Page 4-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEACO! Say, I FOR SALE 4-Br brick home on Inland Waterway. One plus acres. $199,500. For appointment call: 579-4145 ! | BEACH PROPERTY DEEP WATER CANAl 6 BR 3 both duplox Uppor lovol has 4 BR. 2 both*, corpot, fully furnishod hoot pump Scroonod porch on canal lowor lovol hos 2 BR I bath, largo \torogo-utility room, hoot pump Prosontly rontod yoar 'round Now bulkhood. floating dock $124 900 A must sno' OCEANERONT DUPLEX HOLDEN BEACH 2 story with 6 BR. 4 baths. C/H/A. now carpot now bulkhood Cypross siding oxtorior. concroto slaL with storago undornnoth. Broothtok Ing viow. both lovols' Good rontol history Excollont financing availablo $169,900 /7 Bob ICampbell ^5^ Realty B I'MONI I'll ' ! 114^ Jb'Hi ANYfiME H()| ()| N HI A' m NOHfM ( AHOI IN A JB40P MWY 130 I'ASI HOIDEN BEACH CAUSI WAY ON III I "SeT1 millen-bnouun1 coiistriKlion <V realty* inc. VISIT OS A 7 OUR Nl W CON I SOtIDA r10 IOCAHON ON THf OCf AN IStf BEACH CAUSEWAY E/BSf Of f /CI ON I HE iff I Phon? 579 2727 GOIMRS SPECIAl Or* tli* woloiwoy ooott Iron) Oyiter Boy 3 BR 7 both* lowly lot Muil ??o to nppiociate \ OCl AN AIRI I SI A11 S Mobil* bom* f lot* 60*150 3 minute* from btach $/ 500 I if m SlOUt ROAD 3 HW \ both* born* Of) 100- I SO lot N*w rut pet. oil | furnoc* with boot to *ocb room Crop* atbof in balk yoni Financing can bo arranged $7H 000 j SHANGRIIA Now 14*60 I loetwood | mobile boit)* ot) 75*110 lot 7 BR. 7 botb* (' M A 14 *70 tlorag* building | included Boat tamp pi iv doge* la; sou J MOllY ACHIS 3 loll ;0?I40 ootli . wltb %tuk built 7 BR bou%* Unflnl*b ot! m?ide (lni*b it to youf own to*t# All boil(bf)g ii)i)toi inl% on ptemite* to bo included with horn* $36 000 COAMAl HI IKf At 3 BN moblU hom. ] ot) a vet y )P. Iud*d pi ivote end lot I'oiIbi t ll*b*rmon'% bid*uwoy ?l I 000 COttON PATCH 2 BR bom# on ' beoutilul wornled-Jo' overlooking S(llipot) C ikite ben and liv ng room Woiuleilul vocation of ( iplnpinpnl bom* Mutt tee to Op piPiiate $36 000 SAND 0W( III NS IONOOMINIUMS 3 ' lovely 2 BR 7 botb condo* fully luf ni?t)*d r*ody to live in of i*nt Unit DI3 $66 000 Unit a: $o* 900 HIGH Mill SUBDIVISION 12*60 mobile bom* on 7 beautiful wooded lot* $70 900 ' WIS1 IAGOONS CONDOMINIUMS I TlX) ?q ft 7 BR 2 botb tcpotate ' d#f> with w*t bot tpouou) l*larxf bit <b*n di*bwa?b*i watbet dr>*f con ' nectlOn* private balcony front and 1 botb fully corpeteif fvlvat# walk in ' toiage utViiet budding Pmed 'o *ell Mi\l?l ihi'vvn by oppointm#nt I VII l AG I POINI I SI At ( S 2 BR I ) botb bom* cathedral ceding tifeplcii# *11 t b tOO* 190 lot mo t>*w tetfi . nIVI, (vf'utnvi ad|Ouv ng Bnerwood G<*M Couf*# Prned to a- SS2 900 1 VMtU FYMN1 RlCRf AtfONAl V?l IAGI lot 60*120 prtced o? $3 900 VIUAGI M>N1 | ST AM S B*ov*-tw tCO*tSO k>t? tn a fv*%% ret'i*ub divitKWi od(Omiivg t> - .e< wood Gof Covn* S?o?'.;vg o* 2V **? + ? NoMi* i J C Yc^wg So1** A?kh ? *; K??. t UURfiVS."