-v<* Page ft-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEACOI Lfgal iiofUti CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A. Ik. mnnlrinolilu rJ UnlHlin Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 11,1985, applicant Cliff L Foster applied for a CAMA minor development permit to push sand to refurbish dune at 163 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected ments received by March 21,1985 will be considered. D. E. Carroll Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, N.C. 28462 (919) 842-6488 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Proposed Flood Elevation DetmnlaaUows AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency ACTION Propoaed rule SUMMARY Technical Information or comments are solicited on the proposed base ' 100-year i flood elevations shown In your community's preliminary Flood Insurance Study (F1S) and Flood Insurance Rate Map 'FIRM) These base ' 100-year i flood elevations are the basis for the flood plain management measures that the community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already In effect In wder lo qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Hood Insurance Program DATES The period for comment will be ninety 190) days following the second publication tg this proposed rule In a newspaper of local circulation In the community liDDRnwu: flood elevations and their delineation are available for review at the Town Hall, Yaupon Reach. North Carolina. Send comments to Honorable Robert W Wilson. Mayor. Town of Yaupon Reach, SIS Yaupon Drive. Yiup?i Reach, North Carolina 20461 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Mr John). Mattlck* Acting Chief. Risk Studies Division Federal Insurance Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington. D C 20471 (201) 2*7-0700 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION The Federal Emergency Management Agency gives notice of the proposed determinations of base ilOOtean flood elevations. In accordance with Section 110 of the Flood IMsaster lYutectlon Act of 1073 (l*ub. I. 03-2341. 07 8Ut 960. which added section 1363 to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1MI iTitle XIII of the HouitaK and Urban Development Act of 10M (Pub. U 904461). 42 U.8 C 4001-4128, and 44 CFR Part 67.4 (a). These rievaiions, togeiher with the llood plain the program regulations, are Uie mintinum that are required They should not be construed to mean the community must change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their flood plain management requirements. Hie community may at any Um? anact sUUtar requirements on tu own. or pursuant to policies established by other Federal, State, or Regional entitles These propoeed elevations will also lie used to calculate lis spinupiiair iiowi usui>me Stmt) The flood aoufcea tudled in detail are Usage at Bate rtMnannim eOepth in feet above pwnd 'Ktevation In Source c< flooding fe?4(NtiVl)i Atlantic (hewn *11 *l? CAMA PKRM1TNOTICE Pursuant to NCOS 113 A119(b), the municipality ol Hidden Beach, gives NOT1CK that on March 11, 1985, applicant Hobta Realty applied (or a CAMA minor development permu 10 pusu una 10 rriuruisn mine At 769 Ocean Bhrd West The application may be inspected At the below Address Public comments received by March 21.1985 will be considered D. E l^ATTOll Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Hothschik) St Hotden Beach. N C 2M6: i919iM2-*4M OA M A PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCOS USA119ibi. the municipality of lloiden Beach, Rives NOTICE that on Mar ch II. 1965. applicant Hobbs Heatty applied for a I'AMA minor development permit to push sand to refurbish dune at 771 Ocean Bled West The application may be inspected at the below address Public comments received by March 21.1965 w-.U be considered D E Carroll Local CAMA ! i 5, Thursday, March 14, 1985 L?gal Notlc? Permit Officer 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, N.C. 28462 (919) 842-6488 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A119(b), the municipality of Ocean Isle Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 11, 1985, applicant BridgesQuaintance Development Corporation, applied for a CAMA minor development permit to construct a one-family dwelling at Ix>t 26, Block 6, Section A & B, 175 East Second Street. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by March 21,1985 will be considered. T. D. Roberson Ix>cal CAMA Permit Officer Rt. 2, Box 0-6 Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. 