'; g 4' a: PRICE FIVE CENT VOL, XL-NO. 95 CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1891 T'-:'' ::' w adtsetiseieits. SaMp-Barwell Bona, f r - f rieyelee K. M. Andrews. - rooiwaaiwuiirMth Oo. r Carpets . U IS M 00, - ' -. Tbe Olef bora tJempaay. Ih Ulekory Safety Kleale,T. T. OUM . PomMlvaroeu7. .'. MttUUU. I r Bradyeretiae. - Mllee'l Rwrine. t Mr. Joe Panon'a Bemady. ' PE0M,E'B COLUMN. WAWTI D letfetM winwr, rsstle- or lady, "Urr II to mi ey. ;. 1 rnn, or aaareea w . ninfii . v, mvjmiumw, l m. Ill, j fPHK?.B W.tlJ,b. nteetlar at AlKr 1 .kJulTinndlneVBeekleabnrt aii M rrtlipete wltto e aeteceMon. . 7 wv M p r Wilt paw a. fern UlillMr d CtwlnaB & (M. 8rfCIAl HOTICES. CfOHOOt NOTICE. , Oa July 28rd, at I a. m., si the White Graded School building, aa ex amination will be held by 8uperlnten- ow uranam, ror principal and teacher in mm ooiorea ureded BoooL F. NA8H, Sec and Trees. fTIHE HICKORY WHEELS An Snout, Light, ' tCr.Aemrt: TVrrv intii The prioe fa 8100, warranted the eqad nay or oeiore ob wbesia. Cata logue and information free. T. T. Gilmsb. CHEESE ! CHEESE 1 1 CHEESE I ! ! Not Limber ger Cheese, bat fmh vaeeie. At The frogrewiT Orooery. HDrnge, Sotlet Atticl. VIOLET SKIN SOAP and - POWDEB ie the flnert and moat delioknuly perfumed of any oa the market Try It and iee how yon like it. , BUB WELL DUN If, Wholesale Sc Retail DragguliU. Speedy relief to Nearalgio Headaohei by Bradyerotlne. Doatamokeany bat the bo. "8ABOBOSA" le oar beet Sot. IAGDAD" k the favorite for 10 cent. JORDAN ft 00. t Drasftata. WHAT IS IT THAT DOES NOT TOT tla of mm rmlhr tba tha aaaabiwwa KxmmlnUnoef "Molaadlna" aa toale "rt triand of bandrada af oar prcpla KSS,"1 ilS.,m ro"' naad, araat hand. Fortify yoar yitom acalnn aom- ?I!0L Woo? l"rthBaaa of mind and body, aad a trpld llvarl dm Of Johaatoa'a Kolandln, ad triad rrtaad of aufferina hi u itunaaltr or Chatahoooa, Makspm akd Bran, IMGEAat R. B- SITS Rl rKi yOT . UBTB TBXBB B A CAB! OV BHKVMATmaV which alas. Job Pxbbob's Bxmbdt wrxx ot ocbb, ajid rr is THBrurxar Bbioot aOB IXDWISTIOIf HB ITU SAW . t.t Nerrona debility, poor memory, diffl V?0,' TreneM' ptoplee, eared by Dr Miiea' Nerriae. Bumplee tree a Bnrwell it Dunn's. UENS' FUBNISHUQS, '. WHY OCB TBABB IB fROUAStKBp a "bijlcb KTsnro Bias racra. Today wa are doing the largest Ivrafah Ina boshMse of tha city, and for the sole and ibnpl reason that we hava taoghl w uoym iu annnnaw loaa paying fancy flfrores Is neither wise nor neoea aary. Yoaeaaoome Into this hooseor Sa can aaad any member of your fam . aadssTe on yoar owb apparel aerer leas than 8S per oent. and from that to 100 per oent. aeoordlna; to wtaer yo aara neen tn tbe habit of dolag your trading. Tha followmg flgore prota what we haTe to say : . ; BnumiDmiu.' I : s Flos Iodia gvaxe ahlrta, aU sixes, oom parlsoa prioselsewhsr 40o per gar ' mentSSe. - Meos' well made Jeans drawers,-Rood qoauiy. e ixmpansoa pnoe: laawaer S9o, par pair SS. -w-m imiw aHDuoav waigoi .btiggaa shirts and drawers. CoajperW son prios: elsewhere 75c, our prioe 69. amase haJf hose. Vesa' aaamlem eot . ton half hose, gray and brewa mivtoras. OompariMm price: alsewheta 18o, ears lOo." - -i. ...... black e ittoa half hoae. Rood oiUty. Oompariaoas pric SOe, oars 4as0 -. , j ' Ws hare an aoenmulatioa of Oatioc Shirts. Old lots, broken eiss Tbey toods that sold for from $1 60 dowa ko 75e aaeh.