i - , . . . --;.-..-.: :-v; - ' ... i - - THE CHRONICLE ; Is a Gfekt News.Dis seminator , a ad is the only: Paper in Charlotte Pub lishing Telegraphic Press THE ; CHROIHOLB Has the JLarpcct r end Fastest GroT7iE j Circu lation of any Daily Paper in Piedmont North Caro- Una.-''. :'..'. "V. . I--'''' Dispatches. VOLUME 11. - CHARLOTTE, N. On WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 5, 1887 NUMBHR170 l: -.. , . .. ,. .,. ., , jr ... - . ' ' , .- e ...... F. I,08BOBNS. ' W. 0. MAIKTJi. OSBORNE & MAXWELL. OHAKJ-AJIT, - -N,a Will practice in the tiute and Federal Oourts i,Oftice 1 and 3 Law Building. - HUGH W. HARRIS; - ATfOBHKTT-LAW, Chaelottk, , - . - N. C Will practice in the 8UU and Federal Conru. Clalma ooUected in anx part of the United 8tetea T 1 aOffioa, First Door Weat of Court Bona. , E. K. P. OSBORNE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ; CHARLOTTE, N. O. Eg" No.! Law Building. ' W. W. FLBMM1HO, B. T. CiN8I.llR, T. N. WlKSlOW Mwii Cwler & WMov '-'.. ATTOBNBTS-AT-LAW, t TSo. 10 8a Tryon street, - - - Charlotte. H. C Will prctlce In the SUte and Federal Courts ol NorihO TO ln. peclal attention given to 11 business entrusted to them lu M- cklen urg, Ca barrus, Union, Lincoln and Gaston counties. . J.H.TOLAR. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler And dealer In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 8pec taclea, c i All wort guaranteed to give perfect aatlafac tton. : - ' No 8 Korth Tryon street, Charlotte, ST. C In Carriage & Wapi Slop. W. 8. WBARN. OAKRIAGE WAGONJStAStJ FAClTRSit, TKiON BTKKKT. . I desire to inform the public and my cuBtomers 1 hat 1 have moved my shops from the old stand to the shops formerly occupied toy Wilkinson Trotter, where 1 am prepared to do all lands oz work in my line. Carriage repairing, painting, ' trimming, horse-shoeing and all kinds ot blaciL. smith work. l. . PEGRAf.1 & CO., ' TRUNKS AND . VALISES. SHOES, ETC., Tryon Street GHABLOTTE, N: C. J OHN FA RRIOR. No. S Kertfc Tryon St., Charlotte, Walcl Mer aid Jeweler, DEALER I N Diamonds. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silyer-PUted Ware, rand Spectacles. IBpeoM Attention Given to Floe watch Repairing. The Swan nanoa, ASHUVILLE, IV. C " SMeUy a Firslass HoteL Eligibly situated. Commanding magnificent mountain views, and yet convenient to busines. A home for ladies and families. - : RAWLS BROS.. Proprs. E.L MARTIN, Cigars and Tobacco. CIGABKTTE PAP EES; ! ;! LONG CUT TOBACCOS, GOLD BASIS CHEWING, KINE YEAB8 OLD. , v FWr-.SMOKlNQTOBACCO ' CIO ARETTEJI, etC The BOQDET- 5c Cigar - .w .. u Uking the lead because -IT Id THE BEST. ' Next to Buford House,' ASK FOB (EXTRACT OF MBIT .and insUt apoa no other being auhtltnted for it. - IN. B. Genuine only with fao-einjDe ol : Baroa Liebig'a signature in blae acrofs ' Uarel ' Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers and Drug gists -every where. lOPERA HOUSE.: TWO NIGHTS ONLY. 1 Tfcf4yavMl Frtday, Oetbr 6 Mt"7. ' An enure change of programme each nights : Baird's Mammoili Hinstrelf ! . Composed of a Monster Array ot Talent. - Cha. W. Ooodrear. Lew Benedie. John Mack. Xilmrorth Cook, Atrt Leach, JubnDMon,borac - Buhb, James Green. Edrd Hardy, 8rn ; Leach, Barrj PlUun, G. W, Murray and twenty other., ' .j - - EUROPE'S GREATEST 'SENSA TIONt) - - Tb Beyal HaaMl Bell Rlacers, : The British Glee Bards, I in number. I In number i SGrMUamediaaiS. S End Ham ft. 10" Clog Experts. 10. i v 8 Superb Vocalist. - M oreat BpeclaUsts New, unique, Kavei and aeflaL is. -r ,b0. Famous Fanny Features-tne King Laugh - i , :. Maker, oo. ? 0 Bong and Dance Artist. P.anttUon, AorobaUo .'u, ( ni aeuteek : iv. . --.-..-v ao Skilled Musicians ev.ry Man a a Solo Player SO WATCH FOR THE ORAKD -PARADB ; Bisa-d'a GoU anl Silrer Oomet Baad.: J." :. MATT, ELDEK. LEADKtt, r '.'. t..- J Escorted by : M a J or Gorman. Military Drill Experts ant) Lightning Mua- Jtetaggiers- , -.r ' ; DAILY AT NOON. FREE TO ALL. LlBTXV'TO THB BaHD ! BU I - VTOVJ, Hons si Hnanret Soiot-w 1 " TImsi atoesira Tnr Tickets aad b ! Usual p-ioes, Bin Seat Tickets on Sale at the Usual Phuw.' For Sale LIEU IIoums and lot on southeast corner Sixth and B street. Hon eontaina five large rooms, batb. room and two room basement. . and kitchen with two rooms. - ..Well of good water; good garden, large front yard, we'l shaded. The house and fences have lately been - xrpaiDted and repaired and are now in good c:-l.'l:?. Apdly to V. U UA.VD. THE PRESIDENTIAL PARTY MTILL IS ST. LOl'lft-A TK1P kOW3T TBS RIVER: An Old Mikkcs keepers t Effort Has Mr. Clevelsad. By TelegrapD 19 111 Cubokicls r St. Louis, Oct. 4. "Another day of Cleveland weather,' remarked a member of the Presidential party this morning, as the sun broke through the windows of the Lindell. Before