I. OSB01&X. .'- ! W. 0. MAIKT.T. OSBORNE L MAXWELL, Attcraa-ey-av-avt T iwrwf - CHARLOTTE, - - , - N. C. Will practice in the (State and Federal Court? &$Omoe l and 3 lw tiailding. HUGH W. HARRIS, ; ATTOK 3 K Y ATLA W, Charuwtk, - '. ' N. C. -. Will nraetiee in the 8tate and Federal Oo urva, cudma collected in any part ot the United 'State. - A-Offlce, First Door Went of Court Bona. E. K. P. OSBORNE, Attorrvey and Counsellpr at Law, ..' CHARLOTTE, N. C. NO. 4 Law Building. . h i Hilton c. JONK&. ' ChaSles W. THArrr JONES & TlLUiiTT, Attornevs-at-Law. Charlotte, - - N. C Practice In the courts of this District and to Richmond county. Also In the Federal Courts of itneWesternDls.rtct. . INSURANCE. For Life, Fire Accident and Live stock Insurance aypiyto W. R. WEABN, Agent. iffltoe opposite Court House. Makes a specialty m insuring country property. J. H. TOLAR. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler And dealer In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spec- t&cl6& Je-0 " ". All work guaranteed to give perfect sauafac- No 8 Mortn TryonStreet, Charlotte, N. C Drip L. AlfSMitor. Practice limited to DISEASES OF WOMEN &. CHILDREN (Office at Mrs. Latham's, 214 8, Tryon St.) M Cairiate & Witpn Shop. W. 8. WEARN. OAKRIAGK WAGON MAtiU i FACTURER. TRYON STREET. I desire to inform the public and my customers that I have moved my shops from the old stand iM the shops formerly occupied by Wilkinson I'sotter, wnere i am prepare! w uu ou umu twovtln my line. Carriage repairing, painting, lrimsung, horse-anoeing ana au unuaw. uuu.- , ,31111141 .worn. , CHIAP FOR CASH. JSVe .are rcelvlngr to-day 200 Barrels Mo asses, 600 1 Flour, And have now Instore a full stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS li you are avymg iur vah tdon't fall to see us. SPIUUiS & BVRWBIiL. Salem Female Academy &!AJJET& isr, c. : TTEALTHFCL LOCATION ; BEAUTIFUL XI grounds ; ample buildings with comfortable study-par lors, Sleeping aicoves, ouiuiub i . well graded and advanced course of study ; spa clai facilities for Music, Art, Languages and Commercial studies;' refined home-liie with KUDU Ulll mi-JlJ.il UOUIIUIJ . da.ui uu0 Individual pupil ; eighty-three year of : continu ous experience and more tnai s,uw aiuuuuo, For catalogue, addn-ss, PKU.CIFAL, 8 ALEX FMALK ACADBMT, .. Salem, N. C. 3873- 1.-1887 TnlftSabool designed to prepare boys forthe reA.t$9llege ciasses, will open Its 15th Sea son pn Sept. 1st, 1887. For &ftnfcr, call upon R. E. No. T Tton t&. Cochrane, Esq., jW.jkARRIER, Principal. F.P. MATZ, PH. D., Vice Prin. PEGRAU & 60, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, TRUES AND TAUSKS. Tryon Street iOHAiH LOTTE, N. C. fihe Swannanoa, SMttly a First-CIass Hotel. EHfciiiy situated.; Commanding magnificent mountain views, and yet convenient to buaines. A "home for ladies and families. I .;. ! RAWLS BROS., Proprs. j Ml JpRIGE REDUCED -TO- Just Think of It! $2.50 for an accurate, durable, reliable, stemr winding .watch. . FOB SALE BY , .Hales h, Boyng-- JEWELERS i . . i cuahlott: c I HOW AdTCHtMBiBU. For Bent--B. Barringer. No. 14 W. 1L Lyles & Co. ' School Children H. Baruch. Sixth Series John L Brown. Tally Ho" -1 he Haberdasher Last Week oi Vacation W. Kaufman Co. ; . CUAUMTT12 AND VICINITY WADE H. HAKRIH,. .LoeaU auditor. St. Fttn Uovpltal. " As there seems to be a misunder standing among our citizens regard ingSt. Peter's Hospital, we are re quested j to publish its rules for ad mitting i patients, and also to give some items concerning it. The Hospital has always had room for all applicants, and has never yet been filled to its limit. It has beds for eight patients down stairs, and has two; large airy up- stair rooms. which are kept for those who are able to pay board. Any physician who has patients needing quiet, and good nursing can have them admitted by application to the President, and by arranging with the physician in charge, Dr. Brevard. It is said that persons frequently come to Charlotte for treatment, who are unable to bear the expenses at tending it, or who find difficulty in procuring proper accommodation and nursing. If such persons would visit the Hospital they would how convenient a place it is for these pur poses; and physicians would confer a kindness on their patients, by re ferring them to it. A trained nurse will soon be on du ty there, and will attend cases in the city when not needed at the Hospi tal, r The rules for admission of patients are as follows: 1. Accident cases are admitted at any nour or the day or night with out permit 2. All other patients must apply for a permit to Mrs. Fox, President of the board of managers. 