- will oiaaa thana noa aa Wi v'; We alee offer an elegant silk stripe out. S anira, weu maoe, pari act la style 1 60, er prioe $1 60 - v. Boy lujvjftoasa chariot eatin g Black aalteea and faocr atrtne. well smda. 1, MM style, att5e, 60e. 75c, and tl 00. rj rancy Boarls at lSe and tOo. Beat V iaality. Grenadine Windaon. tUk . - J 1 mTwt wu.w mm J , IH1. BBU ' ' cnams, foil lenfctbs and breadth, the correct aammer aoarf. Comparison price: elsewhere 40e each. J5o. -doslag oat oar entire stock of mens' . and boy a straw hate at half prioe. I W. KAUn.IA!I & CO. tending aothlers, Ont Turalihars' ts4 Ztftm, van dztrj IT:'J. Drj Oooboi (Br, THE NEW CARPET i fh ; HOU8K v -CARPET j HOUSE -Fall Patterns Just Out ?f l' seiolb do ' T L 8EIGLB, & OO - "i Yesterday we anaoaneed that our car net departatent was eonipleta. We alas old yew somethtmr abont tha leeatteai and stock. We intend that SeUtle at Co. shall kwoa tha plaaawa of oanmle htg yoar homes... Heretofore) "we have carried lanre stocks of MeaV Clothing and also Shoes. Three two depart ments are about closed oot. Only - small lot remains to each of tbem and that fa new going at exactly oost or tees, tbis capital we a are now tamed Into the Garnet Denartmsat and wa to day show probably tha handsomest and largest atnok of these goods la the eitr. On Monday wa receiTod the New Fall stock. , Dray after dray wm kept May naullng and Bnioaatng tnts great assort mens. These goods am jut from the mills and are the new fall patterns, and hare been selected with the ntmoet earn. We intended to hare opened this department the first of Jane, bat the new rail styles were not ready, so wa watted for them, , and now bore they are, just fresh from tha looms. Oar machine for sewtag earpete4 the latest Improved and aU work Is guaranteed. Our prioes are tbe same aa those 1b N w York, Philadelphia and Chicago.- Wa have taken their prices. We say exact. Ir the tame, bat that is a mitks. ours have been cot under those of New York, as wa are determined to sell yoa yoar carpets. Then is assortment anouah. right qualities and: the lowest prioe pomiDie au sorts 01 poor covering, u yon are oat of town, write to ' as for samples. T. L. SEIGLB CO. VENUS. OK MUX). In oar South Window la shown aa imported French Bronse of the oelehrated Venus of Hilo, now In the Loavre, the noblSkt? extant representation of Aphro dite. Nothing like It eves be fore seen in a (tore in Charlotte. This work of art PBI0 160.00. BOYNE BADGES, Art Jewelers. Btnitiu. rjoiw ml lianos. TRICYCLES. TRICYCLES. ; TRICYCLESr Healthy exercise for the ChU pfeai ant Exercise for the 0bl! j or co. Thca why not let rash and every oa ::. that Is Large cnooght have one. .. ' , 'm , -x Also a large stock of ; Baby Carriages ' r-' Baby Carriages A bottom prices. Write ma for prios if yoa eaaoall to sea and sxvV ' " amine for yoorseif." -7- I Til M. ANDREW Lradleg !fuaftar and Koala Dealer, i II sad 18 West Trade Street -I: ChvlotlM, K. X " ' - J I - , ITeatktr FsrseuU : WAajiiBwwMi. D. C Jm.T 1 5. Fore cast rfor North" Oaroimsr-Oeneraily fairislighly warmer. Booth ernly wiada. Lseal Wsatter Sf trt. Wbatbbb BuEBAV.omoa Cbablottb, N. O., July H, 1891 a ; I a ml 80.18 80 081 7j7SW- Woody Ip usir JalyU. I88O; Sam n 8pm 81 Has 87 Kin 70 ' Preo 0 01 . Jury 14, 1881. T .. 67 78 V 84 66 ' . , 0.08 XV. BTgam, Observer. "My Dearest Boy: "There is a matter which gave ma maps, aneasiness, waen you meattonea It. xoa said yoa naa pat uto soma lottery tor tha Derby, and had hedged to make aaia. - ; m ... -t . . :,; "Now, all that Is bad; bad, nothing bat bad. Of au habits, gambling m tna one I hate moat; and have avoided Of all habits it grows most on eager minds. Saocess and loss alika make it rrow.