Legal Notices ORDER AUTHORIZING tS.009.0M TECHNICAL COLLEGE BONDS WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Brunswick Technical College have submitted to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Brunswick a resolution passed on Juiy 17. 1*6 pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 115D of the General Statutes of North Carolina requesting said Board of Com g uuaaiviicrs 10 cau an election in tlie County of SnmSwick upvii iiie question ot approving bonds for the purpose of providing funds for capital improvements for the Brunswick Technical Collefft: WHEREAS, said resolution requests said Board of Commissioners to issue such bonds in order to provide for local financial support of the Brunswick Technical College: and WHEREAS, said Board of Commissioners has carefully examined the facts and has determined and does hereby find as a fact that is has become the duty of the Board of Commissioners to order the issuance of bonds of the County of Brunswick so that the capital improvements mentioned in said resolution and in paragraph 1 of this order may be provided; now. the therefore. BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Brunswick: 1. That, pursuant to Chapter USD of the General Statutes of North Carolina and The Local Government Bond Act. as amended, the County of Brunswick. North Carolina is hereby autltorized ? to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other debt which said County may now or hereafter have power or authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Technical College Bends in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $8,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds with any other available funds, for constructing, equipping and furnishing facilities for Brunswick Technical College, including the provision of appurtenant utilities. 2 That taxes shall be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on said bonds. 3 That a sworn statement of the debt of said I County has been filed with with Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is open to public inspection 4 That this order shall take effect when approved by the voters of said County at a referendum as provided in said Act The foregoing order has been introduced and a sworn statement of debt has been filed under The liocal Government Bond Act showing the appraised value of the County of Brunswick. North Carolina, to be f2.202,000.000 and the net debt thereof, including the proposed bonds, to be $28,737,296 A Lax will be levied to pay Die principal of and intrrest on the bonds if the) are Issued An\ one who wishes to be heard on the questions of the validity of the bond order and the advisability of issuing the bonds may appear at a public hearing or an adjournment thereof to be held at the Brunswick County Government Center in Bolivia. North Carolina, on September 16. 1965 at 6 HO P.M. Begina K White. Clerk to the Pitoarb of t ommissiooers for the County of Brunswick. North Carolina vp,,: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COCNTY OF RHI'NNRK'K notice or sale Under and b) \ irtur of the power ut vale contained in a certain Deed of Trust eseruted by Sharon B Oiappell. Single. lo James (> Hut haiuin Trustee, dated Ihr 26th da> of August. I97t> and m urtlrd in Hook B7. Pag* 821. in the IHfkr of the Hegutrr of Deeds for Brunswick CounSt>. North Carolina. and a certain [l?t) of Trust rseeuted b> larry l> Calhoun and wife. l>rborah i S Calhoun, to Bertie A Parker. Jr . Trustee, dated the 29th da> of June. 1*11. and recorded in B?ok C6, Pane KM. in the (>fflcr of the Register of l>r*ds for Brunswick ( ountv. North Carolina, default having been rnede in tie paymrnt of the Indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carr> out i* perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and the holder of thr indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a forrclmurr thereof for thr purpose of satisfying uaid indebtedness. aral the < Terk of Court granting M permission for the foreclosure, the undersigned tl ruvtrc ?iU offrr for sake at public auction to the highrst Udder for cash at the Courthouse door in ? Bolivia. North Carolina, at 12 00 Noon, on the 18lh da> of September. !Vx fcg C'casaara^bcc. lac a^pded Pr i CAJLA feasor Snticpced jurat to ceutrgt a ire-faca/ry [ at Leg M Keek 11 Secw. A A ft 22 Bh& Street Tie a^ti iVA may be atopeckK at Oe bHr/w HS address Pehiic naitsli retmH by | Separmiter II IMS wil be :?acaaberrd T 0 laftna . lata! CAJdA Prmit r^r?r RtLB?M '.