Page 2-A?'THE BRUNSWICK BEACO Hl (Continued From Page 1-A) A proposal to compensate county employees who worked overtime during Hurricane Diana in September won unanimous support from commissioners Monday night. 'i"he money to pay ihis expense wiii come first from salary funds that may lave accumulated within a department due to vacancies, and then from the general contingency fund. Compensation will be based on overtime worked from 5 p.m. Sept. 10 through Sept. 14. Employees have had the option of taking compeasatory time off for hurricane-related overtime, but the county had hoped to obtain financial reimbursement through federal disaster aid. That aid was denied. If all employees who worked overtime during the hurricane took tlx; time off due them rather than get some cash payment, County Manager Billy Carter, it could virtually shut down temporarily some large departments such as social services and health. In devising cash payments, he Ft t,-\ -"fir ggfei -y? ? ' """* '?*> - i 4* - . v*. ,. HHM< .-, - Michelle Mir mul lloscmaric Jntikcwln W V ImA naauutd ?.. it? t?~ -* c. I ~ jn ouuw >v Hit nvuliUim Ul .11 were enjoying spring break and n i DWI Accid Ttirvc victims of a head-on collision near Yuupon Beach last year involving a driver who was later convicted of felony death by vehicle and driving while unpaired have reached insurance settlements to help pay their Forecast Says ' Weatlier conditions are returning to near-normal in the South Brunswick Islands this week. Shallotte Point meteorologist Jackson tanadv said that both School Retirees Meet Tuesday 17** Brunswick Iounty Retired Sctttoi IVnmnncl Association meets Tuesday. March *. At 10 a m In the public Assembly room At the Brunswick County Government Center in Bolivia All (Mothers are encouraged to attend, said Ms. BnghUe HokSen HOW TO SUE THE BRIUSISWH *OSl C??K? SOX 4 MAllOMf NOAIM f or A word W inrunc ' ANMUl MttSCllPTKM IATO IT MA | In ItHo?t?.o In, Ca ' A* arf kt^n | No?o | *ove. The typical emergency lasts about two days, unlike Hurricane Diana, which kept the county on emergency status for approximately a week and involved recovery time as well. Commissioners said that overtime should not accumulate on hours worked beyond an eight-hour day, as proposed, but rather, on hours ac I ' J . , ' " ?f." " ~!"v ,r^5r'.~: IS IvESr ^ ^ i * ^ , Ji i' <*-> Y iL A, ' ~ G/r/s Feed Gl ;, Wells College students from Auora, inset Beach this weekend. Both girls ihaurc to trade campus snow for ent Victims medical bills. According lo an order recently filed in Brunswick County District Court, U?e insurance company covering tin? driver ami owner of tl>e truck that struck the teenagers' car will Near Normal' temperatures and precipitation should average near normal over the nest few days. From nighttlnre lows averaging In the mid-408 daytime temperatures should rise to liighs in the mid-fiOs, with about one-half inch of ram expected. During the period of March 12-18, temperatures swung from a maximum high of 81 degrees on the 14th to a minimum low of 29 degrees on the 16th An average daily high of TO degrees combined with an average morning low of 41 degrees for an average temperture of to degrees, which Canady said was about oik degree above normal for this time of year. He recorded 78 inch of rain. Canady said that, thus far. March l? tKan ivirnu! ISCRIBE TO CK&BEACON ns CAJKXINA ??y? I C Cvtft\:gc * k.OltM s 73 i 14 1 33 sn ' 10 00 00 HUhiU*M 0 "* * ? * ? a? mm Overtim cumulated beyond a 40-hour week. Commissioner Jim Poole said later he thought the policy was "too loose," which would make it too easily subject to employee abuse. Carter had said that with a large number of employees, there was a potential for some abuse to occur and go undetected. Employees are subject to immediate dismissal if they submit false time sheets, a rule Chappell said he hopes is being more strictly enforced under the board's new policies. Child Support Commissioners decided, on County Attorney David Clegg's recommendation, against endorsement of a Hertford County legislative resolution regarding the 4-D Child Support Enforcement Program. Hertford wants the program to stay in state hands. The state is proposing making support enforcement a county responsibility and allowing counties to charge an administrative fee to cover their costs. Clegg said Brunswick County's program is experiencing a 97 percent I ?] i r 1 i i WE ,v?