?ol. 1. “ Itow doth the littlp busy bee Improve each shuiiog nour, “ And gather honey all the day From every opening flower.’* PHINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE GREAT BEP0BUC. NEWBKlfN, N. C„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 18C8. GIVU MB TUB OLD. Oiv‘ m‘ th" ol 1. Rive m« tho old, L‘t iitlicmcli'HMe tho m-w: Tiiii" rip-'ii8 will-, imr HUliivs Rold, 1 li:it {cildH tlin trioil and tnio. 1 'ov- lh'‘ t'onk* in which ar« )>luced Tho DHine* I ii«ol lo.lavo, N imi't loot ic> i-urili. hut aui^ol.tracod the buulu nioivo. Old hymna whose gmnd old inclodioa Thrill on tho wond-ring air. And ii|>war>l to tlio listAiiinK skios ’ III- ir-iiihliiig ojnrit henr. Oiir modorn songs nrc sweet, 'tia said— ^ucli songs may do for yon, lhi sing urouiid my dying hod Tho nuiigs my mother knew. It 'natlor* tittle to you now What name this relic twnrs ; ‘Tis old. Imt wrinkl-s on my brow Toll tno of vanished y«iirs. Its worth to me c.-innot be told, I loved the giver so; Take thon ihe u»w, give me thu old, It tells of long ago. It tolls me of a rnnish'd tone I list to hour again— A song tmli sung, a work half doue, A lirokun, sad rufraln. It tells nio of a lonely h-arth Of lender, liatniliug eyes; It whisjiors lovingly of earth, lint points me to the skies. CiiARLBS W. Hills. No. 1. FaKEDMEN’S SAVIXOS BANK. TEV WORDS WITH THF, READER, SHOWINO h6w poor people may drcome rich. . F.very man wants to save something for UsoU age and to support him in case uf neknciut. Hi) man has a right to waste his money any si^ sAifftsiiff bfisto thi^w his bread out ‘>f if window while his hungry children are lor it. It is a waste of metooy to fHij it {'or things you do'not need. If a in with a family carnBONE D u.uar a day iJ it takes only eeventy-tivo cents of it to ' im, ho has twenty-five cent over at :ht. N'lW it is wrong for him to spend umoncy fortobacco, orwhiskeyor cigars, if wrong also for him to save up that wity-6vecents from day today till he gets B twenty-five dollars, and then sjiend it all Acosily coat or har, or such things. Gay iretly clothes, food, drinks, or tobacco loot only u-soIcM but they are hurtful. Akwnt cfcau suit of clothes every man hni to waste his money for costly coats 10 keep from his children what properly loii.K** D) them. A man who droBso.s him- ujijn fine tloth is apt to think that he ilwvo lion, s; work, and as soon as he l>e- Mtoihink that, he will look around for ^otlhTthan h.most ways to getaliving. W if tins is true of wa.ste of money for teing, wluvt shall 1 say in regard to whis- \ind toliaceo! These keep a man's ^ always empty, and clothe him in Jy rags. Tlie man who has a family and a ■'lass of whiskey each day, cheats Siamiiy out of just so much money. If «ly takes from them in this tvay ten. each tluy, at the end of each year he “ WkjiI his wife jind little ones of lojured him.Hclf besides. He ia on the “W It the poor house, and in this way ho maW the public support the family he ore to Uke oare of when he was married. tni8 way I any a man does wrong to him- If and his voumry. ''‘■'■■t '“a''’? duty to earo all he can tJ\ uso It for the support of his tti y and for .coding h\, children to school. I^tor that he should put l>y in some safe ahere he wdl get interest on it. " do I „ean by getting interest on it? . T!’"- •rnl * '^'■J “nd 8“»es out of it ralT-flve cents a day I At the end or one John will have ninety-six dollars and y*five cents! Yotj would scarcely bo - •1^1 count up so large at 2) a day, but so it is. blow what would a advise John to do with his money? If iffT trunk ifi is liable to bo stolen. should hide it nway in a stock in«^ « biB bed. or under his floor—in each •» ukely to be run away with by tho rat.s or to rot irom wet, or be burnt up in the house; at any rate, ev^n if it remains safe and no thief gets it and no accident happens to it, and John keeps ithhere ten years, he will have only his at the end of the time. He will be worth just as much at the end of ten years as he wjasat the beginning, and no more. Ai . onfe cun sec that tliis would he a poor use of his money. Now wlmt should he do with it? I should say he oueht to put it out to luseso that it would he earning something. !lf Jolin had loaned the money for a year ati5 per cent, to some g lod friend whom he knjew to l>e trusty, at tho end of that time he ■•would get buck not onlv the money lent but fou d llurs and eiglitv-one cents for the; use o it, wliieh i.s calleil “interest."’ If John uow says to his friend tliis: “ I don’t want the incjney. I will lend it to you for another year and the interest also, at tlie same rate asda.st year.” lie will have at the!beginning of this second year one humlrediand one dollars and six cents to lenil, and at} the second vear'e end he will have duo him one hundred and six dollars and eleven cents. At the^^ad of the second year John lends his lo^^ and the intere.st with it again, and so on at the end oi'the third, fourthjnnd fiftli year, till the end of ten years. Now how much will John have due him at the end of that time? One hundred and fifty "dollars! The 90| dollars why?h if John hd«l hidden away for safe keeping would Wive been only 96| dol lars after all, has become without any trou ble or care at all more thian one-haJf greater than at first. **'' JOHN SAVES EACH YEAR. * But there is still another matter in which John is interested, in all yet said I have talked as if John was idle while his money was at interest. This wmuld not be true. If he saved $06,25 the fir^t year, he could do tlie same I think the secdnd, third and so on for ten years. If he did ithis and put it out at interest j ust os he did with the first year’s savings, he‘would have !at the end of ten years the large sum of twelve hundred and ten dollars and forty-thrie cents! That is b)say—if a man saves only twenty-five cents a day every day for ten years and puts it at interest at 5 per cent., pud at the end of each year puts the interest also at interest, he will have tho targe sum 1 have named. Thus a man who should begin to save a “ tpiartcr' ’ a day at tbe age of 20, would be worth more than $l,20t); at the age of 30. lie isj-n the high road to wealth. He can buy a snug farm for a thousand dollars; he cun SOW' grain and raise cattle, and all these will he yielding him money while he sleeps That is the way nature plays intere.st to an industrious man. WHO IS John’s trcstv friend? My reader may raise one objection to my tidv.se. He may answer: “Yuu have recommended John to lend his money to a trusty fIiienu! How can ho know who is trusty? Suppose he lends it to some one he thinks is trusty, and finds him not so? or if willing to repay, bis friend may be dtsappoinlied and lose the money, and really not be able to repay] What do you say to that?” 'I'hirt, I admit would be a very bad case! I should be very sorryito advise John to lend his money, hard earned and saved at a quarter a day, to some one who would be unwilling or unable to return it, principal and interest. But suppose 1 have a friend whom I KNOW to be able and willing jo re pay ? You want me to name that friend. Here itis— the Freedman’s bank I I know it will be able to repay yon for this reason; Whenever anyone lends it any tniiuey, that money is at once put into United States bonds. The Bank is bound to do that with the money, and the law does not allow any other use for it. Nuw us long as the United States pays its debts, you are sure of all the cash you can lend it. When you pubyour mouey in tbeHimk you lend it to the United Stales. Every six mouths the interest is added to the principle, and begins to draw interest it self. Thus our friend John Johnson cim find his true and trusty friend without fail, always reatly to pay and always willing to borrow. The noblest friend the poor imm ever had—Abraham Liucoln—signet! tin* bill that e9t!ibli.shed this Bank- 'Fhe ex cellent General 0. 0. llow'ard is its frienc! as lie is the friend of all good things ami good people. Judge II. L. Borid, of Bal timore. is its friend. Mr. H. I). Cooke, ol •lay Cooke Co. is also its friend, and so are gt)od, true, and unprejudiced men eve- rywherc in the country. Let rhe advi.se all ta save their monev in this way. 'I'he house-maid can save §2 a month. In a year she will have $24. In five years she will have $120 at interest, •and that Will double itself without her touching it in about eleven years. If a father should give his little child $5 at each birth day, putting that sum at io- | terest, w’hen his boy comes to 21 yenrs uf age be would be worth more than $200 I A boy saving only .5 cents a day will have $18 each year, ami if put at intere.st in this Bank will give him about $200 in ton years. The man who spends ten cents a day for tobacco, burns up or chews up tho vainc of three harreds of flour in a year. Tluit will supply bread for a man, his wife, and three children. Xhe man who drinka thieo glaasea of. whiskey a day, spends say 15 cents. lu a year be spends $54.75. That will keep a family of three persons in bread, buy each a pair of shoes, a bat, and a pair of woolen gloves. Now in all this I have said nothing of the good habits that grow with savings. Tbe man who is a whiskey drinker soon becomes an idler, loses all his