THE, CHBONIOLE Has the Largest and Fastest Growing Circu lation of any Daily Paper in Piedmont North Caro lina. mi j ureal uew&uLOt eeminatora txd Is tocnrjp taper in unarxotte utK I liahing Telegraphic Press Dispatches. ...,..: VOLUME II. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1887. NUMBER 188 asv " F. L U8BOBNE. W. 0. MAXWELL. OSBORNE & MAXWELL, CHAElKJl'lt, - ' - - N.C. Will pracuueiti the State and Federal Gooru .Ofiict 1 Kn,t 3 1 KutlifiBg. HUGH W. HARRIS, . . . Al"rOR Y AT-LAK, Charlotte, - . N. C. Will practice id the BUte aiid Federal Conrw. claims collected In any part ot the United States. . jM-fflce-, First Door Weat of Court Boom. E. K. P. OSBORNE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. g" No. 4 Law Building. HEhlOT CLAUKSON, C'HAS. H. DULs. CLARKSON&DULS, Attorneys at Law. Prom 1 1 attent 011 givtu to nil busings No. 12 L w miildlntf. . . Charlotte, N. C. Notice to Creditors I hereby give notice to all those owing ire ly note or account to come I or ward and make im me hate settlement, as I am ne-d-iug the money and want to open bnsinetw gam - , K v HEATTir '. , Ji H. TOLAR. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler And dealer In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spec tacles, 4c All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion. No 8 Worth Tryon street, Charlotte. N. C. hew UarriaiB & Wapn Slop. W. S. WEARN. OAKR1AGE& WAGON MASU FACTUKEK, TKYON STREET. I desire to inform the public and my customers that 1 have moved my shops from the old stand to the shops torinerly occupied by Wilkinson A Trotter, Where 1 am prepared to do all kinds ot -work In my line. Carriage repairing, painting, trimming, horse-shoeing and all Kinds of black smith work- Now is the Time to Pre pare tor winter put In a Furnace or neater belore the oo:d weather nets In. I am handling the best Furnaces and Heaters that can be bought and th-y are all Rtiar-i' teed, alsu CookluK and UeailDg Stoves, and I still do Tin and Slate Ro flng. Give me a call. 3 9 S. Tryon st. J. N. MOCACSLANP. PEORAM & CO., is, Sloes, Bite, TRUNKS AND VALISES. SHOES, ETC., Tryon Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. JOHN b'ARIUOH. No. 8 North Tryoa St., Charlotte, N. C. Watch Maker ami Meier, DI ALER IN Diarmnds Watches, Clocks, Jewe'ry, 'Silver c.nd Silver-Pi ted Ware, an'J Spectades. :Bpeclal Attention Glvrn to Floe Watch Keplriug TheSwannanoa, AHIIKVILLE, 3N. C. fitlly a First (Eligibly situated. Commanding "magnificent mountain vies, and j et convenient to busines. A home for and families. RAVV-LS BROS., Proprs. E.L MARTIN, Cigars and Tobacco. CIGAEETTR PAPERS. LONG CUT TUHVCCOS. GOLD HASiS CHEWING. NINE YEA US 01 D. FINKKMOK NGTOBACCf CIGARETTES, AC. The BOQUET 5c Cigar is taking tlie lead because J-IT In THE BEST. "jSext to Buford House. ASK FOR LIEBIG GUfflPANYS EX TRACT OF MEAT nd insist upon no other being sublltut foriu N. B. Geiiuine only with ttic-siai 1 Baron Liebig's t-ignature in blue new label Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers und Drug gia'n evin where E H G RAVI II G. We have employed an experienced ESCRAVEir AS and we are rrepared to MARK AND ENGRAVE IN THE best possible style all articles of GOLD, SILVER,. BRASS N1CKLE OR COPPER and can guarantee Siiisf action Anything Bought from us will be Engraved free of Stl Charge. Hales & Boyne, JEWELERS. O; West Trade Street, :cajblotti; n. 9; BEFORE THE COMMISSION THE LIABILITIES OF EXPRESS lOJIPAXira iSUER THE LAW. Arffitcd thntt'atiKrew Old Not Intend to Include Kx press Companies. By Telegraph to The chkumilk. Washington. Oct. 25 The hear irig the Inter-State Conimis s on thiB moi ijioe resDect tie the liabilities of express companies under the Inter State Commerce Law brought quiie an array of legal gen tlemen and several prominent express managers to the Commission head quars. Clarence A. Srward, of New York, representing the Adams, W. W. McFarland, of New York, for the United States. J. M. Pomeroy, of Auburn, New York, for tl e Ameri can National and Wells Fargo Ex pra-s, Mr. Chisholm, of Savannah, for the Southern, and Mr. Steele, ot New York, for the Erie Express Company, were present. All sub initted brief and some of them made oral arguments. John Hoey and L. C. Wier, of the Adamp, and pr si dent O'Brien, 01 the Southern Com pany, were also present. Mr. Seward made a 1 ng argument, holding all the way through it that the express! companies were not common c irrierg and that Congress did not intend to nr-ike express companies amenable to the new law. He quoted from decisions to show th t tne Supreme! Uotirt naa aeciaea Mmt express coin ptnies were not common cairier Tlie only words under which it could be even plausibly claimed that the new law referred 'to or embraced express companies, f Mr. Se ward said, were these: Hint the provisions of. this act shall apply to any common carritjut ,.. . - 1 .U .1 ! f iasentrerd or property wholly by, adroit! or pat tlyby frail road an partly by water when both are used under a c mimon central manage ment or arrangement for a coutinu ous carriage or shipment." 