^ LUILLIOm'S ; ??Atl> K CONMRUCItO* ._579-4??l^ jj LU Airport Plate I Ijj C>c?ton lile Beast MCNTSOUII (Ml Urt It! tilt ?? (iff I U? till I I t I til lHl I Urr.. I UI I> ? / S', Thursday, October 3, 1985 isawi FOR SALE O - R P nnfi a h a rr\ o overlooking marsh on Goose Creek at Brick Landing. Under construe nun. Call 579-4145 SunCompany REAL ESTATE Holden Beach Causeway (919) 842-6735 LOTS Holiday Aero* Now lifting*. 1'/? mil?* from boacfi Walk 1o ro*tourant%. tforo* bank cr* now povod rood MOBIlf HOMt 3 BR 2 full bath*, con tral air. 10*40 dock Ovortizod lond tcopod lot appro*. 145 ft front. 145 ft. doop 75 ft bock width, bordoring froth wator pond Boat landing privileges on Introcoostol Woi?rwoy Mid $20'* NIW LISTING Scenic viow of In tracoastul Watorway from dock ol mobile homo wolkwoy accost op proxirnatoly 150 ft to woloiway plus pnvato boot landing Now Tangle wood at mo $30,500 BUCCANKR HILLS 2 BR mobile home. AC, docks woodod lot Undor $15,000 BUCCANKR HILLS lots undor $4 000 10% down, balanco financed at 10% Ask to soo our complelo safes hit SIR HAL STANKT, CHARlOTTf N01TI OR CUMIHT MOHAN SOUTHERN uSands \y REALTY, INC. II lutnttNb 4SI6 SC I No liy 579-9785 OCEAN ISLE BEACH /arioty of I and 2 BR condos New fur ushod and unfurnished Other units inder construction $78 900 to $169 000 toveial (utloyo\ lot sole Coll for details lots $98,500 to $85 000 HOMiS iOMMIRSITT LANDING 1272 sq ft 7 BR I hath fully furnished home on 90*200 ot Firoplnte big den $4 7 500 HA KNANCING on tovoral homes with no ihmi.-j wvmi in ?vry 'im uuwri fwymmii 133 500 up .MAllOTTI POINT ABU 2 BR I both kit ben living room quiet room or extra BR >n (o:nor lot Older bou?e ideal lor to noone to tin up or ibunge to own *tyle :io%e to Shollotto River lond*coped private well A teptic took Good buy at L2H 500 ASM ARIA 3 BR 2 both I 950 *q It Some front and bodi pore be* covered ileck large living room 4 year* old like now I' ocre lot $104 500 MARUf ACBIS Now 3 BR 7 botb boute $56 400 Coll lor lirvondng inlor motion MOBILE HOMES XIAN ASSt BTATIS W87 ? 2*50 futmibed mobile home on 60*150 lot $19 500 12?TO 2 BR 2 botb* fully lurni*bed 19 000 IlitS IM0SIII MOM! 2 BR I botb Plu* IS Kin 135 000 LOTS MABUI ACBIS 75*105 lor $14 500 LONG BUCM 75*100 lot witb *epti< per mil 200 It Irom meon and [>o* t* C<ee* lr;>j>?oge Owner financing bolt down 5 ?eor* or 10*. $27 OX) NIDI AW AT 1ST A T1S lot with *eptiC Mnk and well poved rood $9 500 UAIMOCI ISTAT1S 60*175 lot w.rti ?eptH lank permit $6 COO rtuiuai rmm vv.w^i lot* o44 h??? JH '( Misuit Swrt?*l Hotbooi S3 SX> to u vv rttniAT WotkOmow R ? # loh JON IN <h-?? p# 4AUM AttA Ifvf.^oC.MW lot $>5 000 <> %*> < 11rtorK ?rvg a*0<k>N? 4 10T1 o<* ViHoy* ^o?nt Rood ot SHo'k?tt? * . ! <w\# ?*.tb ?? '! O'VJ ?op*K ?Oi>A All $16 W OCf AN ISli BEACH 'vt?? S#d J M 3 botf* Kom# C I \?oO-' (Cfn*) lot c N A (Wftf M?d?n?Oth I'd Row \ U 5 fvx.v ?