Opinion Page THE BRuiNSWICK&BEACON Edward M. Sweat! and Carolyn H. Swcott Publisher* Edward ii. Sweait Editor Susan lnher Weirs Editor Terry Pope .S'fa// Writer J-hnny ( en 11? /".Vii/wT Mary Potta Office Manager Cecelia Gore Advertising Representative Tunimio Galloway Typesetter Sieve Anderson Pressman Mill McGownn Photo Technician ('lyde anil Mallie Stout. Jint iiallou ('imitation I'agc 4-A Thursday, September 12,1985 It's Clean-Up Time Along The Highways State Department of Transportation crews and prison inmates will be out in force this week during their annual fall clean-up campaign, picking up trash along state-inaintained roads in Brunswick County. But the campaign isn't for state employees and prison inmates only. DOT encourages community groups to join the effort and provides free trash pickup bags for those who do. The lnral DOT m;iintf?n;inrp nffiro InrntnH nn Mnlhnrrv Qtrnot in Shallotte. With all this support, why not round up a few friends and neighbors and give a quick facelift to a stretch of roadway in your neighborhood sometime during the week or corning weekend. It will Ire worth the effort. GUEST EDITORIAL Isn't Someone's Life Worth The Expense Of Lifeguard? HY ALI.AN HILL The beaches of the South Brunswick Islands appear to be relatively safe for swimming. It does seem this way since drownings are rare. Only when we have a tragedy such as the one this past summer at Ocean Isle do we think about hiring lifeguards. I to nil to strongly disagree with the theory that the presence of parents is sufficient to guarantee the safety of youngsters playing and swimming in the ocean. From my experience as a lifeguard at Carolina Beach for two years, I get a little nervous about what I see at beaches sometimes, particularly at unprotected ones. Although the great majority of parents keep a very tight rein on children in the water, there are a few quite innocent errors that can turn a holiday into a tragedy. Many of them simply do not know of the dangers that a lifeguard is trained to see. This past summer, in only a lialf dozen visits to the beach, I pulled eight people from the surf who were in life-threatening situations. My wife rescued two I spent a couple of hours one day walking a short stretch of beach warning parents that the particular spot they were taking their children into was a dangerous offset. Not only have 1 seen parents let their children go straight into dangerous situation, but 1 have seen parents go right in with them. Among these are: Offsets; the surf crosses a sandbar and converges at a shallow channel to rush back to sea. The current is impossible to swim against. Most people do not see these currents (they are visible), and do not know to swim parallel to the beach to escape, if they can swim. Most of the time a non-swimmer will simply find that he/she is suddenly in deep water and going further out rapidly. Bafts/floats; 1 call them baby-drowners. Non-swinuners especially should never be allowed to use a raft or float at the beach. As a good swimmer, I will never use one. even at a nnoll T)m?. i-.i J i m uvuu' iniyuuii^ uui i ncy do provide h wuv for children to net in over their heads. Just how safe is a raft if the child falls off and the wind or current takes the raft away? These things also find the nearest offset and drift into them quite effectively. And there's always the wind blowing them out to sea with their cargo. Carrying tlx1 child; look at it this way. are you really being a responsible parent if you pick up a child and walk into the ocean until it's over the child's head? You could end up responsible and sorry! Is even the trivial expense of hiring just one lifeguard ai an area beach for the summer season, or all of them, worth someone's life** Kven if all he/she did was warn people of the dangers that do exist Wouldn't it be nice if that's all the lifeguard ever got to do" HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRUNSWICKfcBEACON " fOSt OMK1 IO* 410 VKAUOtn NO?TH CrfUKXiHA f or+mott N#wipop#/' of SrvruwioA tilondi ANNUAL SUtSCtlMlO* RATU IT MAIL: V omH I lf? i'VA??* < K 3 <3 3*4 I !>??%?*> ?a Cd'o1'^ T Ji 3 33 a B (\i?? >.1# ?f>.' ^ c?(Uux) TO >! < m4 !? ?? H AWM U4^M A Ho**+ A AtVv-*?t | City Ski* L_ ! A A Pe Wouldn't you love a sneak peak at the proposed Transportation Improvement Plan that will be presented to members of the State Transportation Hoard next month ' I would . .. because I think we'll see some significant changes in priority for Rmnswick County projects. Over the long-term those changes might not mean a whole lot?it's true Transportation Secretary Jim Harrington says T.I.P. priorities are good only as long as they remain on the list and the list is subject to change annually, if not more frequently. The four-laning of U.S. 17 through Brunswick County has been the butt of many a DOT joke when it comes to the Transportation Improvement Plan, with sections moving up and ! WHAT) _ \ ill iff, KEEP, I Is The To the editor: My husand and 1 are two of the thousands of people who bought land near llolden Beach for our retirement Now that the west end is closed. most of us are riding up and down the east end looking for a parking place There are none on the west end. It is my opinion that must of the recent (Mies that have been made on the Tak To the editor: Mere it is time to renew my subscription and 1 would like to say 1 enjoy reading your paper 1 would like to throw in a few comments if you don't nund We have vacationed at Holden Beach for eight years now and have recommended it to many of our friends which gave il business over the years Acclimati; line at the popular books in environmental education several years auo *?s on a method the author called acclimatisation Plus approach encourages) students to become aware ot their natural