1 1?\T71 4 1 m\ r lUSALil'Y Ocean I tie Bead) Causeway Next to It lend House (919) 579-7038 m trelyn Maditon - 754-6713 Nick Newton, Broker 579-7804 SPECIAL BUY OF THE WEEK) Shollotte Point?4 bedrooms. 2% baths, living room, dining room. den. utility room, extra large recreation room. Truly on exceptional value! $89,900. NfW LISTINGS River Heights ?Copas Shores area)? New home on lovely lot. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large great room with fireplace. 2-car garage screened porch. Buy now and pick your own colors. $69,900. Shollotte Point?A super fixer-upper. Small house on large lot with pier. I Great potential. Only $37,900. Mobile homo and lot. 2 bedrooms. 1 | bath, excellent condition. Includes septic tank and well on largo wooded j lot. Only $15,000. River Heights (Copas Shoros area)? New home. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, great room, super floor plan. Enclos ed 2-car garage. Overbooking lake. Near schools. $79 ~00 Sherrow Esfatos?Like now. qualitybuilt home on 1'/? acres. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, great room with fireplace largo detached utility/office. Well landscaped. Only $69 900 Shallot*- Point?2 bedrooms. 1 Y? baths, living .oo.n, screened porch. lilitu ?t nr.tAO V/iAtA. aI (Ka - ? ? " - i ivct . Home under construction in beautiful Long Day Country. Great for first-time home buyer. Quality cypress siding Very attractive. $47,000. Copas Shores?House on 1 V? lots overlooking lake. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, living room with fireplace insert. dining room $69,900. Sherrow Estates?Owner transferred? must sell! New house never lived in Priced In moll nt $44,900 Occcrs crc fisw twwrxe 1 368 sq. ft. Throe bedrooms. 2 baths great room with wet bar Great view of the ocean $92,900 Moose on ovMrtu.n roam alatt?rl-in bar two-level deck, large utility aroa Owner financing too good to be true! Shallotta Point?-4 bedrooms. 3 barns Extra large lot nser the ssrater $56 900 On rhe waterway- 2 200 sq. ft. 3-bedroom 3 bath home with large Jer*. ,-og.ti cad flo.-idc rcon; Was $151,900 R*fac* of I IS 200 ooch or 110 000 for bo*> Shof! Po*n? PocrootKxxil V.lloo*- 5 'T*Ow*U home left nc? .'Sjfrxfed or*o Priced to *?f1 from S2 000 to 13 000 <*Ol rvroy Lot fOceon Mo*on, n#or Ocoon ?*1? loach 75*XO wrtth largo ond o gtoof r??w 160 SOO Old Sho/k>r?? Id ?1 *? oc/ot S?| ~ood?d lot wifti 735 ft f'on*o^ on porod rood S*? 900 SoodO?rm A?y o?? X/* liS 0*0 o?r?ody hot toptk ?or* in?to)!?d Pr*#d o Mil Of S4 000 W'frfo! IcvO^f loft in Shono Ct?0*#t onfy 3 . rv?l?t from Hc'dr* ftooch Owrvr Irfwong ovot 1 both *fOT'f OT docfc uM?fy with ct-Orr. In* f?nvt? porfoct ?* *\# f*4'' ng .. csrpcr! Oftd focn A lor ortfj O'g* |||f no '//) vmoT roan Pia ??o bodroom* i i bo?h wirdcw o?r ond O'l hoot <*r>d*f p*rr+fi rr?b?W h<>mo t#d &rA eorpot*d ?o boo? romp S14 VX( O+tr.+f hrorxtr^ MACS ton Dup4?' LoH- 6Cr*?^5 wroto-moy * >X> W>* i 75 >0 rem booth ouMt] S77 V/j Momiond // o i r * o y SOsllO $27 500 ?ubd??i???n f ir?o< r^ OrtW? Mob.lot% 13 000 to I* ' 50 Finonckrhg ?r s cfc * L>?ep W?t?f Conoi ion W./imyton St (with now bu*Sood, $4* 500 To# po? Or eioto to oho ond of iho sfrooi (deououj. $93,500 2ND ROW 353 OBE. Unobstructed view of the ocean 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, control honl niwt I..11. I..? -!.? 