Page 4-B?THF. BRUNSWICK BEAC< CetF Real Estate INTRACOASiAl WATERWAY 150 Iron tog? approximately on? ocr? Wooded outstanding vi?w across from Ocoan Isle n?or new bridge Coll lister. Polly VYiirteim. Seaside Keaity (VISW05. (919)278 5304 tf IVH.W J..V. U at S7.000 Commercial lots 100x300 Call for details SOUTHERN &ANDS Vy maji nr. ihc Ocean Isle Beach, 579-9785 C>vaig REALTY, INC. of HOLDEN BEACH located on the causeway Phone 842-2628 OCI AN* RON t 3 BR ? bolli* lurnithed with go* heat Si 10 000 HIRI1AGI HARBOR Doop wator tonal lot on pavod shoot $49 500 GRIINWOOO ACRIS 2 BR I both house on l'i lot*, f ncellont financing ovoiloblo $45 000 SAND OOUAR Furnished 3 BR 7 both contemporary with fireplace >ot room onri nut Instill garage tfowntluui Many on trot loculiitl on conol with boat dock SI 59 000 HURRK ANI HAVIN Beouhful view of Inlontf Wolorwoy 7 BR I both lurnlshod home on paved sheet I 700 \(| ft Accots to tonrm ronit swimming pool and boot ramp $53 000 SANDPIPIR IANI 7 bedroom l'? bath. ' sopor o I ti living ontf dining room f noplace $63 5(K) HONS PAW ORIVl 4 bedroom* 7 bath* living dining kitchen with control heat and oir Inclosed with gorugti and storage On deep water canal with hoot dotk and poved street $IOt MX) 110 SI ARIISH ORIVl 4 bedrooms 2'? hoths located on paved sheet in Heritoge Hoi bar canal development Bright modern kitc turn with living room and dm ing room Central heat and air and large oneiosed area downstairs for stoiage and yoiogn I (ollool invttttmnnl ond ipntol i.otuntuil $115 (X)0 Roiiiulod moliilo lofi hnginning ot $4 MX) Imolxi of* wolpi pondt iivoi boot h CHOOSE YOUR LOT! QUAIL HAVEN a planned mobile Itontp (ommunily Brouldully wood od loU botulo luko 10". down halant e S yeaf% ot 10*. cmtplo lit lot?*i VINEYARD LANDING lot* on Royal OoW Riv0i A0ii2D4??7>II95 $14,000 10*. down baloiu* S 1 yfon ot 10*. tintplp mioict' Si A AlKl ESI A1IS J od|O(00itttoitofti honte With od|O?0Ot kit OtrOiksbl* rotontly huthhogged PRlCl REDUCED* MAKI AN Oil |K ON ONI OR BO IM RIVIKSIOI SI CI ION Beootilwl woiv!v\! (oinpi lot II? $il$0 (I 'y loU) tn tethon tonod homo* ottly $ W LXX) SUMMI Rl'l AC I ll No ipttiKlionft v?t tot Miin oevp vs*n ?o?>k i'o'i^o ImiMing > CH? ton movt on fhl% on# now' $ 000 SHtU I \Nl^>Nv? ?^ lot* to t>oo*h !00*HV lot tWl %ro'?t Kink tiHH nH*n?^ ? m?th o' Si 3 AXI / Bob (jjfer (Campbell Realty l9 i -%A . ? n as, ,VI| ' HWV ixtmi #1 AC M C MM is A i v^N nil ujRflv &2~\ ujiLLioms (MALTY * COHSTHUCTION 579-4005 ' rQ Mr Airport Plata s U3 CV?on Islo Boact* % K V \ NIGHTS CAUl Wn tr*| I 4M 4HI j c i ill mi \ ??* ? IUMNI )N, Thursday, December 26, 1985 :ast Ao Real Estate FOR SALE Hclden Beoch. 55 oceonfront lot, 3-BP house facing Infracoasfol Wafer way and backed up to wide canal. 14x70 mobile home on double lof near bridge n .. H i I V H A J A 11 / n wv> nu.c. \ ' / " * - owner/ogent tf BUILDING & LAND FOR SALE 2.000 sq ft building on Hwy 904. Longwood. with offices ond both Truck body hoight. romp ond looding dock. I 04 ocres of lond. Owner finon ring Kinston. I 522 5171 LOT FOR SALE Owner financing, septic tank and well in ploce. Shollotto Point oreo Call 754-8112. tf RESORT PROPERTY Sunset Booth Large doluxe home with unique design and features. Excellent rental or retirement homo View of inlot ond oceon (919)493 2756 (919)579-4203 ,-w IQiQ <,AA 1*117 tf FOR SALE Deep water lot. 200' on Shallotto River. Coll after 5:30 p.m. 754-8494. 