nine o'clock "President Cleveland, es corted by a committeeman and a equad of mounted police, was driven to the court house, where he received the public for an hour and a half. Many thousand persons paid their re spects and much enthusiasm was manifested. Toe programme to-day is quite elaborate and by the time 'it has been gone through the members or the party will doubtless be ready for rest. At 10 :30 carriages ; were in waiting to carry the Presidental par ty t the foot of Chestnut street to the steamer Baton Rouge. Here Mrs. Cleveland, escorted by a nunv ber of ladies and gentlemen, joined the President, and promptly at 11 the boat steamed up the river to a point where a good view of the bridge would be obtained, and afterwards proceeding down stream returning to the foot of Chestnut street met the party at the wharf on the retura aud conveyed them to the fair ground where an elegant lunch was parta ken at the Jocky Club. The presi dential trip down the river was a very enjoyable affair. S utes were fired by steamers whicn surrounaed the "Baton Rouge" and the whistles of ste m locomotives, roll ioe mills, etc., imitated the erowinit of a rooster, much to the atuunemen of the visitors. . Opposite the Vulcan ron Works the steamer turned. The employes of that institution, several hundred in number, were assembled on the ctri and enthusiastically cheered the President and Mrs Cleveland. Throughout the entire journey the president and Mrs. Cleveland occupied seats in the bow of the steamer. The President exv presses himself as pleased with his reception at the court noiud this morning, w hue the crowds were passing through! the edifice an old ad v made a desperate eHort to hue the President, but the pressure was so great from behind that she could not stop sufficiently long enough to accomplish her purpose. The Presi . dent was greatly aumsed witn the incident. nttm PtKMplMrim! IlerTvc. Alt Caarnraia. A lady of this city, whose little feet are always daintily shod, is also unfortunately the possessor of an ob stinate and burnine corn, noon the smallest toe of her left foot. Chiro podists had dug tunnels through that corn, yanked at it with nippers. smeared it with stinging ointments, and, in despair, suggested amputa tion. The corn held the fort and sue cessf ully resisted the assaults of the bft. t razor the lady's husband possess ed used, of course, without hie knowledge. Finally a kind friend suggested that if phosphorus was rubbed on the afflicted toe the corn would succumb. .The lady determ ined to try the remedy, and did so just before retiring the other night. and to ber subsequent sorrow, lortjot to tell her liege . lord what she had done. The hour , of midnight had struck in St. Mary's Cathedral clock. when the husband suddenly awoke and was somewhat startled to see the flash or a nreny at the toot of the bed. Sleep was again assert ing its mastery when once more the scheen of that firefly .caused the hus band to open wide bis eyes, lie could not recollect ever having seen a firefly in California, but he could not disbelieve bis senses. Again and again that nreny nisbed its baletul gleam, effectually banishing all tboueht oi Sleep trom the now thor' oughly aroused and wrathy husband. He determined to end nis own misery and the firefly's existence, simulta neously. He reached out in the dark, groped with his hand about the car pet until he felt bis own heavy shoe. He raised the weapon' "slowly and cautiously, raised himself in bed, and lifting high ' the sturdy brogan, brought it down . with a . vigorous whack on the innocent firefly. A wild shriek, an avalanche of - bed clothes and the husband lay sprawl ing in the middle ot the floor, while his wife rolled around the bed clasp ing her foot and moaning in anguish. It wt a the phosphorous anointed toe. A ISnavU Predate la BItaiaMatpolla. v Tetearapn to THB casiui . Minneapolis. Minn.. Oct. 4!-Wm Welsh, the eccentric lwyer, who has bsen indicted in the Unminal uourt, by Postmaster General Vilas, repeat ed his charge to day in full, and showed a reporter a large mass of documentary evidence, which he in tends to produce on the trial. He says he first printed the charges at Madison.- m 1881. and v nas aiter- wards came to hw office and threat ened ' him with personal violence. They clinched, and Vilas being worst ed, -said he bad 'come to tauc to Welch. Welch'says that Vilas then admitted that he had appropriated $18,000 of the funds of the Madison Mutual Insurance Company but he claimed ethat he was entitled to it. The case produced a big sensation. Baseball Testerday. By Teieyratia to 1 as i kiwmoj i New - York Metropolitans, Brooklyn. 10; Washington Washiogtbn, 3; New York. 8. . . , PittsburgPittsburg, 7 ; Detroit, 4. .Indianapolis- Indianapolis, 2; Chi cago, 1. (First game) Indianapolis Indianapolis, 5;Cbi- casro. 