Get Real Estate BRIERWOOD ESTATES House under construction on oeautitui corner iot in new section. For sole by onwer 3 BR. 2 baths fireplace, large deck, cedar siding. Call for directions. Once you visit site, you'll wnnt II tr*, QiOl tf FOR SALE BY OWNER, commerciol property 160x320 located on Hwy. 130 near NCNB at Holden Beach causeway Coll 842-2146 or (919)997 6585 Oct 17 INTRACOASTAL REALTY Holden Beach Phone 842-3782 INTAACOASTAl WATCRWAY?70x200 plus lot. Owner financing. Mid $40's. Just waiting for home, pier and dock. For the best fishing, having fun or just plain roloxod living, whichever suits your needs CHARLOTTE STREET Deep water canal 2-story contemporary on 50x100 lot. Bulkhead, pier ond floating dock 4-BR. 2-baths. large living are with cathedral ceiling, kitchen and porch on streot side, large dock on water Lower level enclosed for garage ond storage Uppor $90 s MJTtoiDt I?Two lots on Lockwood Folly River eoch 72x180 Reody for pier ond dock and just minutos from ICW and ocean. Deep woter Rostrictod to homes Lots are wooded and on high bluff. S30 000 eoch STTROtrS LANDING Cedar siding ranch on 60x120 lot 2 BR 1 bath, large living oreo kitchen' dining combo C H A porch and deck Low S30's SANDY SHOAL'S Mobile homo on 50x125 lot. 2 BR 1 bath, fully furnish ed w d d w C'H-A Florida room ond deck Low $20 t MAPLI CKfEK Cedar siding ranch on 100x150 lot. landscaped with fence ond shrubs Large living room 3 BR 2 baths w d kitchon dining combo. C H A large storage and workshop largo porch and deck Mid $50 s BUCCAMfft MILLS NORTH Mobile home on 50x100 lot Fully furnished 3 DR 1 bath large deck $17 500 W1K0Y POINT. LAKI VIIW 2 wooded lots 100x110 eoch Ideal for home or mobile Very nice area $12 000 We hove other property /ofs land homes and rnobi/es P/eose come by ond let ul show you the many desirable properties We wiff be hop py to spend os much time os needed to show you full whot you ore looking lor We alio do appronoh at very reosonob/e rotes Otic mnd Lib by Simmons Iftttv McClure i : ? 1 MAINLAND HOMES RIVER RUN PLANTATION (formerly Pier 66} Go fir*! clou1 10S6 tq It modular hom? on 80* I 20 lot Furnish d corpef throughout Pool clubhouse boot romp privileges All this for only Ut> 600 WATfRWAY ACRES 2 story 3 or 4 BR 2 both* dining with fireplace great room* both lovol* workshop Situated on nice wooded lot near waterway Appro* 2 500 *q It Ask mg S64 500 WATERWAY ACRES New 3 BR I bath cypre** siding corpet throughout near water 1 344 *q ft heated orea AC Only S61 500 HESITATE YOU LOSE: 2 story home on deep water conal in Sea Aire E*tote* 4 BR 2 bath* large kitchen with cobmet* golore carpet throughout Ground level ho* gome room with fireploce kitchen workshop utility room Deck ond Hooting dock Fan tostic *i#w(i) '$112 *00 MAPLE CREEK Neat 2 BR I both house with interior solid pine walk ono' On .y?iKop*^ lo* Good # * 0< Vowft by Oppc-n! Ti?n> ft?dv<#d ?? S5^ W QUALITY CONSTtUCTlOM HI/#' G'ttrrwood A'^tl 2 ??C"f CO^try on 'GO? 1 25 io? Wifti trot* Ck? Z'?C CoOO* 3 S 2 bO'M CM- A f>r?pi9 1 bJ2 kj ft ?