Page 2-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEACO Loo kin FOR SALE BY OWNER l(n r orrnr unnn r t nm nr>< I i j\J untinjDurw 3i.. nuiutu | BEACH. NC?Canal home facing Introcoastal Waterway Fantastic view 3 BR. 2 baths, furnished. Front and bock covered porchos, dock, floating docks. C'H/A. concrete slob, storage room Dishwasher, rof w/icernoker. washer/dryor. now point, new bulk hood, attic, povod streot. $130 000 Coll (919)842 4070 CEDAR LANDING. NEAP HOLDEN BEACH BRIDGE 14*70 mobile home 3 BR 1'/? buth?. vvo .her/dryer. OH AC unit. 2 storage buildings deck Lot upprox. 100x175 with big oak troos and grass Approx 100 yds. to Introcoostal Woterwoy with access. $35 000 Coll (919)842 4070 Now' Grout locution noor wolerwoy with pool and tonni* amomtios avoilablo 3 BR 2 bath*, firoplaco on largo wooded lot Mid $80'*. MOBILE HOMES HOLOEN BEACH ARfA Almost now n-.obilo homo on nico woodod lot low $70% LOTS WATERWAY ESI ATI. S largo woodod lot with fantastic viow ol watorway Undor $60,000 OYSTIR BAY IOTS Wo hovo tho bo%! Milodion of lots avoilublo $S0 % and up SEA VILLAGE Mobllo homo lot on pavod stroot Undor $8,000 CAl ABASH ACRIS Nico let undor $10.000 SUNSET IAKIS Nico lot low $70 % Ontui)^ '!M! ti^l SEA PATH REALTY, INC. 101 N. Suniei Blvd. Some) Beach, NC 18459 Phone (919)579-1000 Fulford Realty We've moved back to our old location, SHI 139 Seashore Koiul, next to Gator Grant's General Store Phone (919) 812-2692 HOI DIN BEACH HARBOR ACRLS 7 lot. on tonal (tot n n 11 y dtodgod} on?t 7 lot* with o? ?<i 11 cot viovs ol Inltat oa.tal Wotoi woy 139 VX) IV) (XX) RAll Kill 51 HI II Homo (uiuloi ton .trothon) ami lot $175 000 CONDOS with o4onnl(ont pool and othor omomtio. from 1*6 VK) Ownor financing and low doting totlt INLAND lOTl & MOBIL! HOWLS IIIICC AMUR MILLS 1 J .65 mobile homo with .tioenod porch doik and piot on pond | tollont boy 170 VK) TWO LOIS with toptit tonk and doop woll f .cedent ?iow on liotb wotoi pond loigo nat'.jh lor hoo.e or dooblowido Aoett to boot tonipand pior Povod itreet 116 700 SMORlttNf 1ST AH S T?o?h? ort l'i lots nl(*ly wooded with decR 111600 Two lot* on po.ed .treet loth 14 395 BOONfSBORO ?.>* nito lot. eoth SN (XX) Oi>? lot cm* hipt'ivay SS VX) Ovn'*??' lnutn(ii)g 10% down 12% in 01 0*' S yw% G A 1 oR C? R A N T lot* i on* Vf? VX> J*J Owi*?i (mooting 10% dowi* 12% inlfivtt 10 y0*H* IIHXIRS COVI lot* *toiti ?*g at V.I v?itt* o*m?mi financing '0% do?*t* 12% u*t*(0*t 10 >?ai? RIVIRSIOI II .1 hoootiful lot* l*M' no'ri R0?tii*t*o toi lv*n>0ni*t with (lutti to mmp and i*tO< iO(h Vto 1XX> (.ARcXlNA StK>RlS Ungo k?t iap pto* t i* o\'#? Vcko 0\1 at (alobatt* lot 23 BUI A WdKw* t low |w>(0 $t: ixv OtMff lOJS and if tio-wti m lo?*v* * Bv" l\?fc M il > ?# ? ? * "? IhiXih N#rnonda ? CVilyO.pcw* l*?y kv *>/X1 Altw NOMtS HOlDtN MHM A*|A ft,kA Som? I CK' ?*'?>> ? XV ll cJ $%**! *? > ? '>$ A ?K1 *\ g? t.v ?>g room ; to*H? J ftt? b<OvM^I kiKN?" i>v1 v?'l-S CVst io !'?* ' Ol'l# **?>? ?? no CV>J?r*o?> kvt* W ftOONI % NICK tOAC> ?#Ovt>?wl <#sKv Nom* %?i?* ><vg* .\4- go og# w 3 k>h IV3 vVV COMMItCUl StO*t mHONCr <0? to vrtM Kv o>^ jx*' (vn?? (* S#OkNOK? l<o3 Sro , ? kv ftwr*?v-?J ^\vo' fo? ,v ini?irfM#Ai tv,vO'' #? W? w#?tM &4? *17\ * * ' v"V? r' vJL # ' ko*S Go*>o%?o> Vo*#? k?KV ?' o'ry CV?