Opinion Page THE BRUNSWI Edward M. Sweat! and Carolyn Edward M. Sweat! Susan Usher Terry Pope . Johnny Craig Mar)' Pott* Cecelia Gore Taminie Galloway Steve Anderson Hill McGowan Clyde and Mattie Stout, Jim Bai I Page 4-A Friendly Th Also A Nic A motion commending the the Brunswick County schools from the Brunswick County night. It was a total surprise, how to react. In making the motion, boa stated, "I commend and appre motion was seconded by Doui pause and period of nervous la Such a simple friendly ges the media and board member mediately a flood of questior politics behind such an action? tention? etc. Consulting a handy reporte guide to etiquette may advise a board meeting, but there are a! one board member wants to i meeting that he enjoys the pre been receiving, then the board hesitation. The public body-media reli stone. CleriuTions' motion was i... ii liriiuiy Ktraiui u, ci aut \t\ inc, uu from this school board. Sometimes a friendly gesh and should be well-received. Hang The E Of nil (lie tiix chnnKcs propositi liv the IfriiHim Administration, it scents u little lillnrlou.s Clint the one luirdcst to illitesl literally, in some instances should be the idea of liniitliiK tax-deductible business meals The elite restaurants that rely on business lunettes and business dinners for a majority of their trade arc in an uproar, eryiiiK "Unfair! Unfair!" It seen is 11 icy realize lluil most (Htiple can't afford to |iay those Kinds of prices out of their own pockets only out of the pockets of cor|x>rutc America, the same (hunts of industry that Itavc traditionally maiuiKcd not to pay not much, if any, Income tax My heart bleeds for these sacrificial lambs who nuiy tie forced to cut back on tlieii $4 baked potatoes and $17.50 hamburgers and $(10 dinflcrs 11 vixntu nil nnitik' fruliw ntinl ixmit' to on fiu! sooner or Utter UiMlrr !'resilient Itcagaii's proimsut, holt ot the cost otiovr $25 of tiny business meal would be tnxeil. Ouch! What a hardship to entertain clients (ami friends! under such heathen circumstances To tiutter up Attractive B< Ihe yiiul Kiit n Ktssl spraying Utst week for both snmlspurs and (teas, but now tlie only problem is we luive very little grass My roonunate ami I are workuiK on that I envy anyone with a nice yard, especially at the beach Nearly all yards at the beach are square lots, which takes creativity ami special care to make attractive I like yards with character, with hills, small ponds, ami rocks the kind I got used to seeing while at Chapel Mill the kind my friends at Chapel tllll still lv>\r I would walk Ikmih- (nan campus each afternoon, ahoul a half mile stroll down Raleigh Street, atxi gate out across the lawns ami flower gardens While growing up m Maco. unfortunately. there was always plenty of Itrass to mow and plenty of rase bushes to dodge I would always mumble. u> between the ire water breaks ' When I grow up and have a yard of my own. I'm not planting any grass I'm tired of mowing lawns " Atlerall. dirt-clog fights and basketball courts didn't require grass or nice bushes You wanted nke hard, clay stomping grounds far the best forms of recreation CK&BEACON H. Sweat t Publishers Editor Netrs Editor . Writer Sports Editor Office Manager . .Advertising Representative Tyjiesettcr Pressman Hi.no l_:_J rtuiu M CI ??flH WfJ llou Circulation Thursday, June 6,19S5 ianks Was :e Gesture local press for its coverage of i received unanimous support Board of Education Monday and as expected, no one knew rd member James Clemmons ciate the good reporting." His i Baxley, followed by a brief ughter. ture has a way of placing both s in an unusual position. Imls may arise: What are the Who are the ones receiving atir's or board member's pocket gainst such actions at a public ways exceptions to the rule. If mention at an official, public :ss coverage tne schools nave member should do so without ationship should not be cast in received by both sides as a t not an unusual event coming tire is just a friendly gesture, ixpense: It's [ V Suson W- ,r>f Usher #3m their prospective cllcnta, companies will now have to bow some of the cast themselves. 1 don't think (hat's asking too much. (){ course the whole Idea could bounce upside down. Instead of simply cutting back on these perks, companies could Just add the expense on to the cost of their product?whether It be tires or legal expertise. Most "business" dinners may bo Just ttuil, but I've been treated on a few of those dinners when I was only a friend of the family Kor instance, there's one dinner I'll never forget, even though I can't remember the name of the restaurant It was in Toledo, Ohio, a businessman's city If there ever was one?and with restaurants to match sach Yards R Terry Howwf, after outgrow uig those things. your thoughts oner agair turned to Ukmg car* o( lawns a< grass began taking over the basket hall courts the heavy loot traffic that once kept grass away lightened to just once ever) few months that's the way it's been since higt school The hanking along N.C. *7 where we once had our marathor dirt-clog fights with the neighbors kxts. was planted with carpet grass The grass has now spread down tnt< the ditch itself and across