I Page 2-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEACC Engineer R BY SUSAN USHER Shallotte'.s capacity for growth depends on the part of town you're considering, but is generally good, engineer Finley Boney advised town aldermen last Wednesday night. By implementing several changes to reduce peak-hour demand, he said, the town's sewer system can readily serve a population of 2,500 to 3,000 without enlarging the treatment plant. Boney, of Boncy & Associates, was invited to meet with the board to discuss how to keep the town's sewer system capacity in pace with the community's rapid growth. At a future meeting he will bring back more specific plans. "Wp wprp concerned about having to spend large amounts of money before the present system is paid for," a relieved Mayor Beamcn Hewctt told Boney. "I'm relieved you say the problems are relatively minor." Still, said Boney, there are limits on the town's growth. "What Is available for development varies from one part of town to another " ho said "Wi> rniinnt <uiv every acre in town has the satue ability to grow and to develop." For instance: the Pender Road area where A.Far! and Muddy Miliiyor. kniu in Hnuplno a combination condominium and single-family 7f mtr* , j [V / Hp;' 1 . " W 1 \ / BRUNSWICK COUNTY R FPU HUM traders (or thr next two years Satu above, from the left. Don Evans, tn Doxlrr, chairman, were re-elected Recruitint X (Continued From 1'ngr 1-A> Heading up U?e countywtdc effort will be a committee composed of former Democrats, Evans said. These include Michael Hobbs of lloldcn Bench, Shirley Clemmoivs of Iceland, Bill Rabon, Bruce Caldwell, Bill Klrby and liCslle Myrle of Southport and Johnny Voreen 111 of Oak Island. "1 iK'llcve there are a lot of people tn Brunswick County who won't mind switching over since ii's hum pupuuu to be a Uepublican." suggested County Provic (Continued From Page l-A) $10,000 cixinty allocation for next year. lYesenUy. Uie county Is providing $10,000 to each department in quarterly Installments, or $200,000 each fiscal year Under thr new plan, approximately $V>0.000 per year would be budgeted by tl?e county for {try and rearn* units, or t3SO.OOO for (idrtw, Biut cio nun i? < ?! ? ? II WV, . Vmcnl in quarterly installments When Hwppell Asketi Coullim volunteer Virginia Varnell what she tlK>u>:ht the county's responsibility to RMMMHaiBS HOW TO Si THE BRUNSW rosi OMfO 80* SMAllOUt MO*l Fof Award Wmnii [ Aitmiil W?C*tf no* SATO IT I | ??> IrummKfc U\?"i ?> hkvifc Cofelw>o Ov?*?< N?v*K CorcJl?>o * ?,*, Nom? B AittrtU C? I )N, Thursday, March 14, 1985 lecommena home residential community. Before any additional taps can be made on that collection line, Boney said, another outlet must be added. This will be done as Brierwood Estates expands, he said, and was a condition on the permit issued for Phase II development. Brierwood developers. Mayor Hewett and a town alderman were to meet with Milliken and adjoining property owner R.D. (Deedy) White III to discuss the best way to route that outlet. To insure that the system continues meeting the demands of growth, however, he suggested several steps to even the load on the sewer system as soon as possible. These include: Requiring inaasiriai-size users to install 10,000-galIon holding tanks with timers to pump wastes only during ron-peak hours,10 p.m. to 6 a.m., to keep from overtaxing the collection system. These industrial users include the town's two laundromats and would include West Brunswick High Scltool on N.C. 130 west Just outside the town limits. (An industriallevel Is any customer with 2Vz times average domestic use per hour, or about 4,000 to 5,000 gallons per day.) He recommended that the school be allowed to hook on only by building UN.' UJI1R. Redirecting sewerage from the lift station directly to the Forest | li * m i \ 1 mL, a p i r*v Hi? m; 'ANS chose their front, from the lei relay. At the rear vice-chairman, w rasurcr, and John necretary. to office. At the gCommitte Evans. In all. 161 delegates voted at the convention. representing all but four precincts, Waccanuiw, Woodburn. Inland and long wood They elected as township chairmen the fdlowing: Alfred Walker. Northwest; Arthur Knox, Town Creek, Madeleine Gordon, Snuthville; Percy Woodard, lx)ckwood Folly; Mollis Smith, Shnllotte; ami Don Stanley, Dozter had good news for the crowd linq $260,000 provide funds for fire and rescue units should be, she responded. "You should help yourself first If you run into something you can't cope with, then you should have a place to go " Providing block sums to districts would be a way to eliminate looking at each depai uiieiit *s uwufli uVi all have the same needs. Carter said " AH of them have common needs "' Carter said, "but from a countywidr standpoint, you can't look at the needs of every fire and rescue squad from one end of the county to the other as having the same problems " MnnnnnHaHaiBa JBSCRIBE TO ICKftMACON 4*0 I HCAKXINA )|4)? ">g Now\ Covorogo U,l: 