"age 14?THE BRUNSWICK BEAO r>jp A t rv\r WJVIjI I Ocean lite Beach Causeway Next to Island House (919) 579-7038 m ct AI" Evelyn Medlien ? 754-A713 Nick Nowton, Broker 579-7804 5r:r'*l BUT OF TH! WSEKI Approximately 300 ft. on deep wator ItJool *ito for morino, seafood restaurant, condoi. otc Call for aetoii* NFW LISTINGS Hiver Heights Copo* Shore* ore?/ New homo on lot 3 bedroom*. 3 bath*. room with fireplace 2^:or garage, screened porch Buy now and pick your own color* $69,900. Shallofto Point A super fixor-uppor Srnoll houso on largo lot with pier. Greot potential Only $37,900 Mobile homo and lot 7 bodroom*. 1 both ox'ellent condition Includos septic tossK and woll on largo wooded lot Only $13,000 River Heights (Copos Shoros oroo) Now homo 3 bedrooms. 2 bothv great room, sapor floor plan Enclosed 2 cor garage Ovorkooking loko Near schools. $79,900 Shorrow Estates Liko now. qualitybuilt homo on 1 */? acros 4 bodrooms, 2 boths. groat room with firoplace. large dotachod utlllly/olhco. Well Ir.ndsrnpod Only $69,900 Shallotto Point 2 bodrooms. 1'/? baths, living room, scroonod porch, carport utility storago View ol tbo river $44 900 Homo undor construction iti bwuuiiful long Bay Country. Great lor first-time home buyot Quality cypress siding Vory attractive $47,000 Capos Shores House on l'i lot* overlooking lako 4 bodrooms. 2 baths living room with firoplaco Insert dirting room. $69,900 Shorrow Estates Owner trans'or rod must solH New house novor liv ed In Pricod to soli ot $44,900 Ocoan Isle 3rd row New horn? I 36A tq ft fhroo bedrooms. 2 baths, great room with wet bar Groat view ol the ocoan $92,900 House on ovorsirod lot Blulf Drive. Copas Shotos oroo 4 bodrooms. 2 lull *?????? . 2 IIMM u Istniu'i llVI tugwKtm tiimny i#om, dsn wish "replace. recreation recrr. glotsed sr. bar two - larvol dock, largo utility aroa Owner I inane lag too good to bo truo' Shallot fe Point 4 bedroom*. 3 both* i?t?> ini-jn lot n??f ths vv3*sr. $V? 900 On tho watorwoy 2.700 tg It 3 bodroom 3 bath homo with largo don timing (ourn unu riuridu iuumi. Wo* $151 900 to $141,900 ttouko on Cceon ttavon Road near Ocean l?lo Bocnh 3 bedroom*. 1 lull bath large lot Mutt tee to op proiiato' Only $44 900 II i i c K landing Mobile homo Uoautilully landtcapedl large deck nice hardwood hoe* and much more Only $77 900 Dc.'o Stte?ri 1 It living room t'>n|nUM\v kitchen 5 bedroom*. 3 lV\J moating d xk and much mote Omy $139 000 Pender Street Jutt *tarting conttruC lion 4 bed'oomt lot* ol deck* <ypre?* tiding cu*tom cabinet* ond much more Only $139 000 Raelord Street 3 bedroom* den tody living room dining area kit cben 7 bath* covered porche* doik* Hooting dock ond much more Coll lor detoil* Comloi Storboard B> the Sea Unit 6 0 3 bedroom* 3 bath* completely lur nuntKl UiWI v??vy Only 1^6 900 Uti long ft o v C o u i \ t? * B o u ?11 u I i?itti:to<1 woodod lot* tont* nvcw*h Iron! lot* %to?t ot $!* 500 wilh own*< llnoiHtMfl Villogo Point (itoUt No** iwitiutwl %ubd q lilt CCK'?% lot* bwgin ot $9 000 %vtth linoittin^ to*, down I0S to twrett lo? 10 t#00 StioiwooO f*totw* 3 lot* 7 ?? louwoy tot* St I 000 to 13ft 300 ?(xxn?\* / (M|Oining ion I AM v $5 XX) wovh o? |t0 000 l?? botfti Sht(l Pomt Roifwotioooi VitVao? 5 mobiU Itotttf lott i ncMt '?*??Kt#d WW I. , 13 000 IVflH'wO* lot ,v\wm Ko*w> n*0' O*#0" l*i? t?\xh Tl*XXt v.. tt\ kxy* Mt iwf A (W?Al . .?? c?.x I OW jWi!!!* *d ! ? Mtet h#Qxtl| woodnd tot 735 It tronio^* ?^ | (KS.wi lood |9 <XV Sv>vkmi> Av??