. Dogs/ Chief Don Stovall said this week that he believes dogs were respons: ble for the death of six goats at the Isnauotte sewer treatment plant the weekend of Oct. 5. I The goats were found Monday, Oct. 7, with their throats slashed. Tracks that appeared to be those of I one or more dogs were found in dirt wet from rain early in the weekend, he said. In other police activity, several breaking and enterings with larceny and incidents of vandalism are being investigated, along with one wreck. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATUR OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 9 T KAOPECTATE " ... toopecutt | Regular W i" CO-TYLENOL Cold Capsules 20's m 4% 3" COVER OjMef GIRL S?,t1 Nail ft j Slicks I Coated Tablets 24's I 1 " I TACKLE Cleaner Disinfectant 26 oi. * 99$ KLEENEX ~ HUGGIES ^ fi?r~-i Daytime 48'i l.ly&Ljj30P Toddler 33's (1 %w~ Newborn 66'? ? . J 844 BLUE STRATOS I BRECK 0Wk> Styling Mousse 5 ox. I*. Style M 1" I. Wight Have i K.G. Mace reported that a teenage girl ran off the road and hit the driveway of his home in Brierwood Estates on Oct. 10, tearing up npwlv njantwj ?r2ss 2nd !in?s 2nd stakes marking the boundary, causing an estimated $20 damage. He didn't press charges, but asked the police to notify the girl's parents, said Officer Nellie Evans. Bill Rowland reported to Auxiliary' Officer Martha Britt on Oct. 13 at about 1:10 a m. he found that his car, parked behind the Pizza Hut, had been vandalized. There were m DAY, OCTOBER 19 HII 0 9 HV y [Kl CORTAID Cream O ^ 1 ^HjEAiD """"" SINE-AID 24'$ 248 Coyer i cr?,v'R IQlfiiWv | GIRL j=^_^_U |d Liquid 4ur?L|r^\j Make-Up oB|| 219 [uoxiMAt' ur J BAND-AID / \ Plastic Strips [band-aid^ Medium 30's R 126 I VfAl r j LI JUL Toilet Bowl Cleaner raLnMrn 1 6 OZ. aim* m 86* HMMiiHHnnaaMHHai i DEPEND-0 Toilet Cleaner t Deodorizer SI 76* BLUE^STRATOS Cji? ! fU *1 khi >1II Killed Goo; scratches along both sides and sumeuung written on me rear. On Oct. 12. Shallotte Amoco owner David Gales reported to Lt. Rodney r!ni.rn ?kn? I I uuu>>v UKlt jviuvviiv i Ktu (i|f|nu viivi; used a bolt cutter to pop the padlock on a drink machine, then used a drink machine kpv tn nnen the machine and take approximately $10 in change. On Oct. 13, at about 11:55 a.m.. Patrolman Bill Lewis found an unattended 10 speed btke beside Billy s Seafood Market and took it to the police department. Investigation continues. LIS-JONES SHOPPING CENTER n. 17, SHALLOTTE, 754-6213 TYLENOL Tablets 100's 399 SINE-OFF Tablet v^O^yLP I *% 4 4 sinus 24 MEDICINE ?7 W COyER 8p ?* ^ i ^ JOHNSON & JOHNSON ,t / i / ~1 Dental jOHmwi ?iJoumc?n IHNIMMIAS MOSS ^ ^ 50 yds. BIB v-T-.m?. B Woxed or 2 h?h-~ fij Unwaxed H INSTAI IK AS Qm , LYSOL Basin, Tub & Tile Cleaner hMg 17 oz. E3 2 129 EASY-OFF Oven Pad 97$ l ! I { BKfcLK Hair Spray Kjj 9 oz. Regular, Super Hold, Unscented Super Hold m I27 1'4 n Wie? ften d 1% M Clllf I 387 ts, Says Shal On Oct. 14, Dr. Karen Paine complained to Patrolman Kddie Reynolds of an unattended black and tan Doberinan, wearing a collar but nn tnnr (Unt ?t - J -? U? _ v , tiHii f,i un ivu at iivi uutoiuc her Forest Drive office when she tried to get the dog to move. On Oct 10 no rhni*p?>1^ Curl Kit ' Wave Kit ^ ? in a jar V* Perm Relaxer Kit -gq 499 ~r^n IT? Children's CO-TYLENOL Liquid CONTAC CONTAC Jr.*:, JRI I tilex Spray | 16 ox. . . REVLON J 'l ncx m ] Shampoo S Normal, Oily ' ? or Ex. Body Fg* 15 01. ~iU9M 1 I77 OLD SPICi Musk Cologne For Men ^44 SO DRY Cream Anti-Perspirant ggHSBIfr 2 01 f?y 136 ~ OLD aJPICI 6 oi. i lighthouse I1 Decanter , tL " /u Telescope #) H H Decanter w I Thursday, October 1", 1985?Page 9-A Chief transported him to the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department. William Anthony Stevens of lxnigwood was charged with running the stoplight at the intersection of U.S. 17 and N.C. 10 west on Saturday, Oct. 12, at 7:08 a.in .".3 or. Oct. 12, Gfliuf ciiargeci William Hon Kirk of Koute 1. Orrum, with failure to stop at the slop sign at the intersection of N.C. 179 and Sellers Street. Since Oct. 1, officers have issued 12 warning tickets to motorists for not wearing seatbelts. AMBI Skin Cream With Moisturizer 3.5 oz. 377 CO-TYLENOL ? st:d 317 VITALIS n Hnir Groom (f^ ' liquid IL^J 7 ox. Q 2" Mmedlqu^jl pfisl MEDlQUEll I Chewy Cough Squares . ?* i"l LIQUID-PLUMR 1 % vrV\vl\\ 32 ox. a?144 | | REVLON r 1 FlEX ~ ' Conditioner o Normol or fJX tXHX 15 0Ifm.ti LI v OLD SPICE JHM After Shave E **? Lotion ** 3" tut t r a i r o t "Voyager" Gift Set 544 g v_yur l'-z , W00LITI ! SoH-Clooning C U ^ *??" J ^"8 Cleanor ,. P [ OIMB i 2 2 01. P s Y,. O ;f - an 244 ? ........rouPON \