2S (CHARE mm ' art - ia' 1 ' V 8 W 4Ivh IK WAV ' " C 'a, ' tA ' i .''. " VOL. XLNO. 76 . tate t From Borland Jwda Oa. )hat0iMrtm8l,B BarooB, Do Yaw eiunt Malt, Boy as Badger. : VUw Uh Bun. Andrews. : , . : BarweU . buna. . HrMi and Heal, Alexander Baa A Co. ' K ckl.SU!. WalMDkTli. . naeal Qroeery. redyerottaa. . Hllwl BemaA '. Mrs Jm Pereon's Baaaedy. riOCLI'8 COMJMS. . MEIHIB, MBtjONit-Wlti reflalve uoMm .r of da melons Monday. Ha log )ul returned from Oa, where I made tha heeeeary arrangeaaeatlor my melons dur nl tha aaa-nt I 'can always give my o tomerafrtsa uiatoaa.aad at lata prlee than Uieyeaa retold onaa. All I aak la a Ulal order and I am aara of a aealomar Br ordering from ma yoa ara aara of getting fresh melons ti I t Uieoe d wt hum iba it aaw . 001 latin a yonr ordara 1 am . Yoar truly, H.U.UMK. A wlraoidsnalatyoxpoaaa. TT iriraa putitiuu In a acbool or prlraia family. QiittlldeaUOBt! Kogilab, IiId, ' Vraaoh abu rudiaaaBtaofBuslr. Hfaranoaa aobangaa. Areaa, m m B K UUna, rimbarville.R.ickmcuamCo , Vliglala. AH1EU-An MMnuaM taaenar oa- WANXXO. To aopply 10 lbi. trab oouutry toultar aaoB we-, ar. Apply u Boa Obroiuele, J A il. WAN fkU-Htx good dialag room walUra. Rof raniiaa maat ba gl ran. Addraaa 3tt-H - Jambs T. BKiLaa. Un villa, N.O, tirSClAL KOtlCES. rpnE hitkory safety bioyolb - L Bomethiog entirely new. Strong eat. Llghteat. BMlest-Baaning, Moa Oomfortabla (or Ladle or Oenta Price S100. Oatalogae Frra. T. T. Gilmer, Afrfc, Charlotte, N. 0. Shred Cocoanut makes ex cellent pies. For sale at the Progressive Grocery. Bradycrotine is recommend ed for Headaches Friend to friend. WHEN WK H AVK CAU lOK A BLOOll nurlflar and ara aaked by our oaiomra to raoommrnd ooa from the numerous - patent medlntnea on our helvea we In. vurlubly torn to Nolaudlna. We dr to because we bare ooDfldeaee In tba manu ranturing ehenlat, believing him to ba competent to prepare a medicine of that e taracter forreneral oaa. POLK MILLJCB A 00.. DrnggliU. for. Mlnth and plain at., Richmond. Va. Narrona debility, poor memory, diffi denoe, weekneM, pimples, cured by Dr Mi'oe' Nerrioe. Sttraplea free at Bnrwell ft Dunn'a. Ill I BAD THIS. We bare nerd Mrs. bEAD THIS. Joe Pcraon'a Beme- uj in our family, end belive it will do everything ahe claim for it. It to the tlBral Nervine we have ever found, will qu etthe nerves and give good natural a m to thoie who ere ratleea. -It U bxme remedy, worthy of home patron- B. T. PIEBCB. News Yerry, May 8th, 1881. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. nix months ago we gave an order for I trge lot of the finest English Tooth Brushes English Tooth Brashes thtit eon 14 be made, to ba Imported dl i t to as. They have arrived, and we tu ike this proposition: For S3 cents we iruarantee to sell the beat brash made. d if there is a single briatle falls out e will refund the inoniy or a new l ash. We have a rourraot with the imnufectarer to this effect-' Oar name ,,u handle of each brush. JOHOAN ft rx)., Draggiets. BURWELL & DUNN, Wholesale ft Retail Dragghta. Charlofe, N. G. Keep a large stock of pure, well selected drugs, medicines, paints, etc. Parties desiring anything in , their line would do well to con suit them before buying. JEUR'g Clotlpiut raft nrnUtjiajt W. KAUFMAN & CO. j' Radi'-al Reductions : - Have been mule on the prices of oar ' " high grade suits to fill np the gap in our : medium and lower grade sesottmsnt. 