e ".;"- - f V", r y ii'ii' ii' jivi"- ii i i Jt M,-ty t i 4t ..WasT. u fci AA. u ev, JF :A.. l ll M. v ll I ii -'Jiir. 'v?::-vt VOL, Xt NO. 74 i . , f a; UYIKTUIUXn. . Olala. y-:..- ,. . trerotlne, , . ; ' anus's KtniMu iZT. i "r uuraaih c. ranmu Oresery. lbs. trash b Chronicle, was. 4.,"v a. inu.br I ha Unm.i ibJX.i. VMt' omM.. California gkapes Are just the thing for pies. ti tne f rogressive Grocery. o pleasure If you have neaaacnes. Cure it with Brady. vuue. POISONED 1 1 We tell INSECT POWDEB K aP of flteela J 8TICKT FLY PAPEB LU1 .. ZZZVZ"'. You! - -w "ww mua gut u, BURWELL & DUNN, Wboleatle ft Betafl Druggbte. C. . l7 " OHW , Mtm; I deem limvn. - . iuitv am your RoiedT In d illoaU wht.ufle'fa'SSS: dheeee. of aayUiS f - 8. P. SATTIBTIEU). r,.iw t ppawatx ft Duwax SA 'IjsjJowers as with moml , gathered from the f orena to iuak . Johniton'a Nolandine oontain only healing propertiea for Unpare blood CHEW OBAVELBT'S or REYNOLD'S flneet ohrwlag tobaooo. SMOKE "SABOROSB, th beat 8 eent cigar oa the maikaa. For sale by JOED AN ft CO., Drugglata. tDaUhtt, Cloth, Jetorltn, d. GOLD ) PENS j Our stock of gold pens is fulL We carry the best, and can auit atyr hand. BOTH B ft BADGES, leading Jewelers, f - - Glutrlotta, N. a UH'i CloUiim tmi amUljitigs MAMMOTH MAMMOTH BARGAINS THIS 'WEEK. BARGAINS THIS WEEK. CHOICE Of rivw Ha-drft V 8 k , H -JJi worth 7 60, 8 awi 10 Of To Llaadred , Mew'a F1m 8... uhls. 18,aJ 18, Of r a Rtrodred aTenV Fine ? D a. Suite worth fltf, SO and" ii, J: '' "J ?''' -vt Offlts Saadred Boya Long : : P.ttt Httiteredtteed fromS8, . , 10. tad It, ; . Uf F.f flendred Boya'BhOTt , Pa Holta reduced from 14 4A0, 9 and e, . . ' ", , - 9 6t tio.oo $19 00 f38 ' Of Immune stock of Ken's, Boya' H ChOdca s Straw Beta a reduced pcioca. vVOf fall line of Bummer Underwear prfoea that will move tbeoa... : . - r-... QoUileri, OoiiBi rarnbbera SOMETHING NEW. It is a great pleasure to me to be able to plac something, new oeiore my mends day by uay. nove to oncr new at. tractions. I am able to do thi. by carrying such a mammoth stock. And then, too. I am ad . ' . o - wi my goooa go so cheap. I buy large lots, sell them cheat i fit. . . rr aiiu quicK, ana Duy again In this way I MAKE MORE MONEY, and YOU BUV CHEAPER than irom other dealers. This is why I have such tremendous trade. Today I will show an elegant new ime 01 tnose popular Silk Plush Parlor Suits. Silk Plush Parlor Suits. These suits have just been . 1 .wvcu, are 01 tne newest styles and are very pretty. I Otter a hi k Plush Parlnr uu in Lherry frame for $40. A very haodaomfr walnut trame suit, silk plush, worth 75 1 "will sell at a bargain. I can aii.rd to do it, and thefirst E M. ANDREWS Great Furniture Store and examine these bargains. Tke Weat.er Eepert. ' ''' WashCBOM, D. 0., Johi 18. Foirev oaat foa North Carolina: Fair, except rain on coast; itatlonary temperature; Southerly winds. Leeal Weatker BaatrU V. 8. Bional OrnoK, Chablottb, N. 0., Jane 18, 1801. 1 J. g 8 . ? l. iin 89 74 74 708 W 10 00 Cldy p m 89 89 7o 70 8l 08 iOldy Jane 18. 1881. Yesterday. 74 78 87 71 03 J, N. Btkkb, Observer. 