Real istoto 12x70 MOBILE HOME and lot. 2 BR. 1 bath, furnished, Holden Beach. $18,500. Coll 842 9808 June 6 J.G. Worrell Realty 754-8723 Shallotte Hwy. 130. Ash?3-BR brick home, den with fireplace. It's nice! $42,500. Ocean Trail?Near Holden Beach on Stanley Road. 4 BR. 2 bath barn style home. $35,000. 10% down, or rent monthly for $325. Riverview?Shallotte River ? New. 3 BR brick home. IV, baths, decks, applionccs heat pump. $59,900. just on Mwy. 179?3-BR doublewide 2 baths, fireplace. .47-acre lot. separate garage. Between Shallotte and Ocean Isle. S32.500. Next to Bricklanding Plantation?New 3-BR. 1.328 sq. ft. home cedar siding, heat pump, appliances, ice maker. 2 full baths, on 100x180 site. $65,000. 90% finoncing. Several homes with Farmers Home financing to qualified buyers $16 500 up Shallotte River lots? $27,500 Terms. Shallotte Adjacent to Briorwood. 3 BR brick $42,500. 90% financing. 2 BR home with corport Hwy 130 near Ash post office. $18,500. 10% down. Ocean Pines 2 mobile home lots near Sosspan Creek. Socrifice for $5 500 lets of Briorwood Estates Marsh Cove and several othor develop ments. Mobile home lots?Holiday Acre*. Holdon Booch. $6,000 jnch. High Hill. $3 150 eoch 12-ocre wooded tract off Stout Rd noor Ash. $15 000 Mobilo homo acre lots in now development noor Shallotte $5 GGC Beach homos condos acreage river ond woterway lot Highway 17 179 or 130 business lots. $10 000 up Sherrow Estates Lots S3 000 up Nice 50 ocro farm in Ash E*um aroa Tobacco ocrcago $85 000 RgaltyT NEAR WATERWAY 10-55 mobile horn-: 2 BR 1 bath screened porch lot ap pre- 170 It from Intracoastol Wo'er v?oy with outstanding view land scoped with marigolds petunias irises and toll pm?i $35 000 R-l. IA t I FOOT BAY 13-60 furnished mobile home 2 BR 1'? baths large wrap around deck paved stroet $24 500 B 5 TAR LANDING ACREAGE I 000 plus sq ft cottage with lorge screened porch on 2 80 acre lot $47 90C I I FOUR WINDS 12-60 furnished mobile home 2 BR I bath screened porch Two wooded lots fronting on paved street $21 ^00 F-l RIVEtSiOf II 12-60 furnished mobile home 2 BR I bath wrop around deck Beautifully londscoped yard with concref* drive. Immoculote intide and out Paved street $24 950 R4 RESIDENTIAL LOTS flSHtlMAN 5 AABADllf Beautifully wooded 100 ? 200 lot oppronmotely 800 ft from Introcoostol Waterway Boot romp privileges Owner fmonc .ng $1 I 000 F I OCimvOOO ACIO Wchee H Two lots 50* 125 eoch Wooded corner lets situated on poved streets Both for only SB 250 0 2 COMMERCIAL LOT Across from B'll s Owtcfc Stop with 3%4 feet front ng on SB 1137 'Bccnes tfecfc Ad ! and 185 feet on SA 1 141 (Kvrby Ad This lot pro??de% ample space for ony number of commercial applications Owner finoncmg o.a obW $45 COO CI. See us lor mobile home lots In our Riverside II or Barefoot Boy Subdivisions or lor o per monent home lot in our River side I Subdivision co*TACT us r>? coemurr rsorns*0?Mi stsvxf lot au rOUt MM BTATC MI0S Offk* at btorMdla of R*7 1)4 i Mm k*di C? wry l*tot (4H)443-)140/4)74 1-100-453-1171. lit. 1)5 ?.M io.Wi HI *77t 8?-.