. ' . 0 H V 2-!9 VOL. XL NO. 9 CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY MORNING, JULY n, 1891 PRICE FIVE CENT, i ' van ym IK IIW ADMBTISIHITS. V ' HMcalna-T. I A Oo. JT Mulehe-Jordan AOo. A Popular Mistake Pbarr A hang. The Financial Crash B. f. Andrews. It la Dantaroue Barwall Dunn, the Hickory tlafety Bleyels.T. T. Ollmer PocrresslTS Qrooary. Stvutralna- Brmdyerotina. M11MS Murine. Mrs. Joe Person's Bemedy. PEOFLX'8 COLUXH. DO BBNT -A 6 room eotug on ooraaror a- n. unarm ana n l , on it two Blocks irons puDiu squar. Aapiy 10 wst. Iodd. 1X)RRF.NT-Uy hom. No. j7 Eaat 7th at. a? For oartlealara annlv al t h hnnu M. U. WlI.DSK. JUl ID-it ANTED ooa or two reliable young men vuiicctuia. Apsiy at inic omoe. 11 rtfELONS, MELO.NH -Will receive lule ill morning a ear or One Booth Caroli na melons. If yon want a food ma on for Bunaay send me your orders, u.ti. i.ihk. "I ENT4' Clothes cleaned and pressed equal VT to new. for '.no per ear, at the Omr- lotte Hteem Laundry. Ui At bTKCMI, ROT10M. N' OTICE OP SEIZOR K. Having seised, for violations cf the internal Kevenue Ltws. nineteen (19) D&rreis corn wntsaey ana two (8) cop par stills h the properly of J. B. Ham bright, notice is hereby (riven that any party making claim for the a bore property mast do an before me at my oflBoe hi AebevUle, N. C.,- within thirty 80) days or it will be aold under sec tion gB0 It. a. W. W. ROLLINS, . Collector 5th Dirt. E. M. McDonald, D. C. .July 11 oa.w. 81. FRESH CREAH CHEESE, Just the thing forPicnics or invalidsV At the PROGRESSIVE GROCFRY drag, (goittt r&rtirits. MATCHES In a tin box Rat proof 7joo 6oc per box For sale by Jordan & Co. Druggists. Rradycrotine cured Head a h s for Ben C Smith. Macon, Georgia. IT IS DANGEROUS to allow inexperienced clerks to fill prescriptions. Our prescription clerks are competent pharmacists and are th rough!y reliable. PresTiptions fi'led accurately aid promptly boih day and n'ght BURWELL & DUNN, ' Wholesale and Retail Druggists. WT1AT 18 IT THAT DOES NOT PUT faltb In a trot and t.rld Mend in lime of need rather than th mushroom arqnsinunceT "Nolamllne" aa a tonic v and blrtod-purlner bag been the traeand tried friend of hundred of nr people for the pant twenty year. The Hummer montha, the time of yonr need, are at band. Fortify y iUr ayntera axalnat hum or or the blood, BliiKt'Uhnegs of mind and body, and a t rpld llverby a free uae of Johneton'a Nolandlne, the true and tried friend of Mifrerlng nnmanlty J. G. HBNDKB80H, General Makaosb op Chatasoooa, Maksdkn and Bum, INGHAM R. R., SITS UK DOM NOT BE. IJEVB THERE IS A CASK OF RHEUMATISM- which Mas. Job Person's Remedy will NOT CUBE, IND-rr 18 THE FINEST KSKSDY FOB INDIOESTION HK By KB 8AW. Merrous debility, poor memory, diffl denoe, weakness, pimplea, cured by Dr Miles' Neryine. Samples free at Borwell A Dunn's. JBs's ClAtdinq and Xntnit)iit OUTING SHIRTS. OU1 ING SHIRTS. The biggest single lot ever shown in Charlotte. And the frraateat bargaJtia eyar ad Tertisad. A big purchase made by us of Outing Shirts at our own flfurvi, of eonrse enables us to make for this week the offer of the season in this line of wear. At the present moment there are thousands of ,Ontlng Shirt" Bayers and we are right hera with bar gains ripe with ralae. Without 'training facta) a habit we always deplore we eaa invite you to the greatest display of Outing Shirts rvi ahown in the eity. FOR JT7, CENTS 111 or hoy's fltntr-1 shirts sold at (Oo a ad 75o and geatt dome flannel shirts sold at 50o . FOB 871 CENTS. FOR 77 CENTS. Anonrgenttaphyrshtrta, sold at SI, gnaitj aatteen aMrtasold at SI. gemt oSeroH shirts aoll at SI 3, boy's cher oil shirts aoM at St FOB T7 CENTS. - FOB S1.S7. Oar aoiira I in of gent's sOk aWpd madras ahirta aold from 1.78 to S.S8 FOBS137 , -y. , , , FOBH.S7 . ", , AH Mr gent's silk striped Fatntiel, silk anlaed FiannaL aold at foo 1,13 so S.00 v; - fob tLtr k. . NAB oar S9 silk shirts for St. H. . ',T , ; W. KAUFMAN CO. tndlaf OotUar, Oobwj lumlihan - Ctttsfs, warisf