1 ? od undernoath Excellent Urmt. $77,500 ijl Inr Inl* mnhllst nnW mainland properlio? lots \lurling of 17.500 Fulford Realty | SR 1 139, Sea Shorn Rd. Holden Bioch Area fhnne (919) S42-269? RIVERSIDE II 3 lots In restricted sub division In view ol lockwood Folly Rivor Access fo boat ramp and pier Priced to sell. ! GATOR GRANT Nice corner lot $6,500 BOONE S NECK AREA - Restricted homvsite ior. 70x700. $4,300 FIDDLER'S COVE 2 choke Sots Both lots foe $9 000 SHORELINE (STATES If you want economy ton this ono Mobile home with oddition and deck $11 000 3-BEDROOM brick venour dwelling with corport and storage Near Holden Booch with lorge lot Excellent buy at $37 500 775 ACRES of beautiful noturol ocrengo on Waccamow River Coll for prices f ARM OR RANGE 107 ocres with 40 ocres cleared located in Ash areo Can be dividod into smaller tracts I Also 30 ocres with access to Highway 130 Call for price OCEAN ISLE BEACH Call for available properties FRONT INTRACOASTAl WATERWAY lots os low as $25,000 Finoncmg Ovailobl* On lorn* lot* at o Iow lOto of lnt?r**t S?ASHORE ROAD I % ttor y dwelling with 3 borjroorm living room with firoploc* kitch*r>. dining, lorg* pOfCh. 1 both* C** !!- ' ' ' or p?rmon*nt Ivorn# Coll for pr OVER 100 IOIS ovoilobl? m /or too* tvbd?m?or.* ooor introcoo*tol Wot*r wcvy orid booth Rkk your lor a boa r AROt IMA SHORES I org* wood*'! lot oppro#imot#ly I 6 oc?? Thi* i* a *t*ol ot $13 OCti VOft'lE HOVE AJ?-? inonont horn** Of vOCOtion Coll to do-/ So/ /oorto*! tho trooMo of ?*t f?rv3 up iv?? rr?o-#* in tPro tfAUIPUl lOTS mot horn* loco tod ?n Svmnwf Plot* Pre* rodvcod 'Vtrj MORtiE HOME Thi* or* rou II IA 14 #70 with ? bod room* 2 batv** arid .'org* dock Moor booth and In trOCOOHR tVot*fwO/ *75 ow (*t ur* h#^p yOu frod th* property of /OurfhoHOl iohr, M?r?r?n t > ?* r o+>f f Oolkr~ni SoW*p?f*^ THE BRUNSWICK BEACOK \ Class! 54-6890 AilifllD AD! IS eek; 5 cents for eoch additional LIN2 until noon Tuesday for publicoFor ieni FURNISHED 2-bodroorn mobilo homo fo rent In Boonos Nock aroa. Call 754-4018 Hi IPARKVIEW TOWMIOI SKN * VI' Ml 1 MKMV HOW R1NTIHO Starting at $280 A Month Minimum 1 -Yoar loose INCLUDES water and sewer, garbage collection. cable TV. energy-efficient appliances Including dishwasher, some with washer-dryer hookups, central heat and air, private patios for each unit, firewall between each unit, spacious closets, completely carpeted Convenient to Shopping, ftccrratlou. Schools. Hospital and Beach ON HWY. 17 SOUTH OF SHAUOTTt Host to Shoitotto Township Pork Can 919-754-6201 (Office) or919-754 8082) (Construction Sit*) KERRY LANE TOWNHOUSES Now Renting Starting $350 a month Furnished and Unfurnished located in historic Gause landing, minutos from Ocoan tsie, close to shopping. Loveiy, quiet, wooded location. 2 bedrooms. 1 '/i baths, stove, reirigorctor with icemaker, dishwasher, fully carpoted. washer and dryer connections. private storago building, central oir ond hoat. public wator system. SLQANE realty 919-579-6251 919-579-6217 MRVUM KfcllKll) IBM torvlco Hop with Tf voa experience. will repair iP.V. .iandard or telertric lvoawiil?i? nl rwitnnnKU rn? Phor (91^579 90311 Jon 17 p< Will RIPAIR wothort. dryers i?lo< *r stoves. ho! water heater*. Coll 253-6T7 Jan. Lamb's Tree Service Pruning sD??d Wooding lopping Removal FULLY INSURED a m *mmm m m mmim nn? BiMiniB cau vou import coma I4S7SSSI WAllPAPER HANGING New constru tion (ondot afiarlmtnH builn?u? etc Cer(died |Kip?ii hanger. Call fi estimate (919) H47 9731 wtnlngt tl GftllrtWOOD UMNIIS Pel Boarding onrl Grooming 253 69/0 232 51' CARPINIIR WORK done Coll 253 6271 Jan, I TYPING Sf RVICI5 Resume* letter report* moftuwnpit repetitive letters forms word proretting capabilities Pn fetsiono! quality, fast service Rf ASONARlf RATI5 Coll 845 ?6M Appliance Service Co. Guaranteed Appliance Repair wo then/dry ef t/ranga* d it hwo t her % i m ic r owov ?r? rolrig?rotof?