- --? C H A, dMi po*vf* Kcyxif'* ^ * * 0' k>*f> ivWVl J'vV^ VN5 *X CV ?<Wr(y>! ; M uv*Jo CKnm# i<V V4>? w bv?k,'?vV^ C0">0' ^ OCC it in "IT Real Estate TIRED OF PAYING RENT? Own your own home with no money dowr.. Build on your lot. For free brochure or information coll lUIIVU H FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 5 ocres with new 24x28 building close to Holden Beach Si9 500 842 9925 H FOUR BEDROOM 2-both brick home on 1 31 ocres in Ash area. Asking $65,000 Must too to appreciate. Coll ofter 6 p.m. 754 0076 Oct. 3 PINEHURST fF.RS & PROPERTIES, INC. MEM. ESTATE <1 179 CAIABASM NC 704*9 fTl 9l9)*79 4097 |9I9)*79 4090 Mrt. I KOUM SHORES 'lirirk home, I yrnr old, I.I8T> M{. ft. heated arra. family room with fireplace, all appliance*. 2-ear garage. 12x22 acrrencd |>oreh. nice tree* in ipiiet location. IHC.OdO. Beautiful 3-ycar-ohl home on corner lot. 1,569 m|. ft. heated area, fireplace. 2-enr garage. 12x13 wrrrrncd porch, Kl\Hl patio deck. l.ot completely land*ca|H'd with roir.ia gnt**. JHI8,5(KI. Patio lot*. $10,000 and up. Acreage E?tate* lot*. $11,500 and up. Other lot*. $13,000 nnd up Home* and lot* on and off the golf rour*o. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Calalia*h?2 building* with 17,300 *i|. ft. of land in excellent location. (jirl F.. F.rickmtn, lirnkrr Frank ho**. Hntkvr ' I HOLDEN BEACH'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY OVER 250 UNITS 8EAU1IEUI NEW 1986 Redman doublowido on 70x90 lot 3 BR 2 boll** lurnl*hed grovel drivo C/H'A D/W. Iron! do<W All lor only MX) 1972 MONlCU mobile homa situated on o large 75x 125 lot 2 BR I bath op pllance* window air. electric heal SI 7 000 1980 REDMAN W*V> mobile home *ith two landscaped lot* 2 RR. I ?Oth porfially furnished wood Stove $73 9O0 I960 MORRISFIEID 14*70 mobile home on IS loft which bock op to o nice pond fireplocv applioncet screened porch storage building $49 $00 14?$6 CAROLINA mobile home with 2 BR I both furnished electric heat wmdn?* air nice deck with waterway view $2$ $00 1972 FURNISHED mobile home with 1 BR 1 both o?l heat window air freo standing fireplace and 12"16 deck $18 000 1984 FRONTIER 14*70 mobile home c entral electric heot now A C 2 BR 2 baths on large 6$*1$0 lot two buildings screened porch only three up from the waterway $3$ 900 14*70 TITAN mobile home on two lots 3 BR 2 baths C H A screened porch underpinned in bock $36 $00 UNOBSTRUCTED ocean view from this second row large 4 BR 3'? bath home Portiolfy furnished two cor garoge C H A D W inside stairway fenced yard many e*tros col' to see SI32 $00 lOVflY A FRAME on Brunswick Awe with 3 BR 2 boths C H A garbage disposoi upper and tower decks D W All for onl? $89 900 lARGC 4 BO 2 both Som# on 6?1 conol with tond?<op?d k>t comp?