#A So ?? ktKW** / N, Thursday, October 3, 1985 g For pi REAL ESTATE HEW HOMES COMPUTEIY FINISHED brick or jrGui iituiiw. Cruti oiit Mom#l builds and financos No red tope Coll .T95-110V onyttnne H JScachTZrabcrs, Jnc. OCEAN ISLE BEACH (919) 579-3557 Ocean Isle Beach SCOTLAND STREET Concrote canol Extra nic? 4 BR. 2-both furnishod homo Must so? to oppreciote $139.SOO MONROE STREET Duplo* 4 BR 2 baths up 3 BR. 1 bath downstairs. Excollont rental record Completely furnished fioat pump Must soo Si29.900 A PLACE AT THE BEACH Woll furnished and oquippod. 2 BR 1'/? both condo. locatod on pool sido. Excollont invost monl< $78,900 UNION STREET Concroto canal with direct occoss to Introcoostol Waterway' Now 4 BR loft. 2 lull baths, cothodral coiling, boat dock Must soo to ap procioto1 $150 900 DFWTWOOD DRIVE Wost ond of islond lot locatod on lagoon with fantastic view of Eastorn chonnol $52,500 IAIRMONT STREET Natural conol lot with oil permits, bulkhoadod $59,900 DOCKSIDE LANDING I BR condo com plotoly furnishod Torrific view $69 900 Amenities include pool, tonnis courts and chtinnol accoss for fishing and boating. CRAVEN STREET Prime lot $74 900 IAURINBURG STREET Canal home |ust like now I 440 ^fA^uolify built. All appliancos plus ^TTkiowovo Enclosed gorcge. boot dock Must soo to appreciate $112 900 CONCORD STREET Conol house 4 BR loft. 2 full baths, firepluco. boat dock Completely enclosed underneath furnishod ox col Ion t neighborhood $124 900 STARBOARD BY THE SEA 3 BR 2 boths lully furnished Excollontbuy locotudon the Sound $9H 900 CONDOS 1 BR units starting at $64,900 3 BR units starting at $U6 900 Sumet Beach lot In nice area $57 500 Make an otter Long Beach lyiwry 7-Bfc. 2 both eotneojr candoi eith boot tlif. $79,500 ee4 wf. Mainland Properties .nn i nrMi new very *pociou* aengn brick l>omo 2 BR 2 both* Cboo*e carpet color* iiov? You II love I bo largo do*ot* $7 2 $00 RICH LANDING PLANTATION Undtr cMltrvc fion. corttamporory a.acvtiaa or retirement Homo en kntoitmont at wall oi Horn* 1904 q ft heotad 3 ii. 7 Ml Wetk*. telorlvm. femily room wilH lirepteca. dtnWtf / krtckan foyer doubia 90109a loiga dark wirk view ol avotororoy and 90If covrta Mony oitrei tncivd od 110.110 lot $144,100 HRICMANDING PlANlATION (?cellerit lot* with view ol goll cout*e do*e 1o club facllttte* 120*180 $29 900 up JUS1 Of I OIB CAUSfWAY 2 BR 1 botb 1 400 ?q If partially furni*hed beautilul lot Only $h2 500 CAROIINA SHORfS Prime lot 109*149 Make an offer $22 000 B K ( i 2 I WOODS New retfrt(t#d residential development (lota to wot or wOy lot* .tortirtg at $1S 500 SHAUOTH POINT f*cellont boot? lor tturt.rtg out located on large lot 1 25*278 Two BR 1 bath kitchen living oreo tvOrtl %tOv0 BRUHWOOO l$1ATl$1%*o prime lot* Walking distance ol tertm* court* $14 900 and up BRIC* LANDING Golf <our*e lot* writer way condot new home* Coll tor 4??v..l? .0 1 * ?#?t?.<t?d ot#o? In ?s# South BrvntwKik Itlondt SHAllOTIf POINT Sun Down A<r#? IwO Ion ir?ilvrdo% ?#p'u tank v?#ll o'vl utility building $15 900 BO?HO *o<h ACARSM COVI N#%? lmc#ll#nt p#tma r,?nl Kon\# 3 UK 2 both* ltr#ploc# wwth Sock out m*..*t $104 500 CAHOHNA SHOftfS NORTH lot JU ?00 TARMlflANO ACRIS f->m? k>t $:' 900 and V'P OCfAN AlRf I ST AT t S lot *>th *#ptK N>nk $? SOD SASSPAN 3 M ' bo*n lfo?