I Page 4-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEAC Tell TH umici (no cat c llVUrfh I un JMLL Almost new 3-bedroom, 2-bath home with living room, dining room and spacious den. Beautiful I _ i /" > r? I I iot on v^oumry liud urive in Brierwood Estates. 589.000. Call 754-9334 BEACH PROPERTY DEEP WATER CANAl 6 BP 3 balh duplo* Upper lovol ho* 4 BR 2 both*, corpot fully furnishod boat pump Scroonod porcft on CO no I lower lovol ha* 'J BR I both, largo Porogo utility room hoot pump Prosontly rontod yoot round Now bulkhead flootmq dock S I ?4 'My.) A must soo' oceawroni DUfifx hoidem BFACH 1 story with 6 BR 4 both* C H A. now corpot now bulklioad Cyprrrs* siding exterior concrete slob with storage underneath Broafhtak ing viow both lovol*' Good rental history E xcollont financing available $169,900 ?&?r JUampbell Realty IE I'miiM |'M'?|M4y /?)')? ANYTlMI MOl f)l N HI A' ?< N( HUM CAROL IMA HWY 130 PAS I HOI DIN HI ACM CAIJSfWAY ON III ! R.H. McClure Realty, Inc. Ocean Isle Beach I | J (919) 579-3586 L13 OCEAN ISLE BEACH CONCIITI CANAl Just complotod 4 |IH with loll 7' i hallo floating dork and Aondock SI4SVQ0 100 0000 TO MUSI Honotilully lor milled 4 HH 7 halli homo with %loop lag loll floating dork and garoho on natural ranul $146 4(X) INVISTMIHT 0PP0I TUNIf Y 6 unit aparI moot building on nroonlront with ox (olUmt lontal Imtoiy Ownoi (inane /--ii i... i ?u VUII nil "Hiiiiiiiiihii Illioillllllion BIACH VIllAV I III' J both ocoanliont totulo I *? pllont mntol hlytoiy \\\U 000 I A PIACI AT TNI B1ACM 1 OH 2 both* with 01 aim view pool o?i ollont ion tol huto.y Sits (UK) OCIAN \ 101 WIS! ; lt? ? hath lu.uty I o<vanlioiil condominium hooutifully Ikiiiuihiid $117 000 NATURAl CANAIS loft on loutlnbutg I and Wilmington Strpott %'jJ VX) to $M 600 | IAI-00N lot on wotlmn luln of | i?lnnd Sf StK) H01DEN BEACH 0(1 ANfR0N1 OUPIIX n 61 ft lot with goiMl ipotol hiytoiy Ad|Olnmg V) ft lot oUo ovoilohlp All thit lot only S100 000 l'ot%ihlp ownot Imomnig 4 ion lonpd inulti fomily 1 unit I opaitment hoove on ooo of thp lot\ GihkI ontol Imtoiy I'ottibl* ownoi linooong l\)0 MAINLAND PROPERTIES MINI I ARM lovely 3 HK 2 both homo on 10* Oiipv with hoit livoi giopo j vine* gioonluHiio ivul niony i??tiot Mott \pp to oppteiinto $171 000 SNAIAMAI 1ST A1IS A divll.utlvo p.|tn'>ti on community Honnn i'o? on if Williamthuig lownliouivi Overlooking hoOutiful tolling lull* ond IMUtoio* With giotmg hoop* Coll u? fot IttlotntQlloO on lhi% roiling now (om'ept to loituto living SIASI0I 2 mobile hornet uwinrt *pi1 by foypi with > RH 2 both* on lovpiy thoded lot $3*100 ! t<XK (Ml No* > 0R ; both homo on hooutilol ?s<HHio<1 lo? $NJ 700 NlCt lANOlMG to?n.*ilvl lo?% on g?ilt (Oun? No? iv>n\ot 0*h4 j ivO?f t\*o> Colt I <M mfoimo I ton IIA VUIAGI WSJ C ?o'hn*on nu>hil? Ikvnt on lot go lot V. kit ntthoMl htwi o?V?-'?w.tng huge I ilovK* RoMot thon biond mo*1 | >4.1 UUO ?CK1 CIA A to* oh *o?vlo?1 loh m J good k>?Ot?on $1* CXX"1 to 1t S CXV IVININOS CAU Vkkj Ai??t?e? 141 IM? M?4|i ar>4 kbl<Awi S 7? JOS2 UJRBV & 7g\ [juiLuoms HI AMY A COfttTftMCTtON Z//A . oi , | J ^ jry r rw?w | Dcoom lile Beoa NIGHTS CAU. C*?m Mm ?>??!