6. (Second rame. ) - PhiUdelphia-Philadelphia, ; Bos ton, 3. Philadelphia Athletic, S; Balti more. 6. 1 ' Louisville Louisville, fl ; St L0U14 IS. . - . - v Charleston Charleston, 1 j Mem- phis, lf Eleven innings played. - ' - A wkja r Cbaritr - .! By Telegraph toTas cubukiciji v ; New York, Oct. i. Miss Sarah Jflwett. the well-known actress, is aubiect of charity, her health de- etrovfd and fortune rori9 from the u.:3cf c;:ui. -; , HoxoRura Tits presidext. Imm tlM St. Lmi ReeeptiM Mrs. C1t1mI rreawaits BcavaiUral Pla ta r nsd CptsirB mil hMM Her. U 'eieU!i 1M V .f-i.-i. - - Si. Louis, Oct4. After the mem bers of the party left the Exchange yesterday, they were drived-about the city for an' hour, throughout the entire drive the Missourians gave evidence of their ICng power. . While the President and ; Mrs. Cleveland were receiving at .the Liindeu irom 3 until ,S p. m. - there was a steady 8tream!of people passing by them, and when the latter four arrived. there appeared to be as many more waiting to pay their respact. Wash . ingtonjA venue was literally packed for blocks during the reception hours, and at its close there was no percipti- ble change in- the appearance ot the crowd.) The " President and Mrs. Cleveland received in the middle of the large parlor adjoining the dining room hall way, standing during the tnree nours Deneatn a ncmy aecora ted chandelier. Mrs. Cleveland was magnificently attired in a rch blu surrah silk with red roses and green leaf figures, standing in the brilliant reflection of the massive chandelier, with her robe cut medium dtcolleUe, a profusion of lace about hr throat, caug ht with a simple diamond peu dant andi full lace uleeves. She presented a picture which captivated all whd had the good fortune to reac j her.' The only charms she wort about Sher neck were the string of coral beads, recently presented to her. The j6Cne8 during the reception were vry not el. Outside the crowds were separated time and time again, by being thrown back by the passage of street cars. Many persons who had stood for hours and worked their way almost to the hotel entraoce were several times thrown back, and others more fortunate took possession of their places. The unfortunates, however, were very nervy, and upon each set ack(again pushed forward to brave the crowd until they finally to reached the object of their persever ance. It was very amusing to stand near the exit and listen to the ex clamations of the throng as they passed out of the reception parlor. Space will not permit quoting the many remarks heard at this point. The great majority of them weie ex pressions of confidence tint the lady of the White House paid them special attention, "waa bo cordial." "'barely he felt pleased to see me," "I know ho will remember me againetc., etc The comment of the male sex .was, it is unnecessary to state, of a very enthusiastic character. Thousands of complementary expressions being made about Mrs. Cleveland aud quite as many fcibout the president. Comma tcatel. i A jB d Wbii C a lag. Mrs. fcr jodale has promised a month's work in North Carolina. Here is What Is said of her by Eev. VV. 0. Black, D. D., in the New Or leans Chijtian Advocate: Mrs. Mary Eeed Goodale gave two addressee! that were superb. They were learned without pedantry, logi cal without stiffness and ornate with out meretricous finery of speech. And MrsL Goodale is withal a very pleasant speaker. A fine face, a countenance that bespeaks a candid, honest s6ui within, a perfect ease and self possession of manner, a voice soft and Sweet and yet strong enough to fill j any - auditorium, a thorough mastery ot the principles of the elo cutionist' art, an intense Aiming zeal in that noble cause which battles for '"God land home and native land these Qualifications "make Mrs Goodale, woman though she is, a foe to be dreaded by the hosts of Bac chus, j She is the France Willard of the southJ She has already dealt the rum traffic terrible . blows in North Louisiana. Through her instrumen tality j unions have been formed which have swept this hellish traffic from whole parishes. As I look upon such noble women I have a more ex alted estirnateof our fallen humanity. To do the work which she is doing requires in the first place a vast amount of arduous toil to acquire a fitness . for the - work,' requires long absences Ifrom home; requires the worry and manifold inconveniences of constant travel, requires a hun dred things that are not pleasing to a modest, refined, home Jovmg woman as Mrs. Goodale is. Yet ail this she is willing to endure in order to save the sons of men from a drunkard's grave and a drunkard's hell. All honor to such noble, self