i r-r- f SON^ ho&G * _.-.r>Tt\)RC,OPT Volume ^4, Number 3 ^^.LJ^sm^ 0J!$ ^| Tlic Journey across the new high-rise b aerial view of the existing swing bridgi for long. The old bridge is up for sale i removing one more obstacle to unlntei traeoastal Waterway. Local anglers Three Seek BY SUSAN USHER The 50 executive committee members nf the Brunswick County Democratic Party meet Monday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Brunswick County Government Center to nominate a new coroner, announced Chairman Rex Gore of Shallottc. The meeting will be held at the public assembly building. The party's nominee will be presented to the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners for formal appointment?possibly that same night, if time permits, since commissioners meet in regular session at 5:50 p.m. Gore said three persons have expressed an interest in the in*t heW until Monday week ago by Tommy Gilbert, a Southport Democrat who Propei Shock BY SUSAN LSHEI County officials expect shock w the county when property owners notices in the mail next month. The value of rural property will from 30 percent to 50 percent In roost front property will increase by three the last tax appraisal in 1971 "If the reaction is true to that sta Tax Adnunstrator Boyd Williams negative, a very negative reaction " So tar, though, he has seen no oq "Mast at the people I've talked with >. a wait and see attitude." he said. a< help if people realize revaluation isn' Property essentially unaffected will increase m value snout i? pert 1 eland. ShaUotte and Southport as < tiaoed that htstonc redevelopment i will show larger increases for la Values along the waterfront and an srill show much larger increases. Along the water?whether the waterway or ShwIWte or Caiabasl values have skyrocketed There's a real wide vanaba "The market value for farm prop< down, but it has not increased as mu ?5 "On the nrers we're seeing a dn last tune (In 1*71 > they hadn't cam oceanfront and waterway property w i fi " "oo- BIND |?y3l/gg | Shallotte, North G i z _^. - 4\ H;vr i . < High-Rise View O iridge to Ocean Isle Beach provides an ? In action-a view that won't be around uid should be dismantled next month, rruptcd boat traffic on the Atlantic Instill hope to come up with sufficient DEMOCRATS V Nomination 7 resigned the office In order to accept another job. The prospective candidates include Pam Gurganus of Shallotte, a school nurse who ran against Gilbert in the 1984 primary; Greg White, a rescue volunteer employed by Brunswick Funeral Service; and a local physician who is currently on the list of local medical examiners. In a news reiease, Gore did not Identify the physician by name and he could not be reached for additional comment Monday. In the May 1984 primary Gurganus received 3,559 votes to Gilbert's 3,934. Another person, longtime Assistant Coroner Larry Andrews of Supply, has publicly announced his interest in the job. However the Republican Party member has not contacted the rfy Valua Waves A K The purpose aves to roll across property at its fai receive valuation "This is our < the final value," generally increase owners not to ove areas while water- When the init to five times since start lighting up i Ferris Inc.. the C tewide," predicted The firm's wart h a Tv.uOu parcels of Director Brent Wi tanned resistance. say they are taking The revaluatl Ming that it would but Weisner said t the county's idea. satisfied with th I by resort values county's tremenck enL Weisner gave had to visit a lot i 'samples, but cau- "That's good areas in Soutnport quipped, nd and buildings The state M*< Bald Head Island ty be revalued fa years. [ Atlantic Ocean, Weisner and h River, property telephone lines a mailed tn early b a." said Weisner pects between Oi erty has not gone petty owners?to A as other proper iand Aad be expc During the ft lsDc increase The pomtmei&s with J* oa jrtt bee* a* meetings should t as still amiable " owners can expec ? s? - - IMQM/li >? ??rn a' rolina, Wednesday, Novemb ; ? - ,|MMi>HHi (jW'i'1 . mum f Past Short-Lived funds to transform the superstructure Into high-rise Odel) Williamson Bridge Is sche< Mayor Ladane Bulllngton plans a 3 p.m. ri cade to the beach once the span passes its PTE MONDAY ~o Counjv Co Democratic Party leadership seek- vol ing the nomination. nor Gilbert's successor will complete mil the unexpired portion of a four-year onl; term that ends in December 1988. ten Those eligible to vote at Monday's offi meeting include the chairman and pre vice-chairman of each of the 21 T