4 7S Offers choios of sboat 850 elegant 820, $18, $17 Mao's and Toutha' Sutra. Tfoo nwlw kava an if aaiaA la thia Bins raj. oedsnted offer, and the out Insure all , purchasers a clear saw g oi is to z per - ' Parents Save Money. There ara a hundred of sorperb bar gains in oar Juvenile Department. We motioa but taro or three. The i Knee Pant Suit are the competitors' regular $7 and $7 60 artiolev Kills for UUke M lows at $$,$3 10, $S, and ,$8 50 which leprssent a saving Of Irons llHIo il Thousands of shirt waist in errr prop r fabrio, from 25s. up. Big bargaina thia week in our Bead wear Department. Ws are closing bat $00 pairs ladiea Fine Shoea worth from S3 to $9.50 at 50 , oeoliipsit, 160 pair Meat low qnarte shora, ' - ma ra in - - - waw uuui w eu m m tw vcm W. KAUFMAN & CO. Hi Caltsnt) 50TB at Csatral BoltL T-- tosttl), Clck, JcsclrB, (Set. J0 YOUR GLASSES SUIT? If not you let as fit yoa with a $air of superior glasses. Oar prices are eeediagly moderate. Itot , only ao we ourselves fk glswa, bat w alao flU oculist' praecripUon. II yoa have a cumber that soits f oa, bat want a pair of glasses, send your amber, and we win fill your order at barorain rwirt-s. We aro down low on glasses, to get your trsds. BOYNE ft BADGER, Jewelers and Opticians, Uhat lotto, N. a Org oo09, Qtt. ONLY A FANCY PARASOL. HM. -AWn. lBwaam wkS.e WA KaM IMAII atsA. M? VI eVlMV ISIIWI nwa " v Hexw aa - vertiaiug taooy parasois m ihsubufi olk. Many of these pat awls have been aM. Wa nnrehaaAd aha entire Una of samDles need by a travelling man for one or (lie largest parasoi msnuiaoturera . ' . . . . .1 . , T . 1 1 J m.Jt in tee uuiva rtsies. ua traTatisu au sold to tbe southern trad. H finished k 1- l.ln . n H wiuttArf A ..II hi. iimnM. We bought them at fifty cents on the UHUWI " .VMM. , bat st factory price leas fifty par cent Up to this time these parasols have been sold at a profit to us. We have toe many oi (hew. The season is passing bye to us. But June Degianing tor yuu w use them liandsome parasols are ex iMuulve whan vou have to bur them in the resular war. Read what we are going to ao wiw our u jAsae m parasol as an example auu judge the rest by this: Manufacturers sells this handsome black polka dot grenadine parasol Kt $9 Ketailer then says sis ou lir it. liHhold te mtitnuL Manufacr tu'Sis say IS. we aa 60 cents on the dollar caah That bi Iukn it no to 4.60. Wa uiiml mikkn ki in i.Lltl f.L' mi from BOW on we say if 00 Do you see the point? Fir- dollars buvs a X13 SO psrasol. All go Mie same way. T. L. hEIGLE & CO. a.niiuet, rgana unfTpiano. "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UUNDER THE SJ SUN." I shall not attempt to prove that this quotation is univer sally untrue, but as applying to the Folding table and Wash' stand which I have just receiv ed, in this part of the country it is in a measure an exagger ation. I ara the first to put this very ornamental and usetul piece of furniture on the mar ket tf In it is combined a hand some center table, a washstand with bevelled mirror, also towel rack with every one you get. A bowl and pitcher, a receiver and soup dish, I have th.iri in antiq-it; oak and wal nut tt$t 1.50 each. Come and examine them. V. M ANDREWS . The Furniture Man. Tie Wsatksr Sfptrt. "WismsOTOS, D. C! Jcs 4 Fore- an; amtkwary tatttpmUrot atottitarty CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE at, 1891 j i-ii: lucrw ritsivtii if ; Frr stisilsis (or tasSatlfsri lt tit vrtSM ceitsraiisa. HnArli.1 in Tvil.awMnrxl.1 .1 nir t-amm' n.a . JnBetXL-Aeseat i lna of the direotora of the North Ssata lapiorement Company wss held in. that city yesterday and Dri W. A. Lash, ti Walnut Uove, was