Page Z-\?THE BRUNSWICK BEAC Sun BV TERRV POP I Sunset Beach residents discovei there's more than one way to fight cit; to preparing the town's 1985 land use At a public hearing, several re whether their voices will actually be I use plan is drafted in June. Haskell tative of the N.C. Office of Coastal Mr those present that the Coastal Resi will listen to all persons before it ad( use plan sometime after August. Town Manager Wallace Martin preparing the town's 1985 land use must be adopted by the town councl Meare BY TERRY POPE A Superior Court judge ruled Monday that Brunswick County is "certainly the proper place" to settle a lawsuit filed agaiast the county and department of social services by a former DSS employee. Alinda G. Meares, a former DSS administrative secretary, filed a lawsuit in Brunswick County Superior Court in December asking that county commissioners be required to rehire her with back pay and benefits. She was fired from her Job in September 1981 and lias also filed a federal lawsuit against the county, the Brunswick County Flounder Tourney Scheduled (Continued From Page I-A | The five fish with the largest total weight for hotli days' fishing Is worth $400. A daily prize will be awarded for the most number of fish weighed In per day. Prizes will also be awarded for the largest fish eaugnt by a wouuin and the largest fish caught by a child ages 1 to 12. A captain's meeting will be held Thursday, June 0, from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at the Sludlotte Point Volunteer Fire Department. One representative of each bout should plan to attend to receive the boat's assigned number Itegistratlon should be accompanied by the entry fee, a list of the Intended crew, the boat's name, make and registration number and a .statement of responsibility and release of liability signed by the enptain or captain's representative. More Information and registration forms are available by calling 7M-6080 or 7M-6984. year 96 fished were weighed In by the 66 boats entered In the event, with local fishermen claiming all the prizes. Corn toyman and James Hubert Cluidwit'k of Sludlotte Point shared the $1,0(1(1 first prize, while Tommy Johnson, David Hohbs and Darren Johnson, all of Sludlotte, finished second for $600 A crew composed of I long and Ediut Marshburn. Dick Klce and Katliv Woodard, all of Sludlotte Point, won the aggregate weight prize Evelyn Davis of Sludlotte won a microwave oven for catching the largest fish of am woman in tin' tournament, while Itobert Usher of Sludlotte Point and Kayettcville won a rod oimI reel combination for the largest flounder in ii?e children's category. I>esplte near-perfect weather, tournament fishing last year war slow throughout the weekend, will the tLsh caught weighing in llghtei tlurn anticipated Hie prize fist weighed only 4 29 pounds. Auxiliary To Meet Memtsers o< the auxiliary to HIMllodge No JS79 will meet Wednesday May 8. at 8 p.m. at the than Restaurant In Calabash All wives ol RUts are ellgltde to at tend COMPLETE INTE DECORATING SKI (1 I v+ktf blinds Coi M VftftKOl blifnls V V\ Origirtcl pointings fcy Siyoi y Oct<t* Int/atay HW Vt I <\ <sv> ?*'# N <, CTH J?A mA ^LfV* /' n Md? C I Oak UL _ t<v>0 ON, Thursday, May 2, 1985 set Resident C June. If residents ed Tuesday night can speak against Y hall when it comes ings, Rhett said, plan update. Several resident isidents questioned questioned if a rep icard when the land by the town should Rbctt, a rcpresen- survey randomly | inagernent, assured property owners, juries Commission discriminated ai >pts the town's land residents. Town councilwor is responsible for ing to compile all t plan update which hearings since the il before the end of nor notes taken at ;s Lawsuit T iX'parimcni of Social Services and Jamie Orrock, the former DSS director who fired her. Superior Court Judge B. Craig Ellis of Uiurinburg ruled Monday the lawsuit should be heard in Brunswick County. Ellis also ruled that Wake County Superior Court should have jurisdiction over a review of a declaratory ruling in the case made by Slate Personnel Director Haiulu Webb. Brunswick County attorneys David Clegg and Alan K. Gitter filed two motions in December asking Uiat the lawsuit either be moved to Wake County Superior Court or that proceedings be suspended until a review Lommissio Brunswick County cortunissioners pulled together several loose ends Tuesday night. .Stinging from criticism leveled recently regarding an unannounced meeting with chamber of commerce officials at Bald Head Island, Chairman Chris Chappell instructed the clerk to the board, Heginn White, to "please notify the press" anytime three or more commissioners were to attend a meeting together. "We got lamblnsted," he said, referring specifically to one television station's coverage of