Page 2-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEAC Testimi Rape T if'..,. I t'n.m I I _ A k ment. At that time, Perry acknowledged to Kairley after referring to the transcript, tne cierk said ihe name given her by the deliveryinan and passed on to Sgt. Nance was "I.inwood or El w ood Hill," not I'igotl. At a probable cause hearing in July and again Monday, she said the name given her by the deliveryinan and passed on the Nance was "not Klwood Hill." The clerk, while visibly distraught, remained poised under crossexamination intended to bring into question, among other things, her powers of observation. Except when answering questions she sat with her elbow on the counter before her and hand against her head, her face out of view much of the time. She dabbed only occasionally at her eyes. Kairlcy raised questions about the credibility of a photo lineup from which the victim had selected a muK shot of 1'inott. draw-inn testimony that indicated his photo was the only one of the itroup resembling the description the clerk provided investigators. She had reported her assailant as a clean-shaven black male in his lilid-2fls, of medium build, aland five feet, hi inches tall and wcinhinn about I'kl pounds. She said he was wearing bcine corduroy, rui(K('ded|',ed Bermuda-leant!! cutoffs with no shirt. la-It or shoes, lie also had "oranqe sjaits" in his hair, she said, probably on the riyftit side, possibly on the center ami left side also ( testified that when be and two sheriff's officers first picked up Die defendant for questioning on the '.flilh. I'bfot! hail oranite spots in Ills Hoi BY CAKOI.YN SWKATT Hnlilt'ii Bench commissioners said no lo several requests and wore loss than enthusiastic on other matters ut the Monday myhl ineetlnn conducted by Mayor I'ro Tern l.yn lloldcn. In the absence of Mayor Kcnnor Amos who was out of town. A request from Dr. Mill i'hllbrlck askink the town to sluire the cost of hulkhendlnk the end of Durham Street was turned down. I'hllbrlck. who owns the property at the east end of Uie street, said work Is to begin Tuesday to bulkhead his property He asked the board to pay (or hulkhendlnk a portion of the end of the street, ettlnk the fact that the bulkhead needs lo be continuous Portions ol an old. decayed bulkhead still exist, posinc a danker (or children who mikbt drown in Implied water. I'hllbrlck said t'oinmlssloner Jtin tirtlfui said the town's |>artlcl|iatlon in the matter w ould Ih' a trad preeedent to set based on cost He pointed out that bulkheads at the ends of two other streets, Hlkh I'olnt and (ireensboro, were paid for by property owners Bulkheads on Charlotte Street and the decayed one on Durham Street West End Prot< Some of tire individuals who par tlclpated m an Auk 25 protest caravan objecting to a barricade mooning roiul access to lloWen beach's west cmt will meet Saturday jit 10 n ni to discuvs additional notion. uinl spokesman Itaymond ("ope The Hireling will be lielil at Mariner'* Village subdivision, across from -lane'* Scans*! Uoatauinni on Uie Holiten Itraeh Hoail. m the Ihtrxl mobile home on tlie lell "IT* an mien meeting We invite any supporters to join us, Including Holilen Iteaih property owners." sakl I'cpc Sunny Point Sets Scrap Lumber Sale bunny fowl Military i Veari Terminal Kill hotd a revalue scrap lumber sale Thursday and Kriday. Sep* 1} and 13. and W?stnrvt*y and Thursday. Sept II and t>. from S ? am -1 p m The chant* lor both lumber revalue arxl wvxxl chips t? It prr trucfcload Hx-cr vales are an addition to regular sates 111 per cordi hetd each Monday at the terminal Kurther inheiiiation may br obtained by callirnt M14&1? or 4>?-<SK between the hours ct " ? a m arxl t W p nv t)N, Thursday, September 12, 1985 ony Is He a rial Conl hair, but later tliat day, when arrested at his piace of work, his hair Vvci.s 5iiurii'i anu me ^puu> ftum*. Haircut 'Overdue' Pi^uU'it barber and nc-i^bbor since 1969, Cesar Hardy Jr., testified that between about 8 and 8:30 on the 25th, Pigott called him to arrange to have his nephew's hair cut that morning, arriving with the boy about 15 or 20 minutes later, in no apparent hurry Pigott also received a cut, which given his normal hair style, said Hardy, was "way overdue". As he combed Pigott's hair, he added, a "yellowish dust-colored powder" just below the crown at the left side of the head "would flare rinht "ut and vanish." During the grooming, the spots were completely removed. Hardy testified. Pigott was wearing long pants but no shirt, he said. l-ater l.t. Gausc and Patrol Officer Nellie Kvans questioned Hardy and took clippings from Pigott's