#t?S Kirm?h to C'H A 0 n cofK?t*? wx>#? lovodry room iKvo^t room ?und#cV M looting ckxK $1 14 N?Cf 2 BO 1 both bom# on d#op wottf vOnol Boo* ?Kxk cc^tr#d JXV cbot fk>rnr%h#<j odo^od OwHKk iNMt< C M A *tro O'p# lot k<4 300 cau ? ? ro? mun to buud ?n tun rm lot 4mo m? rvaa to wn rovt ?IM OCEAN IS1I BEACH 4 M 2 borh bovt# 0*> tv^^tOiStd <or*ol C H * ivrrsjt** ? ?' " k>l o?o o6'? ^ W SUllDING LOTS ?WIV< COVl \flU4Gi KXNT s<J* U! iMIS HM??n*Ni 'UUXU 10??0?%000 ??0?A CMxl*S in pri???? arni ? I. Vt? 3'iOI NEED A STEEL BUILDING? CALL TODAY I ieBea Waal l?tate FOR SAlE: 4-3R. 2 full both house, new heat pump, new water pump, stove, refrigerator Seaside. Coll 579-3132 or 3/t-04W. Oct. 17 CALABASH?SUNSET BEACH. NC Brand new 24x56 Craftsman doublewide completely set up with brick urtderninninn nrtri HorLt ?1 ti inloH nn Inma wooded lot on Hwy. 179 ot Calabash River. Also 14x70 sinalewide set up the same way with lana or will sell lots without homes. Prices starting at $12,500 with os little cs $500 down, with excellent soiier financing. Call Mclam'o Roolty. (803)249-3491 or (919)287 6541. rt APPRAISALS?Residential and commercial. HAZEL SIMPSON. Qualified Appraiser/Licensed Broker. Coll 919)754-9197. tf BY OWNER One-acre and Vi-acro tracts. Paved road frontage. Wooded and open tracts. Septic approved. Winnabow area. OWNER FINANCING As low as 10% down, 10 year terms. Also oneacre tracts in Horry County, SC. ACREAGE DEVELOPMENT Call Collect: (803) 272-4775 J.G. Worrell Realty 754-8723 Shallotte NEW LISTING ? JvgV ill Hmf. ISO, Qvlefoan, la Mm Haven Da*.. I N, Wick, a I ctrywt. S3 J.000 AiimmW ha MA ken. H <ve?fW4 Shallotta l?tate% Colombo* St.. 3 BR brick on IOOkTOO lot with ttorage building, ne*t to Briarwood S47,500 90*. financing Hwy. 130 Aih--3-BR brick home dan with firaplaco It * nica1 S42 500 Oceon Troil Naor Holders Beach on Stanley Rood 4 BR 2 both born ttyle home S35 000 10% down Riverview ? Shallotto River Nov. 3 BR brick horn# ! ,*? baths docks op pliunces hoot pump 559 900 just oH Hwy 179 3 BR doublewide 3 bath* fireplace 47 aero lot. *oparoto gorcgo Between Shallotto ond Oceon Itlo 532 500 Hwy 130 578 sq It commorciol building on 65*300 lot noar proposed Shallotto by pass REDUCED 532 000 E*um -3 BR homo control hoot and oir appro* I 5 acres 548 000 Nico born on propert> Sovoral homo* with FmMA financing no money down ?u qummwu buyer* 533 500 up Riverfront homo noar Shallotto Point $96 500 Hwy 211 Midway 1984 14*70 Fleet wood 522 000 2 BR homo with carport Hwy 130 noor A?.s post oHko $18 500 lot* at Brtorwood Estates Marsh Cove ond so. or o I othor develop moots One lot ot Briorwood $9 Q00 Mobil# homo lots Holiday Acres Noideo Beoch 56 000 eoch H?gh Hill 53 500 eoch 12 ocre wooded tract oH Stout Rd near Ash $15 000 Mobile homo ocre lots in new development noor Shollotte 55 000 Seoch homes corsdas ocrooge r?ver Of*3 ?0? Hijhwo) >? 179 or IX k>n $15 COO up SNotto** h?c? ion 13 500 up N?co Xdcro form ?r> AlK |*u"? 0'*0 To6occo $?5 -XX MOBILE HOMES IO*?wckx5 1??6S ??#? or1* 4 fct 2 tw*| c H A kCOC?Ou? ?Oft? u*TVr?S?