28459 (919)579-2166 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 313 A 119(b), the municipality of Ocean Isle Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 11,1985, applicant J. Miller Pope, applied for a CAMA minor development permit to construct a one-family dwelling at I/)t 20, Block 1, Section C, 46 East First Street, me application may be inspected ments received by March 21,1985 will be considered. T. D. Roberson IiOcal CAMA Permit Officer Rt. 2, Box 0-8 ucean isie oeacn, n.u. (919) 579-2166 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A118(b), the municipality of Ocean Isle Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 12, 1985, applicant Ronnie Roberts, applied for u CAMA minor develop ment permit tc construct a onefamily dwelling at I>ot 53, Block 21, Section B & C. 79 Monroe Street. The application may be inspected at the below uddress. Public comments received by March 21.1985 will be considered. T. D. Roberson liOcal CAMA Permit Officer Rt. 2. Box 0-8 Ocean Isle Beach. N C. 28459 (919)579-2166 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A119(b), the municipality of Ocean Isle Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 6, 1985, applicant Odell Williamson, applied for a CAMA minor development permit to construct maintenance roud on West end of beach next to Old Sound Creek. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by March 21,1985 will l>e considered. T. D. Itobcrson liOcalCAMA Permit Officer Kt. 2, Box 9-8 Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. 28459 (919)579-2166 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCOS 113A119(b), the municipality of Ocean Isle Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 8. 1985. applicant J.C. Williams, applied for a CAMA minor development permit to construct a one-family dwelling at lASt 12. Block 7. Section A & B. 27 Oare Street. The Application may be Inspected at the below address Public comments received by March 21.1966 w ill be considered T. I). Koherson I-oval CAM A Pennit Officer Rt 3, Box (V-8 Ocean Isle Beach. N C 26469 (9191 579-2166 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK NOTll'F Under and by virtue of an order d n-rvjiic ? uk i. icrx c* superior Court d Brunswick County. made in the civil action entitled IN RE: Foreclosure ol deed of trust recorded in Die office of the Register of IVrds of Brow wick Oat). Book *7? at page til. the undersigned Trustee will on the list day of March, 19?J. at twelve o'clock raw at the Brunswick County Complex, offer for sale to the highest tedder for rash that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in l.ockw\xd Folly Township. Brunswick County . North Carolina, and more partnularly described as follows PARCEL 1?BEGINNING at an iron rod in a ditch: said iron rod being North 77 degrees 00 minutes Ugjjl jjgjjCH 07 seconds east 11.04 feet from an iron pipe; said pipe being south 41 degrees 04 minutes 53 seconds east 89.06 feet from an iron rod; said rod being north 60 degrees 50 minutes 22 seconds east i 54.00 feet from an iron rod; said rod being north 28 degrees 00 minutes 22 seconds east 78.10 feet from an iron rod: said rod being north 52 degrees 32 minutes 37 seconds east 240.13 feet from a railroad spike in the centerline of SR 1402. (said railroad spike having a N.C. grid coordinates of N = 110, 744.6598, F?2^245.811.2476); said spike being north 21 degrees 20 minutes 08 seconds west 362.77 feet from an iron rod at the point of intersection of SR 1402; said iron rod being north 04 degrees 55 minutes 23 seconds west 807.52 feet from a nail and cap at the centerline intersection of SR 1402 and SR 1493; thence from said beginning iron rod north 77 degrees 00 minutes 07 seconds east 280.36 feet tn an iron pipe: thence south 34 degrees 18 minutes 08 seconds east 425.79 feet to an iron pipe in a ditch; thence with the ditch south 54 degrees 19 minutes 07 seconds west 23.59 feet to an iron rod; thence north 79 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds west 37.80 feet to an iron rod; thence north 63 degrees 50 minutes 38 seconds west 141.59 icct to an iron rcu, urcne-c north 47 degrees iz minutes z.> seeuuus west 153.17 feet to an iron rod; thence north 72 degrees 46 minutes 08 seconds west 122.30 feet to an iron rod; thence north 47 degrees 10 minutes 53 seconds west 136.96 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1,61 acres as surveyed by C. Douglas Jeffrevs. Decemher 10 1983 PARCEL II?BEGINNING at a point in the eastern right of way of SR 1402 (30 feet each side of ccntcrline >; said point being north 52 degrees 32 minutes 37 seconds east 31.23 feet from a railroad spike in the centerline of SR 1402; said spike being north 21 degrees 20 minutes 08 seconds west 362.77 feet from an iron rod at the point of intersection of SR 1402; said iron rod being north 04 degrees 55 minutes 2? seconds west 807 5? feet from a nail and cap at the centerline intersection of SR 1402 and SR 1493; thence from the beginning along the eastern right of way of SR 1402 North 21 degrees 20 minutes 08 seconds west 310.63 feet to a point; thence north 65 degrees 39 minutes 52 seconds east 179.53 feet tn j-5thence north 20 degrees 50 minutes oa seconds west Hl.oo feet to an Iron rod; thence north 52 degrees 52 minutes 52 seconds east 436.