Page 12?THE BRUNSWICK BEACO Real i * wria 1 r^F~^i .g* - _a? Vgjii^ Van Warren Kealty Pbon? 5799599 1C? miles from Shallotto l/Jacro lorrn with 3-bodroorn. IVfbath haute $130.000. Mobil? homo lot* near Ocoon Isle Hooch Financing available Two bodroom, I bath 'urnithod mobile home. Shollolto Point oreo Si A 900 t-Z finonclng Dorktido landing Ccndo. One bedroom, top floor Nico viow of conol and o?ian Pool, boot romp, olr $67,900 Nothing Con Than To Be New Year's ( CAROIIM Golf courto community with pooi. tor available to property owneri Cory brick 7BR, J bath homo on quioi cm Conitmp ]BR hema. 2 both*. FP, ondojed SBOt lovoly brick 7BR homt nettled botido 6tb large terrace law SSQ's. Ipociow* conitmp. 7BR borne, large IR FF tcr porclt. dbl oor Mid S90'? Cbormbta brick 3BR homo lintidn 4tb inirw $90% Beovtllul brick 3BR home on qulot cul-dotc Only $10$ 000 "Comfortable, lovely 3BR brkk foirvrey homo itviri imiA in wiriarerrnorg . 155 ,jswii ? both;. library (cr 3rd BP). 'Of?'1 Only low $130 t. Si citing cedar contoetp 3BR homo betide 1 dramatic central FP. Iiubuy fOOtn. d?ik/? Shady iMe yerd, J terrccei. Unique, teemy, pri don/3rd l)R Over 1.300 %q It Only $70"% lovely tree ihcdci Hmss ell It ? r?~~y, i?!> 3rd "" uv?r i jOG ipacioui ?u ti * CMOUHA $1 Sovoiar oppoiiuniiivi ui niW ^ eovorol goll ccuriet. Pool tennis ctt homo* or rental investments! Rontal m; >{ *1 l k -|L ?Ji vvj;J. U-jjU...; U-. Another 1IR, 1 both volt breakfast bor v lit. S betb volt W/D. Inside elorogo. h i 1/0 i | Anoth?( 1W, J feet* unll wllfi W D Ins! I porch oil IK $70 i sunsii ShoreUrre Drive, view ttueofb te waterway lr< kitchen scloaned porch, corport Only 1 C A LARA Riverside community near ICW hooch Oreet mm certemp lit 7 bath homo Of room to onpand Only mid $50% Coiy brick lit heme on high woodsy. wc carpott Groot buy ot $57 000 lovely tpecieai 3 itery If?bh ifyle borne on %cr |K>rch dbl yor boat dock ponorai CAM Ifoctevi brick )?R borne on etrees* 2 octet. 7 IP with intent Irult. nut tcoes gtapot taste PIUS potontiol cornmercki! value i 0*ber hemei evelehlv A tpecioet cee-.try be ate with chilled airs. 3B OR lomily room FP study double gota $75 000 Rvttlc 1 story 5M borne on quiet '*i acre mor? l ow $90 % Ceeatry Brief la brick JB8 borne Ml apprei. 4 ( bldg lith pond oti $70 % MOBIL I OMAPAflll IITVtAT I Restricted dovolopi courts Oetit?Ibn I4i70 Mutter Citlf" 7BR 7 brlik metal underpinning ttorago thod ad Owned land Only $40 ? U4A07 lOtltl near ICW golf a! lit 1 berk mfcti Kmm mi ihinl mi? vi potto tndoi*d por<h#t Own?d lond C M*W? ktKt haft ar*JWUa In Ckl'lday Wo otHer locottont lawafy Mai; frwi III kwv n mm lot 2 d poach ttoroge bldg $70% IrWi 1U t kotk kfl tm ?o(at <*l 4* ?M I Only 1*0 a Ccif Jit fac?# ea ^fv?ti iilfttn. 1 ' n bo 0*er I TCO tpiKkHit ft Onfv $60 * laity fw*ai?d til kaot v?lth ve?> op?n CALABASH liKkltliif mf?wt * ayfrei I ant >v.n voting topcKity up to 300 I <W o ne%% m) Wfw bMb| tit* M Key 17t neat to drvi Good high lond with watai ttwat Hard t? IW ii|la M a* Key 17t naoi <U >\x^i wnn mUFi ????ri *1 f*mim an to Cekatea* t??t neat V hmN I*.- v'.i *5 i AV VCKh I tot %teO*ed ^TKVi Mk * * wnwvwmi | potential ferfeat lor reatouront I ChoKe Not?V?