Page 2-C?THE BRUNSWICK BEACC Lookin READY-TO-MOVE-IN MOBILE HOMES COASTAL SHORES -New listing 12*70 mobile homo. 2 BR. 2 bolhv largo screened porch, deck. Nice wooded 100*147 lot. Priced to sell o! $26 500 SHORELINE ESTATES Neat 12*40 mobilo home and I'/? lots. All appliances ond furniture included in the sole $12 500 GRAY BRIDGE ROAD 1979 Br.godier doublewido on nice. 3'4 ocre corner lot 3 BR. 2 baths. C/H'A. wood hootor. partially furnished Dotoched gorogo. lor go deck, applionces included $42,500. HOtiDAY ACRES. NSc? mobile heme with control hoot ond air tituotod on two welllondscoped lot* size 100x105. only I milo from beoch. Hot 2 bodrooms. I both. dock. utility building, furnished Pricod to soil. BUCCANEER HILLS A goody! Located on froth water lak o with viow of v/oterwoy 12x70, 7 bodrooms. 2 baths. rorpot nicely iuniivivu. VYCwSw moke oxcollent permonent home. Asking $36,000 BUCCANEER HILLS NORTH 12x65 mobilo homo with wrap oround dock fully furnishod. ovon to small op phonces. Must sow' $19 500 /; \JBob MhT~ ICampbell ^3^ Realty [B I'MON' ANYTIME MO| 01 N (|| ACM NOMIH CAMOUNA 7(3467 Fulford Realty Hwy. 130 And Holden Beach Causeway Phone (919) 842-2692/2060 81 ACM lOIS iloiling ol $35,000 OCE ANFRONT cottngo with oxfra lot. v.ur#uvyivuniu/vt5 wnn swimming pool Olid o( ?onfront 01 VCIOPEO SUBDIVISIONS Pick youi lovorilo spot in SIX difforont o'oas olong th? Intracoastal Walei wuy and lock wood Folly River. Financing available 10", down. 10 yooiv I?*, inloratl HOI 1)1 N BEACH ARIA Olllt? lt>i fiuln. (OMMtRdAl BUILDING with ISO It rood lrontng?> IOIS AND MOBIIF HOMES Avoll ol < >? in But cor ? ? HtlU. Shntolma Eilotot Boon**boro Hornondo'i Hidonwoy Kivottidn II Ookyaupon Horbor Ouk Hill Oolot Grant Bocon'% Uloll Btvon-% Ron High Mmulowk I'iiliHor v Covo and others S?? us liil IlKOllont SI ASHORE RD Survvyod and to* old# <1 Kulxiiviilon with 474 It hwy linntog** I 400 %q It born? horn* o'-.l molxlr I??m?? picvido rental in tame Now deep woll |l 25 UX) WAIIRWAY IOIS %torting i?t $75 000 with 10*, down 3 BR ) BAfH living room with In ?plot a den screened porch Watpiv.iiy view I 100 plw% >n I' V **> WAtkKsVAV SUBDIVISION offeft boot romp ood pt Ivory 2 lot* SlJOOOwiih nwmti financing One lot vttlh well guided SI3 ?lX? CAROUNA SMORIS Own I 8 octet in C ntnb.iih and miiuilot Itom Mytlle Reach Rellr*nionl or Invcilmenf You tun t thu buy lor SI* 000 AiMAvl On Of neoi W(K(OmO?V Riv?*i Appio?in?atoly 300 octet May b?* loMividyil into tmaller ottcHUjet MOUtt'N MAIN ARIA Once you v* teen it e^en ?l you <kw? t bviy it you woo t forget ttie i mfttmanthip anil d?HOf in th?% ? XX) u| It borne II you m wiiniint a nice wotKthop it % theie tiMii large wivkIikI lot and nidiutm to tbe beach bikinis nick no Attiooive 2 BR home on 3 lott C M A liieploce fo'Qe J cat goiago U(?llv?it lot pet nwi?n| ot (\UQti(>n hon?e $V] 000 100 CI US lOU available with iraionoble owner ImoiKkng let ut help you buy o* tefl W# itrfve to pJ#t?e* Wt tUf AMo sill (OAUMKUl ftOMtTt John tteu?et? VioAe? 