Page 2-A?THK BRUNSWICK BEAC j Holder BY SUSAN USHER Holder: Beach commissioners compromised last Thursday on a request to rezone a tract of land between Rothschild and Quinton streets. On a motion by Hal Stanley, they rezoned all but one block (oceanfront) of the tract from residential to commercial during a special meeting that preceded a budget workshop. "We compromised, 1 think," Stanley said after the vote. Commissioners also asked the planning and zoning board, which met later in the day, to consider revisions to the zoning ordinance that would allow residential coastruction in areas zoned commercial, a concern raised at a public hearing the Planning E Recomrru Two Cb HY TERRY POPE One sentence may inakc nil the difference in the world to property owners included In the 'JO or more lots le/.oned for commercial use by llolden Iteuch commissioners lust Thursday morning. following the commissioner's request, planning hoard members agreed last Thursday that amending the C-l commercial district ordinance to allow "one-family, twofamily and multi-family homes, excluding mobile homes" would solve a lot of problems. At a public hearing on the proposed rczoning of all lots lying between Itotlischild and Quintan Streets last week, several residents questioned if they would be allowed to rebuild their homes In a commercial zone if they were destroyed. Commissioners agreed to ask the planning beard to reword the ordinance so the property owners would lie allowed to construct buildings other than commercial buildings in the ('-I zone. Commissioners voted to rezone the entire area between Itotlischild and Quintan streets commercial last week, eyeept for tots tying along the ocennfronl. At the planning board's meeting iivoimj . iiiniiin n vtiit (I in iri uiii idoikI (luit two lots lyln({ In tin- ocennfront (tlstrli't In- re/oned to commorNO DROUGHT RELIE 1Normal' M< Is Week's F Normal Into May weather continues In the forecast for the South lirunswtek Islands, without the extra rains needed to boost low water table levels. Shatlotte Point meteorologist .lackson I'mindy said the area should sco average temperatures in the low to mld-tiOs 11! mkIiI ranging to the low to mid-AOs during I ho i toy. with about a half-inch of rain "It looks liko a fairly normal late May weather pa Item," lie said While tluit means generally good weather, it doesn't offer much hope of general drought relieving rains t'aiuuly aililed " Hiere could bo some local rebel through soattereil thundershowers Karmers liavo had some relief will the rain m recent weeks. but tlH water table is still several Inches Is-low what It sltould tie Turnout 5 iCnallmml From t'a*r l-Al Island* Chamber of Commerce, mh< (I*- delegation nuute an improvooi on other* at the meeting "I think the\ rcalired we were get ltn?! attention We were wel represented " Aiut, she aikteil. ''Kver\ txnty wn HOW TO S THE BRUNSH rosi OMKf ao SMUlOUf buy for AwoncJ Wmn ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATtS It | In (iviHw<<k CCK*n*> In Cttr^imo Ovn .l# Ncntfc Cco<?n>a mm4 Ie I Ssiov# 9 A?kl>?tt H C?t? SK??? g >-p \ ,-ON, Thursday, May 30, 1985 ) Beach Cor previous week. "Block A," the area omitted in thi rezoninii. is the oceanfront block bet ween Cole and Quinton streets. At thi time of Thursday's meeting, no re quests to rezone the area commercia had been received and none of thi property owners involved had spokei for or against its rezoning. Several persons at the public hear ing, however, had questioned the con gestion that might be created if addi tional oceanfrontage was rezone< commercial, particularly near thi foot of the bridge. Yet, Commissionoi Jim Griffin said, because of the lots proximity to the bridge, "R-l is no the highest and best use of ttia land." ioard l_ snas anges cial if the town attorney determines the request to be legal. Boyd H. Ford Jr. of l/iris, S.C., lias filed a petition to have lots 4 and 16 on the oceanfroni rezoned commercial. Although the two lots lie in the same area the commissioners refused to rczone for commercial use last week, changing the commercial ordinance to include home construction may now make u difference, the ijtitti'u ajircvu. "One of the main reasons this was not rezoned at tluit time," said board member Jack Scarborough, "was some of the residents were afraid they could not rebuild. That has been recommended to be changed." "That was definitely one reason," added commissioner Jim Griffin. "Another was because of the mass of lots and misunderstandings of how the rezonings were consistent with the land use plan." In making the motion to recommend the rczoning of the two lots, Scarborough suid there was "no reason to hold him (Fordi up lie's gone through the proper channels." Griffin added there would be n? "great big rush to do the other tuts,' but tluit approving this one petitioi tumid "li'f mil' nf (lit* hliM'ks L'i'f nut til Ilii' way. There's no doubt in anyone'! mind tluit one dny tluit whole h!o< V will he commercial." ;f in sight 3y Weather orecast "The dryness of the topsoil has been temporarily relieved in some places. We're not as laid as we were, bal the rainfall luisn't made that (water table lassl up We've not a ways to i;o." Durinit the period May 21 throiiKh 27. for instance, Cunady recorded on ly eight onc-hundredlhs o( an inch of ram with his gauge at Shallotte Point, while other areas of tlie county received "considerably more" rainfall I For tlie period he recorded a nutx' Inium tiitih reading of % decrees on . the 27th, and a minimum low of S] decrees that same day ! An average itaily high of 91 degree; and an average daily low of 6< i degrees combined for u daily > average temperature of 75 degrees i winch Canady said was aboul thrci degrees above norma! >aid Good saying '17' from one end of the coas j to the other." 