<*? ovo?lofc*e lit Corolmo I Arret Cetofcoth fo?t 1i e?< V QnMfc, JL\ f AROi IMA Si 'W wm m m v MM i o > a *ar i Hwy. 17' N, Thursday, January 3, 1985 Estate am ssifio Ntn numu WKruiiu rawimv. onw or siding, your choice. Croft Bill Homes builds and finances. No red tope. Coll 395 1102 onytime. tf .n.iirie miiiiken m company^ lots or acreage for commercial or residential uso. Located on US i7 just south of Brunswick Technical Colloge between Supply and Bolivia. NC. Sollo' financing ovailablo Commercial property in Shallotto starting at 58.000 PntiririaH rnOdantinl lots in Shallotto with wator and sowor from $8,000. Suiia io suit oppOr PC Be* 322 S hollo tlo, NC 284S9 Phono (919)754-8147 i!d Be Finer In Carolina )pp ortunities A SHORES mis ?out is. ciubhouso. Goii memoorship iii. rr. hi. pOiitt. yOiuqv. $70; porch, coxy, woil designed efficient low fairway. FP scr. porch, jor.. courtyard. larger MBR. country kitchen/dining rm.. fay 2BR. TP courtyard ontry, dock. gar. ic. 2'/? baths. FP. scr. porch, dbl. garago 2 baths FP. dbl gar $120 000 hom* b?. jidv J?t fatrway with panoramic no FP wnll la dark courtyard dbl aor 3th fairway 2 baths. ?cr. porch/fam. rm.. ;oafiyuiu. Ig. dbl. nor'l vote and YWa. 3BR. 2V? boths. ground-floor dffti m4 Vtb 1BR JVj hnths First floor Duly ?7G'?. fOtH HMftf ' less in exciting condo development n*o' |OCUXfis. ioiiy furnis'nod. Groui srurior jrnl op sito 1 u=. ... ......i. r\~u. -.i.r tw. . ww.. K-IV. ? ? ? wot bar scr porch. Low $40 s iroakfust bar. scr porch off IR Only low do storogo brookfast bar. wot bar. scr BIACH )tn 3BR 2 both brick homo. Largo country 170 ? SH ACRES os. golf on airy with many windows, largo dock, ill londscopod lot 2 boths FP. scr. room. 2 waterfront lots 3BR 2' i boths, Ig. dock. Tiic viow of rivor Must so*1 $140 s iBASN baths Ig don fur nit hod gar go mo room /ah inn aihi more ror ino alter imlnotiny poitiblo ownor financing N brick Iromv center bail poller, formal go On ov?t I ocro with many treat Only ?' ? bathi family room porchot dockt Mm HP 7 wolli ttorm windowt ttcog? [ HOMt* n?nl near ICW boachot golf Pool tonnit both homo Formal DR wkIciod porch patio woll laixftcapoif Partially fumith Sopping lot. Hoitially furnithod itorago bkfg k*t 130 % odt Pin# Bui Aero* Shallctt# Point, and bathi fomity i(hvh lowing rooni one lot lam room, tenny kitchen FP tcf porch tht lam room kitchen Florida roam FP i ooim ?ct por?ft of* E>R Only COMatltOAl i ampW pofiiog Appro* 5 400 kj It %*?th v?p oil ?to?n!o?> ??# ! Coll lor <* *> ?? g oiiou Ifiw Ccrolino $Ko?#i \00 *200 \*g <x (o>%i Irom Cofolxvi ^Kxtt V> *300 >*!> <? ?Kc*op?r>g oi kn ol tc?wn Ap j f^.i! r? wAuSnA i moM Inp. e*< SHorfM CoroJi.xi St?v*i Mcrffi Co*obot* oor k*co??on yOw* pr?co ro^ 579 3685 579 3805 I Evenings and Weekends 57V 3369 579-3623 HQRES REALTY 9 Coloboih F? a dAdvi A. v?>nn ?'"! u Hrvrxiimv A Calabash ? Sunset Beach, N.C. Sevorol beautifully wooded lots with paved streets and city water located !r ^av Point Subdivision (overlooking Calabash riv?.) at. H!gh?'