Oninion Paae ~ r wr THE BRUMWICK&BEACON Kdward M. Sweat! and Carolyn H. Sweat! f'ublinherx Kdward M. Sweat! .ft/iW Sutton I titer Yeir* Editor Dawn I'.llen Itoyd Stnff Writer Johnny Crai? S/iorta Editor Mary I'ottt Office \1nnnner Cecelia Gore Advcrlixini/ ft eoreaentjitire Tantniii' Galloway Typesetter Steve Anderson I'resamnn Kill MrGowan I'hotif Terhnicutn (Hyde and Mnltie Stout. Jim llnllou ('.irruliitiiin Page 4-A Thursday, October 3,1985 Barricaded Road Is Not Just Like A Driveway Is the barricaded road at the west end of Holden Beach private property just like ones driveway? At best, that theory is an oversimplification. What driveway parallels over a mile of publicly-owned beach strand and what driveway on Holden Beach is the only land access to one side of the Shaiiotte Inlet? What driveway can be used by many and not by others? No doubt it will take the courts to decide the legal aues tions. It doesn't take a judge and jury to figure out that barricading the road is bound to be unpopular with many, both on the island and mainland, who view the action as improper, if not illegal. While there may valid arguments on both sides of the barricade, those who are kept out by tbe barricade understandably resent a section of the beach being able to secede from the town as far as public access is concerned, but yet continue to enjoy all the town services such as city water, fire and police protection, and garbage pickup. It is argued that there is no reason to allow vehicle traffic beyond the barricade since there is no public parking or acccssways on that end of the island. If provision for the public is all that is to be considered, then the barricade could be moved eastward to the first available public acccesway to block off even more of that end of the island. That the town was incorporated, including the barricaded west end, without a public road right-of-way being granted, is regrettable. That mistake happened so long ago there is no point in trying to decide now who was to blame. Considering this omission, one would think the present town government would bike a more active interest in the situation on the west end Instead, the commission has had little or no public discussion of the matter. By now it seems reasonable that commissioners would 1. I l -l! -- Mil . ? .... ... miuw wimi icgai opiums arc avauame to mem u niey wish to reunite Hoiilen I leach. There are some obvious cards they can play if they don't like the ileal. If the barricade has the blessings of the town government, then voters have a right to know this, too. The Course Of Least Regret BY HIM. KAYF.lt The bright sunshine of last Friday morning was a welcomed sight in Brunswick County. In contrast, the weather forecasts and the news reports about Hurricane Gloria have been the subject of much discussion during the last few days. _ Kveryone seems to have an opinion about the ' expected severity of the storm and what might have happened had we taken the direct hit We are fortunate indeed she veered to the ' "d north and took her destruction elsewhere. That some of us were inconvenienced by hurricane preparation and evacuation is understandable. The precautions were based on the probabilities of Gloria reaching our shores as best estimated by the National Weather Service. That they missed on this one is to our benefit. But the data upon which they based their predicitions, coupled with the time necessary to process evacuation, called for the hurricane warnings to be issued It was what Hr. Neil Frank, of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, called the "course of least regret". Think what might tiave been the situation had the weather people waited until the last minute (or the anticipated turn to the north and then it hadn't happened! We would have seen tremendous property losses and probably a few lives as well. 1 remember back in the 1%0's in Miami there was an esiimaie tiiat it cost businesses and government over 51 million to board up Miami every time a hurricane came nearby The Hurricane Center, well aware of that cost, was reluctant to make the call until a certain course was established. Hus resulted in a 3-t hour preparation time after a hurricane warning was issued and the pace was frantic as people tried to board up and stock up on supplies. It was evident more Ume was needed even if it meant some calls would be "false alarms " 1 have no Idea of the costs involved in our county. One company estimated a cost of 512,000 to be closed one day If this is average across the county ami then the costs of school, municipal, and county emergency operations are added, the costs of Hurricane (llorta would be manunoth Don't forget tlx* plywood and batteries and canned goods ami lantern fuel most of us bought' Hurricanes can be excellent reminders that we have not conquered the natural elements and that our predictions can be wrong We should be thankful those in charge chose the "course of least regret" ui preparing us for what could have been a catastrophic storm. This Ume w e can rejoice with them that they were wrong and thank them sincerely for their efforts s ' I Music ! History has always hern filled with battles of one sort or the other. A rather interesting battle being fought now involves popular music lyrics. i was wau.