V 1m ,1 r. VOU Xti-NO. 75 PRICE FIVE CENT CiURLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNK ao. 1 891 -ft- 3 f:- I. 4 K. ) I..': V v5 fjradyerouao. ' a'.'-, V?,,?. -.- -" " " ruw ww wn nvqnar, Jh.w ry.' or Reynold's-Jarojan Oo, - Lum.Ii t- Hi eta i a. . U"oo- T. L. 0eil. Oo.' Bettory r-iHohl-j.B meele, Minever, Hotnetbtos Mew-B M. Andrews, California Orie rroereul Urooery. MftTl.t'9 tOLtJlS. lJfArill-An eiperleaced taotor do- " ."" Fiwon in a Mtioot or private Q,all.loattoB KnKtlan, Latla. freoaaaau rudiment of musir, tu-Tereacea 5f?,.'f- . 'as & K. On..; WASTEO.-To 8oaul f to I lb. rr.h l eoautry butter uen we.k. Apply to xneuuroniaie, just WArat-8ix good dialog not wlt re. Be-..ieo.jemutbelv.n. Addreu JlUt jA)T.mni.Kl. LlnvlllB, N C, -,4'tX'lAIt Kvricjs. At the Progressive Grocery you can get fresh groceries for family use. N "OT1UB OF SEIZURE. Hiving seised near Monroe, N. a, two (S) ptes. corn whiskey (88 gallons;) three (8) copper stills end fixtures e the property of G. W. Flow: Notice ii here by given that an y parte having claims against the above property matt file the eae before me at my offloe in Ashe lie, N. 0., within SO days from date (Jane ) or it will be forfeited to the U. 8. for violation of the Internal Rev enue Lave. W. W. ROLLINS, ' OoU 5th District. E. X. MoDonald. D. O. o . Jane 0-8t w. gALB OF CITY PROPEBTY. Pursusnt to an order of the Superior Oourt of Mecklenburg County, made in theeaeeof Laura B. David sod egint Montrose Davidson and other. I wiU Ml at public auction, at th Conrt Bouae door in Chariot, on Taeeday .the 80th day ef Jane 18M. tu the highest bidder, a lot In the otty of Charlotte, on Worth Ohuroh etreet, boanded by aaid street, by the lot now occupied by T. J Oateton by the lot now oooapied by G L. Krneger, and in the rear by the lot owned by lira. Collins. Terms of Bale: Two-thirds of he pur ohnse money be paid In cash and the remainder in twelve months. Title re served until nil the parohsse money is P O. F. BASON, v ' Commissioner. r My 2fl 4 in w. fflrng. toilet OlrtixUi. ( . Bradycrotife ahesforW.H. U hit, Fla. cured Head MurrelL Fort What M it that does not put Ultta 10 true and tried friend in Wrne of need rather than the mnehroom . 'qalDUneet "NoUndlne" as a tonle 'and blood-parlfler bu been the trneand tried friend of hundred! ef ear people for the pset twenty year. The Bummer luontha, the time of your seed, are at band. Fortify yonr nyeiem af alnat bam ore of the blood, alQKvlehnese of mind ,i and body, and a t rpld llvarby a free ' one of Jonnetoa'i Mrtlandlne, ine true . and triad friend of euftertag bnmaaity t , t saapuBi a nravni, a vww es ' iR.xn.PK'e HBBTtna. i wn eu-tari.BaaaaM xairvooS panvrsA 'ban?' a,UrD PTBPBFB&a. BOXSTBSa, 1 A tester from Ool John 9 Oannlnf n rrt, "I take irreat pleaeo ' in reeom iu nding Mr. Joe Pormnv' valuable U medy. I have known ral persons wee have snffared fifm 1gpepsia to have beea entirely reltKwi by - taklna; ihn ezeelleot veftethb twnio. One of iif neighbors who was a great sufferer ir n aorofula used the Remedy, and Is now a well man , . . "Jon S, CxmwixmAV., ' "Oannlngham. Person Oo., N. O. "March 15th, 18M LATEST FBO ENOLANP. Six months ago we gave aa order for a largeiot of ths fit est . '.. X . English Tooth Bruihes English Tooth Binshrs that osuM be made, to bo imported di rest to us. They have) arrived, and wo make this profMsttloB: For M eents wo guarantee to sell the beet brash made, and if there Is a single briatla falls out we will refund the money or a new brush. Wo have a oontraot with the manufacturer to th.li off act. Our name on handle of eaeh brash., -y .t-' . ' JORDAN CO., Druggists. JUctt's CloHwf4 end artUljinfj MAMMOTH s MAMMOTH , BARGAINS , THIS . WEEK. BARGAINS THIS WEEK. V.ttjft 4 1 r.