4 Mr. Sevs-a d argued that the residue of the act did not warrant an expan sion of teanfcuage;jn Question as US embrace exurs coriipini-s. The (Dimi- logic, he s id, would expand the act to include Ithe telegraph compa- iies, and 'such expansion on the part of the O'mitiiseiouers would not be he right interpretation. Thev had beeu tlie charges cf express eompa- ie-t. Therefore th reason of the i nudv t roposed by the new law h- o be toitjpj solely in the con iuct ot the rail ay companies, and not at all n ihe oowuot ot tue expiess ctnipa- WW . . 1 . 1 i nies. tie tjuotea aiia reierrea ioa mber of acts of Congress and do oai-tiue t circulars to tiov that Cou re-s in every instance wne e it in tended to bring the express compa n es within the gras of lis statuatory enact mentK: had sid s in plain woius m woids not of ooubtiul ii.- et -prt t:.tion. and in wo ds not re- qu ritig a strain to exp nd or include Cougiem knew the ditte' euce Oetween xpe8 cuinpuuies nd taeir trains port, tiou ai d lauwajy, and tntu iratispoivaiii n and steaiiiboats. and lit-lr transportation and tJong. es. It nad nt-ver coutusd the hree. Mr. Scwcird arud that there as o i'-stice,iii expiiudiug thv wi-rds f th Corniurrce act ko an to tnclude xpiv hircomp n es. Coni e8 has liO i.qieeted n, tin- punlic dotM not te- i 1-1 rT7-ibe express cot pan ea do no. reir t it. aau Tio lawyer, ne aid. ' U11 behalf of any clien.. i-o ie q.e t-stipi-n t. e frail ground oftriUe ... ; .1 . .1 .,1 . n r o a ter beqa co .ciaaea nis argument, remarked tilat at the S.ime tinge of .tie urr-taiaiion of ti e Inter ataie Bill-andwtiile it wns b foie a com mittee in tl e Jlouse or b naie tne words ' 'Express Comp nus" were , . . . . T . euiDtKiiea in tne measure, out mat tiubst queotly and before i had been pt-riecteuj and reporteu to eitner rloUbC, thee words had beea expunged...,, This he men tioned "a- ev id nee that Congress did not intend to include express compauies a-s liable to ihe provisioun of the act. Mr. Pomeroy followed Mr. Seward, tivi ig in detid the on- gin, mstoiy wta legal status or x- uiess couipinie8.iie contenaeu cnac the new law was not appuvaible tu exorebS coinpaiiit. xsownere were exi r ss couicn es named in it and expr-sa cotuuaii s omcials were at no ume, during the pending ot ine imasure before Congre, called upon I or information, therefore it was c-a.r that Congress did not intend 1 hut the new law should be applica bie io them. Mr. Steele, represent- c the Hirie company, remarked that nothL g h coutd tay after what had been said iu support ol the position 1 at exprtss ccmprtnies were,not subiect w. the piovisionsof the act tud aid th comniisfei n m reach ing hl couciusion. Mr. Cnisho m, of Savannah, lor the Southern Kxp ess Cuu.p tnv. acouii ec that to make a co 1U1011" earner subject to the lie w l.iw, it must own, or must operate the railway or watrwy line. All expuss companies, nes.w were tr gauized to do express business aud ..wid iiOthiug eL-e, aud do not own or peiate any transportation lines. rnetefi re tl ere were not subject to he d ovisious of the new law. T.- e ooijiuiisoioii recently sent out a cir.u ar letter to tne latln-aa compann s. i iquiring wnether there are anj p in s upon the railroad or your company, o upon any railroad oper tied b vour compaiiy under lease r otherwise to or froui which inter St te rates for passengers or freight re made by your road alone, or n combination with othr-r roads which are greater than the rates to and from distant points in the same direction over the same line.". At ihe request of the complainants the hRdiin&r in the cases of the board of trade ai d transportation of New Y..rk Citv. Thomas L. Green and L gett & Co., against the New York Central & Mudson Kiver rtanroaa, allegiug violation of the lsrw by placing less thn car load lots in a higher class than car load lots and which were to have been postponed until the 13th of next December. Public Scbools Cloned By n Strllee. Bj TelcjrriB to 1h Curoniclk Springfield, 111.. Oct. 25. On ac count ot the scarcity of coal, caused bv the stnke of coal miners in this district, th public schools were to day compelled to close. ' ' o dmi Wat Prohibit MMn to Members. BJ Telegraph to Thb cb howcia Rnirmv Mass.. Oct. 25. The Su nrorrtA fVrnrt has decided that the nrnhihition biw does not forbid the sale of liquor by clubs to members. TWO XE6BUES LTSCHED For Attemyted Anwtal tptmTwo Tubbi 1. miles. ' New 0rleans4Ucc. 25-Nine days go two young daughters tf Mrs. Birker, P'Stmisties at Lamar, Frank lyn Paris',L i,,were awaken d by a noi-e at their bed.rt. Oiii window and sjw a burly negto eiiteringthe room The girln screamei for help and the n gro jujiped to the ground. Au axe hjeive was found on the window Bill, which was identified a- the pr pte'ty of Perry Kline. Lnst Tuesday King, was aTtstfa and a pot-se s-nt itfter Drew Green, agmnst whom ther!e wts also,- strong proof. Green wasl captured at Tallulah aud and carried bckto Limar. Infor mation reached thw city to-day that last Thursday morning an armed rody of sejventy-five men rode into Laaur and took the prionors from ti e guanls. Ivi'er in th? day th i1 dead bodies were found hanging to the limbs of trees just out of town. A fiill confession was made by King that he add Green had entered the room for the purpose of assaut ing ladies. Both negroes were the young bad c tiara btere, and King had served ithe penitentiary. a term in Discontent tn the Sojrnr Market New York, Oct-. 