- "* . v 3 - fc'V vv -. ? - * - , *" _ -: : ills At Sunset nruu.sw.sirk county beaches. Micheil Koscmnrir culls Cherry iilil, New Ji i Agree To pay a total of $25,000 to the tlu-ee victims for their injuries. Brian Ashley Jackson, 27, was convicted last month of felony death by vehicle, driving while impaired and driving left of center in Brunswick County Superior Criminal Court. In the Feb. 23, 19S4 auto accident. Jackson's truck, owned by James Ernest Smith, crossed the center line on N.C. 133 near Y a upon Beach and struck a car driven by William Ihireell. A passenger in Purcell's car, Melissa Wilson was hospitalized for six months after the accident and later died. A $5 million lawsuit filed by Miss Wilson's mother is still pending in Brunswick County Superior Court Jackson was sentenced to five years in prison by Judge B. Craig F.llts and ordered to pay restitutions to the victims tf allowed work release. According to the order signed by District Court Judge Jerry A. Jolly, THE BKUNSYMCKARACON Estoklish+d Nov 1 19A? I?l?phon? 784 6890 Published Ev#ry Thursday At Moin Street Sballott# N C 78459 SUBSCRIPTION RATES IK BtUNSWKK COUNTY Ory Y#of 15 73 Six Month* 13 14 USfWMItl m MOUTH C AKOilNA Ory Y#or ST 32 Sik Month* 14 18 &SSWB5 Hi U.S.A. Ory Y*ar HO 00 Si? Month* 16 00 Sa-cond da** postag* paid at th# Po*i OHk# in Shollott* N C 78459 USPS 777 780 e Pay Is > success rate in its court cases, although a year ago it was $200,000 in arrears because no cases nau been taken to court in six months. He said he thought he would rather liave the county to collect its own fees and run its own program, saying disbursements to families and reimbursement of county costs would be quicker if made through the clerk of court's office rather than through the state. Condemnation Commissioners also agreed with CI egg that the county shouldn't sup j-*vi i an ciiun uy uie urange couniy Water and Sewer Authority to obtain legislative power for authorities to condemn land. The Orange Authority and the Ix?wer Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority are the only two such authorities in the state. "I don't think it's a role an authority should have," said Clegg, adding that condemnation is a practice "used lightly" by the county end therefore one he doesn't think should be allowed someone else to use here. Other Business In other business, commissioners: f i nzr* ii ' :ti-' ' M ? rWOIO l> JOHN GAUGHAN le hails from Newark, New Jersey, and frsey, home. Settlement Purcell will receive $19,000 for his injuries in the accident. The insurance company will also pay $3,000 each to Miss Iieslie Woodell and her sister, Darlene Conway, for their injuries. According to the petition signed Feb. 27, Miss Woodell received injuries to her chest, abdon>en, lip, skull and leg. mk HL jfifl An IRA at UCB is gn you are when you star be when you retire. At deposits can save you Don't put off an has a plan that's right Banker today. You'll s stan saving for the ful UCB Has A I fiats High prmato .* tmrb - ? <- ' \uthoriz< Allocated .$400 from vending 'machine revenues for a spring picnic for empioyecs uHu vSmcTS who helped durlhg Hurricane" Diana. Vending machine revenues in the past have been used by the health and social services departments to help clients meet emergency needs for medicine and the like. Continued the meeting until 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 25, in advance of a 7:30 p.m. public hearing in the assembly building on the mandatoryenforcement of the state building code that begins July 1. At the meeting commissioners are to decide whether to apply for a Coastal Area Management Act grant and if so, for what purpose. Applications are due March 29. Scheduled an April 16 date to review the county revaluation pro gram. Heard from Tax Administrator Boyd Williamson that March 29 is the last day to pay 1984 taxes "without getting your name in the paper." Heard a request from Supply Volunteer Fire Department for the van used by the sheriff's department in its crime prevention program, but Grant Coul County's in Seeking Pc BY SUSAN USHER Brunswick County will