-.t m . twi-tlV4-JUk . t v ' Of rive Hundred Men Back Suits worth fTM, 8 and 10 Of Three Hundred Men's Pino . Suits worth 818, 18, and lit Of Four Hundred Mon'e Vino Drem SulU worth $1, 80 . and 88, -:?r , ; tuoo Of Sfac Hnndnd Boy tour '' . : Pant SaHs reduoed from $)L ." f 8, 10, and 18, t : ; . -: -. - 7.50 . - i -'V. - - Of Frve Hondred Bora Short "t ; ? V , Pant Saiw iaosd from 14 ' ' -4.60,8 and 8. - . . i 48 Of tmrneme stock of Ken . Bovs and Childeat Straw Hats at redaoed prior. Of fatj line of Bummer- Underwear at prices that will more them. . W. KAUFMAN & CGv . m4xh CSanhlers, Goats lvnMtara tDoltl), Clock, Jtoclrj. Su. GQLU' PENS Our stock of gold pens Is full We carry the best, and can suit any hand. BOYNE St BADGER, Leading Jewelers, Charlotte, N.C. Prg 0001, E.C. OJfLYAFANCY PARASOL. For some time pottt we have bon al veniBiog fancy paraiioUm TueCvhom OLB. Mnyof the-ie pa asols have been sold. We purchased the entire line bi asm pie used by a travel. ig man for one of the largest parasol maun fsotarers in the Ualted States. He travelled and sold to the southern trade. He finUhed hie trip sod wished to sail his samplee. We bought them at fifty oents on the dollar. Not at retail prion, remembttr, but at factory prices lt fifty per cent. Up to this time thaw narasols have been sold at a profit to ne We have too many of them. The season is passing bye to us, but jaet beginning for you to use them Handsome parasols are ex pensive when you have to buy them in the regular war. Read whnt we are going to do with our stock. Take this parasol as an example sad judge the rest by thU: Manufacturers sells this handsome black polka dot .grenadine parasol at 89. Retailer then sai 818 t& for It- Uuhold the contrast, ilanufac tureis ay (9, we say 50 oents on the dollar cash. That brings it how to 4 60. We must make sometitinc ao from now on we say 86 00. Io you the pointf rtv dollars buit a Six 60 Dai ssoL, All go the same way. r. L. SEIGLE & CO. Itumlutt; "Organs aab JJiano. 1 ' Ol D YC U Yesterday ., Tnaf l was happy In be 1 Ing able to present you something new daily Yesterday it was PARLOR SUITS, ana (hey 4tre beauties too. Today It Is SIDEBOARDS. A new lot of them just received in else. shape and finish to suit the limited pooket book, and the rich man's fancy. All can find what they want at my mammoth store. This is no idle boast. If vou dont believe it oorae and tee for yourself. What I say will stand oritt clam and what I sell will bear Inspec tion. Ask people whohavetraded with me and get their word for it, BY FAHt DEALIN O and LOW PRICKS I win them, and when once I get s man's trade I have no f earajaboui hold ing it. I sell him goods cheaper than he can buy them elsewhere, and on better terms. This explains it. Now this is claiming a good deal you say. Weil I confess It is. Ikn-w it is nam for any dealer to sustain tuch claims, but you visit my store one time and let my clerks show you our stock, and auote tvioas tbi I know you will say I am right, I was about to forget one wug in addition to what I have said above I desire to say that a great part of my success is due to advertising, wives is the use of having good tiling and sJ ing nothing about Lit. You must not hide your light under bushel. - ao 1 nave invested largely in printers ink and as a ormsequenoe I sell large quantities of good in remote parts of this aa wall as other state to people Who never would have heard of me had it not beea for my advertising. That la what K does for rat. it paye. SIDEBOARDS.' V Today I have an elegant new lot of Sideboards all stylet aad prices, eom and at tbtm. let me snow mom whether vou want to bur or not. They are just tie thing for your dinning room K M. ANDREWS' . - - The Furniture Man, High Lrcen,i " .ifS"V'- has no effect whatever upou our immense wholesale trade in .."