25 --Thei-tr further iddica iuns of serious trouble among the refiners inte eseJ in the great sugir trust. A repie ntative of the firrn of Mo:ler & Co.. said to day thit the soralled sugar corn- bine" ha cot been fully formed. A not her gentlemen piominently wi h he susjar tra;le said: ldntilid; "One of the principal cause- of the diacontenjt. tbvtt rus arisen amoog us is the facihat ' he-larger h 'Uses are regarded by the sm dler houses a endeavorjng to run things " It is also suited that one of the firms whose under the purchased i-ombinft" hs this week raw sugai" in tlie open market with the pretense of renewing business on an independent basis. I- . Import ant Development In tn Wnenl . . J oi. .X- Rroii. our Hesiitebl currepfole: . San Fbiancisoo. Cal., Oct. tSjXf unp.rtartt development in the famous wh-.atdefal was made yesWd jr inj the forniiof an affidavit filed biy Can 1' HniBOri. that the the assertions of which are wheat deal was mrtagM byl Maekey. F1k d and Bran-km. the vwli bank, ih'ouifh thetMrentsof P.'S-rfi-lid & Dre.bch. Hai-son swears that he personally saw btch lood arid Mack-y handover Hmds to RoserhVld and Dr sbich. If th" aftidavitlis sustsiinl it may re-ult in tiiikiigF,f9 id and Mjlck-y luib'e for heavy vliaim-g Must the bankrupt estate off Ki serheld & Dresaich. Western t'olou t lonlnt; an Baltlniere and Oblo Offices. UHicAGo. ucr. 4- .s a oonse queut e of the recent sale uf the B d t m re and Ulno Telegraph system to he Western Lmon lelerraph Uom- p my, ine w res in all orhevs ot th form r ih this city were disconnect d e8ter aiy and the Butunore am; Ohio lines ceased to do business H'rU iui th ra'riiug linemen of the Wetfterii Union Omipany visited the Hi II 1 mce on tne corner oi i-asane ami W,ir.hington streets, in the ol I Bo trd i trade buildmir, and fOoti all wires running! out of that station were at- a:hel to lnsttuments in the West- -ru Uut6n office. A clerk was left u cu.trge to notify customers of the .-hange in aff iirs A Riob Find In Dakota. irnrai'ii i" iuuik.mii. T . 1 - T. 1 -v . UKAPWUOP-WaK.. UCl. z. -A slide ot jrtjcltfha decuwd o1'ntifwiof Mjrrh, t869. , The two wigind foot levil gf th n 6n biQ miae brin ig down txre of the est una ted vaJue ofllOWX). A caA e happened About two week? ago revealing -very rich ore but it cau not compare wicfi " this. The assays are sad to give the re- urn o $20,000 per ton and it h that a large body exists tuought which will reach that value. A chunk as large as a uvtn'a he id which is one! n ass of virgin silver, so rich that paJrt which was saved off for the assay was brought over from the mine ahd placed on exhibition in lad First National Bank. I f Uoed Now from tne Fidelity Bank Sy Teltv'rapa to l bb c hmunicli ' Ci CINN.-Ti, 0., Oct. 25 The an nouncement that t he Fidelity Bnnk would declare a dividend on October 31 waaj the subject of much surprise here yesterday. Hundreds ot the depositors sold their interett as low as 8 akid 10 cents on the dollar and the fa;t that there is to be a dividend with more t follow is grateful news. i Oarrettand Party Out West. ly Teiejtnni ui lux cn"M-'Jt- Milwaukee, Oct? .Robert Gar rett aad pny airiifed here yasr day o-i spcitt trainband weretlrivii abtiiitjt iwn la the afternoon. La night- th"y attended a pertormartce at the oiiera ih incet Mr, GarretM and naty letr, io-jay ior jjimn-apoi8 and wi'l thre enter on un extetde l tour to the Pacific Coast and Mexico. . II y man Coincides with Onerly. fi'.T l fcittiiraiiD iu m cukomcub WABHiNolcfeoOct"5 25i95irl ServicU Comraisgitnar -Hym m.Awho witn ms tauuiy nas ju retmrweu , the cv. sYS thai he 'Had read Mk Obrly sletter to the IlTntiAssocia- ion and a rep rted interview wun Mr Efleertt n. on the points ruis u and discussed in that letter, a d that in ttiejiaairL'fvie 8 coincided wiun those bOltQuerlyj C AU V j v An ArkBumu Rnrderer Killed. Hot Springs, Ark.' Oct'' 25f Jas per DbncHU. a murderer under sen tence bf 21 vears was sht-t and in stantly killed by Sheriff Williams, last Sunday evening while attempt ii g to escape from Jill. Yesterday the coroner a uiry exonerated the Sheriff. . A Bank President Skips. lj itierpn lu turn tumita. J Lima. Ohio, Oct. 25. John Ristoh, the confidential Secret try of B. . Faurbt, President of the Lima na tional B ink. has d s ipoeared. He is a defaulter for several thousind dol lars, supposed to have been lo?t gam bhng. Postofflce Appointment. D. III Till LlikuMtl.1 M MJJ 1W.IV - WisHiNOTON. D. C. Oct. 25. lire President today appointed M. Throckmorton Postmastera mingham, Ala. li CloW hsaitab In the lutr-e Of mlflT UV6S care and preTmt this anno) lnff rom plain i us Dr