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence south 34 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds east 590.45 feet to un iron pipe; thence south 77 degrees 00 minutes 07 seconds west 291.40 feet to an iron pipe; thence north 41 degrees 04 minutes 53 seconds west 89.06 feet to an iron rod; thence south 60 degrees 50 minutes 22 seconds west 154.00 feet to an iron rod; thence south 28 degrees 00 minutes 22 seconds west 78.10 feet to an iron rod; thence south 52 degrees 32 minutes 37 seconds west 208.67 feet to an iron pipe; thence south 52 degrees 32 minutes 37 seconds west 208.67 im u? nn iron pipe; uience souin 52 degrees 32 minutes 37 seconds west 0.23 feet to the beginning and containing 6.31 iicfta as surveyed by C. Dougins Jeffreys, 1/-1432, April 1960, Being Tract A on Map recorded in Map Book L. Page 324, in the Brunswick County Registry of I>oeds. TRACT III?BEGINNING at a point ami proceeding N 56* 00' 49" K 1503.26 feet to a point in Pinch Gut Creek; thence along the run of said creek S 08* 01' 43" W 177.02 feet to a point; thence S 46s 30" 58" K 57.08 feet to a point; thence S 77* 34' 43" E 70.56 feet to a point; thence S S5* 23' 17" W 1472.33 feet to a point; thence N 37* 20' 28" W 282 08 feet to the point of BEGINNING. containing 9.18 acres more or less SAll) POINT OF BEGINNING being located by beginning at a nail and cap where SR 1493 is uwsamcj 1 ?ik- vniin mir in SR 1402 and proceeduig down the center Lne erf SR 1403 N 06* If XT W 887.S3 feet to a pcani. thence N Jl*20 ? W 1881 76 feet , thence N 46* 17* 13" W 1278 06 feet to a point, thence N 63* 61' 13" K 636 19 feet to a potet; thence S 37* 20 J8" K W0 feet to the point of btXlINNING. AU this according to a survey by G. Douglas Jeffreys made April 3. 19? for the heir? erf Julius W Randolph A ten < 101 percent deposit will t required of the highest bidder at it tune erf sale Said lands will be o fered for ?n cpsBiHff ^ < ?1 j.iMi 06 Ufal WiHmi Following the sale a report of said sale will be filed by the Trustee in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court The report shall remain open for ten days following the filing thereof for upsei bids. This the 4th day of March. 1985. REX GORE. TRUSTEE Post Office Box 844 Shallotte.NC284.S<> (919) 754-4389 Mar. 14 STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK FILE No. 85 SP 22 IN THE MATTER OF: THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY PAUL 2- LONG, BOBBY JOE LONG & LAURA ANNLONG AND RECORDED IN BOOK 550 PAGE 154 OF THE BRUNSWICK REGISTRY BY MASON H. ANDERSON, SUESTITUTE TRUSTEE. NOTICE OF SALE Notice ic hereby given thst *,n^nr and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed on the 25th day of October, 1983, byPaul L. Ix>ng, Bobby Joe I-ong & Laura Ann Long, to Mason H. Anderson, Substitute Trustee for Lawrence i-at uia ui uic unguuii tuiiuuiu UI $5,857.00, recorded in Book 550 Page lM wrunswicK uounty Kegistry, North Carolina, default liaving been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured by the said deed of trust, Lawrence Farms having made demand for sale and a proper hearing having been held before the Clerk of Superior Court on the 6th day of March, 1985, and the Clerk having found that the Substitute Trustee may proceed under the instrument, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction the property located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. North Caorlina, more particularly described as follows: TRACT ONE: BEING aU of Ix>t 66 in Block R of the Wild wood Acres Subdivision as shown on a plat recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County in Pint Cabinet H Page 180. Being the identical property as conveyed to Paul L. l-ong by deed recorded in Book 383 Page 63 of the Brunswick County Registry. TRACT TWO: BEING all of Lot 68 in Block R of the Wild wood Acres Subdivision as shown on a plat recorded in the Office of tl>e Register of Deeds for Brunswick County in Plat Cabinet H Page 180. Being the identical property as conveyed to Bobby Joe Long by deed recorded in Book 383 Page 46 of the Brunswick County Registry. TRACT THREE : BEING aU of l>ot 70 in Block R of the Wildwood Acres Subdivision as shown on a plat recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County in Plat Cabinet H Page 180. Being the identical property as conveyed to l^ura Ann lx)ng by deed recorded in Book 383 Page 51 of the Brunswick County Registry. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, buildings, structures, fixtures, emblements, and to the remainders, rents, issues, and profits of the grantor in and to the same and every part and parcel there? and iGCStcd vherfOn. Said public auction will be held on the 27lh day of March, 1985. at 12:00 noon at the courthouse door of the Brunswick County Complex, in Bolivia. North Carolina. Said property is to be sold for cash subject to taxes and assessments, if any. and to any other prior encumbrances of record. At the time of the foreclosure sale, the highest bidder will be required to make a deposit in the amount of ten percent (10% ) of the purchase price in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 11th day of March. 