Opinion Page THE BRUNSWI Kdward M. SwcbII and Carol vr M. S?es!! -. Susan Usher Terry Pop* Johnny Craig Mary Polls Ccceiia Core Tammlo ????? * -/ Steve Anderson BUI McGowan Clyde and Mnttie Stout, Jim Bi Page 4-A How Goo Your Men Just how good is your memorv? In my case, it depends on who you ask. I knew I'd been having a few rough days lately. Typically it's Just my glasses, raincoat, camera bag ano/or purse leu oeninu. nui lasi week, remembering to take my glasses off before going to bed seemed a major accomplishment. I couldn't remember anything. I left notebooks lying behind me, who Knows where, ami wuuiu suui lo liic back of the office to do something and forget- sometimes more than once in succession?what I was about to do. The situation was deteriorating; I decided help was in order before things got worse and I couldn't find the house or worse yet, left a chicken thigh in the toaster-broiler oven. The perfect book was right there in the catalog; the author promised not only to teackhow memory works, but to show me how to make It work better. Hack at the office I tucked the secret helper. "Your Memory: A User's Guide" in a stack of papers on my desk; several hours later I couldn't find It anywhere. From across the news room a very ueipiui terry quippeu, wiui oniy a trace of sarcasm, "You're forgetting to use your memory." as he looked directly at the spine of the book and grinned. It's not that my memory Is so bad, according to author Alan Baddcley, It's that I'm not organized well. Someone who leads a highly organized life- stnicturln" sctivitisu and relying heavily on calendars and watches so that few denuinds are placed on his er her memory ?tends to report fewer lapses of memory. The rest of us must admit to forgetfulness more often. How often apparently depends on tin* particular type of lapse. We're fur more likely to lose something uround the house, for instance, than to forget our own birttKluy Researchers Harris and Sunderland have developed a selfscoring exam of 27 questions; you can take the test and compare the results with those of a larger test sample. The test, admittedly subjective in some respects, indicates whether your memory is "generally good," "average" or "below average." According to that scale I'm average- on the low range with me grading und on the high end with Terry grading. I don't believe it If I'm average, the folks who are be-low average are in real trouble. They shouldn't live alone, among other things. They're dangerous to uK-i'tk->rlvra if IKK 10 Others. On the average, for instance, a person forgets where they've put something more than once a month What Can Th We'll surely have some more cold weather before we can affirm that Spring U here to stay' With at least t, week before Spring hrgins officially, the warm days of the past week ami the budding aialeas, forsythia, quince, and flowering trees have got us tn the mood Most o( as like to "think Spring' anyway. We weary of the long winter and long for the bright days ami halmy air we know i* on the way W< expect Spring because we know oi Swings from years iws; Sometime? the expectation is better than the ao tunl. but usually we aren't dtsap pointed Joan Walsh Anglurxl wrote. What can this Spring *a> that other Springs have nut ?litw!i told u?* And yet. each year, how happily we listen' Sprtngs from other years have tolc us of daffodils and hyacinths arx crocus breaking through the earth i. blossom o< Ospreys and Sandpiper and Warblers coming back to our ex penence after a winter farthei south. c? 1>. Ulwehirdas ass ICK&BEACON i H, Swtiatl Publisher* . ........... . ........ KAitnr IS exes Editor Staff Writer Sports Editor Office Manager .. .Advertising nvprr?*;nlaili> Typesetter Pressman Photo Technician illou Circulation Thursday, March 14,1985 rl I c '_4 lory? Soscn Usher \f- m. d but less than once a week?a 5 on a I rated myself a 9 on that category?more than once a day. Terry, tender-heart that he Is, first gave me a 9 and changed It to an 8?about once a day. We're talking averages over the past six months here, folks. When It comes to forgetting when something happened; for example, forgetting whether something happened yesterday or last week, I thought I usually do pretty good. I gave myself a 4?about once a month. Nope, said Terry, as he came quietly behind with liis ruthless blue ballpoint: an 8, he said. Yech. Terry also gave me a 7?more than once a week but less than once a day?on "completely forgetting to lake things with you, or leaving things behind uiui iiaving to go back and fetch them." Me was probably being kind. ftllt (Vln cftnirov* alvn plnitviv I'm equally bad about "failing to recognize places that you ore told you have often been to before." 