?y 179 botween Calabash end Sunset Beacn. N.C Those lots are opproved for late model mobile homes From $10,000 oachl Excellent sellor financing with only 5% down. Coll now' Calabash ? Sunset Seath, N.C. Arnnd now 14x70 Fleetwood mobile homo completely set-up with brick underpinning, heat pump and largo ntlarb nlnnn I rrxr.% nnrl cirto Thit home is located on large wooded lot with mvnd street halfway betweon Calabash and Sunset Beach. Must Soil! $37,500 or best offer. 30-year financing with only 5% down. Caii now! aaa L n 1? mcLamD neouy N. Myrtle Beach (803)249-3491 North Caroline k \ Benton tff & Floyd Realtors 1 Saiei end Appraisals . CAUSEWAY OCEAN ISLE BEACH |JP~ N.C. 28459 (919) 579-2704 CARMEl VILLAGE An exclusive woodod mobile home davalopm^n1 loco**'* noor Shailotte Point Minutes from the w<jterway. the Shallotto River. Oceon Isio Beach, marinas and boat Punching facilities. , poll courses!! Prices storting at *6.MX). Owiw llnanclng. 'JO"A down. 7 year? financing at 12%. Highly restricted amall. wnodeH mnhile home dovelop ment CARMEL VILLAGE BY BENTON A FLOYD REALTY CSuis avaiiaoie on Highway 179 & 904 100x300 foot lots 20% down baiance in 5 years. Excellent owner iinuii^ioy uvuiiuuio ui i / ' rroposoa shoooina (W?er. Scotland Shoot Ocoon Islo Roach 4 bedroom* 2 boths carpetod and panel toy Approximately 1.600 sq ft. Treated decks and dock $134 500. laurinbcrg Street Oceon Isle Beach 4 bedrooms 2 baths. 1 11X) sq ft Treated docks on front and rear of house Dare Street Ocean Isle Beach 1 864 sq ft home located on a T lot 4 bedrooms 7 baths Treated front ond rear Dare Street -Ocean Isle Beach 1 972 sq ft home on a conal 4 bedrooms. 2 baths living dining kitchen area Shallotte River?1.100 sq ft home, com plete with furnishings John Street ?Shallotte 2 000 sq ft home located on 2 lots. City water and sewer Somo ossumable financing availoble E* cedent location $72 900 Old Sound Croek Townhouse Ocean isle ftscrh Furnished one bedroom townhoute with garage ond or storage spoce $70 000 Beoch Villas C rwviominhjm Ocean Itle Beocn Oc%nnfrc it 3 bedrooms fully for ntthed Oceon Isle West Oceon Isle Beach Oceanfront pool locum plus mony other omemties Coll for detoils Dunesrde Villos Oceon Isle Beach Fully furnished one bedroom $65 000 I'torboard By The Sea Oceon Isle Beoch 3 bedrooms 2 baths, fully furnished includtna oooironces $65 900 I Chonnol Sk*o CV#on uu B*o<h 2 ft 3 I ?< nn^ cjw?L IIAM I fAfwiivw^itKM* A M (W >4*>w>? ? ki<M ?f.j? tt! ctoimg Holly Aero* Comploloiy fwrmih?d 1 X? K) ?1 moon# nom? ???.? w*wJw? pirv-?d Ovpisct: Ssvggpg*. C'f^ A ?oi buy lo?? bo*n# on lofi Ovtoo V?ov? lending *5*130 foot lol ?? 430 Wo f*o*o o complofo Sitting of p^oporty o* Ocoon !?!# ft?0<h till ion?OA ft/oAo* I flofd ft'c*o< HOM (9H*ST9?279 Mft? P?wo*l S&Vkpoton Horn* 2)*4 H SotMptad" Hom? {Vie;?$e47t4 I*wood No*#* Salesperson* Home {*)nS7* *n ertlsir MORTGAGE SCHEDULES wior igoye puyinvhi suKruui?> ?!>ww ing detailed periodic calculations of inferos*. principal oil J rertnjiiiiny balance con be purchosed for S10 each. These amortization schedules con be ooiuii>?d on ?nnt f?r prcc ticaiiy any type of loan. million ra I i II1111 \V^ I I comoon\A / : Phono (919)754-8147. Or write P.O. | Box 322. Shollotte, NC 78459. it r i larunna jnvros THREE BEDROOMS. 