84 .v V l| Kflllie?n lollwd Kathy Gollawcty Vo>e* AttiXK)'* Bo. i* LV.tek N.r?ki. At J ?>?? I I UiRAV UJILU AIT\S~ " KIA11Y A CONSTHUCtlO* ,579-4005 i J^J^Atrpori Plata ^""t>ceon I$l0 Beoch mean CAUi J.fTT 754-4171 St??. Wrwy 1-454-4545 Ih *Wmi I 4S) >)IJ . . IN, Thursday, May 9, 1985 gForP Real Estate DG YOU WANT a mobile home or o mention? Cell WRAY 8 WIUIAMS REALTY, 579 4005 tl TOl^lWXIVIBJ Auction nnd Rniilty Cooipnny jtm Cs!cbc;h Sunset Beach, N.C. 5everol beautifully wooded lots with paved streets and city water located in Bay Point Subdivision (overlooking Calabash River) on Highway 179 bet woen Calabash and Sunset Beach. N.C. These lots ore approved for late model mobile homes. From $10,000 each! Excellent seller financing with only 5% down. Call now! Calabash ? I Sunset Beach, N.C. Brond new 14x70 Fleotwood mobile homo complefoly sot-up with brick underpinning. hoot pump ond largo sundock along front and sido. This homo is locotod on largo woodod lot with povod stroot halfway betwoen Calabash and Sunset Beach Must Soli! $37,500 or bost offer. 20 yoor financing w!!h only 5". down. CoM now! McLamb Realty N. Myrtle Beach (803)249-3491 North Carolina 19191287-6541 aiMiiUiJ IKHfllfofe) ,V i 579-6216 579-6217 OCEAN ISLE BEACH N.C. 28459 0CEANFR0NT LOTS AVAILABLE $150,000 OCfAHFRONT CONDOMINIUMS Variety of ocvanfront condominiums avoilahle. NEW previously ownod and units under construction. Ono to three bedrooms. priced $64 500 to $189 500 OCIANFRCNT H0USIS NEW LISTING -5 BR. 3 baths additional lorgo loft HR. c/h SOLD corpntod. largo kitchen with applioncos. unf urnishod $150 000 UNDER COHMRUaiON, OC.t AMI ROtll DUPLEX 114 East 1st St $198,500 eact side 3 BR I'-5 boths c h o corpeting (noplace all "pflUjfr washer dryer Ownoi anxious to soil |55 000 BEACH BARN 7 BR 4* ? both home or OIB roninl favorite fully luinithnd ol appliance* Bott built haute or; th< bench Annual rental income i? phenomena1 o* it renlt oil tooton* $275,000 ttAlt Of MJPlfX 6 BR 3'. both* C h o cn> pet wot her dryer dithwatlu fully tunmhod J710 000 Bf Altfii ?. ? 6 BR 3 both cottnqe with ol glott octet* ocoon tide, beautifully fur n.thad Never rooted but could be o? cedent centol investment $750 000 TMIR0 A fOUIIN VOW M0USIS CAll5 HOUSf Unique 4 BR 2 both* t h a fireplace wot bar loft den par Holly lumitlunl Great viow of waterway $150,000 HAMMOND 2 BR 1 both houte beautiful view - All ^uijoi appliance* nicely londtc^W wrift concreti underneath Nover rented but m greo rental lex ot ion $74 500 CANAl NOUW ? AiRMONI SlKlfl 4 BR 2 both hoot* With concrete underneath Re minted*, kitchen now roof New carpet an< c h a furmthed $105 000 OARt S1 Ml t Y Under conttrucdon 3 BR 2't both home with loft den cathedra (vmng a nm in living room I'.'flUlM dock loot lop dxV