-Soda Water Requisites, Idcluding Syrups, - , ,. i V: r. jttks, Extracts, ioda -y.;: :.igs! Foam, - Knickerbocker PuncVetc. Remember we sup ply the trade, Write us or call h .... ' . - ". . ' . liII tWKI.1. St IilJNN: i Wholesal ft Retail Druggist Ths-Weather Rert'.:i WAfHrawros, IX C, Jrnr Itt.-i-ror- east for North Carolina: Light show 'ertf stationary reapofVf j Btberlf ; AmB iktEur. Dr. KUlaft Offleut at the Installs- tlou f Key. H. H. Iiiisi Tmarrnr. BjMclai lo The cnaojtictif. Kostou, N. O, Jaoe-19.-Polloemt L'n4ay, irom Mataw, was here T(S tdid y on the tratK of a cgro. Kelson Yuuog, who tasl)..a goU dollar ud le- aatcu errtn. The gold dollar bad been pvlished Md iuii Uls engraved ou It and was left on the Dbttfcttf on iUath 4 Bead store to be put on f watch. .The negro totk it ana wat at without attract!; any attentioa. It was soon missed and ths owner raie lequiriee and fonnd thai be wns trying to sett It. Hs asked to ee t;o sin and roheiving it refused to return it to the negro who then began to outee. . Several were ataiiding near and (he plioeman went to arrest Young, who drew pistol and refused to be taken. Beheld hU pietul on the crowd and backed off a few steps aad ran.' By this time some of the bystanders had pro, cared pistols and fired on Young. He returned ths fire sud mad his escape to the woods. The people st the store were uot armed and considered It dan gerous to attempt to take a desperate character well armed. E. D, jWoriey,, who died, 1 Mat thews the other day, is father of E. D. Worley, of this place, aad was 19 years old at the time of his death. - The walls of the school building are Mpidly going up, and the house will hs finished by August SOth, when school begins. The M. L. I are now drilling three times each week, aad will so ooatinat till the 17th of July whan they will ge to Wrightsvill. Messrs Walter WaUls and Freak Thomas, who hsTt formerly beea two of the most popular clerks I thisftlaee, nave quit tbeu position and wul la few days open a dry feeds storf their own. ... ,; ...... The stained glass door and' windows for the Lutheran church have arrives und are things of beauty. This church out boon bo fiolahed and will' b ths mt attractive ohuroh her. . Rev. H. M. Dixon, pastor of the Pres hyterian church, will be installed to morrow. Everybody will be glad to hoar Dr. Miller, who wit! b present e thU occasion. - r aALisBUBi'i tiomgnurioa Of $9 50 ts Iks Dttis XsnnsM Fani. Hpetaal to Tax Cusoxicua. ' A -collection was taken up yesterday evening for the Jfferon Davis Monu mental and the sum of SO 80 was rait. eevl This amouat will be urtreased duri ing the week. . ' (qK-ww panr are putting in a aet of pom Bosk.' They new wire from Salisbury to Paint have recently stretched from Danville, Va.. to CbatUnooga, Tenn., via SalUbury.' 