J. a. IM. Lean's Uttfai Uver and Mo y Pelh-ts. TbT are snaU to tate.aod 8tiUe a their I, ANGUISH AT ROCK HILL. L RAILROAD CO JTTR ACTOR SKIPM WITH CONSIDERABLE BOODLE. Kelly 9Ioore.n Knn-Contrnotor Dram SI.4CO to Paj Rnllrond Hands, Bnlps and leaves Kterytntnc I'npoAd. Vroiu our Reshitut Curreaiiomleui. Rcck Hill, 8. C , Oct. 25. Kelly Moore, a subcontractor on the 3Cb Road, eloped on Friday with a check for $1,400 which had been paid to him by contractor W. H. , Kirby, of this place, and which should have been used in paying off his laborers for their months work and for the settlement of his accounts for supplies furn'ehed him by our n ercliHtits Hh 1 ft his hands and h'llsunpu'. It is not known exact ly bow much he own but it is a con si lerable amount. The laborers can gt t their money as the company is reppont-ible, bui, the uie-chants unless they ctn find Moor vwill lose a'l they have ag tiu-Sb i int. He hh from FiTestCi y N. C. and bait a contract te n miles beloW here on to,h aides f ! th Cafciwoa river. He bad in bis en.-ploy a number of hauds who came mi town on Satur day and besieged the office of con tract r Kirby clamoring for their py- Many of them had not been paid for two months and had considerable accounts against Moore. W. L. Roddey & Co. have a chat tel mortgage on his mules for sup plies advanced him . but he made awny with the mules and the mort gage is practically of no account or nothing to execute it upon except nome caits and tools which are of small value. AH IRPORTAmT DECISION. Constitutional I tr of Ant Im ac Lta- Wlltyon Rail toa ror noj- tr!ro ! Rnll CM Ar- , Oraaed. News ud C ob tier. Columbia, Oct. 24. The following 8opreme Court in dwision of the S iiith Carolina has been filed. This i a very important ne, as it setle h-youd depute the Constitutionality f the law requiring the railro tds u Wefray the rxpinen of the railroad fimiuission. The decision aanounc d vo me tune ago inasimil-ir fiue ii stitutl by the Columb a aud Greenville Railnid did not cover th ground 'hat this does, as it was based upon exceptional condition peculiar to that rod. A" will he seen the opinion i- written by Chief Ju-ttce Si'itpson. The result is con -euried in by Judge McGowan an 1 JudgA Mclver dissents: 77 Charlotte, Columbia aud Au ' guta Railroad Company v Gibbes, Treasurer of Richland County No. 2,12. Section 1,453 of the General Stat ut" imp tses liabili'y in certtiu proportions upon th railro d com pams of this State for the saWi-s tf the officers known as ri rod commissi' 'iiers. The appellant deni s the eon-titutionahty of this Act and 'lainra exempt i jo therefrom on that ground. The appel!:tDt Was broujtht into ex istence und -T its present name in is59 by the consolidation of two othfcr tompnuai previously charter eJ and in operation at that time as separate companies This consolida tion whs made by viitue of the Act oompanies were not suojecx to ae 41st section of th Act oflSil, where by the power to alter, amend certain charters granted bv tne Legislature mnn. reserved. The consolidation, l.owever, in 1869, dissolved the two original companies and created an entirely new company, with rights and privileges not dependent or de rived from charters of the original companies; but upon the Act author izing th consolidation and the law governing corporations at the time. At -the time of the consolidation the Constitution of 1868 and the Art of 1841 in reference to corpora' ions were ot rorce. ine vjonsiitution, Art. 13. Sec. 1. declares "that corpo rations may be formed under general laws, but all such laws may from time to time be altered and repeal ed. ' and further, "that the Legisla ture shall regulate tb public use of all franchises and limit tolls, imposts and other charges and demands un der sue laws. The Act of 1841 pro vided "that it should" be deemed a part of the charter of every corpora tions created under the provisions of any general laws, and of every char ter .granted, renewed or amended by Actor iojni resolution of the Gensr al Assembly, (unless such Act or joint resolution shall in express terms declare tne contrary, mat u,cn charter and every amendment thereof "sfiontd always remain sub ject to amendment, alteration or re- peal by the General Assembly. Act f 184i. 11 S'ats, 168, now Section'l, 361. General Statutes. TnAMUieltant com Dan v haviner been brought into existence fn 1869,1 since the adoption of the (ntitauon in 1868, and while the act ot 184t waa of naros. it is narciiy neoewsary to am cuss the oues'ion whether it is sub ject to anv-n lm nt, alteration and re- neal at the discretion ot tne ieei-la- ture, there beieg no exemption from Section 41 of the Act of 1841 in the Act tmder whfcl the CounJli iatidri took place SeeTTodge vs the Ril rond Company, 99 U. S; Shields vs 0hiV!3. s.. 3i9. r y The"company "tjanndt fuccessfully clrtim exemption from legislative con trol by virtue of any rishts derived front it charter. Nor can it deny that the General Assembly has gen eral power to amend, alt r or repaid said char er, as provided ia Section 41 of the Act of 1841, and in Article 12, Section 4, cf the Constitution of 1868 Thia is the contract under which satf company was created and it is bound thereby, ff ?f Thei ighta of ail corporations., ire founded in contract, which must tie construed and enforced as all other contracts, to wit, accordiug to the inttnipt1h'paHies,- It waa upon thy tr4oryJthat tha great Dartmouth College case was decided, it is upon thia tieory too thatmany cases have sHhbee dede3fthat where1 a cor mmtiAn 'mmt; a charter undftR A. general )aw or inder a provisioa of rK . 