Page 6-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEACC Absences > Cause Bud BY BIIX McGOWAN The Town of Sunset Beach is operating with an unbalanced budget this week, against North Carolina statute. According to Clerk Unda Fluegel, council's failure to reach a quorum at its May meeting Monday night has prevented her from transferring some $30,000 within the current budget to cover shortfalls. ine governing ooaies or rvurui Carolina municipalities may not take action it meetings at which a quorum, or majority, of members Is not present. Fluegel's problems paying the bills will result in a special meeting being called. As of late Monday afternoon, the meeting tentatively had been scheduled for today (Thursday) at 7:30 p.m. at the town hall, Fluegel said. While council members Don Safrit and George Foster and Mayor Pro t?. r?.i rtuu v.tin,l i t:i11 rjvt **uic iuuiiu men imiiiiu ncu by lack of a quorum Monday night, the men listened as Fluegel read through the list of May bills. They agreed to authorize Safrit, as financial officer, to write those checks. Not in attendance at the meeting were council members Mary Catherine Griffith and Kathy Hill. Contacted at her place of employment Tuesday, Griffith said she was unable to attend the meeting because of a "family emergency." Action On Solution Pi With a temporary parking .solution Just around the corner und thrones of beach-happy motorists with hands lurched on their horns, Suaset Bench Town Council Monday night found itself in the position of liaving to circle the hlock one more time. The lack of a simple majority of members Is seemingly all that kept rminctt tram approving a sUipnivp parking solution which received state approval MSI Wt'l'K. In ii May 28 letter to Town Manager Wallace Martin, T.W. Kundcrburk, Division 3 engineer for the N.C. Department of Transportation, okayed the town'* proposal to provide parking along the left side of Sunset Houlevard. "If you know of property owners who would have no objections to usInit the light of way in front of their property (or parking, then I would have no objection provided that adequate traffic control was Installed," Kundcrburk wrote. Martin said the letter followed a meeting at which he told Kundcrburk Hint it would tic in the Interest of public safety to provide the parking on Sunset Boulevard and to cltmtiuitr parking completely on Main Street. Kundcrliurk firxt replied that parking would lie allowed on a parallel, one-car parking basis, Martin said Martin, however, told Kundcrburk tliat such a plan would accomodate only a small number of cars and, as such, would not solve the town's pro hletn Kundcrburk resolved the pro blcm In the letter. The property to tie used il approves by council belongs to Mayor Pro Ten Kd llorc nod would allow parking (01 alHHll 60 cars The two lots 110 and I in lllock 11 in question would be level ed and leased lo Hie town by tlore (oi $1 per month Tin- lease would allov parking each day lietween 6 a m. am 8 p.m. and calls (or the lots to Is Robin I variet HOIDIN BEACH CAUSE*! ra j La Great Gift (or M Klsherxncn or ^ Beach Homeowtiers! \ IS srni thomas quartz H Tide-Time Clock I $4498 fc?t U t'll I HI! ! I I i IN, Thursday, June 6, 1985 \t Council A/ get Woes A1 When questioned about off-th record statements by a town offici that she and Griffith had staye away from the meeting intentional! she said, "It seems that when oth( people miss meetings, whether the are public hearings or work sessioi or whatever, no one says a thing. Bi when I miss a meeting, questioi arise." The Beacon was unable to reat Hill by telephone. Concerning the town's finance Flucgel said Tuesday afternoon si needed budget amendments "to g the budget back to balance. We ha\ an unbalanced budget. That illegal." Amendments totaling $30,805 ai needed for the following line items see the town through the end of tl fiscal year (June 30): planning ar zoning, $4,760; public buildings ar inspection, $4,600; police, $3,61! streets, $6,400; power bills, $ll,43i and nondepartmental (FICa ar retirement), $808. Had council held its meeting Mo day night, Fluegel said, all of tl funds needed could have bei iransicrreu irom wnnin ine cur.e budget. When council docs take a tion, she said, some $25,000 will mo likely be transferred out of tl sanitation department's capit outlay fund. Also at Monday night's mcetin council members attempted to set public hearing on the fiscal 1985PnrLrinn ? % ? I ICTJ maintained by the town. Tenninati of the lease would require 30 da notice