Advance News On Farm and Home Week Program By Min Velma Beam, Person Home Demonstration Agent. A very inexpensive, instructive and entertaining vacation for ru ral men and women may be had from July 29 to August 2 if Farm and Home Week at State college is attended. One dollar is required for re gistration and food may be ob tained at a reasonable price at the college cafeteria. Those in at tendance are required to take bed linens, towels and all personal articles but the dormitories are used without cost. If only the home management and house furnishings part of the program were offered the week would be full of plenty to learn and to do, for that plan a lone is worth anybody’s time, money and effort. Sparing no labor to make this interesting to the rural family Miss Pauline Gordon, Home Man agement and 1 House Furnishings Specialist and her assistant, Miss Mamie Whisnant, have secured Mrs. Esther Gordon Shepherd, who has been doing graduate work in house furnishings in Cor nell during the past year, to con duct two classes. The first is Expressing Your Personality in Your Home Thru Color, in which she is going to use illustrative material to show the effect of colors and success ful ways of using it in the farm home. And second is Equipping the Home for the Small Child, in which she will discuss storage and furnishings. Henry S. Johnson, of Colum bia, S. C., an expert in manage ment will give one day to Keep ers of the Family Pocketbook, and another day to Guarding the Fam ily Pocketbook. He is a well |SpQ “EVERYTHING YOU WANT fa aw Electric Rangel" It's That Marvelous H^kelvTnator '"B «\ Here Now! »Isn’t it a beauty! All ntw i ***~~~I T —gleaming porcelain* | _ oa-tteel, inside and out ■ Aj n ... built to last a life- I ' time. Easy to clean, even L - | to the Kelvinator Chromalox heating units. Come in—learn -about cooking the Kel- I n■ - Tinator way ... it’s fast at fire without the flame - _ ... clean and cheap like • —electric light! SURTAX I $99 50 I Here’s an Oven That’s BIG / Imagine! Room enough to cook a com plete oven meal. Open the door . . . every corner is floodlighted automati cally. Two heating units give you fast A Light on Every Switch Yes—to signal when heat is on. Plus an aJok^iL••""*>! attractive chrome-trim lamp that lights \ —. up die whole top of the range. | v fl £?*?) % New Selector Switch Magic! \ Gives automatic control to oven, ap- jSk Yiv " / ■ pliance outlet or Scotch Kettle . . . watches over a complete meal while Ja 'i i» you’re out for the afternoon. ■HBMSBKav You SA VE MONEY! On food bills... for the healthful vita- 1 mins and flavors you poy for in foods ere rttaintd (you save 25% by weight of oven-cooked meats that would be wasted in open-flame cooking). On current bills too—for Kelvina tor’s Chromalox units heat fast, hold heat longer! And you get the advantage of ... , low 1940 KELVINATOR PRICES! FAST AS FIRE WITHOUT THE FLAME CLEAN AND CHEAP LIKE ELECTRIC LIGHT Electric Appliance Co. Phone 3881 Roxboro, N. C Relief From Standardization « . ' v'., v ‘*''-1 * V *t e . " f tf-rP+iArisM -*.•■ at 1 . -!au tT Where space permits, this UJ^ml home solves the problem of ' S | how to break the monotony of r I ‘ff I I design without bordering on r *'**"*■* I M extremity. The center of the [_ lkv~T c rrT || r 1 | house is one room deep, with «.»<»• "n-J" " I I one wing devoted to bedrooms PH-I n and bath and the other to &•»•«* *.•©«< “ | c |'cl InJ*. I 1 kitchen and dining room. The ■ * «• designer has found plenty of I _ room for closets, usually a se- ~ ' - * rious problem in a small-home ■ 6to fcooM design. The Federal Housing BmamneaßSV^m lll Administration’s Ohio office in- > sured a mortgage for $5,500 after the property was ap praised at $7,500. r~ • Flooe. • Plan- known personnel member of the Farm Credit association and is well qualified to give pertinent facts and workable suggestions for spending wisely. The much talked of mattress project has its place in this plan also, and rightly so. This time the Mattress Goes into the Living Room. Miss Whisnant and Eugene PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. Starnes will conduct this demon stration. How to build a day-bed, how to make the mattress after the day-bed is built, then how to slip cover the whole thing in or der to make it fit into the scheme of the household will be described. Last year Colonel and Mrs. J W. Harrelson opened their new home for our House Furnishings class tour. So many people were interested they are repeating it this year —listed on the program as “Beauty in the Home”. Miss Gordon will conduct this tour and a discussion following it on mak ing all homes livable and attrac tive. Then, too, there are the attrac tive exhibits always put on by the House Furnishings department; This year they are to be displayed in Primrose Hall and 1 will have regular exhibit hours. Very much worth while are they, exhibiting the practical arts which may be practiced by all home makers. This, you see, is only one phase of that great Farm and Homej Week program. There will be Foods and Nutrition Courses, | Food Preservation Exhibits and Classes, Clothing Reviews and dis cussions, Home Beautification Classes et Cetera-, et cetera. Watch your newspapers for more detail ed accounts, and cousult your lo cal Extension workers for infor mation. o WANT ADS NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS OF PERSON COUNTY I will for the next month con duct a clinic for the county and state to vadcinate all dogs. Price 50c. Time: each Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday morning from 9 until 12 o’clock. DR. O. G. DAVIS 6-20 t-s ts FRIENDLY SERVICE Standard Oil Co. Products. Telephone Service No. 4711 ROCK-INN SERVICE STATION \ *t S. F. NICKS, JR. Attorney - at - Law First National Bank Bldg. Main St. Roxboro, N. C- 1 I DR. R. J. PEARCE EYES EXAMINED MONDAYS ONLY Thomas-Carver Bldg. Orchid a Day Was Rule On This Set An orchid a day was the rule on the set of “New Moon,” co starring Jeanette MacDonlad and Nelson Eddy and opening tomor row at the Palace theatre. The or chids were supplied by Mary Bo land who, it was discovered, was an orchid fancier with more than fifty different varieties of the blooms growing in the specially constructed hothouse adjacent to her home. “New Moon,” a musical roman ce of the 1780’s, transpires in the romantic surroundings of New Or leans during Mardi Gras. There are thrillyig, scenes .on the high seas and an exciting sequence on a tropic island where Nelson Ed dy sets up a republic following a shipwreck. The film is the first to bring th two singing favorites I together in more than a year. It was produced and directed by Robert Z. Leonard. Included in the Sigmund Rom berg score are such hits as “Lo ver Come Back to Me”, “Wanting You”, “One Kiss,” “Marian me”, “Parde , ’ > “Softly As in a Morning Sunrise,” and “Stout Hearted Men”. o ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES FOR RESULTS. th * a “ UUIJ MALARIA WW in 7 day* and rtlievei ""V COLDS Liquid - Tablets - Salve- Nose Drop* flat day Try «Reb-Mv*Tifm»-e Wonderful Liniment (S) R. A. WHITFIELD Distributor BUCK JONES FOR Public Hauling O R Transfer Service “Stop Before You Swat/’ Says Hocutt Raleigh, July 14 “Resist the natural impluse to swat at a bee, hornet or other insect that flies into your car while driving along the highway,” Ronald Hocutt, Director of the Highway Safety Division, cautioned North Caro lina motorists this week. Hocutt’s warning arose from an accident last week in which a woman was seriously injured and several members of the family bruised and shaken up when her husband, who was driving, tried to swat at a bee which flew into the car. “I realize that the driver, under such conditions, is siezed with an almost irresistable impulse to swing and swat at the pesky in sect,” Hocutt said, “but this im pulse must be checked and the attack on the insect withheld un til the car can be brought to a complete stop. When you try to watch an insect’s dizzy gyrations and attempt to kill him while your car is in motion, you stand a bet ter chance of killing yourself than of killing the insect.” The safety drector cited another case wherein a woman was driv ing along when a bee flew in and stung her on the cheek. She slap ped at it and knocked it to the floor, and then looked down to see where she could finish the job with her foot. As her glance was on the floor, she steered un ciously to the left, crashing head long into another car. The moral, Hocutt said, is: “Stop before you swat.” LEGAL NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having been qualified as the administratrix of the estate of T. E. Austin, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to the estate to present their claims to the undersigned within twelve months from the 30th day of June, 1940, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Any one indebted to the state wi!l| please make immediate payment. This June 30th, 1940. Alice A. Austin, Administratrix. 6-30-6 t-s o LAND POSTED SIGNS AT THF TIMES OFFICE nSHELLj Mir Change To SHELL STOP AT YOUR SHELL STATION FOR ECONOMICAL SERVICE Humphries Oil Co < lntmluciiui^ We are pleased to announce to the public that Mr. H. G. Barnes is now a member of our organization. Mr. Barnes has had 15 years of experience, specializing in Gen eral Motors Products, getting his training at General Motors schools. Bring us your troubles, Mr. Barnes will be glad to serve you any way he can. Harris Garage WE REBUILD I E ‘ L ‘ Harr,s ’ Pr °P- Court street IgeToUrTrICES WRECKED CARS! phone 2331 ON PAINTING! Film Old-Timer Kept On Job By Popular Demand George Hayes, fondly known as “Gabby” to myriads of fans, u famed around Hollywood as the man who couldn’t retire. Again and again he sought to put the stage and screen behind him, but he was always drawn back by the clamor of his admirers. “Gabby”, who specializes in grizzled, “old-timer” roles in which his salty philosophy and kindly humor strike home strong ly, has played in almost one hun dred pictures following his plan ned “retirement.” He appeared in “Man of Con-j quest”, one of the large-budget pictures on Republic’s program last season, and 1 was signed again to appear in a featured role in “Dark Command”, another Rep ublic epic which is scheduled to show at the Dolly Madison thea tre Monday and Tuesday. Can you afford to pay the bill if you smash Somebodys car? We can? THOMPSON INSURANCE AGENCY Roxboro, N. C FLUES They Fit Get your tobacco flues early. They will be hard to get later. We can load you on short notice if you buy now. WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF Tobacco Twine Thermometers And Lanterns Long Bradsher & Co. Hardware SUNDAY, JULY 14,1940 “The friends thou hast and their adoptions tried, graple them to thy soul with hoops of steel.” —Shakespeare BE WISE “Go WeatYoung Man” Bay and Build in SUNSET HILLS Thos. B. Woody, Agent webuildTor Roxboro and Person County With All Work Guaranteed. No Job Too Large and None Too Small. GEORGEW.KANE Roxboro, N. C. SJUMM f Lw play mJcLOTHEt ps-Ltl IDURHAMi i-the e& of I H.G. Barnes