1 Hrs. Julia Johnson, wifs of Thomas Johnson, died last night at her horn oa Ham street, liar remains will t in terred In the Lutheran cemetery this evening. Mark MoCiane, 18 year old olerk in Thoa. Swlnk't store, yesterday gave a colored boy a few drop of erotonofl in rrlate of tot oream. The negro be came violently sick and bis life ts de spaired of, ' A warrant nas Men issued 'for the young man arrest, too uniteo. tav iTpo-grapnioai surveying oorps have arrived at this place, mey hsvs looatea thtir teara o Chestnut Hill, near town. Uaptu Hatch- a., mI.Ia A ftkAMAV ll.Mli. I.MmVI Of Rowan. H will remaia knreaoveral week. Hon. Mrs. Jefferson Davis spent Wed nesday Jght to Saltebury. the truest of the Mount Tarnen Hotel. A piano tuner, celling himself Brown alia Johnston, has been doing up the eity. He repaired several instruments around town and skipped hit board bill. Gitisni in other townahould look out for this fellow. Lawnos Taffu went to Charlotte t- dar to attend the dosing of St. Mary seminary of that place. TM14 KWU'fl DACflBTKBS. , FormaUtlst Plan ts Balld Wrkiic eirla Btne 1 Wlntti. ' gpwlal to rxa Gaaoxicut. . ,.i . WurBT0ir-SAUUt.N. C. June 19. -Jh Forsyth Riflemen are looking forward with delight to the approaching annual anoampment ef the Stat Guard which open next month at WrighttvOI. That noble baod of Chrtrtlan work ers, the King Daughters, are having Elans drawn for the erection of a build ig to be known a the "War tog Girls' Home." " 1st u an aueaay oeen par- obaeed.i f: MM Fannie Bosoo aad Mary Ander son, two talented young ladies ef this city, nave id ewternplatioe the estab liahmentota schoot of music, instni meatal and vooal . the tiuasai latory Slan. Such an insUtuUea deserves a earty support, no matter where it It estaWUhed, - . Winston ha a larg bloycl club aad the member thereof hsv deotdad In . Von a ' rmatl aad utf or aC Evao.ifltrae, wbeeeedecsoa see a kurcntf ul auMticc - in iAarlott a. cetulv: is beokrd to boid . aiasttar sat- aioe ia Muuat Airv tvext saoath. Thar are gtva many people bar tai woatd.be pleased to have aim oom. to Wxiatoe. ;; i - ; i ? 1 htfe Is as) old flax sphiaiag wheel on pxhib tka tu 8aieu that ts 1ST year old. It brought over from Ger man la 1754. - The Hendenxin bae ba'.l eleb will emss bat with toe Winaton team her to t orrow altfraooo.. A floe game te antJf4d..v.---'.5i'v:-.v . -. Lt. BoblBss Prswaed Ti Besrlftg Bea- VicfostA. B. (X.. June II. Btean Queen, which has arrived from Sitka, reports that revenue cutter Bear as naohed Alaska fro ley Bay, bringing news of the drowaio; of Lteut. Ruian- ao arxt font f the rev ,o Hear, aad A. P. Moore of the Russell party. The drowning occurred while the party war eying to make laadra. pn Icy Bar. with Rnaaall lfannt Eliaa party. Bear toft &&. tb botbIji of i t fNt sfvfiliGp ftV -.r ; " CHANCELLOR SHrKWOOD. UCEUSE t R S 1 1 LuitSSIt AI M.Bil HAD,R)RErTl?mC?T,RS, . ASSEMBLT. GEAKD SIEE EWE'S CCNDITIOH Tkt Drsadfsl Wtrk ef Dyathcrl la Irs. tileMBt family, Ctatraetct t Wasklsstei. Spaelai to TBI CKBOtuoLa.J RaUUOB, N. C, June 18 Great pleasure is expressed here at the el tionof John M. Sherwood, of Ralei, as Qrand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythiss.' He wae given a handsome le- oeptlon here upon his arrival from Charlotte this morning. The unlfoim rank paraded and esoorted him to Phal anx lodge. That building was decorat ed. The Grand ChanoeUor, thus oorted, was dlven in a coaoh and four. At the ball there were some sneeohts. 