the yard a well 1 returned to the battlefield las week with a shovel in hand The sanv person who once swore he would no tend to lawns as a grown-up was cm digging up sections of carpet grass u Maov to be transplanted on a bead f, Protect He To the editor: I was very saddened to read that the Holden Beach town commissioners recently rezoned ten acres of Holden Beach property for multifamily use. When 1 was growing up my parents owned an oceanfront home in the Cherry Grove section of North MyrUnwanted To the editor: As an active volunteer at the Brunswick County Animal Shelter, I feel I must reply to the letter from Kay Petty in the May 30 edition. First, I would like to ask Ms. Petty if she has ever visited our shelter? If not, it would be advisable for her to visit the shelter before she becomes Out Of Touch Without Paper To the editor: For the past four years while UdVl-IIIlK Lkll f\ <11 111 1UI III IU ill} IIUU.M.* at Sunset Beach, I always stop to pick up the Beacon. 1 find it very newsy and loads of interesting articles. When not at the beach, I feel so totally out of touch as to the local happenings and events. It is for this reason I've decided to subscribe to your enjoyable paper. A favor I ask?if my subscription cannot start with this week's issue, because of the lateness of my writing you, if you could find some way to put a copy of this week's issue aside, I would most appreciate it. There were a couple of boating accidents at Sunset this past Memorial Day wcentum ttun 1 was rather curious about. Thank you in advance and continue with the good news coverage. Virginia J. Kazan Quimby.S.C. their expense accounts. My friend Stevie called, ti>|hjr as always. Her dad was III town and wanted to take Ixilh of us out to dinner. Dress up, she said, mentally running through my wardrobe und picking the right outfit. She'd done litis number with her dad before, you see. lie was a top-flight equipment salesman from West I .like, a suburb of Cleveland, whose business brought him regulurly to the (ircat lakes port of Toledo, home of such firms as Toledo Scales, Anderson Seed, Jeep and Ubbey glassware. My dinner tluit night, overlooking a semtfrozen Maumee Kiver and a crackling blaze in a huge stone fireplace, cost somebody close to J1IW and I never bought a thing from that company or considered doing so Neimer urn stcvic nut we wore writ ten off as "clients." When 1 question' ed It, t was told that this ploy was standard procedure "Don't worry," he said "It isn't costing the company anything It's tax-deductible." I can't remember Stevie Boberg"! daddy's name or the name of his company. But the meal I'll never forget equire Work tot in Hotden Beach With a nood watering each aflet noon, so far it's working It's nc ideal, but I figured it's worth a try Making a yard attractive require time, but 1 can't seem to fuid Use Um to work in the yard What started th latest spree last week was a need t get rid of fleas and my neighbor's u vitation to help spray for sandspurs It seems her yard was infested wit > sand-spurs and our yard containe i plenty of fleas We both didn't want t i catch the other's problem, so . mutual spraying was worked a followed by carpet grass transplai I Ung Each year I read the Brunswtc i County Agriculture Kxtension sn vice's Ups on proper lawn care fc i the spring 1'sualiy. the tips infon * ,wad al le uK?i iK_v..LI k ? ,n. . x ?W> " l?li WKWU II >tooe to their yards during May. t* > May passed toe quM-kly toe me thl i year In (ad, it's already gone So we're improvising and trying I t cover up our bare spots the best ? f can Otr else we'll just slip hack uil I the past and begin pla>v? baskdbw t and having Art-clog fights on tl y lawn It's much easier to keep thi S ??) LETTERS TO >lden Beach f tie Beach, S.C. Cherry Grove at that time was much like Holilen Beach, a family beach. Now, due to rezoning and the continuing construction of multi-family and high density condominiums, Cherry Grove is a very unpleasant beach to visit. If you own property, other than oceanfront property, you can rarely see the ocean due to the Animal Situation critical. I feel our officers are handling the unwanted animal situation in our county very well. Perhaps Ms. Petty would like to join in the battle for more funds as it seems that animal control is at the bottom of the list as i There's A Bump My fingers are tingling, i I can hardly grip the whi My eyesight is failing, ni don't ask me how I feel. Front wheels are bumpir the car has a mind of its As I lose control and hea chattering teeth hold bac Please let me cruise 'til 1 where the sunvisor hit m My ears are roaring, blot I wish I had stayed at ho My aching back signals, or an earthquake high or In cars that are near I ci the tourists are scared as Suddenly it's calm and w I pull to the side of the st It's quiet once more as I with a sigh I fall back in I ask an old man, please the reason my heart's in He sez as he smiles, "Fo you have just Rone throu 0LC.OH. ILc sl| 1 I yod can'f cey state : Think Of B< s t With the beginning of the s ultra e season on our beaches and tl 0 renewal of friendships and making i- new friends, it is easy to think of o? 1 beaches