Page 10-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEAD Geneaolo Geneaology as a hobby was the topic of a talk by Susie Sellers Carson of Southport at the Aug. 20 meeting of the Boiling Spring I-akes Extension Homemakers. Club members presented Mrs. Carson a duster doll made by Helen vvhecidon and a card of appreciation. MmnJtftfC hiitlu n hncu mnnHi r?nm_ ing up in September. On Sept. 10, AARP Resurr With Dance I Following a summer recess, Calabash Chapter 3640 of the American Association of Retired Persons resumes its schedule of monthly meetings on Thursday, Sept. 5. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Calabash Volunteer Fire Department building, said spokesman Percy B. Bray. Daisymae Kaynor, program chairperson, has arranged a Fiber Arts Feat A showing of fiber arts will be exhibited at Franklin Square Gallery in Southport Sept. 3-28. The exhibit will include such items as woven pieces, tapestries, wall hangings and throws. It features works by members of the Associated Artists of Southport Fibre Arts Guild of Southport and the Seashore Seniors To Hear Officer Flaynes Charles llaynes, a Wildlife Itesourccs Commission enforcement officer, will speak to the Town Creek Township Senior Citizens on Sept. 5 at 2 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Town Creek Township Hark Building at Winnabow, said spokesman Mary Richardson Club members will also hold a crafts meeting on Sept. 19 at 1 p.m. Seniors age 5i and older who live in Town Creek Township are invited. Move information is available from Mrs Richardson, MM862. I Mtm m mmm Com SPECH Count UH? Locatio. Aft Appreciation WBHS An Application Sootlipr Ail Application NBMS iwoi tmtory * O?n?ooiogy WIHS S>go longoog* Wort \ Sign longuog* WBHS '"' Of D???ign ft PioiKmIkmi Sou?h| Pott#?y Oe? go ft Production Shall rottary Oattgn ft Piodvction South) Pptt#?y Da?ign ft Production South) ftllK Woodworking Anti?? Bo?k Woodwo*krng Coi?j* Ioik Woojkwwkmg Comp Ao?.< WrtodwOrViAfl NBhS ImkilUy mg HoK}? Horn* ft Shop Wfkliog A?h Horn* ft Shop iVtMfog NAoco k?0?>got?on Tar l.?h?fm?" South) Sawing ftopa>r A?h Ba?.< Ao'o MfiKonm WBHS lull- A..IA II? "U lout Av?o KWtKonHt Aw*o |\*ty K*puii? V.HHH Amo'twi lotk< Vi*v?h( S?v>if>g l?k.? W?*?N? lo>0< OpK>!|i*<> fc>r\g?< Upfeo>?>*r> A.r*g?< UpMil??? A?h Af???i SSflUc Ur*fc?%?*r? C xk?i OpfV>Jt??r> VNo" UpK>)|i*ry WpK^t*#** S?>v*# O pKcv' % **> SifvW UpNoH**^ Ml fi HIGH SCHI ( THW t*? 040 l?v* GIO *?*.%? G40 GIO *%?