as Charlotte Chronicle. - RT CHAHL0ITI Ol " D .VJ koralM Bluest MOsesy. 00 a cash nuo or ran ohwwiou v4k- HH 1 I or, $LM tar I noatas. on B(X n. OR WRITE TO TV Cnaoaiiu.a, utuulotla, N. t July 12, 1891. FOB THE 1 A 1? WHS 18 r8P0I8LK REPORT. i She Nsw yesterday published e iUU Mat that paragraph published in Tn Chkomclss Win Ion correspon- 1 had ereaUd consldsrabla stir In 1 circles her. It row on to My : One merchant said to a Nsws reporter: Thai to nut ra. Ther bu been ao 'crash.' What could have iuplred Mob a hurtfal ellusiaa to our business iatsrest, it at hard to tell. It hauld tmr have appeared Id print " Aaother basins man Mid : Why is it tbai uch tairstatements get Into public print?" The to a question we want answered tmt we want the public to hear the an- There le sot now and never has been ito slightest probability of a financial rwh here. The only Intimation there ' ever hae been of such thing wm given byessosatJonal story in the Newt of theTta last, It waa not substantiated hy facta, and existed only in the mind of the writer. In addition to ' this the eoeoant which appeared la the Mew waa telegraphed to the State Ohroaicle vsrbatira et liter at ia Bade? the flaming caption of "A Oreat Jlnaaoial Oraah In Cnarlotte's Munici pal Afftira." In thie way tba myth wm given much more publicity than it I could, ever have gotten through the medium of the Hews. Thie aland ar baa eanaed the great stir here and elsewhere, and Tna GiiaoM cim baa been ia no way connected with ite circulation. We we reapenalMe for every word we have atterod on thie or any other subject, but we object to having lucb a scerrilous piece of business laid to oar charge, either directly or by Implica tion, and while we regret the neoeaeity, we feel c impelled to characterize the action of the Vsws aa a cowardly attempt to ablft the reaponaibility of it own sianasrous statement to an Innocent party. We have filer of the paper to corroborate our statement aad wa are prepared to substantiate every word urtercd. S .lend Id aioaaaMnt at Charlotte aad all orthCeroliaa tbeald help to rear It. ThbChboiucu tsyi: "But who kaow where tbe grave of Dr. Ephrlam Brevard le and whether or not it le marked with m maeh m a simpl stone ? Where Ilea the duet of Dr. Alexander, the writer of the famous Instrasaenti"' Mr. Alexander drew op the Dtciar atioa and Dr. Brevard drew the Resolutions. Bat shaU the men of Mecklenburg of 1776 have no naemerial worthy of thcta? It ia a reproach to North Carolina that it hae not been dona before thkv Willmingtcn Me-eenger. One of the meet intelligent and prom inent men of Charlotte told The Ciiitoir IOLB since the Ohio letter u received' that there waa no Mecklenburg Declar ation, lie ay that he can prove that it le a myth. Be he two good reaeone: First the alleged Declaration waa the work of a few men of education and prudence. No email body of men would dare make each a declaration in the face of King George. The resolution are genuine and oreditable and they ahow that the people were taking steps to p'Otrct tbemselres In local matten, but do not how that there wai any Declaration. The similarity between tbe alleged Declaration and the instrument of Mr. Jefferson a year later condemn it genuineness. Borne fellow got hold if Mr. Jefferson' and wrote tbe Mecklen burg Declaration from it. Tbi gentle man will elaborate on these reasons for no Declaration, if occasion demand. We have not apace to follow the subject thie morning. Hew t Ultra a City Let croakers quit talking so much eboat hard times. Let every one bend their energlsa to make their business tbe largest in the Slate. Let every one who can (and nearly every one can) take some stock in f no ri ea, so M to giro employment to a Urge population. Heal estate and oil will not make a city. We must have peop'e, and they ruuit be iworkera, henco we must have em ployment for tbem. Wo must have a diversity of manu facturing. Cotton alone will not build BOWAK FABMIBI Elect Officer f.rtk Ter-A iU ferae Savage. Bpsctal 10 Thb DrwinoLi J BAUKBCBY, jaiy 11. The sow an county f armors' alliance met yesterday on tbe ftir grounds. Sisty del egat end thirty n alternates, repre eating the forty one sub-ot dinate alii anca in tba ouuuty were'presens. J.ese W. Miller wm re elected presi dent Most of the other expiring offi cer were also reelected. It wm intend ed continuing the sees ion today, but, in consideration ef the present busy season with the farmers a resolution was offered postponing tbe meeting two weeks. Tbe n.