*? Sou*# N#?? Soot pun>p ?Nvm ? rv*vw? \ and doc* ?ypp 7*?ISO k>t $33 v\V IORT l:SH(R ln?#ttm#n* p'or#'?? CVfd#* on I00? t *5 lot Pp?#nt.o4 to* com m#r<.Ol p?op#<?* Coll d#?oU ST U RkV CA*vHtNA $MO?tSCONOO I* 2 Nittn a*-##took? jx*oJ l*t?o ?k? S > R.V 0?n# M JN6 9C0 Rentals ?v?n? -> ro rct/TO P* ' * CM' 9W**&r*+% <?p?? *'O ?K? r?scv\?t\^ pA.,? wt ?.** ? ?>3 ^HV? t C?M *<*? *o< ?w?NH ^ fc?#0<f\ ti*5 ?tp pJk/% CONTACT JUCH ftlDGlN o? don imn ropertv Real Estate ONE LOT in Forest Hills near Holden Beach Call 847-2146 or (919)997 6585 Oct 17 unmtu ouru maiwi fcKjn S?r root losing 3''* mil#* horn b#or * 300 fd* Iron ?o'*"<0( Mitf? ! ? 60? 20 to* wi'h 833 ?q It houl* 3 BP bo'h ki??h?n living room Bong# r#tr>g#io'C? drop#* C H A d##p v?#ll Suitobl# to? f#0' round living 831 900 CALL (704)782 0201 Pine Lakt Completely furnished 3 BR, 2 bath chen/dining area, AC, two decks. Rea PARKWAY 3 BR, 2 baths, living room chen. Completely furnished, two large FISHER MxGG completely furnished, combination, AC. $36,500. PINE IAKE VIU.A(;E, a highly re: miles south of Shallotte on Hwy. 17 utilities, city water, a 5'v-acre lake ai with owner financing. otfia WALTERS REALTY Calabash Days?579 9727. 579 9728 Nighls -579-6673 COMMERCIAL Suntot Bunch 5 lot* on cornor of Mom ond Suntot Blvd E*collent in v?ltin?lll Of dovelopmont potential Calobuih loii location* to telect from Starting ot $10 000 MOBILE HOMES Soa Trail 19H3 Vogue 3 BR 14*70 $32 900 Beautiful 1984 3 BR doublewido on 2 largo wooded lot* Paved road with private water located between Suntot Reach ond Calabath $55 000 Dogwood Drive 12*65 I ond Grant by Mo?cot largo icivvnud porch . d cypret* deck Pmed to tell at $24 900 Sea Trail Dogwood Di 2 lott 120*150 14*70 mobile home 2 BR 2 bath* wuther dryer heat pump $4?i 900 MOBILE HOME LOT* Sro Trail largo teloctioa ot nico lots ipudy lor mobtlt homo* SI I (XX) SIS 000 Call Of wvfi'o tor O coniplete hit o' tlvii'/ohJ0 propter t>01 SHALLOTTE POINT ARIA Brand nev the $50 s NOUSi ON DE(P WATER LOT 3 BR Special features include a bud house and a pier with boat dock pointment only CLOSE PROXIMITT TO WATERWAT home with a view of the woten for yourself! SNALLOTTI POINT lots of room situated on over an acre of iond or both TUkir I Att tun 4 UAAM I UAMt nn?t tvi j nnv n >"v?ui nviwi ond ipocr for ooo'Het mobile f porty OCIAN t$U Commerciol lots avo frt iKtb r\. r rw-vr * MaLo aa aMa? - - ? ??" ?"? ,v* lilSURI ACtfS Visit our modal tx ronty bat or a you buy Hov? you housa' Sotislo<tion guorantaad ASM 3 BR 2 both horn# situota proparty Excallant na>ghborho< A STUMMtMC VlfW o? the Shollot! Mt>odad 3 4 ocre lot $25 000 C0N00S Ckaon Itla Pncad fror IINT Till PUMTATI0M.o?aly wot with numarous omaotitias VVi Ownars War ronty Ixptci ri* b#?t NOMI OWWtt VMM All Somt? comtrvct+d b> WLG * MX)"ontf Col! f'SC '? Look EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it il^j| HBA |P legal to advertise "any p HO preference. Limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make any preference, limitation or discrimina tion." JsOlj 1 Village s, living room with fireplace, kitidy to move into. Only $37,900. with fireplace, dining room and kit! decks. $54,900. 