Page Z-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEACI Lookin Qmuifclr~rT~ rrfm!\" Carolina Shores Realty Calabash Hwy. 179 579-3685 579-3805 HOMt AMD 12 ACRES Near Bolivia. House ho* oluminum siding & storm window*. Excellont lor horse* and country living. Possible to rent bock to presont owner I $20,000 CALABASH ACRES Cozy 2 BP. 2 bath brick. Ono yeor old. in Riverside community. Fishing lokos. boat rarnp. $50's. BRKRW000 (STATES Conternporory 3 BR. 2 both homo locoted on the 18th fairway, jocuzzi. control vacuum system. Jenn Aire range, intercom Too mony incredible oxtro* to men tion. Exceptional home in excellent oreo $110 000 CROHN CREEK Immacu otely kept I homo on quiot street jus? u low hundrod yards from waterway. Community docks for rosidonts Outsido utility building Window trootmonls and roilino fans. Minutes from Rruntwick island beaches $87,500 LARGI COUNTRY H0M( -1 aero ?n Hickman's Crossroads aroa 3 BR. 2 bath, brick Upstairs (36x13) may bo usod for oxtra BR gnmo room, otc Offico. mudroom. firoplaco with insorl. corom't tilo bath Corport. patio, with paved drivo $110,000 WINDJAMMIR VIllAGI C o/y yoar I 'round or vacation homo in oxcollent aroo 2 BR. breakfast countor in kit chon Well molntainod. carpotud. ful ly furnished including TV Nico cornor lot. Largo dock in front $37,000 MOBILE HOMES SNIll POINT largo 3 BR 2 both doublowido Woll maintained in quiot neighborhood. Groat value $20* ClARIDAY WOODS 14x70 furnished woll maintained homo on quiot street in restricted subdivision noar water way and boachos. ideal vacation or year 'round homo Noar rostuurants and shopping In noarby Calabash low $70s BRUNSWICK ADV ?Real Estate ?Property Ta ?Appraisals tor SeUln KENNETH T (919)842-6508 (919)84 ffilp A Coif Course HOME OF I YEAR HO * " .. VILLA 111?M(M LIMITED SA1.F (Ihrck with u? f??r detail*. CUSTOM HI I I T HO> BUILDERS? llfliiii * Milder eoiifttruetio CHOICE GOLF COl I Home*ite? Martin# tit #lt, Come See H hy Hrierv Brunswick Count}'* munition IttB??2&23 Sh????ttr.Nt :?4V> ^ c *** "*** ' V ')N, Thursday, November 21, 1985 gForP COMMERCIAL I jftjyCCTMFftJT ppnPFBTY SMAllOTTI?Prime location on Hwy. 17 near Wilson*. Pizza Hut and KFC. Principles only, no brokers $200,000 Coll Nick Newton for details. OCEAN ISLE REACH CAUSEWAY?2 prime commercial location*. Great investment property No brokers Principles only Coll Nick Newton for details. 9 ACRES in Shallc^ieWtown limils. Coll for dotoils $S5SBr I0EAL Sin FOR MARINA Super invest mnnll Morno nnH rwisfnr home on doop wotor. HocAYon be converfod info office, shopvetc. Only $250 000 INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTYl Four apartment*, olmost now homo with full bosornent. 2 building lots. Good rental history on oportmonts Just off Ocoan Islo Boacfi Cousewoy All for only $133,500 OCIAN fSK BEACH Island sido of in tracoostal Watorway. ideal site for marina and restouranf Principals only. pleoso. Coll fcr details. DOWNTOWN SHAllOTTE New 3.200 sq ft building on 2 acres Suitable for rotail. wholesale or light monufocturinn iiqsnryi HWT. 179 Botwoen Ocean Isle and Sunsot Bnachos Nico corner lot. $79,900 RESTAURANT now in operation with 64 I soots All eouipment ond stock. Vory reasonable assumablo loaso on building. Great potential, locotod on busy highway $33,000 DOWNTOWN SHAU0TTE P ime commor- I cio! locotion with houso. Coll for details $222 000 ISORY SERVICES : Appraisals x Counseling g or Buying Property . BELLAMY 2-6773 (919)365-3002 1*11 IH1 IIUKIWU'H H*CON I) KSTATKQ Community UNLIMITED UNI) GOLF - " , ? )KI. NOW OPKN .S (Opportunity? IKS m HKIEKWOOD 11. ( .boost* >mir> itxiiw! {SK HOMKS1TES? >oo?l K>tal?'