1985 Mason H Anderson. Substitute Trustee March 21 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT TO the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Johnny Kelly end wife, Daisy Kelly to J olio Black well. Trustee for Carolina Model Hotne Corporation, doted August B, 1J78, end recorded in Book *08. Page JM of the Brunswick County Registry, end pursuant to the euthonty tested * in the undersigned as Substituted * Trustee by a written instrument doled January H, 1S?, and recorded ? IS D~wK f>W p... 'CS2 ci uii Brunswick County Registry , default Lfal having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure. and the holder of the Inutwrniiwj uirTtu) SCCUrrd having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the Clerk of Superior Court ot Brunswick County having authorized this foreclosure, the undersigned Substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Bolivia, North Carolina, at 1:30 p.m. on March 26, 1985. the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same being more particularly de.scribod as follows: BEGINNING at an iron spike in the center of a neighborhood road, said spike^ being in Louis Brown's South 79 degrees 43 minutes West 81.3 feet from a point; South 16 degrees 46 minutes East, 266.0 feet from an iron pipe; North 73 degrees 14 minutes West. 297.21 feet, from a spike in the centerline of S.R. 1443: said spike being South 17 decrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West, 1454.39 feet from the intersection of the centerlines of S.R. 1443 and S.R. 1434; thence from the point of beginning. South 79 degrees 43 minutes West 250.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 16 degrees 46 minutes East 95.0, feet to an iron pipe; thence North /? degrees ii miiiuies aaai, ^w.u feet to an iron pipe in the edge of said neighborhood road; thence North 19 Hpbtm?: 41 rninutf>? Root 102.55 feet to the point of Beginning. The above being a part of the lands described in Book 408, at Page 923, of the Brunswick County Registry. A 20.0 foot wide easement parallels the northern property line for access to the western portion of land described in Book 236. at Page 446 This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, including taxes, if any. A deposit of 10 percent of the first $1,000 of the purchase price and 5 percent of the balance of the purchase price may be required of the successful bidder at the time of the sale, in the discretion of the Substituted Trustee. DATED: February 27. 1985. William C. Blossom. Substituted Trustee March 21 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM '5SKCV: Federal Emergency Management Agency ACTION Proponed rule. SUMMARY Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed base i104-year I flood elevations shown In your community's preliminary Flood Insurance Study < FIS > and Flood Insurance Kate Map (FIRMi These base ! 100-year I flood elevations are the basis for the flood plain management measures that the community is required to either adopt or sfuw evidence of being already In effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program DATES' The period for comment wlU be ninety 190) days fallowing the second publicaUon of this proposed rile In a newspaper of local circulation In the community ADDRESSES Study and maps showing the proposed base flood elevations and their delineation are available for review at the Town Hall. Long Beach. North Carolina luiuudiu uj mimar oen i inomts. Mayor. Town oi l-ong Beach. P.O Box 217. l.ong Beach. North Carolina 2M61 ft)R FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Mr John L MatUckx Acting Chief. Risk Studies Divuior. Federal Insurance Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington. D C JMT >202) ar-orw SUPPI.EMENTARY INFORMATION The Federal Emergency Management Agency (tnrti notice of the proposed determinations of base 1100-y e*r > flood devatlonj. la accordance wtth Section 110 oI the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1V73 (Pub L BMMl.KStat M. which added virion 1263 to the National Flood Insurance Art oi 1M Title X1U of tie Housing and Urban Development Art rt 1?M >Psb L ?-U4. 42 I'SC 4001-4126. and 44 O R Part 67 4 (a) These elevations together with the flood plain management roeanses required by section 64 2 of the program regal at tons, are the auunua thai are reqiartd They thould net be construed to mean the cummmBy nat change any existing a iiiiii?riiT? umi afe uxti *rage? in tnnr flood plan management requirements The curomtastty may at any tune enact stnrter reqtarrrneem ? its ova. oe pursuant tc pobors established by other Federal. State or Regional entitles These proponed esevaGeni atU also be used to calculate the gpc;prab flood nuance prrraaam rates for new VaVfrgs and their ocegests and far the reecd M Hssxrxsre m rss-'Sag sad their conterts. to thr pennant of S USC Okb.. uk .Orararfriior to ?bc?js uOaS) *?> t**e iwpW ^ !>? UncW. Federal t?fcy Maai(?n*?M ?