u m za re iU r - m u ; n ni u ; n a , j n w JLJL -JtTtt.,, H U- U w -iJ- -U- II Mwu.-iL. JUL Xr v VOL. XL NO. 93 CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1891 PRICE FIVE CENT "r" na invDia wcvrv ',.?4 I. L. Alexander, Bon Co. . Barwail Dunn. Col, Bradahaw. El.tnnn. V'.K.afmanACo. Rom Adams. l-h Hlekory Safety Bleycle.T. T. Oil mar PognMat Orooery. r-iouuiaia. liredyerolina. 1-tlae' Bervln. k ra. Jo Person' Remedy. PROPIiB'8 COLUMN. TX3B RENT: Avw honaa on Waat n ntri X' Apply to H. f. ROLLINS, 809 North C Hi. ClTR AYR DOR STOLEN: A I1ht red jeraey kj eem, mil oio. rinaer win piemae no Uy, J. M. UOODK. BOARDER3 WAlfTKD:il6 W. Hh St. LEVY OA IN. FOR RKNT-J room dwelling, 33 Wei-t 5th St. Oae, water eta Apply to W. M.BMITH airmunoe, jmym.t. POR RENT -Vy houae, No. 2;7 Eaat 71 h fi. 1 For partlonlara r.pply at the house H. M. Wii.iirk. Jul lO-.t GENT' Clotliea cleaned and preaaed eqnal to new. for fi,00 pe.' auii, st tbe Char lotte Hieain tanndry. Jy7 U Hpgt'lAL NUTIVK4. N( OTIt E OF SALE I will fell at R Colleg St., on the 18tb of July, two mrrvia ai wniSKej ana tnree copper still". Sale to be made under section 8.400 B. 8. for violation of Internal liav eaue laws. W. W. Rollins, Collector. Ed McDonald, Dep. Col. Joly 6 and 18. SCHOOL NOTICE. On July 28rr, at 0 a m , at the White Graded School building, an ex amination will be held by Superinten dent Graham, for principal and teacher in the colored Graded Scool. F. NASH, Sec. and Treae. 8 t. IAOTOHY STOCK FOR SALE. I will sell cbeap, for cash forty fie (45) share stock in the Alpha Cotton aiiiu, oi tnia city. Apply to T. B. 8EIGLE, Executor. 1 t. FRESH CREAM CHEESE, Just the thing for Picnics or invalids. At the PROGRESSIVE GROCERY Ornge, (JoiUt 3lrtitlf. MATCHES In a tin box Rat proof 6oc per box For sale by Jordan & Co. Druggists. 7 ;oo V HAT 18 IT THAT DOES WOT PUT ruth In a true and tried friend in time ot need rather than the maabroom cqualnWocaT "Nolandine" aa a tonle and blood-purl flr baa bean tbe trueaud tried mend of hundrede or our people for Ua paat twenty year. The SumoVar uionthi, the time ef your need, are at hand. Fortify your lyilem aialnit bum or of tbe blood, iluiclahne of mind and body, and a t rpld llrerby a free ua of Johnnon'i NoUndloa, tbe true and triad friend of auirerlnc humanity J. 0, Hkmdeiwon, Gkniral Maxaqib 0 CBATAJIOOaA, MaBSDEM AND BlBkt, IS IHAMH. B , 8VT8 Hs DB8 NOT BB- ll v1 trkrk 18 a c8i of rhkumati8ii v hich Mrs. Job Prbson's Kemkdy will s )t cur1, and it is tur finest remedy F 'R Indiokstion hi evkh saw. Nervous debility, poor memory, diffl denoe, weakness, pimples, cored by Dr Kile' Nervine. Samples free at Burwell A Dunn's. dn' QTlothiriq anb ttmiibingi MENS' FURNISHINGS. WHY OUR TRADE IS INCEEAS1N0. A "BLACK EYE" TO HIGH PRICES. Today we are doing the largest Furnish ing butincej of the city, and for tbeaole and aimple reason that we have taught the buyer of merohudls tbat paying fancy flgurea la neither wise nor neoea aarjr. You can eom into this house or you can ssad any member of your fam ily and save on your own apparel never lest than 25 per oent. and from that to 100 per oant. according to where you have been in the habit of doing your trading. The following figure prove what we hav to say: kerb' undibwcaju Fin India guaie shirts, all sites, com parison prioe elsewhere 40c per gar ment 25c. Mens' well made jeans drawers, good quality. Ooanparison prioe: eliewhere We, pec pair SO. Men' superior summer weight Bal briggaa shttts and drawer. Compari son price: elsewhere 7So, our price 53. Meo' half hoe Men' seamt-ss cot ton half ho, gry and brown mixtures Cup'inaoa prioe: eiee here 18a, our 10) Mn' black cjttoa half hose, ftood qialty. Compar soa price 0u, ours IK lo. ocTrxa SHurra. We hav an accumulation of Outing Shirt. Odd Iota, broken sU-s Tbey good that sold fur from 1 50 du 7. Tie each, will ckx them eat at 60a. . - Wi also offer an alegaat silk strip out- ing skirt, well triad, perfect in eri - atylflaisn. Uompamo poor: eUewhsr . $1 50, ow prto $1 00 Boythaa4xnMehevio4jting. Blank - aatteea and