11 T il.j.'-. AT ajn. - AW - the'Consjiitution of a StaCe reserving control bver all corporations created therein, ar under special rroviaion of the charter itself to that effect, it iseubject to such control and may be amended and v altrrsd ; as in ths judiiemnt of the General Assembly the pubuc interests mav demand. 8ee Black on Constitut onal Pt ohibi tions Sec 33: Columbia and Green ville Railroad Company vs Gibbs, Tresurtr, 24S. C, 6U. Accor iing to th s viw, if the Act corne l ined of and which has impos ed a li itaiity U on the company to pty its p opjitton of the ran road couimi-8ioners' Silary, is a legitimate amendment un U r the Act of 1841, and the Coititution, tnen it cm make no difference wh it it my be called, whether a tax tor revenue, a police regulation, or a licence fee Whatever it m iy ba the company has contracted to pay it, and if it claims the privilegs and rights of its cbaiter it must take them with th burdens imposed. It cannot enjoy the one and reject the other. There is no doubt that the sppellent received its ex'S ence with fu I snowl edj;e that this reseie hun o-. er it, a power which at u at to far as the te ms of the nsTNation are concerned w.:8 uulin i .d aitot 1 er at ion, amcKlme-.t or repe 1; md th question nw ie, not wi.e ier tuch power x st. but whether the Act in question has g n lje.. ...d .t 'hus n s been s itl -d t tlie teeent ca e of the Columbia and G e i i ie ka 1 road C- m a iy, s ipr;i T o c urt held in t at c is. , in sub?t nc , that ihe Act waiiput if he c' irt r, in ibinuch as ih cna-.e wa granted and ivecepUd at er t le p esjig.- o! th i Act. 1 The ground upon which the ourt held thit the cl arter could be am nd el was the consent of the company, th-ieby waiving all objection, eonat. tution il r oihrwieie. So here the company contracted to take its ex-erci-e uiidr an unlimited p jwer in the Legirlature to alter, amend and repeal, and it is too bate now to com plain , Consensus facit ju. The coositutionil guarantees were pri marily, at least, for the protectk n of natural chVzus th-sj wh'i had rights tefore the Constitution was adopted, over and above it. aad for the protection of which Gve nment was insututed: and lhi builders of Government fearing to give it un limited power, inserted in the Consti tution, the organic law cf the Govern ment, certain guarantee as a bf'l of right. A corporal ion, however, diffe.-s in many reep cts from a natural citizen It has no ua'ural existent or natural rigid. It is a creature of t' e Gov enmmt. and by the act f Govern m nt. It h ts life, if life at all, a a ihatter of grace and can deni-iu J nothing. It is emi-h "t'c l'y r-ay in the h n 8 f li e p tt r. and mi St take iu- life at h will ot th Govern ment or not at all. From t hij vi-jw of the case it is tjnueceary to con tide the ubj-ct of taxa'ion, & . because w hetuer this a s-uu jnt on the compinv is m do aud c .llected as the one or the other, it is ve nude because the company h-ts con sented and cintr.tct'jd to pay it in considerat'on of life aud snparat exi t-iice end laige priil g-- grange i, and if it claims th t it mubt submit to and abide ih con tract m itsentiret-. But cone- d njthit a corporation has the im riLt lo invoke th- section t ih" (JonsiitutKHi in refer ence to tixa i n 8 i atural person wou:d hve, and io tha smi- exten'.. the Act d es n t violate said sec tions. The eh tre is more in the nature of a license fee. It may be propetJv siyleia licet se tix. col lected tiiid app-OLna etl for the proper regul diou and tienefit i f the corporations p-iving it; and being assessed upon ail railroad carp ora tions alike, it is untform in atvor- ian with the t'ue ne-aiiing of the Constitution. The State is n t limt-t-d to property as th only b isii of taxation. See State vs. Haynes, 4 S. U. Judgment below affirmed. Opinion by Simpion, C. J. McGowan, A J., concurs in the result, and,will file a sepirate opinion. Mclver, A. J., dissents, and has filed his opinion. 