hair, he said. I-ab Kcsults The hairs were sent to the SHI crime lab for testing and comparison with a sample of Pigott's hair. Also a single Negroid hair found in a combing of the- victim's pubic hair at liruaswick Hospital was examined. However Pigott's hair sample and the clippings could not Ix- compared, testified SHI Special Agent Troy Hamlin, because the clipping lacked a root and potion of the shaft needed for identification. Hamlin analyzes hair, glass and fractures. The hair taken during the hospital examination proved to be a laxly hair, which unlike head and pubic hair cannot be matched to a specific Iden Comm were built Ix'forc the town was IneorfMinited "It's a bad nrpepdent In *a?l he Mil Id Commissioner (Sralmm King sounded the only favorable nolo for PhUbrlck'x request when he said the (own sliould grub the opportunity' when it pro|H'rty owner offers to pay purl of the cast of holklieuding the end of it public street. After more discussion of who would I tear the cost of maintaining such it bulkhead, the board's vote resulted in a tie (irlffin and Stanley opposed. King and Hnrrett for Mayor Pro Tent Hidden Voted no to break tile tie and deny I'hUbrlck's request. llOtlt JsVAIlt) PAtlKINti llANNI t) Coiiimlssloners (oruuilly liunneil parking on the shoulders of Ocean boulevard by approving an ordinance to lluit effect Commissioner King's was the only dissenting vote lie asked If the txiard could delay vote on Ute mutter until alternative parking could be worked out Commissioner Hal Stanley noted tliat except (or Uie approved pinking area on the east end of the island, it is sbll im'Kui iu pai K in ironi 01 someone s house or driveway. RKZONINC. DK.NlKll esters To Meet t'cpe Mild the informally orcanued Croup lias started a lecal fund. the Weil Rnd Kund and rdalnnl a Durham law firtn to pursue possible lecal action. Approximately 30 persons were served warrants for trespassing after they oroecsed Itie tiarrtcade on the lilh The hamcnOe restricts access to a private road that series a tract heme ileveloped by Molden Reach Knterprtses Inc The road, which ?*e pn> vided access to a popular l>each area, is closed to all hut property owners and their eiiests M BRUVSUXK^RACON (tloblishwd Nov I I9h2 1?l9phon? 7V4 ^ubli?K#d (v?ry Thur?do> At Motn Str ctt Shollov* N C W459 SUBSCRIPTION RATtS IN WU??IC1 COUNTT On# Yeot SS 73 Sift Wonlht A3 14 IISTNNIRI IN NORTN C4KHIHU On# Y#Of $7 33 Sit Month* S4 19 tlSfWNttl IN U.S.* On# Y#or J10 00 Sift Month* S# 00 S#<ond do** poft'<>9# po<d o' th# Pott OHi<# in Shollott# N C 7?4SY uSPS 777 790 ?ard As Hnues individual, he said. Feather, it could nave coine troin any Negroid, male or female. Similarly, blood and body fluid testing proved inconclusive. Special Agent Jcb Taub, assistant supervisor for the crime lab's serology section, testified that semen was found on the victim's panties and in smears taken from swaps of her "vaginal pool." The panty smear he said was "clearly consistent" with all Pigott's blood groupings. But with the mixing of iMxIy fluids in the vaginal pool and a masking effect by the dominant fluid present, however, swab results were less refined, he indicated. On the basis of analysts of the swabs, he said, 'Pigott cannot be eliminated from the group of possible originators." Under cross-examination, he acknowledged that about three of every 10 persons would fit that same category. Fingerprints taken behind the checkout counter area and the sink/storeroom area produced only one usable print, l.t. Cause testified, which proved to bo of no value To counter questioning of the fingerprin uiik meuious raiseu (luring crossexamination of the victim, he said doors, video machines and other store locations were not dusted. There would he too many prints from normal usage and dating them would be difficult, while any usable prints taken in areas not typically used by store customers would be of more value. On Monday afternoon, in less than three hours, defense and prosecution selected a Jury of four men and eight women that included no blacks. issioners Sc In a unanimous vote Commissioners voted to deny rezoning property at 110 Ocean Boulevard I'.ast from K-l i residential! to CM (comtni't'l'ttll 1 T?W? fiJlnliiiui rniuiinl ...... ..? ?? ?f six letters and additional comments at a previous public bearing, all In opimsition. SKATKBOARDSBANNKD In another uiuinintous vote. Commissioners voted to ban skate boards on Ocean Boulevard The action had been recommended by the police department lor safety reasons. I'U III .1C HK.A RINGS Four public hearings held prior to Ute regular meeting produced a sizeable