- Oft all. haDitA. however mooh dviliaed mea may give way to it. It la ana 01 tbe mtrutwauy savaga. n torioally. It has been tha peaao axelta sent of the lowest brntes In homaa form for" sget past Morally, It is nn- ohiralrous and unchristian. "(1) It gains money by tha lowest and an just means, for It takes money oat of yoar neighbors pocket,' without giving him anything In return. ' T "(8) It tempts yoa so use what yoa fancy your superior knowledge of a horse's morlts or anything else to four neighbor's harm. . . ... . - ' "If yoa knsw better than your neigh bor, you ars bound to give him your sdvloe. Instead, yoa eonoee! yoar knowledge, to win from his ignoranoe; henos comes all sorts of concealments, dodges, deceits I my the devil is the only father of it "I hope yoa nave not won l snoaia not be sorry for yoa to lose. If yoa have won I shall not congratulate yoa. If you wish to please me, yoa will give back to its lawful owners all the money too have won. -As von had not it. yoa ooald not in honor draw back till after the event Now, yoa can give back your money, saylog yoa understand that the head master and I disapprove of such things,' and so gain a very great moral influence. ReeoUeot always that the stock ar gument la worthless. It is this: 'Mr friend would win from me if ha ooald. therefore i hare an equal right to win from him.' Nonsense. The same ar gument would prove that I have a right to maim or kill man, if only I give him t MiUlm or kill me, ft he can, and will I hive sooken my mind once and for all, on a nutter on which I have held the same views for mora than twenty years, and trust in God yoa will not forget my words In after life. I have tees many a good fellow rained, by finding nimaeir one day snort of money, and try to ret a little by play or betting and than tha Lord have mercy aa his simple sool, for simple it will not long remain. ' 1. "Mind, I am not tha least angry with Sou. Betting is the way of tha world. 0 are all the seres deadly sins, ander certain rules and pretty names; but to ths devu they lead. U lndulcad in. la spite of the wise world aadits ways. , " x our lorrac menu, C XnoauT," .laJUrEaltWIUiraws. Nabbtilu. Tana.. July 14. Knox- ville. Teniu (Pedal says: The Journal this morning contains a oardTrom adi ts Wm. Bale announcing his withdraw si from the Ooagreaaional race. This leaves the race between John Houck, aad CoL.Woodrufl and the result of the Srimary elections is a matter cf muoh oubs. JCtw Tsrk titsek Kxekaage. Nbw Yobk, July 14 Apathy of 00- srationa in tha stock market aad its re sultant dullnsss and stagnation la trad ngusu prooeMiuy reached tbafr lim its today, all feature dimppeariag from the market, while trading on tha floor was practically pareliaed. This morn ing's operations showed soma life, sea Ing by London and Chicago encourag ing. Further efforts by local trading bears to gat prioas down, but when these attempts ceased othsr stagnations took Bosssistoa of tha markets 1 Bears traia otreulated romors of" farther shipment at goto soaay, nut tna out story gradu ally loat iUiaflsenca and early dowa ward movemeot reached only tliabt proporuoni ana soon sensed altogether, The market opened heavy and fraction- war, aad the yielded a littla Lata dealings showed- no im- provement in tha toaa of -tha market. which finally closed doll bat heavy at about tha lowsat flgurss,thouga la most eases only slightly changed from those of last evening. Edison electric was aa exception aad rose 7 points oa deekv km by Judge Wallace, of New