rjr interest ix>.. . Women Former Culberson Resident's Daughter Married In Akron The wedding of Judith Lynn Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mis. James Luther Cook, of Akron, Ohio and Arthur Roy Frank, son of Mr. and Mis. Arthur Frank of Macon, was soiemenized Saturday, at 2:30 at Lockwood Unted Methodist Church, Akron, Ohio. The Rev. Irving Chase officiated. The bride wearing a candlelight white velvet gown with chapel length mantilla veil trimmed in velvet applique was given in marriage by her father, a former resident of Culberson. Miss Cook was attended by Miss Sherrie Gezzar, maid of honor, Mrs. James Price, Communities Meeting The first quarterly meeting of the Western North Carolina Associated Communities has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 17, the January meeting cancelled due to snow. It will be held at Western Carolina University at Cullowhee and the afternoon speaker will be Dr. Alex Pow, WCU president. matron of honor, Miss Eileen Dodughtery, bridesmaid, and sister of the bride, Miss Cristie Cook, Jr., bridesmaid. Laurie Anne and Lisa Anne, young sisters of the bride were flower girls. Master Robert Price was ring-bearer. Attending the groom, who has just returned from a year of duty in Vietnam, was his brother Ricky Frank of Macon. Guests were ushered by Alden Portwood and Steven Dotson, cousins of the bride, and David Cook, the Bride's brother. The mother of the bride wore a three-piece green wool suit trimmed conservatively in suede with dark brown accessories. The mother of the groom wore a lovely blue suit with matching accessories. Mrs. Tom Coffy, grandmother of the bride, resides in Brasstown. The couple, after a short honeymoon in the southern states will reside in Virginia where the groom is now stationed. YOU WORKED HARD FOR YOUR MONEy NOW MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU. WATCH OUR AD FOR THE ANOUNCEMENT OF OUR NEW AND IIGHER RATES OF INTEREST TO BE PAID AT CHEROKEE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION For IViore Information Call 837 5448 Or See Us At CHEROKEE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ON THE SQUARE MURPHY, N. C. Mrs. Arthur R. Frank Wedding Vows Mr. and Mrs. Troy Murrin of Murphy announce the marriage of their daughter, Barbara Murrin Graham to Sgt. Grant Herbert Crawford of Andrews, at the home of the bride's parents, Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 9 p.m. The Rev. Lee Chastain officiated. Sgt. Crawford has just returned from Vietnam and the couple will be making their home in New Mexico. A reception was held at the home following the ceremony. PHONE 321-4275 WHITTAKER LANE BUILDERS SUPPLY AND READY MIX INC. P.O. BOX AA ANDREWS. N.C. 28901 January 22, 1970 Customers and Friends: As we start a new year, this might be a good time to remind you of the many items we have in stock and the competitive prices which you will find here. Following is a sampling which may interest you: %" AD (good-one-side) Fir plywood $3.36/sheet CD (sheathing) Pine plywood $4.32/sheet Particle-board Underlayment $3.84/sheet Coated nails 6-penny to 16-penny $6.50/50 lb. box 2x4-8' Western Spruce 77c each Paneling ? Light or dark Luan Mahogany $3.95/sheet Aluminum Threshold $1.99 each Storm Doors $28.95 each J-M 235 lb. Roofing Shingles $7.95/square White Bath Outfit, complete to floor $138.50 3/8" Sheetrock 4'x 8' $1.66/sheet Plaster $1.85/bag Rock Lathe $1.49/bundle Floor Tile (Kentile vinyl asbestos) $9.45/box Folding Stairway $22.50 5-Gal Sheetrock Cement ready-mixed) $8.00 These are just a sample; many items more than these are available from stock. Don't forget our policy of allowing a CASH DISCOUNT OF 5% on cash sales! Best wishes. BUILDERS SUPPLY & READY MIX Phil Dooly 'WU. VJ.. S.r.i,. Wal. a 2>l//. PERSONALS Mrs. F? 0. Bourne has returned home after spending several days In Atlanta. " M Harry Dtpkey has returned to Canon Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn., after ?pending several days here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Dickey. -M Dr. and Mrs. Teid Brown of Chattanooga, Tenn., honored their mother, Mn. Lizzie Brown on her 80th birthday with a dinner at their home on Sunday. Those from Murphy attending were: Mr. and Mn. E. L. Shields, Mr. and Mn. L. W. Shields, Miss Eunice Shields, David Shields and children, Sabrina, Mark and Sandra; Randolph Shields and Alvin Gladson. -M Mr. and Mn. Reid Rumple and children were called to High Point Tuesday morning due to the death of Mn. Rumple's father, Herman Buchanan, on Monday evening. -M Mr. and Mr*. Paul Led ford left Tueaday by plane for a vacation in Reno, Nev. -M Mrs. Leila Dickey returned home last Saturday after spending the past two months with her daughters in Knoxville, Tenn. -M Mr. and Mrs. John Keenum of McCaysville, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moss of Talking Rock, Ga., were week-end guests of Mrs. Blanche Kil pa trick. -M Miss Denise Marie Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stewart of Forth Worth, Texas, is spending a vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hendrix of Murphy and Mrs. and Mrs. Jimmy Stewart of Andrews. Denise is taking nursing training at the Baptist Memorial Hospital School of Nursing at Memphis, Tenn. -M Freddie Lochaby left Wednesday for N.C. State at Raleigh. He was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Lochaby who visited their daughter, Miss Ann Lochaby at Albermarle. M Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kil pa trick and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy EUer at the Fields of the Wood. M Knox Singleton, UNC, Chapel Hill, returned to the University on Tuesday after spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mis. W. A. Singleton. -M Mrs. Harry Mauney and Mrs. Mary Van Hom spent last Monday in Gainesville, Ga. -M Miss Irene Wamer, a student at UCU, Cullowhee spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wamer Jr. -M Misses Sheilah Sneed and Betsy Henn spent four days this week in Nassau. -M Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kil pa