SI 3^ SOO MAINIANO PKOf(IT1IS RRKHWOOO I SI AH S lot 4 Section I lot* 16 ond \ 7 Section 4 Coll today to ipottol puce On combination ol thro* Aent Tree IN# South BiuiuwkK likindt n#w?ll r?ilfl()#d wolfivsoi develop moot o? loi (onipltt* dato i H on thi ti oly vntqu# community ' Crown Crook Mew J bedroom ? boll N.uc# Central beat or>d oir carpeted al ViUhen oppliomat fireplace lorgi "hiv'#i bedroom w?th d< owing oioo ow walk ?n (lot*h \V\xx4ed lot m.nt t. dock $M SCO tt? ttM ?n ?IW< Hi wA rit>| ?rtk IrfOn Mill m4 tillrwin b?i ON (W MOM hwil <* tor (If lm Ml# l?t OCtAN Bit BEACH 3rd Row Mow 3 It both IuiimiNov! kut# (MA de<k porch uvy't't or?d m?w# 113? 900 V ,vvVu lv*w*> t?om |?f fco 3?<l IfOwMvl 3|l } bo*h lOv?*V ^ ocoon ? #>? ?kOtt K* \0'p*l Ki<d*in?oth S'O# too 3?<l rxH* N#?% 4 M 2 both ? 0? <0??0? b' (*d9l ?0.-vj Owol ty (O^%trvKt<0>r. J'JJ SX roperty Sun Company - REAL ESTATE > HHW Holden Beach Causeway (919)842-6735 NEW LISTING Outstanding oceonfront house. Coil tut oppoir.t.T.snf, HOLIDAY ACRES 10*55 mobile home 2 BR. furnished, utility building. $13,900 HOLIDAY ACRES 1982 14*70 mobile homo 3 BR. 2 baths, furnished. $20s. HOLIDAY ACRES 2 BP 2 bath mobile homo on 100*124 beautifully landscaped lot. Chain link fence. Must soot BUCCANEER HILLS Lots under $4 000 10% down, balance financed at 10%. Ash to soo our complete soles list SIC HAL STANLEY, CHAILOTTE NOLTI OR CLFMIHT MORAN. n r jff fife *- ^ I NEW LISTING?Starboard By The! the hottest rental units at Ocean Isle. 2h baths, Jcnn Aire range, Tuff Stui an oceanfront pool. $155,000. OYSTKR BAY?Overlooking 17th ( nil 9 hnlhc 1 Olfl on ft Horoito k SEASIDE STATION?View of the 2-bath doublewldc mobile home. $5 SEA THAIIy? Azalea Circle. Const baths. 1.244 sq. ft $62,500. INLAND WATERWAY?Beautiful baths, Karaite, Couple blocks to mi JllST THINK ot Done With The Wl yourself In this turn-of-the-centurj rounded by Sharrow Creek. 3 UK, studlo/den. Must see to appreciate SEA TRAIL?Arnica Circle. Const 1.120 sq. It. $61,500. I . I-AKEW(K)I) ESTATES?New. I homes with deck, underpinned, w $31,500 for doublewldc, $29,000 lor OCEAN IS1.E BEACH?Cottages ( air, $93,500; 4 HR, I bath, $92,500. C central heat & air, $109,500. I SUNSET BEACH?New construct! floor plan w ith lots ol cypress wood and inlet. Only moments Irom the KINDS l*t)RT CONDOMINIUM?I way at Little River, SC. Just ntln nricn. gnu rourees gaiurv and ad J sleeps 4. $69,900. CAROLINA SHOH SANIK \ST1 J-'.S?Orcanlro don, kitchen, living room, w cd, pool and tennis courts. $96,000 Unit A-1 $106,600. CHANNKL SIOK.?Now ready (or 'SI channel and marsh areas. Kas> beai 1 dishwasher, wnsher/drver, pool and l I Island : realxy d a Phone (919)579-3599 Oceon Isle Beach TTOlYt4UK>VC?tri i AROt ARI MTH Al JLK3L GRMltfk !>44*? WATFRFRONT Co<xk>s 2 M hi?v> viitos e> Oceon S-Je >Ve?' }U3 500 eoch Sh*4l Htg^ I ? oce? 3 W } Hovt* Fon?oil< ??*** leemi i? ?C0 SNoi3 ** b*?A { ?