York, sostbiaiag Edisoai paseat for tncaade esent lamp sgsrostf various companies. Sales 4,t0t shares.) j lU.iJSa t DitesB Aetslted tecaata af Iasulty. Lo.vd?h. Jury 14 -R. C Duneaa. cf Wsshingtoa, D. C , accused of awdcev easly aaaaalttog his wife at Bertws-Y-Cotd, North WaiesI waa acquitted oa the groaad af lnmaHy-y hi v : lasjict laraci, ' EschamasL. Mksh.. Jalv 14. Fores Rres aeotroyrd the little hamlet of Whttaej oa tha1 iUitoago aad North western railroad. Svaatrea famiUrs are homeless and only ana store at a tharooal kiln are left aaaadtBg.' f . 1st tsal frtss AssseUUtfcli- T SV. PACL.' Jalv M. This anonifwS incoming trsine were filled with meas bere of the National Editorial Assocm tn, whoss seventh annual oonventioa was called to order a little after 11 o'clock la tha LHj grand opera hoosa, with a a attendance of between 900 aad ICO. Archbishop . Bran opened tha convention with prayer. . U. 8. Senator Davis delivered sa address of welooma. Timu havs chanred. he said, aad aewa. psptrs bars char, fad with the a. From 8 itiDg forril- M baa bfforae imrayAa, ') OHIO DEMOCRATS t UEST IS C03YE5TI05 AT CLK7K- USD -ALLEN a TH0RMA5, . ' THECHAIRMA& nit FREE COIKASE OF SLLTEfi, t '$ ' !.)...) . Bill- Is Us aaastiti Wklsk Agitates the v CrsaUsi-l Dlvtilsi la tht farty ; Wllel tlmttit Dtftai - ana uamntatkt mmta coavanoan waa announced to meet on July 14th, and ooatinaa ta session two days, tae pro mnmi nravides that today la to be de voted so eommittee meetings and out door damonstrattons, aad tha conven tion is not toeoavena la formal session ntii tomorrow. Chairman norma, of State Central oommittee, will then oaU Ohio Democrats ta order and Intro duce Allan W. Thurmaa, tha soa of tha Ohio leader as tamporay chairman of the convention. Discussions of poli ttoians Is ttUl aU diraotsd to the Gov anorahln. while Oamnbsll's nomina tion on first ballot is still as reasonably osrtain as any future event, the Neal and Kline tactions have by no means girea up the contest. It is now srideot that tha opposition intend to make it aa lirsly as possible for Governor Camp bell U convention whatever the result may be, aad many conservative party leaders fear such strife and ranoor may ha engendered as to imperil the success of tha ticket in the ouming campaign Disonssion over the platform still con tinues and it Is evident that the silver free coinage mea will only win after a brisk flsht. . Ex-OongrsssmsB. A. J. Warner and other prominent free ooinaga mea are on the around asserting that party saocess can only be insured by the con vention declaring for free and unlimited Coinage of silver but they are being vig oronsiy opposed by Congressman Hook er aad other prominent Democrats. Strenuous attempts will.be made to mule all differences on the financial question In oommittee on resolutions and prevent the subject from being debated in tha convention. But this can only be done by tha adoption of a Ires coinage pianx as tne tnaKsanoos ars that tbs free oolnsge men are largely In the majority. LTSCHISfl W1TH0DT CAOil. , A MlHlisIspi Keen tidtltl WItk Ballets sy ftsugfl aisasBt. Nabhvillb, Tonn., July 14 Iqmoh- ing without an apparent adequate cause occurred last night at Love, a small station on tbe Illinois Central railroad. in Decats oonnty. Miss The victim 1 a nesro .named Bam Gillepsw. Gillepsie was arrested yesterday even ing .ior . rescuing anomer negro charged 'with larceny from aa offloer. Iostead of taking Gillepsie to Hernan do, county eeat, and lodging him in jail deputy sheriff Elder, who