3. AH patients applying must be examined by the Hospital physician after obtaining permit, except in cases of persons applying for rest and shelter only. 4. No person suffering from any contageous disease shall be admitted. And no lunatic or person of unsound mind shall be admitted. 5. No applicant for admission will be refused on account of religious belief or nationality. Bis BomIm As an evidence of the extent of the wholesale business done by Char- otte, a i Chronicle reporter was yesterday shown the shipping books of Mr.' S. Wittkowsky, for the month of August. The books show that during that month, this house shipp ed 1,350 ease and bales of goods, representing a cash value of $65,000. This is the ' largest August business yet known in tho wholesale circles of Charlotte. j: ' BUbop Key T-day. Bishop J. S. Key, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, will con duct services at the Tyron Street Methodist Church in this city, this morning, at 11 oVlock. At 8 o'clock m., Bishop Key will hold services in the (Jhurch street Methodist Church. NO service will be held at the Church street church this fore noon. I Preaching at the Tyron street church to-night by the pastor, Rev. D. ! Swindell. Child re1 a WMk. On another page you will find a prominent , advertisement of H. Baruch's. He proposes .to make this week quite an interesting one for the children, by offering unusual induce ment in children's wearing apparel, A large tine of Misses Jerseys in navy, brown, black and garnet; all wool Boucle at 73cts each for 26. 28, 80, and all wool vest front at 98cte each for 26, 20 and 30cts. Many other new goods are ready for inspection. Cbrn-eh Bcrvtees. ' Regular services will be held to day at St. Mark's Lutheran church at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. T. S. Brown. Communion service will be held at the Tryon street Baptist church this mdrning. At the 'evening service, the pastor, Rev. A. ,0. McManaway, will preach upon th subject: "The 3abbath." ! ReV. H. T. Sloan, D. D , of South Carolina, will preach at the Associ ate Reformed church to-day, at 1 a. m.,iand 5 p, m. Alarge and enthusiastic audience was present at the Teacher's Insti tute Friday. ' The exercises were in tensely I interesting. Prof. Corlew's geographical talk fulfilled the high expectations, and ' Miss : Hall out did herself., The first, week has been a marked success. , The Institute will convene again. tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to. attend. : : ; ti''hy f Judge Schenck, Mr, F. H. Bueb and Mri F. L Osborne, made speeches yesterday Jn' the suit of Hammond and . Justice M, i. SchifL , Judge Schenck's speech was one of the most masterful efforts ever heard in our court house.- Argument in the case will be' resumed by the counsel to-morrow morning. The congregation of the Baptist church in this city; has organized a mission, and has i ented the building on the corner of Second and College streets; 'where services are held each Sunday, - Thli building was some time ago' used at a ealooat The mis sion is in a flourishing condition. ; Prof. CurrelL of Davidson Col Ie9, i3 fit the Buf ord. CHRONICLE CABLEGRAMS.! AH OTHER GBEAT VVKOPEAX WAK PKOBABIJB., Amy Intcrrerenee With Bnria la Mm BalvrU QacaUnlttBTlMslitwlll Precipitate Btrancle. By Caolto tha Chronicle. loer ni probable, arid any interference with nia J nni;o.n nnMtirtn' win uiuoia iu vw nuiBi m m r-, surelv nrecinitate the struggle. Mem bers of the British cabinet admit that XZTSZ rirAimm of Af:r," Z . treUiwfu compietea wiuoe aestroy e. o present Ameer continues to reign the Russian controlation on the northern frontier. Afghanistan aims at the wu fcumiu yuuyA uui, """"6.-' TT" occupation of Herat, and such a step by Russia will force tne untisn gov ernment to occupy ia??2 uaDui. a conaaeraDie iorceut cukiusu troops has been concentrated oo the Afghan frontier m preparation for oiirtk a AAntimuijiv an1 t.hA mlAfirlAn ouiu wiimmuv t , uu i whethar thara Are not narts of Cen tral Asia in which there is no ' room for two powers at the same lime, will tnen nave to oe aeciaea. AN IKISH MAM MEET1XSI. T Im Heidi T-Dy--T1M ftwU t Kumlm ArwiMI Over tmm ArMtnur ftUM or tu nnmd. By Cabl to the ChroQicle London. Sept. 3. The great mass meeting for the purpose of discussing the policy ot tne government ana expressing the gratitude of the Iruh neonle to Mr. Ciladstoue and nurJur eral followers