elected preul$t aff tha O. F. A 7. V railroad an saecssi Ite'. Julius -A Oiay It is supposed that Uc. Laeh iu anore to ureenseoro, 1 . it.u i.... Bt.btln MmnRiinaa Oak Btdt uh the board ofdirswlote of theN. U 1'up. Uo. and asksdthsm to I run a branch road from 8uflamervlUet0 n.k 11 1 1 Tin nanus mi sfcaaitianl propose to grade tba road If the railroad wui lay tns toe trace:, ine anawwa- waa) rt.mi I . ll,al W. V V. B. S. CkV aith instructions to investigate and at tbe road will pay running sinenses the matter will be brought up before the directors again. ' Judge D.Suhesokis) asaldng Barem- U..irnfi.nnita aha MtlahratloB at the bsitle ground pat ana am ot Jul, ope of the biggest things the State has ever seen, xa au lasarview whsi sb Judge a few nights ago. as dswlassd his tuiii.tf that lha atiar man tut . the State and a great many from a distance wouia oe snere. io uuk aeaw iva m ..t !! nf ..raiiia far klauBtirinS' and. unBttsh devouoa, hs preservatipw or rather the resurrection of the history of our Utate. ua waa we nrst to eow oetve . the idea of- BsaAtng ft -ffsaee of interest out or. Ine PSilie grouad and tiuod then bet nasi maaw of U one of the most attractive places in the State The following are tome of th man artrantinna for aha 4th. A grand parade campoeed of members of InnRt.tnillril thm. Third .. BaajmSnt Bind, the Guilford. Oootiamtato, In nnnHnakital unifona. A akoir .ha ka.t wnlnaa In riiaiiaalnsa II tyflve mounted msalas aarratges containing speaAsrs aaa unnoswae per souages. But oaa of the chief features tk. 4.. will la a ttanvota BA rade under the oaptsdtwy si Oeo Flts- SimmoOB, wno ai oaa ex taaaaaiarwa- piisoea riaers in sua caw RuMlut BVataa aa Ulvaav DaahI. 9nmkmm mrwmm a piiasoll far tk. u...UIin 11 1 Mi aaal Waa Baa it area not aeuverea; ne aowewwigaTeai press . i ne ioiiowmT as an iippji r a aaa aanaa aaa ' I buying a 500,000 oaneee of attret pec month, pay lag to tm wsiavi ssaBBiy notes, and have and will aotn 1,000 000 ounces per month until the nrst of July nnwl llhsf K n SB. A n m S inSUVaaaaUS with the Secretary of the Treasury as to .u.i.h lll k. .MlaU. Maaa the Allison bill or ins waa pasaea, we nave coined 8101,878,158. and this, whole sum is now in active aimuiatioa, malnlw In the form ctt Ua Dinar faoiv- I A 1 .1 mIn. mmkA liar l.a representatiTSS have neeo' mainminea t anaal auanhaainar wain a. laJ I do not see ine sngmee uaoarwr, saan a KaAM haIImi aS aiS tiIna ataa aaaaaw ttnue the existing status between tho twometets. Alton bum subs u naa given as the best currency that is used Km an.- n-A-l. fwt mnlA. AHV allwa. our gold and silver certifloates, oar greenbacks ana Treaaary notes, are au lth miM Wlak all af nnv all- ver, and with all oar paper money, wo . 1 . I f . A I . .. are on a goia dbwdj, sums suvra w nay. To eet $80,000,000 of our gold. Great Ifeitaln aiul ntha EaMBftUI OflUBr- tries rjBida premium to get tho aallnar mstal fmm OA thus Ml- wu, a.i . r-r 11 1 - d isooant so far as American gold is con- M 1 1 - mmm I- twrntNii. jBwswe i. ua amw aw ymnm u. England, which is sing! a goldstan- wif,.M ImaLaa anM haa haen a, a .wamlnm ant thalr naner mono. wui la ua u uimi marai wa a. ilnnhla aTanilanl. hnlHa ita silver and naner money at oar with gold. Bat I say to the advocated of free and unlim ited orinage thit toere m me grsates nia.ihla Huifn of thatr Holier KSUitins: in s premium on xoia sn ns wwu -.r, f Y nil lainri inmi mil odbbht, 1,1. 