* Fml m oil I Ink (XT IW4ltt dm I til !NI ' I ON, Thursday, September 12, 1985 ie Realtc Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER Commercial property. 160x320. locotod on Hwy. 130 near NCNB at Holdcn Beach couiewoy Call Hi? ?tiA 0r rot 0)997. A'r?8S Sept 19 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 5 acres with new 24x28 building close to Holden Beach. $19 500 842 9925 tf J3eac/t'Cr?ii>er5, Jnt. OCEAN ISLE BEACH (919) 579-3557 Ocean Isle Beach SCOTLAND STREET Concrete canal. Extra nice 4 BR 7-balh furnished homo Muit too to appreciate $139,500 MONROE STREET Duplox. 4 BR 7 boths up 3 BR 1 bath downsfoirs Excollont rental record Completely furnished, hoot pump Muit soo $179,900 A PLACE AT THE BEACH Well furnished and oquippod. 7 BR TV?-both condo Locotod on pool side Excollont invest rnont! $78,900 UNION STREET Concroto conol with direct accost to Introcoostol Waterway1 New 4 BR lolt. 7 lull baths cothodral coiling boat dock. Must see to approciato' $150900 DRITTWOOD DRIVE Wost ond of island, lot locotod on lagoon with lontastic view of Eostorn channel $57,500 FAIRMONT STREET Natural canal lot with all permits bulk hooded $59 900 DOCKSIDE LANDING I BR condo. completely furnished Terrific viow $69 900 Amenities include pool tonnis courts, and rhonnel access for fishing and boating CRAVEN STREET Pnmo lot $74 900 IAURINBURG STREET Canal home just like new I 440 i^i#W\]^h>olity built All appllancos. plus ^fmrowave. Enclosod garage boat dock Must soo to ap preuate $117,900 CONIORD STRUT Canal house 4 BR loft 7 full baths firoploco boat dock Completely enclosod underneath fur is hud ea cedent no ig lib or hood 1174 900 STARBOARD BY THE SEA 3 BR 7 baths fully furnished t Mcellent buy Located on 1 the Sound $98 900 CONDOS 1 BR units starting ot $64 900 3 BR units storting at $U6 900 Sunset Beach lot in nice area $57 500 Make an of for Mainland Properties JUST orr OIB CAUSEWAY 7 BR I both I 400 sq It partially furnlshod beautiful lot Only $67 500 CAROLINA SHORES Prlmo residential lot 109? 149 Make on offei $77 000 BRIt/l WOODS Now restricted residential development dose to wntei way Lots starting at $15 500 SHALLOT Tl POINT Excollent home lot staffing out. locotod on loige Sot 175*7 *8 Two BR I bath kitcben living area wood stove RRIIRWOOO I STATES Two prime lots Wolking distance of tennis courts $ I 4 90(t ond up BRiCk IANDING Golf course lots ' waterway condos now homes Coll for i details One of our finest and newest restricted areas m the South Brunswick Islands SHAllOTTE POIN1 Sun Down Acres Two kits includes sep'ic tank well arsd I utility building $IS 901) N)?l 10 Ktdi MARSH COVI New (acellent permo ner\t home 3 BR ? baths fueplave uimiimI iwrh Cufti .a..? t ?? ! $104 $00 | CAROLINA SMOKtS NORlM lot 1 in w lARHttl ANO ACRIS film# lot $77 900 I Ot>d up OCIAN AlRI IMAMS to' ?%ith itplK S Htnl pvimil $* 500 ! SASSL'AN ,1 IN I bo'h from# Npvs l??a' pump it<xm at*1 j il(Kxt iat pat *S*L50iot $A3 (XX) J ICR' fl$N|R p'cp*'?> Oupi?? on LOO* 17$ Lot fotonftol to* torn I man.a' ptopotVy Call toi i1ata.lt j |II4 900 ! C ARvX IN A SNCXI S C ONDO ? w'?r.%K^1 I : rv ; ct < LooA? iwI |??i a o?c $7$ 900 Oaa M $V> *CV Rental* Oil Ah *1>N loot ' 4 L t Ktlttl all A(yl*0<H4l tO'pRl ? ?