/oir coodllloriort m m m a?oii ? # O ^ U SHAUOTTI in. i>? Mnerri ear AH I siumr RtmuvHi LANDSCAPING LOT CHARING SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION HALL FIMCIMO A LAM&ACAPINO CO. <(*>*. f A ?*3<"*Am ! 4 rSAMi S *ri9#tt?f All WO** GUAMANHID Call 842-2996 AfTM 4 PM A HO OH WIHIHDf or coll ColUct 774 6855 or writ# AAo* Moll, Pt 2 Bo* 85, Cor1hofl?. NC 28327 I i, Thursday, January 10, 1985?Page 3-B fled Ad Services SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS, oil moke* and models. Kings Hardwaro & Appliance Service. Supply. 754 6138. H Will DO BABYSITTING in * my homo Monday-Friday. 6 am.-5 p.m., $35 a week Call 579 3015 ...stil i S 579-3715 altor 3 p.m. Jan.10 j 625 We Sell iiiv '|j& 8: Repair r IjtSRsTORM DOORS ? |K?ivi WINDOWS J; SCREIENS rhtand HWY. 179, BETWEEN OCEAN ISLE & SUNSET PHONE 579-7800 HOME APPLIANCE REPAIRS all n.okos aixl modol* Kings Hardware & Applionc? Servico. Supply. 754-6130 If UNUMI1ED CARPENIER ?0 year* ox porloncn In all linos of carpontry Fro? ostimatos. Specializing In remodoling painting, trim, bulkheads, decks, dock* i Knntnnoblo prices. Call 042 3736 anytime day or night. ft RETIRED CARPENTER desires work Sklr ting trailers sun deck*, stops, scroonod porches painting. bailor roofs, ami other minor ropairs Call 579-7887 tl CLEANING SIRVICIS houses, opart monts or bminossos. anytime. Call Jackio >54 4626 days and evenings Jon. 17 I TOMMY SMALL umici mnucoc iivvark iviw ins** C.O. WRIC-Mr, Director Free EMImatu!. Tabor City, 653-2605 Or Call 1 OCEAN ISLE BEACH 579-3521 Cl?B4 nil BRUNSWICK HI AC ON row SALI r* EIGtiT ROILS of designer fabric made In k* trance kiegant brown or biack saiin wiih wuvoh uviiyM*. 50" W'ids S"d IfO!" ' yards to 51 yords long $7 per yard Call ' 7S4 0487 It iau. ? 7 ' illtPHONt answering $85. Coll >' 7*4 4*#V? ulUi t? p m ?| It ? CINIRAl HEATING ond air unit. 7 /? tons. Carrlor $2,000 Coll B42 2628 ll : 20 FT IRAVll Irailtn lor nolo or lrod? Itko new Coll 754 HI 47 lor information ?i -Farm Supplies Food - - i ? ___1 , c nuiurruic Woodstoves, etc. ' W.L. Knox & Sons Bolivia. 253 5555 17 BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm M AN OlD COFFf f T ARl E wllh ball ond claw loot Mahogany, reflnlthod custom rot 17 glass lop $150 Coll 754 B4H/ Jnn I 7 11984 USED AQUACAT CATAMARAN ailbooft Irorn 2 months In una year $900 to $1,300 Plu% yrnot riooU on new and us*d tailboard', Also brand nsvr OBrlnr woltr ?b i% oi Dl AITR INVOICE COM Call *?o 7?.r?. i 754 4538 I ;; If^ r i rmrrvjU'MS DOOI WIIH 4U Ml* Evlnrudo Oldor mod* I but runt (tmrfmel full ttrjrf or *l?(trir tUirt Out tor>( t*if III# |ock*tt, ? ?*/ bottory $500 Coll B47 9731 olt*r 6 p ?n FIMPIACI MOWER wllh motor unci Ion Compl*!* IVJ Coll 744 B4?/ (| Jon. I 7 lOSE WEIGHT NOW I Up to 39 pound* in 30 doyt without o?offi*ifvy Sol* in** pontiv* oil nutrition di*t Mono-/ both guaronto* Coll 743 6411 Jan 17 4 ff King bo* blod* liWonow 1340 Coll 479 7446 or 744 9747 tl NEW On* couch, motchlng choir coll** fob!* mt*1 tobl* dining roorrt tobl* ond >? rhflot 17V) f/,n lu') rm'i I """ I JCASr It Of 4 MfAflff \\'A) Coll of tor 6 u rn 7U 470/ H "1 UvCl AKC f poppi*t >Oo^?or? foody ?r> ono ## !< II ,?n j'> ->tu.i Jon I / 64Uf CHOV7 AKC oH torr.ot? hot r^jo iwi ? mm?i oW Coii 94< 3425 ion >4 gHMMBraHHHH