% 3 mobdo Kom# 14 *CO U ICO lo? on CKoon lit# l*?xK U \ OCO 2nd Row lot on 0<oon Ulo Mo<*> 101 000 ON, Thursday, January 3, 1385 sav Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER in Colobosh/Co'olino Shoru* Resort One bedroom condo. Greot renfol history. 6K below market value V49.900 Call collect ovenings (703) 893 5438 jan. 3 HfcAL i Y, INC. of HOLDEN BEACH located on the causeway Phone 842-2628 SANOPIPFR LANE 7 bedroom. I Vi -both, living room with tiropiaco Sepurui* kitchen dining room S69.500. HONS PAW DRIVE 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, livtna'dinina kitchen with central hoot and oir. Enclosed with gorago and storoge. On deep water canal with boat dock and pavod streot $109,500 110 STARFISH DRIVE 4 bodrooms. 2'/? both* located on paved street in Horitago Harbor canal dovolopment Bright modorn kitchen with living room and dining room. Control hoat and air and large onc'osod oroa downstoirs lor storage and garage. Excel.ont investment ond rental potential. $112,000 COUNTRY HOME NEAR BEACH Now. oorly American 2-story country home with 3 bedrooms. 1 V? baths. Just I mile I Irorn beach Decorated in country stylo interior with lovely hardwood floors Kitchon & largo living room $65 500 SAND DOllAR DRIVE New construction. 3 bedroom. 2 bath contemporary design located in Horitago Harbor canal dovolopmont $114 500 SANDPIPER LANE New construction. 3 bedroom. 7 bath locatod in rnid island with view ol both ocean ond watorwuy. Spacious kitchen and living 'cam cathedral ceilings Outsido docks on both tev<*u S/9.540. Restricted mobile home lots beginning at $4,000 locoted on fresh woter ponds noor beach ROACH REALTY Kolden Beach Road 919-842-2488 Sccutifu! corner let In Pins Vi-w Acr?* just 2 miles from Holder-. Beach. This 92x125 lot is nicely wooded with a 59 ft. weil Modorutoiy priced ot >7.500. Two beautiful lot* In Greenwood Acre* Tho*e lovely wooded lot* ere 50x120 and are ro*trtcted lor houte* Owner linanc Ing ovatlobta Onty 3 mll?i trom Holder* (leach Reflect locution lor vacation or retirement homo Priced to tell Ju*t call and a*k Charming 4 BR 2 bath, fireplace and car iv.irb '" 'Hn':;: !wi >ut? i-eriecr tor I growing family located |u*l oil Hoidon Beach Caw*?way lot bokide lioutu alto lot tu!^ Beautifully wooded area 98 x 170 Moute and lot priced low lor lmI mediate kale l/.H 250 , Two lot* lor *ale |u*t oil Holders Beach Coutowoy Both lot* ore 60 * 140 Quiet neighborhood with lovely *urrounding* Excellent locat'on lor either home or o vocation *ito Moderately priced ot $0 500 each Throo lovoly lot* located in Shoreline ( fttate* Nicoly wooded lot* with poocelul ?urroundlng? Only two mile* Irom Maiden Booth Porloct *po? to plan a vacation retreat Priced to %oll or JIU UOU Pretty 50*125 wooded lot one mile Irom Moldon Beach in Holiday Acre* on Talman Street Ju*t perfect lor that vacation home Moderately priced at S6 000 Thi* kpociou* lot in Maple Creek Subdivi| *lon I* 300x150 Re*tricted to hou*e? on ly ju*t J'i mllot from Holden Boodi Perfect utighborhood lot thai retirement 1 o? residential home Some financing available Thi* pretty 81*124 lot i* located in Sea Aire Estate* only I mile from Holden Reach the perfect location cot a beach retort Priced to sell at $5 OCX) I Two pretty lot* located In Shoreline | (state* |u*t thiee mile* from Hokfea j Beach lot* cue SO ? 