Mount Holly News Constructive—If It WiU Help Mount Holly And Gaston County The News Is For It-Progressive BAOC- 0IVI TO CONCKIOI CAHCm AMMCAN CANCBl SOOfTT VOL. XXVII. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1950 NUMBER 11 BLOODMOBILE COMING HERE Javcees Elect Officers For The Coming Year ^ -X. ^ ^ . Superiors To Open With Combers aboT* with tb^ prisa winning BaaglM ara Walter and «Tia Murphr. two brothaca who, with othar mambarf of their are the owners of scrotal fine hunting dogs. The man are ribbons wU«h ware awarded them as first place prises in 1*1 inch St GMton County Beagle Club trials held at farm near LowasriUe last Saturday. ^Urty.«lx Btaglas ran during the trials which lasted most the t and appeoidmately 50 members of the club, with 35 or 40 specta- 1^** feUos^ the dogs during the trial which was the second to be rinoa the orgaidsafion of tho dub. Lloyd Heffner and Marie sacred as Judges for the trials. cirtt place in the 13 Inch close was won by dogs belonging to Jake & teddent of Tuekaseege road. Murphy brothers, who with another member of the family, hare been rairing dogs for years and the four dogs shown among the finest they hare had, they say. On three hunts j~J Winisr with these dogs, the Murphy brothers report that they y ('of 53 rabUts Jumped during the hunt. large Crowd To Attend Opening Here Superior Yam Mills will play host to the Belmont Combers to morrow (Saturday) night at Sup erior Park in what should be the most gala opening game in the history of the Piedmont Textile League. Manager Doyt Morris ex pressed confidence this week that his Superior men would live up to their name in the clash with the Belmont Combers, and following the opportunity for observing the ! locals in pre-season games, fans are looking forward to an excel lent show. The Mount Holly High School Band, equipped with their new uniforms, will parade in Superior Park before the game begins and a short ceremony will be held prior to the opening pitch across the plate. During this cere mony, players on both teams will be intcodvice4 „ to the.Xsms pre sent fOt Ihs first ]Jame ibe Pied, mont Textile League 1950 season. Superior is also readying their home park for the large crowds which they expect to draw this season and an additional 300 seats were being installed in the park this week in preparation for the opener. This greater seating capacity is expected to please many Superior followers who were sometimes inconvienced by lack of seating facilities during the bigger games last season. Admission to the game which starts at 8 p. m., wil be the us ual 25 and 50 cents. Tuesday the Superior men will travel to Belmont for the second game of the season, but fans are doing little speculating on- the results of this game tintil after the first meeting of the two teams tomorrow night. The probable starting line up for Superior, as released this week MVCEE PREXT lYcdlS Woik Is Reviewed In Write-up T® Enforce Law!®'-*•!*"’• 0« Parldng Here ^ ^Wel of Police R. C. Robinson i church at the Friday evening Thursday that the viafe. Services have been held ( co^i of Mount Holly now has vehicles regis- lentr ^ Gaston and Meck- tiy 'S* oo'^ties and that effec- Monday, May 1, car owners do parking tickris and make any effort to settle of tk ^ contacted by means he Chief Robinson said Ohly a few cars owned by ^^^oridents are not registered coiin*- ^ Mecklenburg or Gaston W^ij®**hnd that the department contact Raleigh for own- on these vehicles when hie^t *Pccified in an advertise- '.appearing in this edition of ”cws, this addition to the hien* of the local police depart- cal ^2^^ make itfpossible for lo on to check registration automobile which Or J. C. RHYNE New Prerident of the Mount Holly Junior Chamber of Com merce who was elected Monday night. He succeeds Ted Johnson and will be installed at the next meeting. Mr. ^yne has been a J. C. Member for ten years. He is the owwer of the R. 3c W. Shoe Re- ‘pris. leak war- he war m Sargeanl and served in the South Pacific area. He is vice-irecident of the Rotary Club, an active member of the First Defitiit Church, assistant secretary of the Sunday Scho^ and a member of the American Legion and on the Board of Directors of the Mer chants Associafioo. SS—Glenn Hopkins 2B—Bobby Davis RF—^Leland Helms CF—"l.efty” House LF—Carl Shepherd ^ 3B—Ray Martin IB—^Doyt Morris C—Art Brickner or Bill Dilling YOU CAN REGISTER ON SATURDAY The re^prirafion books for fiie Democratic Primary will ^en OB Saturday of this