'License" or "No License" appears to be the question of the hour at More head City just now. The hotel people want ltoense for the sale of liquors. The temperanoe advoostes are on the other side. Several went down from hereto fight the 'license' men. The oouaty commlteioners have At furred action untU the first Monday la July. Meanwhile there Is displayed a good deal of feeling. Years ago there was a similar fight there, but in the end the license men came out ahead. Ths collector of internal revenue to day received information of the ear., tore of aa Illicit distillery at a point 8 miles Northwest of Hillaboro It was destroyed, with a quantity of beer and luor. jomethlnff badly needed here Is a building and loan association. This evening one was organised. O 8. Ed ward was made president. Ely Harrlll vice-president, L. O. Long aecre-arv and treaeuer, W. N. Jones attorney. The trustees of the A. Be M. Cclicg have re-eierted all its officers, r'our new aselrssut professors will be chosen by the executive committee. Inquiry was made this morning at the home of Grand Sire Busbee as to his oooditton. Hrs mother stated that he was unconscious the greater part of the time. At intervals he recognizes his family and friends. He has ns f v sr and bis appetite permits him to take the milk and other nourishment offered. His physicians last night said there was a decided improvement in his condition lSr. nV Busbee is greatly esteemed tiers and Inquiries as to hi condition axe nearly oeaMlea. He is reoeiving ths greatest care. His physicians ars among to aoiest in to state. It is said there are about l.ltH) people tMorehead Oity. The east bound trains yet carry many sea breeze seek ers past here. Raleigh is, as always, wall represented at Morehead City. The areadfui work or aipnntneria in ths family of Mrs. Glenaan, of Wash ington, D. 0.', is a topic of talk here. Two children are dead and a third sick. People in the city are taking great care of their children. Raleigh has bean Tory free from infeoiious disease. These eases were brought her from Washington. Late yesterday afternoon at the expo sition gtoonda, a "boss" of a gang of earpsnmrs, f eU into a well, the plank ing over toe ratter navmg given away. He was given aid almost In a moment and it was found be had fallen 58 feet into the mud and water. H struck head foremost, and strange to say was not hurt in the least. In two or three minutes he was laughing heartily at his mishap. Througn this section or tae mate from Durham to Wax haw rain fell last evening. In soma places it was heavy t It cowed tne super-nested air. out u a temperature here today was quite high enough to satisfy any one. The crops are growing. (Jotton is small, out it H waking up. Raleigh is a busy place Just now. Workmen of all kinds and teemex are In demand. Much building work ia ia progrea, and this In summer, when ally tnat son oi worx is quiet. This morning at 11 o'clock ths World's Fair board ef control met with the Stat board of agrioaltur. in the executive office. Governor Holt presid . There were present uommlssloner A. B. Andrew. Thee. B, Keogh i Ellas Oarr; lady managers, sirs. George W. Kidder, Mrs. Charles Price and Mr. R. R. Gotten 'chairman, W.F. Green and ths nine other members of the State board of agriculture, ool. Ellas Oarr, the president of the State Alliance, was elected president; and Mrs. Kidder hw-nroaldent, Mr. Thomas K. Bruner, who I secretary to the Hoard of Agriculture, was made secre tary to the "State Board of the World f air managers," tnas nemg tne emciai title of the body which met today. The stext basiness done was the election of a "World's Fair Exeeutivs Commi- iooer" for the Bute. Peter M. Wilson, of Wtnatoa was elected. No better se- ieotioa eould by any cbaao have been sad. , It wilt be ninety days before ths board again meets. President Oarr will call it together.. ' The board dieeaased the matter rela tive to money aunroutlated b the Lerf- ialature. bat reaooed ao conclusion. It will consult ths Attorney General rela tive to the nee of funds aad will