I [Reall =~ rirCTftta .=???-? J.G. Worrell Realty 754-8723 Shallotte NEW USTINC-J.it off H?f. 130. Gviotown. in Pine Havon Oe*., 3-BR, brick, w/airport. 533,000. AuumabU FmMA loan, if qualified. Shallotte Estotes Columbus St. 3 BR brick on 100x200 lot with storage building next to Bnorwood $47 500 90?. financing. Hwy 130 Ash 3-BR brick home den with fireplace. It's nice! $42,500 Ocean Trail?Near Hoiden Beach on Stanley Rood 4 BR 2-bafh barn stylo \ home $35 000 10*? down Riverview Shollotto River New 3 BR brick home 1 V'? baths decks appliances heat pump $59 900 Just off Hwy 179?3-BR doublewide. 2 baths fircploce 47-acre lot. separate garage Between Shallotte and Ocean Isle $32 500 Hwy 130 570 sq ft commercial building on 65x300 lot ncor proposed Shallotte bv doss REDUCED $32 OOO E*om -3 BR home central hoot and oir appro* 1 5 ocros $4rf 000 Nico barn on property. Sovorol homos with fmHA financing no money down to qualified buyors $33 500 up Riverfront homo near Shallottc Point $96 500 Hwy 211 Midway 1984 14*70 Floot wood $72 000 2 BR homo w.fh carport Hwy 130 near Ash post office $18 500 lots a* Briorwood Estates Marsh Cove and several other develop merits One lot at Brierwood $9 000 Mobile horn? lots Holiday Acres Molden Booch $1 000 eoch High Hill $3 500 eoch 17 ocr? wooded troct off Stout Rd near Ash $1 5 000 Mobile home acre lots in new development near Shallotte $5 000 Beach homes condos acreage river and woterway lot Highway 17 179 or 130 business lots $15 000 up Snorrow lot* $3 500 up Nice 50 acre form in A*h Emm ortro Tobacco acreage S#5 QQO Ontuf>^| REAL ESTATE CAROLINA Spot?out contemporary 2 BP 2 both Komi oentWitchen Stone .replace *oll etc Al vee' Only lo<* IdG % Exceptionally neat 3 BP 2 ? bath home I o?erlooh>ng lake and /' green light cc *?alk MOf from pork mg oreo into cohered | ?ro?X0 louvercKJ door* in po** thru fr o.a.lobic S74 500 CALABASI Charmmg J i itory contemporary 2 BP forge deck mor-.y tree* S50 * BOMAPAfT! Completely furn.*hed 2 BP 3 both mobile both*! Aero** from pool team* count oi Excellent 14x70 mobile home 3 BP 2 b minute* from Sun*e? Beach V36 <5?CG PIN? BUR Oreo* opportunityi Shingle ?-ded 3 BP 2 loft m ?rcod*y area IP DP torn rm Well t*on home All th,% only S50 * LA NOOK V*ry n*<? 2 B* 2 borfc be** hom? Lor^c O? O.if irori S^otf &?oc - o*td C30WN IrrvmocukJ^t 3 09 2 bo*ti rv#o> &?<xh OPC'-O'-c^ C"-<J c>?n?(J# wmtwooc .3^ ? '??<?* 1?? kxa'*<i c? ' * ya *?-# * b*a?~ v4w<4f cr<3 $2^ C >"rr^yyf 3 W 2 ba*v o<o,?< rOCUv9"^ A ,'t *? < mo**' $11? OOC MMSrr i r<rt o# >c?o-- rj^* Ac? ' y#?* 'oc^ f?rvi I Estate at II ssifiec TALL PINES PLANTATION Eight commercial lots 100x300 ; on Hwy. 17 south between Shallotte and Grissettown. $38,500 each. Restricted homesites also available in this lovely new development. Choose yours early while selection is best. Call for details. SALES EXCLUSIVELY BY southern Sands MALTY. tHC. Ocean Isle Beach. 