\ 04 0 V-*? iBRUNS k ON, Thursday, August 29, 1985 gy Was Prog they and their spouses will tour the television studio of WWAY, Channel 3 in Wilmington and dine at a German restaurant. Then, at their regular meeting in September, members will hold a kitchen shower for the Boiling Spring Lakes VKW Post building, where they often meet. Club members will also meet .Sent. les Meetings Demo dcmoastration program of round and line dancing by Joyce and Jack Leineke. Also Pearl Krick, president, has completed arrangements for a course in stained glass work to be sponsored by Brunswick Technical College. Details will be announced at the meeting, to which present and prospective members are invited. ured In Exhibit Weavers and Spinners of Wilmington. Spokeswomen Jean Jones of the Southport guild and Gloria Hoppner of the Wilmington weavers, members have worked diligently to make this an interesting and colorful presentation. The gallery is located at West and Howe streets. It is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. FOR TIRES of the belt PHe"' Win \ P'u* 0 wtioln //^wM ,o,mor* / ofwhot 1 I ypf j j you Itop ' XT/ / ot a lorvlce ' / / itotion for, n.1-^ itop in ot DYKES' TIRE CENTER & EXXON SERVICE STATION i n*/\y t -r cuaii ATtr n vv i . i / , jnnLiw lie ; PHONE 754-6333 INUiNG E M INTEREST B Deyi Time Cost Sterl Ml 6 30 9 30 SIO 10 14 >?1 TWTh 9 00 1 00 SIO 9 3 MTTh 6 00 1000 SIO 9 3 M 7 00 9 JO SIO 9 16 khool I 4 00 6 00 $10 t 6 00 8 00 SIO S?0 MVV 6 30 9 30 SIO 9 9 ? tthl 6 00 tO 00 SIS 9 3 V 6 30 9 00 SIO 1BA SIO UA SIO SIO SIO tth 7 00 8 30 SIO 10 17 UPATIONAl on Doyi Time Celt Start sio n Mth 6 0010 00 Sio 9 3 Tth 3 30 6 30 flO 9 10 A?*? 1BA S10 tth 6 30 9 30 SIO 9 3 Th 6 00 10 00 SIO 9 S tth 6 00 10 00 SIO 9 ?3 voi? 1 6 00 10 00 SIO 9 3 Pi 1BA SIO Mvi T1K B 30 1 3 30 S<0 9 3 MVI WlVf ? 30 13 30 SIO 9 4 i Mth 6 CO 10 00 SIO 9 S 4% tlh 6 00 10 00 SIO 9 J rt th 3 00 6 00 Sio 9 3 Mth 6 00 10 OO ftta 9 7 r* Tth 6 t? 1000 SIO 9 3 Mth 6 001000 SIO 9 3 Mth 6 00 10 00 SIO 9 3 MM' Mth T 30 10 00 SIO 9 3J IT* 6 00 1000 HO ? 3 Ml 6 JO >0 00 $10 9 16 a Ml* 6 00 10 00 no 9 J ii* 6O01000 no 9 s Ml* 6 00 10 00 no 9 3 XMl MIS 7 00 ? 00 (10 10 ' M1W 1 00 6 00 no 9 3 Oc* Ml* 6 00 10W no 9 3 *.? MTW *00 >00 310 9 3 twn MTW 1 00 6 00 $10 9 3 MTW I 00 3 00 no ? 3 i MTW 6? MTW 2Ct> 6CC $10 9 2 NiH TWT* 9 CO 100 $10 9 3 H*M MM* 6 00 10 00 $10 9 2 %frt* Mil* 6 00 10 00 $10 9 2 301 EQUIVALENCY ?> D?ft TWh CmI hart G.'v?v? M M t OO * 00 *r? 4 ?*?tl 1IK ? CO 10 00 ?r?? ? 3 . M t* V r M ? 30 ? X 4 V ?> ?OO X> W* JO * T# ? 30 X J ?r* MTT>? ? CO 4 oc 3 MM #>? X 4 4 MM ? CO ? X ?-* 3 WICK Ti ram Topic 3 at 9:30 a.m. to work on their stamp project. Another upcoming event is achievement night on Oct. 25, when awards will be given to individual extension homemakers and to clubs in recognition of their work during the year. In other business, Thelma Dunn read a card from the Boiling Spring Lakes Volunteer Rescue Squad thanking the club for its help at the N.C. Fourth of July Festival. Also, the club chose Margaret Domler as its woman of the year. She was also named secretary and devotion leader for the coming club