-ssion will complete it work on Saturday the 25 tb of this month. In the mean ti ne tbe matter of a busineas agency will receive panic ular attention, in order to accomplish tbe greatest good. The farmer are very much interested in their woi k. The spirit of resentment reported in some secJon doe not show iuelf bore. Very little is being sad of tbe third party or sub-treasury. In dications are that tbey will not be sup ported very greatly by the alliance people here, notwftwetandiog it la thought a big effort wili be made to push tbe matter during tbe fall and winter. Soma of tbe colored folks here lay the present cold weather to the ice factory which is now neariog completion. The Baptist church is now neatly painted and furniahed. Regular aervlc will be held tomorrow by Rev. Jones, wno oa been absent several week. Binder Kinder, tbe cannibal mission ary, lectured last night in the Lutheran church to a full house. He is a great curiosity. II is speech wm delivered la broken English with many comic gsst turee, while at times he threw a word of pathos into his words. He gave a graph ic account of his native oountry and seemed to dwell with special delight upon the days when be danced around the boiling chaldron filled with human flesh, but he greatly laments thie sad depravity rf bis people and cell npoi tbe civilized world to help him in teaching them differently. The exer cises were highly entertaining through out. A purse aggregating nearly fifty dollars wm realized from the entertain ment. 80- ema fee). Men's Oxfords. Men's Oxfords. Mew's Patent Leather Oxfords, light and dressy, large line. Price $3 00, $1.00 aad $3 00 Men's flaa aoft dongola Oxford. Nothing alM will wear so well. Just the thing for light work. Price 1.60, S3, $3 M aad SS BO. Wa have everything la low hoes for summer wear. Call aad ere or send for samples. Gilreath & GUreath & Co. Co. a great city. Wei 0V. BOLT AND TBE PLAID TRUST. A number of our State contempora ries are oonoerned about a certain plaid eonoera aad Oov. Bolt's member hip thereof. He is charged with be longing lo a plaid trust and be is de leaded by the staleoieut that it is not a BlaM trust that he is a member of. Ool. Walter L Steele, ono of the strong at free traders in the State, Is also a member of the same concern, and he eays that it I no trust. Oov. Bolt Is very probably a pro tectionist st heart Agentlemsn told Tut Chkoniuuc some days ago that one of he beet protection speeches that be had ever heard from a North Carolinian, wm made by Governor Bolt at Mount Holly a year or so afro. , Notwlthstaallng sush charges, be I making one ef the moat accepta ble Qovernors thd State has ever had. He It dhmppointing his enemies and surprising Bis mends But ho must mrge hi heart of the ain of protection If he I to oontinue to prosper in North Carolina politic. hare here in our midst all the elements of greatness if we only take hold of such enterprise M will utilUe our raw material. The Elliott Furniture factory is a credit to our city and pays out more for labor than poMibly either of the great ootton mills. Wilkes & Liddell's machine shops, the Oil and and Fertiliser fac tory, and Carson Bros, snoke and handle factory are doing more, to build up Charlotte than all the blow and bluster we can put into print. The granite workers are also bringing into our city a class or labor tost receives good wages. The Charlotte Sash, I.'r.or and Hllnd factory and thegDlghani mills recently started should bo encouraged by liberal stock subscriptions snd other enterprises of a similar character should be started. We should have a soap fan (Ory,4s nearly all the ingredients that go into tbe manufacture of soap can be had at cur doors. A cliair factory would lie proHable, us the raw material ii westing around us and can be hail ut low prii'ia. Duckets, tubs and other wooden goods ran be made here an cheaply as any placo in tbe world, and whil we are talking about the various industries, let us not forget that we want tbe R jauoke and Southern liail road or an electric or other line to con nect with the 8 C's at some point be tween the Catawba river and Lancas ter, 8. C, so that we may be able to get competing rates on our manufactured good, Now, to make long story short, 1 t every man put his shoulder to tbe wheel, put hie bands in his pockets and aid any manufacturing enterprises