1 2S ore beautifully 1 wooded oi>d in a nice neighbor hood Pnc! ed to ?ell at $2 750 eoch I Beoutdully wooded lot* in Fore?t Hill* Subdivision Voriow? sues or*d price* Charming surrounding* and nice | neighborhood Owner financing available Only J't rr.:!?* from rtoktei Beach This coiy home nestled on 2 large lot* m Sea Aire f state* * the ideal knaIn for your retirement home 3 bedroom* 2 C.Ik. -0 ..HllK. heat tvmo iwt centre*! n? Pnret ki *4*11 at SSI CK^.1 Spoctou* lot be?*de house oUo for ?o?e Prned of complete package i? SSB 000 !v. .* v*i ??* is.'* p 2 ? mit#? from Hokien ???.?*' io'? a< m ttic b? !S#? or# 50*'2* CV* o^-? a Woody So* Mp<k ?onk tn*taW#d P< >< ?o *#W of k COO Cory IfH Coon#/ mob*)* bom# WxoHnJ on fwc ion t>0*ti >0* 1 i? m Oo^ Hov#n k?Sd?*i??on fv*? 3 m??#% trvyn ??old#n #0<b Mob:l# bom# ?% 12*40 2 b#d>oem* 1 bo^S horti or?d bo<* d#cfc ubWfy *N#ri m?S <ro?ft Wnk f#rv# on bo?S %?$ Xi?* P#<*#<? Sv ?S? f#* ' 4*9 lom??y Cbaf m?/*9 3 bodroom I bo'b bom# on \ OC /#* On M?w> IX fV?* ? N * mii#? from HoM#n ft#ocb U'9? llvVtg ioor lO/po/l ond uMlltf room *wk fc*n yv) Id/9# S^? rs?i# PfK#d tO *#11 * r. f, I Saw l Real isfafo 125.17 ACRE FARM. 48.26 ocres cleored. Myrtle Head Community. Would consider subdividing info smaller tracts. Contact FARM CREDIT SERVICE. 754-6203. Shollotte. 8 5 Mon-Fri An equal housing lender. tf Brunswickland n I*-neairy nulucri Bedcn (919) 842-6940 OCEANFRONT ? l 10 OBE 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, new furniture, recently remodelOCFANPRQNT S?.o Oof* Villos Unit 203 . 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, central heat and air, carpet, vinyl kitchen ond baths. ' beautifully furnishod. $88,000. 3RD ROW- Now consiructiar., Windjommer Street 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. cent:al hoot ond air, concrete underneath, landscoped. excellent view of ocean ond ruin?m, 3 spacious decks, easy accoss to beach. $82,500 3RD ROW -New construction. Clippership Drive. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, central hoot ond oir. concroie unJuir.woth. stovo. rofrigorctor. washer, dryer, gar "v3'- W.kw.W., ? '^ "vv. ( 3RD ROW. NEW LISTING 307 Sondpipor. c 3 bedrooms. 2 boths. centrol boot and air, completely furnished, excellent view f of waterway, easy access to beach. I $73,500 c I 2ND ROW NEW LISTING- 353 OBE Unobstructed viow of the ocean. 4 ; bedrooms. 2 boths. control heat and oir v fully furnished, iuily onciosed bottom. , Excollent financing avoilablo. 10% down j. Ownor will f*nonco balance at 12% for 15 ( years $77,500. r MAINLAND -Shod Point aroo 2 , bedrooms. 1 both, completely furnished. v woll ond sunlit tnnk. ifirgo iot. Finoocing available. $26,500 ( I MAINLAND -Soashoro Road 3 , bedrooms. 2 baths, central hoat ond air. corpo* ond vinyl, corport. Largo 85x240 t lot. Lorgo loon assumablo. Brick con- ^ struction $52,500. ( i MAINLAND Whisponng Heights. 2 , bedrooms. 2 baths, doop woll and septic ( tank, carpot and ponolod walls, paporod 1 baths Attractive Owner financing. >44 900 1 I MAINl AND?Shell Point area 3 , bedroom*. 1 '/> baths, central heot and air. stove, refrigorator. very nico 100x100 I lot $24 750 | MAINLAND Hurricane ?av?r.. \ 'Himltoom V liuOi iTtnhlU Itom* com pi"?e!y rurnisnea ws!n central neot and air tvcollvnt location across from tennis courts and iwimming pool Boat romp available Y37 500 looking tor lots to build your Jtwom house? Coll us today 942 6949 64? 