for their efforts in De- half of Ireland, which, in spite of the proclamation of the Dublin execu tion, will occur to-morrow (Sunday) and will be held on th hill of Bally cores witmn a mile oi rnnis. ine people in the vicinity of Eonis and for miles around have become thor oughly aroused by the arbitrary ac tion of the government and a large number of persons who otherwise would have refrained from attending the meeting because of the distance they would have to travel and for other reasons are determined to be present. So widespread is the indig nation caused by tbe Edict of Prohi- bition that the attendance will with- rmt rlnnht hft on-third UrCfir than it would have been had the government gnored the preparations (or it and permitted the meeting to be held without j interference. The English members of Parliament who will be present are determined in their purpose to test the legality of the proclamation and convince tbe government ot its mis take, but unless the instructions which the lush constabulary nave already received are very materially and the nueeung either bruughjk to an ignominious termination or contin ued in triumph after the police have been routed. The presence of the English members may avert a seri- outt assault upon the police, 'but the temper of the Irish people is such that if they were left to act upon their own impulses they would make snort work of any small body of constables that might interfere with the gather ing. A great many well informed persons believe, however, that the government will at tbe last moment reconsider its action, and permit the meeting to be held without interrup lion. Government stenographers will attend the meeting and take down tbe speeches of Mr. Cox and the other Irish orators, and will probably also take notes of tbe utter ances ot the English visitors. A rvrale lipiflni By CablataTheChrnnlcle. Lcndon, September 3. The settle ment of tho Baltimore & Chio deal hnn mAifo a most favorable imnres- sion on the stock board . American I stocks and bonds opened buoyant this mnrnmo' And Ariv&nred nn ft aruirn hnvinc 1 fn 11 nnr rwnt Thv maA I ft further slight advance about 120 n. m. on th announcement that ilOO- 000 had been engaged for shipment to I New York. A feeling of relief is ap- j parent among dealers. PrasarfeeM Bf yikV UTaiagrapk loTSaCvKi-KiCLr... t y ( New Yobjc: Sent. 3. Tha entire force of the Yolks Zeitung press-room struck work this morninir. Tho cause of the strike! was the discharge of Headman.! one of their number, whom the managers claimed was not competent to run the new press. " - A telegram received in tbe city yesterday announced the death at Washington City., on the 3rd inst., of Mrs. R. K. Bill.ng, in the 77th year of her "age. The decessed lady was the mother of Mrs. M. W. Ooodson, 1 , Ot ItUlSVIbJ Profs. Wt Graves, Gonzalez Lodge and Harry L. Smith, of Da vidson College, arrived at the Central t mouu v..v.&v., yesterday,; Mr, Harris, .prest dent of the Chester (S. C.) bank," aEo . . . . . , arrivea at tne ueptrai yescerqay. The meeting of the Y. M C A. this evening: will be, at the. chamber, ofWmmertoe'Hal), at o3j(? o'clocli nvite your lady friends to be preaent. Prof. F. P- MaU5,f Vice-prii - . . . i t of Macon School, arrived in the city and is ready to assist Prof. Barrier In opening that popular school. - W- ' Death C a Yaawa; jmj Tu the Editor ot the Chreeiclev m r5 a A T funwARi ig ;TTr C Sept. l-The aacl and untimely death ot Miss Mollie, daughter of Dr. and Mia R Ander son, occurred to-day, Thursday Sept. 1st, at 3 o'clock pv m. To the family we extend bur deepest heart felt sym pathies. Itiss ."Mollie was loved y all who knew her. , ' Ts ths Ladies sf CharlsUs and Tlelnlty. La4iesif jypur jwish tJ be taught the art Of stamping perfect, catl on Mrs. J B Harrington, at her residence 410 N Tyron street I will give my personal . attention to embroidery lessons for the next fifteen days. I have many noytlitiea to dispose of at half their value" as I intend to make a change in my busi ness. All stamping will t have my personal &tttica. ' XOMBKBCIAL PKITILEOES. MtMal Futrt CMrnat mm. Sit rtoktrCnaaklNa ny TelcgrapB to Tm CBXomcfj. M05TREAi,Septr3; The Gazette. in a s long inspired article on ine nsnery commnason sas to-uayj -xne Canadian press assume i that the commission? i to determine terms upon which the American nsnermen snsu- do ter- SSSf j j ie e: concTurTcritiri i?K M ae conclusion, OTUciBes i rnp conoant m tna WAAhtnirtAn m. - .JVTZ m" Ti rPrT" MTHftiH Jenin ?Pi?L i?P for the