8am 74 8pm 88 Kin 88 Pree 00 IIS GEOLOGICAL STJEVIT. Gaafereieaar tka BUM fiealtclat tka Btari af Van vera Tarteriay, ; Aa AaaUtaat Xleetea. The Board of Kaaagera of the Geo- InvtAal Rnrvev tiorernor Holt. OoL Eliaa Oarr, aata Mai J. Tuner Mora- head met in the ExeeaOve office yea- terday afternoon at four odoofc ina Staast Ooolog-7Prof. Holmes, report ad to the board that the active work of the State sarvev had already Dogma and that the V. S. Geographical survey haul nlaned a oortv in the- field which waa pasuag toe wora ox manaa saw man of the tttate. Thia man haa been . . m i a Av completed for the moan tain oosntiea and aha anmngement with the U. B, nrmr ia that the Htata sarVev Work M moatly in the region already mapped, hrinnlne aloaa- the Tenneaaei Una and working eastward The board aleo ap nroved of the recoaunendation that the) vwot-Y'eal exptorsrtoo or eaxa oownir ba isMMse as tnoroaah aa possible aoaato iriv - Ua oik aa aadarios value. BL. tt; iV.Mitae waa appointed it.tat gvotogsat in eharga of the irn iicaUiMi of truo aad coal dpoeitev ta.Ma aaeeta again oa July - tat so e xwHii-r tea oroorietv ot ouronasiar dwoaottd ArLU for oat te (base expfcora- .aiaai ii i l "mi isawstaiaw aaia4 , 1 ,; TBI rEISIPKf WA8.B0T IH0T. Ceaaal Mre IVtiet tka Bprt af tka ,4 V-afcewtlnif ainippalita. - f"w Yobk, June 18 Haytiaa Con sul Price said todsy that there waa not the alighteet foundation, for the state meat that President Hippolrte had bean shot; that ha had received mall front Part Aa Prise of later data than the timo of the aUeced shooting and hla ndvieea Indicated that everything waa tranqaD there and that govern. ment and bnatneaa affairs was neisg tiauawntad aa atoat "Wars Hhmolita thot." said Price, "many marchantain this city woo Id hVve been notified of that avuat by cable ere thia. v-.MvuAii in, . Lv, fKlUAY MORNING, JUNE 19 1891 WHAT IS IN THE TfiEASURr THE tXPiiNDHPRES OF THE GOV ERNMfNT BXCEED ITS REVE- . MJtSfiYl88.000TfllSHO8rB. I .nn .ItiMUliL SITOITIOK. Secretary hater Stjt httrn CtliaK Will Be DetcretlMer; Wtta BJ After Jaly lit WASinaoTox ,' June 18. The Treat ur a 'a tat ruent leaned todar th.t tne raab balance ia I44.418.00a of whlrk SSS.OrOOOOhondepoett with natiooal banaa and $20,830,000 ia la fractinnil aUver, deducting which itema the net c&ah balance la but $1,135,000 which ia tne loweat flam re re reaohed. Iti. aaid that the treaiurcra atatemeot to morrow will show a defied aawrr rJ v.. . . m ow,uuo instead of the usual net eaah baianoe. This is the first time thia has ocourred eince the preaent tform . cf statement was adopted by treasurer joraan. Ia making this calculation, asnn. BO aooount u tabm nf C99 hn nna ' S3P7.1i? nf,on.J and 110,000,- "iai auTer in tne treasury. pspenaituree ao far thia month nave ,ioo,oi m ezeeaa or entire reve nues of the Kovernmsnt Hnrino period, amounting to tt,S21,Sfi These Treasury officii aay that aaVditom dUM?R,th 1 of imoath ivuo, wubd iniannun tn kin via irr be auffioientlv heavy to ovanvmui win un iikdi ana uiai tn. HMint. Hm small surplua for the, month. Theee same officials aa that aiw bMMr-i. statement tomorrow will not inolade liars'., m. 2 WV two daya and nnn u 1 t . -- ww,- un .1 lb nil ID BODltU Rnmhl. Mnn -w wUuiu oe snown inateaa of a den owner. A meeting cf the cabinet will ha h.M on the 20th inet., for the purpose of pecialhr with ratmmnr- ia tk. .... I IUH .un miinr . im.Hnu of the 4i per eent. loan and continued ooinaKeufallTar after the first prox Tne President and Beeretary Foster . J"'00'1 to to Washington next Thnradar. flMiwta c.. his speech written for delivery at 'the Ohio ReDubliean Rt. rv. .1- paid particular attention to the ailver Fered the aeotstary on thia particular feature indication a strong aeatiment against auepending silver ooinage on the date named and it ia within range of probability that ooinage will be con tinued after July let iot a wnue at leaat. Tt Execata tka Bekrlag Sea 8ettleet Viotobu. B. C. June 18. itewa ro- eelved from Washington In regard to agreement between British and Amert- can overnmenta aa to the eloae of the season ta Behring Sea during the prea ent year haa been oonfimed from Brit- 1 lb eonrcea. uaotain Ttroer 01 n. au B. Rjmpbe haa reoeived a telegram In. strnotinff him to Drooeed north and there to carry oat nut instrocBoos which are anderatood to be of the i character aa those given to comman ders of United States oattsra. H.M.