precincts, the six officers of the coun- spe ty executive committee and the V president of the Brunswick County stal Democratic Women. and Elected officials of the Democratic am Party are ex-officio non-voting sior members of the committee. and Traditionally, those nominated tc aid* fill vacancies in elective office are of bcf< the same party. " The precinct chairman and vice cor chairman may cast for their precinct poe one vote for each 50 Democratic farr fHon Notic cross Brui of the revaluation is to appraise the eigt r market rate pinion of the market value. It is not tion said Weisner. "We urge property ed, rreact" lal shock wears off, telephones will ty o it the county complex office of W.P. pert Inn conducting the 1906 revaluation. Acta as taken appraisers to approximately cons land across the county. Revaluatioc revt usner said The) and on process is slightly behind schedule, county officials and the company art addi c ranra scnecuie Because at Utt adjL ws growth In 19W. he said, appraisers how nore buildings than first estimated, for the county and bad for us." he rest. dunery Act requires that real proper- 10 r property Us purposes every eight valt tyB his staff will be ready with extra heai nd extra patience once notices are Will i mid-December Wetsner said he ex- potn ? to 7.000?up to 10 percent of all proqucstmn the values assigned to their coot ctt to find some mistakes. taxi rst week las staff will schedule ?p- own dissatisfied property owners. These Pro) * done in about six weeks Property thus t to recerve ac answer to their query mg i nth M?W er 27, 1985 2; 1n?TT ri i ?- * ^ 5., - Hfflmn SSAff rwoto B? SUSAN USMf N an offshore fishing reef. The new tiled to open today (Wednesday), bbon cutting followed by a motorfinal inspection as anticipated. >ner's Post es cast by their precinct for goverin the 1981 election, with a lirnnm nf nnp vnt*? r\nr nrapJn/?< 11 y one officer is present and a writproxy has not been provided, the cer present may cast half the cinct's votes here are no special qualifications Ued out in the law for coroner, lost counties?96 of 100 in the le?have abolished the position gone to a system of medical exiners. Brunswick County commia?ers voted on Nov. 16 to go ahead 1 fill the vacancy, intending to corv r the need for the post again >re adopting the 1986-66 budget. In our county," said Gore, "the oner system serves a good pure It provides a lot of help to the lily." :es fcxpe nswick it to 10 weeks after the conference. The answer will come in the form notice, either restating the previo or adjusting it Weisner said he expects more nor* wners to write than call About one y owners Uve outside the county, a illustrator Boyd Williamson The! odered informal complaints and ew of the value, said Weisner, and t Ir answers will arrive within the si format as those stemming from cr At this point in the appeals process ess physical problems, correcting i sting depreciation or the land vale ever, adjust the base value of the p Property owners who aren't sal itts of their initial hearings? typicx percent of those questioning tee?will appeal their cases to the E card of Fipulirahon and Reriow, tog appeals in April Tax Adm lAIUiCO'l rsrd F?TPi? anil aeJ totals Theae appeals must be completed ay CTmmiumn to confirm the ta rate for the 1S?MT7 fiscal year A ve eri are likely to rontwae their apf *r!? Tax Conxntanoo. Weuner u e would likely be reached before re aage flea ri i/knvi 5c Per Copy 30 I DOT To i Both Sid n?l~: rui rung BY SUSAN USHER Cast in the unusual role of referee, State Department of Transportation officials will meet with Sunset Beach town officials on Thursday, Dec. 5, in search of a compromise solution to the parking controversy at that UCdUl. l^ast Wednesday transportation officials met with a group of "concerned citizens" at Sunset Beach who say the town's recent ban on roadside parking has put a hardship on those who want to visit the shore. "We listened to their side as they conceived it," said J.M. (Jimmy) I.ynch, traffic engineering branch manager and one of several transportation officials Involved in the meeting. "We're going back to hear the town's side. "I would like to think that some kind of compromise could be worked out. If not we will take both sides into consideration and work something oui here (in Raleigh," he said. DOT officials also plan to meet in a separate session with officials of the Town of Holden Beach, which has adopted a similar ban along Ocean Boulevard and on side streets within specified distances of intersections. usually, said