^aaaa Lslr B??A N C PtMe tl WZM f r < Legal Notices STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a ctfuiin Deed of Trust executed by Walter B. Blackburn and wife. Catherine G. Blackburn In l?.rw~n u.^k?... t ? the 24th day of November. 1975. and recorded in Rnnjr "uo Prig? !52. in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County. North Carolina, and a certain Deed of Trust executed by John K Banks and wife. Janet C Banks, to James O. Buchanan. Trustee, dated the 27th day of September. 1979. and recorded in Book 435. Page 507. in the Office of the Register of I>eeds for Brunswick County. North Carolina, and a certain Deed of Trust executed by Jerry I. Maggard. Sr and wife. Frances B. Maggard. to Thunnan E. Burnctte. Trustee, dated the 8th day of March. 19S4. and recorded in Book 559. Page 478. in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County. North Carolina default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out or perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, and the Clerk of Court granting permission for the foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Bolivia. North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on the 18th day of September. 1985. the land, as improved, conveyed in said Deeds of Trust, the same lying and being in Smithville Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows HKINC. all of l.ot 9. Block 132. Section 9 of a subdivision of property according to map of same made b> H M t.oughlin. Kl?. dated April. 1959. known as Tranquil Harbour, a section of lxing Beach. North Carolina, which map is dul> recorded in Map Book 5. Page 107. Brunswick County Registry, being the same property as conveyed to Coastal Services Corporation by deed dated May 7. 1975. and recorded June 26.1975. in Book 332. Page 607 of the Brunswick County Registry Subject, however, to the property taxes for the year 1985 The record owners of this property as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds of this county Jerry I. Maggard. Sr and wife. Frances B Maggard Terms of the sale, including the amount of lite cash deposit, if an>. to be made by the highest bidder at the sale, are Five percent <5Sf,l of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with IN* Trustee pending confirmation of the sale Dated this 21st day of August. 1985 Thurman K Bumettc, Trustee sutvstituted b> the instruments recorded in Book 606. Page 343. and Book 608. Page 915 Brunswick County Registry. NC Sept 12 NOT1CK TO CREDITORS AND DF.HTOKS OF CORA MAF. THOMAS JACK J THOMAS, having qualified as F.xecutor of the Kstate of CORA MAK THOMAS, latr of 212 Shoreline Drive. Sunset Beach. N C 28459. Brunswick Count). North (aruhna. the undersigned dors hereby notify all persons. firms and corporations having claim* against the estate of said decedent to eihibit them to thr undersigned at 211 Shoreline Drive. Sunset Beach. North Carolina 284W. imor before the 3rd da? of March. 1MB. or thta notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All person*, firm* and corporations indebted to the said estate will please nuke immediate payment to the undersigned This, the 29th day of August. 19? Jack J Thomas. F.iecutor of the Kstate of Cora Mar Thomas Douglas W Bailey. Attorney fur the F.iecutur HAXI>:Y AND THKST I'D Hoi 36 Shallottr. N( ' 2ft4? le'eptunr 919 .7>4-/?*j82 Sept 19 ESTATF. SflTICF. The undersigned, having quabftrd as Kiecutrii of the F.state of Verne Viola (iruiett Barker, deceased, late of Brunswick County, this Ls to notify all persons liaving claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the bth 'lay of March. 1M6 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned This thr 2Sth day of August. 