that will give employment to the people, and you will aoon have customers for your real estate, your merchandise acd your professional services. A Workbk. A Startling Discovery hi often made by a man as to his physi cal condition, when suddenly some disease that is lurking in his system shows itself and prostrates him upon a bed of sioknee. This is particularly the case with malarial poison, which often lies dormant until a sudden change of climate forcea it to the sur face. If, therefore, you contemplate a visit to tne Blue Ridge Mountains or any change to a high latitude, you should firet go to Cleveland Springs, the waters of which effectually eradi cate all malaria from the system and by its wonderful tonio elfects builds up the physical condition so rapidly that a few davs' stay revives the energies to sucti a degree, that a person feela re newed and ptepared for tbe full enjoy ment of a trip to the "Land of the 8k v." I nose a'so wno surfer from any disease that cnueoe them to feel that their Nervoue System )h Gradually Sinking or giving away will find that tluse water pwuKi pruptrtit-s tbbt wi!l re- invigorate unil bui.'d iberu up In foot for any of the many distates that sill ct suffering buuianiiy the hava proven by thorough todt lo bi a Panrcen, and as such aro recommended by the iead- inx pnyeiciana of North Carolina. For Analysis, Testimonials, c, Address J. B. WILKINSON, Proprietor Cleveland Sprints, Apr 10 8mos Shelby, N. C. A SIX DAYS SALE. These goods are offered ev ery day at most tempting prices but we desire to call special at tention to die goods and prices that we will offer on each day beginning Monday, the 1 3th inst We will show each day a separate Hue of goods at such discounted prices that will make things lively. So if you can interested come early each day. MONDAY. A choice selection of Can Matting, aad Knot$ingham Lace Curtains. TUESDAY. A charming line ef Embroidered Robes, ef solid, blaek, black and white chintz. Also silk graaadhaea ia choice patterns. WEDNESDAY. Our white good will b opened up with a charm and attraction that our people seldom see. TBUBSDAY. Aa elegant line of ladie regular made shins, and shirt waists in various shades and colore. FRIDAY. A beautiful let of cotton, and all wool oballle, wash u--ah and Dongee. SATURDAY. Chiffon lace, embro mull handker chiefs, linen baadkerohiefe.ootton band kerchiefs; all kind of ladles' neck ware and a choice line of fan. T. U ALEXANDER, SON A CO. Advertising in a live neatly printed well set paper always Jcvttr sb JSiaakturos, guts, JOHN FAjRRi;0R JEWELER. -Having had- 15 Years' Experience - -IN THB- JEWELRY BUSINESS7 and having thoroughly studied the wants of the I.HARLOTTE PEOPLh I feel confident that I can please all who desire anything in my line. I now have on hand large, well selected stock of the Latest .Fads In jewelry and sil verware. Give me a calL JOHN FARRIOR, Inspector of the Watches for A. L. & U U K- R. Cos. just recfived. Just received. Buist New Crop Buist New Crop Turnip Seed Turnip Seed Send for quotations. JORDAN & SCOTT, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS No. 10 North Tryon St. (Scots BrBkbigfj Ooobs, Cfc. TJOPULAB 1 OI'ULAR mistak MISTAKE eiruirvannnnrue r While we justly enjoy the reputation of carryiDg on a "first class" business, embracing ail the "first class" good ia our line, it ia a mistaken idea that wa are not prepared to meet the want of the working people or poor people who possibly find it expedient or necessary to buy a cheap article for a little mon ey. TEUE, we do keep a high grade ot good, alway have and intend to do eo as long as we de buaines. Our trade demands it. But tbi fact doe not firevent our being able also to handle a ine of good at price to suit ANYBODY. ANYBODY. Of oourse we cannot afford to handle trashy goods, but bear in mind that cheap good are not alway "trashy the want of the working men and boy in Work Pants at remarkably low price, having bought a large lot from the Charlotte Clothing Manufacturing Co., embracing all grade and size. which we oner from eOo. an. Also aa endloa quantity of itriped and checked gingham 8UMMEB COA18 SUMMER COATS at 25o. In fact this is tbe svason for a id we have made them. It is to your luterest to call and see our stock before looking elsewhere. Respectfully, PHARR & LONG, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. 