fjtaitii Zetotp Org C5ooo, (ftt. If You Want A Carpet, A roll of Matting, A handsome rug or Anything In the way of Floor covering we are Prepared to offer you Special indu"ements this week We also quote very low figures On table linens, napkins And towels. Curtains And curtain draperies of Handsome designs at Extremely low Prices. Dont delay the matter a single day as we mean business. T. u seiolb & CO. T. L.SEIULE&CO. NOTiiINO in the world can prove mora beneflolal to health, or go farther to promote pleasure, than a ride these line inorningg or lato evenings on a good bioyole, such o tho Hiokory Safety. None others so read ily learned and none more comfortable. Positively the bent and lightest. Ilodemte price. Catalogue free. T. T. GILMER . mmltut, rgans aa& pianos. THE FINANCIAL CRASH. News butchers have been handing itaround and sending it abroad that ( "hirlotte was in financial distress. This is false and mislead ing. Our city never was in a more pros perous condition than at present ft is true there is little money in the treasury, but the same may be said of the U. S. Treasury. But our resources are by no means exhaust ed and we are still in the van. , The crash is not in the city's fi nances but in our prices. We sell so far below our competitors that they are out of sight. 3EDROOM SUITS. I am making a special ty of Bedroom Suits now. I have a large and well selected stock of them. They are latest styles, best fu ish and cheap. I can sell you a 16th Century suit of i o pieces, large dressing case, 22x 8 glass, bedstead, 6l ft. high, " nicely carved. It is exceedingly cheap at - - - $32.50. Here is my leader. It Is an Antique Oak ' suit, with bedstead 6 ft high, 20x24 German bevel glass on dress ing case, combination washstand, solid oak chairs,centre table and towel rack The com plete suit for - $25. 1 have a solid walnut , suit, latest style, high ly polished, complete for ' - - - 48x0. Here is a very hand- .. some 6th Centary Ghevalle suit, heavy oxidized brass trim mings 20x45 glass on dressing-case,. 36 tn. Washstand, a very handsome heavy carv- " ed leg centre table, -" ; higH back ;iothrCen y- - tory chairs and rocker. I will sell this beauti . . ful suit for - - $7$. ' ' At this price it U a1'! bargain. For further j information call on - ' or address B,'M A N DREWS, : , Fornltw Dealer, Charlptte, tDjUl)e, (Clock, Jewelrjj, Co. VENTJ3 OF MILO. In our South Window la shown an imported French Brooae of the celebrated Venn of ktUo, now in Che Louvre, the noblest extant representation of Aphro dite). Nothing like H ever be fore seen in a. ttorein Charlotte. This work of art . PRICE $50.00. BOTNK 4 BADOER, Art Jewelers. Weather Jfsraeut. , W . nn.-m.ni. T Ct Wvlil ffnM. cast for North Carolina: Fair Friday and Saturday; sligaly warmer. North winds. , Ltral Weatber Reptrt Weather Burkatj Ojtioe, 1 Chaklo-tb, N. C, July JO, 1881. f . j , i Sam M M NE 9 ICO. olear 8p m mm e II clear July 10. 1884. July 10, 1881. , . Sam 75 65 8pm 73 71 alas 83 77 Min 73 .55 freo 00 00 J. N. RTXaa Qbeerver. A BIS MUNICIPAL BUILDING. A Cltiiei ( Wllkei 8ulcl.es ky Jiaplig lits well. Special to TiriCBiiONicw. Winston Salem, July 10. A new social club, the Sunnyside Club, has been organized,, permanent organlxa tion being effeobrd last nlaht. This oiub is to bo on the Wachovia property out on the suburbs In a large spacious buildlrjK and will contain au ice mod ern club impiovomenta. Another big real estate deal will be consuniated tomorrow or next day. It will be one of the biggest dealt of the season. - There will be an Alliance picnic at Cedar Grove school house, eight miles from Winston. Auk. IStb. Col. L. L. Polk will possibly be present together with other orators of national reputa tion. Tba heavy rains of yesterday after noon did considerable damaee tourow iirg erope through- this- section of the btitn. All low laMt waa, oavsraa with ater and growing err pi oonsf qaently drowned. . .. Advertiaements appear for bids for the erection