'n.uiffli a aiivnr Daaia. ana on level a ;'.h India and Chios In this re spect. To avoid sach a deplorable result, conservative action must pre vail. THAT FREE MAIL DELIVEET. A rThtle Bleck if 8ttrefl ts Wiittsa Saei. a.i-l i.Tiiirsuiii'L. 1 WI9BT0H DUiIS. n. U. aae iu.-.as Rn.nl n AMarman of Wlnatoai ooncur heartily with the resolutions adopted by tbe Chamber of Oommeroo and Tobacco Board of Trade relative to a free mail delivery system. It Is thought now tune wo matter aa a piyuwnN ftftrtaint. Wlnston-Beicm ts doing a vso amount nf hutMlna' thia veer. The COBe tract will be let in a few days for tho erection of a large and handiome block nr aanraa nn anain airaai. Prof. W, A. Blair, President of tho People's Nationei Bank, of this city. K siotw avaiiajm avnt sawimswawi OoUego, where ks is twokad to deUver an si omul address at tho Oommsnrw avf nsasa. tyMsiwhi rsteBt bs mavmws narn vsa. a ment next Monday nignt. uo wtu aiao remain over there on Tuesday to kw the frraduatAns addrona of hi yoangeat bioihfr. who will be awarded the high- aaa.a a aa-.a tjr i ti isj nlsitml -. X ' Misa Floreaoa Siatsw. of Ralebxh. wno has been viaitiog reburvm in this ettv. left nero yesteraay xor taew ibxa, when aha was to set aail todsv for WU bi Rumaa. A . mm ' 1 J fia day afternoon from Bottdorson stating that ha haaahall nlnfa arhinh had an an- gsgvmtwtro play o gasoe here this aitmoon ouia not eoawe. ine news iLin j.i,m la mu "hlua BMa" aa avail aa an m.na attaena who WBM lotiklag lor war a to a very wtereeturg game.' .-' ," -' ft... tar2na.M r . v. mwA InalaaH Company, which baa made largo pur chases in North Wilkesboro, Tbeld aa laanrtaM aaMia thia arenk Bad laaawd the Hotni Gordon, and will fit it UP in modern style. Tho company also de- ouei to oroer at onoo a eomptese owns uUI I., a umaa anil iah office which they propose sstalishing " - "" v.c- v. JKAIa 1SU JaVlms TI oj AVs fUwUlrVn WasWAV hAvstwa liif ta Chax lotto for . - a". l.a al-a mm msx year, art it pa bmww bbbb aaavaw w hsMlaf tVmJBaTt SILVfcR ADYANCIAG. DIRECTOR LEACU BOOGHT LAEG2- LY Bt CAUSE OF THE ATOOACH- 1NG ADVASCK- AFFAIRS II HAITI- iTMrjaitsdStatstlicUae ta Let lat ter Tags their Ctirse Ikara. Waminqtoh. D. C. June SO. D:- i raesor Leach, of the Mint Bureau, made the following statsment ths afternoon est the subieot of silver: "Toe puce of silver today Is $1 01, five ounce, an sd- vaeoe of throe or four cents ova the pries at wblcb silver has hung for ssv- ersl months. "I boua-ht lareely Wednesday and frldav. beeauM I believed from indica tions that tbe pries of silver was going no and that it was to the interest or ine arovsrnment to tret its quota of four sod one half million ounces per month at the lowest nosaible Harare, while It Is hallavad that considerable silver repra seated br Certi flea tee on New York aanak annann-e Is neld on loreliin sc- I oouat, tho visible stock thst is, stock aha ta for sals hss decreased and offers to the srovornment nave fallen off laTimlv. Vnr thia and othnr reaaona it ia thought that present advance is largely metal, secretary naa not ueoiueu yet whether bo will continue the comsge .llwa nllara aftar the flrat nrnKinui. I bat will make a decision in that matter promptly on htt return nest week. HATTUX AJTAIBS. If aim whaat eana nf India should bo a lacgv mm mw V " tats increased shipmento of silver to p y for It and thia would hstve the tendeuvy (0 moreaee sne raias ui waca, Disturbed repablM is being watched with apprehension by our own go re re - sent, bat there is still strong belief that Hay liana will be able to restore order without outside interference. The treasurei a