& Porpoise, now on China atation, baa been ordered to the aama piaoe, tne two ahioa to meet at a point in the Behring aea previously agreed upon. Nymphea orders are for a three months' cruise and the will be ready to sail in about ten daya. ,It la also believed, that the warshiD Peasant will ao north on the aama mission, making three British war veasels to 00 operate with Aroertoan cruisers la enforcing the agreement. flea. WkkaaaVaUtatee, Richmond. Va.. June 17. The bronze statu of the late General William O. Wickham haa been completed ana u madv for deUverr to the cltV. It la thought hat it will be placed In Monroe para. - . BCPOBD HOTEL A1BITAUJ 1 Nobth Caxouka: , Pride Jones. Blais Jenkins, M 8 Hamfl, JBMoselv, Theor Bredsbura, and daugnier, w r rarxer. 1 8 Bandy. V Haw Yohx: B A laraonda, B. Da- vtdaon. 1 Socth Caboliii.: Bar J H Tnom- well. kUaaee Mary. FVoreaoe and V W ThornwalL . iPf.ii.inii.PBii' b n wara, josepn Lee. Bostok: or tuttor. 'Ohio: TJ Hale, BBHiliofc. , Mreaiasim: NSBoyoa. . iIMavi: JCHrevn. washuotow: rGRti. ' Viaouiai J W Etlvson. J T Cook. 1 Melbony. J M Origg, i W Lovall, W W Htiiw. pniLADaxrait: Jos Lee, tatve newaa. iWASHlWBOir, D Ct Millara WOofl. Hi.TiMOKa: w Harry urea s Oaoaou: J B Newmaa, a GrifnivJ H Bran and wue. Uuvat Laoey. , 'Mosoubt: mrt j t nwenaau. , PunTLvaint:JLBeed. 1ini.li- Mra Tfralra faaklna t - NnitTM nianuii: W L Cook. T J . a. j e.b wr rxr wOm. Jao Ward, FT Ward, Jao H HULOK Holton, P A Cumatnga, B E Smith, I ft Parma. L O Uawleta. O D Beabow. H K Calley , E tuttoney, J u lu. uieanaw O C Curies, O W Bruner, W B Barker, N If H .libretti- Thos D Meara. n W UOf liaa. J D Orown. UeO w Hereattn, ueo P Welch, O N Simpson, J W MeBea, J OFreeiaad, JDBarch. B A Ebert,H O Tyson, J 8 Bandy W I Parker. V !i'.--w.'ra-1d Wat lmat.s ''i Rev. Mr. MaxwelL; t wooi a oail aa extended to become pastor of Gl ham R tract Preshvaertaa ohuroh. yeater- dav aotlfied the session of the church of his mabiuty to aooept the ealL -. 11 1. . ' " - 4 - J. iL Ha gler, colored, died at his res Ideoon, corner E. 1st and D streets, ae- liao last night. u i - , - FSCS MAIL DEMVKKT fOB WISSTOX. TaeTwia City PrPariB for tka N. C. Pfta CatTratlsB. tipeclai loTna imo'ro ji.l WwsToa Salsm. N 0 , June 18 The Chamber of Commerce held an Imnor- Uot meetirg hete thia wetk. It took p the question of a free mail dtliwy for Winston, aod appoint' d a commit tee to wait on the If ayor and Aldermen and Insist upon Immediate action look ing to the establishment of aaid system. The questioner the Press Convention wnlcb is to meet In Winston in July, waa also taken op and discussed and the president waa requested to app dnt a committee of arrangementa Thia com mittee wee appointed today and it will go to work at OOOe to arranera rVir mm. al reoeption of the newptrmr men when they asaemb.'e here. Your correspondent hud un I ji.T.iin conversation wl h Rsv Sinu. Ruth rook, D. D., a retired Lutheran miuUu r who resides In Bowan oouotv. llu i. now nearlna his 83nd mil ni in isr.. haa been in the ministry fur 58 years' and with the exception of one twelve fnontts hu wnmi nil tna . Circuit in Bowan for 68 years. During theee rears he has