faacy atHp. well mad. : bet etyl). at Ua, Ma, 76c, and tl 90. Faaey Scarfs at le and z5c Best iualtty, Graaaadin Windsors, black 'aavy, garswt, whit ky, pink and I craaais, fnU iMgth and breadth, t&J , eoriecs eusnmsr nut. Oompariaoa prtew:lssahms40ach.8o. : Caosing Mrt mreaUre stock of wu' 'atMl Ury )twlthaprk) . W.KAUFMAN S CO. pMdiac OoaUM Own lmlaben ta3Gin.CcriiC5eotnJEfitsL Orn Ooo5i, (Etc STORE CHAT STORE CHAT What's being Worn. What's being Worn. Where to get it Where to get it T. L. SEIGLE & CO. Tbs time I a "doubl quick" among the lovely wash fabric just now. The Gingham are the loveliest of sweet tints and of just the thiokneae to be right the warmest day. Wonaea'a -Blaaera are going like the rest of the summer stuffs and all who wish one of these ever ready, cool and most serviceable of summer garments should call at cnoe. Price K8.H0 to (6.00. Do you wear a straw hat? If Bat why not? Surely the choice of any in our nloro for fifty cents would be tempting enough for you to shoot the hot Derby or Felt. Why,man, its economy to buy a hat for CO cte, wear it all summer and store tho $4 tile. French Pine Apple cloth Arm as fin est Sea Island cotton can be made the best talent ot artistic France has execut ed the designing and foloring 81 iDches wide ten yards will make your dress most comfortable exceedingly stylish outlay $8. You can get one of those very nobby and Bwoll parasols that sell for 85, $7, 89, 810, in New York, at SI. 50 to $3 from us. We mean it. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. We claim to carry the largest and best selected stock of drugs in North Carolina. We invite an ispection with the hope of securing your orders. BURWELL & DUNN, Wholesale ard Retail DrRggists. If your Headache prevents your enjoyment don't let it liradycrotine. rn BE prettiest riding -heels iu th JL world, tbe little Hickory safeties. Nothing so nioe. I have a regular little riding school now; everybody want to ride, and I am turning out new riders very day. Everything will be on wheels soon. Catalouge free and explains all. T. T. OILHJ5K. -faruinus, (Drgana aao Jiaaot. GRAND SPECIAL GRAND SPECIAL SALE SALE. I will make errand special sale of Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures for the next few days. I have them in every style and price from the ordinary CHROMO worth 75c to the handsomest genuine HAND PAlNlliNUS HAND PAINTINGS Also a eood selection of OLEGRAPHS OLEGRAPHS OLEGRAPHS that are beauties and a njmb-r of the handom -st SI EEL ENGRAVINGS ST Lit L ENGRAT1NGS If you want anything in this I can please you All I ask is that line 1 know wjthout fail you cau at my Mammouth Furniture Store and take a look. That will insure a sale. Ask to see Love's Captive" or "La Fountaine Einorate" or "II Est Lai." They are beau tiful E. M. ANDREWS, The Furniture Dealer, Charlotte, ff. tDiUfhe, OJUuk, Jcmtirn, (ft. VENUS OF UILO. In our South Window Is shown an imported French Broaae of the celebrated Vanus of Milo, now in the Louvre, the noblest extant representation of Aphro dite. Nothing like it ever be fore seen in a store In Charlotte. This work of art pbice eio.oo. BOYNE ft BADGER, Art Jeweler. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE!. Lkxinuton, va MdYear. State "Military, Solentlflo and Technical School. Tnoroogh Conraea In gen. eral and applied nnemleiry, ana in Jtngin serine. Con Or. rteere of graduate In Acad. emlc Courae, alao (lfrreea of Bachelor of Bcienoa ana vivn ftnginetr in leoaniw Courae All expen.ee, inoludlof c ottilEf and Inoldentala, provided at rate of tiS.M per month, aa an average for the tour year, exclualve of ru'TH. Oek.S JOTT SIPP, Superintendent Weekly Buk Stateaeit, New York, July 11. Reserve de crease $928,05,0 loans decrease 11,857, 8C0;speoie decrease 8,088,000; legal ten dam decrease 848(5 900; deposit dV crease $1,868,400; circulation increase $63,800. Banks now hold $14,542,085 in exoess of requirement of the 25 per cent. rule. Opposed to tke 8sb-Treastry Scheme. St. Louis, July 10. A special dispatch from Fort Worth, Texas, says, nearly