itatement issued this mornnmg, bat the bearing date of the ith inaaant shows an overdraft of M8t 788 against which there are 813 887,187 ou deposit in tbe national Dan as ana $80,192,040, ia fractional silver. Appar ent deficit is $100 000 less than appealed In yeanrday "s statement Ihe following ttstement was prepar ed la the secretary's office at snowing the aotuai situation to aate: avaubdio cash balance June 1st, exclusive of de posits In the national banks, $10,188,478 Receipts to June SO, $30,072 KM). Total $80310,880 Paymenta to Juno 90 (In cluding $18,818,185 for pensions) $28, 774,804, leaving an araiisble balance June tu, or co.too.va. an nfflniai inrormauoB nss nan re oeived hero of the mooted intervention lk. Snwinua miaai In ITavtlan a .uw, muvvnw r ' ' ' J affairs. The fact cannot be disguised tnsi tne situation lua, nrarai uuw arith a iron a- nrobsbllitiea that It will ba progressive. The government purchases aro ovsaentiy matong n aeciueu uopw aeononpraia. A a an tha attltnifn of the United States government toward the reported . . . a . 1 .1 . l.H- OOaiempiBsea soamwa anwa wa xia- ropeaa nstions, nothing can be predict ed until it la definitely known what shape its aonon win assume, it is re cognised as a fact here that tha "strong" government ia about tho only government that can maintain order in ,1 , . 1 L.U 1 .1... amau semi-vivpuw irjmuiw. mn auav nnUtas tha ruler adonta tha most vigor ous repressive measures bis tenure of Ofnce ana reign oi intern! peace ara apt so DO Of snort uuraston. Oonseaaontly the government oi the United States U not likely to view with anmixea oatiaaoHon. interiereoo ui European . powers in Demoorstii affairs of oar small sister republics when the conduct of their rulers is re pagnant to its own ideas of fair dealing and oomity. But if it should be true that tbe presrnt ruler of Baytf is mentally irresponsible and has unjustly visited his wrath upon foreign residents of ibo country it is uniixeiy tnas tne nuurow uwwmw w bo invoked to protect him from thecon- - a mmm Tk ante navar maintained that this doctrine set aside tho rnBdamentAi rigns oi a nation to I.m .nklMl. fanm n i It rna rmfinl pivmi IW .UUj uv wm . wu. ii .. . i - and abuse of t&eir property rlghte when ... a ,a . a J If SL. reuaiog ia momutt ooBDry, iau u proposed Earopenn eetioa is limited to .ekm iliaAkooM a kmk Auk-r it ! Imnnta uv UASivisms BB,a pb iwj - -w sible that aay logical protert could or wooia ne maae uy uuToruuiou. ua tho United States. THE DAIAIE 0V THE FLOOD Wbick Tlsitol tls Coaitry Artiil Petri. nu . fit Jau CnAiljlltuutal pmrticuiars of tba Hood which washed eert Fsrm Creek and Copperas Creek valleys Thursday night verity ine nrst reports of tho heavy damages. People on Fob da Lee wars completely hemmed ia by tho angry watera, but yesterday I wo men iron iaa w w bridge sad raacbed this city. Farmers fos five or six miles np to the river and a mile and a half back to the hills havs loat ail their crops, in many piacas tt is yet standing nine reet deep over eorBfieWe. . Along the Toledo, I'aons sua west ers road ia a terrible scene of the wreckage. Tbe hoasehold furniture of people m rarmaaie ana nutou wa au washed away. Baby rarriagea, wagons, daad oatile. Diaaos, tablee and fences aaa atilad tan f hiffh. aoainst tha rail- road tsesths. The iron bridge, 800 feet long, over tho mile crees, ai oora pieted. washed away and has not yst been located. In Fob d Lao towb ehip, where two big brack yards stood Thursday, there is bow ten foot ef water. The loss of