denying, cross bear ing, God fearing, humanity loving women. . They will never be appreci ated at their true: worth until God comes to f gather up his jewels. If ever my soul nas purned with noiy indignation, it has been when I have heard men denounce and ridicule these heroic women of whom the world is not worthy, I as much be lieve these (Women a" Christian Tem perance! Union women are divinely called to do( the work they are doing as that 1 am railed to "minister m holy thiigS." And not alone do I honor these, leaders ot the hosts 01 re form; I honor the rank and -file: as well. Not all can be leaders - Not all hive speaking and organizing .tal ent. , , I - r Nut ail cm! be spared from the home circle .-for distant journeys. , Yet those whose labors are more circum t-enbed manifest the same spirit of ovnecratiori that .characterii thir more widely) known co laborers- In a great variety of waj s the Christian womanhood of this land is working, ! working- persistently, energetically, ' ht roically to! banish. 'from our heaven favored land this vile traffic in human damnation.: I thank God that I live in this age when in fulfillment of ancient prophecy he has poured rout his spirit upon his ffhand maidens' and emboldened them to take, their stand jn j the! forefront of j his ware fare between heaven and helL Naught but the spirit of God could have put woman ' ;tbere, -.'and' naught but that spirit could hold her there. None but the Searcher of all hearts can measure the true heroism, and .self-abnegation, the ' staring faith, the fervent peity and the pure phi lanthrophy hat are embodied in the Woman's . Christian , Temperance Union.. - , . . .. - . " - xel rrelffllts CeiUdtv" By TiegriB tu i us cuaoNiciA. . Lancaster Pa- Oct. S. -The Dill- Ville and Conewago ' local- freight coll ded at Hillsdale; four mfleS east of Middletown, ' at 1.0 o'clock ; this morning. George Mutz, of Harris burg, engineer of the Conewago train was killed, en erjsirjo etii three cars vcrs t - - ' !.;. J REPUBLICANS ACTIVE. thsatiohatl CEVB -PRXXCTB a S- FERMAJI tM OBUASIZATIOar. " v .... : T, ' - fc r -'-;7 tt.r. A. W. Clspp Elected Palda A Esarft V ' llanaTMrBblp Reported. " " ""By Telegraph to Tax cuao.icta. - : r WASHiNQToar.;- Oct. ' 4. The J vNa tional Bepu.blican clubT.' of - the Dis tret of Columbia;' the object of which as set forth in its constitution are to " actively advocate, promote and maintain the principles of Ro publicanism as declared by the. ite- pubucan party and to that end to in vite v and endeavor to obtain in co-operation with Its effortathe' most thorough, cordial and efficient action possible - of ; 1 the : friendaV ;? and sympathizers of the party in the district and throughout the Union Effected with great enthusiasm arid rge attendance, its permanent or ganization here this evening by unanimously elect' nsr as permanent officer! : Hon.rA. fW, ciapp as presi dent ; C Rice. Etq Secretary 5 Haj. A, C Richards, treasurer, and a "Vice resident representing each State, territory - and the District. . Th club has a large and increasing mein- oeninip.' coiurxMed of wilely knowu. prominent, active Republicans, and enters, at once, upon active business. NWI THK Alt LIM OraTa-Fa aaai a HeMtaav y0iirBioantccnepondenC3 Gkover. N. C . Oct. k Since the decline in the price of I cotton verv little is being marketed.! Many of our larmers express: themselves as not being satisfied to sell- at present prices, but as a general rule the aver age farmer is compelled to sell re gardless of. prices. Sorry to note the extreme tllneu of Mrs. Martha Whisnant consort of our townsman, Mr. Henderson Whis nant. Mrs. wntsuant has ' been af flicted for -many years with chest dropsy, but has always borne her afflic ions with meekness and patience characteristic of a tru- Christian lady. 5 4 On last Fnday No. 1 2S through freight train. G M. Roberts io chart e of the engine, ran over and instantly Kiuea anegro employed on the sec tion just beyond Spartanburg, . at the coal shute. Our informant stated that both legs and one arm were almost severed from the body. Mr. Ed. L. Green and wife of Lexington, N. a, is stopping at Grover, the guest of Mr. R. C. Glad den. Mr. Green is connected with a tobacco manufactury at Lexington. We hope their stay amone us will be pleasant. u Mr. W. M. Harry, of this place. exniDitea to us an ancient coin which be says has been in the family for over two hundred years. "It is cer. flucunon,y?ui0!? - aeiaoea oy usage that it is lmpos sioie to tell of what denomination it is. . -, f -.j . . at ta It Sllay He i, By Cable toTne Cnronicla. r Lotdoit, Oct. 4. The death of ? the Sultau Muley H wson. oc Morocco, is an event from which the future his torian may data important move ments - in southwestern