<a two maniM* p'v* v?t*lit?#i o^vl iHpot'l CONTACT JUOt PtIDCIN 01 DON UWIS OCIAN ISl( BEACH $ M $ So?t> o?I ?>Xll Lot C H A (V*\ ?? ?-w PW<n ?iffP VW J'J *?> ? N?w } N?**> ? SN'?? C H \ > *. > po^vK {t*>? ?*? ? * ooj mc*? h CvVMtot Uw> . '?? J*? 'W <X*W'0?? * f< c \v? ?\V ??>v#' %r* \x> | ls :? ^*vV1?0 kOAal i%>? feS coo I ' ? 1. ?. - - * ? *. ? 1 . jr you Real Estate 2-BR HOUSE, living room, dining room, kitchen, completely furnished. Greenwood Acres Approximately 3 miles from Holden Beach and opproximotelv one block from Inland Waterway Restricted ore a Coll 042 9637 Sept. 12 hb millen-dnouun construction &? realty* inc. VISIT US AT OUR NEW CON SOLIDATED LOCATION ON THE OCEAN ISLE BEACH CAUSEWAY. FIRST OFFICE ON THE LEFT Phone 5792727 HOllY ACRES 2 lots 70x140 eoch. with stick-built 2-BR houso Unfinish ed inside finish it to your own toste All building materials on promisos to bo included with homo S36.000 COASTAL RETREAT 2 BR mobile home on o vory secluded, privato end lot Horfoct fishormoi/s hideaway $17,000 r/>?TAil ri A r/-11 o on I v.wi iuh i rMV_ri j: on riomo on booutiful wooded lot overlooking Sosspon Crook Largo kitchon and living room Wonderful vacation or rotiromont homo Must too to op prociato SAND DWELLERS CONDOMINIUMS 2 lovoly 2 BR. 2 both condos lolly furnishod roody to live in or rent Unix D13 $68 000 Unit A2 $66,900 HIGH HILL SUBDIVISION 12x60 mobile homo on 2 beautiful woodod lot* $20 500 WEST LAGOONS CONDOMINIUMS 1 200 *q ft . 2 BR 2 bath soparato don with wot bor %pociou% island kitchen dishwashor wa*hcr dryor con noction*. privoto balcony front ond bock fully carpotod privato walk-in storogo undor building Pricod to *oll Modol shown by appointmont VILLAGE POINT ESTATES 2 BR 11: bath homo cathedra! ceiling firoplaco screened porch 100x150 lot in o now rostnctod subdivision od|oin ing Briorwood Goll Course Priced to soli at $52 500 SHELL POINT RECREATIONAL VII LAGE lot 60x120 pricod ot $3 500 BRIERWOOD Booutdul woodod lot on VpTith (airway Pric od nt $16 000 VILLAGE POINT ESTATES Booutdul 100x150 lots in o now lostrictad subdivision ad|Oining Briorwood Golf Course Starting at $^ 250 Broker* Corl Peters Hattio Brown Margio Morrilt & J C Young Sales Assocloto Parn Cheers i nrrict at iutioci riinu of Hwy. 130 I Ho!don Beach Causenay Phone (919)842-3190 1 800 453 U79^t?^3^ HOMES & MOBILE HOMES NUt SMAUOTTI 3 BR 1 bath bout* on ' ? acre lot within t> nul?i ol Shollotte Conv?(ii?ni to ?t>opping ploto guncfy ?to'c>\ bank and .chool Priced to toll S33 OCX) TAK IA NO INC ACIIAOI 1 000 plus ?q It cottage with large ur*?n?d porch on 2 80 oct# lot $4>*00 RfDUCID to 545 COO t J MODllll C0VI WHt 24.64 futnt.hed rioubivw -vie mobile home 3 BR 2 bath. fireplace dt.hwa*he< C H A riovk two nicely land* coped lot. S-W 000 F I QU All MA VIM WW 14.52 fvCni.hed mob ' e home 2 BR t both front patch iear deck on v#ry mce large wooded lot 528 OCX) Q l WMllPIIING Ml IGNIS Wfr* 12.42 mobile home 2 BR 1 bath Recently remodeled iixluding new carpet paneling w a*'paper Ond window. it; ?5o w \ GtllMWOOO AC1I* New 1 632 tq ft 2 ?to*> home 3 BR 2 bath, hreplo.e beat pump oorrh ond de-.k Let ut .how >ou thn e.cept.onolly well bcnti ond convenient home today $62 500 O t Ul'ttlt NAtftOA tOAB (SI Mill 4 J acre, ?u<tob>e for Home O'vd or bo.me.. 525 S6 ft rood frontage on Vvn.et Korbor Rood $t? 500 SB Mil tOOt III 1*64 14.50 K'r ..SevJ mobile Nome 2 BR I both C H A %2\ SCO 5 4 VUttMtl *4(1 n Itrj >? S?V1Vf M ^ t??0 C<w vf?