*<**?. frfnfcr cectiftej th*J ^ fr*>aMd flood cir??tMp. *4rfT=fi=?t?a d prry toasts*. anl mi tm* s*mftc?9t rv-xucrac tapart te ? ?g>-rt?raal agatxr at wz*Z tttfs** :? 'eras ff* butt h* *1 i**: rttta-a fs"*T5 fistw* cwfrvrtiae a:2*r a* food plus tw fat urx Mtftsi&iUB). *i?mr tapes* o. rue cii Kd *ai CV local cw&ra*X. rot*Urt? aAo? Legal Notices requirement; of itself it has no economic impact lessees and owners of real property in the Town of Long Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina are encouraged to review the preliminary LIS and FIRM available at the address cited above. Proposed base flood elevations along flood sources studied in detail are shown on the flood profiles in the Study. The flood sources studied in detail are: Rssge sf Base Flood Elevations /Depth in feet 'Elevation in Source of Flooding feet(NGVD) Atlantic Ocean *12-'19 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Propoaed Flood Elevation Determinations AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are foilcriea on iiic proposed uuc (IGv-jreii i fiouu elevations shown in your community's preliminary Flood Insurance Study (F1S) and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). These base (100-year) flood elevations are the basis for the flood plain management measures that the community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood IiBiu&raCe Program. DATES: The period for comment will be ninety (90) days following the second publication of this prooosed rule in a newspaper of local circulation in the community. ADDRESSES: Study and maps showing the proposed base flood elevations and their delineation are available for review at the Town Hail, Shallotte. North Carolina. Send comments to Honorable Be am on Hewett, Mayor. Town of Shallotte. P. O. Box 27, Shallotte. Ntrth r-,? Mr. John L. Matticks Acting Chief. Risk Studies Division Federal Insurance Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington. D C 20477 (202) 287-0700 SUPPI-KMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency glr== sodse c-f the proposed d?srmtfisttag of base (100-year) flood elevations. In accordance with Section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1073 (Pub. L 93-204). 87 Stat. 980. which added section 1383 to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (Pub. i- 90-448)1, 42 tl S C. 4001-4128. and 44 CFR Part 87.4 (a). These elevations, together with the flood plain management measures required by section 60.3 of the program regulations, are the minimum that are required. They should not be construed to mean the commtailty must change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their flood plain management requirements. The community may at any time enaci stricter requirements on its ces, or pursues! to policies established by other Federal. State, or Regional entitles The.v proposed elevations will also be used to calculate the appropriate flood insurance premium rotes far new buildings and their contents and for the second layer of insurance on existing buildings and their controls. , Pursuant to the prtrvtolons of 3 USC (06 bi. the Administrator, to whom authority has been delegated by the Director. Federal Emergency Management Agency, hereby certifies that uve proposed flood elevation determinations, if pro muUated. will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entitles A flood elevation determination under section 1363 forms the basis for new local ordinances, which, if adopted by a local community, will area. The elevation determinations, however, Impose no restriction unless and until the local community voluntarily adopts flood plain ordinances In accord with these elevations Even If ordinances are adopted In compliance with Federal standards, the elevations prescribe how high to build in the flood plain and do not proscribe development Thus, this action only forms the basis for future local actions It Imposes no new requirement, of Itself It has no economic Impact leasees and owners of real property in the Town of Shallotte. Brunswicfc County. North Carolina are encouraged to review the preliminary ELS and FIRM available at the address cited above Proposed base flood elevations aloig flood sources studied in detail are shown on the flood profiles in the Study The flood sources studied In detail are Range if Base Flood FJcvatfewa /Depth in feet above ground 'Elevation in Source of Flooding feetiNGVDl Shallotte RlTer Ml-Ml M ulherry Branch MI *13 Charles Branch Ml-Ml CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCOS !!3A119(b), the municipality of Holden Beach, gives NOTICE that on March 11. 1985, applicant Hobbs Realty applied for a CAMA minor development permit to push sand to refurbish dune at 773 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by March 21,1985 will be considered. D. E. Carroll I^ocal CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach. N C (919)942-6481 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A119ft044M