150,000 tire In Mlmoarl. bj lelori'B io iiif tuauMtu Sr. Louis, Oct 25. The saw and planing null of C. C. Loonis. about three miles north of Li tie Roc-k, Ark., on the railroad at Loonis sta tin, was consumed by fire last mght. Ihe caQe was fire in the woods and o fierce were the flames, and s rapid their advance thit Mr. Looms and hi men were compelled to seek safety in flight. So pirched and dry were the woods around the mill that the flauies lan through the top i f tne trees, devouring every thing in the way. About 15O.000 woTtn ot hue lumber was de-troyed with ail the buildings about them. A C riajbl pn Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa.. Oct 125. Andrew Henry, colored, upon returning to his boarding house this moraiug in an intoxicated condition, waa shot and . probably fatally wounded bv Hen y Harris. The load of bird hot struck him in the lace blowing out one eye, and lareerasing hU cheek ternoiy. ine minnies ot tne nouse did not want Andrew bp enter. h" ' i i - A Prohibiten Editor HImIbk. ! Holly Springs, Mies.. Oct. 25. -W a. Kej nou's, eoitor ot a pronnuti n paper nere has a Sipprared. tie was assaulted rjcentlv tiy two saloon keepers, nd it s ferel that, he has ben made away with by hi en mies. lfrf.OeA rire In Tlrginla. B; l'slegrans m I bh 1 Wheeling, W. Va., Oct 23. The ton of Spencer, m Rome county, was nearly tte-t-oyed bv fire Situr Twenty-six tbui di'8a lncmuieg tne court house and ia I were burned.- Lots about $100,00'i ; rsurance smalt. ; a . . A Noted Violinist Dm wnod. . i i-. I Hv ievrAii an i lit i m,.'ii.' New York. Oct 25. A cable dis patch announces the death by drown ing in a snip wrecK on autugacar, r . . - i .. . li... . oi nemeny, tne nunganan viouh h. E.Ecruiu bITTlsas. This remedy is becoming so well known anl so popuUr as to need no speci 1 mea- tion. All who have nsed Electric Bitters ing the sams, song oi praise, v A pftrer Mdieiae does sot exnt mil It i caaraateod to do all fiat ig claimed." Electric Bitters will care all diseases ot the Layer and Kid nevs. . wittvemoTe Kmolea,. Boil. Salt Rhamm aad other affections nausea bv im pnre blood. Will drive Malari ;f rom the svstetu and prevent as w It as "core all Malarial fevers. For be com of fleadachn, Constipation and Indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded . Prioe 61) eta and $1 CO per bottle at Bcbwau 4 Dubhs Drag BtOT. NORTH CAROLINA CROPS I Bf CREASE IB COITO POUR 8IHCE TUB let or LAST month. Tbo Reports Bnssn on Uo Tlows or lr respond on to rrons tno Biato,,nt Larvo. Th-j State department of agricul ture has issued a report of the condi ii n of the crops in the State at large based on reports of . correspondents from all sections of the State. The various crops stand as follows: C0TT05. Notwithstanding the complaints from unfavorable atmospheric condi tions in September, the return show en inert ase in the j .'e'd in Cotton of i ore than four points siaca the 15th o. last month. The aversge produc ti .ii in the State grades 89 1 2. CORN. The -ame improvement is noted in the production of corn, faiough tto increas , is not so grat as in the last r. jKrt. There is no doubt that the e rn crop f the State is far in exces ol any c-op grown iothe last decade The average of the State at large, as complied from the October reports, -li ws 95 8-8 to be a fair estimate. Nearly all the crop has been housed. TOBACXX). But little damage resulted from the early frosts and 'the conditions lor curing hive been favorable in most localities. The new rt turns show an increase, a nutter hardly expected! when the many mishaps which tend' ed to injure the growing plant are considered. The increase amounts to nearly four points, the present average being 82 1-4. Due allowance must oe made for the small acreage ret. The production oMhe State at lrge will not be as great as last year but the yield per acre averages the figures indicated . WHEAT. From the best information .we are ab e to gather the wheat crop Cor the next year is most promising.. From all pait of the State come reports te ling of the extra care being bestow ed in the preparation of the land for the next crop. The indications also pjint to an increased acreage in in my parts of the State. OATS. 1 The same may be said of the oat crop. The ground is being prepared for the reception of the seed, and the r turns indicate an increased acreage for the next crop. RICE. The returns are not so flattering as to this crop. Tne average last report ed was 71 ; this has been reduced to 91 i. No re ison i given for the fail ure; of the crop to hold former quota tions. S ROHCM. Special n ques s were made for re jorts of thw i-rop, aad the returns are erv gra;ifyiog. even trreiter than anticipated it would be hard to esti uiaif tue number of gallons of syrup ttvtt wttl b m lr tiiH year, yet aoote t'ie ieoort8 ae t.iat it is hardly .. VI . l - . k .. 