579-9785 Beautifully maintained homo convo nient to Union Primary School On \ '? ocro nicely landscaped lot Must soo to opprociato $70 s New Great location near watorvvay with pool and tennis amonitios available living room with cathedral ceiling and fireplace largo wooded lot Mid $80 s MOBILE HOMES SLA VIllAGL - Ooublowido with vaultod ceiling Pool and tennis facilities avaifablo Mid $40 s ion WATIRWAY LSTATLS largo wooded lot with fantostic view of waterway Under $60 000 OYSfCP BAY IOTS We hove the best selection of lots available $60 % and I up SEA VIllAGE Mobil? homo lot on paved ttroet Under SB 000 CALABASH ACRES Nice lot under HO 000 SUNSET LAKES Nic? lot low $20 t Ontui^i SEA PATH REALTY, INC. 101 H. Sunset Blvd. Sunset Bench, NC 28459 Phone (919)579 )000 Carofina Shores Realty Hwy 179 Colobosh '9-3685 579-3805 SHORES t Hog? LR DR MBR Lorgo beoutiful ?EEiil appliances plut microwave oven Mutt sochod op to 7} teo on golf court? ond irpetir.g m excellent condition Bricked !>r?efewaf at tide of borne ond front enom k itcb?n to DR Golf merrvberthip 4 ACRES 2 both home Greot room i Wyl.ghtt I 5 RETREAT home (mottor BR hot two tepora'? full r>d putting green $39 SO0 o?>n utility and bv??t^trv^ |u?f ACK!S both tyyrna ICrtt+rfj ccx> Kot/V# ond 2 wKniih#<j lo'if-gl/ momtomwif 01 *o<o ; two i y?&.-k>r-c,p co?h?<j'ol c?ihrv<j ?r. If" or*J wOttfwOy S68 500 ClffX |u?t frtxr. Ck^O^ |%i? ii?ff b-j ?d /-3 w y 'jji I ISTATH <>3 2nd t#<r wot hoi <^xiWr CP?i 000 ' w? 5 v * o-??*-3y >ocuu> ** '? KAOI f' S<>o'. i p4^? <41 2 Dr?orr. -^ r-' VwitM4 $?*?? I I im A a Advertisi " JL. -O BAG ^ra..TA.v| Associates 754-9257 BRAND NEW HOME complete with a written 10-year warrant which you may study before you buy. This 3 BR HOW" home i ready for occuponcy and is convenient to beaches, golf course and riding stobles. Only $69,000. OWNER MUST SELL?$55,000 will still buy a 3 BR home in th. country?but not often! It won't last long at this price, so coll nov for an appointment to see. OWNER FINANCING ON THE INTRACOASTAl WATER WAY?Soverol locations availoble from $60,000 | OVER AN ACRE OF LAND ANtl A <;n iMKiiwr-. \tim/i ti.: 1 ... v ii.tt : 111s> woouei building site is on the Shollotto River in a quiet. establishei neighborhood. Owner will sell the lot or will build to suit. WE'RE BUILDING LEISURE ACRES WITH A 10-YEAR HOME OWNER WARRANTY?Call to see our model homo today. Our listing inventory includes 150 lots, some with owner financing Let us assist you in finding the perfect homesite. INSIST ON THIS homk ownirs warranty ' ONLY BAG HAS IT XS3XK3SMB i il DIHJ TWI MUNSWK.K IIACI Fall Special! West Lagoons, Ocean Isle Beach?Luxury 2-BK, 2-bath con dos. Quality construction. Whirlpool appliances. 