-[iui? television one morning last week around 7 o'clock when a woman wno wanted alburn lyrics rated (like movies are now) was introduced. She explained that many lyrics are not beneficial to children, then proceeded to give examples. What she quoted on television I am too embarrassed to print here. The woman was insisting these lyrics were bad for children, yet she was quotirg them at a time when many children would be watching television while getting ready for school! It was a comedy of errors. She listed records she found offensive, but many of them were over four years old. It is probable many of today's younger listeners had never heard of many of the albums. I was sure, however, that sales would go up after her "advertisment." She made them sound so awful, so wickedly sinful, a mischiveous kid would want to go out If Comprorr To the editor: l-ast Saturday I attended an open meeting at 125 Burlington St. on Holden Beach regarding the public use of the road extending west of the , end of Slate Koad 1116 i Copies of a let/ V ter to James D. .^ ^ (iriffm from V JP Maxwell, Freeman and Beason, atg , torncys in Clarke Durham, were distributed. The letter stated that following a review of the evidence and research of the legal question involved, they have "concluded that J I jj Tom, 5 I've so* l"at (ever Or perhaps i should sax a cat has not me hot, very hot For nearly a year no*, a yrllo* and w hite tomcat slightly larger than Swertpea < nty overweight dachshund i has terronied our growing household In the middle 0/ the night I'm regularly awakened by the sound ot . sweetpra nemanum* 10 t* let out. a frustrated sapping a! the Ax* that signals or* thin* and or* thin* onl> the predawn return of that you-knowwhat oat Sweetpea and n* have tried to catch that cat to no avail The txs torn plavs game* with Swretpra sneaking thrvxigh Aunt Msra's garden to her scrap pan few dinner, then around the garage and under m> Souse Suddenlv. he'j on the porch, attacking the do* with glee and vers sharp claws and strong paws Hound or* Cat. I. Susvn and Sweelpea ft Well, about two or three months .yrics Spark itjk Down Ellen A^f\> Suyu' V ; '1 I and listen to every song immediately Oscar Wilde's famous quote came to mind, "I can resist everything except temptation." I don't mind the idea of rating records; I will buy albums by my favorite artists no matter what rating is put on them the same way I will go see a movie by a good director even if it is rated R. I don't mind people standing up for what they believe in either; in fact, I admire it. It would have been nice though, if the woman had done a little more research on her subject. She was on television critizing American popular music yet she seemed to know nothing about it. All she seemed to know was that some albums had words she considered "not nice" and LETTERS TO i/se Impossibl the road designated as Ocean ViewBoulevard is, in fact, a public road. "The basis for this opinion is the legal effect of the plats put on record in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds. It Is our belief and interprets tion of the General Statutes of North Carolina that once a road is shown on a plat recorded in the public records and thereafter lots are sold off that plat and/or the public accepts the road by usage, it becomes a public right-of-way. It is our understanding that there have been lots sold off the plats that have been recorded, and that for many years the public has, in fact, used that access road to the west end of the beach." Further, in support of that opinion, despite the fact that the extension is * T ' A J +.{ UiVE A, JKI 'Kj' I ( HfU'-e. IU "Ti .j. VAr?v?i:.'^4M ; Sweetpea, I Susan ; Usher ago we picked up two o< Pnssy's kittons front my sister Carol's house tn Winnabow-coe for our house and one for Aunt Myra In less than a month the tomcat had swiped the eyeball cut at one kitten. which anon after disappeared then two weeks later cut the other kitten from tummy to hack, cleanly opening the cuter layer d skin That had yust mended nicely -after some sore days and minor infection Kcund three Oat. J. Susan aai the kittens. 0 Mere determined than ever. 1 applied for a cat trap from the animal control office adding my name to a ; Interesting some of the songs referred to s-e-x. An informed person might have been able to intelligently eritize some things about the modern music scene. Aii this woman couia do was make me laugh. People like her scare me though, TCn- * V. ~ 1.;.?I ?I 111 * *. J u.v M.v nl*M "?w get the great literary classics taken off the shelves of libraries because they don't understand what they are reading and are so self-righteous they won't take the time to learn. I'm not comparing modern music to the classics (horrors!), but the common denominator is that there are people who will publicly critize subjects without understanding them. The danger here is that people who don't realize these people are not informed will buy what they say hook, line, and sinker. That could lead to all kinds of nasty things, including censorship. There is some music out today that people could find offensive; 1 can't deny that. last year I went to a Twisted Sister (a heavy metal band) concert just to see what it was like, and personally, I was offended by what 1 heard. I still believe they have a right to play