trick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Baines of Liberty. -M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Athens, Ga., spent the week-end with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Smith. -M Mr. W. C. Kinney Sr., is at home after being a patient in a local hospital here. -M Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mauldin and Mrs. Margie Coker and children, attended the Telerama in Chattanooga, Term, last week-end. *** Mrs. Rosie Thomasson and daughter Carmen, spent several days last week in Atlanta, Ga. Hiey visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith spent the week-end with his jarents and grandparents, the ?lev. and Mrs. A1 smith and Mr. ind Mrs. Hillary Hampton. LUCY GOODWIN laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. )oodwin of 204 Mooreland fgts., Murphy, was named Vinter Carnival Queen in the Vinter Carnival contest held in he Student Center on the foung Harris College campus. This contest was sponsored ry the KTO Fraternity. Mb. Howard Martin and Mis. Elaine Humphery spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mis. C.S. Evans ?** Don Deuel spent Wednaaday in Atlanta, on business Nancy Ruth Coffey Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Crooke of Marble announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Ruth Coffey, to Floyd Kent Purser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alder Purser of Andrews. Wedding plans are incomplete. FASHION'S RUU for Back-to-Sotio<| '"child Life Made to wear the way you wish shoes would! New styled as fashion's favorite fad! Designed to REAL LY FIT growing feet. Popular CHILD LIFE Shoes are this . . . and MORE Cone see them. The Shot Box Murphy, N. C. Bto r3< Your Weekly Horoscope January 29 through February 4 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Has some big bully been kicking sand in your face, Ari? Try flexing your intellectual muscles and ttiat bully will leave you alone. Week excellent for new ideas to materialize. On last two days of week, keep both your mouth and your wallet closed. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This is a week when you could yield safelv to romantic lures, Taurus old chum. Just remember tnat as passion comes in the door, reason flies out the window. Solution to dilemma7 Elementary, my dear Taurus. Simply lock the windows. (But for mercy's sake, allow the door to stay open. At least until your guest arrives.) GEMINI (May 21-Jue 20): Wheee, Gem, I can hear the violins playing. You're in for a really dandy week, so enjoy, enjoy. You tend to be somewhat of a fussbudget, you know, and this doesn't exactly encourage romance. Kick all negative thoughts out. They only occupy valuable space. Like the olive in a martini. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cram that intelligent head of yours with data in coming week. It will be ex tremely useful to you before the first day of spring. Rathole a few bucks for ttiat rainy day which is coming up. One born under the sign of Taurus may need your help-lefte week. Give it. And without any strings at tacked. LEO (July 23-Auqust 22): Complex financial ar rangement seems to become even more snarled in week ahead. Keep your wits about you. The setback will be temporary. One who is almost as clever as you may challenge you on last day of week. Do not be over powered by forcible rhetoric. VIRGO (Augu$t 23-September 22): Week ahead should be rather profitable. In more ways than one. You will learn a lesson in coming week, Virg, which will stick with you for the rest of your days. Love peeks around the corner. LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Olga hates to be an old 'west blanket' Libra, but you must be warned not to press your luck in week ahead Drift with the pre vailing winds. Intrigue waits in ambush. SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): Your desire to always have something challenging to do could lead you into a quagmire before mid-week, Scorp. Best you postpone plans for adventure until a more favorable time. You Scorps surge with energy, so before week is over use your vitality to ease heavy burden of one who is close to you. SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): A turning point is about to be reached, Saj. It no doubt concerns a matter which had its beginning early last year. It will be of a personal nature. You would be wise t . take someone you trust into your confidence. Fear not. They will not betray you. CAPRICORN (December 22-Janvary 19): Uncer tainty is in the stars concerning loved one. This person may prove difficult to fathom. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve, Cap. And don't press for any definite com mitment. Remain cool, but not cold. AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Week com ing up is packed with fun. So be ready. Pleasure abounds. But don't be piggy. You have all of your tomorrows, you know. On evening of last day of week hit the feathers early. PISCES (February 19-March 20): Shape up, Pisces. If you've been shilly-shallying all winter trying to make an important decision, get on with it. Make up your mind and then forqet it. If you have not seen your doctor in the oast twelve months, call this week for an appoint ment. CHEROKEE COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY PRECINCT MEETINGS AND COUNTY CONVENTION ALL PRECINCT MEETINGS will be held at the regular meeting places at 7:30 P.M., Friday, January 30, 1970. The purpose of these meetings will be to elect Officers and Delegates to the County Convention. THE COUNTY CONVENTION will convene at the Cherokee County Courthouse at 7:30 P.M., Saturday, February 14, 1970. County party officers will be elected at this time, and delegates to District and State Conventions. K w Radford, Chairman Executive Committee BUDGET PRICED! DUPONT NYLON OR KODEL PILE CARPETING Complete Line Of Padding With Expert Installation CALL 837-2044 FREE ESTIMATES WITHIN 100 MILES. JANUARY SPECIAL BUY YOUR CHOICE - ALL THROW RUGS Scatter Bugs, Wall-To-Wall Oarpet and Hall Btumera i"PaLmzxi. ^Discount