COMMISSIONERS \NA Pfizer C Tq Imrsi "w II I iJWI V BY SUSAN USHER An artificial reef project off Lockwood Foily Inlet could soon get a significant boost through the combined efforts of the 500-plus members of the Brunswick County Fishing Club, local industry and county government. Approximately eight club members and Jim Brown of the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries appeared before the Brunswick County Roard of Commissioner*; Mnndav seeking financial support for improving a reef established by the club a number of years ago about 4.1 miles ; offshore. Commissioners expressed interest in the project, but delayed making any commitment until the club submits a request for a specific sum ot money. Brown said that Pfizer Chemical Division in Southpert has offered to donate two 60-ton boilers to drop on the reef, but tliat the club needs money to provide insurance coverage during the transport and drop. The cost of the insurance depends on whether the club must borrow barges for tiansport or is A?> 1 ? " uuiusuru several Uiai can DC SUnK Iwiin the boiiers ratner tnan returned to dock, and the distance the barges must travel. The boilers would provide "bcautltui material ior reefs," he said, rfizer Inc. and some of the approximately 40 fishing club members who work at the chemical plant have offered to help cut down the boilers so that they can be transported and to modify them for use on the reef. Col. Warren Kirchner of the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point has also offered that facility's assistance, including flatbed transport to the dock and use of a crane for loading and a tugboat. If necessary, Brown said, loan of two terminal barges could also piuoaoiy be arranged. The club would prefer obtaining one or two barges that are still seaworthy enough to transport the boilers, but that can be sunk with them, Jo enlarge the reefs prufiie. The club already lias ilie ixsjuireu permit to make a drop on the reef. Dale McDowell, reef committee chairman for the fishing club, said the ciub's iongterin goal is ts establish several artificial reefs offshore along the county. "It would be better if we all worked together,'' he told Chairman Chris Channel) when told of a arouD working to locate a reef off Shallotte n.1.1 I UUIV. Tree Distril Brunswick County homeowners may choose from eight dilterent species of seedlings during the annual county tree day distribution Friday, Feb. 8. Tree distribution for homeowners will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Brunswick County Agricultural Extension office in Bolivia, said Extension Chairman Milton Coleman. Seedlings to be distributed include dogwoods, sugar maples, red maples, live oaks, red cedars, loblolly nines, slash pines and long ieaf pines, Coleman said. "There will be approximately 10,000 seedlings available in this year's program," Coleman said. "Homeowners are encouraged to bring wrapping materials such as newspapers or paperbags to protect the roots of the seedlings from drying ?TIT ! I ESijww. PRESSURE TREATED L Point .40 Tre?tm Ground Confoc !Whitoville ^ 754-4488 I 1 A I ' ^NT FIRM COST FIGU ")fferc Rr rni/0 lQC cf S"J0 ^ i^tlk STAFF FHOTO BY SUSAN USNI* JIM BROWN Seeks Reef Support Working alone, the protect would be cost-prohibitive for any one party. Brown added, but would be possible through a cooperative effort. Brunswick County, largely through the efforts of the fishing club, was one of the first counties to become involved in the state's artificial reef program "But after that early start," he added, "Brunswick County has fallen way behind." Part of '.he reason has been a "lack of available material in Use past, he said. Most coastal counties, he suggested while citing examples in New Hanover and Onslow counties, are actively contributing to artificial reef programs. An artificial reef imitates nature, providing a "Uvc bottom," a habitat for feeding, reproduction and living/shelter. r'luunuer are among the fish iriat "love reefs," Brown said while showing slides of the difference an nrtifical reef can make at every depth. By doubling the size of a reef, for in-? U. ..M It... ~ ? (l.u U owikn-v, .tv MM, iu>ltwv% w. ? ..I., mnefi tv.nn min/1 Mirvlad Dr. David Iindquist, an associate professor of biological sciences at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, said that modifications to the boilers would include creating more open space so that fish can live inside and move about freely and to allow currents to flow through. This is likely to attract surfacewater fish such as king mackerel, which are apparently attracted to Dution Set tV. L_ _I . 