the Bald Head meeting Commissioners' invitations to the event had t>cen mailed to them personally, rather than channeled through the board's clerk and scheduled as is the usual practice, lie acknowledged. Commissioner James Poole announced plans to resign from (XXi advisory committees on planning and policy and on aging to which he was appointed after joining tin1 CXXi I am id as the county's representative. "I feel it sort of compromises my position on the hoard if I've advised myself twice already," he said. I'oolc said such committees should lie manned by citizens rather tlum public officials whenever possible. The meetings are time-consuming and provide inforuuitlon he gels at the regular (XXI meeting anyway. "It's an unnecessary expense for the county to send me over there," he added In other business, the board appror i d a legal contract with social services board attorney Mary Kasley to work with the IV-1) or child suppoi t enforcement program The program works through the courts to get parents delinquent in support payments to pay Some of the TH? BRUNSMCK^BEACON f Mablishod Nov 1 W62 i Telephone 754 68^0 Published [very Thuisday At Main Street I Shallotto N C 28459 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATIS IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY 1 One Year S5 23 Six Months S3.14 llStWHIRf IN NORTH CAROLINA One Year $7,32 Six Months $4 18 flStWNIRI IN U.S.A. One Year $10 00 Six Months $6 00 Second doss postago paid at the Post Office in Shallotto N C 28459 USPS 777 790 fs Guesiion are unhappy with the final plan, they the document at the CRC public hears attending Tuesday's public hearing resentative survey recently conducted I be included in the land use plan. The soiled 10 percent of the Sunset Beach dui many residents believe the poll gainst mainland and permanent nan Kathy Hill questioned who was gohe information discussed at the public re has been no tape recorder present the meetings. o Remain li of the declaratory ruling is made. Gitter argued Monday for a transfer of the case to Wake County to allow "the judge there to be decisive on all Issues." Brunswick County has filed a motion in Wake County seeking to overturn Webb's ruling that the DSS board had the authority to enter into a binding settlement with Ms. Meares. The State Personnel commission members approved the settlement on Oct. 16, 1984 that was prepared by former DSS attorney Avery Bordeaux, calling for $22,000 in back pay and reinstatement for Ms. Meares. However, county attorneys believe ners Tie Up i payments obtained can be used to repay social services aid received by lh<? flononrlpnlv anrl Ihoir fnmilu Mrs. Easley will be paid *45 per hour, the highest figure for which the state will provide reimbursement to the social services department, Hunters (Continued From Page 1-A) sunset to 11 p.m. Dyion Skipper said firclighting apparently was not dangerous to anyone, therefore he was not against it. While one member of the Concerned Sportsman's Association said a ban would affect coonhunters adversely, tHis Pcllom said he could support a law that restricted firclighting from the road across fields and toward homes since hunters (lo sometimes shoot at deer at night. "It's very dangerous It frightens my wife and my family," he said. 1-exie Burton of Old Mill Koad. a ??- 'fc Z " l?i ' i MfUfMHOT | NEW 14x56 RED 2 bedrooms. I bath, f washer dryer hookuf COMPLETELY SPECIAL PRICE INCLUDES THE! Von! o*r ifxkKJ?ng 14 cu ' (kx?bl* door Co'H#vi?o! ceiling Ce?Uttg Ion All RlOitlK X> gol vratec Neoter C orp#E ond *myl $! VVovher dry 01 KocAwpt t 101,o* iSylNMt f "tithed hot# Vitcheo cobir^h U*il?*> room thehet D*\mqIiv? tK>w?? drop* Kit C?e* the bod, \'?op* nuAuriyr. Acti juv EAST Housino 13 - - %* l!? ^ . 1*?. HOI ??MO> f Thuir Luriu "This is a real concern of ours," M there is no official record of these me way we can take back and intern ret wl other board members. It's a poor things." Only two council members, Ms. Katherine Griffith, attended Tuesday Ms. Hill said two council members havi of the public hearings on the land use | If comments are heard at the CRC then CRC officials may revise sections document to the town for review. Warren "Bud" Knapp, vice-presidi Beach Taxpayers Association, said thi i Brunswick the commission's ruiing was incorrect and that the settlement agreement should not be binding on the county, Gitter said. County commissioners have refused to act on the settlement agreement. Ellis said he did not feel Wake County would delay its decision on the commission's ruling and denied a motion from Dennis Worley, Ms. Meares' attorney, asking tnat tiie county be required to file an answer to the suit within 30 days. Wake County Superior Court's decision could i have a bearing on how the county may wish to answer the