all the de'egatee to the Farmers' Alli ance State Convention, which meets there this morning, have arrived. This convention Is the revolt on the pa. of Democratic Alliance men against tua recent action of some Alliance leaders Toe delegates are opposed to the Sub Treasury scheme. At Apptal FrBJtdgeBsV Detlsiei. Los A no elks, Cal., July 10. Judge Biiss, of the United District Court has granted a motion for appeal in the case of the Schooner, Robert and Minnie, to the United States Court of appeals in San Francisco. Lake City Haik Failure. Jacksonville. Fla. Julv 10. Tha Lake City bank failure is more serious than was supposed and the general impression is it is a complete wreck, through the President says he will pay ont. There are many more depoeitot than supposed. Ine best busintsi menarebadlv hit. Countv funds are said to be stored. There is still no lofl ute clatemunt of liabilities. InJI vidual Bu i firm los es range from $5,000 to a few ciollrr Fir li Memphis. Memphis. Tenn.. Julv 11. A fire at an early hour this morning damaged the gents furnishing stock of Sample Hill to the amount of $20,000; Insurance $15,000. Washligtta Apptlitmeitt. WiROTNnraM .Tnlw 11 AtApAarAfwia and gaugera war appointed as follows: WllliamS. Carpenter, Carpenters'. N. O ; Joshna Hall. Otto Creek N.0.;EHjh vy. aiariow, sugar utu, n. u. llamili'i Will. Basoor. M . Jnlv 11. Th will of thltHon. Hannibal Haatllm has been filed for probata. Th document I short, la lacking In pondsroas legal phrase and la characteristic of Hamlin. The will make no public bequest. A CtaaprtmlM. Woroestor. Ms , July 11. The un derstood creditor of the Wore rs tor Steel works have consented to accept a compromise and the works will soon be running rgaln Tha indebtedness I about $1,800,000. Fata Eiplsstsi Vincbnner, Ind , June 11. A thresh ing engine exploded this morning at Hruceville. John Fleck was instantly killed, having hi bead blown off. Dick Price's breast was crashed in and he will die. William Coan, Herman Mil- burn, Newton Baker Cha. Gibbon and Gude Barr were horribly scalded. Tbe engine was blown to fragments. v Uk-decided u te HerBiikaad sRemaiej. New York, July 11 Mrs. Jefferson Davis, who has been spending several weeks at the New York hotel, left this morning without making a decision aa to the disposition of the remains of her late butband. It is reported tbat she baa asked for a year in which to give an answer to Richmond and Jscktorj, Miss., delegations who have waited on her. Hold to aa Eigllsh Syndicate. Nashvillr, Teas., Jaly 11. A Flor ence, Ala., special says that the proper tp of th Sheffield Land Co and the plant of the Alabama Iron and Railway Co., of S'leffletd, will be sold to an Eng lish syndicate. The dispatch aay that negottataotai nave been penaiag rot some time and it i now said that the deal will be claeed at once Memrs, Eawky aid Cule. largo! ownnr of th proper ty, left yesterday for London aoeompa. nied by a reprentativ of th ayndi cats whi aasurd them that tha deal would be consummated on their arrival in London, The proper.y oonaiat of three large blast furnace and iwerly two-third of tha town of Bhtffijld. The price ia understood to b three mil laon dollhrs. leal Estate Traatfen. Laura Pharr to Edward Pharr, lot ia Biddleville, considera tion - $60 00 J no. McLuxe and wife to A. G. Bar nets, 40 acre in county, couaidevation Priroilly Steel to E. W. David on lot la Biddleville, consid e atioo... P. B Neoly and wlfs to W. .& 1 CO 90.00 Choat, 14$ aorr In Steele Creek township, eoosiderr- tioa 1,840 00 E.T. Gentler and wife to A man da White, city loVeoBeidera- 4&0.00 Tom Q to W, F. Dowd. lot la Cavorih. OOaiMaratfOB-..,.... 