protection of the reepectiye treaty Of 1818 ha been in vmtm- plation for many months and from . - ' ' that President Cleveland would hard ly venture to deal With tha commer cial aide of the subject until instruct ed by the Senate. If, as we have no doubt it wilL the report of the com i miar r- a-. contention and declares that Amer I 7-'-lzi- I .. .. i inr ornor man ified in the convention of 1818. The united States will be more ; inclined to enter upon regulations for a re ciprocity of commercial privileges. such as was enjoyed under the lapsed clause of the Washington trea ty and it may be hoped that tbe scope of the commission will be ulti mately enlarged so as to include this more important phrase of the sub ject. Ball Yaatarday. By Talasrapa t Tn cmoxtcv At Philadelphia: First gains. Athletics 0240030009 Cincinnati 0 3 2 3 0 3 0 u X 11 Hits Athletics 11. Cincinnati 16: Errors Athletics 1, Cincinnati 6; BatU ries Seward and Robinson. Smith and Baldwin. Umpire Baner. At rhuadeipoia : second game. Cincinnati 21001030 0 9 Athletics 10354101 z 15 Hits Cincinnati 12. Athletics 22: ErrorR Cincinnati 7, Athletes 5 ; Batteries--' Seward and BaldwinAVey hingandTownsend. Umpire Baner. At New York: First game. St. Louis 33 2 83120 Metropolitans 11210 38 Hits St. Louis 22, Metropolitan 17; Errors St. Louis 1, Metropolitans 5 ; 'r.17" :1 ,rr."J'J miwio-juuk u cojie, ai.jB nu Donohue. Umpire not given. At Baltimore: Baltimore . 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 1 x 8 Cleveland 00000000 0-0 Hits Baltimore 13, Cleveland 4, Errors Baltimore 2. Cleveland 5: Batteries Kilroy and Tratt, Strieker and Gilks Snyder. Umpire Curry. At bos on: Boston 3 4 5 2 1 4 0 019 Indianapolis 3 0 0023 0 311 Hits Boston 31, Indianapolisrl3L Errors Boston 8. Indianapolis 12: Batteries wtemnucker and Kelly. Shreve and Myers. Umpire Powers. At New York: Second game. Metropolitans 0200011004 St. Louis 30103009 x-7 Hits Metropolitans 4. St. Louis 11: Errors Mets 5 St. Louis 6 : Batteries Lynch and Somraers," Kratrfi nnd Boyle. s umpu-eerguson, sg At Washington: Washington 100000 0-0 0 45 Pittsburg 0100000002-3 Ten innings: Hits Washington 14, Pittsburg 8; Errors Washington 9, Pittsburg 4; Batteries Whitney and Mack. McCormick and Miller. Umpire- Daniels. At Philadelphia: Philadelphia 24001250 014 Chicago 03000000 0-3 ,HitsPhUadelphia21. Chicago 10: Errors Philadelphia 1 Chicago 6 f Battenes-Cassy and McQuire, Bald win and Daly. Umpire Doescher. At New York; New York OOlOOoO 3-10 Detroit 10 3 0 5 0 3 012 Hits New York 17. Detroit 18: Errors-New York 3, Detroit 5; Bat- tenes Welch and Brown, Qetzin and Bennett. Umpire Keef e . Prf CadtwSl , " ' Nrw YORT. Sent. 3. Greene & Go's report on cotton futures say 8; A pretty full business in cotton con tracts for Saturday is the result of free unloading, the market showinir a decidedly weak tone and going off 10 to It points, slosinjr timely at abo&t thalowestTbis MoT to dis appomtrnsnt over' the tenor of tbe Liverpool accounts which come in timely and also to a more favorable construction ot crop ' prospects as suggested on a weekly review of the outlook, the holiday on Monday also carried some influence and. led the Longs to sell out rather than risk: carrying over on the absence on stun mating features." . - i Ml TarrtMw Wawtt fry ltaa Plaaaaa. - .A -jwripn tu tub unitoKicta fi ' ; WoOLWiTH. Texas. Sent 3. The house of p, Buchnnan was , burned yesterday , with its contents.. One girl about fi e years old, wa burned to death. Another about three years cannot possibly live. One aged ,ten years may recover. Mrs. Buchanan nau ner arms ourueu to tne eioows. Tbetfn,yearK,ldchildlwaabut Iriths yard out of aU danger, but lookiue back she saw the flumps snrronnH had her arms burned to tbe elbows. back she saw the flames surround her little sister, three years old. and ran back and brought her out suffer ing tbe penalty.of being almost bum- ea toueatn ior ner oravery. lx B Aoaapl8aa By Teiegrapn tons cuaonicLE. WAsmNQTOir, September 3. The fceaboard Air Line Railroad Comoa- Inythas forwarded to the Inter-State I a. m ji a uommissiou a aeniai ot tne onarge that it discriminates against tha New York, Philadelphia A Railroad in the mterohange of traf5 ThV response asks that thS""compI Ainl of rthe Nor folk road be dismissed, as arran go fer through traffic have been agreed upon between the two roads.,., ,, ,y 8be AppwtMtwA JsKle.:: ,- u ..!.. .Bf Telegrapa lo 'rss Cbboxicix ' Nrw York, . Sept S. The .. Sun'a Philadelphia special says that z Governor Robert E Pattison is to be appointed Secretary 'of: the J InteriorV and that Secretary Lamar will be given the vacant seat on the Supreme Court bench. - . . -The remedy which most cmeeewfojlv-tjrj'm iais malariaJ di8orJbra, is Ajera Agtis Cor8r It is a purely vegetable , compound, snd contains neither qaitdne nor any other darjweroua ingredients Warranted , to care ctiila and fever. 