42 SOUTH TRYON ST. New York Omoi, I Boston Omcie, Ot W. Broadway. MS High Htreet. OmCX OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSE OP S. WITTKOWSKi', BAULOTTE, N. O Oh Yrs, on Yes, OH Hwrit, ii u my Motto of .ES, V. P. P.: WHERE the WATUKS DIVIDE. ILL'S AHD CLEVI1 ANIV8 LITTER. A representative of the St. Louis Re pablle wm in attendance upon Tam many 1111' recent celebration, and report as the most significant incident af the Orjeation the relative enthusiasm inspired by the reading of the letters of -regret seat by Mr. Cleveland and Oo. Hin, He write that the reading - of elr. Clevelaad' letter was followed hf a 'spontaneous burst of applause which lasted fwuv sntnatra. Be says, Mh wawihrowaln theair, umbrella wave epened thd waved, aad the lung, feat aad hand or the erawd were x eto8d In aO uncertain way." Imme diately following thi Oov. Hill letter waa read, aad, in spha of the attempt af the Tammany sachems on the plat- t rorm to stimulate enthusiasm rth cheering wm all over in lee than a sataavt, aad It lacked both the volume aad tbe spontaneousnees with which the mention of Hf: Cleveland name was greeted ." Richmond Time. : rTh 8L Louis Republic ia a Cleveland (Haas aad the New York 8ua Is a ma llgaaeU ant OlevelaaJ paper. Next . aaotnlng the Sua declare-l tt at tho ot epeirse. of people on this Tammany - rwaaslos) maulfeeted much moe en . thantasmjst tbe mention of Hill's t than that of Clevelaad'a. , .Vjth the masses of the people Cleve , huad Is the most popular Democrat ia she Union. But It is nearly a year attl the party nominates a ceadidate for the Presidency. Witbiu that time Coagrwa as,the elections iaUbio and i lake place. CUveiaiMl may write I letter, aad Hill mar accident! ' tfH what sort of a Damon at he W. The wind aaay Mow from the west or south f the SBiliraniura aaay poreihly arrive HAL. AYKR TURNS PRUPUEf. He I Mistskea Abuot North C'arelius Fslitlrs. Mm. V. W. Harrla'i l,Uer In landmark.) Washinoton, V. C, July 9. Th fourth of July makes legitimate Wash ington new scarce Even Col. Polk is out of town, together with the Pree dent and several cabinet olBoers. But Hal. W. Ayer, Esq , a clever young ez newspaper man from North Carolina, is here m Ool. Polk's secretary. That youthful prophet bet me the fiuest pair at ara giove in Washington against saucer or ice cream that the "Third party" will have 100 000 votes in North Carolina and 120,000 in Georgia. If 1 Tisii any ni my sinrolks around your way in 1H93 I expect to bring in my trunk s pair of gloves that will be too One for poor folks to wear on the train Mr. Ayer will havs an article in a forth coming issue of the Forum for which he will receive S100. Ha U a oitu,d Industrious young fellow, wields a facile pen, ana be win find that this will pay mm better than proper sying party trea eon as regards North Carolina and O-or. gia fanners, or boomirg our "distin guished fellow citizen." Ool Polk, ftr the Presidency. However, I told Mr. Ayer if Ool. Polk ever got inside the White House In the capacity of Chief Executive,.he'.ought to be made private secretary. He eoouted the idea and thought th position of cabinet officer would suit him better. I told him he would be old enough to carry around the biggest portfolio in the gift of the President when the "Third party" dis rupted th Democracy of Oeorgia or North Crrolina. And I believe he will. V.: TIIU WAS KB DECLARATION. '-- AaOaio man writes te the Charlotte OiaoirioLg to know if h- p oplr of '. v ataek lea berg have wcw-d a mocum t , va-. oroeMNaorat tl Uaolut on ... -v.;-. adopt, d Sim May. He doa nut seem v kaawof the ardina- D.-l., tinn . V sha-Wth at, 1T75. Tb I q uty a to a -; lEpnaacrit from a Tfjrihern rnao llvina Dakota alliasc. Tkey Will, j!a tkr. Isfesei- desl rsrty. Hvaon.8. D., J sly 11. The Alliance loaepeoaeot eoarersDoe dosed yeater-dy- Th queatioa of re organisation of art independent party of the State to oonform with the Cincisnaii pUtfonn wa dieoiueed aad referred to the lode p,udebt Cet tr! Oommitt. s for a settie ment, whicb practioili means tr-et h Ci-.e nosti plat'orm will leajoptrd by the IndepBdeut hare. The ontaaiai tioa of tue v1t:et.s' Aliianoos to wk with heKoirfha.rf Labor is rtotxn- veuoca ana also pstrOniatng of Fear in mind that the elegant new UBEEN PAKE HOTEL, AT Blowing Rock, N. C Will be ready for guest on July 1st., snd don't make any arrangements for pending the summer until you write for Illustrated Guidebook and terms. Magaifiont Scenery, Bracing