murriA.) n, aw pup lee, among whom were parents ohildren, grandchlldren.oouains, aunts, Uncles, and In several InatannM h. ka. tied the knot for the aama narann. t aauiaree umee. ur, Kothrock s visit to Winston was ana of Inumt tn aa he waa permitted to be with his only two aistera, Mrs. H. K Thomas of this oity.and Mrs.Raloma Peeler.nf naii. OOUntr.both of Whom hannukwl o. erebie ages, being respectively 8 J and 74 years. The blKKeet wreck that ha pened on the O. F. ft Y. V. railma.1 ooonrred near Madison Tuesday. A box ear waa in front of the ensrine ana when it struck a defective rail it lump ed off on one side of the track and the engine turned upside down on th other. The engineer and a nawaaen, who was ridina- on the tendar painfully injured. The entrina damaged badiy. Your correspondent was In Mt. Airy a fsw daya ago and was surprised to note the rapid advancement thit town is making. The acenorv heie too i. grand, and wui equal, if m t t-urptss that around Aaheville. From "Arling ton Heights " in the Western nrt ,.f (he town one can look into five or six adjoining oounti.s. From this noint va uau ih) awn me rot owina nnin HlaeKidr. Fishers P-ak. 81 dley fancy Oap, 8ull Lap, Peckeit s Snob, State, Litue. Bauratarm. Mini una nestnut uuigu TIV.nV.'ll.n r.r"thia eoilhtV.-wuty 1 aented Forsrthe in the Legislature in 1873, died Tuesday at hla nome near KerneravlUe. W. H. Funk, the artist who uvea in Charlotte last year ia here doing aome oreditable work for our people. Then. Allen, of Hew XOt, wno reo reaeota the American Tobacco Trust ia still in Winston trying to "Coble up" several of our big plug faetoriee. Bis visit here however, naa oeen in LJ a prominent manufacturer told Tna Cbbohiclc man today that they did not propose to take any stock in the above eonoern. ON BOB MUTTON CHOPS. Crtpt Beatrted tt Be laprtrlig Very Hack. Special to rax Caaoatoua. ttoasoa. TT. C. June 18. The mer chants here have returned to the form er plan of closing their rtorea and places Of business at any hour of the - evening to suit themselves. An agreement waa made among them some time ago to olose at 80, but aome thought it unfair as It waa alleged dry goods were being sold by some after the time for closing. A gap being thrown down tne wnoia gang marched out through it and every one now closes when he pleases. Tha erons are doing muoh better than people expected, especially fn thia Im mediate section. Farmere report that crops ara rather late and some P1 the cotton did not oome up well, but with a favorable season ana ptamy 01 work aa average crop of all farm pro duce ia looked for. The cotton crop may be a little abort, out were enouga kept over from last year's crop to make up the deficiency. nllut newan, ut nrnus thia place haa gone to Stanly county where ne wui oe nwnw turn --, to Miss Hortenae Daria. Mr. Stewart Is blind, end aa to) usually the ease a most talented muatctaa. tie am anwa times been asked to accompany opera troops, but has always ' declined aa ha does not like a migratory Ufa. Monroe will be their borne. The mammouth lawn party 01 too mmiwm ! an ha a-tvaa thia even in ia the large and beautiful grove around the rsakleooe of Mr. J. C. Blakeney. About -nknadr nannies are narred Oa to ge. Jt will be try rar tne largeat aw party oa record at this pUoe. Itatla fact a night picnic KetreabmenU of all kinds will be served and the pro ceeds turned over to the Ladle's Aid Society of the Presbyterian church. Tka Jaferasa Divl Maaaaeit rail. Yesterday Tag Chbosiclk collected 810.23 for the Jefferson Davis monu- aMetfuaiL. , Cea