117.80 THE EMPEROR IN ENGLAND. HE RISES EARLY AND GOES TO WIMBLE rOS- REVIEW OF TOLUNTEEB TROOPS. Tke Imperor Ckaiges Hia Ideal tf a farad af Bijrlltk Tradeimea. A flraid SlRtt. Loidon, July 11. The Emperor of Germany remained at the Bute ball given at Buckingham Palace until t o'clock this morning. After he ate breakfast he attended to business with hia secretaries He afterwards review ed ths Yeomen of the Guard. LoaDOR. Julv 11. The Emperor and Empress and their snitea at 8 o'clock left London by rail for Wimbledon Station to witness the big event of the day a teview of England's volunteer soldiey. From Wimbledon Station the i oute to tbe parade ground wan lav ishly decorated with flowers in almost endless profusion. Early in the morn ing the British volunteer regiment axa regiment of regular who were detailedto assist In tho parade, began to arrive at Wimbledon from all direction. With the early regiments orowda of paopls from London and the country flocked towards Wimbledon, the common old creedmoorof England, and began to take up favorable positions irom wnicn to see troops. Regiment which were among th first to arrive did so In a smart soldiery like manner. It was evident at a glano that their commanding offioers had done their utmost to turn out the "citi zens soldiery " in a olean out and busi ness like a manner a Dossible. The men themselves appeared to have seconded their officers' endeavors to the utmost of their abilities and seemed to be de termined to make as good a show as possible before the Emperor, who had been reported to have remarked that he did not care to see "Tradesman mas querading as soldiers." I he weather was glorious, me em bai katfon of the troops upon the railroad trains was accomplished in quiet order, and a soldiery manner. Many of the volunteer legiments in order to show the Emperor that they were not euch "rear rankero' as some people sup posodrpreferred to march iu full neavy marching order all tbe way to Wimble ion tuftoad of taking tbe car ana in not a few cases back again to their reg imental districts, some of of thet regi ments thu falling in for a good twenty ti twvniy five miks tramp. Detatch ments of tho Life Gourds, Horse Guards, Drserons. LhIiCi-i.. Hi zzars and Artil lery nrlvcd earlv in the day and those picked eavalrymen weie soon followed by tie regular Infantry of the line, and after them came Ine urenaaier uuara, Cold Stream Guards, and Scott Fusilier Guards. If these real It fine troop were well received by the crowd which bad by that time gathered on Wimbledon's ward, it was as nothing to the applause with which the irallant Highland regi ment, England's bonnie Scot, march ed to the front with bag pipe playing. By S 80 p. m., all regular!, number ing from 9 000 to 7,000 men, were In positions assigned to them, and th volunteers were tttll pouring la living strekmi upou the common. Tha entire body of troop was under the suprem command of His Royal Hlghaoej, Dak of Cambridge, Commander in Chief of the British army ana troops, eeumatea at about 16 000 volunteers, and about 7,000 regulars. This force was divided into two brigades of infantry under the command of the Duke of Cannaught and of Sir Evylyn Wood, K. O. B re spectively. At 4 o'clock the artillery thundered out a salvo and the German Imnerial Standard was run up on the flag staff ;at the reviewing stand in place of the British Standard. Almost immediately afterwards the Emperor of Germany, aooompanied by Prinoe of wale and a stall in Driuiant unuorms and followed by an escort of the Life Guards dashed up to the saluting point in gallant style, the horses thundering over the sward, e ffloers' and soldiers' arms flashing and clashing with war lijie harmony. Arriving at the saluting point the Emperor and his party drew rein, and as the Emperor saiutea ne was received by the Duke of Cambridge and staff, while a rotal salute was fired by the artillery. The Emperor was mounted noon a magnificent black charger and was dressed In the uniform of a field marshal of the White Ouira Bier. The Emperor, followed by hi staff and by that of lb Duke of Cambridge, proceeded to inspect the British regulars and volunteers. After this inspection which seemed to Impress tbe ISmperor with a favorable opinion of the soldiers equipment, the ruler of Germany rod back to the saluting point. A soon as the Emperor was seated in front of this point with tne Liute oi utmDrun near him and with their two staffs behind