Atmos phere, Beautiful Drives. Many place oi interest, including tne Celebrated Blowing Rock Grandfather Mountain, Watauga Fall, Valle Crusis, Glen Bernie, Ao. Hotel brand new, thoroughly rquiped modern conveniences and comfort, electric bull. L . I I 1 . ' nut ana coia ostns, dec Address GREEN PARK HOTEL CO., Blowing Rock. N. O. Mm IF YOU THOUGHT there was a town in Western North Carolina that was to increase its population in 3 years from 200 to 500 per cent, IF YOU BELIEVED that this town was to be developed by capitalists as a health resort and as an industrial city, and that it had two Railroads two more projected a Splendid Back Country surrounded by fertile farms vst hardwood forests abundant mineral J AND IF YOU KNEW that this place was to have its undoubted advantages of climate and its undeveloped resources of timber and mineral wealth thoroughly and widely advanced WOULDNT YOU INVEST a little money there in Real , Estate ? And wouldn't you think your investment would be a pay ing one. RTJTHBEFORDTON, N. C. IS SUCH A PLACE AND The Gleghorn Land and M'fgCo. The answer of the n.oet suocvasful busiuess mr r (n Arrerica to the Inquiry if t" tbi) .H-cri-i of tbeir success would be "Strictly business." What does that imply? KlMBl, PUSH, by crowding as much work ai p ible In one day. Skcobd, PLl ( E to catch on to a good thing h-u yon see it, and Tdihd, PAT1ENUU to harvest what yon have sown, and at tbe right time. To apply these P. P. P. 1 will at an early date give you the opportunity by having one ef my corps of 8 salesmen call on you. BOOTS AND SHOES lower than ever and the line to be shown excels any of former seasons, both as to style, quality and price. SOUTHERN MADE JEANS. I have brought into requisition my experience of thirty-six years as a merchant, and Cash sufficient to take up the entire production of several woolen mills in Tennessee, and tho further large con tracts with Woolen Mills in North Car olina, Georgia and Kentucky, enable me to claim the largest stock of Jeans today in tbe Carolina or Georgia, and in prices will favorably oompete with any bouse, be it North or South. East or West. Very respectfully. 8. WITTKOWBKY. have I 000 ACRES in and adjoining the corr orat limits of Kutherfurdtoii, inc'.udimr business property and improved resi- BATTEkY rARK HOTEL, dence property 10,000 acres farming and timber lands, and a valuable Mineral Spring Property in the c nter of the town ol Ruther ford ton. Gleghorn Stock is a safe, and will prove, a most profitable investment A8HEVILLE, n. c. Open throughout the veer. Elevation 1,600 feet; average sumraar temperature, 74 deg.; magnifioent mountain scenery. Hydraulic elevator: electric Hunts bells; music hall, tennis court, ladies' billiard parlor and bowling slier. Bean tlful drives and Sm clas I, very. No motquitnes. For descriptive printed nutter apply to. J. B. 8TEEI.F. J19-Sra. Uaoajrer BUMMER SPEC IALTIES. Men Seersucker Coats and Vests. oorrect valoe 81 00; nil t(zra at 75c. Mohair and Alpaca Cos s and Coats and Vests, at 1 60, 2 00 and $8 50. Drapete Coat ai d Vesta, S3 60 to ftu.00 White Puff Bosom Shirts, all siaee. fl 00. Silk Puff Dnaom Shirts. S3 23. Plaited ar-m Shirt, 81 00 sod $1.15. Necltiree r-iirt. Laundried Collars t Cuffs stid loll Negligee, a dosen irTorrrit I ind of materials, aad as miiy diifvrfliit prices, (iiro to $4.50 e cr. 1 hf C'elebiated "Stinky" Silk Ssab. $8 00. Block S Ik Ssbe, $1.00, SI 50, aad $1 75 Htik and 1 eatltr Belts, 50 cento to 1 0 New Lnt Summer Neckwrar. Address WHERE TUE 8N0tf BIRDS BEST. The Eaeeula Ion. at Linville, to opea for tb season. Excursion rates to Lenair. Daily stair from thkt point over toe looMuossee road, tounviO. A fine trip, grand soenery and an exot 1 leat hotel. Addrm JAMES T. SKILE3, July a-SwwSt. Manager. B. J. JUSTICE, Treas., Rutherfordton, N C. t ,Loans securely placed cat Real Estate at 8 per cent If you want to keep posted about the happenings of the day subscribe for the daily CnscatiOaV full telegraphic Flowicg Enda Tecks, Regatta Bows, tin Hands, snd Bin; Scarfs, s'l worth 50 cents. Taks your pick for tfie. ROGERS & CO. TOR OVER FIFTY YEARS C. Mrs. Winslow's .V SOOTHING 5YRUP f - bar aeea MS tor seller) wklle teslhla. It eoeths tne sails, softens tb rt,t- .. lay all Mla,eers wlsolle.rralat u tosaesfe aa bows te sat lawSf tar etaitnM. Tilr-lT esaie a totUa. - j ' (eTv19 I!tBatVHIITaista-

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