#' Ax A GiV^xj ?e?? ^e'WSX ivm?' lohe? lo>9? ?\vO?d k*i Ow?%#< l.nox.r^ $21 000 ? Look 11 iThc I I HHIIVC I | U3 company^ FOR SALE 1) US 17 frontage between Supply and Bolivia near Brunswick ToCii, Sells" financing available. A) 100x300 lots, cleared and graded. $6,250. Any size lot available. B) Small acreage tracts priced to sell. 2) Commercial lots in Shallotte starting at $8,000. 3) Office space starting at Si i 5 monthly, including utilities. Phone (919)754 (147 P0 Bex 322, Sunward Office Bldg. Millikon Shopping Plate Shallotte, NC 28459 ' -i'.y 'v. KSB Sea Oeeanfront Townhouse. One of First time offered for resale. 2 BK, I furnishings. Step out your door to ;reen. Construction has started. 3 aiillfu! view. $139,900. new Sea Trail Golf Course. S-BR, 5,000. traction almost finished. 3 BR. 2 view; being remodeled. 3 BR, 3 irlna. $119,500. nit Unnrlnl M'lloe.. u ???l -built home on about 5 acres sur, 2Mi baths, laundry/sewing room, ! $148,000. ruction has started. 3 BR, 2 baths. loublewide or slnglcwide mobile ell and septic, gome landscaping, slnglcwide. in natural canals: 4 Bit. 2li baths, oncrete canal cottage: 4 BK, 2 bath, on. 3-BK. 2-balh home oilers unique . Kxtra large lot with view of marsh beach. *132,500. lirectly on the Intracoasial Waterutes from Calabash, North Myrtle Ijaccnt to a marina. 1 BR. 2 baths, K-S?I ,ot $1S,500. nt. west end. 2 BR, 2 baths, asher/dryer, fully furnishK.scellent rental. Unit tl-4 > rental season. Beautiful view of th rh access. 2 BR, 2 baths, central all tennis court ITS.900-185,500. HIIMtPinTC'S 11 VTB K" AT? Nice, quiet community with pool, tennis courts, paved streets, street lights and city water. I-BR, J-hath 1981 Norrts Kxpando, Rrick underpinned. WO.006 Also, S-BR. S-bath Northwood, 939.000. DCNESIDE VIUJV?1 BR. 1 bat nicely furnished Sleeps 4. Pec Motivated seller?make an olfe 99S.000. SAND VlUJk?Tnd row. S BR. hath*. ocean view, large pool, fu ni%bed. $89,900. rr.itww usntiutaon BUS UntJL ITSMB MOBILE HOMES t??60 rpcfc.i? ^.orr*\ or. flkc poocotv' Vo? 5 from Swnv#' o Ck*on Ul? toochot 4 M 2 bo*hs %*o*ogo or*d OocV* Good < ??? To*m& MxghH 4 M J t-o'kw on I lot! ,*S.1 JO ?Oc*> D?k MCMlO' t? ?00 See VJV?9? h?>? end to! / SUAl A? US OX Sm v.?O9?- Nkw ?s?d u?* ?1*1 d*d> end ??? > nyi $?? ?O0 : in The E Real Estate FOR SALE: 71 acres of wooded area. Call 754-6416 otter 6 p.m. May 16 " :*V. .. V "H - % 3 |:I I ^# '' MOLDEN BEACH-4.BR. 2-be furnished on deep, wide canal v OWNER. $95,500. j | Call 841-2574 fa DEVEIOPMENT. Inc. NEW LISTINGS! OCEANFRONf ?4 BR 2'/, boths. c/h/o. fully furnished, covered porch on ocean side, all opplioncos. Excellent rental history. Catwolk and sundeck on dunos. $159.500 BRUNSWICK AVfNUf New duplex V BR 1'/? baths, c/h/o. covered porch and large sundeck, all appliances, community pier on waterway Access to beach. $54,900 per side. SCOTCH BONNET 6 BR 4 both duplex on deep canal. C/H/A. all appliances, covwivd porch or. canal, private balconies overlooking marsh, enclosed garage and storago oreo. boat deck. Irroplaceable at $136,000 for the entire unit. HOLIDAY RANCHES 3 BR 2 baths. 