-"*^> t lKy<>9? fcwifcd?-?g Or"?d ?r*oro yc - ' 12' ?CC S#C Vvftog*- -H<t l4?^ 0**<J S#C VtUog* I^4 t^r-n^h+a l4??Q 2 M 2 bo?*n C H A d*<% ivvcsj^ c?^^9 <or> S<t i?? rW? ?*? utfnVi Ca2 ss? icon!' n I Village Point Estates 50 acres of beautiful new homesites just east of Shallotte on i Village Point flood. Adjoining Brierwood Golf Course, these homesites are well restricted with paved streets. Lake now being constructed. Ix>ts begin at $10,000 with owner financing?10% down, 10% interest for 10 years. Phase I is now being sold, so come take a look for yourself. 1 /-vt trwv w m. t I 2S\JU'l I1EHIM Kands REALTY, INC. OCEAN ISLE SQUARE PHONE 579-9785 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 65 ocros on Hwy 904 $71,500 Si 6.250 down, balance 1 5 years a! I % below FLB rate 400 acre tract $800 000 $160 000 down 15 years at 1% below FIB rate 93-acre blueberry farm. $350 000 $150 000 down bolonce 10 years at 12%. Ownor financing lOQocres $100 000 Owner financing 14 acres at Winnabow. |ust off Hwy 17. $33 000 One ocre and 3 buildings (8 400 sq ft total) Completely fonced with chain link 155.OOO $15 000 down 15 years 9% 2 buildings (4 800 sq ft ). country sto'e gas pumps $79 800 Commercial lots 100*300 on Hwy 17 $38 500 each Call for detoils. Commercial building and lot $90 000 Commercial lot (3 ocres plus) on Hwy 17 $90 000 OFFICE AT INTERSECTION of Hwy. 130 t Holdon Roach Cauiaway Phono (919)S42-3190 1-800-453-1879, tit. 835 IINLANE Healtj^ HOMES & MOBILE HOMES KHJTH tIDCf SUSMOCt ftOAD 1977 lowndole mobile home portiolly furnished 1 BR 1 both 60? 110 lot Coll Beverly Fo.rcloth S42 3190 $11 000 M0 MUttKANI MAVIM Nk? 3 BR 2 Ml both house vw?th corp?t and vinyl throughout Spooou* front porch with sliding g'a** door* Tennis court boot romp ond pool privilege* All for only $45 500 N 2 Coll Beverly Foircloth B42 3190 FIDOiirS C0VI An >deol 1981 24.64 fvrr>*Ked doubiew?de 3 BR 2 full both* pn 2 nicely londscaped lot* Don t m?** our o' $38 000 F-l Coll Be?erly Foircloth B42 31^C HUf SAAUOm Cory 3 BR 1 both Krk.i* <v> . OC'S b! tartth ."UCS jG.'ii.-, %po? 133 000 S 5 Coll fo?rtl?th M 3I?0 Oil Ail lUVtM UllOOTOJOft .Vo* r^ht m *i? right down m 1^83 C\oyior\ mob* I# hewn# wwiffi 2 B? ' bo** Porch on front orvd doc* or bock o**'lc<A >ng froth wo'tf pcrxJ Coll Po' Fo* M2 3100 179 300 Ol lAtOOOT 14T Now 'v.ob * Scrr^t kty poc???*? Ov# 14*16 and I I4*>0 M* wP Od* ?o rno?t into MOBILE HOME OR BLDC. LOTS SKAUOTTf SANCXtS KXttST ion t'Om h sac CXI AS T?At li (i II #OCh Sf A VXLAGt I'on 16 500 lARftVOCC ISTATIS 15 61 ooch OCEAN AIRE 15 600 ech iOMG??OO0 fw. 55 OOC p*r ocr* frfCAN CO?v?>?rc*o> IS CCC 1 ocro HtGH MRU |750 down 11C po* wcr'ti* O^NFtS VAHT *TTH f AS* 'IR.Ml OTHER PROPERTIES 110 Ocr#f? ?n Aih Po-.^d rood ?ror> *09* Oo'ro pp.??^o? or *>dvt'r>o< pOtofsQ- 1175 000 X '*? Ode." ?"9 wnrth v?ib*/ J6i 300 , j OUTSTANDING BUY HIGH MEADOWS?2-BR 1-botk mobile Home in excellent condition, plus 10x12 storage building on 4 large !