by either party. In addition, (lore has offered lease two lots next to the old Kani Healty building for parking. Both proposals follow nonaetion I council at May's meeting on Gore offer to lease or deed the town pi perty on the west end for purktng. Also Monday night, Councilm Don Safrlt said he had spoken w Dr. John Madison, owner of propei near the intersection of Sun: Boulevard und main street, about ing a section of his land for parkir Concerning all three propose Martin said, "We're talking about cars. That's relief. It would be a st on a solution for the time being. I f it would be pretty much of a brt through. We would be doi something for the people who co over (to the beach)." IXm Safrlt expressed impaticnct the delay caused by the lack o quorum " We need to make some lion immediately We can't wait next month. We're Into Ji already." Also along parking lines, Mai said the town lias ordered 100 ' Parking" signs which to employees could install on M Street to save time. He also said lias drafted an ordinance that wo outlaw all parking on Main Street > John McCarthy, head of the Sui Beach Taxpayer's Association : he feels the parking proposals "an excellent solution in terms safety." I Gore replied, "I'm glad i qualified it as a solution, becaus r really Is not Temporary solut: 1 build expectations." he said Actum on the parking propo r was delayed until the next meet r w hloh has been tentatively schedi t (or today i Thursday i at 7 30 p.n t tlu* town hall >j at ^ py f ? f mi son's hmm *9 5 M0N SAT rv 84? 677S " V>V lodie.' rlj\'?/l * jM\ C ? O* CMfcWj ' i?dm?r | Meeting f C? r?r r\+ I JUI IOC I e. budget for July 1, one day after a] deadline for approving munici .(j budgets. yt According to Fluegel, council \ ;r have to reset the date for the hear .y at its next meeting. ,g Annexation Proposed ut Although not formally presentee ls council, a petition for annexatior Sea Trail Links was discussed brif h by Mayor Pro Tern Gore, also heai Sea Trail Corp., developer of s> 18-hole, par-72 course. le While Gore said he did not know et exact acreage of the area propo re for annexation, he said there ere 8 acres of fairways on the course, i much of the course is included in re proposal. to Martin said the land is contiguc ,e It begins at the entrance to the coil id and circles most of its entirety. ,d All of the land is owned by 5; Trail Corp., Gore said. The lam 5; bordered on the west by the entra ,d road to the club house (off High* 179), he said, but it crosses 179 on n. east by the depth of the prope 1C which ranges from 200 feet to :n 'eet. ?t iiore rccommenaea monaay ni c_ that a public hearing on the annc lSt tion issue be conducted July 1, :le same time the town has propose! al conduct its budget hearing. But th is some question If proper procea has been followed in the matter. a According to Gore, who said he 86 given all materials to Martin, Trail filed the petition sometl around May 5-10. He added tha map of the area was prepared i sent ahead of the formal applicati Clerk Fluegel, however, says i up to her to certify the document, cording to the N.C. League Municipalities regarding unnexat once the petition is received, cou; must call on the clerk to investig its sufficiency and to certify ,)n results of the investigation. 0 yS council receives that certifical from its clerk, then it may proc to and fix a date for a public hearin oy Fluegel said tliat as late as last I day, the town had not receive t>y legal description of the propert; . s question from the surveyor, o. "I can't certify we even hav( petition)," she said Tuesday al noon. tan Department Reports ith Although no action was taken V rty day night, Town Manager Wal let Martin presented departm us- reports as information. >g. During May, the Sunset Bi lis. Police Department investigated lau cases 01 oreatung ana enier ii rt issued 60 to wn c nations (" mostl; eel parking," Martin said); answ ak six disturbance calls; assisted at rig fires out of town; deliverer me messages; and assisted at town accidents. at Police department cruisers r f a out 3,400 miles during May and ac- sumed 421 gallons of fuel. Satiil for department vehicles used 143 ga tne of gasoline, compared to 88 ust the water department, "tin In addition, Martin told co 'No members present that two polii w n ficers will be hired in the near fi Bin to replace two drafted by the he highway patrol. iuld The town used 4.5 million gt t. from the county water system d May at a cost of 54,237. vset Martin told council he has tnid viewed and hopes to hire a ma art the water department. i of you \ UV W| (\ . J wit f tng. s __J died t ?' i at Join us for o 7-week sessi held Mondoy thru Thursdo the following I'Primory & intermei Primory 8 intermei Beginning compute Beoch science Doncertise Closses for first thru sixtl Youiiq Union Primarv Schc use ond MS degree from mill be beld ol 126 toil Se Ej CAll 57<> 3400 AFTER 4 PW AND TUITION INFORMATII H CUP AND MAII THIS INRC pN Second St., Ocean Isle Be Kjj I'd HAe to eared . En! BSwi (hrMf! ? ? a \ I(Mirssi) ?Nrt? tip) |?AA(A.t M6.C*. I, ii (HI iin..m. S !" *25 ^ H M M I ?