1 9? Carolyn P Harrison. Kiecutnx of the F.state of Versie Viola (iriaaett Barker 24X3 Kennmgtun Road Kale tgh. NC 27110 Sept 28 ESTATE NUTK F The undersigned, having qualified as Adnor.uL'atrii of the F.state of Frank I elf are Simmons. deceased, late of Hruruwu-k < ounty this is to notify all persons having < la una against taid estate U> present tleni to the undersigned un or before the Xh day of March. 19? or this notice ill be pleaded m bar of (heir recwery AU persons irdebted to said estate will please make inv mrdiaCe payment to the undersigned Thu the 4th day of April. 1Mb Joan T Simmrm. A4r?ngr*tm J thr RaUte of V ranii Tetfarc hmrnor* HB? iu < ttdxru A/o S H*A**Urr Urn Drtve f *utm+. V3Uv? *prf k?ttat* sc/th r. T>* srdrrucr**! *e r m\l/ -y 0? K?!i!/ of Mir/) ' 'urn* r SUf-Sry r4pjiwVfk * ?ar*7 u to pmr/a *4 >Y^ ultra u*j nbU (? pre t#*t Ovrtr. U tW ?rjVruA7?w5 or. or >jrlt*x US* lO. 4?f VJA?7 ru i b?f .m V 3M ? Vrpr 2ft IttNCHOMI *THE WBEACON OiM* At MOtUtWCO TIAJMM6 K?T Vendor's BY SUSAN USHF.R A Shallotte Point vending truck operator failed Monday in Brunswick County Superior Court in his second attempt to challenge an Ocean Isle Beach peddling ordinance as unconstitutional. Donald Ballou was cited by Ocean Isie Police Chief Jerry Gurganus on July 17 for peddling without a license. Gurganus said Ballou was the first person to be charged under the ordinance since shortly after its enactment. When informed of the law and warned, Gurganus said, most people simply leave the beach. "He was the first who wanted to challenge it in a long time." On Aug. 5. Ballou was found guilty in Brunswick County District Court and fined $50. His appeal was denied Monday in Brunswick County Superior Court by Judge B Craig Ellis of Iaurinburg. Ellis said Gurganus' system ot first giving warnings is "good public rela ' tf iii uk If " " ' Up For / Thiii Australian cattle dug, a male will by Animal Control Officer Bruce C available for adopliuu this week at the N.C. 211 near Supply. Others Include female, with cream and chocolate ma with yellow and white markings', a rier/cocker male pup, black with shi through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p. NOTICE OF PU September County ho\ prepared a $ Grant fconornic L)o/oloprnenf applicatio AttnlorK# North Carolina Departrnen Development for landing consideration J fund* At least *>I ? of requested fund* * torn 'ho S'50 WO will he inry' to nttit purr hot* of equipment workir g capital rrht- h w I! be located m oru. ?im# p?Mon% of Mhtch dO*, of po%H?c onr} rnod+ro'o m< $7 JO fX/J in C DB< bw" Cofotrt ln< ?o ottui to (ontirudt quipm^nf rh? $?', OCXJ Mill b* .;? duC.I o pub miiitowi C bomber i of the ( H C of 6 45 P M on foet#po'tm#n Develop"-**- t r*<4PN A^o^a' V4 rr,v*t ol {.c*rifT*4r*tf X4?'itonob?i ??Serot?on The Ccnno^Ov'y G? # ?etop*n#r?* ?!< >? O ?5--^4 V* isr.SdO 'I; -Vf' l"?ry?! otttta/ oryy her* t m?^fi(t>e-? to f ot'#oi'Sl'? ofltf? be^e* * //? onj m/ylerpte r v f O (wti t JO p m * ? * CC?A C<' or o# or^l 'J*-W*r- (XCAC* *?< Otf?n torp#xe*ed ''-Xi -Wi-y GfOM tco*C*K Opp/'.O** C?v"r 6-f }p w or. I Challenge 1 tions and probably a good way to get people to abide by the law." But Ellis did have a suggestion for Ballou: "You could appear before the town board and get them to amend the ordinance to permit such type of activity," he said. Anu, he added in response to a question from Ballou, if he sees other violations of the ordinance. Ballon should report them "to the proper authorities." Ballou was operating a mobile snack shop, similar to the "roach wagons" operated near military bases and industrial plants. The business had received several prior warnings. Ballou was issued a warning on the 17th and offered an opportunity to leave the beach without a citation, Gurganus testified. The town bans peddling and does not issue licenses for that purpose. The state's General Assembly gives municipalities the right to regulate peddling, including the right to pro^T _ 2jjpHgfeg, H ?? ? - > k ' j r7 | jfejifc' I js" 'jfl t . *i jvj - ' % \ , *- '' rHOtoroMtftituiio \doption l blue, while and brown markings held . Smith Sr., Is