Earooe. While this African potentate lived no one cared to disturb him in his fabu lous wealth and valuable territory. but with his death there have sprung up rival ambitions between France and Spain which bid fair to lead to interesting complications. The sud den activity of Spain sending a flt to the African const is now sa d to be due to the secret receipt at Madrid, of information that France had ac quistive designs upon the late Sul tan's domains Faar Deatas Fraaai Chlrav. , By THegrapa to Tats Jvaiw. New Yoke, Oct. '4. The quaran tine authorities report to-day four additional deaths among' the cholera 8tricksn patients on Swinburne Is land. The names 01 two ot these last victims are Euphemia Giernot and Maria Vicarial This makes a total of 14 deaths from among. the passen gers taken off the cholera infected steamship Alesia, 1 1 days ago. There are others sick with the disease. The authorities, however, claim that the condition of the quarantined passen gers at Hoffman Island is much 1m proved, and that there is a more hopeful state of affars. - A Heavy ato Im Hleblcaa. '.By Teiarais mTbs caaoincL. Detrot, Mich., OcL 4.-A , special to the Aetcs : from Marquette, Micb., says: The heaviest gale ever re corded at the Marquette signal sta t on is still raeinfr. ' It beenn Sun day at noon with a thirty mile wind from the southeast. It shifwd to the west and since midnight has averag ed a velocity of 38 miles an hour on the open lake.; Four times yester day the wind reached a velocity of of forty two miles at the station ot fifty on the lake. A terrible sea is railing and the iil at 1 p. m was blowing thirty four miles with - no sign of a break in the storm. The weather is thick.- - - Killed y IIU. . li TiekWh to 1 as C8BONUU . A CcfCTFATTi,0., Oct 4. The mys tery - urrounding the murder of Hen ry Kemper, the Barr street grocer. which occurred early in January. 1885, has been solved ;by the dying confession of: the; murdered' man's son. John, aged 24, in which the lat ter acknowledged that he killed his father lor the purpose of securing a large sum of money the old man was supposed to have on his person at the time. News was received; here this morning that John 7 Kemper had been fatally injured in a railroad wrectr and. that he.had made a '.con fession, in which he implicates his sister who is now in California. . : erea Cattoa , New Yoke, Oct 4. --Greene & Co.s report on cotton futures says : W nb good demand for spots at the South and moderate-offerings : of futures here local shorts bought with consid erable .freedom at hardening rates' Shorts were somewhat stimulated to cover by anticipation of a poor bu reau report due next Monday, Liver pool was Eomewhat better- on re duced and fractionally dearer offer ing from the South.; The close was firm in absence of sellers while buy era wants also 'Krrcarei- rather". E,l- PREP A RISQ TUB AX ARCH IBIS' AP -, ' ' pea ik" - v 1 TIM Wark of TraaMrlMsf tb fVal , ua Reerda ltrt f,0O. ;- Chicago, Oct. 4. Capt. Black and Moses Salomon have begun prepar ing the petition to the Supremo Court of the United States for a writ of error in the anarchists1 case. There are only two copies of the record ac cessible to them. One is on file with the Clerk of the Illinois Supreme Court, and. the other is in the State Attorney's offico here. Mr Grmnell would prefer - that - his should not leave the office,.and so Gipt. Black and Mr.: Salomon established them selves in one of Mr. GrinneH's rooms Monday morning and began to turn over the first leaves f the big re cord. They fix no date at . which their task will be done, but say they will regard themselves fortunate it it is completed in a month. f The otbercopy'Ol the record at Ut- tawa is beinir used to make a tran script, which will be attached to the petition. Mr. Balomon tuts engaged to have one made lor fi,uu . and put up $1,500 in advance ad a guarantee of good faith. AA." Soow, Chief Deputy Clerk, Cime Irom O.tawa to procure type writers for the work. Ad vertuseiamts in the papers broueht a large number of them to the Cnm inal Cmrt building yesterday. Five are now at work in Ottawa, and pe took dow j niteen or twenty more with him last night. The work will be pressed with alt defpitch. and the 2,1 00,000 'words will be written out in ten days. Then Capt: Black and Mr; Salomon will go to New York with their record and flnUii the pre paration of the petition to the Su preme Uourt in conjunction with Gen. Pryor. ii : i - . $ . '.. '. - ..." TUB CATAB ilSOlJBTrmf AL ARSOCIA. WUIBaMTMrAaaaal Pair m Hiek- ry, Hrth : Cara41su, OelMar tStia, S6tb.97tk.auad SStR,lS7. : , The I only Fair in Western North Carolina, and the largest exhibition of stock ever shown in the State. Al ready breeders have applied for ac