90% finan cing available. First year's association dues paid by seller $85,900 up. -IScAch Ciwbas, Jl\( , Judi Pndgan V iffiSrw r _ ' Dan Llwit - Rl 2 Hon 128 'A * J jf Ocean Itle Beach. N C 26459 I I V 919 579 3557 | H '.At $5 MENTALS CONSTMUC f ION SUNSET BEACH NC 28459 (919) 579-3232 ^ NKW HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 9 to 5 HOlir ACRES 983 f idwoll doublowuJo IBM j both* brick underpinning. c#n | SHAllOTTE Irol Oir wa*her dryo r On Soitpofi Crool' E *ccjllt?r?l IOC A I ION POINT AREA AND CONDITION 158 800 TARHEELAND ' 1 Ccfnof 'of* on po**d *tmut ^iih viev# of Inlrotooslol Viriler ACRES "<" 144 000 SHORELINE i0, on man madt pond Po*od ttrtott city onto' ovoilablo WOODS GOOO IOC A MOM $27 200 SHORELINE BUCK HO?/l UNDER CONStRUCIION 2 BR 2 boilrt city ?ol.r WOODS po/ed s?r?eit h?o? pump }6B 800 SEASIDE 1981 OoVvrood 14*70 3 BP 2 both* lurnuled **rjcho? ?r?*4 STATION dryer heot pymp brick underpinning tcreened in porch con cre'o tlob for tforoge building 2 LOTS AVAILABLE WITH THIS HOMf HOME IS IN EXCELLENT SHAPE \Y> **f) SEASIDE 980 Chorger mcbile home 14*70 3 BP 2 bolht central oir STATION dryer J0r'< trreened inporrh Situoted on rue e /<r>od ed tof S31 V/j 1981 Vonuon Senile doublem>de mobile home '/</'; 3 BP 2 SEASIDE bolht cen'rol oir mother/dryer tto?e refngerotor LOCATED STATION ON COPNfP LOT ClT 1 A ATE P HOME IS VfAf CLEAN $S2 S00 CALL fO* AN APPOINT'/ENT TO SEE THIS NICE UNIT SEASIDE 14# 76 198" Nem Moon mobile ho me Wot her dr^er centroi Oir STATION mood de'W S34 too 14*70 I98S Ne*? Moon rr-ob.'e heme J BP 2 bo*ht SIASIOf mOtner dryer 3 ton cenirol o.r 5G*2fj t//eenerl in nar/ti St-in STATION r*Of *0)7 froot d+rfr Of " <l "* ' |4? 000 I'/W OoW arood m>biU fvorrv* 14# 70 V fct J botHt ?.OS^<?T dry** C H A itvo'/# t>s>td-'-3 Kom* hot o OCIAK WW tfi t&th i*r> \toi? o-^3 ?'/ ' 'J p^>'<or. t>orW f'o/O'J LANDING d"?*~oy ah* ma? a tut rot ttc*?ftT< f//on*'. Cau fOt AM AfK>i?|TVif<f fO Slf fws M*C1 u??ir 14', 000 <41 AlVO HA/f M <4 MOlHi HTJVU '4 T UP fO# \Aii AMD <rt CAM Mil*' fQU </tTH TH( ?rt4rtV VCAai HOWf COWAMiMlTf U 'H( UAVW AtfA 'O# All rout t|A-l ISfATf MittA CAU OU# OM*Cf BETTY F PA IT BPOK.EP DEBOPAMMA/ES BPOTFP Horn# Pho<it 7$4 9740, 'Hc/rr>? Phco# 579 9235> n sea trail O O realty tMMHr %' THE BRUNS Thursday, 5 INSIDI ^nr>r+< nn ! '~F'shin I | Court WBSmsIt wS iHHBIBlj hiBHBII Ki WM HUH J VJ I wjW BSMfffHn H HgW S OCEAN ISLE BEACH FEATURES 01 CONCRETE CANAL Pender Stroot. I construction, appliances and Hoc CONCRETE CANAL LOT at Ocean Isle last long $69,900 BEACH HOMES SUNSET REACH Uitobitruetod viow of tho tKtton and watorway liam thit 3 200 iq ft homo 6 BR 4 bath* vmm noieiv garago _ 1 Hooting dock ond much moro 1249.900 OCIAH ISU BIACH Raoford St Now canol homo bnoutdully