sot npoa his ad rice. The Board adjourned ibis a ternooa to meet at o&ii of Presi dent Oarr, vary probably October 11. The State Beard of Agriculture ad journed this morning about 10 o'clock, after several days of earnest work. It has reeleoted ll the officer of the De partment of Agriculture. It meet again October 8lat, during the South er Exposition. .fa atawtt Fl la Arkiita.. ' Br. LOVT&i Mo., Ja .18. Dispatches from assay points In! Arkansas asy that Jefferson Davis naemcrlal meetings hav beta held at which committees wot appointed and authorised to collect suh acriotioa for the Jefferson Dri ntot ttr&ft. : Qoodlr irAsi Weft eCted a! ItOLLlR S01T. Testing the 8 en si Ue tjsrrrvm'tt ts Called Ditie DfM rmtADXifou. Pa., Jun 19, Th Jury lath salt of Msysr and rirkln eu againct il.r KOver.m- at W trvrr aotw uf tlutxm ikvW-l on inslfrlai used at ut uibiiui'igA, iMs nuxolng re.ura- a VMdtot ot C38 40 for pWattOs, Th governmeut will eppetl the verdict to the Supreme Court. By verdict of th jury In this ease th government Is mad liable for from twenty to thirty million of dollars that It has collected la duties from Importers of millinery materials In various parte of the coun try. - The suit of Meyer and Dickinson wss tested and was intended to test the right of the government to oollrot duties oa goods ia dispute. . Other pending suit) msy be affected by the verdict and that is where a larg amount of money and great Interest by importers come in. Taking it alto gether importers claim goods In ques tion to be hat trimmings and to be dutiable at 80 per oent. advalorem. u otter oiatue of the act of March 8rd, 18i3, which provides for hats, mater ials, braids, plaits, laoea, trimmings, willow sheets, webs ten used for orna menting hats, bonnets and goods com. posed of straw, ohip grass, palm. leaf. a mow hair, or any other auDstanoe or mktari ti oot specially numerated or provided for. Tne government claims that they are dutiable at 69 pt r oent advalorem under the olaase of all goods, wares aad maa- ufaotureaof silk, or of which silk Is a component material Of duel vain. i be question arose ny reason o me omuaton in th sot of March Sd, 1888, of the word "vegetable" from hat ma terial clause ia th former ease and was first brought before oourt la this Juris diction on April 1688, case of Langfeldtvs. Hatraa. la which oone. moa Mack ribbon war artiolet before ojurt. It wae decided by Judg McKenaan, bat if the Jury behoved that the chief ns to whioh ribbons war put up was for trimming bat aad b seats aad noods then It was subject to 80 par coat lutr. The lury round in laror or tne ptaiutiff and Judg McKenaan ruling was affirmed by the saprem court Under this deoretoa 88,000,000 war re f uuderf to the plaintiff. Afterwards In the Now York jurisdiction a similar question was deotdad la the case or Edelhoff vs. Collector, In which th ar ticles imported war used as hat band, sad in that cat also decision was la favor of importer, as its chief use was for trimming; hats, and th decision was affirmed by saprem oourt. viuiii luiuuvai riUAivsita. The Tstie resale tf arMattirt Bpeid A Please Ivsalic us "stus Crnal. Special toTnaCWBOaiovs.) Qrkkiibbobo, N. C, Jun 19, Messrs, Walter Harris aad Jno. Otlnutf, of this place, gave a most delightful moonlight flonio last ersnlng In honor of Miss agg, of Aiheville. Th young men chartered a oar from the O. F. ds. Y. V. railroad, which was bitched on to ths regular train, and left at the Battle Ground. There were snout tnuty cou ple in all, chaperoned by Mrs. Judg D. Schenck. who made, by the way, a most delightful