1 Brunswick County's delegation ir eluded county and municipal official . and representatives of the tw 1 chambers of commerce, as well as number of Brunswick Count , ttrpubhean Party leaders UBSCKIBfc TO /ick?beacon i* 470 MMCA*<X?NA M4$f ting N+w\ Co*+rog* auii: V CM,*. S 23 J u >32 WJ 10 00 co t*r* H LW.I 444r? t nmissioners Commissioner Graham King, the 2 only member to vote against the mor tion, questioned the size of the pro2 posed commercial zone, particularly along the oceanfront. "I agree with 1 the block approach, but not with the 2 size of the block." l When Commissioner Ha! Stanley i noted that more than half the propos- I ed area was already in commercial I use, King replied, "fully 75 percent of 1 the oceanfront is not." i He added, "I'm not sure we'd be doing these people a favor rezoning | r it." ( King suggested the rezoning might t actually lower property values, mak- i t ing someone hesitant to build a nice i residence if they thought a "hotdog 1983 Soci Df/>UI I I ULfl BY SUSAN USHER c An audit of the Brunswick County a Department of Social Services for the a business year that ended June 30, 1983, raises questioas about the "ade- r qu.icy and accuracy" of the agency's c financial record-keeping. t Among other things, the audit report suggests the agency owes the a state a refund of $5,172 for ad- i ministrativc expeases for which it c shouldn't have sought reimbursement. In turn, the state owes DSS a o similar sum for reimbursements the n agency was due but failed to request. 8 The balance due the state?$851 for t administrative expeases, plus $35 for a daycare overpayments, and $479 for 1; tax refunds for which other reim- n burserncnt was also received tots!- u ing $1,365. J At the request of Commissioner/board member I'rankie b Kabon, Brunswick County Board of i: Social Services members plan to 11 discuss the report at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, meeting in the county commissioners' chambers will) their at- v torncy present. c "I don't know about you," he said to fellow board members, "but I have I: , a lot of questions about this. a i ncrc are n 101 ot miiigs in u," ne , continued..."That aren't quite f kosher?" Chairnuin Betty Variuun . volunteered. At their meeting Tuesday night, board members met with their attorney (or about 70 minutes to discuss "personnel and legal" matters. They also urged filling of the vacant fraud investigator's pusition as soon us possible, approved the! of outdated fiscal records by the clerical supervisor, and advertising to fill several more vacancies in the department. Chairman Betty Varnam noted the need to keep a close watch on the budget, since the salaries category was overspent in relation to the proportion of tlie year that lias gone by Reimbursement (or overtime incurred during Hurricane Diana luid been taken from the department's salary line items as provided by a policy adopted by commissioners about a month ago. Only if tlie expenses exceed the departmental funds available were they to be paid i from the contingency fund i Audit Krport l Audit findings range from minor to I i serious and include repetitions of I problems noted in the 11181 audit that I tuid not been corrected. I , In its 17 pages of "findings ami I ) recommendations." the N.C. Depart- i I mcnt of Human Resources Audit Service offers 20 specific reeommenda- < . lions for changing procedures ami/or policies at the departmental or coun- I ty level in which apparent weaknesses were found. I Finance personnel in the state I agency should, the audit reports i states, "continue to monitor ami ' ,t assist the department with problems l i: Tttrut&unt, m | ON TNI CAUStWAY 8 IM.I NACH | 579-6279 Reach Rezc stand might be built next door." To T..W..V.V, L- * i: i wnn.n . iavjl rveiuici rtinu^ lepiieu, "It (a commercial district) has to be somewhere." The proposed rezoning conformed to the town's 1980 land use plan. Based on requests from property owners, the planning and zoning board had first proposed rezoning the tract from Rothschild to Cole streets, but then expanded the proposed commercial area to conform with the land use plan. Most board members said they had ihought the zoning of an area R-2 or rommercial would not prohibit construction of single-family residences n r?..* :* j ? ii iiic Mine m cet. Dm 11 uoes, ai least ight now. Under amendments proposed ia I Services ems !r. Bex ncountered relative to the adequacy ind accuracy of financial records ind expenditure reports." It also recommends routine interlal auditing and auditing by the ounty's independent auditing of cerain accounts. Auditors suggested a review of the dequacy of the agency's food stamp nventory and of its insurance overage. They questioned the large number f Food Stamp coupons ($1.29 nillion) located in the ccunty on May , 1984, when insurance in force at the ime covered lasses of $500,000. They lso questioned the department's urge inventory of coupons when nonthly issuances averaged only bout $184,191 for the months of anuary through April 1984. Some of the changes proposed have icen implemented between 1983 and jsuancc of the audit; others liave lOt. Auditors' findings include that: "Disbursement practices were at ariance with generally accepted acounting practices." For instance, checks were issued ascd on information prepared by igency personnel, rather than on the lasis of invoices or requests for pay Iicm generated outside the agency. \lso, there was no system for mainaining accurate mileage logs and naintenance records for county eludes used by the department. Expenditures shown on the ieneral ledger and |>aid invoices should he. hut were not, systematically checked against eimbursement reports before they ire submitted to the state for payncnt, resulting in both under- and iver-reporting of expenses. The igency can apply for state and isleniI reimbursement of a share of ts expenses in numerous programs, irovided filing requirements are net. In several instances the departnent failed to obUiin competitive mts as required for construction or epairs exceeding $30,000 or equipnent purchases exceeding 110,000 including lease-purchase igreements. It also failed to comply with bid requirements in purchasing equipiwiitf m inctullnuilit culixc ourua. J "R?