of Winston's big municipal building. This will be the largest build log of the kind in the State and among the handsomest in the South. News is received this afternoon that Maior Hamilton committed suicide In Wilkes county Tuesday afternoon by jumping Into his well. He was found last night standing erect in tne wen a corpse, j r Tit Bask Imke zileamt CsB.prva.lie4 Special to Ten Chbonicls. Ralkkih. N. C. July 10 Chas. Jor dan, representing the Ruena Vista Sad dle and Harness Oo.. arrived today, lie propoacs to compromise the embezzle ment of Clarence Bus bee upon restora tion of the shortage. Rusbee's friends win accept the proposition. flmd Sire Basse Csatiiues tslsjsrsrr- Mpeelel to TVS Clllllrl.. KALEioa. N. O.. July 10. There Is continued end. marked improvement in the condition of Grand Sire Busbee. ASLEKP OS "TH TKA( K As Iut4xleafe Yssig Saa Killed by a Frirt Trail. Bpeelal to TBI OHaovioLB. Winbton, July 10 J. Wesley Fu'p, a ;oubg white man about 85 years of ace, was run over and killed by the in coming freight train on the Roanoke Sc. Southern railroad late last night. The accident occurred near Dennis. Pulp attended pio nie near Walnut Cove yesterday and when laet seen waa walk ing the track of the road at after nine o'clock very much intoxicated. The only supposition is that he sat dawn on the track and went to ales pi The coroners jury returned a verdict of death by so dden. oTBALIHS COBfOSiriOM metil Tri Maral Kaiplsjees Arrested Is Ki- fslk. Norfolk, Vs., July 10. Jas. S. Van Rankin paymaster's elerk in General Storehouse of the Norfolk Nayy Yard, and H. a. Uoston, oierk in the same de partment were arrested today for alleg ed stealing of eompxitioB metal and other goods from the Government to estimated value of several thousand dollars. The arreeta wet caused by. the discovery tn tne store 01 a box of goods marked to the commandant of the Naval Station at Port Royal, a O.. for which there waa no orders. Newso "crooked" sMpmetrta had reached the ears of the Navy yarJ oruje s and Captain Norton. executive officer of .the yard, went to the general store and finding the box asked Ooston what it contained. He told htm, so Ooston says, It contained composition to be sent to Port Royal Capt. Norton had the box opened and U contained com position metal. Es or dered Cosrton to be placed under arrest and being soi, pay master's lerk. Van KiBkin, wan also placed wader arrest. He being in the Naval service was car ried aboard tba United Bute rece.v.iiK ahlf FtankliB .to await court martial tor oompitoation in the affair, uostoa was taken before United States Oota- miationer and bailed in the sum of 81, 000 to appear for preliminary examioa tioe Teesday next. He said he lad only acted as shipping clerk and the box la question was to be shipped as any rega lar shipment. Be denies emphatically this Irregularity or th irregularly of any other ehipmeots from his navy Mid. Tn aOair has ereaterl a seats tion la Pof-aameath, the hoeneof th ao- osratd, wtMrs) both ar wall known aad Jtt Fsjry popular. - Toong Coatoa Is a j. of uwpt, cotton, cd tag y at4nstis THE MULTITUDES OF LONDON TURN OUr TO WITNESS THK IMPS RIAL PROCESSION. A G0R0E0U3 PAGEANT- Tksisaiai of StUlera ail rlleBiea Reqaired tt Keep Back tk Cnwdi. London, July 10. -Th Inhabitant or London and vicinity turned out In force In order to witness the progress in State of the Emperor William from JBucKingnam raiaoe to Uuild Hail and back to the Palace after partaking of the hospitality, of the Lord Mayor of London. From the earliest hours of the morning crowds of people had been literally pouring towards Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Strand, Fleet street, Ludgate Hill, and the city gen erally in order to take up some position where they could get as good a sight 01 tne imperial urooeaslon as it was possible for them to get by grim deter mination and good elbow work. From the earliest hours also in addi tion to crowds of pedestrians flocking city wara mora were