Page 10-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEA PEOPLE IN THE NEV Leland Na A JPT Cx/+nr /-idc I UA I tri Ciaudette Lendora Smith, daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Charlie Smith of Route 1, Iceland, has joined the Agricultural Extension Program __ at North Carolina She will serve management |?specialist, at t ""^developing pro? \. grams and materials to help families in North Carolina make better use of their financial and other resources. Smith previously served as a home economics agent with the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service for seven years. She received a B.S. in home economics education from A&T in 1976 and an M.S. in consumer education from Cornell University in 1983. Earn Honors At ECU Four students from Bruaswick County earned academic honors at East Carolina University during the spring semester. On the honor roll of students u/ith ? B average and no grade below C are Mary Cecilia Mulholland, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James V. Mulholland of liolden Beach; and Kimberle Kaye Doshcr and Dawn Cheryl Nicho! Weikle, both of Southport. On the dean's list of students who earned a B plus average with no grade below C is Douglas flay llilburn, son of Ms. Gloria J. Hilburn of Yaupon Beach. Earns Third Decoration Air Korce Tech. Sgt. William E. l,cggett, son of William G. and Lois J. I-cggett of Koutc 3, Iceland, has been decorated with the third uward of the Meritorious Service Medal in West Germany. The medal is awarded specifically for outstanding non-combat meritorious achievement or service. History Award Winner Robert S. Cumbec, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gone Cunvbee of Supply, Is winner of the West High American H History Award ] for I'.IBS, ? WtMt presented to the year > the study of American history. It is presented by members of Woodmen of the World Lodge 160 in Shallolte. Hewett On List Alan Bryant Hewett of Shailotte won academic honors at Campbell University In the spring semester. He is on tlie dean's list which recognizes students who achieved an average of 3.25 or better in completing 12 or more semester hours. On Dean's List Matthew Ray Plyler, a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Ctuipcl Hill and son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Plyler of Sunset Beach, attained the average required for twnor roll status and was placed on the dean's list for the spring semester. Employee Of Quarter Patricia l? (PatI Sykes, clerktypist in the cargo operations division at the Military Ocean Terminal. O.. ? I*_l ? a * * (mini; ouii, nas ocen WKted as employee of the quarter for the jtSSSfefa. fiscal R5 Ms Sykcs was Fjs cited for outs tan- && v_ IH dixit perforlanianait ing diverse ad- * 'ffe ni I n l s t r a t i v e responsibilities 'p.* ' > in her office, and "* her instrumental role in developing automation support (or vessel loading operations A federal employee for ten years, she lives with her husband. Clarence, ami young son, Eric, in long Beach Firms Earn Awards Three Brunswick County fimvs earned awards from the N.C IVpartnvent o( labor for achievements in on-the-job safety. DuPcnt's Cape Fear Site near I eland qualified for the IS million hour award, compiling IS 006 million safe employee hours from July 11. 1981. through April SO. 1985 Receiving annual safety awards were Mints Chevrolet, Bolivia, for the 10th consecutive year, and Yeargin Construction Co. Inc.. at its Carolina Power & light Southport CON, Thursday, June 13, 1985 five Joins )sion Staff project, for the seventh year. qn cod Beard Three residents of the Southport Oak Island area were appointee c?u uci thii year is the besrd of Friends of Public Radio in Wilmington. They are Tony Posk, Long Beach; uasier tuning, soumpon; ana uonnie I^edgctt, Southport. Dietz Wins Honor Charles Dietz, manager of Carolina Power & Light Co.'s Brunswick nuclear plant, received a national award Tuesday from the American Nuclear Society. One of three awards presented this year, it cites Dietz for "meritorious performance in reactor operations." Dietz has been at the Southport plant since 1981, spearheading numerous improvements in the safety of plant operations during his tenure. On NCSU List Five Brunswick County students earned dean's list honors during the spring semester at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. To make the list, a student must earn an academic average of 3.25 or better if carrying 15 or more hours of coursowork, or a 3.5 or better if carrying 12 to 14 hours. Bruce I. Nicholson, a chemical engineering major, earned a 4.0 or perfect "A" record. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Nicholson of River Drive, Southport. Others listed with a "B-plus" average or better are: Scotland A. May, political science, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. May of I-akcshore Drive, Sunset Beach; Susan E. Miller, computer science, daughter of Ms. M.S. Dockal, Magnolia Drive, Sunset Rpflph* Nnnrv K Arlt?? Pnitlioh (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.K. Arita, Itoute 1, Iceland; and Deborah W. Barbce, accounting, daughter of Ms. M.W. Moore of Oak Island Drive, Yaupon Beach, and G.V. Barbec. Arrives For Duty Anny Spec. 4 Alan D. Ballard, son of Sylvester and Koaslc M. Ballard of Route 1, Inland, has arrived for duty in West Germany. A 1978 graduate of North Brunswick High School, he is an antiarmor weapons crew member with the 1st Battalion, 1st Infantry Division. Earns French Degree Usette A. Barnes, daughter of Mr. . i aiiw Mrs- ttohald W. Barnes Jr. of Shallotte, was among five North , KB Carolina students receive degrees Mb'SIRf r 01,1 1-ehigh 9 11 n i v o r v I Bethlehem, Pa., I a%EmMI ilurui^ June 2 commencement exercises. She earned a bachelor of arts dt-Kree, with a major in French. Graduate At ASU Appalachian State University at Boone awarded degrees to two Brunswick County students on May 12. They are Bobby Keith Gore of lioute 3, Shnllotte, who earned a bachelor of science in physical education with teaching certification. and Angel Santos Mintz of Route 4, I eland, who earned a bachelor of arts degree in biology. On Dean's List Margaret lx-anne Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carter Sr. of Caswell Beach Road. Caswell Beach, attained the spring semester dean's list at Meredith College in Raleigh. Those listed have earned a semester gradepoint average of 3.2 or better ami have completed at least i* sciiirswr uuurs una pnssw mi courses taken at Meredith. Enters Pageant Krlca l.ynn Fedlcr, 5, the daughter oI Mr. and Mrs. William Fedler compete in 198k Fast North Carolina Little Star .. ^ M Pageant to be ? held at the Mar- W ( " riott Hotel, ? Kaletgh. on a Saturday. Juy 6 The pageant is a regional preliminary to the North Carolina little Star Pageant. The contestants, ages four througl seven, will be judged on poise, per sociality, interview and appearance ' Li jrm '* j * r ^ggaAaSSMgo . ^^ A , ^UMiL >: IBS vBn/f . - ?_ / STAf f PHOTO BY TERRV POPE 'Rev/' Visits Hospital 'Revi,' the Revco Drug Store robot visited patients at the Brunswick Hospital in Supply last Thursday morning. The robot was also featured at the grand opening ceremony of the Shallotte store in the Coastal Shopping Center. Revi stopped for a chat with patient Brian Chestnut, who was having x-rays for a broken arm. At Brian's side are his mother, Debbie, and nurse Frances Williamson. Shallotte: Buy This Tag Arid... Display It After 21 years of struggling with front Alderman David Gause. residents' apathy toward town auto Harrplson?who admitted he still lags, snaliottc officials arc still look- hasn't purchased his 1984-85 ing for the ideal solution. tags?said, "If we gave it away, They didn't find it at last Wednes- tliat's cheap." day's town hoard meeting, when five Yet, more tags were sold at $5 each aldermen and a mayor had five dif- than at $1 each. Town Clerk Cynthia ferent ideas on the subject. l>ong acknowledged. According to Mayor Hewctt, the A proposal from the mayor to give tags arc a way of expressing pride in one I*-'1 parcel of land didn t fly the town and promoting it while also cither. raising a small amount of revenue A,K' Alderman Jerry Jones pointed for the town coffers. out t,yil some towns charge penalties ,, , , .. . , of up to $50 each for failure to display Hut, he added, "Some people ate . . a tag or even a window decal. ashaincd to displav the tag on their ,, , , , , , In i o? ii .. .. We could be here a long time on car, ashunied of living in Shallotte. ... .. , ,, . ? ,, ..I, that subject, noted Alderman C>ause He proposed giving each taxDaver ' h single lag when taxes ore paid.' discussion wound into high "That would give them an Incen- g [ one Umc tho ,ow? even tm(1 lhe Uve to pay their Uxcs added Alder- ? dcllvered door-U*loor by the man Jerry Jones. Mm .ng. ,own Uce chief But residents would still have to pay for ull additional tags under the mayor's original plan. -* >?? | Aldermen's own ideas for getting a I O^Vfl V.TG6K "Sportsman's Paradise" tag on every car ranged from ottering a tax _ . credit inot legal) to finding a better bells Dinners way to enforce the current ordinance. _ ? . .. , _ ... . . Town Creek Volunteer Rescue Under it. all residents are to buy wiu sell barbecue k or fried and display a tag on all vehicles on chlcken djnners Saturday. June 15. which town taxes are patd. h allure to u ? m , the ? do so is punishable as u misde- . ildin, meaner, but the ordinance lu.s never Each ^ platc lnclude a n e ore . choice of either barbecue pork, can : ?r""m died vams. cole slaw and h,,.h .w " " ,so" sa,u- 11 l"mK pies, or fried chicken, potato salad. It's right to give one a plate ami to ^ am, roU charge someone else Thc sqliail located at ^ us l7 Fellow Alderman Bobby Ray Russ and N.C. 8? intersection in Wininsisted that $3 was "plenty" to pay nabow, will also hold a bake sale at for the annual tag for which the tow n the building with proceeds to support currently cluirgcs $5? with a nod tlie rescue squad. CHRIS MOSHOURES OPTOMETRIST CONCAVE OR CONVEX LENSES? Do you Know why your glasses one), the lens will be either conare shaped the way they are0 If cave or convex, depending on the the lens curves inward, this is a Kind of astigmatism. It can be concave lens. It pushes the focus- either farsighted or nearsighted, ed rays of light bacKward to the If the problem is presbyopia retina to correct for near- (the inability to use the nearsightedness If you didn't have focusing muscles), the lens will be those glasses, your eyes would be convex, just as it is for the farI focusing too soon, causing your vt- sighted person si on to blur. Whatever the shape of lens If the lens curves outward, it's a needed, it has to be carefully i convex lens This is designed to prescribed to give good results. , push the focused rays of light for ward u> the retina, correcting tor I farsightedness. Without these In the interest of better t glasses, your eyes would focus too vision from the office of : late also causing blurred vision Moshoures. O.D. ( Kor people with astigmatism Pine Street. ShaUotte i two points of focus instead of 7&4-tC30 Parking Ordinance Drives Motorists To Leased Lots BY TERRY POPE he owns for public parking. Starting June 25, there is good "I regret that the entire council is news and bad news for motorists not here to consider this matter," searching for parking spaces on Gore said prior to the board's vote to Sunset Beach. approve the iease. Council members The good news is that two vacants Kathy Hill and Mary Katherine Griflots have been leased by the town to fith were absent Tuesday night. ?