had charge of him, concluded to keen him confined la a room at Love until this morning. About midnight a mob of masked men forced aa entrance to tha room, took charge of the negro aad marched him to a tree a short distance away, tied him and shot him? to death. , Thsoorpse when f oaad had tweaty one ballet holm in different parts of tha body, ' The coroner held aa inquest tha re sult of which was a verdict that tha de ceased wss shot and 'killed by persona aakaowB. Gillespie was regarded aa a bad negro. Ha bad a fight with a white maa about six months ago aad won tha OH TIE flBTM OF FORTH. laiscrsr Wtniaa aa Bis Way Rsme . rrea iBglaad. itvnoa. Julv 14 Tha Emneror of Germany reached Lelthat 8 0S a m. Hs was received by the mayor and a number of other offloers, and by a Ger man Consul with wnom tna Emperor snook hands. He waa loudly cheered by large crowds which had assembled to greet him. later on the Emperor em barked apoa tha Imperial yacht Hohem aolera, and that vem si steamed np Firth of Forth la order to enable the Emperor to enjoy a good view of Forth bridge. Tks Law U ftrse: la Bskriig Baa. ifiviaAi.vt-vi v . mania sohoeaer Maggla Mac, Ospt Oox, re turned from ths North last , srening. Caps. Cox reports of being stopped at the entrance to Behring sea by tbe U. B. steamer Thetis, shown proclamation, and warned if eaaght ia the eea attar notification his vessel would be seised. Tha schooner thsswapoa returned to VictO'la, having oaty three sUna. She reports other schooners a the way home after having been warned. , MOMTBBAli 1M FLAMBB. The City Catehct Fir Frtai LBHbae " t ..1 BT..S. ' ml . wmm. ...mi - LBosTOii, Mass., July 14.-A special to I tha Journal from Montreal says: - The gt sat sat cxmaagraooa . sbjb atty , has wnaesssa for years ss ia nrograai. it mb shortly before aaldaight la the great lumber yard of Prefontaina, Bros ssan A Co. aad spread with tremaadaaa rapiowy. v . i.- At tha time of writlag a whole souare bouaded by Piptlnean road, SwCatb- anae straes. aent ana josrpueat liana has been destroyed or is ha flames aad tha fire is still spreading, hondreds of thoassnds of doUwa worth of prepertj haviBg already bees consumed, a nam her of areanea reported badly buraod and some fstalittes feared. A partial I at of saffsmva is aa fol, lows: A, Bmsstaa, Lambsa mills; J. Prefontaina. Lorn her mills; Chee. Broailatte 4tCo,,saah factory; Laurie at Co., aegine maaufactarars: tha Bar dean aad Bowdoa Lena bar Yards; D. Glean at Bros., manufacturers; S. Rap pln, A. Psrent, grooeries sad wines: J. leachempi hotel aad several boarding - ' - rtllaj aa a rig area m FTRBBcao, Pa., Jury 14. A rumor or tha street this evening that Nimyck at Co., dealers la pig iron, are flaaaoialry ambarreased created eonaiderabie ex citement for a time. -The liabilities were placed at Il,0u0m Ikrs44Us asmhi sre two to oaa, - .. .,- T00AT IS B1LMBUT. - A Buqist aid wrui. tsesatfti Wilt It Tsilerai teCltbSBff BUlty.? aaeeiai mrwararaasnota.t'':' s"" SAxantoaT. R. OL. Jalv 14. Tha gramme aad other arraagementa for tha bniinem reosptioa to be held In Bel labory tomorrow has been aomntstad. The eommittee oa rtcection laft thla evening for Norwood and ether paints along tbe Bouth xaasta raurcaa, rum ished wtth badges for each guest They will escort them to tha city with bacons Ing dignity. The train wfll arrive at 1040, when they wttl he mat by aaoth- sr committee, waa wiu coaaaos saaaa tehorow provided. , tmrinetha dar uaiilaaM aad other eoaveyances wffl be furnished aad they wOl be driven round to the