>l*V'? M 1 ?1*\A Iw9 KoH $'3 CAX S * NUR TMI WATIS 0>?* - Iky* 10*9# ?<s\J?vi v*nt k* IJl SCC U*'? ? 110 ?VC \> tx> oco BUILDING LOTS CO\l *HlAG4 Hj+4 S4* lAktS *i$>?fc*M.AN> 'AtAO.'Sl iONO?\xx> nvsotntrs W>*?R *< fw ?0'? ?XJ ?i,V?-,?? NEED A STEEL BUILDING? CALL TODAY! Saw It ir ROACH REALTY Holden Beach Road 919-842-2488 Two nicely wooded lots on good high land in Ocean Trails II. Only 4'/? miles | from beach Priced low tor quick saie. | S3.750 eoch Nice mobile home with 2 lots. 3'/j miles from Holden Beach in Oak Hoven Subdivision. 1.000 ft. from Inland Waterway. Lots ore 50x125 wooded 1972 Taylor 12x50. 2 BR 1 bath, fold-out bed in living room, total electric, includes well, driveway, septic tank, etc S14.000 12x60 mobile home on 60x100 beautifully londscaped corner lot in Buccaneer Hills. 3 BR 1'/? boths. patio, workshop, tool shop. Development has boat ramp, tennis court ond stocked lake. Only 3'/j miles from Holden Beach Moderately priced Beautiful lots now reody in Sea Breeze Estates Only '/? mile from Holden Beach Paved roads and county water ovoiloble Some lots on wotorwoy. Prices start at $7 500. Financing available with $500 down, 12%. 7 years 60*140 lot just off Holden Beach Causowoy Quint neighborhood with lovely surroundings Excellent location for permanent or vacation home Moderately priced at $8 250. Protty 50*125 wooded lot one mile from Holden Boach in Holiday Acres on Talman Stroot Just porfoct for that vacation home Moderately priced at $5 500 Protty lot in Shoreline Estates. 3 miles from Holden Boach 50*125 wooded, in nice neighborhood $2 750 Boautifully wooded lots in Forost Hills Subdivision Vorious sires and prices Charming surroundings and nice neighborhood Ownor financing 10% down. 12% interest up to 7 years Prices I start at $4 250 Sovoral lovoly lots in Shorolino Estates, only 31 i miles from Holden Beach. Ownor financing availoble at 10%. with various sires and locations Priced to sell starting at $3 100 Cory 1972 Conner mobilo homo located on two lots both 50x137 in Oak Haven Subdivision, just 3 miles from Holden Boach Mobilo homo is 12x40 2 bodrooms 1 bath front and bock deck utility shod with chain link fonco on both sidos Just porfocl for the rotiring family. Reasonably priced at $15,000 3 lovoly lots in Shorolino Estates nicely wooded with pcacoful surroundings On ly 3 miles from Holdon Beoch porfoct placo to plan a vacation rnin?jt Priced to sell at $10 000 2 lovely wooded lots in Shoreline Fstafos Ad|acorit lots each 50*110 On paved road only 3'* miles from beoch Moderotely priced at $4 000 ?ach V/4 I <_ V ^ X ) I " f m'T BUILDING LOTS CAKOUMA SDOtfS Wooded corner lot o? Sonfish Court S25 000 C 3 MSNIIMANS PAIAOISI Beautifully wooded 100*AX) lot approkimately 800 ft from Intracoastal Waterway Boat romp privilege* Owner finonc rig $11 000 f I MOBILE HOME LOTS otirrwooo Aatu sicdom h u0 ion S0*12S eoch Wooded corner lot* titvioted on po.ed street* Both for only SB 250 D 2 COMMERCIAL LOT Across from Bill ? Qu*cW Stop with 384 feet fronting on SR 1137 (Boones Nech Rd ) or>d IBS feet fronting on SR 1141 (Kirby Rd ) Th?