suit, he added. At Monday's hearing, Worley L-i iud County Attorney David Clegg said. Obtaining an attorney for the program was of immediate necessity, he said, since IV-D court begins Monday. "To get the subpoenas out you have to have an attorney," he said. Discuss former hunter himself, expressed sympathy for the deer and spoke in favor of the restriction. "I think they should give the deer a sporting chance." he said. "They run thein during the day and sneak up on them at night." Frank Coleman, vice president of in*; iiiiy iiiiiiiifiK i iiiu {ii uouvia. said he favors the restrictions if tliey would help enforcement officers protect against "slob hunters and poachers " Kxcept when extra officers are called in to work a problem area, two wildlife officers cover the county with assistance from an officer who also works Columbus County. Special! MAN MOBILE HOME urn/shed, all appliances, JS SET UP ON LOT Si OPTIONS: REGULAR PRICE $11,709 PECIAl PRICE GOOD THRU MAT 8 $10,600 1 ' PIUS JV SAU1 TAX STANCE AVAILABLE V to 6. S14 rul.i\ I to 6. COAST : i Sales, Ine j l>f N HE A< EE EMUIE >E MI HWI 41 L/st? Plan li s. Hill said;- "that the town should n etings There's no the results are i at was said to the against building t way of handling the island while 3 However, at a i Hill and Mary 125 attending weri 's public hearing, said. Such polls s ? land use nlan. he c iiwi ancuucu aiIJ ? ? plan. SBTA Presiden : public hearings, bridge for Sunset and resubmit the people think." I Tra.nsportation w snt of the Sunset ject through this : survey taken by said he has receii County Cc argued that county attorneys have waited too late to file for an appeal of the commission's ruling. The ruling was issued in October, but the county did not appeal the decision until after Ms. Meares filed a lawsuit in December, beyond the normal 30-day limit, Worley said. County attorneys say they were not properly notified of the ruling, but Betty Varnum, L*SS acting uiieciui, testified Monday that she handdelivered a copy of the commission's decision to County Manager Billy Carter on Oct. 24, 1984. "It was common knowledge that we liad a case going on and that they (commissioners) were aware of it." Ms. Varnum stated. "As a board member, I wouid iike to see the Alinda Mcarcs case resolved." DSS attorney Mary Easley asked the judge to keep the case in Bruaswick County, "because every #Uo? ..... ? u :?t. witiic^a in nuit toac i.-? u DiuiomiR County resident. It seems to be impractical at this point to move this case to Wake County," she added. Kitchs The gift! "Happy Me every U Kitch Built-in Di ittfStflPPPMBBHHHI SSSHBHHe Mod rVAl NMUP cAbkiiai v c Sure-Clean Wash You Skip The Han Other Quality Fei Exclusive Vi HP Gold dishwasher motor is r Exclusive Flo-Thru Or gentle, drying action TriDura' Porcelain-on Door resists scratche Exclusive Stay-Put Fl< hold dishware secure Exclusive 16-Position Rack raises, lowers, ai loading flexibility Now C Goodyear I Main St. Sh< KltchenAic \ Iput nt be used in the land use plan because iiisleading Of those polled, 34 were 3 new high rise replacement bridge to 3 favored a new bridge. -ecent meeting of the SBTA, 124 out of D against a new high rise bridge, Knapp hnniH havp ranal renresentation in the added. t John McCarthy said Tuesday a newBeach is "more imminent than most le believes the N.C. Department of ill make another effort to push the prosummer. but Town Manager Martin ,-ed no such word from DOT officials. >urt Wuiley said Ms. Meares had ueeu "run from court to court to court" with the case since it was filed in December. He asked that the case remain in Brunswick County. A Wake County Superior Court judge will decide on the declaratory ruling without hearing additional evidence, so the case should be in Brunswick County "without too mum uiiii i cf a delay, Judge said. A U.S. District Court judge also ruled last week not to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Ms. Meares' in federal court. Ms. Meares filed the $200,000 lawsuit on Sept. 10 against Orrock, DSS, Brunswick County and its board of commissioners. Bruaswick County attorneys fiiea a motion asking that the case be dismissed because the county is an agency of the state ahd therefore should be immune to lawsuits. Judge Terrence W. Boyle ruled April 15 in Elizabeth City that the county and DSS are not immune to being sued. in A ^IJU SJLV&o that says itliers l)ay'' night. i (j) i / / \enAid" i i snwasner \pirH7TTM nn|ra^n^BB| el KDS-21 System Lets id Rinsing atures Include: Seal Motor ?No other nore powerful yirvg for thorough, yet -Steel Tank & Inner s and stains sx-O-Dividers adjust to ly in place Adjustable Uooer r>d titts for maximum )n Sale Home Supply lllott* 7V4-6792 j i Fck The Way \ts Made I

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