50x115 landscaped lawn, outside storage building, carport, nicely furnished. oil heat. 3 window oir conditioners. Close to beachl $33,000. COASTAL RETREAT?1973 camper on 120x160 woodod lot Outsido storago building Terrific owner financial terms. 3 miles from beach $13,200 HOMES AND ft CAPTAIN'S VILLAS 2 BP 2 both condo 1.032 sg. ft., c.'h o Excellent rental unit. 2nd row with larae sundeck on oceonfronl for exclusive use of property owners All appliances private bclcony off living room overlooks i pool. $77,500 unfurnished. MA AIKI CANAL 1 260 heated sq ft on j deep channel on mainland side of Hoiden Beach. Bulkheaded lot with lorge floating dock on ^ano! 2 BP 1'? i baths, insulated windows and patio doors 4 covered docks, tremendous j view of waterway $89,900 furnished SCOTCH tOHKIT DtlVI New construe tion. 3 BP. 2 baths, bulkhooded lot on deep canal, oh a all opplionces close to beach, carpeted with vinyl kitchen and baths, covered porches ond more! $107,000 OCIAMTtOtfT-Older home 3 BP 2 baths lorge family room enclosed 8x32 porch, sundeck. cotwatk and deck on the beach Solar heat ond [ solar water heater Panelled in solid wood fireploce new roof all floors refintshed enclosed 2 cor garage 12x40 shop area 10x32 storage area Plus extro lot with 4 BR septic tank j permit $127 500 MAINLAM0 H0M3 1 mile from beoch t \ 500 sq ft lot 120x143 3 B? I". baths brick veneer exterior hard ' wood floors re<reot?onol deck with outside brick grill 2 wells fireploce with blowers oil extras Outside storoae buildino tumotl tOAD ; BR 2 both* wrop around porch lo! vx# 60*170 b?Outifwl wooded lo? 1 000 vq ft Finonong to QuoM?#d bv,#r ot 17% 144 500 UAJJKX1 tOAD 3 bddroom* 7 both* h, 1 572 iq It 'org# lot 100x745 wood burning h#ot#r p<n# lop tiding * go ogt 2 ot?K lorn control hoot & r* oir. On# mil# from th# booch 186 500 I UASKOM to AO 2 txKjfocTu J Kill If* both* 14?TO 1997 completely fur mshed Vxvij extra*-- mKrowov* fireplace with bi o wer * outude f the*?? utility bwld'ng ' ? ocr# lot and fenced yard 139 500 MOBILE HOME OR BLOC. LOTS 0 SEA VTUAGE from U too KXT, OAK 4 $6 100 CAMWOOO ESTATES SS 600 L oocIn OCEAN A?E IS 600 ?oeh 1 lOMGWOOO from SS 000 ?> ? aero tfrGAN comma* ex:' $10 000 p?K ?r? MtGM m.1 $500 $50 month! ,, OTM*?S MAh> VMTM EASY Tf*MS? J lo-n in boowf<*vl $? 000 and $10 000 V? hen* avf cater ma Mtftag M?. MM piiidi cod itdwrn Grf MM MKTKMS VU WHY AUCTION CO. seacon Rool Bstqfe LOT ON SWORDFISH DR.. Holden Beach. water cono! $42,000. Coll 842 3233 or 754-8034 after 6.30 p.m. tf Hi t i ith mod design home, partially .,:?U n'mr nnrt (Untlr./, DV villi pic< uiiu i iuu in ly UULr>. L> I | ir appointment. Holden Beach Phone (919)842-6415, 842-6686 LOTS SWORDFISH DRIVE?Corner lot 112x157 laces watorwoy S41.500 with owner financing. SHERROW ESTATES- Restricted subdi vision. Shallotte area. Paved streets, '/i-acre lot $4,000. 