crops, live stook Bttd rardsrjs wUl he eoosrmoaa. ' . IS LUaattODO TOWUUP blaaa IW usaB was driving homo wkaaSMutof . a. . a aaa A A . A. s A a a. a A . lignming (uin oom mm auittsi as ne FUhs ATHiLF Miaf 0a State CBitei i Briaort sf t Usy. tie I. RiLsion. M. O . June 0 -Stats 8 iga ware half maat urn lha oepitol today as amaikotrvapeotto lha late hiuot. Raid. ... JnnatKan. Wood Will. to morrow inori.ine ni tha Baptist Taber nacle heie bo rd slued aa miouuer. tbi ofi b wires STOIT. Twt Train oa Us lUnsls Csilnl Crask ints Eitk OUsr-tks FaUl Emit.' Nsw Ohlbsnb. La , Juae 80. A ool llssion oa too Illinois Central railroad last night near Suave, oauasd by aa open switch where freight train side tracked and ran into by south bound express. Kour mea were killed and six evrly injured. TnekUWd wsrs: En gineer W. D. Mitchell, MremaB Jjha Lawsoo, Chas. Munn, all of MoOomb city. Miss.; and Bill Williams (colored) of Uammoodji La Wounded: Engineer Chas. Oorsa, of New Orleans, about head; Postal Clerk L. H. Bin ford, of Jackson, Tsnn., spine breast and legs; Postal Clerk T. J. Fraaar, of Trenton, Tenn., teverely soslded about lower limbs, hands and face; Ison Lswis (col ored) severely injured about legs, head and hsuds; Jim Lswis (colored) of . 1 , , . .luu.. - - - nammonu, severely uura ammi au, face aad hands; OsiviB Neds ((Mtored) badly soslded about bead and upper portion of body and both logs broken. The mail train waa behind time and wss running very fast whoB the acot denl oocurrvd. Some of the passengers were severely shakea ap bat none seri ously hurt. When the passenger train paeeed into the open switch there was a mighty crssh of two great bodies to getber with grioding mstal, the btsemg of escaping steam and pitiful shrieks of wounded men. The mall Wain consist ed of s mail oar, bagagevsmckerjadtes coach and two veotlbuled sleepsrs. Tk mad car ran on ihe top of two snginee, tearing out tho flooring Bad smsshiBg the la sides. . . ' ' The smoker waa thrown OS too trace. and thelsdimowsoh wmparwaMy do raiied. Two aleepero rsmalasf en tho track and escaped serious Injury. Wfcosi the engines met tho shook caused the freight train to break ia two at the rear e-id, and shoved bock several hundred yards Sn oars remalaed attached to the freight engine and weresmsshed to piece Three of them teleaoopsd eavo another nearest ear to engine being driv en clear through the next two. There was nothing left of them bat spllntem. AN IMMKNdE CLAIM - Agaiist Iks Ualted suico fsr Cloiiig Bekrlir Bib to Seal Catcksn. uT.aniAm. n n .Tnaa 1Q Tt&a North Amerioan Comnsercial Oompaay by ita attorney today filed with tho aot icg secretary and treasury a protest aMlnst the United States Government in prove ntlag that oom paay from taking the aumber of aataa stipulated la ha oonaraet. Tho com pany prrseoto a claim for four hundred thousand dollars torn sustained by rea- hju MnralU as aSan aak in eeals on July tbe 80th of bat yaw, when only one-third of tho contract number of eeals bad boon taken. , The company also gives notios that tt wiU claim from tba U. 8. reimburse ment for the loss sustalnsd during the year 1891 the operation of Modus Vivendi with England recently promul gated by the the President. a .4,1liln.l Maim nf SI SO 000 aa presented for oxpenditarm which tho company has made la providing for maintalnanoe and education at the la Isads of St. Oeorge and St. Paul, whioh expenditares were Imposed upon the company under terms of its contract with the United States. The protest concludes with this para