docoratod ond complotoly furnlthod 5 BR 2 both*. (Othodml coiling, all appliancot A k tool gom1 $166,500 SUMSIT BIACH 2 yoar old I 500 tq It 3 BR 2'iboth. loft Cuttom living loom and dining room furnituro Ocean viuw landtt apod A roal buy' $109 900 CANAl HOMI Monro* Stroot 4 BR 2 [bath Hooting dock, uaty walking dittunca to boat It $103 000 SUMSIT BIACH 4th St.out Now 4 BR 2 bath homo with 3 tkylightt and largo widow't watch $93 000 C0MCRITI CAHAl Onto St Ouahty con ttruclion from top to bottctn in thlt now 4 Ilk 2 iMth hO(T* (Mil ST) $149 900 SIC0M0 ST. Fonioific waforway vlowl Soo Suntof Roach to tfoldon (loath Irorn tho dockt ol thlt nlmotl now h 4 BR 2 bath homo f urnithod and ^ many avtrni (ANII2) $119 900 C0MCRITI CAMAl Doro St This now 5 BR 2 bath homo it quality oil up pliant at dockt and Hooting dor* (Bl114) $165 500 C0HCRITI CAMAl loland St Thit now 5 BR 2 bath horno t?ot mony quality ooturot (Jockt floating (iock und moro (RMI 15) $149 900 RAII0RD SIRIIT Quality built 4 BR 2 bath horno with many ox it at DetUt __J on both lo volt floating dock Mutt too to appro'.into (MYII6) $159,900 rnurvAC 1A FUCI AT THI SIACH Oceor.fron! 2 UM 2 balht completely fumliliod $99 900 UNO DWfUIti 2 beautifully furnlth ed trim oily located COndot Or not in vil(in?nlt. fontottic viowt Unlti BR ond A I $tji\ 900 ond $A9 900 STAVVOAKD IT TNI MA Sid* by tide unlit with view of tound Outturn luf nithingt or?d window treatment* 3 BR 2 bo!hi $9} 900 oarh MAS9HAN0 PROPIRTilS IXCimOMAtlT cleon and well kept 3 BR I ' i both horn# on very larg# lot lorvjtcoped orvi on po/ed %lr#et near rivtr ond nrionno A toper buy' M8 900 TAIHIIIAM0 AC VIS Beautiful French Provinool 1 BR 2 both horn# located on large corner lot with double gorog# $118,900 MKI lANOtttG FtAWTAflOM Gocg#ou% new 1 BR 2-both home 2 200 iq It of i#gnn<# |OCo//i fob J#nn Air# rung# ord mkrowov# ond double gorog# $174 $00 C01UMVUS fTMff flew J BR 2 bath home located in $ho>lott# with all city iervicet n#ot tchodt ihopp>'-g ond golf court# ond priced of only $W 9CG SSAttOTTS PCiiff 4 BR 'J bath ham# located or* large lot near ?o?#f ond marma $'/t 900 u? RunoiiiAW NKtimo c^ttog* ##???> 7 ft# i tort. 13'# X/j HOMO CO* 3i (MOtU ff0r*h ?<rn** *nl +*'*+< 4 ft# 3 bo*t?t to<mol l(?*g 0#?#4 dm?/*g fJ#'> W i ?< i/ftl.tf "XKr foyr ip<ro' ft# <! (#)' #) J WXn ?#V >//<?# '><" 3 (Of ?U'09? OtK V^4 luf r.fiKny* <>' **? <>#?" ' 17/J '//; CO*3'. J?Otn Ov*ftool<"0 '?- -#iv Apf/r,# I ftVy * 4 ft# 3 bo?> ? AH *?<? '/ '//f(|i|?d I#/ A up?' |gp?