1-acre lot. $7,500. SHAILOTTE RIVER?2 lets on deep water. 60x125 and 60x133. Restricted to residential homos. $25,000 each. DOLPHIN DRIVE -Canal lot with 3 BR septic tank permit ovailoblo. $41.000. DUPLEX LOTS 60x125 waterway view $37,500 to $39,500 60x125 3rd row (beach access). $32 500 MOBILE HOME LOTS- $3,000 to $9 750. Financing avoilable. SWORDFISH DR Canal lot. $44 000 i irsKic o aiaj r\o ?i i_. * 'aa r>n 1/n. VUIIUI IU<. ?<7,3W BURLINGTON ST ?ConoI lot $50 000 canal lot with bulkheod. $49,500 DOLPHIN DR.?Canal lot. $39 500 lOBIlf HOMES MURRKAMI HAVIN ? BR 1 both. 12*60 Broadmore mobile home sellcleaning oven, completely furnished including bedsprcods and window treatment, c h a Pool tennis court. I boat ramp and pier on Intracoostol Waterway $23 000 (May be bought with 2 lots) CMAILOTTI STRUT 3 BR 2 baths, ch/o. factory ook cabinets all appliances 2 covered porches, sundock and large floating dock cedar lop siding exterior, cedar walls interior $105 000 2ND ROW CHIP IIX t BR 6 baths located on 60*125 lot Excellent rental unit All applionces c/h/a. large docks on waterwoy ond ocean side $97 500 each side HOLIDAY HAVEN 2 BR 1 both 864 sq ft large corner lot. window air unit 10*14 deck storm doors ond windaws window tieatment included completely furnished $32 500 If ACM DUPUX Brunswick Ave 2 BR 1 both c/h/o covered porch, tundeck on ocean %?de oil op plicmces 60* 125 lot size Furnished package -555 500 Unfurnished s>de $52 500 BUCK DUPlIX Sand Dunes Subdivision on Introcoostal Waterway 2 BR 2 both* all opplmiKe* Lot size 60*125 4 decks with view of the ocean and waterway Access to pier on Introcoostal Waterway and direct access to beach. Furnished pockoge $74 500 each side Unfurnished - $69 500 eoch side OCUNftONT CHJPIIX 3 bedrooms 2 baths centrol heat and air. all ap^ pllonces beouMuIfy decorated ond furn shed including w.ndow treat merit Great rental unit $139 500 eoch side Kitchen fools etc.. set for weekly rentals W A Tim AT 0UPUX t 536 so ft eoch side 60x125 lot C H A all op pliorxes 2 d* 2 bo?hs living dining room downstairs on woltrwoir UpstOirs don ond sopor O to living room oco* woiorwoy Enclosod garago Covorod porcKo* on wo?orwoy ond oceon Accost to booch. Community p?or on *o'#r*oy $79,500 wnfvrmshod oocb s?do $83 500 focn?sHod oorh s*do BUILDING LOn Wtf*WOOO MAJtSH COVt VILLAGE POINT SUNSET LAKES FlSH<?MANS PAJLACXSE MAftlK AC?S LONG AOOO PlUSOTHf#S Somo <rt prrvQY? ond oack^vo oroos OTHER LISTINGS Ccohno S*or??? Fvrruthod 2 S* cow do N-co corrlorsototo oftordofcio hovso on 2 ten in pooco+uJ Wtwporing Hotghn Appro* 300 |dl from Inland tVo'o^wo* f ?n?n?c?ng ovo*tofe*o Onfy $44 90C r J

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