2 bath*, entronce foyor. living room, dining room, screened porch, fireplace. 2-cor gorago. Now construction, all brick. Wooded lot. Fantastic buy! $89,500 THREE BEDROOMS. 2% baths, cathedral living room, full den. kitchen. dinette w'th deck, laundry I room. 8 ft. wide fireploce. 2-car i gorago. foirwoy lot. every foot I ???-- U-.ii* o irtft vus'viiioi ww?i. u^:ur.mi&a?if ?, i w sq ft $135 000 CONDO?2 bedrooms. 2 baths, completely furnishod Super buy at $75 000 ! IOT?large isinvsy !c! on 6!h grosn High, dry and wooded. Oyster Bay CORNER lOT overlooking lake and clubhouso. William Potter & ? !_?. IS U.. HISUtiUIQS nouiI J (919)579-2233 P.O. Box 74 Calabash. NC 28459 "Wn&i 7T"% "IS" % 9 HJF IF. p J. w "ir*i Ml, NIWL ONE OF B NEW HOR BUY NOW AND BE ^ V ? 4 Y i ^ 1 fAUTtMBA Appro* cnetaly 1 *00 us h pAn gt bbcAjO* 3 t?aO?occo? J bo*t? A*w\ go'og* Fnca widvd* ofl app^?rx? (V. you pick tow kiwitr | Thru choorw *our krt at Bri< cia> thru Saturda\ Sxtkcra in* (or a look s! our homes BricnuKid iMfic* Phd / Sp 3 1Q I [\n7?^] wai LIUHSJ rharloc I? WaH?rc V/MMft avu ? Tt MS w Broker Mon-Fri 9-5 We are looking foi i "/1.., , onri cpfc A perfect ble Pkture th*v From your back deck, a *pnng fed lagoon alongvde the lounging deck. Ar your front drck a full panoramic vior of the In trccoastal Waterway, the marth, and the Atlan tK Ocean meeting mile* of uncluttered, natural he*.he* Every breath >du take it a comtant itminder of your iifeatyle here on Ocean lale Weat Lagoon* on Ocean ble offer* a clow jnoximity to Myrtle Beach and the famout CAIJ COIXEC INQUIRE ABOUT OUR mjten-bPi cinstruction & rca arnriry i'oorm?n. M*r*pun# iJtrecioc j " g? ? /1 . I V # ? rwi a rr i A1 at :r wood go Rt. 179. Shallotte. INT 754-6614 rr/ir ii 1/inr.oi $10,9Od-$2V, LLP.ACDE LOT?*eiTV ' Y PAVED STREETS*SI RUNS* ICR COUNTY S FASTK 10 NE* HOMES UNDER C !ES by BRIERWOOD I IN YOl R NEVl HOME HE oa?v pb;rv iwh niyc o >ro9? ortd po*ct*#* Ioyovi tmoKrv | room dnrung room krtctorv kx*X$/y roorr H ?Vxnop?r^ ortd drr#^wOy Loco>K3 on O ;>laii fiwn o?rr 1.000 plan rhoirr* t m?uo<i ind ?r'!l build \our dmm 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at our Brirrnocx . or lot*. >ne 919-754-6614 or 754-9140 , ? ' *^**1"'' ~?Ta i LTERS REALTY now open in Calabash (Beside Town Hall) Days (913)573-9722 f919)579-9777 Nights (919)579-6673 I rward to serving you! oim ^FlILl I, U1V OMA;* nn thf . nd of nature. trafiwxi* of Calahtoh. PGA goifmg. ??rUiUu fohmg. aiui j>?iv?ir rvr?f? fatihttn T*t> bedroom, two hath, (uilom built tonJominium hotnti featuring cr\!y the finnt interior appointment*. a arcurtty *taiK>n, tennw court*, summing pool ar.J more await* you. aii oc inu iof i?? I'nn ;iU>MV. rmincing available Tt <9191 7S4-9?42 HtEE. MINI-VACATION auyn rnzj ity> inc. BIB J 00D Jii s LFCOURSE : 28-159 n i Ilo MO WATRR AND OIWAGR ILLIR FINANCING ST SELLING DEVELOPMENTS ONSTRI'CTION BUILDERS FORE CHRISTMAS! Itlllll.U*1 AMTH Mrtut 17*17 i-yruYf room OtS^r room* * ?k*09# room or*d a lar?? Vo(or 30*200 k* All for $9! 900 hat wr ha>r hrrr at our ofBor. homf. Cotnr by anytime Moo1 Sale* (MBor or call any cvrn?Evenings 919-579-31811

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