*?tS (1 2 nrro?J 3 walk Vory nrivnto S31 900 Coll Al Newton. 1 n r~v ?1 X N ,W1IK ra'iar\?y 1 r-Ntp 4 t rm r k^L/VLl I 0(kb III* Beach. 579-7031 or 754-9745 Causeway Realty Ocean Isle Beach Causeway (919)579-2755 HOLDEN BEAGH AREA-Near Tonglowood on SR 1139. 2 tracts of commerI cial property. Call for details on this excellent investment. NORTH TANGLEWOOD?Near Holden Beach. 12x65 mobile home. New setup with new well, pump and septic | tank. Underpinned, central air. Excellent water. Must see at $18.500' Owner financing available SHANGRI LA?Fully furnished 2-BR mobile home, central air. 60x120 lot Good location. $23,000. HOLLY ACRES?New mobile home, furnished, many extras, storm doors and windows corpot large deck well-designed kitchen and living room. 70x135 lot. All for only $76,000. CHOOSE YOUR LOT! VINEYARD LANDING--Lots on Royol Oak River. 90(woterf ront)* 204x227 jr95 $14,000 10% down, balance 5-7 years at 10% i simple interost. SEA AIRE ESTATES?2 odjocent lots j 70* 150 each $5 500 per lot ?H Al LOT T E POINT AREA ? Neor wotorway Nice corner lot for building fhot future vocation pormonent home with od|Ocent lot available recently bushhoggod PRICE REDUCED' MAKE AN OFFER ON ONE OR BOTH RIVERSIDE SECTION I- Beautiful wooded cornor lot 112 5*150 (l'i lots) in restricted section zoned homes only $12 000 SUMMERPLACE II No restrictions nice lot with deep woll septic tank storage building You con move on this one now' $7 000 SHELL LANDING Close to beoch 100*100 lot with well and septic tank Your money % worth at $12,000 ! ' I 4 /T^NJ (^r Campbell iwsauy LL3 m~w k?"i e<un|a< ? i *At9l . ' f U?- 0> CXV PMONE <9 I 9) 84; ?69fl ANtTiMC MOIDEN BEACH NORTH CAROLINA 2H46? HWY 130 PAST HOlDEN BEACH CAUSEWAY ON lEfl JvT, 3 s m I 'C HOMES & MOBILE HOMES SUMMER PLACE II Mobil* horn* ion DtlfTWrOOO ACRES SECTION * 1?o loH 50*125 roch Wooded corner lots situated on pa?ed ?fr**r% Both for only SB 250 0 2 Sandy Shoo'* Sea Aire Estates Barefoot Bay Riverside I & II Wooded lot ?n Maple CreeA Coll Pot Fo? B42 31 Cornor lot in C or of?no Shoro* Coll &*. /!> f oifcloth 542 3190 f i?h#rrrvon t Porodno - Coll W?? Blonkon&hip 542 3190 roMM|?riAi mi Acroi* from 8*1'? Qu?cfc Stop wrifh 384 ! ? fronting on S* 1 1 J7 N4<? Rd . ond 185 fronting on S? 1141 ;K?rfcy Rd . Thn lot pro?xJo% omp!? tpoc* for- ony rajTife^K of COtvnfCO1 ?* * Own?< finoAtmg S-*5 000 C I ACREAGE UMUl KAttOI fOAD H11ID-4 63 OC'*? ici<*Ohf? for hom-# ond Of tv?n?? 525 66 ft rood fron%og# on Hoi-bor Rood Si 9 iuO Sfl OTHER PROPERTIES N<# con-fc/?ot?# offcdofeio tvocci# on 2 ?on *> poocofui WMpfng Appro* 300 f<h frcnn tnlond **i C'C'n 5) Oa?n?r finoncmg 3.c <6W o^h U< 9CC Off ??-*? corf con?9? *non 5 m <x?r? from Ocoon HA# S#och. S2? GOO OriV Be r lot?* -cod?d f'OW lot U XC AUCTIONS VIA WttAY AUCTION CO.

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