large borne or regular troops and volunteers to be marching toward position they had been assigned to occupy along the route, and besides soldiers, there were fully 8.000 polioemen in motion with the sam object in viw. Thus the crowded busy bustling state of street nours Before the prooteilon started may be easy imagined. as :8u a. m. an trarno aione tne route and through the streets bordering it had not only stopped but still mors effectively brought to a standstill by the will of the people who packed every foot of space available and who were not to be moved nnder much less pres sure than that of a police charge. As the hour for starting the procession midday drew near, the crowds, press ed upon the soldiers and polios In most good natured though so forcible a man ner that it required th utmost eifort of the red coats and blue ooats to keep them from breaking: through the red and blue lines formed from the palace to Guild Hall. While this early crowding was in progress the Emperor, as usual had commenced bis days work at ao early hour. At about seven o'clock the Emperor had left Buckingham Palace on horseback for H-tten Row. Hyde Park, where he en j))ed an invigorating ride. At 8 o'clock no reviewed the Qjeen Westminster Volunteers on the lawn of Bnokinsham Palace. For tliat occasion tho Emperor worn a liit, blue Prussian uniform. After this review tbe(l(rmn rule, enjoyed a lijiht break fast aud then visaed tho naval exhibi tion where he waa much interested tn models of new war ships and big guns. Leaving the naval exhibition the Em peror returned to Buckingham palace and retired to transact a mass of public business connected with the German Empire before preparing for his progress to the historic Guildhall. Juat before starting; on his journey the Emperor received a brief telegraph ic and courier report brouicht by mounted polioemen and calvarymen to the palace upon the position of affairs, from various points along the line the procession was to follow. All the re ports concurred in the promise that an orderly and magnificent reception would be accorded to the Emperor by the loyal subject of the Queen of En gland. Precisely at noon the royal state cai- riage left the palace all sparkling with gold ornamentation and drawn by eight superb postillions ridden horses flanked by mounted life guardsmen and mount ed polios and conducted by white be- wigged footmen and coachmen of Im mense size. The royal carriages, upon leaving the palact pased towards Marl biruug gate, through linea of Grenadier iruards and police backed up by huge swaying, cheering crowds of people An 1 be procession left the pilar- from try quarter withta and without the city boundaries peals of twits rang out from onurcn steeples and announced joyfully to the expectant masses that the Imperial procerslon bad commenc ed. Cp the Strand the deoorations were superb not through unity of design at men there was no attempt, but through sheer plenitude of display. Every inch of the wsy from ths Strand to Guild hall abounded la color. Front of buildings everywhere draped with nowers; innumerable lane buns: ia re toons or arching the streets. Flsg of course were also everywhere to be seen and bunting of almost every nationality was displayed, dooipiouout among-all of them were hundreds of American flags. Clubland, in the west end where the most oostly display of decoration might have been expected was unusu ally bare, only the Carletonand Junior Carleton olnbs rising to anything like rural deoorations or the former great state functions Strange to add no great number of onlookers ap peared at the club windows nor was ther any great popular effuaive- apparent until th Imperial party apppraaehrd Trafalgar vquare. There 1 mighty rnar of acclamations filled the air aa the K nprror's carriage drew near and bis march was an Incessant ova tion. The reception of the Prince of Wale was of a mix d chiracwr. At point ha was received with unstinted cordial ity aad occasionally a perfect