year. Members nresent were Thelma Dunn, Margaret Domler, Mary Richardson, Helen Wheeldon, Gladys Jacobs, Eva Hall, Mabel Koehler and Regma Taylor, who was social activity hostess. Guests were Anna Day, Bea Christian, Bill Koehler, Martha Bullard, Cindy Parker, Wade Parker and Susie Carson. Anoth Bri 8 |JB M, The \etv Dai first a ehurch and mm i Sbnlloltr Kuad. V\ mile nest I>\ Jrurll Systems and consli of (Calabash and Little Kiver, \\ e specialize in mini wn mini malls, shopping renters buildings, bousing projects, i wbali'vrr type <>f building yoi yon time ?nd money. Advantages tve offer are: (It Time silted in constri 121 llifihvr strength iriths I'll l.otrcr costs per ?/iui 1 DUCATSOi Registration for Continuing Educaf first dan meeting. Continuing finest - courses for adults, 18 y their needs ond scheduled to fit th residents who are 6S years of og free for credit or non credit cours ABE classes. SEWING & Count TitU localioi Horn# String A*h Horn# Sewing Grittelt Hunt* Sawing Kirglow Honia Sewng long be Mom# S#v?mg Gritte" Mom# S#? ing Woodbv Mom# S#?*mg Shollot* Mom# $#*%ing Mold#n Mom# Stvxng Mold#r> Mom# S*Miftg Shollott Mom# S#n>ing No?thwi Drapery Making Maiden D'op#'r Making Nodhw CouAtry Cu'tom* Ath Country Cu'ta.nt Ath Ck>thmg Contl(u('K>n longvwc Clcthmg Con?lfuon A?h C lnthM\n f AnthiKlion Supply Clothing Construction long B? Clotting Construction long o? Outllmg Ath Quilting | ?um Quilting Ath Qu> It mg Aingtow Ovniting AAokoto Ogiltmg Ook Gf Quitting Supply Quilting long B? Ov-I'ing Ath Quilting Ath CrcKh^'mg Ath Crocheting MoWS#n C i ochetmg Shollott Iv'n.M# telmithmg Ath f urni?v>r #)g tawflKw Co^bo I Ml l4xo'?y? AOvW IMT Cofti^v^ (dkKtXOX I Si I Ml Waf i Si. Aatt t?viw>? Coiofea * w?? K*6 Po? w\i d'wt C ontTVAKO ?*>? C atobo t Ml >? '> x Tc*???> C (Ml !w*? l?iand l?#v iMl T;>? ?<"> C (Ml l>nV (Ml ISI (Ml CHVW* (Ml Wtxc? Cm !? - C ?i - rSSee&j y ('.are ('.enter i new day can- renter on Old I of I .S. 17, both manufactured 'ueted bv Low Country Homes I .S.C. ' , rehouses, large warehouses, I , motels, custom-designed I indivi 12 ? $15 9 4 IWlk $00 10 00 $15 9 ) $0? Mtw 9 00 10 00 $15 9 3 Ilk 1 00 4 00 $15 9 10 Cok T** ?'? Cok I 3 30 5 00 $1$ 912 Cok MTW $00 1000 $15 9 3 Cok MTtk $001000 $15 9 3 Oro MTW 9 00 I 00 $15 9 3 fto, >bof? MTW 1 00 4 00 $15 9 3 (lo> Milk 1 00 4 00 $15 flo, EMT It S?oi a 0cTi fw C$*T J (an 5w. Coil ~ <? am t l!j am tiw - m ? am >*., ?? ^ a l?3? am -cm am a COLLK >4 ounty needed, now it has. . . EQUIPPED TRUCKS I ED, EXPERIENCED MECHANICS ?LETE ROAD SERVICE *ULIC REPAIRS | BULLDOZERS. LOADERS. DRAGLINES, ETC.) UIPMENT SERVICE i |1low J y! I Councrvf I UAtUEC Hr I . ? Xjr- M ?mm ^s*hor carouham 2, ^ The .