work, he and his family become ragged and miserable, and have to be kept from starving by the poor house. I hint at this, and leave my reader to think about it, and by nil means deposit in the Savinos Bask, BUKGLAUY. We clip the following from the New Or- le.;ns Times, of Dec. 5. ‘‘An attempt was made on Friday night to break open two safes ui’ the Natiomil Sav ings Bank forFreedmenon Caromiolot.strcet, between Puvdras ami Lafayette. The door leading to the upper ]>-irtioaof the building (which for same time U:us been uiiocmpicJ) was entered byanordinary key: abolo was then bi)rel through the partition door, lead ing into the bank; 1)V in.seiting a crookod wire through this, tbe Imok which held it wa.«» easily unfa-stonod. A most clumsy at tempt was then made witii two cold chiselst and about li:iJf poiiinl of gun-powiier, Dj open the safes. “One, a Rich Sc Co’s safe, was somewha damaged, and w'iH rojuire cnn.*ilcrable re" pairs. The plate cnveringtl;c 'tcey-h de. and Icnob of tlio other, were br->kon olf. The aitempt was done by unskilled ineu, usual ly known as *shistcr.s.’ We wore piesent at the opening of tlie sah-s. One contained ten dollars in silver and sixty cents iti cur rency. The other was filed with valuable papers. Wo are informed by Mr. Seuvinct, 'he cat-hier, that money is never kept in the building at night.” We quote the above to show how careful ly all the busines-s of the Freedmeu’s Sav ings Banks is conducted. AH the Moneys and securities of the Company are kept in such safe, places that burglars canuot get 'at them. CASHIERS OF .BRANCHES. Branch offices of the Pi'tedmdn's Savings and Trust CqiiijHiiij/ are located as foUoios : Augusta, Ga., C. H. Prince, No. 40 Jackson street. Baltimore, Md.. Samuel Townsend, No. 7 Guy street. Beaufort, S. C., N. R. Scovel. Charleston, S. C., Nathan Ritter,- No. 9 State street. Huntsville, Ala., L. Robinson, Gallatin, near Holmes street. Jacksonville, Fla., N, C. Dennett, No 22 Bay -street. Louksvillo, Ky., H. H. Burkholder, No. 116 Jeft'erson, Letweeen 3d and 4th streets. Memphis, Tenn., A. M. Sperry, No. » Beale street. Mobile, Ala., C. A. ^Voodward, No. 41 St. Michael street. - Nashville, Tenn., John J. Cary, No. 66 Ce dar street. » ^ „ Newbern, N. C.;«Ar-A. EllaVorth.’- New Orleans, La., C. S. Sauvinet, No. 114 Carondelet street. New York City, John J. ZuUle, No. 183 Bleekcr street. Norfolk, Va.. H. C. Percy, No. 14 Main street. Richmond, Va., Charles Spencer, Freed- men’s Bureau. Savaunah, Ga., 1. W. BriuckerboS", Bryan street, near Drayton st. Tallahassee, Fla., Frank \y. Webster, Mark et street Vicksburg, Miss., Benjamin A. Lee, corner of vVashington and Crawford streets. Washington, D. C., William J. Wilson, cor ner Pa. Avenue and 19tb streeL Wilmington., N. C., S. S. Ashley, Freed- meu’s Bureau. SAMUEL L. HARRIS, General Inspector. TRUE SAYINGS. Take care of the pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves. “ The man wlio by the plow would thrive Himself must either hold or drive.” A Ktitoh in time saves nine. The bee works every shining hour. When the storm comes she has a safe hive to shel ter her. Never buy what you don’t want, because it happens to bo cheap. If a man keeps his farm his farm will keep him. Notwithstanding the entire failure of the cotton crop upon tho sea islands in Soutli Carolina, the freedmen in and about Beaufort have generally a good supply of corn, and will be able to pass tho^winter very conffortably, 'rherowiil. however, be considerable suffering on the main land. Planters in the Be;iufort district state that the labor tho pjist year has been a ureat improvement upon tliat of any previous year, and that the payment of liamla every night, or once a woeK, is decidedly to the advantage of the employer. ■ ♦ ■ At Charleston Brum;h one of the deposi tors. ni'W an influential man. and tolerably well off, having money in the Savings Bank, was, when a boy, a chimney sweep.' At Memphis, Tennessee, a man was con sidering: whether it was best to put his money m the Saving's Bank, when one night the thieves broke into his cabiu and stole between three and four hundred dollars. The Bank at .Memphis, 'I'ennessee, has recently been refitted with counicr, desks, and other conveniences, and is now one of the best arranged Bank rooms that we have. We are glad to know that our friends are gratified, and that tbe prospects of tbe Branch are steadily impruving. ■ O OoR success st Memphis, Tennessee, is due in a great measure to ihe^ssisiance of a few raithi'nl men, who from ihe first have been the irne friends of the Bank.

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