Co unties Get $1 9,705 In National Forest Receipts I MURPHY- Cherokee and Clay counties are two of 25 North Carolina counties shar ing in the $195,435.70 from I National Forest timber sale receipts during the past fis cal year which ended June 30. This money is divided among the counties on the basis of the amount of Nat i ional Forest Land located in the county. F ederal law makes counties 25 per cent partners in Nat ional Forests since this part of Federal receipts from tim ber sales is paid to the count ies by the Forest Service each year for roads and schools. 5 Injured In Wreck MURPHY- Five persons were injured near here Sun day night when the car in which they were riding flip ped over an embankment when the driver applied the brakes to avoid striking another automobile. Admitted to Providence Hospital were Clyde Morris of Murphy, Rt. 2, his wife, their two sons aijd his wife's brother, State Trooper R.H. Ensley reported. Morris suffered a shoulder injury, and his sons, Perry and Scottie, and his brother in-law, John Taylor, also of i Murphy, Rt. 2, all had head injuries. Ensley said Morris was traveling north on U. S. 19 about three miles south of here when he applied his brakes at the intersection of U. S. 64 behind another car. The brakes grabbed, Ens 1 ley saUj, and the car left the road, ??overturning several f time's down an embankment. The other car was not in . volved, the trooper said. t All were released Tuesday Sept. 22, from Providence 1 Hospital with the exception of , Mr. Morris whose condition e is listed as good. ' Clyde Roberts \ To Speak At t Courthouse, Sept. 2 ( MURPHY ? Republican s Headquarters, which opened s here this week, have amoun 1 ced that Clyde M. Roberts, -Republican nominee for the e Eleventh Congressional Dis ? trict, will speak at a meet t ing here Saturday, September 26, 10:30 a.m. at the court* - house. 1 Mr. Roberts was born in * Madison County on September ' 26, 1009, and received hla high n school education in Marshall * High School, Mars Hill Coll ? ege and the University of North ? Carolina. He waa attained to the North * Carolina Bar Association In * Continued On Back . iiY i 'i rtjiHl IT i ir u Cherokee County received $11,356.66 and Clay County received $8,349.17. Clay County has the smaller amount due to the fact that they have less National Forest Land than Cherokee County. These County returns aver aged 17.4 cents per acre re turn to the county. Based on average, values of com parable county land, this amount is 4.1 cents per acre more than this land would return if individually taxed by the county. In addition to the above values, another 10 percent of the gross Forest receipts is made available to the Forest Service for roads and trails within the National Forests. This amounted to an invest ment of 49.2 cents for each acre of NATIONAL Forest Lara The Forest Service also furnishes fire protection for National Forest land, which last year amounted to an av erage of 6.8 cents per acre in Cherokee and Clay Count ies. These figures represent an annual net value of 73.4 cents per acre of returns and ser vices to Cherokee and Clay County. Tractor Flips, Kills Woman MURPHY- A 44-year old mother of five children died in a tractor accident Wed nesday at her home in the Culberson section. She was Mrs. Pearl Ham by Stiles, a native of the Hiwassee Dam section of Cherokee County. Neighbors found her body under the overturned tractor in a cornfield late in the day. The children had been in school and her husband, Win ston Stiles, was at work in Rockmart, Ga. She was an experienced tractor driver, the family said. Cherokee County Coroner J. C. Townson said the acci dent took place just across the state line in Union County Ga. Mrs. Stiles' body was taken to Aiken Funeral Home in Blairsville, Ga. Services were held at 1 p.m. Saturday, at Mt. Car mel Baptist Church, Hiwassee Dam. > Cuarterback Club To Meet Tonight MURPHY- TheQuarterback Club will meet tonight(thurs day) immediately following the Bryson City- Murphy J.V. football game. The meeting will be at the Murphy Ele mentary School libraqr. Films of the Murphy-Sylva Webster football game will be shown. An added feature will be films of a Southern 60C race, which will alio be shown. These meeting are open tc the public and anyone Inter ested In helping advance sports at Murphy High Schoo U Invited to attend. Pep Roily Walter R. Puett, principal of Murphy High School, ann ounced today that school will be dismissed at 2:45 Friday in order that students can have a pep rally, prior to the Murphy-Canton football game. The pep rally will be held at the Murphy High football stadium. Murphy Man Is Burned MURPHY- Clyde Hansuck er, 23, of Murphy received third degree burns on his left arm, second degree burns of his chest and stomach, and minor burns on his right arm, Monday morning, Sept ember 21, when a gasoline mixture flared at him at work. William S. Watts, owner of Cherokee Electric Motor Co., where Hunsucker works, said the victim was engaged in a process known as "stator burning" outside the building when the fire occured. A combusible mixture is used in this process. Watts said evidently the container in which the mixture was pour ed was hot, causing the ex plosion. Mr. Hunsucker was admit ted to Providence Hospital where his condition is listed as good. Adult Classes In Vocational Training May Begin In Oct. MURPHY- Holland Mc Swain, Superintendent of Mur phy City Schools, announce* that definite plans have beer made for adult classes ir Vocational Training to be off ered here in Murphy beginn ing, perhaps, some time in October. A meeting with represent atives of the Asheville Ind c