1? CMt? 5 M 5 14 I > 32 5 J3 . '0 00 too I w% H U??? ttt?M I I I u>????nHMn..,a?ana t TO COPE Wl1 fs Reducing Drive treatment plant by changes at four connections on U.S. 17 as proposed last fall. Considering the impact of each new development project on the sewer system. Longer-term solutions include developing at least one more loop connection within the system, possibly an underground channel from Biuff Drive to Wall Street, and buying more property at the treatment plant 3ite to allow expansion of the spray irrigation system. A second river crossing may require installation of larger pumps at the lift station and larger-diameter force mains from the lift station to the treatment plant. There's no need for a third treatment lagoon at present, he said. The greatest restrictions on capacity of the town'3 sewer system to accommodate growth, he said, involve the collection system, not the treatment plant on Forest Drive or the lift station on Wall Street. !n these respects, he said, "You've got a lot of flexibility. "I'm not really concerned in 1985 about the capacity of the treatment plant. I am concerned about the collection system's capacity at specific points on the line. "If we have another 50 connections on a 1'4-inch line, we're in trouble. If you put tnem on a uu ee-incn nne I j - > #4 ,1 A\ \ f-KUS* jk IP :^li 1 ft, Kosa Ixe Waiters was re-elected hilt* Millie Murrow will serve as e Named In terms of statistics: Nationwide, he said, three-fifths of nil voters under age 30 voted for Itcagan, as 54 percent of all women voting News that North Carolina was "the winningest state in the last election in this century" for the GOP brought cheers and a round of applause. lie said that during his first two years in office, progess had been GOP, but Hint he was continuing hs chsirir^P. I foil l'H nnlv half completed the job I had set for myself." The local GOP had a voter turnout of 71 percent in November, compared to a county wide turnout of 69 percent, lie saiu. A subsianuaiiy larger proportion of Republicans voted straight-ticket than Democrats, he added; earlier he thanked all Democrats who split their tickets in November. In other business, convention uric-gaies aiso selected 44 delegates and 44 alternates to attend the district and state conventions ! THE BRUNSMCKABMCON Established Nov 1 196? Telephone 754 6890 Published Every Thursday At Mam Street > Shallotte N C 28459 SUBSCRIPTION RATH IN MUNSWKX COtlNTY On. Y?ar S5 ?3 Si* Months 53 14 (ISfWWtf M MOtTK C A foil MA One Year $7 32 Sim Months li ifl iisntNftf m U.S.A. On? Y?of 550 GO Si a Mootht S6 00 S#<ond do** po*to9? po?d ot ?h# Po*? OH.c? in Shollo"# NC2S4S9 USPS 777 780 rH GROWTH Peak Demc we're okay." While collection lines throughout town were designed with a growth potential of 20 percent to 50 percent at the time of installation, the town has grown much more rapidly than earlier projections indicated. "Every time you turn around there's another request to add on to the system," he said. "It is inevitable. You have to plan for, you have planned for," he continued, referencing ordinances that govern extensions or hookups to the system. Pumping 10 Hours Ac a raciilt thp cuctom mimnlofoH in 1903, already is pumping 150 gallons per minute about 10 hours a day. about the capacity it was expected to handle in five years' time, not less than two years. "If we keep growing at the rate we're growing now the system will have a life expectancy of eight to 10 years," predicted the mayor. As originally designed, the state estimated the plant would serve the town approximately 20 years without further expansion, eventually pumping 120,000 gallons per day, with an estimated per capita use of 70 gallons or 80 gallons per day. To pay for improvements to the system, Boney said the town needs to evaluate its sewer rates and connection lees (lmuai cusiuiueis mxivcu D i ( I /-? 4- v i-t r* 4 ixcyuiuiiuii^ i (Continued From Page 1-j systems and septic tanks could cause said the mayor. "We had taken steps to happening." Now the proposed regulations coulc development the new sewer systen serve?and a major source of its financ at the beach has slowed, pending c system. Fnc individual homes and proj system is in place were to play a large ing. "We hope they will have the foresight aware of the current situation," she sa The project is to financed in part bybonds, fruni-fociage aiiacssfiieiiiS, ifiip ecmmcdaiions tax revenues connect! EDA grant, a state Clean Water Bon charges. Recent data compiled by DEM si runoff from high density development iform bacteria levels that range froi organisms per rniUileter. The state ?hellfi?hjng when the feral roliform r U.S. Public Health .Service's feral rn|ifr parts per 100 mil'dleters. The numb* creases every year. Fecal coliform is a bacteria found ii all warm-blooded animals. It is foun runoff, including septic tank wastes Redecorate your ho imffimMm Mondoy fridoy 8 30 5 30 So'u'do, 9-17 Main St.. Shallotte. 