*??t#d |^4 WTTW TTIK57 LA TO WW WBT BOT CBOOU 0*T jCampbell Realty 03 > ? m; -XJ4I et*.;- rjk*c*.HA 28442 A/Tr J JO *A.1T NCXIXN MAC* CAUS WAY QH OfT ( Fast AC brunswickland realty ui WjT (919) 842-6940 unt UlitAN tSLVU. HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 OCEANFRONT?New listing Beautiful 4 BR 2 bath furnished home C H A front and rear decks Excellent rental property Si59 900 OCEANFRONT New listing 3 BR 2 tilo kniK? F?/_irrtvvood '!oct furnished, C'! heat enclosed garage boardwalk to beach On west end. Si45 000 OCEANFRONT CONDO 2 BR 2 baths fully furnished, heat pump sundeck very good rontal income all yeor long. Price reduced Owner anxious to sell SAND DUNE LANE New 1 800 sq ft 4 BR 3 baths, furnished carpet vinyl, beautiful interior decoration, excellent view C H A. landscaped Easy access to the beach Si35 000. OCEANFRONT -Very largo 5 BR 3 bath homo. Located on West End of Holden Beach. Less than 1 year old fully furnish ed Greot rental income already. S225 000 MAINLAND -Riverside 3 BR. 2 baths. C H A carpet, vinyl, carport with storage Large wooded lot on Lockwood Folly River Pier REDUCED DUNES New construction. 109 Frigato Dr 4 BR. 2 baths beach access at end of stroet Appjplnmoto'y 1 50 yards to the beach (One of tho bost buys on Holden Booch) $79,500 COMMERCIAL Well established grocory and varioty store on NC 130 Largo 215 ft front 40x60 building C H A Woll stock ed Profit ond loss statomont avaiiabio 12*? ownor financing with substantial down pavmont S372 000 HOLDSN BIACH LOTS BEAUTIFUL triple duno ocean! ront lot Excellent view of ocean and salt marsh Lot us show you this one $2,000 per front loot SCOTCH BONNETT DRIVE 50*100 lot with cement bulkhead $47 500 2ND ROW On wost end $49 500 2ND ROW Bulkheadod at end ol doop wotor canal CANAL 91*100 wator on 2 sidos $46 800 3RD ROW On Sand Duno Lane nice viow ol waterway REDUCED LOTS 1 2 3 and 4 Tuscorora Subdivision noar Holden Beach causowoy 140 It front on NC 130 240 It doop Ideal lor restauront $1)0 000 CALL US FOR ADDITIONAL LISTINGS ON 0THIR FIN! PROPIRTIIS. tdiUilfJjJ _r ;JllJ J> r^NAT 579-6216 579-6217 OCEAN ISLE BEACH N.C. 28459 OCEANFRONT LOTS AVAILABLE $150,000 OCUNItOHT CONDOMINIUMS Voriety of oceonfront condominiums O'Qiloble NEW previously owned ond unit* under construction One fo throe bedroomt pnced SM XW to 5/^5 OOO ocunftoirr mouses NEW LISTING 5 BR 3 both* torge sundecW covered front ond bocR por ches outside shower $199 $00 HALF Of DUPLEX 6 BR 3 ? both* cornet c h o woiher dryer dtshwosher fully furnished $210 000 BEAUTIFUL 6 BR 3 both cottoge with oil gloss ?cross oceon s>de beautifully fur nished Never rented but could be er cellent rental investment $2$0 (XX) tmiro 1 too mi row mouses CATES HOUSE Un^u? 4 BR 2 baths c h o fireploce wet bar loft den par r?olly fumrshed Greot view of woterwoy $150 000 COMAS HOUSE 4 BR 2 baths covered porch outs?de shower AC unit heat SUPER tUt' $94 VX riMAl MTXIU'. fAl*V.O*4T STtfIT 4 2 both with ^rvdwr r^o'h W iKh*n roo# N?? CQ'f/*' Or*d C h O furr*?*b#d SlC/6 CCD DA*f ST*I?T Uf>dw* c^.^tfv>* for (VTf ?'