( bv/1 W 'o# d#???W /^3^v? Wt *" IS/ r jF?,7 rM **r > I ? ? s WICK&BEACON O ioptembcr 12, 1985 E THIS SECTION: ; nnne*<z 10-19 -I r~ -o ? ~ ? n nnn*c* 1 ? P?ge 14 , PHONl 579-7038 F THE WEEK: Now 5 BR, 2 bath home. Quality itlng dock (Bit 13) $162,500 ? Boach. Coll quick. This will not HOMES WOOD DUCK RITRIAT Now 7 BR I % bath codar tiding homo Cloto to Holdon Beach S-t'j 500 SHAUOTTI POINT 4 BR ?V, both* living room dining room don. utility room. o*tra largo recreation room $09,900 SNIRROW ISTAT1S like now quality built homo on 11 i at ret 4 BR 7 batbt groat room with firoplaco largo detached utility olhco Wall land tcapod $69 000 SHAUOTTI POINT 2 BR IV. bath*, living room, tcroonod porch, carport utility ttorago View c?l the river $37 900 MARSH COVI This lovely homo hat too many looturot to onumorato! 3 BR 3 both*, tcroonod porch, FP walk in dotett Ovorlookt lake $104,900 CROWN CRIU Foniotlic view of ICW 7 BR plut loft 7 batht. living room, dining room, all appliance* tcroonod porch, dotachod garage Boautilull londtcaped RlOUCtU TO $B9 900 OCtAN VIIW lAMOtNQ New Imvt* under conttructlon near OIH and golf Courto ] $69,900 MOBILE HOMES i PINI ACRIS Near OIB Mobile home $10900 SfA CUll Near Shallotte Point Mobile home ond lot with unlinithod 14 ft room atlarhorl Priced to tell for only $13,900 STARBOARD KN011 Mobile home on 7 ion (lOUllfUl 7 I3K I liOltlt Oood ren ol property $17 500 NIGH Hill 7 HM I bath 17*50 on I 3 one lot Great condition and only $14 000 iU TV All J HP I I Killi 17*60 mobile home with Krnniiod porch $79 '700 HIGH MIAD0WI Very nice 7 MM I both homo located on I 7 otres. 4 lot* could ho resold Very private $31 ''00 WI'VI GOT LOTS 01 10TSI CONCtin CO no I lot at OKI N o 7 lot Richmond St Very noar channel to waterway $73 500 RIVIt UNO lovely subd IvUlon on I ShoHotte River at Middle Darn H largo restricted building lot* from $14 900 to $79 900 IHTVACOASYAl WAT I It ft AT No marsh |u*t 50 ft of beautiful tandy beach in Tangle wood Subdivision $39 900 ?A>Hf IIAH0 A(ll$ 4 lovely lot* In beautiful restricted area $17 500 to $19,900 WATItWAT ttf ATI$ Neor Sunset fteach lot No I 7S ft on canal by 700 ft lot No 7 90*700 Call for details DCAMCHWOOO Ml Neor OtB 7 lovely mobile home lots on po*ed street One lot hoi septic lank well driveway power or to is lortdscoped $14 S00 to $16 500 W000 (HIT Restricted building lot Heo/ily ci'/C/Js'l ond secluded Coll lor details MAIfOI ITATIOM. IIA flAll 00-ISO ?v/W-l Ux Joponxo lono $i'J (Xrt tlVII KMC ? lof.iuil.f building tort or. SholloTtt Pi ft Of l/?ddl?? L)orr? 12/ '*Xi ?nd l/> W ftMAUOTTI. rtttf IT (qrg? #,ood*d lo* rtoep MOT?r to t?f/ lirrwft '/ Itailo"* (/o??roblo location 1V5 000 C0FA1 1*0011 I org* boo^t'loil? wood ?d k,r 100 ft on d?op Coll for do?o?U MM *040 IITATII ) krr#V k?U 2 oro fQit+rOf loft |t! CO) to Slrj 500 IIA VK1A44 i r>?m loH 40v?00 *<?* H 900 ttfiirwooo ;s?nok.f \ * v/> WATft woaMUM V>* 120 on Itrt?r to bw I'0 000 4 OoAar to ft, n Dawn' atrtf tot mm of x#y uifes opooti thow dtoko proportioi. ?M? vmVMW uprxjH >

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