most inter erting ptsoss m ths city. Factories, cot ton m!Us sad bustseea heusee wfll bo visited sad ths parties latroduoed. At 8 o'clock p. m. a rsvsi baaquet wUl be given at tha Mount Vsmoa Ho tel. .... After the dinner seversl toasts, in honor of the occasion, will ha offered. Tha first one "8sllabary,s toast' by MsJor J.O.Llnn. This wfll be replied toby 8. J. Pembsrtoa, of Albemarle. Other toasts of an latertsstur aanort will he offered by Theo, F. Klutts, L H. Foust and F. B. ArendsIL Ths party will spend the night fa Sal isbury and retora te their homes Thurs day. Adiutant O. R. Barker, with many of tha old Rowan soldisrs wiUattead tha nnveiUng of the Stonewall Jackson monument at Lexiagton, Ve July 81. Tbey will provide themselvee with three dsys rations and a pair of blankets each. He desires to ask ths old veeer sns of Meokienburg ooaaty to coma aad join him and have a good time. Tha rate from Salisbury Is $4 80. The only other nreraraisHas are a rsrimsatsl hat and badsa which ooati 68 cents. Apteaa. ant sociable was gtven mat aigas as.ne home of! Dr. Caldwell ta honor of Miss Julls Armstrong, of Macon, Ga. Danc ing and refreshment were tha order of the evening. Mlm O. Oneida Aldersoa, who hat hsd a pleasant stay of four months ia our city, laft last night for her boms la Baltimore . Mimes Avlmer Grlffia and Marida Woodson left yesterday for a month's stay at Blowing Book. Two new members have reoently been added to tha bicycle force here. John nie Mowery and Johnnie Crosby, col ored, are splitting ths evening air driv ing over the streets. Bioycling Is on a rush" )Mt aow. A HEW DtPOT Fsr Wideiksre-Liesass Deilsd by Us Csiaty Csauaisileisrs. Hptelal to Tn CuBOMCLa.) Wadbsbobo. N. a. July 14. The old denot hotel at the O. a aad 0.4 O. rail road denofei ia being torn down and cleared away. The two railroad com panies will build their Union passenger depot where the depot hotel stood. Wa unaeratsna insi tne auuaing w so ne a nloe one with pieaiy of room and every thing fitted np In a neat and comforta ble way. News reaches hers of a very serious catting affray near tha South Carolina Una about 18 miles Booth of Wadesboro. The trouble all happened at or near the "High tower grocery" last Thursday aight. Didd Adama, a "Bully," ft seems over ia that section was drinking pretty heavily and thought to step in and clean ap ths Hightowers. He went in on tbem, bat found them too mooh for him. Monroe Hlghtowar cat Adama la a number of plaoes, some of the eats be ing from six ta tea laobasloag aad from one to three Inches deep. Ths dootors who dressed Adam's wounds mid that he might gst along al right but if the weather should get very warn tne woonoamign proa ooeueatn. Tha partimVpMylaa for license to sell liquor ia this towa had a hearing, but railed to gat tneaooumenm nsoeeeary for carrying oa thaw business. There weratwoeommiesonars for aad three against Uoense. Tha wall of ths factory building la abont completed aad will be ready for tha eovenag ia a raw oavs. Farmers are about dona laying by their orops aad tha recent rains are giv ing ths crops a regular '-scad off." The Anson County Alliance delegates tomchM with all the Sab Alliance del- egates in the county, met with ths Pas Dee Allianoe at Horner's school house. a few miles from Pas Das station, lass Friday and remained ia Friday aad Satorday. It V said to have been one of tbs harmonioos meetings held ia ths ooaaty. BHEtlfF E0QER8' BlOETAuI. A Baasr That Aaetkar BssBklku 9b 1 BelBl Is Beama ia Km Acesaats. SKkmni TIsm.1 