graph: If it may bo aaramed, as En gland hss asserted and this Government has denied, that tho eastern portion of Behring sm is not marine territory of the United States, bat Is "High seas;' matulll aubmita that It ia not competent for Great Britain or the United States alone or for any other two governments to determine who shall be permitted to navianta theee watets or to prohibit fishing or taking seals on high seas, and the oompaay re spectfully points ont to Hon. Secretary Treasury, that Its rights have beta over looked by said agreement between tho two governments, in that It deprives .U ' Inn tahlnw aaala which it M aataorlztd to take by tow and its con tract with the United States, thereby inflicting severe low upon said company in order to obtain consent of England to arbitrate tho question ao to the right Ot uaaaaiaa powers so ueatavy na aaa. industry by petoglo scaling. BCF0BD HOTEL ARRIVALS. North Oabolixa: B S Shaw, L B Duncan, B T West, Georgs 0 Goehnen, WJ Ball. Barry FreeUod, J B Smith, and son, wss siary &ing. o dtowb. VnroiJfu: W W Man am, TJ Moore, A B Rend, JT Cook J M Grigg, J W Loveli, R D Flayan. I Philadelphia : B B Miller, B L P.Mk Nrw Yokk: George W Eberllng, E Doefrlass. Gboboia: J h nswmsa, a. r bobw borough. . Locibiaha: Mise Sindls II sn ison. KcHTccir: J C llubbert, Ohio: It U Campbell. Canada: C B Taylor. Wasbinoiob: LK Armstrong. Flobida: W M Davidton atissovKi: Wm Nswhones, Local Weather itftrX. U. S. ftOKAL Oftici, 1 ChaxXottb. N. O., Juoo 18. 1891. 1 c S i i i Sam' 90 Hl74l70tft W 00 08 dy kSdy 89o9'.78;70ti W June 18.' 1891. Yeaterday. Sam 74 74 8pm 88 78 tax V3 e Mia 88 71 Free 00 0$ " J. N. Btkib, Observer. FPMEEAL XOTICE. m. . I..M.I -mmmlmm tJ 3cm. T. Hawaii . . i(. IUU.I - - - - - - i wOl bo ooBdttoted thia wtnatBg from I . - . . a . a a a 0 tm i 1 1 mmt i tne EMeceoai onnma bs wwa-. Frieadj sx4aoqaJmooai no ttvnom PRICE FIVE CENT kl Eg llTilABl WITH THE TIMES-; . Ckarlstts is sa Thra Bot-lig it Artiltsry tswaaiy, X ."-: " - It haa been suggested by Mr. Crmsr, tha U.&aavayer that the tha new mil itary oompany. form its self Into aa ar tillery oompaay tho batteriee ta be -adopted hero aro light artilltry firing guns liks one need ia Germany and rraaca, and which aro aim baton Bdopted by the naval brigaders of tho TJ, B. ' ' J ''' SiivW;;' They consist, oa a gsno-al thing of four Gatling gum, bat the best practice now Is to sat Gattltag gaas . Hetchkiss rapid firing guns. That la eonctded to bo tba best J"' Tho Gsttling gam coasist of ten breech loading rifle barrels K'roped . .an axis The gun Is wkd by a cmnk, which revoivm tho bals, loads.fires and extracts empty thelU aU mono motion. The msxlmam nrnu bsrotibou capote of bng fired ia 1,800 a minute, M";lP,r5tlo6'r?? one to two hundred. They have an of- festive range of 8 000 yards. Tha bol le firUws ths regulatloB rifle bal- lTho Botehktoa gan is a stegte bmb loading gn. firing a Pi"11,1 lag over 8 lbs., with a velocity of 8 000 feet per second. Tbe sffectivo range 7,000 yards. The gun we of steel, 7 feet lone, with a bore of It inoheo. - - no such batteries South and but few In the country, but -Utothe latest and best thing ia military denee; and as Charlotte always is a t wavs foremost ia adopting new scheme, bar now mUitary compani can make itielf aad the city famous by adop.irg the new systsm of artillery. - Tho batteries when Pnf T will require 80 men. All will N a.med with pwtol and saber. Tha m not berequired to walk, but will rhle Anumber of business men hay ox- . Dressed a desire