hurricane cheer and at others loud hoot inn quit dominated ths cheers, though, on the whole, hi teoeptton was favora ble. At 19.05, the Imperial party reached Guildhall the approaches to which, bor varlou motto expressive of greetings to tse imperial visitor. The Lor Mayor received his guest at th B trance aad a precession was formed aad moved to th library where th court of common eoancii was bm and to Reeordr of the city of London read an eddrers of welcome to his majesty. Tn address was presented in splendid gotl casket rionly snamellsd and dsck- d witsi precipe stoss, Tb Kmperor. la his reply, disappointed too who looked for a very free aaweasloB of new litioal view; ' H hoped ths Garmaay ana cngiaa wasud r iriaaaiy and an. BQ,bc4 IrttCfJ H N lb lira c til lift; 1 STEEL flint Is Wfcat BaMst HM fri .-Af fairs at tk Capital, eetal te TB OsraesTrOba.1 ' Ralbtob, N. a. July 10. A party of Northern gentlemen ar bar today making observations as totns business outlook, and Ratherlng up such iafor matioo aa possible, oonoaratng our city and vicinity. Current rumor ha it that they bar under consideration the establishment or a steel plant, aimer ta or near Raleigh. Som of our promi nent oJtixms ar Interesting theroaeives in the matter,aad it it hoped a favorable deck ion may be arrived at. It ia not probable that Gov. Holt will Indulge sin anything like extended recreation during the summer. Th large amount of work thrown upon th department by th last leaislatur la the matter of the direct taxes, will re quire almost hi constant attention. Outside of a short visit to the enoamp oient, it oan be well doubted if he will absent himself from the eapitol for any considerable time. The improvement In the condition of 0. M. Busbee during last night and this morning has been more manifest than at any time during his sickness. This Is especially so aa to mental recupera tion. A well grounded hop la now In dulged that he will soon recover. The Soldiers' Home on the ground of the old Pettiffrew Hospital In ths east ern suburbs of the olty baa been furn ished as well as the funds at hand win justify, but still It is lacking in many real neeessities. W. O. Stomach, th treasurer, is hi dally receipt of small contribution, but nothing oommenaur ate with the need. Thar are now about thirty Inmates, most of whom were taken from the poor houses of the different counties. Although the authorities who re quested th arrest of Clarence BuBbea, had been officially notified ao officer has up to this writing, arrived to take him in charge. The chief of polio iui that nnless he hear something definite today, he will feel justified In releasing the prisoner. Busbee says ha is per feetlv willin to rwtstra to Buen Vita. and proposes to do so whether aa Officer comes for him or not F. H. Busbee, th attorney for the State la ta eoUestioa of th direct taxes baa just returned from Washing ton, and Is rsrvtirtBwOsegratni- ttons upon his race in wennng in balance due the State of over 880,000. fhe error waa discussed by him upon examination of the records, and he haa been pressing the claim vigorously ever since. The Governor received the following telegram from Senator Ransom this afternoon : 'I hav this moment seen th Secre tary of the Treasury and the Comp troller. The order has been made to pay the money." Oo th receipt of this, the Governor at once commenced the issue of warrants to claimants. Tho sales of real estate In the new su burb of "Idlawild" wbieb oommenced Monday was eonoluded last vnlng. Tb total amount ef both sales was $80,. 