Bauooh. n. CL. Joly of a senmsioa was ralssA here this mat bv tha rumor that ths era - of Wake couaty" bad found that J. Rowan Rogers, late Republioaa sheriff of tha county had been found about tea thoassad doUam abort ia his acooantj. B baa aover made aay see tleeaantwimtnesoanty ataos rstirise; from office the Brat of this year, aad the comaty oomaienaensrs have found that bs was levrihoamad dnl Ian bahlad, sad sallsd a meeting of b'skaadsmaa bars today ta affect aa ad jostmaatof tbs matter. It Is learned this sreaing that his bnndsmaa, after being nonsuited, decided te make good the aaaaaat of Rogers' shortage aad avoid any legal proofedingB. alogers elaima that shs shortf-ols esnsid bythafsct that bs waa Cfble to colleot back . texea amoiatlng to ths sum for which he la held rtspoosible. , The cess attracts ad ditional aUantioa, foUowteg aa tt doea npsai ths ease of tha- late Bepublieaa dark of tha court hera, who was also short ia his aeeonni - ; : 0ttltf lit Tkm. Iarr1sa.x .; Bt Loco. July 14,-A Dispatch from Waco, Texas, announces tha death of General Thca. Harrison there. : He born in Alabama in 1838 aad moved to Mississippi in his early youth where be wss reared aad educated. Hs served throashout tha Mexican war" aad tha war of rebellion, participating hv tha capture of Mmfraasboro la khs nahra arainat Kaoxvflle, sad had a prominent part la the poUtios 4a tha of ths State of Tsxas up to, 1873 bUks which time hs has gsrpted bis Ufa aa bitiawBractiea, TEE GOYEHNOk'S GDABD. BECEIYEAH APPROPRIATION 1H0U THS C0D5TT. TEC BUSEEE CASE CDIPEOIISED- r- WarraBtt far Direct Taxes Bslag ItfawB' rai Sirs Bukst fJtBTaleaesit r-nsBleetlead. SAtBtoa, 9. a, July 14v Yssaardat t- afteraooa the Ooaaty Oumialmlnnara ,, . adaaaapBsonvtasjoa to tha Govaraa .' era guard of 81 50. which U addition ta 1 the sum girsn by ths ohv, wUl enable tbem to maks a creditable sbowiag at tbs State encampment . , , , Untenant Alloa G. Roaecs. of tbs United States Navy, aad soa of tbs tats . Km Bnera.of this dry, has been order-' - sd ta Fort Tjwjasnd ia tbs State of . Washiagtoa. . ' This moraina Grand Hire Busbea had. as fax jreou perated as to bs able to aoa- versewtthfrleiade. His appetite is fair, ' aad It hi honed that gsaarsi ooavalm i ' cenns nas est law Tha msohinary for the dynamo plant F Mm aJaoaria raft war wfll ha hare in a dav or so. sad st once nlaosd in vosf- Mob. U wUbslareadlaeminfaatima for Its ears, sad the entire Unas are ext , peotM to be in operation oertnlnly by. . . tne am oi Beptemoer. Ths financial matter between ths Bu- - " eaa Vlata Saddle and Harness Co. has . ten adjusted in a sstlsfactory man- trir n. ' A targs number of warranai for di rect taxes havs been made oat aad await the sicntaare of tha Governor , Hs Is at his home hs Alamance county and will return next Thursday. Notwithstanding ws have no audfto- riant preeisslyln eight, yet Raleigh wilt not be without amnmtnent daring tbe expoaHioa. Benry'E. Lltohford,oaaof oar most energette yonnt meajms leee sd MatropoUtaa Hail from theoity aa-,r thoritlm for the months nf Ooteber aad November. He propane to put tt ia. first-olam order tor tbsstrioala aad bat beea TCoaatly la corrsspoBdaaos with eome firet-alaas compsnies. Ths cflnuartte of oolored people soUe- sting subsoriptione for ths looatioa of" the propossd agrtoaltaral and meohan-, iml college for their race, la this city, hi masting with muoh snooem ia thetr ' ' rouads, and report today that they have -enough pledges la sight for a first rate sbnsrlna. Tbe new ioumallatto vsnturs