addition to tne party. The young people spent the time In strolling through ths beautiful groves. visiting the museum, aanoing at tn pavilion and singing till IM o'clock. when a special engine am Tea irom Greeneboro to take the orowd In. A jollier aad sleepier crowd could hardly hav beea found than those pienieers. when they arrived in the city at So'olook. Everybody vowed it was th pleasant! occasion of their lives. THS TEaCHf.ES' ASSEMBLY. Tkt Assembly A4drted ty TalmagS aad Harris. Larrs Crw4s. Hpeetal to Txs Cnaoxicu. Atlabtio Hotkl, Mobbbkad Citt, Jun 19 Ths North Carolina Teacheis' Amemby is now In Its 8th annual ses sioa and the largest and grandest in its history. Over 8,800 teachers aad friends of education have attended th meeting to this date, watch is only the third day of th session. The opening address of Hon. Geo. W. Sanderlln, the annual address of Presi dent Chas. 0. D. Mclver, the lectures of Dr. Talmag aad Dr. Harris, th United States commissioner of education, hav delighted everybody in a very high de gree. It I conceded by all that th dally programms Is the best rr arranged by the assembly. There I now present with the teachers a larg number of public tnea of th Stat and every train is brinaing mora, ins Auanuo aotet doing well In axwmmodatiog the vast crowd, sod all tne notett and Doara in booses in th town ar open to teachers aad their friend at tam rates as th Atlantic Hotel, and every oo Is being well oared for. This grand meet ing wUl prevs of many great and last Ing besM fits to the duoetlonal interest of North Uarolina. Baseball Tester ay At Philadelphia Boston-Athletic; game p-wtponed, rain. At fiusDurx iincinnati-rittsonrx called Srd Inning, rain; Cincinnati 8; PUta bare 1. At Baltimore Baltimore Washing ton ft. At Cleveland Cleveland 3; laiK-Ago 8. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 14; Louis ville 10. At Boston Bottoa T: Brooklya 8 At New York New Yk 4; Philmlel nhia 11. AA Coumbn Columbus 4; 8v Louis i ' Jsts lest Beeslras SesUac. Vkw YoC Jun 19 Joba Meet, aa archhtt, appeared la court today for re sentence, his appeal to the court for a new trial haviag beea denied. Judge Oowin seartenoed hint to oa years ATBIKTY ULllnl COMPROMISING WALES, HQ NEPHEW, THS GIBMAX BT PEE0B. UAS SUN FIT TO . LECIURS DIM. . -' HE f HI HOT EKTEETAIlt WILIIAE Wales H,s ths Brstm i Its Csrtssilit Kewtpsperr. YitUtt tt 1 Londo. Jun 19 The position of Prince of Walt sis becoming mors and ' snor eompromied by complications growing out of the famous Trashy Croft card party. The young German " Emperor .having taken liberty of lectur ing his uncle on hi conduct In that' affair, th breach between the two lis bean reopened and may lead topostpon- ment If not abandonment of the Empo-' rot visit to England. Bhculd, uowevt r '' the Emperor persist in bis visit hs will t in all probability not find the Prince of Wales to weioorne bim when his fleet arrives off Sheernees, and for similar reasons he wUl not be scccmpanird oo hU visit by the Prinoe, whoa alseace, . however, will be more teas made up by the presence of the Queen. The ireem&na journal puoiienea u . cartoon, In which farnell, Uealy and others are seafd around the baccarat -table, playing th celebrated gam-. . HeaJyXpiotured lathe sot of wieio Monsly addiug counters to his bet.wkU Parnell whispers to Erin, "this l too' hot." .. . . - , - Th police authority of Birmmgham . are afraid that the Prince of Wales will meet with hostile demonstrations ia the street when hs somes there to open p , new law courts oa the SUt of July, atd will mak eersful arrangements and