* 1> (hit* Of Fastest Growing Comliwlthlf V I 1 imi as * ?S> QN roperty i$eac/tT>adcrs, Jnc. OCEAN ISLE BEACH (919) 579-3557 Ocean Isle Beach SCOTLAND STREET Concrete canal. Extro nico 4 BR. 2-bath furnishod homo. Mutt see to appreciate. $139,500. MONROE STREET - Duplex. 4 BR. 2 baths up 3 BR 1 both downstairs Excellent rental record. Completely furnished, hoot pump. Must see $119,000. A PLACE AT THE BEACH -Well furnished ond equipped, 2 BR 1%-both condo Located on pool side. Excoilent investment! $78,900 UNION STREET---Concrete canal with direct access to Introcoastol Waterway! New 4 BR. loft. 2 full baths, cathedrol ceiling, boat dock. Must see to appreciate' $150,900 FAIRMONT STREET Natural canal lot L. with all pormits. bulkheaded S59.900. DOCKSIDE LANDING -1-BR condo. complotoly furnished Torrific view. $69,900. Amenities include pool, tennis courts, and channel access for fishing and boating | CRAVEN STREET -Prime lot. $79 900 CONCORD STREET Canal house. 4 BR loft. 2 full baths, fireplace, boat dock Completely enclosed undornooth. furnished oxcollont neighborhood. $124 900 STARBOARD BY THE SEA -3 BR 2 baths fully furnishod Excellent buy. locatod on tho Sound $98,900 CONDOS ?1 BR units starting at $64 900 3 BR units storting ot $86,900 Sunset Beach Lot in nice oroa $52,500 Moke an offor Long Beach Luxury 2 BR, 7-both waterway condoi with boot slip. $79,500 and up. Mainland Properties SEA TRAIL Now. vory spacious design brick homo 2 BR. 2 baths. Choose carpot colors now. You'll lovo the large closets. $72 500 BRICK LANDING PLANTATION - Und?r construe tioa, contemporary executive or retirement home - on investment at well as e home. 1904 sq ft. healed area. 3 BR, 2 full baths, solarium, family room with fireplace, dining/kitchen, loyet, devble eerwfe, Ut|? deck with view el walerway and golf course. Many extra? Included 120x110 let. $144,900 BRICKIANDING PLANTATION Excellent lots with viow of golf courso. closo to club facilities 120* 100 $29 900 up JUSt OFF OIB CAUSEWAY ? BR I boll. L I 400 *q It., portiolly furnished beautiful lot Only $62 500 BREtZf WOOOS Now restricted residential development close to water way lot* starting at $15 500 SHAllOTTE POINT Excellent home lor stoHing out locoted on large lot 125x778 Two BR I bath kitchen living aroo wood stove BRItRWOOO ESTATES Two prime lot* Walking distance o( tennis courts $14 *>00 and up BRICK LANDING Golt course lots woterway condos new homes Coll lor details One ol our finest and newest restricted areas In the South Brunswick Islands SMAllOTTE POINT Sun Down Acres Two lots includes septic tank well and utility building $15 900 60x110 each MARSH COVE New Excellent permo nent home 3 BR 2 bath* fireplace screenevf porch Spacious must see $104 500 CAROLINA SMOhIS NORTH lot $11 900 TARHlfLAND ACRES Prime lot $77 900 ond up OCtAN AIRE ESTATES lot with iv>}in tonk permit- $' 100 SASSPAN 3 BR T both trome Kout# New h?ol pump ?lo?m windows ond doors to?pot 71*150 lot 1X3 000 FORT FISHER Investment property Duple ? on 100* 171 lot Potentsol (or com meiciol property Coll (or detoils 1114 900 C ARCH IN A SHORES CONDO Furn.shed 2 BR 2 boths overlooks pool E?tron?ce I S *6 900 One BR 116 TO Rentals SMAllOTTE POINT Veor round r en to! 2 B? T