/<nnmirwu<ot/> nu hi i P norl/ino TVlO Tnnm M oH in tVlP bad news is that all parking along town will need about two weeks to Main Street and Sunset Boulevard erect "no parking" signs along the will be illegal effective June 25. state right-of-ways and to prepare A "no parking" ordinance adopted the lots for parking. The town by the town council Tuesday night already has a supply of about 100 "no will prohibit parking along the Main parking" signs, he added. Street right-of-way, from Mad Inlet The N.C. Department of Transporto Canal Street, and along Sunset tation has agreed to help develOD Boulevard, from the northern town ways to control traffic at the two limits to the oceanfront. parking lots, Martin said. Martin Two lots owned by council member contacted T.W. Funderburk, a DOT Ed Gore were leased by the town division engineer, in May and asked Tuesday for $1 a month as a tern- if the lots would be suitable for parkporary solution to accommodate ing. public parking. Opening the two lots "If you know of property owners will create from 200 to 220 parking who would have no objections to usspaces on the island, said Town ing the right of way in front of their Manager Wallace Martin. property for parking, then I would "I wanted to recommend that we have no objection provided that adedo away with parking on Main Street quate traffic control was installed," because this is going to create a Funderburk replied in a letter dated tremendous hazard during the sum- May 28. mer months," Martin said. "By this, I mean that there would The lease approved between the have to be definite driveway points of town and Sunset Beach and Twin access and traffic would not be allowLakes Inc., of which Gore is an in- ed to indiscriminately pull off and onterest holder, will provide parking to the roadway," he stated, spaces on lots 10 and 11 along Sunset Martin said Tuesday that two adia Boulevard. A public accessway next cent property owners raised no obto the pier parking lot allow those jections to the parking proposal when parking in the lots access to the he presented them with the plans beach strand. recently. The lease may be terminated by One of the four residents attending either party upon 30 days written Tuesday's meeting questioned if the notice. Ix>t will remain open from 6 "no parking" ordinance would a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. The town has restrict parking near the bridge, the agreed to keep the lots clean and free site of an unofficial boat ramp that is of trash and debris. used by local residents. Gore replied On a motion by councilman Donald that restricting parking in that area Safrit, the same lease was approved was not the purpose of the ordinance. Tuesday for "any other party who The purpose of the ordinance, Marmight be willing" to provide addi- tin said, was to offer a temporary tional parking spaces in the same solution for getting parking off of area. Gore said Dr. John Madison Main Street. Most vehicles that park has been in contact with the town near the bridge are off of the affected about leasing several adjacent lots state right-of-way, he said. Want Congressman's Help? Talk To Staffer At Post Office . . ... Members of the staff of Con- np'P w'tn a" agency, such as the gressman Charlie Rose will be Social Security Administration, the available at four post offices in Veterans Administration, Farmers Brunswick County next week to Home Administration or the Small assist with problems involving the Business Administration?or any federal government. agency in the federal government, B Tuesday, June 18 a staff member are advised to bring paperwork or will be at the Winnabow post office letters concerning the problem to one from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m., and at of the post offices. Supply post office from 10:30 until 12 Persons unable to be at one of the noon. P?st offices can call his Kayetteville I ... . . , office at 323-0260, or his Wilmington Wednesday June 19 the location is offlce at MH959 810 the leland past office from 8:30 a.m. ~ . . . . ? ! . tt- To contact hun in Washington, until 10 a.m., and Bolivia post office , , 00,? ? . _ ?. , ... wnte to 2230 Rayburn Budding, from 10:30 a.m. until 12 noon. ... .. . r.? Washington, DC 20515, or call (202) Those who want the congressman's 225-2731. PLUS SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL WORK PROVEN FORD TRUCKS / X W * '85 Rang?r-S Pickup -85 Ford F150 pickups Sam* We# es last Ysot -?is txptow "A" l0ln,10raMtMSipM / uu SCQQO *744 FREE RRtCE W O t^pmsrl from Forfl on 4 ipild gmUilH C V > i

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