6940 lots both on and otf the beach i_ -** Ml FOE SALE B Four bedrooms, three ba ing room, family room fireplace, utility-office s two-car garage, double room, all appliances and [ Copas Shores. Call after 754-6151 COMPARE... Tl See the Difference 1 I'KICK: l t?ur nw n r*?t>c mm Uryr >Mvdcd k* Martini; (rocn 2 KKAT! RKS: Your home a Tr?%r will irvludr kitchen appl mn rvm.i\r washer and dryer wiivVms ai*i rnrryr\ cttKlent i cuntt ruction' 1 INDIVID!'At ITV: Hunte .<lrf x rtght unsjur lV?* plans elr? atK*iv and rndkrxs vn*vn> hen I ("all I (9!?) 57'j ???6 ^S! * N 1 '1 miW trom h*art of Calabash on Thomasboco K. vvi s i It in Tin FuSford Realty SR 1139, Sea Shor? Sd. Holden Beach Area Phone (919) 842-2692 tlVERSIDE il?3 lot* in restricted sublivision in view of lockwood Folly liver. Access to boot ramp and pier, riced to sell. 3ATOR C 'tANT?Nice corner lot. A.500 lOONE'S NECK AREA-Restricted lomesito lot. 70x200. $4,500. IDDLER'S CO'v'E?2 choice iois. ooih ots for $9,000. - rliORLiiNc cbiAicu?it you woni fconomy. see this one. Mobile home it t ,QQ0 l-BEDROOM brick veneer dwelling vith corport and storage. Near J.c!den Beach with large lot. Excellent >uy at $37,500 '75 ACRES of beautiful, natural icreage on Woccamow River. Coll for trices. ARM OR RANGE?i07 ukus with 40 icres cleared. Located in Ash aroa. Ian be divided into smaller tracts, siso 30 acres with access to Highwav 30. Call for price. 5CEAN ISLE BEACH?Call for ivailable properties. RONT INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY ots as low as $25,000. Financina ivo;!oblo on some lots ot a low rate of nterost. iEASHORE ROAD ? 1'/?-story dwelling vith 3 bedrooms, living room with ireplacc. kitchen, dining, large >orch. 2 boths. Excellent for vacotion >r permanent home. Coll for price. ^\/co inn i nic ubdivisions near Intracoastal Wotervay and booch. Pick your iocation. IAROIINA SHORES Large wooded ot. approximately 1.8 acres. This is a teal at $12,000 MOBILE HOME AND LOTS?located in 'anglowood. Summer Place. Gator irant. Bivens Run and Shoreline nanont homes or vocation. Coll tofay Savo yourself the trouble of seting up?just movo in. "WO BtAUTirui i.OTS with mobiie lome. located in Summer Placo Price educed. 1983 MOBILE HOME This one you II ike 14x70 with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths jnd large deck Noar beach and In Iracoaslal Waterway GOO ier us help you find the property or your choice l lohn Brckor Kathern Eulford Broker Kathy E Galloway - Salesperson 1 I YOWNER j ins, "living room, din- I with wood burning ipace, Florida room, carport with storage >atio on beautiful lot in 1:30 for appointment. Some furniture. HERE iS NO COMPAF at Hunter's Trace. i r \ T n*tT vanou* jMPsDj fOf >1?U tH IWP Runm e Beacc Real Estate LOT FOP SALE at Shallotte Point, Cotton Patch section 70*100 high and dry, cleared but has some trees. Septic tank almost completed. Price negotiable. Coll /j+-o*ov anynme. Jan. 10 pd. foifmit RENT OR SELL Two year* nW, 3 bedroom* 2 bath* A/C 7.000 sq. ft.. shop space screened porch, deck. 517 Great Oak Circie. Shoreline Woods. Sunset Beach. Rsr.t 54CO month or sell/trade and assume loon. Coll 919-788 2484 (Winston-Salem). tf 3 BEDROOM. 2 BATH house, unfurnished, new heat pump. >j/o plus utilities. Available Jan. 1, 1985 for year round lease. Call Sea Watch Realty. S79-6734 tf r ui. -ii j t\> tiuueii Realty 754-8723 Shsllotte Four-bedroom. 2 bath born-style home and 3 lots. Ocean Trail near Holden Beach. 532.500. 10% down. Or rent tor S300 monthly. 3-bedroom cottage on Sosspan Creek $29,500. 