Lynch, it's a town that is reluctant to cooperate when DOT wants parking eliminated in a certain spot such as a high-hazard intersection, but this time the tables Holden Beach 1 To Leave Hous Mrs. Ralph Inman moved her erosion-threatened house at the east end o( Holden Beach last week away from the ocean and closer to the road, said Building Inspector Dwight Carroll. Inman opted to leave the house on a carriage on the original lot until town commissioners clarify their policy on the moving of houses, he said. At last Monday night's commissioners meeting, the board voted J-l to continue the moratorium on the relocation of hiiildino* from one location to another on the island except in emergency situations, to be determined by the building inspector Owners were given the option to move the house off the island nnl feted $ County Most meetings a of a new valua- mg the day, how eve us value assign- scheduled at night t who can't make a da resident proper- This Is the first t third of all pro- have been assigned ti ccording to Tax county for property r letters will be revaluation every ell requests for a adjustment" at the f hat will be done. commissioners, votii me time frame the results of such a nferences. W P. Ferris Inc. I appraisers can With revaluatlor errors in listing, county will shift to th * They cannot, ty Manager Billy Cai eoperty About hall of the utliitlea and person* Isifed with the which are revalued e lly no more then An It percent i their property Carolina Power It Uj Irunawrtrk Cmrv i? ? - ? VM<1V4 which will begin lo IMS. when the tntstretor Boyd utilities mil lose the heduie those ap- benefit from * reduc Even rf Brurwwv In time fee the ucipated and the cou at base and let a the tax rate. Carter r> few pct^erty ownen will receive 1 leal to the State The current U* r ild. and moat erf ty The 19*5 total val acting the hear- of tL) 17 million (Mat a 1M >11 TM 3ages Plus Supplements Hear esOf Icci m are turned somewhat. "We usually don't have this?parking banned in an entire town, especially one on the coast, when all citizens are supposed to enjoy our coast," said Lynch. Citing potential safety and traffic iiow, Sunset beach has oannea yearround all parking along and on Main Street, its boulevard paralleling the oceanfront. Some parking is available on u short-term, indefinite basis in lots leased by the town along Sunset Boulevard and land on the western tip has been donated for the purpose of creating a parking area. The ban could conceivably be lifted. Lynch suid, when a newlyconstituted town board takes office next month. That still wouldn't resolve the town's long-range parking problem, he said. "They're mainly concerned about the distance they're having to walk to the beach," noted Lynch. "If you have to carry fishing tackle and walk that far, you aren't going to walk in the sand, you're going to walk in the road. You're going to ride bikes on the roud also." Getting pedestrian traffic off the roadway was one of the town's original goals in banning roadside parking. (See DOT, Pago2-A) Woman Opts e On Lot later than 30 days after the opening of the new high rise bridge or to move the house to another lot he owns adjacent to or across the street from the present location. Mrs. Iiunan had asked to move the house onto a lot she owns across ttie street at 331 Ocean Boulevard East After the meeting she said she wasn't exactly sure what the commissioners meant by their policy. Carroll determined she could move her house Hue in the "emergency situation," as the policy stated, but he said she doesn't want to move her house to the new lot until she is certain she will be allowed to leave it there. >end f the E & K panel will be held rlurr Williamson said some would be <0 accommodate property owners ytlme meeting. ime In eight years that new values a land and structures in Brunswick tax purposes The state requires iht years and allows a "horizontal our-year mark Brunswick County ig (our years ago. did away with in adjustment, also performed by i, much of the la i burden in the e Individual property owner, Counter has said repeatedly county's taz valuation la based on I) BTfln?f4v B(v4 Irw/aHr**/ ?ll ach y tar sdjustmcnt u Ux !u value for ght and Southern Bell reflet that new values go Into effect, the two tr li percent adjustment. but will ed tax rate fc County's tax base doubles as annty cornsntssioneri sharply reduce hex also stated, many property xgher lax Mils ate is 5d ? cents per t'.CTj of properuatlon u 12 21J tsillon, with a levy !dSlary Page Id-A) < V