7" - DOCTORS GATHERING. THE BIXIIXO OP TOE IBTEKXA TIOHAL MEDICAL COXOKEsN. AlrnMty iLOOO Ht RKlterd (heir ' Smm With the Heeretary. m "ilr.i ; mx cuauifivt W AsmxoTON, September 3. S25iBa-Sffi ,nK n great lorce nere to attend the inrnationai jaeaicai vjon era wnicn opens on Monday next and.continues 1 : .i " i . . I"1 aon inrougnout ine coming r?t JJl eVery SUte and TerS ihT Un e ion havcregistered their names with explcted tVen 'now "and Monday morn in The officers of the 1 r ' : i u.m m wbvk. iHinu ikiikuuh BTnuiifH ments for the week's work before the . . r 79 . Congress. To night everything is re ported in readiness with every indi cation that this Congress will surpass au its preaecessors, not oniy in point of members in attendance, but in the character of its work. One of the great objects of the gathering is to promote research in, medical science by bringing the doctors together. It will be a sort of medical exchange wnere tne new ideas ox physicians trom all over tbe world, and the re suits of their experiences will be brought, tested and upon receiving approval, will be put out as currency. A prominent officer of the Congress. an eminent surgeon, said to-day that this congress would be peculiar in some respects. - There are a great many new doctors coming to the front, while there is along list of em inent physicians who .will present papers. Many of the communications come iromaoctor comparatively un known physicians in small cities or towns throughout the country. The surgeon s poshVoa has required hiiu to look over tbe abstracts of many papers to be read, and he expressed tne opinion that the Congress would be surprised at the amount ot knowl edge displayed, on these papers. 'There are papers, he said, "written by village doctors that are most ex nausttve ana complete. These are men who have not the advantages of being near great consulting libraries; ot course they take the medical jour nals. Some of them have been think mg and working on their papers for a month, and when they get through with tbeir subjects, it is not likely any one else can add anything to what they say. Some of the old fel lows will have to make room for the new fellows who are coming to the front." Dr. N. a Davis, of Chicago, wno has been named by the ex ecutive committee for president of the Congress, says tbe papers to be read before the various sections will be of great value. This, be savB, is the ninth international meeting and since the manner ol ug together has been adopted. the science of medicine has advance in geometrical progression. The study of a natural chemistry and a rt search into all the things in nature that affect the condition of man has revealed the necessity for consulta tion. Beginning with consultations between medical men and in neigh borhoods and neighborhood associa tions it has extended to national consultations until nearly every civilized nation has a national or ganization and finally to internation al consultations. A CaajSlMSiaai r Crdaw MaaiaXaca- Bjr Telegmpo. to Tn cvnmatxa. New York, Sept. 3. A combina tion has been formed by the four largest cordage manufacturers of this ! country to control the trade and low er prices.; For twenty years there has existed a cordage pool that took in the whole country, manufacturers were completely under its control. A -few of the larger manufacturers determined upon a radical change of policy and the formation of the Na tional Cordage company was the result, The first move of the new corporation was to corner the market in raw materials. Mr. Marsh, treas urer ot the company, said yesterday that it did not pose as a monopoly but it purposed to reduce the cost of production to the minimum, by which it is expected to make its OrofitS. - I Waal Iaijaireal tbe Baa)dU Bj Teicgrvpkto Tu caaoKicis. Baltimore. Sent 31 -Mr. Wm. P. Burns, president protem of the Balti more ox Unto raiiroad, to-day supple mented the statement he made to the TJnited Press last night with the fol -lowing: "Tbe comments of the press ' oi tne city ot Baltimore and the cor respondents, together with Mr. Gar-1 rett's dealings with Ives and Stayner. did more to injure the credit of the road 'han anything else, ana it was that which prevented the company f-om borrowing a dollar." Mr. Burns j is or. tne opinion tnat . tne - rauroaa is now-m a -better financial condition! than it has ever before been. A Cntbelle cUm Deatreyed. : lij Telejrrapk to TBi aaoxiota. . Hdnttsqburo, Ind., Aug. 3 Yes terday a fire destroyed the maghifi- Jkk,.. u; t .ui: Shin3 MeSaS aSSfSoSS SSfS:B.?Si J south of this city. .The structure was a large four story brick. The total loss will not fall short of $200,000. A verv valuable library containing 15.' 