hath unfurnished 1??1 monthly plus utilities 3UAU RUN YeO' round 2 B? IS boths on oppJiorxos hrepJoce carpet *t?Q r?K? 13?1 monthly plus ond deposit Coll now (or monthly rentois on The N?xh 12*1 up ph?s utsllhes CONTACT JUDI PSiOCIN o? oon irwts {QUAI HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 41 ?Wt B UK m^BT u r BJT HI Bi r? vrt rf '4B.4 nls :| IS " ^ "?? u B.NBTUB M0 M rtct. rKar rri< w?v an ?r mCMm. jt<*. * ts Mittua to Rtok* as? yrrfmv* ftmXaOir ar terrtaM ? Look I SECOHD ROl New construction, 6 BR, 6 i cellent rental unit. All applia, on waterway and ocean s sneetrock with wainscoatin $89,900 per side, unfurnisl $95,000 each side. SEACQ4ST ^FVFIOPMFNT fr-u~ AN OPEN LETTER ' BEACH PROPERTY THE BEACH ANI MAINLAND? WE NEED YOUF We have sold all our pres three. We have the clients, perty and want it sold, we w portunity to be of servio mutual advantage to both < We offer free appraisal foi your property, at no obligf WE DON'T MAKE A DI! IT! I>et us work for you, NO! Man' \ Chic \ INI \ Hoi I Ml OFFICE AT INTERSECTION of Hwy. 130 I Holden Beach Couieaay Phone (919)142-3190 ,^^I0CUVIT AAV IGAi le_CA l.c . mi -I i?k a; lumnneo mobile homo 2 BR 1 both C/H A $21 000 B 4 IUKSII PUCI H 1972 12?38 mobilo home with bedroom furniture 2 BR I bath deck Two lot* $13 ODO S 9 KOUOAT IVtIT OAYI Approximately 1 '* miles from the beach this 14*70 3BR 2 both con be yours Stop by ond let ut show you how Only $30 000 NAVI T0U fVtl NANT1D *o find the home of your dreams' This is ill Sitting on 3 !w'r? toil iuve'ry homo teoturei Q wOOd stove wolW-in matter both with individual shower ond tub It con be your* for $48 S00 UNO I mi II It tout TOO like the feeling? You con hove it plu* your own home neor the beoch in thi* 3-BR 2 both with multi purpose room $40 2S0 ItYfCStDI n 19^1 Fleetwood furnish ed mob.le tome 2 BR 1 both on wooded lot in restricted subdrvd p*y^ lo* ?Kc?tfl r#. kSft'^-g 0**#rnoCirt if 11-&&51 SH ioo AUCI.1 antstowm*? T>?#? ? >? *? i C?nft*d*r ?b?? K>G HO Mf #? Q miKIH) GOtf COUty COM MUNITY* 3 W } ?v* bo** * ftr*, wood hvtt SM >?*> G#? rtd erf ?H?? C*9 p* x) ^\\ * ?J2E^HOMES I MOBILE HOMES SWIMMING POOl. T1NNB COU1T A MAT AMP PtIVIlfGfSI Now o ho?j*e for you to enjoy With 3 BR 2 full both* por tiolly furnished Alio o 'org# screened porch sliding glo*? door* Coll to doy! I.R 9-8538 FI DDK W S COVI Ideot 1981 24.64 fur mshed dooblewide mobile homo with 3 BR 2 both* f.reploce for those coxy niahts. C H A (WW u-j scoped lots REDUCED TO 132 900 IR R 8 8527 SOVTM KIDCi Why rtnl wh?n you cor partially furnished Call now! $11 000 I R 9 aS35 MAI HUU0TTI 3 BR 1 both house on Soere lot with excellent pot on ?ol within 5 miles of Shollotte Groat garden spot convenient to school* shopping oreo ood bonks Priced to sell 133 000 I R 7 8513 HVttMM H 15 2 so ?? heo'ed area 3 8R 2 both* screened porch cor poft concrete drive and walkways stp/oge Excellent for pecmo nent lrv?ng In rettrxted subdivision with po.ed streets boat romp ond tennr* courts R 4 UASHOtl I0A0 A must see 12-60 mobile home 2 IR I bath with odd ed layer bedroom both screened po-*ch deck lew trees on 60*' 25 lot fwn-shed 173 500 G2 LOT? S^ope Creek Coro^no Shores Sea A?re Es*o?es with owner ftncrfxesg 8ore*oo* Bo Riverside ? A w Sondy ShooH COMMttCIAL Corwetol property appro* 3 m.les from beach across from ft S Quxk >' "-*> UW Co?vii*rin?tl lc*?$22 000 H?ry IX ?Ot r^cr *C**OCi-$2C 000 SN^rrcw, [??' ? ,01 $4 500 Wp M?(t S0"OC'? *orm