week, April 29th. Be stire you are regnstwed »i\A your name and party eifilinlioB is on the books. Books open at 9 o'rieck and will remain open until 6 p. m. Prerinct No. 1 is at the City Hall with Mrs. D. S. Beatty as registrer; Precinct No, 2 is at the River Valley Chevrolet Company with Mrs. W. O. Barrett as regi strar. Cifisens can also register at any time by going to the bMnes of the registrars. The Mount Holly Junior Cham ber of Commerce elected new of ficers at the regular meeting last Monday night. The oflficep will be installed at a ladies night to be held sometime during the early part of May. President Ted John son presided over the election. The new officers are J. C. Rhyne, president; Ken DaviS, 1st vice president; Harold Henkle, 2nd vice-president; Rufus Ingle, secretary; Emmett Venning, Jr., treasurer; and Ted C.* Johnson, J. B. Thompson, Max Childers, Donald Davis, Wally Thompson,, and John Calder were named as the six directors. W. G. Alligood, personnel di rector of the American Yam and j Processing Company, was elected as Senior Adviser. Mr. Alligood will take office at the installation of* officers meeting and banquet. Thft Jaycee* hf^ve been Vety active' 'under the'' leadership retiring President Ted Jo!^ During his tenure of offiefe the Erection of a community build ing has remained the number onb objective of the club. R. S. Dick son, president of the A. Y. P., donated the lot and the Jaycees already have in the ^ bank sev eral thousand dollars toward their goal and hope to start con struction at an early date. The Durene Festival was a big success. The Jaycee Minstrel show has been staged five times and booked for several more ap pearances in this section of the state. Other successful projects during the past year was the auction sales, two paper drives, Trade Days with three turkeys and prizes given away, sponsored Christmas lighting, street square dances, donations to Mount Holly Boys’ Club, Christmas baskets to the needy, Christmas party and the teen-age canteen. Mrs. E. E. Thompson visited Mrs. Frank Smith in Gastonia last week. "RACK" HUFFSTETLER Has announced his entry in the race for Constable of Riverbend township. Mr. Huffstetler is well known throughout this section. He was born in Tuekaseege and has spent his entire life in this township. He is employ :d at Glbbe Mills. While this is Mr. HUffstetle first time to ever run for lie office it is not the first time that he has been in the lin*e- light locally. He can. be remem bered as a star baseball player for Mount Holly not too many years ago. ■ The candidate for Constable is a Baptist He is married and has four children. ‘T win certainly appreciate my ffiends helping me in this race and if elected 1 pledge to do my duty in' an honest ..manner, fair and impartial to all,” Mr. Hulf- stetler stated. VISITED HERE SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wike and daughter of Charlotte were Sun day afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harris of Mountain Island. CONSTABLE was an officer and the own- be promptty contacted, , ^^»eral allowance in time will. by the police depart- ceiv^*®^ owners who have re al tickets to appear in headquarters. Except cases, they will be is thoy appear within ia an additional o\ir* to the 24 hours speci- parking ticket and am^ ®®cors feel that it allows time. (if ®^*mers receiving tickets '^'^AtUued oa BMk Page) Ends Here The Bible Conference will be concluded at ‘ the Presbyterian ‘ : ser- each moming-and evening through the week. The topic of the sermon this evening will be ‘‘The Second Com ing of the Christ”, a topic of great interest to all Christian people. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Henry Fdwler, Jr. New Beta Prexy Henry Fowler, Jr., was elected president of the Beta Club of Mount Holly High School for the coming year in elections held at the Monday night meeting of the honor club. The meeting was held at the home of Kay Chandler with Ann Painter acting as assis tant hostess and 22 members were present. Other officers elect ed for the coming year at this meeting included Jean Abernathy, vice-president; Frances Farris, secretary; and Lowell York, treas urer. Following the business session and the election of officers, a so cial hour was held and refresh ments were served. A discussion concerning taking in new mem bers for the Beta Club was also held. . Mr. and Mrs. James Evans of Salisbury were Saturday night dinner guests of Miss Pinkie Pat terson. Goal Set At 100 Pints Wednesday The Red Cross Bloodmobile will visit Mount Holly again. Wednesday, May 3, at the Lions Club building, and a goal of 100 pints of blood has been set for this trip of the local blood unit. Max Childers and Emmett Ven.