commodation from new York, P n isy 1 vama, Virginia, South Carol ina and Tennessee; also the most prominent breeders of this State. Fifth day. October 25th. devoted to arrangement of articles for exhibi tion. ' Second day. October 26tb. Hon. Z. B. Vance will tell the people what he don't know about f arming, grand cavalcade of stock; races and general good time. Third day. October 29th. will be Governor's Dav. Governor Scales will certainly, be present and address. the people. Let everybody turn-out and see North Carolina's most p pular Gov ernor. One of the most prominent m rchants of Western North Caro lina will be married to the belle of jCatawb county infront of the Grand Stand at 4 p. m. . There will be the following cial premiums given away on spe that aay.-j . . :. . . $2 50 in gold for the homeliest mau. $2.60 in gold for the prettiest la S2.su in gold tor the prettiest white baby;. ? ; ;r ? ; '-; ' ; fz.50 in gold for the prettiest color ed baby; , 12 50 in gold for the largest cat. . Ail babies under 18 months art- eligible. -,- "'. The homeliest man and prettiest lady will not be required to furnish pedigree or anow their family tree. rat-ties competing must report at the i Floral Hail promptly at two o'clock. Ritcesand other sports will take ? lace Address by C6L Polk, editor 'rogresgict Farmer. " Mule races, horse races etc J G. Hall, President of the Pied mont Wagon Company, has secured the service of the Sunflower band at great expense, who will discourse music free to all during the fair. 7 '- All parties hvrng in the state can compete at this fair. Excursion rates and the same freight rates are given that the State fair receives. a E. Kill ah : , - Secretary. Aapbjrxlatad hf Cmml YorjNa8T0WN. Ohio. Oct. 4. - Geo Hawkins nd Withe Wood entered an abandoned coal mine , near ibis city this morning and - were both asphyxiated byrcoal gas. : Young wood was the son of a prominent manuractuier 01 this city, and Haw kins was employed as an hostler by the boy's father. The unfortunate were on an exolorine expedition Their bodies were fished out of the mine by means of lone poles with hooks a tached. - SiffSeated treat. - By TateriB M Tn MuoaiCLaV - , Chicago, 111 , Oct 4 Thosand Edward Moran, brothers, arrived in the city last night and registered at the Adams house, on Michigan ave nue, near the Illinois Central depot This morntog thev - were both found in bed suffocated by gas. ; The bodies i're wtcu 10 mo luurtua. lue vie tilns were aged about 18 aud 26 year respecuve.y. They came trotn Ar dek: D T; and-' were en route for Atopria-Canadai-j .;r::;A Fall Aitettdaaee. !; c CH ' ; By Telegrapa to TBs cuaoKivLS.. , Minneapolis. 4 Oct ' 4. The 'dele THtes to the General Assembly of the Kuigbts or Labor commenced ti gather in Harmonic Hall soon after k.:ai a a a , . a - a v o ciock tnis morning; ana at , nati past ID. when three sharp strokes from the chairman's gavel announced that the hour tor commencing busi uess had arrived very few seats were unoccupied. . None but delegates were admitted. - : vj. - v: Fariaert Alluusee Coaevatla, ! Hf f eietraph toTas Caaomcua. Minneapolis. 1 Minn.; Oct 4. The farmer's alliance, which is very strong in j U.e west -and northwest opened its: annual convention today wi h several.' hundred delegates in attendance. : It 'i is understood that the Knights wilt make direct ovrr litres to the alliance with the view of a union of forces; , ' ; ; :1.:;Jh . .1 1 ::' i:i: iU J?Aa4lwrBafcJI7p.?;,;J;: "p.;:Bi Taiegria iirsa taoaipLe West Brook Fielp. Oct 4 An other smash up occurred on the Bos ton and Albany Railroad, near Grob- . - ' . . 1 " 1 a - 1 1 . ion, mis morning, tna ninii xreiat run into the rear of an extra freight, wrpctir t Fvpral cars p.- 1 tiar.xir'T t!ilr;sf:r carry t:ir:.': . TflE UTAH COMMISSION. A UAIS Or 60,000 IS POPULATION . acB isse,: ''' TUm Ami i-Tfe wads Aat BestadelaL ' : B ItlearaobtDlsivsauHUxa WASHTNcrroN, D. a; Oct. 4.-A majority of the .Utah Commission have submitted their annual report It states that' there has : been a train Of 60,000 In the population since 1880 and the prosperity of the past seven years has been equal to that of any former period since the recent death of Jno. lay lor, the head of the church. Alt. . . , m 1 ne government nas devolved upon wiiiordvvoodruir, the uovernorof the twelve anostlea.' ThA - Ahnivh teaches its members not to enter the territorial court and has ' nra-riAoA courts within the church for the set tlement of ; their difficmlties - - The people who continue the report are very tenacious 01 woa tney Claim to be their rights and have never wield- ed a point The strength of the non- Mormon element is estimated at 55.