754-9100 _ ( ULhP lit . ^r'rr"r y CELEBRA' Early Bird Sj 5.-30-~ PM M Select from 3 dinn rib, chicken or sea eludes cheese A homemade bread, day. /*> a toes or rii nerrice.' HH kiA.;> .04 S:30-*:M lt.il> . CloM-d Sund.) H?> IT. Utile Hiver. IgMiif 3nd On Sew free tap-ons) to provide capital reserve funds for future expansion, and to coasider the methods, such as an acreage fee, available for assessing property other than by front footage. Mayor Hewett said he didn't want existing customers having to bear the brunt of the improvements, though residents of the town at the time the system design was completed were not charged connection iees or lur uie new bepuc uiiirs uic system required in many cases. Shallotte's innovative "pressure" system drew substantial Environmental Protection Agency funding since it was to serve a town designated by the county in 1975 as an "area of environmental concern." Last Day Monday, April 15, will be the last day Shallotte residents can register to vote in a May 14 referendum on extension of beer and wine sales in Shallotte, Mayor Beamon Hewett announced. Voters will decide whether to allow on- and/ or off-premises sales of un fortified wines and on-premises sales of beer. Settle On Colors Aldermen confirmed their preference Monday night for a blue and white flag after much jesting on just what shade of blue should be used?Duke, Carolina or more close'.7, uic u\uv v.. the .'jr.cricer. fleg. The Could Curtail De ' . ? .. development ninol water pollution, prevent that from In re!atcd busin, 9 a.m. Friday, Api . assessment roll fo n .s intended to the aMcssmcnt r0 dng. Development ^ [oUowi rompletlon of the AsMssmenta ecus Dumatier ine . , , . .... the cost of sewag i role in its financ- t-. . , They can be basec ,., .... seiTed or a comb nnH thniidh tn Ko within year of th< , , , 1986. The town car U* sale of sewer ^ ^ slng|e (a ae^rees.jocal^ac- hou,1; ^ ;or ? dl ?. ?>, U ivuw ai cnoo; nf of h/>r COfl d grant and user Memoranda ha*, hows stonnwater ing them of the tocontains fecal col- The board alsc n 10,000 to 20,000 amendment to the closes waters to a public hearing a ount exceeds the nn>i<nf|nu>nt reaui >rm standard of M ever 700 square ?e? ;r of closings in- hotels and cond Previously Ua spi i the intestines of suggested this enc d in all types of parking requirem , agricultural or units. ime at an affordable pi Custom Drapes & Bedspr Shell <? Grass Wallpaper Quality Upholstering Delmar Mini-Blinds Rearoductinn Cmm.ir\j Fu Custom Country Curtains G&M Ir OWNERS GEORC 'arann'g ( ees sfreng he >ecials-*795 anday-Friday prs: 6 os. prime fix>d entree. Incrackers, salad, vegetable of the *e...and friendly LSI AL DRESS 5e /er System ship's wheel logo will feature fishermen, a fishing trawler, a skiier, a lighthouse, a deer and a golfer between its spokes. Other Business Referred a proposed flood hazard reduction ordinance to town attorney Mason Anderson for review and to delete sections not aDDlicable to the town. Passage of the ordinance, or one similar to it, is necessary if town residents are to qualify for federallysubsidized flood insurance. Referred also to Anderson "to put in proper form" a proposed change in the fire department bylaws that would create a probationary class of membership. The change has the department's approval and will go into effect upon the aldermen s approval. Approved use of the town hall on a weekly basis by a Shallotte-area Weight Watchers group, subject to pre-emption if the town needs the meeting room. Set a public hearing on the proposed voluntary annexation of five lots in Brierwood Estates for the board's March 20 meeting, 7:30 p.m. Heard that Postmaster Homer Andrews lias asked the tcwn to consider a house numbering system; engineer Boney said he thought lots had already been numbered by his ?velopment ff, and stormwater. To Confirm Roil ;ss, the board called a special meeting ril 5, for the purpose of confirming the r the sewer system and to actually let 11, steps that couldn't be taken until 30 e advertising of bids for the project, be levied to collect up to 25 percent of ;e collection and treatment facilities. I on front footage, the type of property ination of both. Payments will be due ? date of confirmation, or by April 5, i charge no more than $6 per front foot; mily unit; S100 per room in motel or ipiex; or SI per square foot of enclosed r>merc>ai property. "c been sent to property owners adviswn's schedule. i approved, by unanimous vote, an off-street parking ordinance following t which no comments were heard. The res two parking spares for each unit located within motels, tourist courts, lominium-type hotels and motels, ices were required. Mayor Rullington ouraged building of larger units since ents were not as strict as for smaller ric?! Mjnj Blinds & Vertical Blinds , 35% OFF e?dS I WITH FREE INSTALLATION iteriors .e & aweary jones -15 years experience 1 I I liable OPENING! >?k a- 9 ... - /

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