12-acre wooded tract off Stout Rd.. near Ash. $15 000. Rivorview- Homo ond 3 lots overlooking Shollotte River? $55,000. Also new home with rivor access? $67,900. Hwy. 17 commercial lots and property tor salo or loose or build to suit. Mobile home acre lots in new develop ??? ???- CL.M.tt. tc rwnrv Booch homos condos. acreage river ond waterway iots. Highway 179 or 130 business lots $10,000 up. Lovoly 3-bodroom. 2'2 both brick homo 5 yeors old On valuoblc 2acro lot. near hospital 300 It. Hwy 17 Irontago rpf AT^y REDvC'D' Acreoge Stanley Rood 2 to 16 ocrov $2 700 per acre. Owner financing bherrow tstotos lots >3 000 up Ntce 50-ocre larm in Ash'Ejtum nmn Tobocco acreage $85 000 r At ADACU I A Si ^nbr?wn^ia Anil r 1: cl. ?.u:uiiiiu Jin Cnrnjirm J Mow wouia you iiko to pion the finishing 1 under construction in choice location* All 1 1 200 sq It to I 850 sq It let us take you t? details cou'd still be in your hands lovely wooded fairway lot overlooking tho Foirwoy lot located by the 10th too $25.90 Fairway lot locotod by the 11th tee $25 90 OH course iots from $i?0G0 some with e> Carolina Sho Beautiful ' 1 acre lots still availoblo some Calabash 2 bedroom i', both retirement home $5< Some lovely wooded lots from $12 500 Five Miles Fro Lovely buck home on larae fenced lot '1C $75 900 Seaside Coi Small 2 bedroom nom? for sol? on largo lot sol?' $45 000 Carolina Shor rrwvlominium |u%t listed Completely lurms CALABASH LAI Call collect 9-5 day Others (919)579-399 (919)579 -l"/ knlfekiZSEad -if- ""*J : V?^F~Y m .Ll jjfefci. mmmsamm un 1 Df?t.C*WM C' C n> *.fv.< so*'- I PCX* r. C*XPC4 % inr ~ I I ? _L _ II I j BOD lampoon Realty S nfaJl ^ (919)842-2698 - SHolden Beach NC LOTS FOR SALE Homes Oniy SEA AIRE ESTATES?Nice wooded adlocer.: iois with septic tank opprovoi. Only $5,500 each. RIVERSIDE SECTION I?1'/? lots 112.5x150. Good section. $9,000. Homes/mobiie Homes BUCCANEER HllLS-50x100 ocross ifom tennis court. Paved rood. $6,000 SHELL LANDING?Near beach. 100x100 with well, septic tank and driveway. $12,000. LITTLE SHALLOTTE RIVER?Lot on rivet with well, septic tank ond storage building. Only $25,000 cm id vA/iKinc a 1 77.19x150x174 64x150 Good section. $5,500. CHERRYWOOD^Jtfic^ wooded corner lot 70x130 $4 WVW SUMMERPLACE?Two odjacent lots. 50x125 eoch. $3,500 eoch BUYS OF THE MONTH BUCCANEER HILLS NORTH-12x55 mobile home with wrop-oround deck Fully furnished -even small appliances. Must seo' >19 500 BUCCANEER HILLS NORTH Neat 12x60 furnished mobile home on 50x100 lot $15 900 vAim r a wnnivr ? uVrtt rriivhiU THINGS a fireplace in family room. 3 lorge bedrooms, study don. 1V, baths lorgo utility room carport heat purnp. Call and lot us show you this lovely 2 story colonial homo in Seo Aire Estates Only 2 miles from Holdon Beach $59 500 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fully equipped grill. 10x60 with screoned porch. Must be moved from property For inventory ond details, coll... in rnuD^uv iwith mi irtt> 30IHS CIlArA* jf your new home' We hove 3 home* re 3 bedroom* 2 both* ronging from trough these house* while the finishing 13th tee S?7 500 0 0 colieni financing res North with owner financing From $85 000 Acres jooc m Shailotte 0*300} Completely furnished for only nmunity Completely furnished Priced for quick es Resorts hed 2 bedroom 2 both $&4 900 ID COMPANY s (919)579-6227 2,(919)579-6914 > 2764 .... I j i3DjJ i MM I <'tM ? mn K] u-.44k rci4>?m i i

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