B. Barringer, S 00. Col. Wm. Jjhnstorf, - 6.00. Cash, J-. , awsaaaBaaaaw Taa Chbowlb will aUU reoeive funds aid forward them to the proper authority, r -? .. f-- ly ueit lis Brmiag. TM rouowiag party awt tow ma for Morebead: Mrs, - A. P. Khyne and daughter, auaa uuaate, or atcuuf ly, Km Soma Hoffman and Vim Mary Wafers. ....... . r: A SOLICITING COMMITTEF, I RALEIGH TQ COLLECT FUNDS FOR THE JEFFERSON DAVIS MONUMENT' STIPATBT FOB m GLETHAI- A rat Harae Raea te Ctaie Off la Ral elgk ea Jilj 4tk. Hptclal to Tua CBaoKioua. RALraaa, If. 0., June 18. -There la a proposition on foot to appoint a solicit ing committee here for the purpose, of raising funds for the Jefferson Davis monument. It is thought that a snug sum can be raised for the purpose. The Oowuor today made the follow log appointments: W. O. Campbell, Captain Co. O, 4th ittrlmeot; P. & Vaugban, 3d Lieutenant Co. E, lit reg iment; ttobt. 8. Young, Major and Ae ebtaot Inspector General. Ajjtnt General Olena left today to attend the encammnent of the Na tional Guard. The 7th New York City regiment will be ia oamp. Fewer mortgages are being recorded In this county than for several years past. The books of the Begiater of Deeds also show that a larger number hare been cancelled. Thia ia aa en oouragiog sign, the effeeta ot the good crops last year. There is much sympathy expressed here for Mrs. Glewnan, a daughter of the late Wm. Kenneth Bagner. 8m has been ia feeble health for soma time past, and recently cams to Raleigh in nope or recuperation, winging with her two little daughters. A few days stnosoneof theee auddenly aiokaned and died and bow another ia at the point of death. Mra. Glewnan la hus ittid is off on the frontier ia military service. Of coarse kind friends are at tending her in a most creditable man ner, but still she ia a eomparatlvo trauger here, although be happy ohild hood waa spent in luxurious and refin ed circles ia Raleigh. To- fall orgaa'sUion of the Grimm Brown tteooe Company is expected to be 01 mucn nenentto this community in the ms't.r of building. It is a matter of surpr re that the stone haa been ao IrtUa utilised here, aa it aj know to exist in considerable quantity in the Western part of Wake. . The raoee to oome of hare oa the 4th of July ara attracting muoh attention, and a eery large number of appiioatlone u.rou. iiiBu ior antnea. pom'' ' the heat stork In the eojtti--pbl hand. UmtymAjrim ft ft taSagir that Thos M. aaaof the Railroad Commieaion will aooept the Invitation to deliver aa address here on the 4th of July. It at suggested to be an opportune time for mauguratlng the movement to raise funds for the Jefferson monument. BURIAD OF 1EALTB, BAMTATIOH, CLIIATOLOiT. The atatkera Iailrratlai Will Eetab llak sack "areas. Special to Tna Cbbosiclo.) Balbioh, N. 0., June 18. The South am inUr-Btate Immigration Bureau haa established a department of health aanitatian and olmatology, receiving tbe co-operation 0f the Bouthera Medi cal organizations. It will furnish appU- canta with data or cllnatology ana san itary condition of any part ot the South. Tbe -offloe will be either at Knoxvilte, Atlanta or Ashevllle. Qaarterly Beyort af PailUitUry. Ralkioh, N. C, Jane 18.