000 volumes, together with a large museum, were destroyed. There was no insurance. - .a. ' - A Grand Trad Display. . r.i "rvietraph to Taa Cubomiclb. i PrrrewRG,? Pa., Sept. 3. -The trades display, witnessed . here to-day was, it .is claimed,, the grandest, street parade ever had in Pittsburg. Twenty-two thousand members of the va nous trade organizations in western Pennsylvania were in line, requiring one hour.and twenty .minutes in pass ing a given point. . r ,t: ' . ',' . - ; 1 Another Fleml Hwoag; rp. ,;:, , 'i f' ' By TelegTaps toTns CttaoiacxJL " , . FLEMiNG8BTJEO,Ky .,Sept. 3. Chas. Coleman, the colored man who crim hally assaulted Mrs. Bingford and Miss Nettie , Sweeny, last Monday morning, was taken from jail here at one o'clock this morning by one hun dred masked teen and hanged to the railroad' trestle immediately in the rear of the Baptist ohurch . ; .; . ftlVfes-""'1; tea . ivtn't trntate yonrviaaa' with a- ttubborn cough, when pleasant and effect Ire remedy ma; be found In Dr. J. H. McLean' Tar Wl&a VasgSaim. 85 cents bottle, :lmtmU Bpecial Telegram to Tn Csaoiriou. WINSTON.' N. O.. Sent 3.-0 W ! Henshaw received a telesrAm from Col. Andrews to-day. savin that work would commence on th wiikesboro extension next week, Col. Marshall, enrineer. arrive! hi - 1 aay to mase arrangements to com . , , - mence work. Mrs. Pink Yorkelr . was thmwn SSTtSi tured. i wo tnousana people attended the celebration (it Dalton TBstaHnv. I , - - - i : A Dcspami I By Telegrapk loTu Ca momma. Josto Mo., Sept. 3.-George ' -ames uraay. two very two verv farmers of Modawav a aesperate encounter g fMaryiUe, yterday. in.whi the former was mortally wounded. tbt two familra for vAan an1 tha HffM m. Kn M il. w w ttgnt was the culmination of the difficulty. Mount was stabbed 38 times. Chicago Sayt It wa a alow day an m) cuante to-day with prices genarally lover. Wbert closed i-iaV4 lower. Corn S-feM and oata Slower wot nuaraa. novwona dull a4 aai lower aa peck, saio on lard, and a lower a abort I rlba. I p m prices: Watat closing fork Tear.. Bay .. lft UwIWi. Oct Jan.... .. Sept.... . .. CtaarSUaa Ana;.... o3:::....:; it ao Not... . Corn Aug .. 8cpt Oct , Nov.. . .0X .41 six MM Aur sept, Oct .. Nov.. ... tax i sept.. ..J4 to.... a 4 FLOUB-arm and actlV Imanirr Kowant St WtaxTB mptr J VX&l lis, do Batta ImS aft; wu miij tam qj; uij aula Btper a xml KC Kztra S OOaS 90-. do Bt braads 4 15ai U. waiAT-Soothorrtftrm aad auadv Red TMn Ambor 808; terB towor vMd qOtoti Nat winter radavutnM'sTa; Oct 77 14 aaaed. UD1B 9oatkaa ateaar and flra- nia St&K ratlow aiaaa, watara atcady aad doll -; auzaa ajKM a iaso: sept 49la9D. UATBV flnm anil arrl-g. in.ih.ni f ta . . i mm viuMna i-ttz Bum nturf aan rrortakMa atead aad aolMi M. pork 16 OftalT 00 Balk BteaU. akoaklani and dear ria aldi pack ad Ta; Bacon, aaoaldatal 1-38 M; elaar no aiocsa i-i; aajna i l-iai; Lara raaaet 8; re- uuieum nauj, rajiea a l-a. - OoOm- momi aad Banter Bio earanea ordlam oaaar nrmar ft mrft 111 nirnrar raflaart Im ivi-4iai-l. Whiakyataady ail 14 tain. Oalvaatoa. Tax.: Oottoa. firav. Mlddli. aw Uw Middliag. 8V: Oood Ordtaary, 8t; M4 ttaretpta. KJ9: Uroaa IBeeatpta, MS: Baaat. 1114 atoea, io.tt?; ax port eoaat - riorfolk. Va. cottoa. Btaadr: a a-8 se iteeaipta. 7a now: uroaa jtaoatata. a : tttack sHDajaaM: axpn, eoaax n. xuuuaiora. Ha. cottoa. una Mlddllnv. 10: Low afiddllnc. ); Good Ordlaary. Sat atalpa. -: Uroaa Baeetpta. : Salaa. axm, a o. aiwTi.a6uav ; quan Boaloo: Coitoav, rteady aDddlins, 10 k Low MLldliaa. X: Oeod Jalddtiae-. v 1. ..A. . " .to naoaipv. -: ornatirariaipia. s. ium. Stork, ; Export O B 8S w Umlactoa: Cottoa. oJa4 wBastaadT: Mid 1-i; Low MiddUac, 6S: Good Ocdiaary. 