surrounduuts b> becoming a part of a habitat This would involve puttinie iwieself into the role of the plant or animal beint studied and trytnit to experience what it tiuttht feel tike to be that plant or animal An example of this is to lie down in tall >:rass and try to crawl through as rabbit or other small animal would No doubt there will be tunnels and passageways between the clumps of trass The sky will look different ?? > ? i? U H? X ?iiu UIT * ? > w uir Undsoapc wtl! take cm a new dimension The grass w\U provide protection (rum the hawks and owis overhrad and will appear as a sharp contrast to a road or plowed fjekl You get a different feeding tor brwensedge hnarpatchrs. and open trails' Another example a in a pond or a stream where >vu can become a tan Or ani dree to the hnttum. surface, and the clunh jp or. a a* .or a dock\ ak At TIP Mi< 0k ^ V CI iPy-?i-4 Usher sv-r-n ' down, yo-yo fashion, in priority from year to year. It all seems to depend on whose politics are in favor in Raleigh at that particular time. A crystal ball?or a direct line to Raleigh?would be nice. But lacking either one, my suppositioas are just that?guesses. Well, my guess is that Brunswick County developers will have the bigwll itbe I f III p jf t tfAUpm ofr p vmsM/c LETTERS TO Pot Calling cast end arc to accommodate the condominiums that the real estate people want to build there They have made no provision (or the public. Anyone who is looking (or lots to buy now certainly w ould not want to buy any place- that they cannot park ami go to the water. Surf City has a nice parking lot at one end o( their beach and that's what we need on the e A Good L< By reading your paper (or the past year It lias shown us what Hoiden Beach really is It is not the best kept secret on the (Cast Coast as it might think It is becoming over-crowded, rude, and money-hungry. Take a good look at yourself Hoiden Beach All 1 read in the paper is about your bickering about one thing or the other- constantly ! There isn't all the zation?Becor to*) 8,7/ HP* Faver to (eel the sun Or y ou can become a muskrat. or a fish, or an otter, or a water snake Or a raccoon in a marsh, looking for clams and oysters On the beach we might become thmt crabs. using circles drawn in it* sand for holes We cold venture out in search at (and and activity haie Inssies with other crab&. steal somecr* else's circle, or scurry back to our own' It may be unpractical to imitate a mole crab or a roqmna at the water's edge bat we oauid try to be like a sanderbng fasl-sSeppiiryt rust in (root ol the oevcvenmg wait Acvhmatisaboc is or* more attempt at helping peop&e become more aware ci their surroundings and the ueed to preserve suitabk ght Yield Sur gest voice this year. Why? Because they represent growth and growth represents new money, new voters. Brunswick County is one of, if not the most, rapid-growing areas of the state. Much of that growth is permanent, but we're also beginning to malrp a hiu imnarf nn thp st^tp <; tourism industry?some of it on our own and some due to what's called "Grand Strand overflow." In any case. Brunswick County is beginning to warrant all the attention we've begged for for years?but some folks may not like the outcome?say the communities between Supply and Winnabow who've been waiting to see a four-lane highway. Face it, most of the activity in Brunswick County these days is taking place in a small area south of ? I < / U GOMA X $SML THE EDITOR The Kettle I west end of Holder) Beach. I read in the Beacon about people tearing dotvn sand dunes. None of us want to tear down or litter anyone's property. We are just as proud o! ??JJ -? - iiuiui-n oeacn as me Homeowners liv inn there. But all of us have seen houses being built on the beach and the sand dunes being pushed away and dug into by Dok At You fighting at the other beaches arounc you Whereas you ased to be a place ti get away from it all you are now i place to Jast run into more fighting and feuding You are no longer the peacefu relaxing vacation spot we once en joyed You are overdeveloping anc expanding so that you are no longer; nice quiet place riing Part Of habitat areas for the wild thing around them Perhaps we won't nee< to crawl through the grass or slithe rS ^I SOMETIMES TT HELPS I* pet tmi iiL'rvu ?t At ??rM arcnad at. I < Shallotte and adjoining the South C arolina line. This, I suspect, will be reflected in priorities set in the upcoming Transportation Improvement Plan. What does that mean? Higher ratings for the Shallotte bypass, on which rieht-of-wav acquisition will resume in the spring; for the fourlaning of U.S. 17 from Shallotte to the South Carolina line, and for a newhigh-rise bridge to Sunset Bridge. Maybe the state will even consider paving Georgetown Road, though its population is presently sparse. In any case, stay tuned. As activity at the high-rise bridges to Holden Beach and Ocean Isle Beach winds down, things should be picking up to the south and west. C'est la vie. (VI ill Ip mnJ. Black? 1 certain real estate developers. Now that's the pot calling the kettle black! i All I am asking for is not to bother i anyone, just a decent place to park and enjoy whst God hss given. My hat is off to the elder Mr. Holden and for what he has given to Holden Beach. I Blanche C. Koonts lexington rself I If all I am allowed is a house with a certain beach area with no accesses > and not allowed to go about the island i and enjoy it fully, then I will stay at ! home or find somewhere else to vacation. Wake up and take a real good look I at yourself before it is too late. , Mrs Eric Klinn SandyviUe, West Virginia A Habitat s u^the marsh; but we do need to think j awareness as we enjoy the pleasures r of life where land meets sky and sea! fefixfliSSEL *0*0 ?' Ma * >U **irt? ta Ok Mtsul't rttt U gala a arw P