-* ning, Jr., co-chairmen, said this week. On the last visit of the blood unit. Mount Holly residents gave 38 pints of blood which was a good increase over the amounts given during former visits, and the co-chairmen expressed a hope that the goal of 100 pints would be reached next week. The Bloodmobile is doing an increasingly valuable job in this county and blood given by doncxrs during the trips made to towns and cities of this section is taken, immediately to the Blood Bank for processing and classiflcatioii A constant stream of requests for. blood pours into the Blood Baidt at all tones ipd adto liitamrf * in Ithis'.- section' have p^obokV hq^ appeals issued for certain, typeS'of blood ovef radio staiiona within the last few days. The supplies- of blood in the Blood Bank must be kept at a hiri> level to meet the cemstant ’de mands and the way in which the blood can be obtained is through the donations made by donors who give blood when the Bloodmobile is in their commun ity. Remember that this blood which the Bloodmobile will seek on their visit here next Wed nesday may be instrumental in saving a life; and that the blood in the Blood Bank must be kept at a high leveL ‘Tbe Ute that Irin. danger may be ^ycku^-someday. No charge is ho^- tals for the use of thAblo^ which is given to the Blood Bank ex cept a nominal service charge covering the cost of the transfu sion and in some cases this alone is the deciding factor when a person needs blood badly. Clyde Davis, owner of Davis Used Car Sales in Mount Holly, and a well known young bus inessman in Mount Holly, has announced his entry in the race for Constable of Riverbend town ship. Mr. Davis has been active in' the used car business in this section and recently purchased his^ former partner’s interest in the Davis Used Car Sales located on East Central Avenue in Mount Holly. In announcing his entry in the race for Constable of Riverbend Township, Mr. Davis said, ‘‘I wish to state that I will do my best to fulfill the duties’ of this office if I am elected and I will appre ciate the support of my many friends in this township during the coming election. I believe that I am qualified for this of fice and I plan to wage a clean, hard, campaign for office.” Above is r**'*v**^ tb* pcopcsod now RonlocoeUl HoUnoM 'Church for Mount Holly. Rot. D..S. to of tho riiuz^ In 1932 tb«r Poatoobalal KoUbmt Church WM- olrginisod In Mount Holly with 8 mombora. Today tho mamborship to 70 and tho church to in good financial con- TV* rntnit waa arsetad in 19ST and to lomdad near fiia AdrtHi and Madoaa villagaa. Tha naw chuirii wfll ba naar tha iLla of tha pnMl ooa. WEDNESDAY GUESTS Mrs. T. I. Tarpley had as her dinner guests on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. T. J. Rogers, Mrs. Mrs. Davis Heads VFW Auxiliary Mrs. Kenneth Davis was re elected president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at the regular meet ing held last Thursday night at the V. F. W. hut Other officers elected at this meeting included Delores Childers, senior vice-pre sident; Ruth Summey, junior vice- president; Martha Patterson, trea surer; Mrs. Erva Abernathy, chap lain; Dolly Mullis, secretary; Wil lie Jackson, conductress; Clara Abernathy, patriotic instructor;^ Evelyn Jenkins, trustee; and Eve-* lyn Hendrix, guard. The members of the Ladies Auxiliary are issuing a request to residents of this section for any old Christmas cards in good con dition which may have been saved by the recipients. These cards are being sent to an elderly Lady who removes all traces of names -and later sends the cards during the Christmas season to veterans in hospitals over the nation. Cardk may be left at either of the local theater box offices. Picture post cards will also be -appreciated, Mrs. Davis pointed out, since many of the veterans who are confined to bed collect these cards as a hobby. The next meeting of the Ladies* Auxiliary will be held cm Thurs day night. May 4, at 7:30 p. m. at the V. F. W. Hut GUESTS IN BELMONT Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stroupe J. B. Anderson, Mrs. John Tay-|were. Saturday evening dioMT lor, and Mrs. F. H. Abernathy, guesU of Mrs. Campbell E. Bnid- jr • I ley of Belmont

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