1 li-it: Stock, lT; x pan eoaat . mnanipa, ajc oroaa araniaTiaa m hum. r miaoeipuiA: ooooa u mm i s-a low raid Goad Onttaary S-a: Set Beoelpta BavariBao-ouon aaar: Mid a 1-14 Low mid 8 V uood oramary : ket Bcotaaj9aew Oroa Reoelpu Jjfw new; Salea JS00; Stock t.ass Export eoaat 71- New Orleans: cotton waak: Hid IM.Lownild m. uooa ordinary 81 J Met RecsHpu tM: oron Receipt ism Sales 1008; Stock 1364 Xz- porto. a: export maoe ; i port eoaat Jiooue cotton aoieb Mid Low raia 8H: uood ononaiy 8V Hot Beoeipta M9 uroes Reeetpu twi Salea 100 Stock a3; Zxport I enestTOS. Memphis: oottoa mrfnt aBdataadv? Wld au- iw uuu. ax: uu unuun wmnu sib BuiiaiBiueajsMw: sates ; stock ats.. A nguatac Cotton, stead rt MktdUac. t Low Middling, 8X; ood ordlaary, Obartaatom Cottoa aatat mmA a ran- If !MKn. - T,r wnaaj awcetpca, east HaMa w, awes, mwy UTerpoot Sept t-Spot cottoa steady. Mid. diiog uplands aad Orleans I d. ens SjCKO bales, arrivals lost . s-41 . sad cioaed aaa acqtoet deBTacteaara qsotad lower ats l4t and Ckked easy OcUXor 83-64, Xor-Deci 8-44, equal to about 8 80-100, 111,1 8-lOQ, Tawk nawYorc,8ept. x-seoalpts at our ports to-Uy aie about 10,800, balae, aslnat 4,083 Dales last eek and ln bales laat year. Spot ootton eaaunasa nnn at oc, ior middling np and sales an its aaaas to ; apinnara. De BTatleaoSeoatneUateatWbalaa. Futures Ckawd baxeiyateady. Total sales . ot . tbe day 8 41-41 t 88-18 It M Jan. ...... .. -.L w - 8 28 84 Feb Harch... Aprll.M a au il -. 81-88 MSkJ ..... ....... .... X . . a asaa :-i as -a MMVSl twJSS, WUmtaatoS -Spirita Tanaatloaaieadyal 88 W BoetnSrm araiaad70;- OooddaTS: Tar.'arai t t ; cruda turpwtoa, ttm, Uard.1 10; je. tow dip ana TUf in, i 11. Saw Trkt Niw Vou Sept. 8. Tne nawa n regard to taa B a Onto wnica became kaowa last night prevexi. ted a great many broken and operate trom tearing tbe city laat evenlngnd be Attendance attftaboarastniamornUigwas snoanau; Urga tor Saturday. The first salea wers made amid ln- tenat excitement aad tome taU '"CiiDbias ' for stocks waa lndulgad In, the restlt batag tnat nno gaaUysnajrpadTaacaBweremadelathaOrst lew mtnntas. Tne exetteme-it gradually subsided, and atwrthe reaction a firm tone watch lasted until the-eloae was impart-d to tne dealings. Salea aggregated 894,81 saares. The tollowlag were the eloetng bid qootatloos: 4a ooop..... ...... "orac n 4Kaoonp. ......... unjfc mmv la Ga rs gold 105 N0. a. UtConaa m H. a 4a.....,.:;. m .1 i Central.. Nflk W preferad. Teaa Better,;.. W a Po... ........... 84 J Paeprefarad... lid 1 , a....,, Vtraiaia -8.. ...... 8 !t SW Do con INC Tenn seal's....... to a. w , a ..... .48 Oe Pae. ....... 87 HW preferred... US ST Central.... 109 V Vf K..... ........ IIS .... .... . .r;8 CheaSOhlo ........ ) at aiiee-CTw. a C8 A.....ft. la c a A Dretered.... ieo Rich a Daa....... U0 Sh Uland.u.....I38 0BQ............ 138M DAH....... ...... 10044 Del Laok W....,.1S8U BtPaal. ............ MX Ht Panl prefared 120 K Tex rao............ x oenwr.... 27 aria. ;.. - "X O Pao.... .......... 86V Wabaah-- ........ 18V Wabaah preferad.. as S Krfa preicraa....... iw Hons Tex 88 colon..... 111 Central.. ...... .119 w Tenn coal iron. oallron..;.' 80 KtT)..... ........ ..86X' AmootOU Id A (X Waee mlj Lake Shore...,,... ..8X LrUlaa Hash.. 84 W a Tens 1st Dreferrei !iJd 84 MlchOentral...... S8 I CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. bxpt 8 isn. flood mlddUnt. ............ Mlddllnn 8 trie Low MlddUa..,. rtnaaa... Beceipto oi cotton to-day U bates, 8X s - k. 'ti i:;;;nrTi;5i.; ( Oats 85 to 88 easts per basheh -.i , . i-k-' Sweat poutoas 58 eenta, 'r ; ,- Jegat Freeh, 18 to 18a, . Cbiokena t spring 10 to lie. : Oipwa 11 i 80o. I. Lardi Ooaatiy, as; active. , Corn as to loo ner bushel " P Cora Meal; 5t70o per boihat for eonntry; tts loioijoiua Baooa: claer-rlb aldea 10a; ahOaldara, TX Batter, treah eoautry, 80 eehta. floor, sew, f2 to X3& par sack, ' BUaJkKBTB) BIT TUBSJUF1 SEPT t isn Cttfcaw . Saptarebar.. Ootobar . . m ... loTambaa DwXMIB wMT mm II. TiapiS Co, i I i Are now ready for Bus mess. 150 barrels of tho .i 45 barrels leat flour. 0f ThllTSton & "HaIVo - luutwu OG . JiaiiS Butter Biscuits, retailing I of in ' w w "w a pouacu All kinds Of FaUCV and s out una HOAtm rvASA 1 m . W W M . W 1 1 1J Corner of Trade and College Streets. New Advertisements. II ' ' " ' I III I 4 ! For Rent Tbe dwaltina? next to Ur JaiwiK rv-f. w Di " . .. . " oi-, now m uioroagQ repair. ! l 6th Series. MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN A8SO- cimoN. Persona wiahing to anbacribe to the new nea enoua nana in th;, Application for loana oan be filed with aub- enpaona. JNO. L. BROWN, A. O. BBEN1ZFJL Secretary sad Tresnrer. u. CALL IT HO. 11 East Trade, For too Green Groeeriee. Jnt l uwht oi u inm oi tUOAB8. COFFEES. ; TEAS, Ko-, Etc wt iteeeiTed a choice Inf nt r,, I Cheese and would be glad to have yon trr L- 4 -T t ot eTerIthing woll7 r "n urnnr owre. not be beatan anywhere, sad when oa wiah a good smoke call on on. OUB BOTaL PATENT FL,nriR m M an IT' wc is toe dobi tn ue city. Try it Respectfully, W. M. LYLE8 A CO., TothePubUc, Bai rtfreaWraedmy Un with A. EL Bankln A Bro .i nave r"""5 " 111 w iuuou ua ma aner aepc lsux. aod TT"" nci"U-iy, ' VII AO. MOORE. oepi. J-tt ait, 5.1ft. Boys SchooL raoi cats ODena bbl. sea. inrr na r .n ' - ""Ulllt W HMD m I ajMiaue r.CAi Chartotle. N. C St. Mary's YODHG LADIES' SKHINARY, COS TRYOH AXD STONEWALL 8T8. 