~4HB v.r M fC K MB -" * sed the gg H S 1 AMONG the first to arrive in jail last 350 from left. Coach Greg Norrls of West I School: Karen Moshoures co-dlrectoi ght ,"!l Jail-A-' iere ure Karen Moshoures, co-director of ' the South Brunswick Islands * has Chamber of Commerce, was ar- f Sea rested last Thursday morning for t ime soliciting without a license. Well, f t a almost. I and It was all in fun, and for a worthy ion. cause, In the American Cancer Socie- < t is ty's annual Jail-A-Thon held at the ' Ac- Shallotte National Guard Armory i ot juuge uienn numpcn sei uono ai < ion, $350 for Ms. Moshoures, who was ' ncii uusy for nearly an hoar calling [ate friends and co-workers to help raise 1 the the pledges needed to make bail. < nee While away from jail, Humpert is ail Lion employee of Uniteid Carolina Bank in eed Shallotte. g. Proceeds from the pledges colFri lected in the annual event are used to d a support programs of cancer / in ;jra Holden Seniors Meet June 10 don- Jim Buffaloe, hurricane evacualace tion officer for Holden Beach, will be lent the guest speaker at the Holden Beach Senior Citizens meeting June Mich 10 at the Tri-Beach Volunteer Fire two Department. ingj The meeting will begin with a / for covered-dish supper at 6:30 p.m. ered Buffaloe will speak on "Tornado five and Hurricane Preparedness." ' tfNl'rV~*-y ~~ *?C?"v\ \JV boat A?'\ / ?^oi \4 A N Ai oiled fir /v G ? con- , rdf ation 34 Nursery re lions jl^T|L IVrennial Hibiscus Ji Y Gardenias jture $1.00 ?ach lllons I 10 mil?v north ol Bolivia on US SI llrin# I 17 Mon F ri 9 to 6 Saturday V J SUMMER SEMESTER on beginning June 24 Classes will be y. morning and afternoon sessions in diote remedial math & reodmg diate art in h graders will be taught by D?one F. >ol teaher who holds a BA degree from State University of New YorV Classes cond Street Oceon Isle Beach I OR WEEKENDS FOR FURTHER DETAIlS DN >UMENT TO: Dime F. Teeng. 1)6 East ck, NC 21459. 'Sm 4 CrvW lewfi KmnRMI B laB WBSVl | ^V|| -HttHHR ^ m Thursday are, Brunswick Isla irunswick High Malcolm Grissel r of the South didate. i rhon Raises esearch, education and patient service. The American Cancer Society is i national voluntary health organizaion that receives no funds from the ederai government or from the Jnlted Way agency. Transported by local off-duty law mforcement officers, eight volunteer 'officers" dressed in uniform, wearng fake badges and carrying toy vater pistols made the arrests lasl Fhursday. A arniin r\t jfssfimtl at WacI (j? wuj/ v?? oiuuviiut at ttloi Urunswick High School had Coach ireg Norris arrested for "imperHealth Car Nongroup health Individual k|> h ? Blue Cross Blue Shield 7S Careful to your financis You can depend on financial services . Be it checking, sa loan applications . need . . . laree or s Qpf kJVV sayings & 10; iS-Sb*-. *Houthpuct *l44ai* villi* 457 524* J7l4>VI ? 3 H&Bj i fj I I II STAFF PMOTO BY FEBBY BOPF nds Chamber of Commerce and tt, former county commissioner canFunds sonatir.g a coach, a serious crime," Judge Humpert said. "I'll set bail at $200." "I'll never leave!" Norris replied. "They get out after about an hour ana a naif on good behavior," Judge Humpert said. Those who agreed to participate in the arrests were dressed in prisoners' garb and "locked up" behind bars in a mock jail set up on the steps of the National Guard armory. The West Brunswick Unit of the society borrowed the jail from the state Cancer Society organization. e Protection plans available for Family Over 65 r enrollment information call INSWICK INS. SERVICES, INC. U.S. 17. S P.O. Box 79 Supply. NC 28462 4 8672 (After 5 PM 754 6096) < -m* TK VMAWO MACOK attention il needs it here! We offer you full . . with a personal touch, vings, retirement plans, . . or any other financial mall. . . depend on us! d litis y \\ ASSOCIATION A. I Siulkittr CiiLttush FSEKT 4> 7 >4-4171 5 79 1595 , ~~ ~ ^

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