TocTeTy* dote - * Meetin *’ 4(- — —' JFTI DEDMON McCOLLUM TOS PERRY MACARTHUR ii fxander, JB- Nell Dedmon McCullum of Coleman avenue daughter of 'harlie Pleasant Dedmon and the Mrs Dedmon, became the *1 of Perry McArthur Alex , r j r ., son of Mr. and Mrs. -v M Alexander, “Open ’ ! ' rth - Swannanoa, Saturday trm«r. Fob 1«. « ovu-rian church, Ashevdlo. N. C. The Rev C. Grier Davis, pastor, the service. The church decorated with baskets of red and white gladioli, three branched candelabra with white [apers, and Oregon fern. Hobart Whitman, organist, and Mrs Roy Alexander, vocalist, cousin of the bridegroom, pre sented a program of nuptial mu- SIC , including Tch Liebe Dich,” Greig, and “Oh Phomise Me.” The traditional wedding marches were used and “The Lord’s Prayer” was sung at the end of the cere mony. The bride was given away by her brother, C. Paul Dedmon. She wore a suit of imported navy gabardine with navy and white accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Walter Rowe Fesperman, Asheville, was matron of honor. She wore a seafoam wool crepe suit with coffee brown accessories and carried an arm bouquet of mixed yellow flowers. I. Phillip Hoyle of Asheville was best man, and ushers were Walter Alexander, brother of the bridegroom, W. C. Dedmon, brother of the bride, High Point; H E Pollock, Jr., Asheville, and Henry L. Buchanan, Westminster, S. C., brother-in-law of the bride groom. The bridegroom’s mother wore a black faille suit with dusty pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The couple left for a wedding trip to Florida and upon their re turn will reside at 1 Coleman ave nue. The bride is a graduate of Wo man's College of the University of North Carolina. The bride groom attended Asheville-Bilt more College, Notre Dame uni versity, and served as a pilot in the army air force. He is presi dent of Perry M. Alexander Con struction company. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Buchanan, Westminster, S. C., brother-in law and sister of the bridegroom; C Paul Dedmon, High Point; C. W Dedmon, High Point; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Biggerstall, Hender sonville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. OCain, Hendersonville. WMF OBSERVE HOME MISSION WEEK The U.M.S. of the First Kap ut church will meet Friday, . arc;i 5, at ti. p. m . in the Billy surnette room for the observance M Home Mission Week of Prayer. QUICK.., . ’DOCTOR Os RADIO* i ra Host's Toastmaster Bread, Rolls, & Cakes FLAVORFUL.. . because only quality enriched Try Our Thick Sliced For flour Is used in the baking. TOAST - ■ 11 * For brighter breakfasts is the test of fine quality. fi '*"■’*“* A or Our Thin Sliced for SANDWICHES... - //» a / SERVING WESTERN i/Ctlly* NORTH CAROLINA ~ BOST’S BAKERY, ASHEVILLE, PHONE 3084 Joe Ingle, Clifford Smathers, Grady Holt, and Robert White. Mrs. Noran Gibbs is our new laundry matron. Mrs. Morrow has taken the place of Miss Alice Stockton, who went to live with her sister. NIGHTMARES ADVANCE Eugene Byrd's Nightmares ad vanced to to the semifinals of tne Buncombe county tournament by handing the highly rated Valley Springs six their first defeat of the season at the city auditorium Wed nesday night. The girls overcame a 20 to 14 halftime lead to go on to win, 28-26. Stafford, Slagle, and Gouge played well in the fore court while McDougle, Burnette, and Fortune thrilled the large delegation of Black Mountain fans by stopping the enemy attack cold in the second half. It was the first 1 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS HUNTER - FLORIST 1 | Black Mountain, N. C. I I 2041 1 loss of the year for Valley Springs. The Black Mountain girls will meet Sand Hill in the semifinals tomorrow (Friday) night. ..bred Right- Pb y* Strong, vigorous looking ing program behind f srm CHICKS THAT PAY THE CHECKERBOARD WAYH WE HAVE THEM MwL ORDER YOURS EARLY! If you want to be sure of getting all the good chicks you'll need, stop in and order yours i today. We’ll have some chicks on hand and you i can see for yourself the kind of chicks we selL jjThey're the kind you want—chicks that have the stamina to live and grow fast. See us for chicks that are Bred Right to Lay Right— and all your baby chick needs. out (faod and Start c*t* RIGHT! Now.. Better than Ever I v?t„. e&W for imd 1 *** ' LIFE & GROWTH J@* America’s fa- " 3 vorite because DKIN KINu J^TARTEN»iJ rw . i it gets chicks WATER off to the right Only 1 / Bt< ? r U ,T akeß Tab per IV only 2 lbs. per quart of chick... water. r'cvtiaa “Putina, CHICK ST ART ENA 1 CHEK-R-T ABs_ WRIGHT’S CASH STORE Phone 3121 Black Mountain, N. C. W E DELIVER ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■*■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .W.VeV.VAVKV.VA Black Mountain (NC) NEWS—] Thursday, March 4, 1948 SECTION I 3