to join the company if Coiideddotomoomo "wwW . company, and tba suggtrtion of Mr. S a being generally and f amtlliut ly diaoamsn. COATER'ATION vTltlCAl'rAlSniX AHDEB. v ; - Bo ThlBlw tke Thlrt Party will Awit; to HstklBg la tko Slitt. ' Thb Cdbohiolb bad a brief, bat pleas , ant oonvemtioB with Capt. Alexander hT-thought of lb. prosptctoof tho new party Kortb Carolina, ha said be heard muLh about It, out waa wii " , ' . shape anywhere In the State. Be felt Sam that N would .cxnpHeh Jjothlng , in North Carolina Hs mid tho oommeaU of certain pspera werToalcuUtad ro. trritata AUHncmw. Will tho 83 Oongess settls Ae silver Question? The House wiU pass a free eoinage blU before 0himM and t wUlbocome a taw.U tha BepnbUoam la , tho Senate do not amend by stt Jtlng out Shofma coinage of eilver Umiga oountriee. So tho silver fluostkm is likely to figure in the next oI' TheOaptaln is of tha opinion that if Mr. Cleveland Is Bomlnated he caniPC-i-My carry the States of Vlrglnlaorth "Vr..i --i nmMm. and mav DOSsiblv . loan two other feathorB States. Bo thinks Bill is more available bwaJW has tho gift of riding MU.derJ sJl ques tions and keeping the people In Ignorw Imcemtawhere heis. Tbs .Wert ihao developed no Demosmt of fff ability for tha race. Who Is In tbo lead for speaker of tho Hoomr Mr. Snrinaer. Crisp would bo chosen, cut Ko cUnoTtbat a Northm.a should bo speaker to strenbeB the Demooracy. Milla is over eetUnsted. Be is not a very able man. Crisp r tno ablest an tha Democratic aide.- Dm oorats mads a miataks In their conduct towards Reed at the dJ uron' f Congress. Tbey will have adopt ,ome such coarse as bis to carry on boo I fear the RspabUeans bavo got us la . Ohio. CamposllhasastroBg . element . if hia own party arrayed M"..: All the German element will fight him . on account of bis powuon ua -ir-anoe. Most of tha "9V, InNotth Carolina are .f?" . Tha best protection speech I bsvsbeard m,mm f-WTI B nrnininellt mSntt v. . . "TI rw,..t ThMemeaara I Demoemts, purely from fores Ujto- cumstAnoes. iiaw over the South. ,,:;.: -.a'.-? BRlACH Of fROIISB , - Brsiekt Agsiitt Beiry Halbert by MIm IieijB uustiss-B. , t an TV a Onttrt of " ' . rr"Trr.S. r,.mA ta want aimliea SoTo? Mi' WTm. - , - trial of her suit k"'"?? j Hu'bcrt. Appeal wee ama..-f- I OOStS. . ... . . a Justice Kaywooa saia: v -ua. JTtIij haiiava that man waa JotagmSy b5? wbwould wit. , Setters s those received byplaln- tlff." Miss Evoiyn sprang mVT" and shouted: ' I will bring Hulbert to justico yet. and will prove him pur juror." . Bsjtl tt ko HeU RosfiuiMtv - . an 1 a a aahlnat MBinoil " flBlH, t one eu. aw - - , held today it wm decided to demand a rWk rom B for thasboot oTkrBig.Bd.o. CcC4WnO. tUglOSUUStsewiaa - 53 (at. " - :i:' Tks firoat Aairckist RseelvUS lutieo. - Niw Yoke, Jane 80. Heir Mess, too ; T. ..kan from the dtv prut - on here today and rent in tho "Blac - MBria" wnDanumuwoa v rrs to the penitentiary to serve ono , yr s imprwoemeut. tbe court of ap U' bviog amrmed the dWon of i tne lower ooutt. most waa " ; yestprday -, 'Pi, mt . . h k I m jiii. WllmlBstnMeeeeugr.) cial 1 The murderers C ,Bm' whVwm round dmd -s" hem last 8dday "W" eBLr nil today. Dsrrlch Dsvtl a-rT ah) son, were, as the coroner Jury be- Htho guilty of thailkgai whiskey traffic T"0?; ssyWtOAhkvo mom whiskey, which meaaa Mom eximo, mom aaff ttiog aw teoi soo trow, .Vv-V-' Wtnxts, .jr. ' ' -'':' i' ,; ---";-C ''.-, ' . ' . " ' ' -. ' . '.' M .' - f' '';'.' ;' ':. ' ' ' ..; '; ' ' " -r -; ,"

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