Just one ol the pets Brunswic k County Animal Shelter oil two Siamese ruts, one male and one Things; a large short-haired rat, male young black lab, male; and a terirt hair. The shelter Is open Monday m BLIC HEARING 11, 1985 moll City Community Development Block 'i to submit to the Division of Community t of Noturol Resources onns will be filled with persons having low j funds will be loaned to Carolina Carib on worWmg capital ond the purchase of program odrmnistration lie hearing ?n the Brunswick Count/ Corn ' Ownty Governrnent 0ample* in Bol'vio ?4 I9&5 The purpose of this hearing is to n the Community Development Block >n Written covnments received by the September >5 I9B5 shall be < on side red of County Commissioners considering on Christopher l Choppell Chairman rufttwtefc County Board of Cctwr-uslcws BLIC HEARING 11, 1985 * a Small Cities Community Development jpifcotor) for a Di#is*on of Community i rj tsoturol Resources ond Community te developed ond eubmrtted to *he Oivi ' I 1%' to be considered 'or funding con Ofv i |'** #< ?"yw>tvrf y k>vV 'o W " if* '7, 10 'v'?4t T?(ti (/ ?}' ?x w>'? kx-9 t#?m v)| #4C * ?* P>X0*VI? ?* f*?* .? to cJb lttrr*r?tr**f %r ffrjjrr. f 44-ro44C*r?ftor. t9rm~f9Jl Iff + * Cho$-?*.'* C>*>*1t+4tr. c CTfT-ff Mfjpfj CJ C*J*r*r THE BRUNSWICK BEACON, Th Of Ordinar hibit it, a right Ballou's counsel said was overly broad. Ballou was represented by attorney Mark I.ewis of the Shallotte firm of Mason Anderson & Associates. Anderson had dratted the ordinance while serving as town attorney at Ocean Isle about five years ago. Hoiden Beach and Sunset Beach have similar ordinances. Lewis argued that the ordinance was unconstitutionally vague and overly broad in its restriction of commercial free speech, that it "goes beyond what any town can generally uo. lewis argued that Hallou tiad taken prior orders from construction sites for food and therefore was delivering goods the same as a bread truck delivering to a restaurant. Further, he argued that under the ordinance coin-operated vending machines such as newspaper racks and soft drink machines would not be allowed since they were not housed in permanent structures. NOTICE TO I SIGNIFICANT I ENVIRONMENT PUBI.IC OF I RELEASE Septembei Brunswick County P.O Box 249. Bolivia. Brunswick TO AIL INTERESTED AGENCIES. On or about September 27. 19! ministoring agent, will roquost Natural Rosourcos and Comr Fodoral funds undor Title I i Development Act of 1974 (PL 92 v.uruiiiia v_ariDDoan warriors Dovolopmont. E l. Tho projoc! consists of Brunsv Carolina Caribbean Carriors. In> tion faciiity in northern Brunswii Tract 202 An additional $I5.(XX Purpott This Notice is intonded to mi quiroments of 24 CFR Part 50 ( that tho County has dotormino funds for tho abovo namod pro on tho onvironmont (2) To pre County is roquosting tho roloo project Finding of Ho It has boon determined that sui not constitute* an action signlfi human onvironmont and accord docidod not to proparo an Envir tho National Environmental Pol Tho reasons for such docision r as follows: Tho proposed activitios moo dards and plans tho sito c suitablo to tho terrain, tho < pact sorvico delivery factor* wildlifo. Tho proioct will Imn for tho area An Environmental Review Rocor boon made by the abovo namoi vlronmontal review of tho proj reasons why such Statement is Review Record is on file at the < public examination and copying Rosources Dovolopmont Cornm of 8 30 AM and A 30 PM No further environmental rovio\ conducted prior to tho request Public Comm All interested agencies groups decision are invited to submit w by the County to tho Brunswicl Commission's Office Such writ at P O Bo* 15B. Bolivia Brunsv on or before September ?fc. I9fi will be considered and the Coui Federal funds or take any odmii loct prior to the date specified RtUeu The County v/ill undertake the p Grant funds from the North Resources and Community Dove mg and Community De/olopmei ymg to NRCD that Brunswick C< m his official capacity as Choirm consent to accept the |urisdictioi is brought to enforce responstbi reziews decisionmaking and siblities ho/e been satisfied Th< that upon its approval tho Coun and NRCD will have satisfied i tional Environmental Policy Act OIJICTIOm TO $14 NRCD will accept on ob|?Ktion It the following botlt (o, that lh< ecu ted b 1 the certifying officer proved by NRCD or (b) thot < record for the project indicotet finding or ttep apphcoble to I renew proceit Objectiont muti with the required pro< oddrected to fJRCD at P O Bo 2/611 Objection* to the releote of func above will not be contidered by I Ortobor 14 1985 will be con?K t pacify wbatbar they concern th Of the .ntent to request releote < Brunt wi< 4 ursday. September 12. 