them, the march commenced and lasted an hour and a half. Not only the Em peror, but the German military critic behind him were of the opinion tnat the march past was performed in splendu! style. So much was the Em petor loipreeaed with tbe soldierly ne havior ot the volunteers tbat on several cocaeions ho "ld essed complimentary remarks to tfnos in command of dif f erent oorpt wnich met with his warm e-it approval, referring in warm term to the smartness of tbe men appear arc j and tft the pror- s-tion a they pas ed the reviewing point. Panama Caaal Iiqairy- Parib, July 11 Tbe Steele today makes the following announcement: "at. Prinet. oovcsellor of the court ot appeals, before whem the inquiry ento maladministration of the Panama canal affairs,) proceeding, ha decided to re quest the publio pre ecu tor of New York to instruct American magiati ate to iruolre into agreement entered into betv-eeo th directors of the Panama cMt eom pan y and certain contract ors.' Paris, July 11. If. Christopl of the Credit Fuocier, la an Interview relative to tke Panama canal, said ix the engi neer experts pronounced in favor of proceeding with tbe work financial plena to rstriev th aottrprtre W0VJ4 HVI Mill Til COLOMBIA CKKTIIIMUI. A 8artii frtm tfct Celekratlv-A 81 last Drill. State aad City lata. Bplal to Taa oaaoxnoxa. Colombia, & a, July 11. The com mittee who were in oharge of Oolum bl'eoentenntaIeld a meeting yesterday to eioe up tnetr aaair. They nave a surplus of $600 which they are at a lose to dispose of. Some member wish to give It to the city. Other wiah to pub lish a oentenniai memorial volume and till otheri want to ua it la advartkoag th city. Th matter remains adie posed of for the present. Dr. J. U. MoBryde, who for yean baa been president of th 8. C. University, left the city last night for Blaokabnrg, Virginia, where h goe to assume oaa trol of the College aad Experiment Sta tion, at that point. He oarrie several of the oast professor from tne Unlver tity with him, Profs. Sbeib, Nile, Smythe and Davidson. The Columbia Zsuave gave their promised silent drill last night. A picked squad of meo. without oral com mands, went through the oomplet Zouave manual of arm. Bom of th members and friend of th company furnished material for a very enjoyable concert. Quite a crowd wae at tbe opera house and Captain Milton says his company will net $100 from the en tertainment. The annual return of property for taxation in tnia county nav neen nn is bed. The firurrs show a very hand' some increase since oae year ago ot one-tblrd of a million dollar. During his sermon last night Mr. Leitch said he had heard of eotae one threatening to tar and feather him. He says if sny one want to try it he will furnish the feathers Tbe railroad commissioner are mak ing their annual tour of inspection of the railroads of the State. Ootxuniseloa- er Thomas when seen yesterday said be nan completed his inspection ot tne roads of the AUantio Ooaet Line system and that he found them In excellent condition, while the company are still further improving by replacing their trestle with iron bridge. W. O. Haithoock, a well known olti- r.en of the county, lost hia turpen tine oiticen ha lost hi turpentine niu by a fire supposed to be of incendiary origin. The whole city is all agog over a rumor of which no one seems to know much It runs that there are two law aultson foot between one of the largest banks of tbe city and one of the largest cotton houses. Th brat legal talent of the city stems to be employed. The Ingleside Mining and Manufac turing oompany of Berkeley ha been chartered by the Secretary of the Stale UNION COUNTY ALLIANCI. Aa Exhibltita Drlll.