or "Ttt Evening Mirror" is annodneed to appear Bext'dsnnd. afternoon. It will be a purely Ixwl shsct, and Demooratio in its tendencies. A BOSTON MAK'd OFFER Fsr tke Caial-Hearly KUlei Bli Diigiter-A. WtllKltwa Chr aetsr. Bpeeial toTBsOaaoviais. Columbia, & C, July 14. Hsrs comes a Boston man now, use, W. - Wallace, said to be s lesding banker of Boston, is la the dty with aa engineer 1( and spent yesterday in looking over ths line of tha Canal. It Is understood aow that at a city council meeting tonight he will maks tha city an offer of 8376v ? 000 for the title to ths Canal. A sals cannot bo effected aow as tha property is already under three months optioa, but this cash offer is making tha true-' " temud Muaeilman open their eyes aad wish they were not so quick to jump a Off era. . ....... .... - Reverend Evaageum iauea saui , grumbling that ate meeoaga nava not hadthasapportaf ths charoh people. - Oolambia doss not seem to bs vary good groaad ror Evaagaiistis work. The people do not seem to take to any aaeh preaching. A well known evangelas - will always havs Rood andleaces who ' will laugh at his Jokes, bat do not seem to beoome converted. . - Sanerintendeat of tha peaiteatlary. W. J. Talbert and Oaptaln WhosUr, who - was one of ths msa who accused TsA bert of cruslty to convicts, met vaster- u dsy after nooa at tbs union depot Aa paranilr Mr. Talbert went dowa for tha " ' purpose of seeing Ospt Wheeler. Ex- . r ' actly what oocurrsd in their Interview . ,, w uncertain. All the brstaadars eeera ed to fear soma shooting aad got oa tha ' far side of the railroad coaches It bJ't aid tboagh that tha "lie" with wis-, . gated. ad jsettvai accompaniraani was frssly used bv both. xt . -J- -; Henrr Taylor, of Ward ons, disoovor ed yesterday that his daaghtm Clarissa ' ' hsi been rulaea. -She ilmttlil hsrer- . ror, whaa taxed wlta tt by alas. ua.,t immediately seised aa axs halve and s vary naar killad her. Hs is still at large. Wm. Ross, who for 19 years has beea body sarvaat ta theGeveraors'of South , ,s Carolina, fa to P reseat tha Btahlaad Vol. , aatear RiAs Company with a medal ta ' be shot for aanually. Boas joined tbs Vnlnn tears veara aao, ia the days at s i alavery, m a drummer boy. Haeerved s i through ths Florida war with Captala r ' EUmmTtbroughtha Mexioaa war witb Oovernor Butlar and in the last war as tha body sarvaat of General Maxcy . Gregg. Upon the death of this gallant officer ne piesenisa us wnsoa a w-, who stm proudly wears It Di saw! la aaOorporsa uniform bs fatovartably oa pamde with hla eoaspany. The seed al ha. fa to weaant fa ta eoatsia tha aaaves of all ths Captains of his com-. psay. It hrnhmg been understood that ' when Bill Rem dies, tha local eoarpe aiesareto give aim a soldiers burial. , Rose says hs wishes he could live to see it. . : . . erdere to WrigitsvlHe. I WASXDrarosT, Joly 14 The Seoratarvef War baa ardered liAuseaant Chae. Dd Hine, atxtbU.& Isan try, to proceed to Wrighisvflla, N. a, tbeaoeaeof thaaaaaal ennenip " mant of North CaroUaa awtioaal guaxos for the aarposa of giving hwUnothma y to the first regiment af Virginia vdua teera. : :t-- " - The regiment wfll encamp with tha. -. North Carolina troops this year as tha State of Virginia has not saada a safiV -. dent appropriation for tha individual . eaeampmentot tha State gaarda of Virginia- Llsatanaat Hias has laid out apiaathatwUl smbraca rifle lastiau -tarns doriag tha dsy sad points of of guard mounting daring the aight.' BshMa ialrfax Coumr, Vboia, - , aaaThen Joa) ft-Anf mm v Waa) , 1