-P.F.Faaoa, president of the board of directors of the Bute penitentiary, today aubmtV ted to the Governor, the quarterly re port of the operations of the Institution the quarter ending May 81st. Eevninga for March $1,849,788, April f l,6o7,B8, May 81,868,344. Expenses March 81, 538,165. April $1,888,184, May $1,818, 888. Frnlngs over expenses $101,078. Tka Easerer aa4 Btoaurtk. The Forum for July wLU ooataia a review of the policy and aa estimate of the character of the young Empaw of Germany, by F. Hstartoh Gckaa, Imperial Privv Oouacilor, who expialna la detail tbe dismissal of Biamarck and the relatione between tna Emperor and the ex -Chancellor. Thia artlcleia one of the moat important ever contributed to aa Asaerioaa review. THE FUSEBAL OF ELAIOE WIUJAB1 , Attaadei By a Eiatkor of WklU Fsrsets Fltrsi Offeriirj rfam WUM alt BLftck. Tna funeral of Oeaaor Wattaaas coa ted, waa conducted yeeterday after. loon fa the First BantJal eAnroaoAored on Ohorch street, and waa largely at tended, Taera ww a number ishite parsons preeentOfiepfcououal v Dr.BranS W of Baltimore. Cot. and Mm. JaewL. Morabead, and family, with whom the deceased had lived. Treanahas wan aoRlflaalt ta O W-J- OlOtB OSSkat withaUver raofuatlnga. lae ansre sow of the easket was covered with beeeti f ul floral offerings, aome of which were) from friends of Mrs. atoreneaa. m service waa road noted by Bev. Mr. Powell, colored, who made a vary ap propriate and feeling address. v The nail bearers were, J A VcCaw, I Brown, B Gafloey, Mouroe Cvlue, Mitchell Geffney, J tiuakey. BasekaU Taatertay. At Washington Heavy rala stopped game at beginning of fourth inning; the game then stood 8 to $ ia favor of Bal timore. At Qticinnatl Clncirmatl 8: Ba. Lou- At LouisviUs UKUsvuis wotamaaa At Clevalad--04eUad 8; Chloago PRICE FIVE CENT FATAL BULOO-l.TBlr. Iti laasger Falli Oat aa It .... twa Pensii Xa Tel!iff. . Pago, Jane 18 -A fatal balloon trip resulting almost to a certainty in the loaa of three lives oecornd atLavUIcttu yesterday. A balloon containing a pro fessional atreoaaut at d two other per sons made the aaoent about midday from Lavillette. the aerial vesture b- mg witnessed by orowda of people. When the balloon had reached a height of not more than sixty feet from the ground the aereonaut. who had been busily engaged about the aide of the ear, was seen to euddeal lose hia baianoe, make a desperate effart to re gala it and feU whirling to the earth. Be waa picked up ao torribly injured that it ia aaid there ia no prospect of saving his life. - . , la the meanwhile the balloon and Its t oremainiugocenpante. btthof m horn were Utterlv la-norant of the nuniuu In whioh a balloon U handled, mounted -up higher and higher into the air grow lug smaller and r mailer to the eight un til It waa finally lost eight of entirely among the clouds. Government offi cials have telegraphed to Prefects 14 j outlying dcp.rtmeuu to make all in quiries possible in regard to the fata r the two occupants of the balloon, but Op to this nvirclnir nnthlnir hail hum heard of their whereabouts. It la fear ed that the balloon will atcead to auoh a height aa will cause lu unfortunate occupants to be treses to death and that the balloon wilt toon after col lapse and Its remains, together with the bodies of the two unfortunate 00. oupants, may Had a flail resting ptsce ' In the ocean, l . , ASKING FOR t-iUHf UOUtt BlILE. WaYklag lei at uhlcaCa Alst kUfy ; , Otker Worklag Mei it ta (ft ta tlal City Tar Wtrk. Chicago, IU, June 18 Th joint ? committee of trades union cf the city' have decided to tend a letter to Presi dent Harrison, asking that in all votk done by the Federal government. Int , -. connection with the Worlds Fair, that the eight hour day be reoognfsed, a 1 dtspuies settled by arbitration and not leas than minimum eoalea of wages for various trades, recognized In thia city ' be paid. Another letter bat been order- , ed sent to Saml Gompers, ptaaldent cf Amenoaarraeration or Labor, asking him not to take any action oa request t 'Of the Labor oongreea branch of the World's Fair auxiliary for assistance ta ' organising the World's "Flr labor eon-' grass ia coonretton with the Fair until tr. Mmmltlu mam 1. 