000, and highly satisfactory. Another invoice of Iroa for th elec trlo street railway has arrived. It I much heavier than that used on the horse car Unas. WILL F1H18H TBI CAIAL. Kferts Beitr Mat t Bali th Flint. Blkls gselety Meet lit Inptr trust Charter. Special toTusCHBOWiexi Columbia. S. C . July 10. The board of canal trustees and th canal commit tee of th city council held a joint se cret seas ton last evening lasting for three hours. They announce that noth ing waa done but discuss tba canal sit uation. An etiort ss oeiog maue to agree upon some scheme whereby the money neorssary to tb completion of the canal may be raised. The Board of Regents of tb Asylum transacted routine business, granted an extension of time to the committee on bv lawa and awarded tbe contracts for supplying tbe asylum with beef, wood aad coal. Tbe beer contract maae caiie for the best and tbe regents think there will be no further oomplalnt aa to tbe quality of the meat furnished to pa tient. The State Bible Association adjourn ed yesterday and selected Abbeville aa th place of tb next annual meeting in July, 1898. Dr. Grier, President of Erskine College, delivered wnat is uni versally pronounoed as a very able ad dress. Reports of the work in varlou oounttes were presented and officers elected for the next year: Dr. W. M. Grier, president; eight vice-presidents r Dr. John Forrest, secretary ; rv . a., ism pletoa, treasurer. The eesretary of the State's Charter Hill did a good day's work yesterday for a summer day. Charter were granted to tb Gam dsn Land A Im provement Ca,th Carolina Light and Power Co., of Aiken, and the Morgan Iron Work, of Spartanburg. Th trustee of Clemson College an nounce th early publication of the re port of th official analyses of com mercial fertilisers for th past Mason. Nearly 840,000 ton of fertilisers bar been sold in the State representing a large number of companies and 811 dif ferent brands of good. James Lykes, colored. Ml beneath a tram at the junction below the eity and lost on of his feet on Wednesday. A very enjoyable privet jrerman was given last evening by Mrs. W. C. Rion. kfrs Governor Tillman I reported aa quit ill and th Governor did not ap pear at hi office yc steruay. Larg Biik filir. LocTgvTLL, Ky., July 10. Ths Fall City bank, estahlUhrd 1865, went to the wall this morning, making an assign ment to Mechanic Trust Co. and elued its door at 701 Wat Main St r ret Th liabilities are 1431 800, of which 8233 - 000 ladue clearing houe, and depoa'ta are 8181,700. Assets nominal, 81,323,- 000. From tn beginning of th finaaeial paaie last year the bank ha been car ried along by the eiearisg boa, being on ragged edge au tn tim. it b bean known for several day it w only a Boaster of Maae before the bank would hav to go. Depositors will b paid lajf nU and seookhoidcrs wUl ret possibly 88 cent on tba dollar. The apitsU stock is SoW ,000. J. T. Moon is oresldaat. Baakar rsward tb failux I a an zpU&t on m en j ton war! t1rlaiTr4jkabriBittbjo1S. M THE COTTON CROP. A BIG IMPROVEMENT IN THE STAND . DURING JUNE. STILL LOWER THAI THE 4Ti65 .: . , .' t Th Agrtcaltiral DaaHasat IswItsT Gathered fr the Wliest Ufsrv atisi. Texas la th LttsV Washisotob, D. o., July 10v"Tas)tr i July returns to the) LVpartmasn of , Agriculture show some impstjrvsnMat In the cotton condition during th - ' month of June. The general average . -for the whole breadth has advanced ' , ; ) three point, standing at 88.8m Thai kf - three points below the July return last year and one above that of 1899,. In,,. , but four season since 1874 bay th ' July returns baen so low. The Slight Improvement noted ha beea quite gen- - f erai throughout the whole Deit. toe r. suit of favorable weather during the month. Th crop I univwraally 1st. ranging locally f 10m a few day to two weeks or more. In th Atlantic 'end eastern Gulf states especially the plant' is small aad backward, and a lack or. suitable weather for chopping Out bat mad th fields very grassy. Germln- . ;' . a tion ws slow and mnrfot. and i - -j ' planting failed to secure perfect Mania, .' 4 , Locally considerable area bays) been ; plowed up and givsa to other crops or abandoned entirely. From tb Mtssiss- -Ippi westward the plant white aoaoe what backward is of good ooloBaking ' a generally vlgoroua growth, .whU , . plantations running a sufficient number 1 of plow ar reasonably clean. Ther ' vi , is som omplatet of lack of tabor. Tb outlook In Tsxas ia especially good, the h plant vigorous, fields wall worked, and f v from but two counties, both in Texas, not even aa Invasion of a first brood b ing noted anywhere !. The returns of conditions by state ar a foUows: Virginia, 82, North Carolina, 77. South Carolina. 