seek a $750,000 federal grant that could enhance its efforts to attract new industry. The money would be used to improve an "industrial corridof" between the Inland Industrial Park and Navassa. A March 8 letter from the federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) notified county officials that the couniy ana the Brunswick County Resources Development Corp. had been authorized to submit a joint application for the EDA funds. "This is a significant accomplishment, " Michael deShcrblnln. secretary to the development corporation, advised county commis sioners monuuy uigiu. u>uuuusi oners approved plans to submit the application by the May 1 deadline. The county should know by Sept. 30 if it has been approved, deSherblnin said. A profile submitted for EDA review targeted a small area between the developed section of 1 eland Industrial Park and Navassa as an "industrial corridor," where the development corporation will hold fee-simple title to 82.5 acres. To make the development corridor more attractive to prospective industry. plans call for providing a rail spur and access road, extending natural gas and water lines and constructing a 100,000 galions-per-day wastewater treatment plant. An 8-inch or 10-inch water line would be extended to High Rise Service Company Inc. on Royster Road outside the Navassa town limits. No local money is required, said deSherbinin, who also is the county's resources development director. rat for people of all age; t, the more substantial > id keep in mind that yoi hundreds at tax time eac IRA for the wrong reas for you. Talk to your U x that there's no time lil ure: nIRA tFbrYou. | ^our IX-pci ed decided to give department heads an opportunity to propose uses for the vehicle A memo from Sheriff John C. Davis advises that the van "has served its usefulness" and that he can no longer justify the expense of maintenance and operation. Supply Fire Chief David Robinson said his department would use the van to transport fire equipment, including a Cascade system used to refill firemen's portable breathing ap paraius, ana wouiu uiane n avauaoie for mutual aid. Directed County Attorney David Clegg to investigate a propertyowner participation road project for which the county understood state funds were budgeted last year as the public match for the project. It was commissioners' understanding no county funds would be involved. Accepted an additional $62,980 in housing and Urban Development fr.-H? f? *nraintu's niiKltn Kailoinn lUllua iui un. wvu..^ - program. Heard the February tax collections report. For the month, $324,469 was collected, bringing collections for the tax year to $11.7 million. Id Improve . . ! dustry>sition Work on the first segment of the county's north-end water line, valued at $1.47 million, will be designated as the county's local match. In his budget proposals. President Ronald Reagan has porposed doing away with the Economic Development Administration. The agency is currently under a rescission order. This means there is a slight chance the money already allocated this year could be taken back before the grant has been approved. "I don't feel that's likely though." he said of the rescission, "because it lias to go to the House and Senate." With receipt of the grant, he said, the county cannot entice an industry ( from an existing location into the park. A new industry or an industry expanding into a new location would be acceptable, but not a company that is shutting down a plant ?!??>*? r? While the Resources Development Commission has existed for a number of years, the non-profit development corporation was formed last April in order to obtain land that could be developed for industrial clients. Pork, Chicken On Dinner Menu Sunset Harbor and Zion Hill Volunteer Fire Department, off N.C. 211 near Sunset Harbor, will hold a uaiuevue pons ana crucxen met dinner Saturday, March 23, beginning at 1 p.m. at the station. Each plate is $3. The menu includes barbecue, coleslaw, hushpuppies, candied yams and chicken filet, plus coffee or tea. Orders can be called in to M2-9449 . 7 - - ? - -> -?* oyoung i IRA." L But the younger vui accUUlll Will tr lax-deferred :h year. ans, when UCB nited Carolina re the present to MTED iROUNA BANK.. ndable Banking Partner