the brunswick?beacon BHg Thursday, May 9, 1985 -- . ?- ^ ? s AMY ROBBINS adds her small bowl with Ud to a growing collection of handbuilt and thrown clay pottery. Students shaped a variety of articles with the help of volunteers from The Franklin Square Pottery Studio in South port Staff Photos by Susan Usher 3S^MKt ;* U;/> if sr f "DOES ANYONE KNOW bow to tie a slip knot?" asks Community Schools Coordinator Unden MathewsBoone Thursday as she and partner I'aul l.atta teach the practical art of broom-tying to Inland Middle School eighth-graders. , w * * CO * v * I CijBHni ^^^9hBH0B?Vv . FACE STKAIMM1 with Uw rffert erf ratlin* through a teg. Krtrta OMs M~*?? ?k md of t??mu taw. ^ 6^jj| <? ? * n (kti/xn itii'TiMH i Kl tKllnUiilc n Qnil i An nr.r.i. auburn nuluninn uwnu 2 SOU other I/eland Middle School students. Volunteers As Much As BY SUSAN USHKH For the third consecutive day, 7ft-year-old Eva MatKnox sat in the sun on a hard, backless bench, weaving pine needle baskets for an audience of energetic eighthgrade students. She loved every ininute of it. "Isn't this a beautiful place?" she asked, gesturing toward the Cape Fear Itiver as she paused in her work "Everybody talks about the youth today, but there's a lot of promise in them. It's up to us to help bring it out." She was doing her part. A retired schoolteacher with 40 years of classroom experience at Bolivia, Iceland and Sunset Park schools, Mrs. Knox said she "thoroughly enjoyed" teaching and never wanted to do anything else. Today she's still nurturing growing things?plants rather than children?operating lativale Nursery with her husband. Mrs. Knox had participated in Colonial Days, a threeday living history program for the general public, for two consecutive falls. Her pine needle baskets are sold at the site gift shop, along with lye soap and pottery made during the living historv urograms. Last week, however, was the first time she Joined other volunteers for Heritage Days, a similar three-day program offered with the county schools a a part of the social studies curriculum for eighth-graders. The program is now in its third year under the direction of Community Schools Coordinator linden Mathews Boone and Brunswick Town Site Manager William Faulk. "Gee, I'm sorry I missed it," Mrs Knox said of the earlier programs. "I'm so glad I could do it this year. It has just lifted up my spirits. "It's done so much for me. I'm so glad they asked," she said, winking in a way that made the recipient feel special, an intimate part of the action. "I've seen children of children I used to teach " Her generous, loving nature and listening ear had a telling effect on the hundreds of youngsters who visited her worksite last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They knew she cared. Thursday afternoon as the students from I eland Middle School headed back to their caravan of blue activity buses, they sent Principal Clara Carter back to the waterfront with a special message for Mrs Knox. "You've been a big hit with my students," Mrs Carter told the craftswoman as she invited her to visit lite school on a future date "They sent me back to tell you that" Thursday was the last day of the three-day effort. South Brunswick Middle School students visited Tuesday, Shallotte Middle and Waccamaw students cm Wednesday and I eland Middle students on Thursday. It was hard to tell who was enjoying Heritage Days most last Thursday?the students or the volunteers like Mrs. Knox who served thern "This has heen a lot of fun," volunteer Victoria Nance said as she showed students how to dip their candlewitking into hot, colored wax, one at a tune with a pause for dnpdrying in between She Ellen Dorset! i taught rne how Tuesday morning Just before the students arrived and now I'm teaching them'" Most of the crafts taught last week had a decorative aspect?the baskets were pretty and the candles smeiled good?but they also had practical household uses In the colonies. Mrs Dorset! said, candlrmaking was a task of several weeks' duration usually assigned to the oldest daughter "If the didn't do a good Job. they didn't have light during the winter," Mrs. Dorsirtt added, For the Brunswick Town programs volunteers use whatever materials they can find for the candles, soliciting dona ter Jhe; mw&m ^V-wi'ifffBil^r lJBH' th Brunswick Middle School eiKhth-israder. pours Ireshlv pre! Enjoy Merita > County Eigh -0^"' * "T. ',<? HER OBVIOUS U1VE KOK THEM madr Eva Mar Knox a "bit" among Iceland students as >br quietly wove pi or needle baskets on a bench overlooking the ( ape Eear Klver. I Hons of partially-burra.fl candle* with wax and/or wick that can be recycled, old wax Christmas decorations ami even the thin layers of paraffin used to seal Jelly Jar*, she said. ? It's a process almost as tirne-consuming as the col- I lection of wax myrtle or bayberrle* might have been In | colonial days Once, Mrs. Doraett said, slie attempted B making candles from the bernea themselves with limited I luccea* After collecting a su-quart \*A full of the liny bernea, she atill didn't get enough wax for a candle and the product was U*j impure to harden properly ' 1 got the srnell, the color, but not the candle." she aid Beeswax and the refined fat of animal* - tallow -alao provided candlerrialung materials for early settlers, the said. The youngest volunteers were members 'A the Tar Heel Junior History Club at South Brunswick Middle School, working in rotating shifts of three each day. KrUty BUckrnon, John Nlchotx and Greg Cumfaee worked Thursdays. while Tanya Hall. Michel! Martin. Bobbie Ballentine. Heath Hat/son. Glna CM/don and Marcie - W." v , ' if"* ^bIMW. rilitiiil i jL \p ... .-Jt' PjBSrj jgpgafr - wBEjHm- K ? fflBH^ ?Rod apple older for llaohcl Smith (foreground) and ge Days' th-Graders Hoswcll took turret earlier In the week, Mrs. Mathcwsltoone Indicated. Students were Introduced to the Stump Act rebellion in Brunswick Town through a scene between (loyalist Ciov. William Tryon (Assistant Site Manager Jim Hartley) and a colonist seeking eiiaiikos In 11 k. lax laws (portrayed by Mark Munden, assistant site manager at the sister historical site at Fort Fisher). Afterwards students rotated through a series of work stations staffed by volunteers us well us site employees. Staff member Brian Howell coordinated the woodwork ing demonstration, while Virginia l.loyd and fellow members of the Woodbine Garden Club of Southport demonstrated colonial cooking over Indoor and outdoor fires. They also replanted an herb garden at the site. Other volunteers not mentioned alsivc Included Hev. I'earl West of Zion United Methodist Church, who demonstrated the dulcimer; Mary Fnrp of Wlnnabow, who made grupevlne wrcotlis and baskets; stuff member Brenda Marshburn, who demonstrated natural dying methods; Cuthi Small, lye soaprruiklng; and elementary school supervisor Diane Van Nortwlck, color stenciling Ms. Mathews-Boone said she was very pleased with Die outcome of tills year's program, citing excellent weuther, model behavior by students, and u smoothlyrun operation. "Maybe It takes three years for everything to come together," she said, an she began discussing the improvements already proposed for next spring V ^ N * HOBF.HT WOOOY hurrirt thr drying promt along at he dipt bit flrti wax randlr during Hrrtlagr iiayt at Bramol't Tottn. L.

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