*rV ^o^cto^ 5o*i Aikxc*# 842 W A V 8^.-* <-V -p I'C*#' Choral %3zun?Luic/z[cincl *j*m<zS??ciCtu IT3 Hoiden BsacH (919) 842-6940 OCEANFRONT?New. exceptionally large house, fully furnished and ready to go. Outstanding rental potentiol. West end of Hoiden Seach. $225,000. OCEANFRONT?Duplex, each side hos 3 8R. 2 baths, with boardwalk to beach. '85 rental season booked solid. All amenities included. $190,000. DUNES?3-BR. 2 baths, fully furnished with many extras, including microwave and gas grill. Exceptional view of waterway and ocean. New. $81,900. DUNES?New construction. 3 BR 2 baths, private booch access at end of streot. Ap pioximately 150 yards to the beach. $79,500. CANAL COTTAGE located on the widest canal in Hoiden Beach Harbor. $73,000. MAINLAND Seashore Rd 3 BR. 2 baths. C/H A carport, sun deck. Large 85x240 lot. Garden spot planted and growing. Mcko an offer on this one. MAINLAND ? Buccaneer Hills. 2-BR. 2-both 25x40 mobile homo. Furnished. C'H'A. screen porch, sun deck. Boat romp and tennis court privileges. Priced to sell $35 000 MAINLAND -Shoreline Estates 2 BR lbath mobile home, furnished. 50x135 lot $16 900 MAINLAND?Shoreline Estates. 2 BR. 1 both. 50x135 lot large added living room. $18,000. H01DEN BEACH LOTS 2ND ROW Bulkhaadod lot at end of canal. $67,000. CANAL and lot on Swordhsh Drive. $49,500 CANAL lot on Tarpon Drive. $39,500. CANAl -lot o n Drive $39 500 CANAl -91 ft. with water on 2 sides at end of Dolphin Drivo $66 800 DUNES LOT On Seaview Drivo $30 000 DUNES LOT - On Brunswick Avenue. 50k 130 $30 000 WATERWAY?1.37 acros on watorway Rostncted to homos only. Excellent view and wooded $45,000 EXPERIENCE TRANQUILITY QF H0LDEN BEACH REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING DEADLINE: MONDAY 5 PM ROACH REALTY Holden Beach Road 919-842-2488 )7k60 mobile home on 60x 100 beautifully landscaped cornet lot in Buccaneer Hills 3 BR 1% baths paho. workshop tool shop Development hos boat ramp Only 3' i miles from Holden Beach Modorate ly priced large wooded lot in Maple Creek Sub division Pleasant Surroundings ond quiet atmosphere Lot is 100 ft front ond bock 460 ft on one side and 325 ft, on the other side Only 3'i miles from Holden Beacfi Moderately pricod at $5 500 Beautiful loft now ready In Seobree/e Ettatet Only ' , m:!o from Holder* Beach Paved roodt ond county wafer available Some lot* on waterway Pncet ttart of $/ SOO Spociout 100*150 lot only '? mile from Holder* Beach Beautifully wooded ond nice turroundingv Perfect location for o retort or permonent home Moderately priced o? SIO 000 Throe nicely wooded lott in Ocean Yrailt II $4 500 each. Only 4 Vt milet from Holden Beach Quiet turroundmgt ond pleatont otmotphere Beautiful corner lot In Pine View Acret lust 2 milet from Holden Beoch Thit 92*125 lot it nicely wooded with o 59 ft well Moderately priced o? $7 500 60*140 lot jutt off Holden Beoch Cuu??n Of OviC! with lovely turrouridingt E*cellen! location for permanent or vocotion home Moderately priced o? SB 000 Three lovely lott located m Shoreline Ettotet Nicely wooded lott with peaceful tu'roundmgt Only two milet from Holden Beoch Perfect tpot to plon o vocation retreot Priced to tell ot $10 CCC Pretty 50*125 wooded lot cne mile from HokJen Beoch in Hoiuio/ Acret on To!man Street oedecf for that vocation homo Mocl*rof?ty p*K*d ot $5 VjG Two pr?tty lot* loco?