? dM*0> ^ O* ?h?t trt>f r?J o?r ca'^*'wJ o" tii?oor? with *ntr^ orwo Qrd wo* r doM*t AvyiwJ lot occ?*t lo doc* 174 VX ?Hw a??t m4 W! MA VI MANT OTMfl ft LA MO PtO firms rot uu. aiomo with UIUMMC SHU A MO imtfMtKT MOttlS Cm Tni MAIMUJ? ft 1AM call roc a cownrn urn usr. rtion W PHONE 7 TO PLACE A CL RAT 51 .X) tor the tirst 25 words per w word. DEAD Classified advertising is accepted tion in Thursdoy s issue MOBILE HOMES 1974 CONNOR 12x36. Good condition Partially furnished Call 842 2595 oorly morning. Oct 10 AS NEW. mobile home. 3 BR 2 full baths now 10x20 Florida room. Now 10x14 screened porch. Centrol heat air. Deck on back. Soe to oppreciote. Bonaparte s Retreat. Box 112. Bonaparte Dr. Oct. 3 pd | MOBILE HOME I SPECIALS NEW USED ?a!l Us About NO MONEY DOWN Billy McKee OPEN Randy Britt 7 David Marlowe DAYS Southeastern Homes Center (Noxl to Lowe's) Whiteville, NC 642-7767 or 642-7279 FOR RENT 1 BR fURNISHtD HOMt n?a< Holdsn Beach Part rent in exchango lor coretak ing Couple only Reference* required Coll 475-7934 niqht* or writo Rt 3 Bo* 597A Thomonvillo NC 27360 tl CAROLINA SHORES 3 BR unfurnished home lor ront Available now Call (003)449 2172 tf BUILDING Longwood NC 904 2 000 tq ft with office* and bath Truck body hoight ramp ond loading dock I onto with option to purchase Kinston I 522 5171 Nov 14 [Hi 2 BP Ihwmi with fttoploco Sumot Booth Ono yoar lea*o available Sopt IS Call (704)334 3110 Oct 10 BRICK HOME for rent with 4 BR. 7 bath*, fully carpeted carport oloctnc hoot ok collont viow of Intracoattol Wolorway located on 'i-ocro lot Seatlde Call 647 5073 or Peggy at 579 6751 Oct 17 SHAllOTTE POINT Now one bodroom apartment with eloitnc hoot Call 754 4671 Oct 3 Ocean Side Realty Bonaparte's Retreat I To/lor North wood 1979 14*70 mobile I home 'J BP 7 bath* wother/dryer S't4 (XX) lot* S7 900 to SIS 900 for manular to rod home* Bonaparte's Retreat II lot % I 4 'XXj Sea Villoge Mk? lot %6 000 Mk* lot ?ith b?g blocW top | rood $7 100 IV9? C bam pi on mobila home 17/66 ! mi fh tot 7 tJ4' front Uitrtk#n utility building 173 500 Carolina Shores ft#Owtiful oil br?M for?-. PrK?Kj r?gM Of |MI CX Ond Cor& SMrt* pc.#.i?g*t 5?-/?rol otb#r r?r^ n?#? 'o#*t lib VX t'r'fc ?frj ?'/>! ~l fc> 2 r/j^ '! * #?>? . f#rxch If f-i") V*.' '//> Pkr 66 i?/*? k v/i ?<. 124 y/> t??vfr.?? 4o,b ?"<4? o/?3 ?y-jirw rt? Wt Wr? ? ) *tW Itlinft ia tlifa| M, kmi wU twjii OFFICE: Boi 4668, Coloboih, N.C. 28459 Phono 919-579-2141 or 919 $79 3717 ith A CI; ASSIFIED AD! is eek: b cents tor eoch additional j LINE until noon Tuesday for publicoFor Rent MOBILE HOME, furnished for rent Very nico. 2 BR. control heat and air washer ond dryer. Doposit required Bolivio. 253 5330 Oct 3 EXTRA NICE six rooms 2 boths a couplo only. $300 por month. Deposit roquired Call 579 3164 Oct 3 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Rent from $235 per month or purchaso your own office in Promcnado Office Park Shalfotte. NC. Extondod off no sorvii os available and generous pai k *ng Occupancy available by tbo end of 1985 Rosotvo your offices today Coll {919)754 814/ million o company^ YEAR ROUND RIN1AI Mainland Sunset Beach Inland waterway $450 mo Uii furnished lowellyn Realty. 