it though. If a responsiTHE EDITOR le, Let The Co not included in the town's listing for Powell Bill funds and they do not maintain it, I believe the town has acted in twn arcac thnnuh the street were indeed a public right-ofway. Firstly, town Ordinance number 5, Regulating the Accumulation, Collection and Disposal of Garbage, Section 2, Item 2, states: "racksshall not be placed more than ten feet from the right of way." Hence, since the town includes the area in its garbage pickup contract, it has acknowledged the street to be a right-of-way. Secondly, it Is assumed that the Holden Beach Police Department includes their patrol of the development in the "number of miles driven," as reported monthly to the I e V,, .ST ASPFij, U" htiiusvirr 's.tutij Pftput ? U IT E V /1E. . ^osey and Su iong waiting list for a limited number of traps In earlier efforts to reduce the cat population at Ocean Isle Beach, the traps had worked well We were off and running Meanwhile, the cat returned to slice up the pad of Nosey s right rear paw one morning at 3 a.m. The score Cat, 4. Susan, Sweetpea and Nose)'. 0. Nosey s okay, limping along with the aid of the family medicine kit She'll make it But I'm not sure I will The trap finally arrived Baited with chunks of tuna, it sat ui the front yard, just at the edge of the porch where the tomcat usually appears First night out Sweetpea and I hear the trap shut and a cat yowl Bingo! Ha We got outside and there, gobbling up tuna as fast as a could, was s tiny hail of white-rind-bUcfc fluff I could only wonder how this kitten, so small U fit easily into the palm of hand, even triggered the latch on the cage fs I Battle I ble, impartial group were to give the band's records a rating, that would IB be fine with me. I still don't approve of an uninform- | ed individual getung on television | and passing judgement on something | she has obviously not taken the time H to rccccrch prc^c* *.?. One of the popular artists the woman did not approve of was Prince, well known for his movie "Purple Rain." (One of the albums the woman quoted from was Prince's?it was five years old.) Prince writes music about the here and now, sometimes with an emphasis on sexuality and an awareness of death . . . quite the existential stance. I took out the Prince album released this year and put it on my turntable. One of the songs was blantantIv anfi^nitfc Dthorc hn/4 li-rinc c-. .V-, tj um%i ?? ugo. v/viivi .1 mm ii i iv.o .1uv.m as "Show me a boy who stays in school and I'll show you a boy aware," and "I-ove is more important than sex." Perhaps the woman on television might be surprised. Some of these songs could actually be good for her children. urts Decide town council. In the past, the town has refused to routinely patrol and police what they consider to be private property, such as the parking lot at the fishing pier. {They would, of course, respond to a call for help 1 The letter to Mr. Griffin concluded, "My clients would obviously like to get the barricade down and the ruad opened again. They hope that can be accomplished without the necessity of any lawsuit being instituted or litigation involved." Those attending the meeting expressed their readiness to help resolve such problems as public use of the road would exacerbate, like littering, a problem common throughout the length of the island iviy own posiuon is mat, as wiui so many other facets of life, there must be a way to reconcile the difference between (a) total exclusion of the public and (b) public abuse of individual rights Reasonable people should be able to develop such a compromise If they are not so able, then let the courts be asked to determine what may be justice for all concerned. Persons willing to help pay for the required legal expense can mail a check to West End Fund. P.O. Box 2872, Shallotte NC 28459. John M. Clarke Holden Beach Hoping To Build To the editor: We have purchased a lot in Calabash and hope someday soon to build a home on that lot Thought it might be nice to read the local news about Brunswick County. Our subscription is enclosed Harry I.. Cooke Vienna, Virginia Keep It Up To the editor Before my current subscription to joui (xifci empires, ana UK' tear m missing a weekly issue becomes a reality, I am enclosing a check for a one-year renewal subscription Keep up the good work and thanks for the Beacon Roberts Grau Gastoma san, 0 1 stick its head in the tuna can and pop it on the rear, hoping to scare this tiny thing away, and reset the cage Back in it goes, home sweet home, going 'rouw, rouw" all the while in a tiny, but persistent squawk at the front door?a "rouw" that within 24 hours turned into a steady hum Score: Tomcat. 5. Susan and household, 0 And that's that, folks No matter what I've batted that trap with or where I've put it, the kitten has adopted it as home After spying the lorn skulking near the garden, I finally kicked the kitten up and reset the trap But the ton's a smart fellow, he didn't roost within five feet d it and for cesce, didn't harass Sweetpea orNoaey But that woo t continue for long I've ceded victory to the loot The trap goes back first U the week What have I got' Another cat hanging around .After all, who could have the heart to turn in an innocent ball tf fluff" I

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