1 . - of labors of unsuoc-esfa! efforts with ' loesl directory in bebalf of minimum V aoaleofweg . .. 1 .A circular Jtae also been issued to Walli.aww i-..i. t ,. ,.. ..-.May-Tt nnlnta not that buildings STC all to be v .ii., mhi iuuibu mi. m i.i.ira 'constructed within 18 months and that wages ara likely to be lower tnsteaa or higher because of surplus of labor el-, ready here. . . . 'i,-'," Eicefleldl Murdsrer Joies Stnteieed. a 08ABU8T0H, 8. 0., Jane 18. Bev. j ... Jones, who murdered hia father-in-' ; law, Presley, and two brothers-in-law In Edgefield oounty four yeara ago, and , who haa been tried for his life six . times, waa convicted of man- slaughter In tbe oourt !of Lexington oounty on , Saturday last. From this court hia case had been moved on a change of . venue. Today Jones was sentenced by i Judge Fraaier'to Impriaonment and -. hard labor ia tbe penitentiary for. 81 years. -y li:f,r' Jones baa spent tour yeara lu the Edgefield oounty jail. Id passing ten- . tenoe. Judge Frailer made allowance fo r these four yeara. t Sea. rike'a Will. WabhWOTON, June 18 The will ol theUte Oeneial Albert Pike, grand commander of Scottish rite order of : .mnif of tha Snuthorn iurlsdiction, . was filed today. He leavea all articles of personality to the trustees fori the benent ci tne oraer m "r..T,Z grand oommander, and directs that u . any ot hla children attempt to prevent carrying out of tbla bequeat they shall ; forfeit what ia devised to them. ; The feeto wbiohheis entitled in the fa mous Choctaw award he leaves to hla two sons and daughters and aU Ilia real , estate ia Arkansas to hla son, rYvpa Pike. Money's to tbe treasury M tho TJaited States arising from the sale un der tbe process ot ceawswa propartym Little Bock, $1,850. he wils tothVUnlted States. "That they mar have aa honest title thereto, and no longer hold them as proceeds of -mundenng under tho form of law, and SsTthe bdebtednese of the United States to me for four horses by me in tho military service or tne uuueu . Mexioo." LOCAL BRIEFS. Mha Mattie Harris, who haa been j teaching ia Louisville, Oa , has return ed, and spent yesterday in the city. . ' Bev. Dr. TbornwelL of Fort MllL- B. a, and daughters, went here yesterday -en route home from Spartanburg ber the latter bad been at school. J. B, Crelghtoa has rented the cottsga ., onN 0 street, aeat to Mia. Kloeppa burg'a. . f , Mha Naaey Bowles, of Louisville, who waa a guest ot Mrs. Senator Vanco last winter ta Washington, is visiting at Judge Hokot ia Lincolntoa. - ' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. butch, wbo navw , been boarding at Mra. Wm. Archers, have gone to Burlington, and from ; there will go-north. The new Belmo Hotel will be com pleted en' 1 y fov. 1st. T..a.'1 lOdd Fellows, 84 strrmir. liwl..l tj a brrvas tnd, paradad the. streets testerday evening. . A. W. ualvin, the coloreed maU gtmt, is buUdtng a pretty cottage on , South Mint street. t. Hninh haa rotarnsd from York- vQ'.e, wbe he attended the funeral of ot hr ter, whose death waa noted in the cLfonuXM aevaral daya ago. . - Jim Long Mbaekyrcm Union coun ty. .HeMporteflne rains there., - Mr. and Mra. Tow Alllaon went ta liaeolatoa laht rreoing oa tecount of tJaaiUawacd thaifbaby. . -

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