Health Board r To Dine Brunswick County Board of Health members will combine business with | a social hour at their December 1 meeting, which will be held Dec. 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sea Trail links Clubhouse, Sunset Beach. Following a half-hour social time. New Hanover County Board of Health member Carl Durham will I speak at 7 p.m., followed by a sit- I down dinner at 7:30 p.m. for board J members and their companions. The health department will pick up the ribeye steak dinner tab of $10 plus tip for board members, while members are expected to pay for their guests. Rabies Clinic Plnnnorl 7 I I V? II I ^ VI / A rabies clinic will be held Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. until noon at the Brunswick Animal Hospital on U.S. 17 in Supply and at Cape Fear Animal Hospital on N.C. 87 in Southport. for $5 each. Distemper and parvo shots will be administered at the regular rate. For futher information, call the Brunswick County Animal Shelter at 754-8201 or the Brunswick County Health Department at 253-4381, 763-1312 or 457-5281. Professional IjUJNDERING AND DRY CLEANING MS? SHALLOTTE DRY CLEANERS 754-4435 Shallotte HHHHBBHHi HASTH AREYO Come on V^UIU ""/'""kt: ' (VtfEW K Brewstei Ghost Beverly code o f?IE HWT. 17 1 PHONf75 I TUESDAY I RENT FOR THI WW li?l Ribbon Sunset Beach Mayor James E. Gon ui'ncmii) ume i>csikd c Ciller: as owners, employees, and their fa: wntrhed. County Commission Chah pell, who was scheduled to officiate not return from business In Florida Elections Boarc The Brunswick County Board of Elections has been operating shorthanded since early October, officials confirmed Tuesday. One member of the three-member panel, Jim Jefferies of Boiling Spring i, resigned oc nrc uie iA>ng Cocker Available A tnale blond cocker spaniel leads the list of recommended pets at the Brunswick County Animal Shelter this week. Zclma Babson, animal control supervisor, also lists mixed-collie pups and two black and white longhaired cats. These animals, and many more, can be seen at the animal shelter off N.C. 211 near Supply Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. E COLD W UR KIDS D in ana get ric Lner piues wit 10VIES? rs Millions Busters Hills Cop f silence IEO V VCR AND M< ORTH, SKAilCTTI 4 9642 IS 2 FOR 1 DAT 2 MOVIES E PRICE OF 1! * % if mgg* \ Cutting Opens New B [ion out the ribbon The Design Center, Saturday morning. Isle and Sunset H milles and friends dceorating, accord rman Chris Chap- said they developed at the opening, did couuty. in time to attend. d Short-Handed Beach primary in October because of poor health. A replacement hits not been named, elections board Chairman 1-arry Andrews said Tuesday. Jefferies is a Republican, as will Ikhis successor. Andrews said the executive committee of the Brunswick County Republican Pnrty must meet to nominate up to three candidates for the position. The names will be submitted, in order of preference, to the State Board of Elections, which makes the final appointment Under state election law, the party mai noius me Kovernor s sem is entitled to two of the three seats oil the county txiard and the minority party the third seat. Jefferies is a Republican. Oric Gore of Soutliport is the Democratic member: Andrews Is the Hi EATHER G( RIVING YOI i of the :h a movie ton fT3?an III! I an'i??n????? COMING SOOI Rocky IV Rambo SOME MOVIES 01 OLTA >VII RENTALS HWY. J7, 111 AT THE! (803) 1 NEW FALI MON-SAT 11-9, LJUR 5IAH PMOIOBV IDOII SWtAll usiness located on Hwy. 179 between Ocean each, Is a new eoncept In home Iur to Miller and Tom Pope, who I it to meet the growiiiK needs of the /X ' L..38? JIM JEFFEIUES second Republican. He said a date had not la-en set t nominate Jcfferies' successor. GOP Chairman John DwJer coal not la; reached Tuesday (or eon mcnt >T YOU CC U NUTS? light! : i ^1... f NLY s1?? BE#! rut RIVER ITATI UNI 249 774? L HOURS CLOSED SUNDAY THE BRUNSWICK BEACON. Th Do Your ( CI ij/iOppilfij See our doll display In I'laza, Shallolte.... F. \<'II FH1!> \> * S V ! 1 11. I'.IIHISI'M V C.ollector's tlolls iiicludinii Shirley 7'ern/ iV lli Ida Val-Lynrf s Porcelain D( 75-l-')8(?-l, SlialloUe l*VIIS I RIVER STOREI r THE STATE LINE,