*d m Shot l*tot?r* (v*?* m.l#* rr?m Moid** B#o<h Lot* o'e 50 ? 125. of bo<K>trfwfVy wooded or<j in o n<? n*t^^o<Kocd Pr*c d to v#M ot 12 750 ?o<h fc?oj?rTuMr #?oodod lot* ?n Fotott H?ll* Subd**f?>Ott Vottou* ? * * o?d p'/*t Chorrmng tvftoundmgt ond ok? r.?.qhbof hood Owftif finon<i:*g Oiff 3 ? mil** lrc=:? Mo*d#o B?<vh Con-*** ?.'tt oHc orO'iobf W<tfnl to??V ?** Sho*?lf?o i*tot#t oo*f J I fftilo* fr om & <? > Of.t i*ior<*tg awoJgbli ot ?0% with ^<vi ? / * <yvd lo<jot?c*n P'-/rod to *o<( Tory 1*77 Cc?*tt mob*4# lo<ot?d or> lot* both 50*IJ7 *t Oofc h&r#n iubdi-?<o ,V?* 3 rnJW* from HcidT BoocK N?m# .* 12*40 7 bodroom* ' bo*h ffO^t or?d bock doc* wtdftf *r?fh rho*n V* !f<* O* both fit >u*' porfoct to# ts# r?r?nrg fomdy Htoal Estate TIRED OF PAYING RENT'? Own your own home with no money down. Build on your lot. For free brochure or inforrnotion call collect 371 6549. H CANAL LOT for sale by owner. Holden Boach. Marlin Drive. Beach access at end of street. Call 842-2646 for more information. Hi OCEAN ISLE BEACH?Mobile home 12x50 plus 60x150 deeded lot in Ocean Aire Estates. $18,500 cash, bargain. Call 1(704)753-4811. June 6 LOT ON SWORDFISH DR.. Molden Beach, deep water canal. $42 000. Call 842-3233 or 754-8034 after 6 30 p.m. H READY-T0-M0VE-IN MOBILE HOMES TANGLEWOOD: 2Vt lots with 1972 Cole 12x65. furnished. 2 BR 1% baths, oppliances. 2 window AC's. Good buy and good section. $21,500. RIVERSIDE II: 14x70 Vogue. 2 BR. 2 baths. C'H/A, single carport, wrap oround dock, storage building. Furnished including washer and dryer. All situiaieu on 2 beOwtiiu! corner lots Paved stroet. $36,400. BUCCANEER HILLS NORTH- 12x65 on 2 lots, paved street. "A" roof 3 BR. 3 baths. 12x56 screened porch. 10x52 wrap around deck, completely furnished with froeier. washer & dryer, stove. TV. radio, window treatments. C H/A deep well. Must soe $38,500 COASTAL SHORES -12x70 mobile home. 2 BR. 2 baths, large scrooned porch, deck. Nice wooded 100x147 lot. Priced to sell at $26,500. SHORELINE ESTATES Neot 12x40 mobile homo and IV, lots. All appliances and furniture included in the *alo $12 500 GRAY BRIDGE ROAD 1979 Brigadior doublowide on nico. 3 4 acre corner lot. 3 BR. 2 baths. C''H A. wood heater, partially furnishod Detached garage largo dock, appliances included $42,500. HOLIDAY ACRES Nico mobile homo with control hoat and air situatod on two well-landscaped lots siro 100x105. only 1 milo from boach Has 2 bedrooms I bath, dock utility building furnishod Priced to soil. BUCCANEER HILLS A goody' lototod on frosh water lake with view of waterway. 12x70 2 bedrooms 2 baths carpot. nicely furnished Would i moke oxcollent permanent home Asking $36 000 BUCCANEER HIllS NORTH 12-65 mobile homo with wrap oround dock Fully lurrmhod ovon to tmall op plioncet. Mu*t too1 $19,500. \ J Bob \4&r~) Campbell Realty IB ... , , i (omnMV PH<INI 19191 84. 