-Blrjelrs la Isi- roa. NewiY Nte. Hpeclal to Till CIIEOKK I.I Mo.NBOii, W. C., July 11. The county alliance convened here yesterday with a good attendance and elected offioers aa follows: H. O. Moore, President-, a A. Broewell, Vice President; Js. A. Marsh, iMexetary: Zeb Ureeu, Lecturer; S. A. Williams, Treasurer, and Rev. J L. Bennett, Chaplaia. Tbls I a good est ot offioers and no doubt will do efficient work. Th Bright Jewel Society, or the Methodist church save an ice cream upper last night, and th proceeds will be added to the missionary fund. Th U. L. I gave aa axhlbttioo drill yesterday afternoon, and lb gori tardicl was tbat th oompear ia better drilled now than lirrrr has been. They will go to the Presbyterian choroh to hear tha first sermon by their new chaplain Be. B. M. Dixon. uaaer oommana or uept, newn iny will leave for Wrighwvlll next Friday morning. The quarterly eonferao of th M. I church meet tomorrow and Presiding Elder Tyre will preach, both morning and evening. The bicyole lever rial ttrucR town. A number of them are already in use and several more are to arrive soon, and then, perhaps, tbe price of sticking plaster will go up and the practice of the pbysiciaos slightly increase Tbe commissioners, not finiahlng all the business at tbe last meeting, will meet Mod dry to finish. They will give somebody the job of computing the taxes of the various townships. A lurge number of applica tions have been made. Reeo Blair, of Troy, I spending a few day here. Mrs. D. A. Covington ha returned from Wake Forest. W. A. Ingram and wife, of Whit Plain, S C., are in town for a few day. Melon of all kinds are beginning to crowd tbe market. Most of them are brought from South Carolina. The Baptist church baa granted to Rev. O. W. Harmon a vacation of two weeks for his health. He baa gone to Cleveland Spring to spend hie time. The little eon oi uee. ttaaieara was bitten by a snake yesterday afternoon but received medical attention at once and is now better. Jaekaea'i Claplala. Be pedal to Txa onoaicxa. LixiROTOR. Va.. Jaly 11. It ha been officially announced tbat Rev. Dr. 4. C. Hopkins, of Charleston, W. Va-, has accepted an Invitation to conduct tbe religious service at tbe unveiling of tbe Jackson statute on tbe Slat. Dr. Hopkioe wss daring the entire war In timately associated with Gen. Jackson, aa chaplain of the Stonewall Brigade. lhis completed the arrangement tor unveiling. BASIb-ALL 18 KKIDSVILLE. The Heme Team xteatea by Leakavillc A 6ead Same. Hpeclal to Tax Cxaoncu.) Rbtdsvillx, N. C, July 11. A great game of ball wae played on our new base ball perk her today, christening it with a defeat from the Leaksville team by a score of t and 1 in favor of taks villa. Reidaville battery. King and Irvia; Leaksville, Stephens and King. Time, one hour and forty mineies. At tendance, four hundred. Umpire, Lord. BeidtviUe park ia bow finished, and ah ready for aay amateur dab In tbe Stat. Vary few error were made oa either aide. Altogether the gam hi cottaidered to have ben th beet ever palyed here. - Claraco West, who ha beeat en aa exUodcd tonr of imrtl month to Europe, retarned to hia hots U tail eily tbiimornlsg. RELEASED FROM C JSWDf. v. THE NEWS 1ND.0B3ERVEB TO BE -ENLARGED. MS PATR01UGK INCREASING. ' " EiiLEOic cos imi fit City t llp Tawafd ta laeeta af ftlelxpHtUsi.-AB Ixtradltlti ,6raatid.-aad Application U rill. ABirawa. Spsloal to TBB CBROIUCL 1 Raleiob, N. C, July 11. Lett night Clarence Bus bee was released from ' oustody by the Chief of Polio aad at now at th horn of hi mother, ha thla city. It I not thought that any oriaal nal action will be brought against him, and that a full compromise will b offered today. The county commissioner will hav a special meeting next Monday for the fmrpose of selecting some person to ook after the county's exhibit at th Interstate exhibition. It ia aader stood that th expense taearrad by uoh an agent will be exclusive of the appropriation of $3,000 recently made. At a meeting of the board of alder men last night a proposition to estab lish a better accommodation bureaa for service at th exposition was favorably reported upon by the flaanoe oommlttee. Tbe report will doubtlees be adopted. There i undoubted authority for th. statement that the New aad Observer, of thla oity, will, in a abort tun, appear as an eight column paper, wun new type and general outfit. Thla expend! ture, aa we learn, is fully justified by the increased circulation and popularity