11 1 i s-s.ui-' mil. me ciop can nil oe worked up. Th s applies to the Pithlmodt und we t rn portions of tlie S-ate. A careful estiuiuie ot a'l t: e turns r-h.iw that the crop will tve-ag-t 10s in the btate, wbue some ec ious report it trom 15 to 50 per ent m exces-s ot the normal produc- ons. BUCKWHEAT. For reasons not given the buck- heat crop does uot average un well. There is butlittle raiakd in thaatet and that in the far west, to the great est ex en yet itgrowB to the great t peifecuou ia aO Piedmont and western ISorth CArolins. The Aver S ge in the Stte is- 83. s;- POTATOES. The sweet and Irish potato crops are, after all, very good, the grade being for sweet potatoes 98, and for lrisu potatoes vh. PEA8. The pea crop seems to be without pit extent. On all tides it is conced ed to be very great, many correspon dents stating that nothi g like it has ever been seen in the State. The acre age is vtry large. OTHER POINTS. The cabbage crop has not improved since the last report, though in some parts of the west the crop is consider ed good. The yield of hay h is been. on the whol-j, very fair, and the same apptK-s to clover. There is a dispo sition to give more attention to forage crops another year. Mho is n Xjetalono. Jamestown, N. Y., Oct. 25. Jennie OtbsBn; a remarkably bRndstRse girl "tut. ii v ion wilb ner Da rents in tne town of "Ark wrighf.. basnever seen the world by, daylight though en iDiea oy lamp ngnt to aew ana reaa just as clear as anybody. LJnto the age ot 4 or a years she was believed to be totally blind. Eminent oculist g pronounced her so, and gave the parent 8 no encouragement. The p rents noticed, however, that after the lamp " war lighWH she stave evi dence ot seeing ;.aad gradually this po er of sight grwwlipoa ' be until the little one played with her dolls and toy s. by artificial light. 8he has been a great reader aad. ia' familiar with ail the best authors. Her case has attracted much attention among doctors. Ap Extoaalve MTkekf tealev ! San Francisco, Oct W James C. Flood, the bonanaa ting is report ed to be at oVfttfrB door He has not ye ret;6vored ahd pr6bab'y never will recover from the shock incident W the great wheat corner and the Nefadiitikfik troublea He is a phvs- "ical wre'k. Occasionally he appears to be in fair health but a mlarKM f speedily follows. He has grown much worse in the 1 tst lew days. Va rious rumors about his condition are onrrent. . v ; Boston Bankers PalL s Uf iu.traia uimb CiiauaiCLK. Boston Mass. Oct. 25. Perkins. Dupee & Co., bankers, 40 State street successors to (Jhas. a. bweet & - Ca. have failed. The firm have been long out of the market. They make no statements. ' Red River Prone Vp. Bf Talegrapk to Tn cxaoincLA St. Vincent. Mlnn, tOct 25 The Ked Kiver is frozen solid trom St. Vincent to Penning. Two newspaper men made the crossing in salty yes terday. The river has not been fros- en over at this point for thirty years. IB 1 ' By TeiegrapB to Tat CBBOmcu. St. Loris, Oct. 25 D. A. Honig'a race horse, Ledex, which won the mile and a fuil ug rjcd at the Pnn lico races Friday, beating Valant, Swift and Bell R nger, has bis ears well attened to pub ic ppp'auss, his career is unusual, even in these dj s of tquine surprises. While tempo rarily broken down, Lellex was worked in St. Louis by Scott and Lynch, undertakers, and being a well behaved, intelligent animal and accustomed to the burial music he was taken from hauling a htarse to play quadruple rolls in s-veial theat rical companies, as the four legged hero in Joe Murphy's Kerry Gowaod, aud the proud bearer of the soldier in the Blacic Huzzir, he has been equally succefsfuL Mr laSslim ti rowing Bel r. St Carns to the Chronicle. London, Oct. 25. -Mr. Gla-istone i announced as rapidly iecovering hi arength RARHKTa BV rCLnUKAPBU OCT 51 1W7 Cnicaso Oct. At too m irnlog sessioa watch was lain active at higher ran of pneai the Btnagth came trom tarorabls cables and re por tal renewed acUr.ty la ntllag Interest, trhaa t, corn and rorlatoB were in food demand and prices reached tha SI-tMSt poln s of th? iy . Wbat eioatnsr Purk Sept.r. . ... Tear . Oct tix iu....- .... ltt? No . . 7jjv .sept 7 oe u S ' rXOUB-qtaBt aad steady Howard St. aad. WBtar napnr S tJ'i Tx do Extra I 00 al.n) do raaiily S 7Sa4 BO; CXj atllia S per M? a t.SOo btra S OSaS tf, do Bl bnada 4 iM 10. WHtAT Southern quiet aad shir - Rd 77481 am bar Skuti ottMD qstetand flrmer, Ho r, winter rod spot wx; BtoranaSOV OOm aosUtara quirt aad firm; Watu454S-. Tallow 4atit, mii autot and SUlr; UXxU spot to. Oct,4taw.l-4 OATS- onietaadstdj. Sotara Mi; Wnv tors woJtoeaaaa wetuwa ndaed sa-M are algaor and arm aso. rroruaoaa doU and atea-l?; Hem pork lSSOal is Balk nwala, aaoaitWs aad ctror rtdea paeao -48 t-4. Booa,ahoadeiB7Maa;eloMrtalaes 1-4; aams , 13tt,X Lard r4ar g; ret role am stdy, raad tt. O an . Sail and steady Rio earaoea ordtnarjr lo UU18 oaar - qalat A soft 1-1 tapper reined. saD lOaMl-d. Walakp atoadl atl It tol V. ew V Sturar Ftrai. Xair retialay t; reaoed s dy. cat loaf and crashed T; eabas t 4: powdered 1-t; rranlaiod eonttloaani A 1 8,ooSee staa dard A Sl-4: watte extra C1M, t-offea Firta. fair oarross i ; food ii 14. prune 18 1-1 Java thUL How Coffee steady bat firm. Xia earroes comami to prlirje if s.9asi 1-i. Sugars law. Lopea kc t e rt ictly prliae 4 7 8, Eoodl com- moo t fair 4 8-t, La c ;ntnfug-l off 0 hle 6 t-4 gray wtitte t -4a chnicd yellow clanaed 6 11-1 prlnJI yrllow dO &86 13-11. 