- 000. The different relieious denomi nationshave now in-Utah flftv churches. - The Methodist havinsr 26. the Presbrterians 18. the Cathalfoa 6. These several churches s have 85 schools with an aorraeate of 6.668 pupils and two 'hundred and thirtv teachers.' Since the passage of the Edmunds law in 1883, 1341 . persons have 7 been" indicted for1 unlawful cohabitation, and 289 of these have oeen convictea. - xne numDer con victed of polygamy was 14. a 1 a f ine report states that in June last convention was held taw th tttiis. pose of adopting a constitution on which to demand admission to the union. In the election which fol lowed upon the adoption of the con stitution,' the non-Monnons refused to vote, and the ' monanmmia If nr. mons cast 13,195 votes m its favor. puu vo es oeing cast against it The p-eport regards this State Government as an effort to free the Mormons from of the United States Government, ana opposes its consumaaon. Dur ing the past year the names of sixty seven men have been reported to the Commission who have entered into polygamy. In conclusion, the renort states that the results which have followed from tha numra of th Rsf . munds act have been very beneficial w me territory. b) intnii tw iw trfisuaiua. Bobt. GL Knaef eL a nmminmt nhm. cian, and noted local politician against whom the Second National cans: yesterday commenced criminal Dfoceedinrs. th ehftiv hernv that he forged the name of his father to tWO notes Of 1200 nah ffnmmittrl suicide this morning by. taking TmHttaadl Rwnttv ftUtT w- -i BfleitwBtewaaadOliBart:.;;..-, -. IThs Charlotte Cimttvrurtx nf fhml da was an eight page paper, full of advertisements sboarinfl. th thrih and energy of the live town in which i b puwiuuiea. w e note toe eviaenos o enterprise with great pleasure. . SkMrt. . By Ttiegratta lu Tata oauKiria. ISavaitsar. Oa fV4' A Tt fa m. mored here that the accounts of CoL Andereori Assistant PostmsstAr. am short A -government insnectsr is here investigating the matter. Sa auipSai ' Us TetcrFS as tsatnaaaaaa ' . ; NeW Yoke. Oct" 4 . Suheeriotioa testimonial which it is thought will reach $50,000 will be presented to Mr. Burgees, the designer of the Vol unteer. - - FHE PIEDMONT A1B-UNE ROUTE. Klchsieai aad DaaTiUa Ssilroao. Ooniao d SchdttU f Effect Jpiy tt. 1SST. rrausraa ay is dpgrass Rrkna Tim NORTHBOUND ,- sapMM ttmttj. " Matt Lt.AU to. .. . ; t 0 a at ; 0 as 1 KrtM-1 aay 1 ...... Itfpi Spi arj OtaaUla..MM., INia Sptfiaabarf .... a is a at O&arlotto........ luita Voacufa........ U a I SS l S 01 V 1 topi Vtoabmry. ....... S UigaPwat. its aat UUtB ..... liWtao, BiUabsco 1. IS 07 p 1 ,. IS 4T p I . SlOpa . Mpa ...... t S via - tSStaav ...... 1 1 SO eav .tu a av ...... 11 Upa ...... SAAaav ...... SOS aat ...... staak .. 1 a at cntei Hui.. BatoigtU... UaaTiU. IS 00 a, 1 lnk- Braaeh.. IS 44 9 1 XrrUl.. ...... I W pi BarasTUla....... 1 40 pi StoajuoBd....... S 4 p 1 ir. iLyaehbarg.b...- I li p a ...... a 00 a at ...... 10 a a ...... 0 10 aat ...... 10 00 a a ...... is as p n 1 pa - uaanonamiWk. o p i " Waataagtoa..... s as p 1 - BaHtaMia..... 11 as p 1 " fbiladAlpau.... S at a 1 Dily exop . Saturday. Bo. SO, vauy. , a SO pat ruuaiwpua.... 1 M a as Baltunor..... t 46 at ... . 0 st p as .. 0 4S p a - .Waabtagtoa 11 34 a at ... " Obarloitvlll.. M p at .... .- -. Lyaahbarg...... . S SO p at . U 00 pa 00 aat SOS a at S 00 a at . assaat . S 4aat . f 01 aat os a . S 48 a T. moamend .. BurLeavill 'm ... " 7rtll.... .... Drake's Braueli.. Ar. PaavUla - UMaboro...... a 10 p b .. S IT pat .. M p w 10 pat i. ! 0 10 p at .. 10 44 pat .. ti. GoloaUWO....... " Balaigh ....... Partus.. ...... - . BUiboro ...... S SO a at I lOp 4 oss pa ,... .ioai 0 41 pat ...... 0 ST a T SO pnr ...... 8 ri i Slcaa .. OMai High feiat SaUabary. ... 11 IS p at .... la Stan Lf. Ar. SuteaTiU....,.. aavui ....... Hot Spring.. Oonoord.. VUKWIHi.t Spsrtaabarg flm MTllla.. 91. 4Ba.iBisi yai A 4U.4. Saayaxospt Basday. ' .V f - BLXXFTSQ-CAB SXBTZCS. ,-. oa train SS and si FvJlaaa BaSsi arw 9m Oa train C3 aad ft folljtaa BaSat Rmpbt batvasx v.". Washlagtoa aad Saw Orleaa: Watblagtoa ma4 asgaatft. Fnuataa Biaepa Batwiaa ombb . bor and Btchmoad - - i , Tkrough Ticket oa ala t ptlaelpal atatiOBa, tt U point. For rata aad Inform Uoa, apply mj fBt of thOompay,or to -SOL HAAS. - . US.L.TATL0B, Traffic Manager. v Oeneral Paat. Ageat. rotta, uifiBM raaseagar ageau - cuoaatoaa. . t W sympathise Willi t&o feeilnjfwUak eftan toads tt-ens to boast that no ebiuf bora la this oooBtry need grow op In iffnoranoe, aad yet It is a fot (bat many people who have learned to read ana wnw bb never mngntiaemseiTeawwiinn. A Baa who Buffered from catarrh, consumption, bronchttla, scrofula, or "Srer coa plaint," might read UU hla eves droppe t oS ow uee and inany ot ner-aiHewB nave u-an curwi vy u. hierif Gjen "''!cl OisrovHry, tot U re f 1 Ddttfjet 1 f--"lV)t',"- (l'lt - it'T -t off f ii :-e, L.ii. v li jt i i - SOUTHBOUND. " ! a iff , . KU. s' . - Bo. So, - . . Bo. SS - . I - ' - natty. - . SaUy. 10 it a 1 . u a a 1 - 11 si p 1 ' a as ti - " TPS pi ....... 