*vment, listing the payments as equipment rental. C'ontraets made in violation of tfie bid statutes are considered void, the auditors said. Therefore state and federal money expended for those items should be refunded Several contracts did not reflect either a prvaudit certificate or the signature of the department's finance officer Written contracts were not prepared for all independent contractors who provide services to the agency A contract with each provider should be maintained in a permanent file. Many Weil-Known Nome Broods / ft lomps Pictures ar?d Accessories ff Special Ordering AvoilobJe Come m and check out our tow prices. ?ning Thursday night by the planning board, single-family, duplex and multifamily housing, but not mobile homes, would be allowed in commercially-zoned areas in tne future. In regard to Block A, board members also said that because they were excluding it from the rezoning now didn't mean they would automatically agree to rezone lots in the area commercial in response to future requests from property owners. Proposing a Jordan Boulevard cutoff line for the rezoning, King had suggested, "If these people want to be commercial all they have to do is ask for it." >Hr?i?inInn ? us a awj f In one instance, personnel costs for an employee assigned to the lowincome energy were assigned to that program for three months after the employee had returned to the Medicaid section full-time. lack, as of 1983, of an adequate system for maintaining a detailed inventory of fixed assets as required by state law of public property. Reporting Differences The $5,172 difference in what the county requested in reimbursement and the state determined was due fell into four categories: salaries and fringe benefits, equipment rental, profppc anH inHirorf fnctQ On two occasions?once in 1982 and again in 1983?employees were out of compliance with state personnel policies and regulations. In the first instance, the agency hired an employee as a 60-day emergency appointment and then paid him or her Bridge Hei (Continued From Page 1-A) businesses. One family, not knowing of the proposed route, lias since bought property and built a home directly in the line of the bridge approach. They would have to be relocated. A replacement span for the Sunset Beach Bridge is included in the state's current Transportation Improvement Program, with $500,000 estimated for right of way acquistion that should begin in fiscal year 1986. "Construction is still further off, 1988 or 1989 even," (iarrett continued. Alternate 2, as revised, calls for a shortened bridge length of 2,595 feet. It would cross the waterway east of the existing span and would "straighten" the N.C. 179 approach to the bridge. With revision, its cost also lias decreased slightly, from an Our South Brunsi 4 y ocnnis KHUil SHfFflflO DA vC I ...always read, CALL 7 : JMrHH I k'i?!lll!l?!l|-7 I >romise But Stanley pointed out, "That's what we're trying to get away from." In other business, commissioners: Denied a request from Jimmie and Hazel Monroe to rezone the property at 137 Ocean Boulevard West from residential to commercial. The planning and zoning board had recommended against the move, saying it would not agree with the land use plan and would also be an instance of "spot" zoning. Heard a request from Karen Moshoures, director of operations for the South Brunswick Islands Chamber of Commerce, to include $1,000 in the town's 1985-86 budget for the chamber, to help in its promotion of the area and provision of hospitality and information to visitors. m H n Pnlirioq for days more than allowed because credit was given for holidays, with $231 in out-ofcompliance pay. In the second, a 60-day emergency appointee continued to work without an extension of the appointment or a reclassification, resulting in $1,672 out-ofcompliance personnel costs. The state felt $2,694 in legal fees paid for services provided to recipients for custody, adoption, protective services, paternity and divorce matters should be disallowed. Federal reimbursement is allowed only if an hourly rate is included in a current work agreement on file at the agency. It also wanted to disallow $750 in monthly retainer fees?unless DSS can document that the hours worked by its attorney equaled or exceeded the minimum hours covered by the retainer. ring Set estimated $7.33 million to $7,046 million. Alternate 3, a medium level drawbridge with 30 foot vertical clearance, would cost an estimated $6.94 million. Alternate 4, a medium level drawbridge with 40 foot vertical clearance, would cost $6.32 million, while Alternate 5, with 14 foot vertical clearance, would cost $7.28 million. Although community opinion on replacement of the bridge is sharply divided, the state says the existing Sunset Beach Bridge is obsolete as well as costly to maintain because of its mechanical parts and the need for full-time operators. Opponents of a high-rise bridge have argued it would promote development and greater density in the beach community and have a deleterious effect on the natural beauty and family atmosphere of the beach vick Islands team m r ST* j . i*n KIATON y to serve you! 54-4488 rrnm? /

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