2 BR, 2 baths, living/dining/kitchen stricted mobile home subdivision 2 Q hae ' - 1 -? |/??V.U OVI CVU1, UIIUCI^I UUIIU I id more. Ix>t prices $9,000 to $13,000 I HOUSES AND CONDOS Seaside Near completion Spacious homo ol oxtroordinary beouty located on marsh slough with fantastic viow of waterway Appro* 1500 sq ft . 2 BR 2 baths firoplaco double garage with concrete drive Nice decks and bulkhoaded lot $89 900 Sea Trail 3 BR 2 baths large screonod porch garage arid utility building located near boat ramp with excellent viow of waterw ov and ocean On 2 beautiful landscaped lot* $82 900 Oyster Bay Beautiful 3 BR 2 both houtt with lot* ol character on lakt overlooking golf course Excellent waterway view Coll for details! $130 000 Cornlino Shor?\ Ro%ort Condo 2 BR condo beautifully furnished $79 500 RIOUCID TO $74,500 $>2 000 down assume 10 87*. loon Sea Trail 2 BR 1 both heat pump 900 *q ft well constructed $44 9CC HOUSE LOTS Sea Trail 2 nice wooded lots minutes from Sunsot Beach Sea Trail Golf links Beautiful wooded lot on r.ow golf course at Sunset Beach $55 000 Sunset Boach 75?200 beautifully wooded lot 3rd row from waterway neor boat romp Pavod street city woter $25 000 Intracoostal Woterway 3 lots Qcross from Oyster Bay Coll for details' $60 000 to $75 000 S 4k O (Associates 754-9257 v 4 BR Capo Cod home Priced in home with large great room, k stove which heats the entire No marsh orass Shown bv on Con you believe o 4 BR 2 both woy lor only S5R 500' Come see to room in this rambling house Con be used lor home business r 1.,_ Um. . ?t, _ i \.w<iip<v<v mill I\i spi nv<n?iiv^> iome Excellent investment prouloble in o high troHic orea next doy \ >me or>d inspect the 10-yeor warever tried to return o defective on this one d on on ocre of well landscaped >d and priced to sell ot $55 OCX) e River con be yours from this n low $70 s Coll for details erfront lots m a restricted area II bvtld lo tutt 10>eor Mom# ^ MAMn iSioco'e* corry o *?oH?frn 10y#o' In The Beacon | For Sale for sale Srr.c!! five r\:i ?.... . ... .ww... ww^w. w.. Deep water lot, 200 on tired furnace. Close to town. c. ,, ,. D. #- h x. c Nice lot. 100x150?A bargain Sh0,l07^ at 528 000. Call 754-6254. P m' 754 8494 I 1 I 1 RAY LAMER I REAL ESTATE 919-579-4545 SLA TRAIL?New 3-BR, 2-both home with opprox. 1,240 sq, ft. Fully carpeted, central air and heat. Located on large corner lot. $64,500. HOLLY ACRES?12x60 2-BR mobile home and lot, real nice. Will sell mobile home sennrote Roth tor RHTt SEA TRAIL?Seaside Station. 2 nice lots on Park Rd. One corner, other joins. Both for 532,000. SEA TRAIL?Seaside Station. Real nice lot with well and septic tank. Ready to move mobile home on. SI7,800. GRISSETT0WN -1983 14x70 2-BR maUle home with central heat and air. Small amount down and^Jwcb over poyments. Lot for rent if desired. Call for information. Home Construction by W.D. King Builders Located in King's Plaza. Hwy. 179. between Ocean Isle and Sunset Beach BRICKLANDING PLANTATION Located on the 3rd fairway. New 2,200 sq. ft. home with 3 BR 2 boths, great room. Owner will have automatic club membership on the Intracoastal Waterway. CAROLINA SHORES Just completed. 1,535 sq. ft. home with cedar siding FP 3 BR 2 boths. 2-car garage, privacy fence, located on the I st fairway with beautiful view of lake ond fairway. RIVER VIEW 14x70 mobile home, 2 BR 2 baths, extro large lot. 130x190. Florida room, beoutifully landscaped yard overlooking Shallotte River and waterway. Private boat ramp and pier plus many other extras. $43,500. 