7098 ANYTIME HOlOt N BC ACM NORTH CAROLINA 28402 v>r '~-*f CI Villi I or 2 ilrtintom ( notion l'< MOVING < I z III I niln I III , PRE-< * I 0 1 % i i f Hh\. 179 I DHurij* O Real Igtate NIW HOMO COMPltTIlY PIHISHID brick or siding, your choice. Craft Bilt Homes builds and finances. No red tope. Call 395-1102 anytime. tf i COMMERCIAL CALABASH ESTABLISHED RETAIL GIFT SHOP Super location, excellent Investment to profit ratio. WALTERS REALTY Calabash [WOl Days: 579-9727, 579-9728 Nights: 579-6673 HOBBS REALTY Holden Beach ,rn Of A-AVVJL OHZ-OW?!917 Ocson Blvd. Wait -4 BR 2S baths, con tral heat & air. caipot. fully furnished, all appliances, boardwaik a sunaeck. excellent rental history. $159,500. 775 Ocaon Blvd. Wait?Now selling Ocoon Palms Townhouso Condominiums?Under construction. Beautiful 3 bedroom. 3 bath units in on oxcollont ocoanfront location. Ovor 1.500 sq. ft. per unit with a private boardwalk to boach and private sundock on dunos Swimming pool, all appliances. Enclosed outsido showors. Beautifully furnlshod for $149 500. Financing available. 493 Ocaon Blvd. Wait Ocoanfront duplox cottage. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms 2 baths Downstairs has 3 bodrooms, 2 baths. Now control hoot and air. coramic tile baths, carpotod fully furnishod and washer dryer. Cypress oxterior. sundock on dunos with boardwalk and many other features. Excellent condition. Priced ot $175 000 SO? Ocaon Blvd. Wait Ocoanfront duplox cottago. 4 bodrooms. 2 baths ooch. Located on a deep 50 ft. ocean lot. Window A C fully corpotod. coramic tilo baths, washor dryer Now rofrigorator and rango. New sundock on dunos with boardwalk. Supor invostmont for rental Completely furnishod for $159 500 HoH>or Acrei ? 124 Tarpon Drive 3 bod room. 2 bath cottage located on a 50x100 ft canal lot in Harbor Acros 1.152 sq ft of heated space Control hoot ond air. refrigerator range, dishwashor and washor dryor hook-up. Sundock and screen porch on conal side Utility room located on ground floor Concrete underneath cottago Rock drivo Canals nro huinn rlioitnoit nouil lAi.ll bo furnnhod lor $98,500 Off Th# lllond Arrow Wood Subdivision Now ?hi\ toaton I wo -bedroom. both yoar round or vncotlon home notllcrd in o bnfluHlul wooded totting Central hnot and on. ronqo. rofrigoralor corpotad woll imulofnd. brick fireplace. kit (hon dining don oroo combination Cocfar oxtorior and patio dock Convenient to beach. Priced oI $39,500 locatud acrost from Sabbath Homo Church Financing at I? 5*. ' ~ Vtv \ &RIERWCM A Golf Cou i III ?ur (Moire of 2 Floor Finn* LHJICKLY '(rerlook 44- I h'ainray (hi VIITED TIP CONSTRUE roivip a1 w v a. w m A_i JL# 919-75 i-ran lulr Brurh THE BRUNSWICK BEACC Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER - Conol lot with new bulkheads on Ocean Isle Beach. $65 500 Call (803)233 4161. Ask lor Charles. tl FOR SALE 49 acres NO FINANCE CHARGES, partially cleared, excellent timberland. Low down payment, easy monthly payments. Call owner (704)827 1624 after 5 p.m. June 6 1 I oCiAii iiii iiACn I ? luiiui toiinecnng 10 intraco nished and tastefully dec< Deeded undivided interest available. Coll 1-803-276-43 M HOUSES AND C0ND0S Soo Troil Now construction 3 BR. ?