\ctr Church III (ialvanized frame steel structure, full 9-inch thick trails 131 H-19 insulation in the trails and II-30 in the ceiling 16) Maintenance-free I ynasteel sidinn 171 ,\o interior load-bearing trails 'SI Thermopane trintlotrs, sheetrock trails and ceilings, panel or steel interior trails optional '91 Shingle or steel roof (jtll 734-1831. tlur representative trill shotr you hoir you save money. C.ome out and conmarc our* ,,-iih tl... ion and you icill *?' there in no comparison. In South Carolina call (HO'.U 119-7102. ( IMt fMI MUMJ?KK UACON Fall Quarter HOBBY AND CRAFTS it TitU Location Day? Tint* Colt Stort ffllct lolond IF ? 30 1 30 $19 9- 3 mki I land T Th 6 00 10 00 $19 9 3 mKi Mt P.igoh MThF 6 00 10 00 $19 9- 2 mKi Shall P* TTh 6 00 10 00 $19 9 3 mKi Moco TWTh 6 30 10 30 $19 9 3 mKi l aland TWTh 6 0010 00 $19 9 3 mKi Hold an MTTh 1 00 5 00 $19 9 2 .mKi Mill Craafc M Th 6 00 10 00 $19 9 2 mki Moco TWTh 9 00 1 00 $19 9 3 mKi Ath MTTh 6 0010 00 $19 9 3 mKi Aih TTh 6 0010 00 $19 9 3 .mKi Shallot** TTh 9 00 1 00 $19 9 3 imKi Thomoiboro M 9 00 2 00 $19 9- 9 imxi Thomoiboro W 9 00 2 00 $19 9 4 irate* Thomatboro T 6 00 1 0 00 $19 9- 3 'rate* l?om MWTh 6 30-9 % $19 9 9 rate* South port M7h 6 00 10 00 $19 9 9 >raK* Southpoei Th 9 00 1 CC $19 9 13 ?mie* Long Booch MTTh I 00 4 00 $19 9. 3 rate* long Booth MTTh 6 30 9 30 $N 9 3 irate* Shot loft# TTh 6 00 10 00 $19 9 3 ?? lokrnd TThf 10 00 2 00 $19 9 3 h I kind MW 10 00 2 00 $19 9- 2 H l?lo*xl TThf 10 00 2 00 $19 9 3 * I*lond MW 1000 2 00 $19 9 2 ** Wcodbu'n MWF 9 00 1 00 $19 9 7 ** Woodburn TTh 9 00 1 00 $19 9 3 ** Woodburn TWTh 6 00 10 00 $19 9 3 *? Shoilorto TTh 8 30 1100 $19 9 3 Noidon Th 1 00 4 x $19 9. ? * lokmd MWF 10 00 2 00 $19 9 2 t* loksnd TTh 10 0D 2 00 $19 9- 3 n lolord Th 60D1000 $19 9 3 t? Shol lotto MF 10 00 2 00 $19 9 3 h W?H$ Th 6 30 9 X $19 9-12 '** Sou thport MTh 9 00- 2 00 $19 9 3 ' rag Sholi Pt MT 2 00- 6 00 $19 9 2 orcoior Pointing Shot lotto TTh 2 00 5 00 $19 9. 3 ,t,ng Colo bo vh Th 1 0D 4 00 $19 10-17 "rag long Booch T 12 00 4 00 $19 93 ' rag Soothport W 8 00 4 00 $19 94 Doeorotrng W&mS TTh 6 30 9 X $19 9 34 Doeorottng Ann#i Th 6 00 10 00 $19 9 3 Southoort T 2 00 3 X 119 9 * D* N?rthv.#?t Vt ' 00 1000 $'.9 9 4 ?*.og A Co^po* ??o~ Sov^pV M 12 30 4 X $19 9 9 NSmS MTh 6 X 9 X |19 9J ? < Arranging A*h TTh 9 00 4 00 |l9 9 3 Arrong^tg Shallot** MT 6 X 9 X $19 9 3 ? Polling long 6?oc h Sl9 n G>o?? v*%MS TTh 6 X 9 X ?19 9-10 n Gk?t W? MTTh 6 0&1000 $19 9 2 Hoofc*n? TWTh 900 IX $19 9 3 "?ng %+*. i* MTh 6 00 1000 $19 9 2 -s; N*M$ T 6 0OI0X $19 9 3 ABE "1* r,H? Ucstwa 0eTi r? Cm twri C*4or G'0>* ti?? "(LA ? A*h fr?# "U I fcol'vo t?a A M?bO? * f "? X> 12 X 9 ft Oo* fn< TTh 2 X- 4 00 9 3 SNe'ico M 2 X- 4 X tr?? 9 9 : ft OO 9 X 9J H>etM 'lA ? Jr. I-VX^ TTh ft X-to 00 trw 9 3 >r- %rorK" TTh ?? X 9 3 ? I % 01 For more information about daises, wflb contact the Continuing Education Dept. fh at 754-6900 or 457-6324 5 i