40 ACRES Has boen cleared and ditchod near longwood Good tor developing $58 000 Coll WRAY & WILLIAMS REALTY 579 4005 tf ACREAGE 1 '/? miles north of Shallotte Wooded. $3,500 per acre Call for details. ISiwfh *Craders, Jnc. OCEAN ISLE BEACH, (919)579-3557 GOVERNMENT HOMES Irom $1 (U repair ) Also delinquent tax property Coll 805 687 6000 Ext GH 6256 for infor motion. juri jw pu TIRED OF PAYING RENT' Own your own homo with no money down Build on your lot For Ireo brochure or Inlormotion coll collect 3/1 6549 tl INVESTMENT t T + ocrot on Hwy 130. Holdon Boach Rood holl mile from Shallotte town limit* 15 lot* approved by County Planning Board For dotailt call (919)847 2698 any time J Bob (Alf jCampbell Realty [B tw i i fit h .i? - ? I'HONI (0191847 ?B'J8 ANYTIME rrot (>l N Ml A( II NORTH < ANOnNA 7H462 NWY 130 PAS! HOI DEN HI ACM CAUSEWAY ON III T CAl ABASH SUNSET BEACH NC Brand new 74*56 Crolttmon doublewtdo completely *et up with brick under pinning and dock* situated on large wooded lot on Hwy 179 at Calabash Rivet Also 14*70 tinalewrdo sot up the some way with land or will tell lot* without home* Price* starting at $17,500 with at little o* $500 down with o* cellent teller hnancing Call Mclamb Realty iHOJ)749 3491 or {919)287 6541 tl EQUAl HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real ?-*Utr aitvrrtiunii in l!u? newspaper it ?ub)rct to the Hrdora! fair Housing Art rt ttot which nwin it t| HBB9 ^P Iryal to advrrtlac am I 9SRI prrfcrrncc. UmiUUoi> or discrimination baaed on racr. color, trillion. art or national origin, or an intention to iiakr an> preference limitation or dlacrlmlna tion " FOR RINT M06HI HOME lutnnhvvl viry nice 2 BK (anliol hoot and otr \>oth#? ond dry#' Dopctit roquUod Bolivia 2SJ VUO C>#< 2& I WO Bl DROOM mobile homrt for rent fiom oo\1 $1S0 p?( month with l?r%l month* font O'Hi ?4?po?t' ?* Quifftl In t'i US t! t'vy*?09* on N( IN J m*ov*o?- Irom 04 KOsi ?o %*!' I lc*? on Nwy I *" A I *J et Oteon ui# *oo^h tow 5 M 3 Na?h \vve K?i ??5 OCC W?W Knvt> (CnAM onr $43 ?X> CV#onl(on? : f> > -?v? "W1 U*> VV ? tion Wi f PHONE 7 TO PLACE A CL RAT $2.00 for the first 25 words per w word DEaOI Classified advertising is accepted tion in Thursday's issue For Rent 2-BR HOUSE with fireploco Sunset Beach One year lease, available Sept IS Call (704)334 3110 rt YEAR ROUND RENTAL New 2 BR unfur nished duplex apartment at Styron s Ion ding, near Holden Beach Walking distance to wolcrwoy C H A dishwosher rofrigcrator range SXX? montly plus uhltios Coll 84 2 2097 tie OFFICE PARK Own or loose your own office In Brunswick County's first office condominiums. Promenade is located on NC 130, Holden Beach Road Milllken Plaza Shallotte. Purchase for $43,900 or lease from $235 per month. Investors can purchase o pre leased invest ment that generates income from day one Generous parking extended office services easy access and inspiring architecture provide sound reasons for making Promenade your business home. Immediate occupancy avoilable SUNWARD OFFICE BUILDING Do a central lobby copying. . and answering service sound like ieatures you will only i find in a inetiopolitun office ' building7 Well, they ore actually right here in Shaliotte, In tfio Sunward Office Building, NC 130, Holden Beach Road. Milliken Plazo. Rent your own suite Including utilities, from $150 per month Larger space also available Immediate oc Cupcincy available Pfonionado and Sunward are developments of the Milllken Co mpany, d ova tod to I crooting space and choices for busmen pooplo in the South Brunswick Islands. For mora Information, call Buddy Milllken of (919)754 8147. it. rhe fflfeenw HOUSE FOR RENT 2 BR unfurnished in Shoreline Estates Molden Beach References required Call (9)9)875 4792 t! IOVIIY IOW COUNTRY home on water I way 2 story 3 BR 2 bath furnished or unfurnished Available immediately for short or long term leose by owner Night weekends 704-525 1487 rt RINT-TO-OWN Furniture Vacuums 'Microwaves Heaters BLAKIS 7S4418S Hwy. 130 East Gate Square 4 I PARKVIEW AP&STMENTS IOCAII0 I Mill SOU1M Of SMMlOlIt ON HVVY 17 I 1 and 2-bedroom garden I apartments and lown| houses now available. H $265 PER MONTH & UP | Quiet neighborhood conve 9 nlenf local'on Went mclvdot H woter i?w?t coble IV gorboge p>ckup and pest I control | Tele phono 7 34-6201 OTHII PROPERTIES |IKK lANOtNO o?t kc* m |lv6|*Hi S>KW#1 V#f?