1 had given myself a 1. "not at all in the last six months," on that one. And he said I'm pretty bad when it come? to remembering to on important messages (about once a week) and about doing routine things twice without thinking Maybe, msybe not. Everybody has a bad day once In a while, don't they? Well, you can sec how our percep uuua uuicscu on uus qucauun ui Susan's memory. Just w?H until 1 Ret to rate his. Meanwhile, on Terry's rating scale 1 picked up 114 points, just two away from having a "below averaRe" memory. On mine, with 82 points, I was comfortably close to tlx- midpoint on the 58-116 "averaRe" scale. Following the advice of the author (who I'm quickly learning to admire) 1 refuse to be alarmed at the results. A Ixdow average score, this lovely man assures, "may simply mean that you lead a very busy life which puts considerable demands on your memory. Statistically the greater the number of situatioas tn which lapses are possible, the greater the number of lapses you will report overall." lie umiri.iuuiiu, hv offers help Tiuil may be small comfort, but /vii rviui u?nr ii mine )ou mil IlllU It. l)r did I say that earlier-' lis Spring Say? iL>. Bi" Faver i Mockingbirds busying themselves with nest building and cheerful sing1 ing; ot son rains providing nourishment to new seedlings beginmi*{ their Journey into life, of ghost crabs tunneling through beach sand and sidestepping thrir way between entrances. and of people returning to the beaches to enjoy the sand and sea ana suniigm Aii of these images are in our minds about Springs past -we know Hwv mil kinrwm >ni* ! What can Ihw Spring say" like 1 Spring of other years, the Spring 5 can tell us about new life. beginnings, * growing, breaking out, and renewal W e listen happily for Spring to tell us t again of the )oys of the seaswi And i wx Wekvtur the uaeaiAgv K AAanagemc There are no problems with discussing the issues with Brunswick County's fire and rescue volunteers until the subject of money pops up. Then it becomes an emotional boil, an ugly sight just waiting to erupt. At a county commissioners' meeting on fire and rescue funding last week. County Manager Biily Carter probably summed up the situation best when he praised the county volunteers for Uieir services, uui expresseu cuiuusiun in meir altitudes whenever funding is discussed. "We have some of the best volunteers anywhere," Carter said. "They work together better than any I've seen." At one end of the oblong table at the special "round-table" discussion, Brunswick County Emergency Management Coordinator Cecil Ixigan nodded his head in agreement. "But throw ten dollars in and it's like throwing in a pile of hornets," Carter continued. "Everything is okay until you start talking dollars MARINE BIOLO N.C.A In Prof' BY BILLMcGOWAN Marine geologist Dr. Orrin Pilkey told Brunswick County residents Sunday he is delighted with a recent ban on the construction of permanent seawalls along the North Carolina coast, but added that the new regulations must be supported by the public if they are to survive in court. The Duke University professor pointed out that while the seawall ban will reduce erosion, it is only a "first step" toward protecting the state's disappearing beaches. "North Carolina Ls leading the na*inn |n Ihjo rpoiilajjnn " Pjllrou tnW :iluvut 75 people at the I^ong Reach Recreation Center. "I tliink it's time for the state to take the next step of retreating from the shoreline. When a lot of buildings start fulling in (the ocean), there will be a lot of political pressure to start building seawalls." Two factors have contributed to an increase in erosion in recent history, Piikcy said. First, a rise in sea level which began some 50 years ago has created problems. In addition, the socalled Oreen House effect?the production of excess carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels and the absorption of that excess by the oceans?is responsible for rising oceans and increasing erosion, he said. Perhaps the most important influence on the eroding coastline, however, has been provided by man through construction, Pilkey said. The new Coastal Resources Commission regulation became effective March 1. After that date, no permanent seawalls will be allowed along the North Carolina coast, regardless of when the structures they protect were built. No repairs will be allowed on those seawalls still standing. only temporary structures such as sandbagging will be allowed. Pilkey said permanent seawalls destroy beaches because they intensify or Increase the energy waves i cttcd m tuc cr\irr>d * ?- I ILH IW I ML LUI I Wl\ Problem Put In Proper Perspective To the editor: Assistant Principal Maliston Stanley put the schoob' drug prohlems into the proper perspective when he said. "We don't manufacture marijuana ai Wcsi Brunswick High School. We don't condone dru| use at this school. We're going tc do anything we can to see that it stops " ?re HtviUiy put the responsibUf tv fac- stiMVnts' hrfaviar ?Swv it belong*?on the parents and he oughl to be applauded for telling it Just lik< it ? 1 have been professional!) associated with Maliston Stanlei since the day he became a teacher i? the Brunswick County school systen and he has always brought credit u the profession I hope the West Brunswick achoo district recognises the high quality o educational leadership he offers an will give him their full support George F Wilson Supply ?nt Added To Jm S %mJ-Terry ,1k. TW Pope and cents. It just does something to thern." In one corner of the room Sally Mulholland and Virginia Parnell, treasurer and member of the Coastline Volunteer Rescue Squad, nodded their heads in agreement. They attended the meeting to express their side to the funding problems. Future funding of county fire and rescue units is not just a hot topic in Brunswick County. In neighboring New Hanover County, the word "volunteer" may one day leave the sides of rescue