stringent regulations to prevent them. TEOPILE IK SAMOA. , : t Tws Ftrtiss Clsiaiif tie Tkrsa f Ibe Tmnoir. June IB Dieoatohes re eeived here from Melbourne state that : th latest advices from Samoa are to tbe effect that Chief Mataafa, accompanied by a body of native had started for Msho, the centre of Intrigue which is known to exist against sovereign rights of King Ualietoa Lanpela, I is believ ed that thts movement upon tne psn or Mataafa will lead to further trouble. . Two chief who. by Malietoa orders. had been Imprisoned for sfdition.ee- -caned and iolued the force of Chief . IVlPiajrii latter, however, retnrn- lagan interview which was neia oev kmam Mataafa and klalietoa. the form er told the King that although b (Mal ietoa) had been reoogniaea a ami oy powers, Samoa. , ne isuttaataj was resu bju v Small Iigllsk Cklldrei Rtt t Wtrk ! , raetoriet. Lobdoh. Jun 10 Henry Mstthsws. " Secretary of State for Home Depart ment in the House of Commons, today announced that the government cor dially accepted amendment or money , Buxton. Liberal, to th factory bdl . upon which ths government wasyettsr day defeated by a vote of CC8 to 18. Buxton amendment ia substance la : that children under 11 years of age ar prohibited from working in factories. t ' PAMAHBP BY CLOCQBCBiT., ' , Dtles, tks Beastlfsl Little CfmeBtTtira , Damaced ky riQl. , Ottawa. Hi.. June 19 Utloa,' th busy Utttle cement and brick tnanufao turlng to vn and seat of many cosy ana pretty homes, was damaged by cloud burst yesterday. The cloudburst was jus north of town, over a high bloff , . and cam Into th valley wita a roar that created a panic aad caused th tat- habitants to rush before H and seek shelter apon high rrouhds. ' ' .; In the space of quarter of an hour . th water rose six feet In low lands and from on to three feet In dwellings and stores in the heart of town. Building were shaken from their zounaauona, -sidewalks torn up, fences end out bouses carried away. Fortunately, no lives were lost ana ins water awn re ceded. Not a dwelling or plaoe cl bus- . loess escaped damage, and nousenoui goods to vaius of many thousand dol lars were ruined. Beautiful lawns were . dpoild aad sand and mud to the depth of several Inches, covered the . flaors aad oarpem ox aweutnga, - Ia th manulacturing portion of the plaos great ka was sustained. The principal loss to this class fails on th Utiea Fir Brick Company, whose fires were put out and stock in kuns ruined. r Th oement company also lost heavily. Th lot will probably aggregate. $150,000.. . ' TBI A. A C01LE6H. Ileetisi f Ir. Tales u Adjtiet Prt; feasor tf (ttkematlcs. , peelalloTnaCnsomcxa.1 . 'v"1 RaLXioa, N. C, Jane 10 Ths exeo- alive oommittee of th board of trus tees of tb Agricultural and Mechanical College this p. m. elected R. E. L.YtetJ of Wake oounty. and a' gradual of ; Waks Forest College with high honor, adjunct professor of pure mathematk ad bookkeeping. - Char lee M. Pritohard, of Cartertville, Ga . graduate of Atlanta Inetituta, one of the intent tvtotrtuctor ia practical mnrr.aqH. W. K Weatherly tendered bM iteigaitki sa aasiriant in mereaa tile dein meat to aorept a positioa at tt Luuas his home. The chairman was rrqaexted to ad rise him of acceptance of aa resignation aad send him a teeti mntiial eommendmg his work. j. Plans for additional acoommodatloB wet discerned and laid over to adjourn ed meeting', June 88 lv - Eartk Qiake Ib Besgal. Calccttx, June. 19 fflxty l earth quaks ahoeka wets experienced throe a h txAthTiyf!fcof Bngal yesWuuy tpi 8317 if5'

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