11 uora ' uiaaraiaoi Sept . ! Sept Oct . at H Oct. Sot . . . . .. ROT , Oats Laid Oct ibH Oct Mot.. 93 1 Nor Cltr. Sales. Tone, tfarkt: Rcpts. Kx. NewOrtean 4 iady , 1-ltf w-T , Hotale 8 t ta'ilet I -09 uhaieeton ro stdr rr-n j saTarjuo am as- . t 7fl ; Galveston Salt Orm I 8 SU Mem pbls laoj a dr 1 a 4:10 WiUnina-tan idail I VIS 4i NortoUt 3714 Kritet ' t ;-4 j AugTlota 131 rdj . li-lt -JVM - 8L .nl (J9 tdy 1 2 ivs ( lnctnn.tu 4 s'd' j 9 1-4 Tis3 euiua 1, Ut quiet 3-4 si I Kitai qil t 9 3-4 (S t M1 BalMnK-.r lis quiet 1 1-S SSJ Louistlin dm , S 1-8 i Uwsrnssl Cotton tanrkoa. urerpooi Oct -'pot cotton steady, kTlddllnc nplands 1 l-t d; do Orleans l S-Sd. Sales l3.o bales. Arnrals lost laa-ot snd closed dull with boyrs of Not to Feb at s-at. aaDebestat U qalet, yarns are firm aad doth steaij. SU rer remairdi at 43 74- Row York Cotton Marmaa New Tor Ort at Beetpts at our porta to-day are BDoat 49, S balsa, analQMt 4tl bales last jear anl si ac lt Friday abut 1M,000 b-ktes against balsa last yea- Spot eoctja to dnU and easy but the quotation ot t s ror mid dling uplandB Is retained. Sales are ill baaM to Bplnaara. mtnies kael steady. Total sal ue day t,ouo batoa October a 7t 71 Sot aber . la h nncaaabor. sa-u 7 4- TXSi 90-SI 9 87 -8 tB-7 1 t-03 J0 Feb. march.... April.... . May Inna July...... RavnJ Wllmlartoa .Scdritii TarpsatlBa firm st t Bwlnrm Bralaad nw: Good do Tar. arm 1 1 lSreructe tsrpant a, trai. :ard-l rol- iow sip aao nrgin, 1 7 . . . Row Torn Htoek KTnrkot. Haw, Tor, Oct -JflL Voaay closed 4. hlrhest 4-lwsatM-l Exchange steady and Actual business at 481 l-2a481 v for to days, and ir:-W4 for demand. Fostol rates OoTernment bonds closed stdy. Carran- cy 4rsmMd,4's soap lMj old, 4X coop tdd, rac boa da cleced UDloa flrats lUallt Land rraahj leialOA Stnklnx fuads Utalli, tralslltaiis. Haw Tork Oot SB The aaarfeat tbts BBornlng; was moderately acUTe at opening' the bears made an onset apon soma of the loog leadlrig' pecolatiTesajidsaoceeded la forcing prices from l-sat-a during the first boar, after 11 o'clock: there was more support given th market and prices took an ajreard tarn, at 11 o'clock valu s wer -4ai pr cant higher than tbej closed last right. Prlcaa ware ateadUx aaaintalned throughont and clod within a fraction of tha bat of the dav In mott cases. The tales forftbt dayunoaat to satjmi thares. " TIM follow tug were the dosing bM quotations: 48 map.......... 1S4S VoPac i-v xao 444a ma..'....., UaTtrold 11 71 71 as W6S,N AG 1. u. con as W. C. 4a r-15 .. "S t t eetral Itrik W prafarM. Tennsetts'B.... a rae.... .. S Pe Brafrrad WW " " ft... VinrlnlB S's DoconHe..., Tennsetts'B.... KlihOtM..,.. . Pan ...... . .. vo WfcW. V W prtttariwt. tVOrntral,.-. ...140 n . .. i .. ISO lO M Ma ... atrh AHflg!-. .. Urb Dao....v CheaAOhlo ai ol A...jh...... tv 0 A prefered.. cBi.... ........ Wit M Paul. ........... -ttPBaloraterad.... o m n. ....1-.-,.... ra tW Lack kV.,....lilV 111 Tea Pac Denver..... ...... Pao.... '"bash". ........ Vabaah. wafad.. Waatoni tntoa. OSI Bjna..... . .ST. Brta pnifTd SO BOOS A Tex........ W 101 OeaBral. ....... .IU t Tana coat Iron.-. . a. at ri Am oot oil Trust.,. K Teav new HS prelsrraJ,,,,. as LKW-. ...... 10 M LaEeHDore..........fiv LTUlsk Hash.. . tUfaA mica OMtral...... 84 J ........ aw CHARLOTTE (X)TT0N MARKET. Stetol t ood MlddUaa.. ...... ' a T-4 wood taiaattBM v..., B 1 Hiddhns..:::.? XS;..t..w - si StaissaedTianM...... ... . , taSJt Keeatpu 01 coooa WMay s oaiea. , it 1 1 -. 1 . t , MarlMi, .. .1 ;..oot sc Oats SB to M santa par luaai t s awaiPdUMiw ri nau, Vga:rraBh,liuiae, 1 ' 'P Cluckaas: tfwwaR)oas, . h' LajCtMBntlw,aa;siltt.. f Corn a to 70c per bushel . Cera Mea); SaaTto par bashal Ibr aoaUy; or city mlia - aeoBtf alrrlb stoas Bj; -" ahoalaara SaMar, trash aaaatryfioaxl asaia. , , . . , imiyilson&CO., DRUQQI8TS. a i v Nature's Remfedy. THOMPSON'S BBOIiniE -ARSEQIG WATER. SdlilgjS is AS&8 COHHtT. IL G. !?. II. WlLSOH 4 CO DBUQOISTS. AT ONCE Call at Moyer & Hirehinger'a, IS ST. 1 ryon street and examine my aaropMn ot GENrS CLOTHING. to be made to measurement, and satis faction guaranteed in every r pact. All Wool Suits made to ordar for 115,00 and upward. . D K. II ARUY. Agt- for WANAMAKEB & BBOTfK. NEW MEAT MARKET (-00 I iiave opened a HEAT MARKET it C. L. Adams old stand, next door to CHARLOTTE HOTEL. Where I shall steep constantly av band tne very ,, FINEST GRADES OF M leati of all M, VIZ. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON and SAUSAGE OF ALL GRADES, " of the moat - 'IMPROVED KINDS. I am prepared to furnish Meats la any quantity and will always FILL ORDERS PROMPTLf. Give me a call. J. W. L. PRATTa T& REESE I CO. Dragglsts, OPPOOSTK CENTRAL HOTXta K): The Felt Tooth Bruali, J - - ' " t The Urent aad best ihing vtlt. Far snpeoi r tn Bri-tLe Bnuhea. It po. i i-hi-s the tee k, ; im . Htuliu- sad prevaaa 1 iu deposit wni oat dextio ing tbo gaaa ', line. ;v - ' :- The Felt Tooth Brush r . is made of Felt eap wially prepired vn4 twit I a snch a aaannfr aa to prosmt.afA saiaahj ,, number of floo peiats oa tha aartatM af tbs . brash, Um Keoots4 ahape of vklsh. fti faal s as to conform to tat eoatotv proasnJni tR -taoaaaalu , ' , :.Ciu'::in;:i&vi:.,r A.lao foil line of Toilad Fhary Arft- , elos. - - i ' PCE DSU04.' . Preaariptioaa mm- , ponndsd with ears For ths best svls W-Oer. MiU whatsa, ate., eallat ;' .. 1 Thos. Reese &Co'o ' ' Opp. Catra) Bote!, ;i t -I

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