106 ACRES 1 '/> miles from NC/SC stole line adjoining Carolina Shores with access ovailable from U.S. Highway 17 at Shingle Tree Creek. 130 ACRES Located on Highway 904 between Highway 179 ond U S. 17 Ap prox. 800 ft. frontage on Hwy 904 Excellent development site BENTON & FLOYD IS THE EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR: , CARMEl VILLAGE?An exclusive mobile home develop I 4 merit. Located near Shallotte Point. LITTLE RIVER FARMS Near Hickman's Crossroads. Choose the size of your mini farm, r CALABASH NORTH-22 residential lots to choose from starting ot $7,500 to $9,000 j SEASIDE NORTH Restricted mobile home development complete packago deal. Call for details. Benton & Floyd Realty iisFZ. Seles and Appraisals CAUSEWAY, OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28459 PHONE (919)579-2704 SEA TRAIL REALTY/PO BOX 102 f SUNStT BEACH NC 28459 (9|9) 579-3232 ' NEW HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 9 to 5 H0LLT ACRES SHALLOTTE '^83 Tidwell doublewide 3 BR 2 both* brick underpinning cen POiNT ARFA ,,qI wo*her dryer On Sosspon Creek Excellent LOCATION AND CONDITION $S8 000 TARHEELAND j , corner lot* on po*?d *treet with ?>ew ot lntracoo*tal Wo??r ACRES way $44 000 SHORELINE , , . . _ wnnnc ?n man mCl3# P??^ Poved ?fre?tt CiTy wafer ovoilobl? GOOD LOCATION $27,900 1981 Ook wood '4*70 3 BR 2 both* furnished wa*her ond dryer heot pump brick underpinning *creened in porch enn SlAliON crete *lob tor *toroge building 2 LOTS AVAILABLE WITH THIS HOME HOME IS IN EXCELLENT SHAPE $S9 9m St AS! DC l^BO Chorger mobile home 14*70 3 BR 2 both* control oir CTATinu wo*her dryer 20*14 *creene<3 tn porch Situot?d on mc? wood >U,,UN ed lot S31 500 SEASIDE Moniton Seville dovblewide mobile home 24*S2 3 BR 2 STATION both* centroi oir wo?her dryer ttove refrigerator LOCATED ON CORNER LOT CITY WATER HOME IS VERY ClCAN S52 500 CALL fOR AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE THIS NKE UNIT SEASIDE 14*76 1985 New Moon mooile home Wother dryer centroi oir STATION 10*12 wood deck *34900 StASIDC 14*70 19B5 New Moon mobile l\ome 2 BP 2 both* CTATIHW wo*her dryer 3 ton centroi Oir 10*20 vcreened in porch 8*10 reof cJock 8*17 front dec* City and well water S42 OOO SEASIDE 3 BR 2 both* oppltorxe* wo*her dryer CTATIAM woterbed central o?r *toroge bidding nicety '?and*coped city >IA,,UW OTV3 well water *49 50C "50 G%j* woaa mob lie home ' 4 * 7u 2 o* 2 ootn* OTfiy VIEW dryer C M A S*oroge boilding Mobile home ho* o gk>**e?d .n porch on front ond screened in porch On bock LANDING dr .ewa, AREA HAS A PiER fO? PROPERTY OWNERS CAU fO? AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE THIS N?CE UNIT *45 000 ISfA VltlATf 14 70 2 B* 2 both mob?'*e home control o-r i\jby furnished wo*he? dryer deck* t'oroge b\..ld'OQ R?o' n<e lot *32 900 *WY. 1H, 3 ftP pv*"*p Cit> " J'?-r k.tcttpc j> 3^|j uiwsrr tiACM ' ?>*>?. ?x LAKH LC 1 QO" Il?ll ftp Off lOktlNyc Dr .? Jt5 COO simui ItACM MM " on c.-o *ot> ? *11 YOUi tf Al ISTATf N(i?tt CAU OUt OKf BETTYF PAIT BROKER DEBORAH HAYES BROKER (Hom? Phon* 7S4 9740; jHom? PKon^? 579-9235 O sea trail Q^*\0 re al ty^ MBM?MMMT <

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