80, Georgia, 85, .Florida, 84, Alabasna, 87, Mississippi 81 Lonisnaia, 80. Texas. 85. Arkansas. 88. Tssinsssna. S3. Th temperature of the month was v bore normal throughout almost th satire region; the rainfall white ratker short was generally suflloient, and thl ' favorable combination of meteorological conditions enabled the crop to recover 1 somewhat from th unfavorable earlier The lateness of th plant wlU make th final outcome unusually d- pendent upon the leogth of the season. , THB WHEAT CROP 1MPB0YKP. 1 Tobaee Better fhas fr Tsan. Can Alio lnprored hj th Jne Weather. Wabhinotok. D, C. July 10-July report of Department of Agricultor saaKes acreage aa oomparea wita breadth barveated last year of "oora - 108.8: sMtatoe. 108 8: tobaooov MS.8: condition corn, 88.8; winter wash, 88.8; spring wheat, 94.1; Rye. 83.0;ota, 87.8; barley, 80 9; potatoes, 95 8; tobac co, 91.1. A heavy inoreaes la the corn -acreage is more apparent than real. Th comparison is with tba breadth harvested last year when ther was a loss of 8,000 000 acres by abandonment on account of drouth. Tb present re turn makes tbe aorsnm slightly Ism than seyenty eight million sorwocaoBM what smaller than the area actually planted but year. Kansas and Nebraska naturally enow Urge increase, but this area apparent lv doe not exceed that harvested ia 1888. ine crop Is late in all sections on o- oount of the drouth and unfavorbl conditions auho time of planting and 000! weather during May, but June was warm, with abundant moisture, and the crop was coming forward rapidly on July 1st. .4 ' Iu Olil ) aud the upper Mississippi val ley progrctH during the month waa es pcially gratifying, but in Kansas and Nebraska considerable damage result ed from excessive rainfall. In many districts June raibs prevented props ' working, leaving the fields foul, but. a a few days of sunshine would remedy , this. Th general average it a fraction -below that of 1888 aad 1800, ' and slightly above that of 1889., . , The condition of winter wheat i r tained fractionally th same a In June. Th crop is harvested except te its most northern habitat with condition tight est reported since 1879, with on -ception. 80 far as can be judged at the tim of harvest the berry is reported generally plump and In keeping with heavy straw, but occasional mention is made of short bead. Averages of principle States are: Pennsylvania wo Ohio 97 " Michigan JS Indiana 8ft Illinois 98 Missouri 88 Kansas 94 California 98 Tb condition of spring wheat las proved during June, tbe advance being In Minnesota and Dakota, whan th month was exceptionally favorabl. Chinch bugs have appeared in portion of tb northwest, but with ao r ciable damage vet Stat average are: Wisconsin, 77; Minnesota, 91; Colorado, 98; Nebraaha, 98; North Dakota, 98; 8oath Dakota, 97; Waabington, 98. Oat have improved during th month, but tb general average Ja tba. lowest reported since 1879, sxoept la ' 1887 and last year, when tb July eon. dition of 81.8 waa followed by a fffeen eal failure of the crop. Tb poo con dition ia generally tbe result of drouth early in th season, the present improve ment having followed tbe reasonable rains snJ Mih temperatur of' Joee. The tint rMura of potatoss Shows tb condition higher than the averag nf , reeent yeara, while that of, tobeooo hi higher than in any yea since 1988. '. The frail prospect as vaey iUtteriag lu New Eagland aad the North AMaatio Stats and west of the Miasiaatppi rite to tb Paoinc. Tbe Eatt pecia4cao from tlie European ageat indicate heavy deficiency in th European ry ' I crop. Jan. D. Ross baa oomplstsd bi besjs moving fob at Bootia Seminary, ia Ooa- -aord. aad arrived teats yterfa TU ilf Bta6i5fy. y. ?v . S t v-,