* lot provide* omple space for any number of CommercK>I use* Owner financing $45 000 C-1 Ml US KM ion IK out lUBOtVtltOtfii ti ViRSiOi I Permorien* ?vome tors | iiVf'S'Df (I A?e tv^rwe tors jsAfffCOT It At AAab ? home o-*>d comper lots OfTK! AT !JJT!ASiCT!Cw < hwt> no & N*M*? t??ck Cmni) r*??? (?ir)?ri Ji?o 1 100 4 5 3 117S lit 13} I B:11 Bo* e* B'oAer B4^ 4?*B Be.e.*'y faucfottn So'?e* Associate Ml ?S M. BonkenKp I'Oke .n CNorge MOBILE HOMES lo^fwood a5d cw? ? ftS } bo*^? C M A ?f*X ?cv? s5r? >gr vc**"*# *w'TvttKrsg% ?war*6 ? <*#' i; ?OC V?o \' *39* N*<# r. T?w?t* "%y* S?c %-fxi>9^ tv*r\n*s+& ia*^5 2 M 2 bo**n C H A ?*cr?9? S. (*il?9 4 ar> Nk# C ? krre ??? i?Wf ac* fciMag *1 i?i prM^v ?m ?>rtn i Cjf a?? i The Beacon! | 1 i B^ETI i mSE* ^ro^TRall I {esi; iui \mm\ maon i t? Pine Lake Village K Completely furnished 3 BR, 2 baths, living room with fireplace, kitchen/dinging area, AC, 2 decks. Ready to move into. Only 37,900. PARKWAY 3 BR, 2 baths, living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen. Completely furnished, 2 large decks. $54,900. FISHER 14x66 completely furnished, 2 BR, 2 baths, living/dining/kitchen combination, AC. $36,500. T^nd/Cp\ taI Kr V 's ' ^) phone 579-7038 ?A^ llCll VL 1/ Ocean Isle Beach REALTY I ^IUFIW(K)l)IKrAllg ?= A Golf Course Community , "*n r V LIMITED TIME SALES PROMOTION NOS PRKSELLIV, VILLA \ ?Only four Townhouses It*ft. all overlooking fairwax ONIi?three ltrdroviii* Ll IRI.1*.- ? two bedroom. Move in by next summer. Vthcn you buy at Hrierwood Estates your year 'round golf course membership and year 'round play is guaranteed. Within talking distance Hrierwood offers tennis, swimming, fishing in our many lakes: or just relax with our casual lifestyle. Hrierwood Townhouses are a golden opportunity that will enhance your lifestyle. where you will he proud to live. PR E-CONSTRU CTION PROMOTION Prices start at Builder will pay closing cost and pay the first year of your t j|.. uj_ I>_: J i f'T T/ k tailing >111 }f 11# III HI . I 1 t/L)A^ for your choice of remaining \ illas. ("all. write or %i?it u? today: 919-754-6611. P.O. Box 2523. Shallotte. NC. 28159 I niil?' fn?ni li?\. 17 toward Ocean Isle Beach 1-BOO-52B-57 to (out of state) MOBILE HOME OR BLOG. LOTS OTHER PROPERTIES 5HAUOTT* fO*fST Ion Ntet rc*r. SCC OCf AN TtA* It S-* SX C 2 *? ? *V>'-vp^frfV9 ?OC*\ S? A v?tlAG ho^ Sc SCO H?-9#s*V Apex a* )X fdt intend ;AAf?S<XX) ESTATfS S5 tOC s*>Cf W0H(?0| O*?r\0r lironC^J OC1 Alif SS 60-v ach ?.oofr-'* C*-i*r ^X ;C**G?VOOO hcfl? 15 000 p#f xf* BU-.XX. ?? ftrw. -?v ' ?v??\A?. i oc ;or,09?i *"?G" 5 ~ HK>H N9U S*S! <*> ? SVC ? ' ' lto<r Ot*or :v** S*oc?- fro*-' 12*5 00C OMn VASf *TTV? ?A.S? 'HMS OTHER PROPERTIES ?"' ""^T 'T Mt*s#r 'T**5 &-? J ? bo*-t AC ??' 110 *' ? ? *?> '- O 'OOd trar _o-?- W- ? on 1 7 o?. tK oc.n Ui90C O^. :?.0V|I<IH'< po,*>-?'?oi $' *5 OCC p5 ? ? odvC< -v ?^9 ?n#i t?nb*r J6i COO *

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