00 THIS InautaUoa will men ram Ttvwi.t aw 8th. it7. ' : " -i jtou tne plain and ornamental branches ot ed-1 auauuai nrea lenaoaaue tsrma. Bpecial sttantkm paid to mannara and polite ?enna giran on appacaOon. Nice Residence for Sale. I offer for sals one of the nloaat and heel paying reaidenoes in the city. It is oen traUy located on North Church between fit and 7tn streets, oontaina S nomi anl wi baaenient, good weUof water, servant booaa (wbiehcaaba tented.) small atahla. His ox lot v9 feet (root and 187 feet deen. Tha noose is now tented for 916.00 per month. Appiyio J-liBrBLNO. V- ' Trade Street. Valuable Timber AND FARM LAND FOB SALE. x oner ior sale tnat valaabla land aitna ted between the a a tsilwav track and th uriooon ixanen ot umt seaboard Air m. i - a . n " - I Biow uw ranwHo rauroaa. - inraa ud & I nau muea irora Hamlet two mila fmm Oih. I son branch and two sad s half miles from the raunetto rialrosd. ? . Tnere la one traot oontainiiur 190 and at least 100 sores of this tmet is cleared I and the balanoe in orieinal fareat. heariir timbered, - Tne second traot oontaina 140 aeraa. alii of which ia hearilr Umbered. - exiwtnc 10 1 as of cleared fend. ' Tha tracts aaa he bought aa s wool or sepsnUly, Terms easy. Apply to Casoaicui Offloe, Char lotto, or W . X. CBOOM, No. 103 Water 8t . H7II I A ' - 1 S. EL GIDNKY? cpALS. . The trst aaaikfn of thia aahool wfll opaa Sapt. 13th. 1887. Tha eoaraaa of atndT. tha mlUtarv aTatefnaadaUcharire will ba aa neny aa pOaaU I bie the aama a the Klngl Moun'ain Hlh School, w wuiDu xjakm mu waa srriJaijiiJCU mr aa iwi, i CorreD oi(lsaic wtth old boys and f Head Killoita. I Os favruea asnogto&irmaunti can svldrew 8. K.GIDHT. 8Helby.N. 0L r W. T. R. Belt, KJ rt Mt., K a unia Sept lf. mft-.m 8kt tiwaa Caaaalkw. 1T 81 . - I awa aaa law a lwaiw n iaaa uwurj ia w t .3 I r, n coya ior uus acnooi caa proeura aetata I trooi the Carolina Central Kallroad for 8 cvnta per I Biueroauaanp..' , ... . . . CMotteFeiate ' u - ' - V. " L '-' v . : QESSION OPENS 8EPTKMBKH Tth, 188T.with O roil eoma of teachers. . . . i The ennsare the same aa they have always Deen oaraote m aaranoer ror nui mionaauon, aaareaa or see the Princi pal. : . -.. ttai, WM. B. ATKXNSON, : awa-aw .. j cnanot.e, H. o. picture FnnnES, The largest and finest, as well aa the 1 cheapest, asaottmsnt of . . . . , tM'-i Frames 1 :: 1 and.";, 3f iHj MouldingSi ever seen ia Charlotte, Joat reoeiTed at v .towr''TAHHliBS'.lJ 1'.' - jtlNorthTtjoaSt 1 'IT. B. HaTuiapu np tbs lalest Impror- ed machinery for masing frames, X am pre- Band to saake fismes eneapar and qnieker than aver: SepU-diw-lm ftCI CP,rr?lltaanaea.aBd a laa.i.1 i.:Uil eeaalal ClCaLB at reu o homa.br one who waa deaf twenty-eight rears. irattea ty moat ot tne noted siectauais witaont benefit. Cared himaelf La three montha, aad aiaoa then handreoa of otnera. foil paruooiaxa aeat aa X. 8, 1 1 C3, To. U Wist VJii SX.tTn Ta. Cfy 1 1 C" X-M DRUGGISTS; ENGLISH BLUE SOAF, PEAR'S SOAP, juv ddj nut w wuBua zHJ&jr, CUTICURA SOAP. WHITE CASTILE SOAP, MOTTLED CASTILE SOAP. Golman's Mustard, LUBDTS EXTRACTS. IN BUIX ... AND SMALL BOTTLES. Imported and Domestic CIGARS. W. M. WILSON & CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. -SEETHE- AT BXTTLER'S. THIS FACT. WJI HANDLE THE FINEST BoUer'PatQntPloiiTd Hams. Boneless Bacon, Chip Beef and Beef Tongues.- The finest grades ... ox U. Q. Java, Mocha, Mari i s . caibo, Laguayra and Rio coffees green or fresh ' - roasted every ' i. , week. . : . Thes . . ' -' finest Japan, . Yoimg Hyson. . . Imperial, Gunpowder, r Oolong and English' Break fast! TeabV Bazars. Svtups. Fancy Rice, . Grits, andOatmeaL VVJ - OF ALL KINDS, WflaonB Celebrated Cractera. A!I of which we sell at lowest prices, con sistent with honest quantity t - I quality. Our goods ell guan..;: 1 c i represented. ' : C- " Examine our, Good3 and rric: x Darnett '& Boll ?f - Tl- Uanfl

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