1 St a aa ...... II SO p a mm mm ...... uu p ) SO a at ...... S S4 p 1 ..... 1 so in ... - a aa i .......... w y t - .-... iw mm p i OAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VAUFY r . RAILWAY COMPANY. CoadansBd 8cbsdnl6 Ho. 26.' " Tallcg effect 100 A. at. Moaday,'. Sept. S.18ST. TBAIS8 xovraa HOSTS. Passenger aad .Frtighfc uid Lre Benaatttvllls.,, Air.- ataztas . M.10S.B.' 11.00 '. - J -ll.as : ; loop.. S.00 v v o.oo " ;t.l- ft ' W 10 a.m. " 00 S.BS u eoaooo S40B.U, UMaem ldp.m .4S9 - Lra Matton, ........ arc. e,.. Arr. Saatord, w . ,. Le Saatord,. ... T.... an. uraaaaooro, .... f .vm flnM..ln.n Air. Ditoa,,.r.. S up. nsaaager aad sUO-laace at Tyttrm TBiias Movisa sooxh. iPaawagwaad.VTdgat aad laeoom-aat'a Lva Paltoo,.... Arr Oubnalvin S 45 p.m. T.40 ..... O.Wfcat. W SJ p. a. 1.1S ..... S 30 -. IM -. S.1S - s.ts Lva G'Oaetsbos'Ot. t M 13.00 1 OJ 0 Ml 11 00 a. . JL. fl. 11 Itt.. ........ Lra HMlord ........ Arr VayatarrUte...... iRtrattTUW...... Arr sfartoa...... LvakUztoa. .s.. y. ay. . . . a. m. p. at. 0.00 0.4 arc naiTili. 0.4 S.JO PaaM&cer aod afail-dlaoer at Basted, VACTOBT BBABOH, TBEIOBT AND ACCOM , HODAXION. rv ivm as norao aoaaa. . Ttun awn awra. " lMJtUUMfa SB. LraerMiabora, S.OoTaT ArrOr..aaburo.r - KnUMtoZF't tf atoT- - " nigkt aad Aeeaatodatioa 7raia raaaWvaaa B-aandr.yrttiltoeBMolwtla yaaad rrtday. aad Stwaaa a4i7ad dy. " nl.Ti- "t" jTrateBt aaA. lmiiiiuil.H 1- twamOMaaaaotv aad rayattarllla a SSaml WSta"lS?i" VHdaya betwZ. ptt tU BaajBtttarUla Taaaday. TkaaZra .Dminan, ..-:... 4- ... , A-l . . m - T vug BSCBpi III. tSteMMettoai la bb4 at Blaxtoa wits Oar- W. E. EYLE,'. J. W. FRY, , OT SaperiatBBdoat. slest's Arstea Malr Tha baat Htln h fit r Brniaea. 8oreaL TTLwn Ha.it t km... v 8oree. Tatter. fhnn4 n..4. nk'nu.. - w vrwi jitlaBm M laaVtaTaSrsJ Coca and all rJkia Eraptiooa. aad poarre- . vio ium, or no pay roqmred, it is gasisnteed to crro perfect aatiaiaetion, or mmj raaan. me eoata par box. to aaMlr Barest Dean. . j wvb- us iBTaffeaof oowel, srao aduered when old Dr. Bisters ssto bu romody. Dr. Bigger Hockk berry Cor- dll in a anffiavino wm.lt T t- v" . r. --ft u mm uan KXBB ljJ?worM ai boilowVamboOoo tbIb. aaaa awn aaid blm cBnm, 1 know tae y"r- " Irs sJlyeor llTer tasti rurj plain. , Too seed aot aoffer, for aWp is mvtn . Pettal r rirtt to Ute place. 'A Mead toute bi&oaa?I well mJgat mutm Thara soUiiaf beuer; Uwruaatt youraaeT ased tls aiglilmr and boosttt tbs rQata No more be nKarDeta kis aaiiteas lot t . BU face ta cltrartal. his bean la rurhtactne. imaaolaivlalor - JfJiS syatst IsdMltatby dissas. n SboobI aaaueBgiaaaed aad NBtwMrMinJI tnM by dnmWi aad rtilrts ta saadlalaea. KEN'S SUITS. Made of GREY KERSEY, su perior workmsjoship, . . ATfa.75 PER SUItJ This beinr a pcpulsr business Suit and having only tl Suits left, I would advise an early this Suit $a0. - FOUR 4 SPECIAL. SALES;;iN ;GL0f HING. BE CERTAIN TO tSfi 75 FOR A LINE OE MEN'S SUITS,' - - . - . - . Well worth 18.50. , f7 50 FOR A LOT OP MEN'S" SUITS,' , ' - " , - - - : ; Pormeriyaoldat $11.80 to 15.C3. . THESE ARB ODDS AND ENDS CARRIED OVER Er.Q' ! LAST FALL,' I MENTION THIS PARTICULARLY, L J ' THAT . YOU ' MAY. EXPECT - EXTRA GOOD VALUIT. -., v 2 t v i kd 00 BOYS' SUITS. THESE ARE THE GENUINE ETTZ tp.JV 8TRUCTABLE., , -', - t &3(.( JP'Jr- SF TANTS, BROKEN SIZES; WHICH RHU PfJJ ILY SOLD AT $100, $5.00, $3.00. - - it-' BOYS' SUITS, 'Positively indestruetable. warranted not to rip - an id lAittons not to come oil, they are all Wool, Pcico046o& t?5:00 : PER SUIT, ; 'At . this - low price, they have no equal any whero. H. 7. 0 msoiu 03. DRUQQIGT3. WE HAVE A'DDED TO OUT. m: NESS , A VUU4 STOCX ALL XJND30? t, t ; ; ; J -4 AND "' Lamp Fijtttoflflt of the bxtsst and saost ' attrsctivs " " - - - , . - - - EOCHETERLJllCPS, LIBRARY LAMT8, DECORATED LASLFS, , GLA LAMPS of sil kindt LAMP UUBNEE3." . . WICES, : : CHTMNEYS, -LANTKRN3, LANTESN QLOBEa, - v LAMP SHADES, and wicl. Incandescent Birncrj, ELECTRIC LAMPS, AND E2ACH- ET LAMPS, : . , -. ... -f . - . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL W. M. WILSON Cs CO CSAltLOTTS, N. d II ODDS & ENDS. Men's All Wool CAE3I MERE SUITS, sarried frcr last year, will bo soli . Ia.t$7oper i3Tjr: They were gpbd seDera tt tlt.50, $18.80, and tlS.ea. You may never again ccrss across a Bargain like thii ct the beginning of a season. EXAMINE THESE: k ' ODDS AND BHDS.- IH U1LLWOOLPA1IT , - -a ..... , - - - At the low : pries s ? $3 00 a Pair; These are abo. arriil f lestfalL but are Goodj v . tell from $4.00 td t5.C0 a : . SEE THEM AinTTAl. B.ARUCH. FOUR " - -