ustrial School was held last week. As a result of this meeting the date of October 6 was set for pre-registrat ion, in Murphy High School Library, and eight or nine different courses which may be operated, depending upon the number of adults who are interested in taking the course or courses, were selected. Since this will be a Tri County Program the citizens of Clay and Graham counties, as well as all of Cherokee County will be given the opp ortunity to participate. Some of the courses which adults will be given a chance to register are: brick lay ing, business training(typing bookkeeping, shorthand, etc.), carpentry, electrician, nurses aid, welding, basic blue-print reading and public school courses for adults who have not completed high school an< are over 18 years of age. The number of the abov< courses will be deter mi net by three things: number ol adults who are Interested a: indicated by their registrat ion, the availability of equip ment needed and the avail ability of qualified instruct ors. eana uay To Be Held On October 10 MURPHY- The Band Boos ters met Thursday night, Sept. 17, at Murphy School audit orium to elect officers foi the coming year. Elected to serve this yeai were: Mrs. W. T. (Bud)Brown president; Mrs. Harry Moore vice-president} Mrs. Lewi; King, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. W. M. Lay was elect1 ed chairman of Band Day, ti be held Saturday, October 10 On this day die band will per form on the town square an will solicit funds to help pa; for their new unifroms. Murphy Midget* To Open Season Against Blairsvilie 1 MURPHY- The Murp? Midget Football Team wii 1 play its first game with tl Blairsvilie, Georgia Team i ' Thursday, September 24, 18 at 6 p.m. | The game will be playi 1 just prior to the JV Gan In the High School Stadiui Scout fttoto-D>via SBI AGENT M. G. CRAWFORD is shown on arrival Wed nesday, Sept. 23, at the Cherokee County jail, turning Seth Gibson over to Sherift Claude Anderson (back to camera) to await preliminary hearing. Gibson Returns For Preliminary Hearing MURPHY- Seth Gibson, an escaped rapist was returned to Cherokee County jail by SBI Agent M. G. Crawford Wednesday, Sept. 23, at 2:35 p.m. to await preliminary hearing. Since his capture September 3, Gibson has been in Dorthea Dix State Hospital in Raleigh for observation. Gibson, 39, escaped from the Cherokee County Prison Camp in the Peachtree section of Cherokee County, Saturday August 29, and alledgedly rap ed two women and attempt ed to rape a third. He was an honor grade prisoner at the camp and was serving a 40 year sentence for rape. Gibson was captured Thurs day, Sept. 3, about 9:30 a.m. by Robert D. Kephart and Ro bert Furman Anderson, both of Route 2, Murphy. The capture of Gibson by Kephart and Anderson clim axed an intensive 5<Uy search in the rugged mountains of Cherokee County. The time of Gibson's pre liminary hearing has not been set, but it will probably be some time Thursday or Fri day of this week. He is to appear at the November term of Superior Court here in Mur phy ; ' Scout Photo-D*fl? LOOSE BALL and everybody ?crtltiljfcs as Murphy fumbles with 2 minutes lelt to play. A ?fea^T annui player (#10) re covers a few seconds late as the refree had already blown the ball dead. Dogs Edge Jackets ? In 6 - 0 Thriller 1 MURPHY- In a hard fought f game that was a thriller un ' til the final whistle blew, the Murphy Bulldogs defeated the West Fannin Yellow Jackets 6-0 Friday night, on the West Fannin field. In racking up their third victory in as many starts, the Bulldogs have al ready equaled their games won record of last year which was* the lowest record a Chuck Mc Connell coached Bulldog team ever experienced. This vic tory Friday night should give the Bulldogs the Tri-State Championship since they have t defeated teams from Tenness ee, Georgia and North Caro | lina. s The only score in the game came just a minute' before the end of the first quarter 3 when Jimmy Cole, Bulldog b speedster broke loose for a 68 yard touchdown run. Cole, j had the use of several good ? blocks by the Bulldogs that sprang him loose on his run down the sideline. Watson's run for the extra point was short and that was the scor ing for the night. With both 1 the Yellow Jackets and the iy Bulldogs moving the ball on 1 offense, the fans expected ie more scoring but the game m turned out to be a defensive 34 affair with the Bulldogs trying to hold on to the six points td at a margin of victory, ie Guthrie Wasthe Workhorse n. of the We?t Fannin team, call ing the plays and his pass ing and running was very eff ective, but the Jackets were plagued by a rash of pena lties that kept them in the hole most of the game with the exception of the fourth quarter when they controlled the ball 1 11 but the last four minutes and drove as far as the Bulldogs five-yard line, but were unable to push it over. The Bulldogs forward wall held at this point, and key tackles by Penland threw Guthrie for losses of three, six and two yards made it fourth and sixteen and goal. At this point, Guthrie rea lizing that the Bulldogs meant to keep them out of pay dirt, decided to pass. The Bull dogs rushed him and the ball fell incomplete. Murphy took over with about three minutes remaining. Af ter picking up three first downs with Watson, Stevens, and Stiles sticking to the ground, the whistle blew with Murphy in possession on the Bulldog 46 yard .line. In winning their third game, in as many starts, (he Bull dogs were on defense moat of the night, ft was very noticeable that they playing with two of their I linemen out with It reserves who were ?

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