crowd of protesters for a request to rezone property at 113 and 142 Ocean Boulevard Hast from K-l to C-l Bob Rankin. property owner at 114 Ocean Blvd. Rust, spoke first, citing s|>ol zoning as a continuous problem There's no end to it, as 1 see It' he said. If tilts is allowed Jim Klgg of 134 Ocean Blvd Cast. was the next to speak 'I've been down here a long tune Mute was one of the original places I'd like to keep tins a family beach, the way it used to be.' A Tabor City property owner at 144 Ocean Blvd Kast said tliat Ik* chase a family beach for his two small children and is opposed to the retorting He had previously sent two letters to the txvird expressing his opposition As this was only a public hearing, no action on the matter was taken nmjniit* i t*i i r " I []|a M t.T.T.H 1 V- THI Mayor Authorized Tc (CcntiiiuCu from Ps?? i*A) She stressed the town's interest in maintaining water quality and protecting natural resources. "We have SA quality waters and we're definitely not polluting," she added. Public Accessways Ocean Isle Beach will go with whichever of two alternatives poses the least legal problems in developing estuarine and ocean accessways off Shallotte Boulevard. Commissioners authorized Mayor Bullington to sign the appropriate application for an access grant from the N.C. Office of Coastal Management for the project. The town is interested in developing both ends of the state-owned street for public access. Attorney Elva Jess has advised the town it will have fewer legal problems in dealing with the estaurine area overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway. On the oceanfront end, the town will decide after further investigation whether to try to obtain the property from the state or to ask the state for an easement or right to develop an accessway there. While the cost might be a little high initially, Building Inspector T.D. Roberson said that if completed as planned, the sites "will be something the state and the town can be proud of." In sketches for the commissioners, he illustrated the proposed layout for the estaurine accessway at the site of the old ferry crossing to the mainland. It would include 30 parking spaces, a small T-shaped dock, a security light, three picnic tables, trash receptacles, vehicle bumper and bulkhead, a sign and other amenities. The smaller oceanfront site would be simpler, including an access stairway to the beach, parking for about 20 vehicles, trash receptacles, barricade and sign. Other Business In other business, Ocean Isle commissioners: Amended the budget by deleting $3.9 million in lineitems relating to construction of the town sewer system. The items have already been included a capital reserve fund for accounting purposes. Heard from Building Inspector T.D. Roberson that 14 building permits had been issued in August, with $7,078 in fees collected for construction valuer! at $431,050. Construction for the year to date has an estimated value of $5.04 million. Ijeamed that leases for the town's well sites, all owned by developer Odell Williamson, have expired. Hut Williamson has said the town may continue to use iy No To Several However it was noted that the Harm- The Sea commit! ing and Zoning Board's recommcn- mised the use of t da lion was to deny the request to on Starfish Drive rezone. run held as part John Clarke spoke during the The building maj public hearing to amend the portion the hours of 7 a.m. of the zoning ordinance which day, Oct. 26. The governs time allowed for action by request for a pi the board following a public hearing. Ocean Boulevard He said perhaps the I'lanning and comodate the exl Zoning Board's recommendation to festival was defe limit the time to 90 days should be department for stated "within three regular Since parking hi meetings so as not to put the board in along the boulei .1 num. micr luruier uiscussion ana commiuee is reqi a recommendation by Town Ad- permit for the do; ministrntor Hob Buck, t'ommis- In discussion of sinner Barrett moved that the matter festival activilic Ik- returned to the Planning and Zon- Griffin offered prt mg Board (Holden Beach R Commissioner Griffin was the only end of Davis Stre person to comment on another public to bring in equlf hearing matter to amend the toning area to make it m ordinance governing setback for events, commercial districts. Speaking as a Police Commi; citizen as well as a board member. I rett reported thai see no reason to change the setback,' service calls du he said. The Planning Board's ducted 18 investi recommendation is to maintain the arrest, issued 36 c same setback requirements for