579-3463 tf OFFSEASON RINTAl. 2 BR cottage $225 mo. and 3 BR cottago $235 mo Each fully furnished Rental cost plus utilitios E * c el Ion t condition Call {919)842 6303 or 791 1638 Oct 3 ROOM FOR RENT, femalo only For more information coll 579 4317 anytime Oct 17 PARKVIEW APARTMENTS MM'ATF.I) I Mil t KOt'TII OF SIIAIJ.OTTKON IIWY 17 1 or 2 bedrooms $265 per month and up Cable TV Central heat & air Dishwasher IIENT IN( I t'OKS HAIKU. t'Altl.E'. TV. (.AltltAtiE* I'KKIP A I'KXI CONTItOF Telephone 754-6201 TALL PINES PLANTATION Eight c o rn rn o r c i o I lots 100x300 on Hwy. 17 south botwoon Shallot to and Grissottown. Idoal location for shopping contor. health spa otc Restricted hornositos also available in this lovely now dovoloprnont Choose yours oarly while soloction is host Call for details SALES EXCLUSIVELY BY southern cjsands C/ MAI If. MC 0'.?mn I tie Beach, 579-97*5 N< R Stores*S! 1,200 occur 0 L Mill < c THE BRUNSWICK BEACON, assified For Rent 3BR l'? BATH house on waterway across from Holdon Booth Couples preforrod No pots Available Oct. 1. $400 monthly. Year round rental. Call 754 4651 WINTER RENTAL- Boautilully furnished OIB canal homo 4 BR 2'? baths, screen ed porch, garago Many oxtras No pets $450 monthly plus utilities. Writo Tho 1 HarKoys 2044 Eorncliff Road. Charlotte. NC 28211 or call (704)366 5001 tf ! HOLDEN BEACH lower lovol 2 BR ' 2 - b a t h luxury condo. furnished Roterencos and doposit returned No pots $325 monthly plus utilitios Call 842 2698 anytime J BOB CAMPBELL REALTY P.O Box 29. Holden Beoch NC 28462 Oct 3 ATTRACTIVE, clean mobllo homo. 2 BR 2 full baths control air and hoot, vvashor and dryer, largo screoned porch locatod on largo wooded lot in Colabosh Ac? ?s Call 579 2655 Oct 10 FOR I Houses and condos, year 'rc mainland Waterway house Condos $400 pel For more information, conti Bruce's Constru Phono (919)579 7 I Resort HWY. 17 SOU1 1 NOW LI Office and I p OPENIN* / I Call 754-8581 V>)SI bi LICENSED GENERAL CONt MAKE DREAMS COM Flank llaii OPERA HONS FN COOK REALTORS OCEAN ISLE BEACH. 579-3535 ,m ow Leasii etail Spat hops*Restaur Sq. Ft. and Li ?ANCY AVAR CTOBER, 198 ocated Across froi liken Shopping Cei Hwy. 130 East :ALL 579-3000 )R 803-249-349: Thursday, October 3, 1985?l'age 5-B Ad For Wont 3-BR 1 ' i bath mobile home, furnishod or unfurnished, washer' dry or. Near longwood Call 287-3792. Orl I 7 THREE 4 BEDROOM beach houses ot Ocean Isle 2 furnished, one brand new unfurnished. For rent thru April 1986 Hesco. Inc.. 919 934 5115. Oct 3 APARTMENTS FOR RENT SHALLOTTE MANOR 1 BEDROOM $210 up 2 BEDROOM $230 Up NOW LEASING fwf CALL 754-9202 Of f ico Hours 1 -6 PM RENT >und, Oceon Isle Beach and $500 por month r month act Bruce Quaintance at iction & Realty '100 or 579 9530 ; Plaza H. SHALIOTTE EASING tetail Space S SOON! i or 754-6495 /E BUILD HOMES 1 pperior) JILDERS RACFORS LICENSE SI 7335 E TRUE (IK 8 WEEKS)! GINCCR M'] ub* > 1 Jk' m ,+?u r E| Af Mi ig ze ant, Etc. arger .ABLE 15 11 iter I L 1 ' - - - ~ m ,