as "meeting places" It h also obvious to even the casu d observer that our beaches ai o "meeting places" of land, sea ar a sky it It is this characteristic which a i- peals to those of us who live or vac tion here It is also this san k characteristic which makes th r- "meeting place' so attractive e other living things along the shore, n As we watch the waves working i e the shore and the wind carving awi it at the sand, we may wonder he is anything can hope to live in such hostile environment Yet we are to jo some Si percent of all Uw livu * creatures ever disrovmd are able la live under these complex condition U Wbn(* lan>i ami sea anil sky can w together has become one erf the roe it completely inhabited areas erf a arid Just about every spa' THE EDITOR Tom Over De multi-family construction. The same is true of Myrtle Beach, Garden City, Surfside Beach and many other beaches in South Carolina. My wife and I finished our home on Lumberton Street last summer and dearly love Holden Beach and its family atmosphere, ff any property owners or town commissioners have any doubts concerning what can hapi Is Handled Well far as funding goes. As more people with pets move into our area the situation can only grow worse unless more funds are allocated for better and more up-todate equipment and more officers. A few active volunteers would also >y Rood Ahead car keys are jingling, eel. y complexion is paling, lg, back wheels thumping, own. d for a pole, :k a moan. [ tend the bruise v dome. od pressure's soaring, me. "Enemy attack!" i the scale, m see the fear, rid pale. ith sweaty palms reet. open the door; my seat. tell if you can, my throat, r a couple of miles, Rh ShaUotte!" 1 rt n..? rr* nr:ii! ?ruin,, wiiiiaiiih Holden Beach E S^S'BT SHn 2 ll i J PARK7tfe~?&j yc i-Avj) ~8uT~y?>u> eaches As M< * V f p- available has been taken by plant c a- animal life. Within the rone front th * dune line down to within a few fet is below low tide we find an astoundin to diversity ai life. All the importar groups of animals in the world has XI r^nr^-?*nLativ#? livin# ?\r*na ?h i.v seashore ? Much el the plant and animal life a visible to us. but much of it is not Vi kl can find the most oebwus plants, bi tj! there are minute plant species wi?t to can be seen only through s microscope Some animal form ne such as the crabs ami birds, are ol it rvous. but there are small cmstacs ur we cannot see The worms below U "e surface are constantly at work b i ivelopment j pen to Holden Beach through multifamily zoning, please visit Cherry Grove or the Garden City sections of the South Carolina beaches. Please, protect this beautiful island from over density and over development. J. Ronald Ward, Mayor City of Darlington, S.C. f In County help the situation. As for the Animal Welfare League, I agree with Ms. Petty. If more residents were aware of our needs maybe we could get the help we need. At the present time we have two trucks, one telephone, two filing cabinets, three officers and one volunteer to take care of the unwanted animals in one of the largest counties in North Carolina 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Marty Perry Sunset Beach Pageant Has No Redeeming Qualities g To the editor: I join with many friends and acquaintances in feeling real concern at the Little Miss Bikini contest being knU tUU In T nlnn.l uciu uiu ncci\ in ucuuiu. Beginning with age two and going on to 14 and older, little girls are being told that it is perfectly alright for them to publicly expose their bodies, and they might even be given a prize for it. This pageant has no redeeming qualities?no judging on the basis of talent or intelligence at all. The first impression might be that it is a "cute" idea. But closer consideration will show that by approving such things society is sending a double message. We cannot, realistically, encourage such ex| posure by our young and, at the same time, abhor and bemoan the rising tide of child pornography and sexual abuse. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to say that something which is criminal on the pages of a slick magazine is "cut?" in a bank parking lot? Carolynn Skipper j Ireland - --?3^ , ^ J I "V I ^"V-c 1 1 oukt <Z CAR /tiifl seting Places we don't usuaUy see them. Rachel Carson. In The Edge of the Sea, reminds us that there are groups of living things between the sand grains. All these creatures must be well adapted to the ever-changing conditions Any kind of variations from the usual happenings can cost them their f lives. The air breathers must live e while submerged and the gill it breathers must bve while e*r??ivt g air and the scorching rays of the sun. it Some plants and animals can do this e (or a short spell, but complete ? submersion (or longer periods or complete exposure (or longer tnan is usual will mean death fe The Meeting Place is an excitmg it community of living things. All at h Lracted to this special place at the a edge of <re see. s. animals add a variety and an interest b- to hie as they go about their business * of dally living We are fortunate in* deed to share this special place with Qt thavn /

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