com- rants mcrciai and residential districts (ITllKK Bl'SlNKSS _ Newly-hired police officer Dennis / II If \f)l Pickard was Introduced and welcom- L/lV/ iJLJL ed to the town The Graham native romos to the beach from seven years on the Mehane police force. Acting on a request from Ken Pensnuth. president if the Greater Holden Beach Merchants Association and a member of the Festival By ^tSBI SB _ t ^ T ^ DANS'! SMI'I ...dh/ 1 > Seek Access Grant the sites at no charge until the county can suppiv aii Uie town's water needs, a date tentatively set by the county as October 1986. Advised hv Henry von Oescn & Associates that "there does appear to be some potential problems in coordinating proposed telephone cable construction by Atlantic Telephone Membership Corp. and sewer system installation by contractor R.H. Moore and Co., set a meeting Monday, Sept. 16, at 10 a.m. at the town hall for the mayor, representatives of the engineering firm and contractor, and Jackson Canady of the telephone company. They will work out what work is to be done and how it is to be coordinated. Hired Connie Johnston as permanent bookkeeper, following a standard six-months probation period. Approved a 30-day extension in which owners of vacant lots will be able to sign up for sewer system tapons at a $100 discount of the base price of $900. This will enable the contractors to iastall more laterals now, while laying the main sewer lines. A previous 30-day sign-up period drew good response, town officials said. Agreed to a proposal from the N.C. Department of Archives and History for sending copies of town records to the state for microfilming and permanent recording. Heard from Haskell Rhett, a land use planner with the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, about the procedures to be followed in updating the town's land use plan. At least two public hearings will be required, along with state review of the plan, before it can be adopted by the town. Afterwards, the Coastal Resources Commission will hold a public hearing of its own before adopting a revised plan. A state planning grant will help finance the work, to be completed by a Wilmington engineering firm. Approved a revised soil sedimentation and control ordinance that reflects new state and federal requirements. Among other things, it adds a stormwater ninnaypmont nlnti r??miiromi>nt nr$H rpnnirnc thp tnu.-n to base its erosion and soil plans on a maximum peak rate of runoff for a 10-year category storm. It also says that the local Soil and Water Conservation District will be allowed 20 days in which to comment on any permiLs the town proposes to issue, with the comments advisory only in nature. The ordinance gives the town authority the right to require projects that involve more than one acre of land to submit a soil sedimentation and control plan for approval 30 days in advance. If the plan doesn't work in practice, the town has the authority to "make you make it work," Kobcrson said. Requests ee, the board pro- Community Watch will sponsor a he town fire house meeting Wed.. Sept. 18 at Town Hall for the marathon hear a CAMA spokesman. The of festival events, public is invited. i be used between 'Building Inspector Dwight Carroll and noon on Satur- reported that during August 24 repair committee's other a"d bulkhead pennies were issued irking pennit for f?r construction valued at *44.160 lor trial day to ac- 1 wo Ix'"nns were issued lor new Ira traffic for the house construction, valued at rred to the police $126,078 48 houses and one condo unit recommendation. art' nod*-'1" construction as been outlawed 'Daphne Founder questioned fard. the festival whether the new pet ordinance was jesting the special being enforced. She told of an incir's activities. dent involving a vicious attack of a the location for the larKc dog on a much smaller dog that is, Commissioner was reported to the police with no aciperty his company l,on taken 'We do intend to enforce ealty) owns at .the ordinance and will look into the et. He also offered situation,' Commissioner Barrett iment to level the said. ore suitable for the 'Twite weekly garbage pickup will last through September and then tsioner Gloria Bar- change to weekly. : officers made 197 'Bids will be opened on Sept. 17 for ring August, con- paving Sunshine lane and painting gations, made one water tank. The board will hold a itations and 2S war- special meeting Sept. 18 at 9 a m to approve the bids. ith Brunswick Islands team Oi \ gfi 9 J CXNNiS MUGGINS I - ? > = .A OAV?) Kf ATON vays ready to serve you! CAU 754-4488 f

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