1985? Page 9-B ice Fails tlurgnnus testified, however, that at least some of Ballou's customers chose merchandise that had not been ordered in advance, selecting from an array of goods displayed when the siucs in li 11 truciv were opeiieu. Judge 15. Craig Kills denied both motions offered by I a'wls, ruling that the ordinance 1) was constitutionally sound, not overly vague or broad; and 21 that the charge against Ballon should not be dismissed on the basis the ordinance was "enforced selectively." Ellis disagreed, "It was not selective prosecution. He got the same treatment as others prior to being J v. IttU. He ruled that 1-ewis' association with Anderson did not pose a conflict of interest in challenging the ordinance, a question raised by Assistant District Attorney Wanda Bryant. The case was remanded to district court for compliance by Bailou, who paid his fine later that day. >UBLIC OF NO MPACT ON THE AND NOTICE TO REQUEST FOR OF FUNDS r 11, 1985 . County N C. 2B422 (919)253 4331 GROUPS AND PERSONS B5. Brunswick County, as tho ad the North Carolina Departmont ol nunity Development to roloaso of tho Housing and Community I 383) for tho following projoct Inc. Loan CDBG. Economic ^vick County londing $735,000 to c. who will construct a transporto ck County North Carolina. Concus ) will bo usod for Administration i of Notico dot two soparato procedural ro I) To provido notico to tho Public d that tho roquost for roloaso of joct will havo a significant impact ivido notico to tho public that tho so of funds for tho obovo namod Significant Impact ch roquost for roloaso of funds will cantly affocting tho quality of tho ingly tho obovo nomod County has onmontal Impact Statornont under icy Act of 1969 (PL 91 190) lot to proparo such Statornont aro t local, stato and fodoral startind dosign of tho structuro is ictivifios will not advorsoly im k. tfio pfiysical environment or riodiatoly croato long term |obs ct rospocting tho within projoct has 1 County wfiich docurnonts tho on oct and more fully sots forth tho hoi luquiiod ini? environmental above address and is availablo for upon request at Brunswick County Itsion's Offico botwoon the* hour*. n of such project is proposed to bo for release of Federal funds nft on Findings and parsons disagreeing with this Titfon comments for consideration k County Resources Development tori comments should be received vick County. North Carolina 2H42? 15 All such comments so rocoived nty will not request the roleose of ustrativo action on the within pro in the preceding sentence ? of Fundi irojer t described above with Block Corolino Department of Natural ilopment under Title I of the Mows it Act of 1974 The County is certi >unty and Christopher I Chopped an Brunswick County Commission n of the Federal courts if on action ilities in relation to environmental action and that these respon w IVJWI i nm (.onui^unon i? ity rnoy ule the Block Gront fund* itt retpontibilifiot under the No of 1969 in ftfUASf Of fUMM > itt approval only if it it on ono of ? tificotion v/ot not in fort o* Of other officer of oppliront op )pplicont't environmental reviev/ ormtttont of o required decision, he project in the environmental t be prepored ond tubmitted in oc edure (24 Cf P Port S8) ond rnoy be * 27687 Prjleigh North Carolina It on bat it other than thote t toted MdCD No objection received after jered by NRCD Cornmentt mull ie finding of r?o tignifkont impact of fundt Ihnttopher I Chopped. Chairman > County Board of Committionert Pott Office Bo* 249 Bolivia North Carolina 28422 i