-bath brick house on Inrgo corner lot. Fully carpeted lots ol closots. $64,900. Carolina Sboros Rosort Condo 2-BR condo. boautiiuiiy iumiihca. $'9,500. $12,000 down, atttims I0.87*. loan Sunset lakos. clasp to Oyster Boy Beautiful 7-BR codar homo with jacuzxi. Jonn Alro garage satollito dish all the extras. Dock overlooking lake Beautifully landscaped $179,900 Holdon Beach oroo Now construe iiun. upprox. I lAAl *q IT i UK* 'I bath*. ictennod port h $39 900 Soo Troll 3 BR* 2 both*, lorgp crooned porch gorogo utility bldg noor boot ramp $74,900 Sna I roil 2 BR* I both, bool pump. 900 *q It wall cantlructrid $44 900 Oy*!or Boy Bnauliful bou*o on loVo overlooking goll touiMt Fxiollont waterway view Call (or dotoiUt $130,000 COMMIRCIAl Culoboih f.O*t Slvrml lomlli>i? solod from. Slorilng of $10,000 Sun*o? Hcndi largo cornmomnl f?ocl or? hooch. ?nd low Call lor dofoilt' S/V)0(>0 Seotide aron Crorory *tor? ortd ga%olino tlalioo fxiollmtf location* Coll for moro dntatl?! SI3/.9O0 ^ -SFollow, eWiltl %fclut [)D ESTA irse Communilv J Vill 1 anil .1 Hrilriti REPEAT OF ONLY A Fb 4' *'*, * ** lii-nulifiil Hru-ru noil f,ot HE ONLY CTION PR] V TODAY 4-6614 P.O. H<?? 2523, IN, Thursday, June 6, 1985?Page 5-C Real Estate OWNER EAGER TO SELl home in city limits. On two lots approximately 2.100 sq. ft., oversized two-car garage, fireplace, cable hook-up. central hoot and air. dishwasher, patio deck. Call 754-4953 or 754-4796. June 20 COZY COTTAGES |ust 3 miles from Ocean Isle Beach from $25,000. Wroy & Williams Realty 579 4005 tf 19 ?5-BR 2-story house on astol Waterway. Fully furarated. 4-week intervals. . $22,500. 90% financing 13 or 579-6216. WALTERS REALTY Calabash Days -579-9727. 579-9728 Niahts?579-6673 HOUSE LOTS Sunsot lake* 65*165 lot beautifully situated on lako Motcolf. $25,000 Carolina Shorn* Polio lot l-xcollonl rendition $29,900. 2 lolv vach toO ft frontago, Hwy I 7V. bhoroline Drive Sunset Boach ci ty limit* $25,000 oath Intr acoastal Waterway -3 lot* aero** Irorn Oyster Bay Call for dotail*1 $60 000 to $75 000 lako front lot* overlooking I6tli groon at Oyster Boy $40,000 to $50 000 MOBIli HOMES S*e Troll? 3 Bit deubUwida with flreploca. Svpar location $14,900. RIDUCID 10 $31,900. S??a Troll Dogwood Dr 2 lot* 120*150 14*70 mobile borne 2 BR. 2 bath*. wa*hor dryer, beat pomp $49 900 r?r?n 1 ?r*ll I lu. n?L i/vin in I4HOU mobllo homo, dock, uhlily building Pflc?d lo toll $76,900 MOBILE MOW! ion Soa 1 * oil A lotgu tolodion of woodod lot*. (tuoind ond imidy for mobllo homotl %\ \ .MX) lo %IVQ00 f?un*ot loko? /0*700 honvlly WOodod Wo hovo many olhor Ihhogt lo rliooto from Lot o% find Iho porforl homo or lot lor you I i^Ceron TIT'C- ? A MLi&JS J aV trti / inrnhmufH OUR VIU?*h I :W TO SELL - V/ Cli< I, [CES Shniloiir. 2H459

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