squad vans and ambulances if costs continue to rise. A study may determine that New Hanover County Commissioners can GIST SAYS HERE head Of ecting \ f m\h*\ R J V'tll *1 i 12 jjV k * u ** k m y a .v a. a AUTHOR Or tin Pllkey of Durham tal residents like Kill Dunn (facing earner the problems associated with 'living reflected back to sea The stronger the wave force going out to sea. the more sand likely to be removed from the beach. As of March 1, no hard stabilization of the beaches is allowed. Pilkey said. In effect, the new law condemns a loi 01 buildings to tall into the ocean. But at the same time, it marks a step taken "to preserve the beaches for our grandchildren." he said. North Carolina is way ahead of its neighbors as far as protection of the coastline is concerned, Pilkey said. "Georgia and South Carolina have no control. Building gets higher priority in those states than do the beaches. In North Carolina, we've gotten beyond that mentality, I hope." While touting "a slow retreat from the shoreline" as the only effective means of fighting man-caused erosion. Pilkey was unable to advise the audience on how such a retreat might be accomplished. "Where would we move all these houses under a long range plan""' Pilkey was asked. I 1 J TRADITIONAL F ! Brunsw 1 s Volunteers' afford professional rescue services cheaper than they can provide volunteers with the needed funds to operate the departments. In Brunswick County, uio lack of daytime volunteers makes operations a problem for the rescue squads. Some departments are asking the county to tund tuii-iime personnel to man the departments dur emergency calls would be a job for someone who would like to help the squads, but couldn't really afford to give up their paying jobs to do so. But don't mention the word "professional" when talking about county rescue squads, Commissioner Herman I-ove advised. "That's a dirty word," he added. Between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. seven days a week, there are plenty of county volunteers to do the job, I/Ogan said. Many people who perform vohuiteer work have a family to raise. A plan to provide equal funds to each of the county's five electoral districts, up to $530,000 each year Neighbc e Coostl L 1 r Tmm I W* * ? awtmra Iked with county barrier islands, tl a) Sunday about l-ong Beach Recr anu uuiiuiug Ou "We have been fighting the battle against the building of seawalls for so long, I never thought beyond that," he answered. "I don't know where we are going to put these cottages. Some of the ones I saw today aren't worth moving. Maybe the communityshould make arrangements for this." Actions which can be taken to improve the situation include utilizing sand bypass systems, placing restrictions on construction, and planting the proper types of vegetation. Pilkev ?u?id Sand bypass systems, which employ pumps to move sand from one side of a jetty to the other, alleviate the problem slightly but do not prevent erosion on ihe bottom side of the jetties. Building restrictions may come in many forms, Pilkey said. Beach cottages. for instance, do not cause near the damage to beaches as do high rise structures. The use of the correct vegetation in battling erosion is also important. *? iik UNERALS CREMATIONS ick Funeral hallotte, North Carolir 754-6363 ft Vocabulary compared to the $260,000 last year, may be the solution county fire and rescue departments have needed. It gives the departments in each district something they have net been able to do before?plan for the future with some funds on the side. But planning is the key word. By managing uic funds that this board of commissioners appears to be willing to provide each district, departments could work together in projects rather than play political favors against one another just to receive extra funds. It would also relieve the commissioners from constantly being approached for more money and having to constantly say no. Each department would receive $i5,CCC. Each district would receive $50,000. Districts with more departments would receive more $10,000 clinoc n? thp nio Knf Hiotrirfc with fewer departments would receive more of the $50,000 pie. It would probably all balance out well, and help knock down a few hornet nests in the process. >rs ine ? VST''/ - "MBIj Sfcfc -** SS333S ~ mi STAM PHOTO * ?Hl MlCOWAN ip subject of nix afternoon talk at inc cation Center. Pilkey said. In North Carolina. American beach grass is used rather than sea oats. Sea oats are easier to plant, but are not as adaptive to the climate here. Ultimately, Pilkey said, the erosion will continue. There is no way to stop it. But the best way to battle erosion is to retreat from the beaches to allow them to stabilize themselves. "There must be a thousand ways to retreat from the shoreline," Pilkey wondered aloud. He named tax credits and immediate education of public officials as ways to begin to Of-mmnlicK ~ ??? ?IJ-J that public support is essential. "The barrier islands are not Kansas wheat fields," Pilkey said, "and we can't develop them like a Kansas wheat field." Pilkey has coauthored two books on the subject of beach erosion: "The Beaches Are Moving?The Drow ning of America's Shoreline" and "From Currituck To Calabash?living With North Carolina's Barrier Islands." I y* ' " < " * I ' ' SHIPPING g Service ia | i ,