1 ,, wu, ....... urcj. can ue pianteu. The time between distribution and planting is a critical singe in the survival of a seedling, he added. Civic organizations and beautificaiion cottuniiiees thai are working on community projects may submit plaas for acquiring additional seedlings. Those groups are requested to call the AES office in Bolivia for more information, 2514425. At Tftaomasboro Mtu/> umz ( 1 vmnv nvm? &THE WBEACON On SW? A; THGMA3DORO TRADING POST HBp?? UMBER I :r.1 ri ft'.'ATTi I -""- ~r I I RE . ?! mers a! Reef disturbances in the lee currents, he added. The reef would also provide opportunities for research into why certain species are attracted to specific types of reefs. Undquist supervises graduate student research at UNC-W in reef developiireut. According to Brown, a combination of more and better-equipped sports and commercial fishermen are reducing the size of the state's fishery, leaving two choices: "We either have to live with less or take steps to improve our resources." Artificial reefs are intended for sports fishermen which, according to a study prepared for the ixjckwuod Folly River Inlet Stabilization and Erosion Control Committee, contribute about $1.5 million io the iucat economy each year. They also attract commercial fishermen to their fringes and to date this has not caused a problem in the state, Brown said, though the state has the authority to keep commercial fishermen from the reefs. He said Brunswick Count)' is about the only area in the state where commercial fishermen have objected to an artificial reef. That he added was because of a single incident where a trawler crossed onto a reef and was damaged. Use of Ixirnn equipment to more accurately place buoys marking the reef should decrease the possibility of any further incidents, he suggested. LITTLE RIVER W Water Purific Sales & a 6 ri WV. I | Little Ri | (803) 3 ? OWNERS: W'.j. (S \ Sally R. 13 m MITCHEll N KING Only *' yjL 8ia I AT til* Sir* Tw< tu* __ *na ?gu?" io? ru~-?n> ?*? K?I | COLOR TV j , - Ji, VIVI CO: CGLOi vtvicixok1 STSTE rfina sYsTtti I MCCXt I9FCS*04 ' ^twA 4 V*?* C/A/ 'v/rXe?- Vy WX J?/*2 v^rj w-?r B^r> Wy. i > tf>rt ttA hmw G^ior Con>0 I jiS L I These shellflshermen were among the nCuI VsnSUIStSW!! Is?? Wprfnn?rtnv -??ii Galloway Flats area of Lockwood Foil to oystcrlng. Handsccded by the fl cooperative program last year, the ri much as 1,000 bushels Wednesday ai much Thursday, Marine Resources E fleer Glenn Glbbs estimated. "There m Area ( Approximately 4,500 acres of water ' in the Cape Fear River area were closed to shellfishing by the N.C. Department of Natural Resources I and Community Development Thursday because of pollution. The area includes waters north and ATER DISTILLERS Qfion jyaTciTiS Service Distilled Water 50t a oai'uii {w/container) i 7 South ver, S.C. 49-2354 onny) Bullumy, Jr. Bellamy iOn Junction Hwy 17 & 2 Fil *3 *\T,YIM *14T3 11Fvi>1"1 A #_113 * OVER 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE 5ERV nmuMinrinlH 20 Monthly Paymer * " ?1 WWA3100B i fie cycle *.utorri*Uc v. : IBfeh c*p*/?lty. Nirigja ? "" *yj wkixijtt i i jc fi* wetjrr :* /*! I r$ M jfm > Ufro^4: What can we SHALLOTTE Opon 9 AM 6 PM Wookdoy? AnuiidfCufu unci I 1,1 Supply mi .j MHaMjJKvkvMUHmHMil ICING G f MAJOR APPLIANCES ill its On These App! pl ? Modal OHD0COD fUmvjr ^ nar. OAVO oruii *M monty, Ujo - r j lOYaar flilJ w*rr*/?tyi ^ ) CKKMATiri" tijb uul floor llnar . jWBwg Vjw/l*r1 -?j til / Tirnorl c/ni* / v?rr.^>r*x.jre /I HmtMlMa -H*" I hursdav, January 24, 1985?Page 9-A LE'UI* ?BO??MM??iMfcJ?Mramami SgSMBRS mai ? pmqio r* susan us?u r londay, "but not many." He and Oftt woro on thi? rooks nhnut 7 n.m iiicuCi of a 'lev! of niun'i uvaiiii 1 ', . !!iu :n It," he said. I .oral harvesters were d" about how the project turned out, ;re is widespread Interest In expanm to the Shaltotte, Seaside and sufficient money can be obtained. ishing Caswell. It also Includes waters in the Intracoastul Waterway, Elizabeth River, Dutchman Creek and certain other tributaries in the area. i Mil We can't promise everyone thin, but tn u recent survey ?n I'umumnn Willi I^in } refunds. 5 out oi 4 believe tliey got blfUjer refuuds Itiiin II they did their own taxes, out of 4! find for you? Main Street i, 9-5 Sat., Phono 754 6067 Viio uCCopicru. Mon. Sot. 7 5 30 754-6138 MilM iances! jrrsiio rtv Ttt Hr | BB& ^ ' / JT illEW?II um ' / / ?naumSi / 1 eiarLrrmk) touch control!) f;p*r,i/>iA J 4 ci ft own cavity IAS At. WAV* * MlcrowaVf for ft'A. ?v?fi cy>kJ*<4 racuiU AuU> Ivmi feature l? r**; -Van/,/./*: to provide avar*. awirau e/*i gpnum ojfjkltit ot meal* tfa mlnuU rivguai urncr fr* UlM OOCKlAf tot I 19*. IK tM/tVWVK HVOM <* m f ? < . ? ? ??*