of the journal, both of which are oa the inoreaee. The member of the Railroad Commie sion will leave here next Monday, oa a tour of inspection In the Western part of the State. It ie the evident intention of the board to look well into the affair of all the corporation in the matter of assessment for taxation, and to "go low," but share. Tbe Board of Alderman hav concur red in a proposition of tbe finance oom mittee to annrnnriate f 150 toward do fraying the expense of the Governor guard to Wrightsvllle. The amount ia rather small, but will belp out oonsid ibly. 1 he Onvernnr this mornina granted a requisition from the Governor of Vir ginia, for the rendition of G. T. Keen, of Buncombe, for larceny. It would do better for an interest! to send the application for direct taxes to Phil II. Andrews of this city, who. under direction of Governor Holt, ha entire charge of the matter of verifying the olaiin and having tbe warrant made out. When applications are sent or delivered at tbe Executive offloe, thev have to be turned over to Mr. Aa- drew before any action i " way of payment. By sending tknt to Mr, Andrews direct it wiU facilitate payment. He has an office sot epar w tbe capitoi and a torce at wu uw examinations, etc, Tha 'Pmtontlva Tariff LtagU Bef bow but little signs of lnoreate eo fr as oaa be ascertained. Tub "mak up till ooDtltiuM oo' fined iVfrypea Republicans, and nearly all of these offio hoWtrs. Th ooforad eltiaaa at prohibited from aay participation. I. C. CROP KirOBT. Antral Iaimtmit All Over tit BUte. Bpaelal WTBI CHBOKICL. .... Weekly Weather urop ouueua lev saw week ending r riaay uiy iu. Tk MMrti nt tuu i eanondenta of the Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, issaedl by the North Carolina Experiment 8ta- . . . , S k a tlOD ana Dtaie weataor bi w iw .-. Tl. iflih iftOl. ehow that WVS WU W ,U vm. - " the crop have generally continued to improve, ine eariy pan oi me wm was warm with occasional bower hll HatrikntwI. and rain was besiB- ning to be needed at many plaoea. A general rain prevatiea isenwy Wednesday evening which In as place greatly refreshed the crops. Is . a few place the rainfall was heavy washing land and aooompanied by wind which did a little damage. The last k... kon tnn nonl which will retard th growth of crops somewhat. Oottoa oonunuee to anprovw, look more vigorous; itUUooming fr- i- i. k. .aA waataam Aiaaxuaa. 1 J UM mum PIW ww.i. Crops generally at bow cleared of grata and well cultivated, uiacawma a ripe and the yield large. , Tha nreawnt condition of CTOPS for tn entire State is as follow: Cotton, 75; corn, 88; tobacco, 88; wheat, i; oaa. 76;graee,87. (One hundred and srr entv renoru received representing 70 counties) ,...... EASTKRR DISTRICT: xne rauuau rathaa Ilw itlatribntednd a fW section are snffering from drought.; -Generally th weather daring th week ha been very lavorame. exoep turn three days during wnich tbe tempera ture ha been too low. Conditio, of cotton and tobacco slightly low er than last wee, urope generally grass. Present condition or crops na this district: Cotton 7 8; corn 83; tobac co 8J: wheat 86; Oata 74; greet 8; Pf; : nuts 88. V report receivea, t -Ing 81 ooontiea.) UBBTBAL UISTRICn A neavy lauuaar , storm prevailed Wednesday evening- . Wind did some damage in portion i the district. The rainfall hAsbeeaben fiolal though badly diMnbuted. Ten persture down to oo aearreee lannr pan u.' the week, which will check growth of crops. AH too looking muoh tnor vir.oroua and blooming freely. Pius sat condittoa of crops in thie dastriot: Co ton 75; ooru 7; tohacc HO; wheat TO; oata a; graaa W0. (oO reports received repreL nting 80 oountie ) WxerrrRR District: Raia which waa much needed, fell Wednesday evening and waa well distributed ta this die trict. Crop, in oooqtoe have eo aider ably improved. Early part of week warm and cloudy; kUter part . dear and rather too cool. Present ooo dltion of crop ia tbls district: Cotton 7$; com, 89, tobacco, 83; wheat, 8$v aata, Ti', fraaa, 85. (To ivpona reoeived rprseenttar T Mn4lB,)- ; f h v s ,1 a - i