*K (9*^1 fO'? ??#>* C ofi ' SHMiOTTI 3 M ' tv** (O?po" dS *o'#' ? * * ? ? )7< M) OCD *.V? 000 lorvj 'vj h 3 M 2 Na** b*?fc ?*>f#/ N^O1 C^aKM>i 0*>3 k-? tr?coot?al We*?rwOf C >4 A ?*i ofi4 Ctd thACI 54-6890 ASSIFIED AD! is eek 5 cents for each additional LINE until noon Tuesday for publicoFor Rant 1 BR EFFICIENCY apartment for rent $275 per month, includes oil utilities. Also other weekly and monthly rentals. 5?9 3804 or 579 3000 Dec 26 m u rows <, iit \(,E | Now Has MINI WAREHOUSES Store Your Own! Boat & Camper Rental Spaces Hwy. 130 near Holden Beach 842-6860 842-2116 MOBILE HOME, nice U wide. On Introcoostol Woterwoy. Retired or semiretired preferred. Deposit and references. Call 754-8549 or 642 2935 tf HHHHHI RESORT PLAZA PHASE II Now under construction. Retail and office space for rent. Hwy. 17 South. Shallotte. 754-649S or 754-8684 hbhJ fEAR ROUND RENTAL between Ocean Isle ond Seoside 2-8R. 1 bath house 1275 monthly Call 842 2198 after 6 p.m. tf HOUSE FOR RENT on Water Wonderland Sy the water 2 or 3 BR partially furnished Call 654 3841 H VCR Rentals Movie Rentals (99e 8 up) Huge Selection Blake's Rent To Own Hwy 130 lost Goto Plaia 754 4286 2 OR lurmshod mobs'? horn? near Holdcn Booth screened porch electric hoot, window oir mco lot S195 per month Deposit K loose required No pets 842 3259 Dec 26 FOR RENT 2 BR mobile home in Ocoon Isle Beoch oreo on Inland Waterway Couple or singlo tenant preferred No pets Coll 787-3740 Jon 16 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Two office suite available in Sand Dollar Realty building Ocean Isle Beach Causeway Contact Nick Newton 579 7038 RTnTOB BUCCANEER HIllS 2 BR I bath fur rushed house with garage Boot romp privileges References arsd deposit to quired No pets Available Jon I $280 monthly plus utilities WINDY POINT 3 BR 2 both br^k veneer home Fireplace C H A fur mshed Nice section c-ne year lease References and deposit required No pets 1375 monthly plus utilities SHORELINE (STATES I BR I both furnished mobile home References orsd depose required No children no pets $180 monthly plus utilities WHIPSIRING HEIGHTS 4 BR 2 both tumrshed mobile home close to waterway References ond deposit re | Qi>n#ti no pc'% monthly plu* utillttti HOlWNWACH : RK 2 bo*h luawfy t twJo M?f?ncr? o'? r#QvifOd No pot* VJ50 nxyv thfy plw% /7~~NJ Bob (4mT' Cainpbell Realty LB > ? . (MMM* n?ONi . - * HOc MM l(' AV> *AS1 MOtDfN m ACM CAusnvAt ON un OTHIt P*OPI*TIE$ N?co c?ni*o*?e?--?# on 3 ton # ? p*?c##v* ?N^i\p?*ng ?V ' * XC (\3i trow tftlond Ao'*i?9l 0*-#r CVv, V4 4 900 Cor* v *>? *^?o- S fnvki**? (wi C*oi $tJ5 000 ^ (x ' * St! XC 1^1 Pgr Rent FOR RENT: 2-BR furnished mobile home. Gray Bridge Rd., Shell Point area. Call 754-9188. Inn Q rvrl NEW BUILDINO for Tease3^000~sq. ft. between Ocean Isle ond Sunset Beach on Hwy. 179. Coll 579-4133 or 579-4205 onytime. tf 2 BR mobile home in lakewood Estates. S250 monthly with o S250 deposit. Coll 579-7100 H APARTMENTS FOR RENT SHALLOTTE MANOR 1 BEDROOM $210 up 2-BEDROOM $230 up NOW LEASING T = T CALL 754-9202 Office Hours 1-5:30 PM MOBILE HOMES NESTLED in beautiful woodecJ area near Holden Beach. 3-BR. 1'i-both. furnished Chompion mobile home with A 'C. Price includes lot. septic tank. well. pump, underpinning deck and steps, less than $25 000 Call 919-754-6336 i $99 SALE $99 DOWN Payments as Low As $99 WALKER MOBILE HOMES CHADBOURN 654-4128 1971 COLUMBUS mobile homo l??6S control hoot and oir fully furnished oil appliances including washer and dryer Excellent condition Coll collect 64? 5174 64? 8155 Monday Thursday Friday or 579 907? weekends 14 WIDE ? BR new mobile home SI 10 per month Coll 754 8112 . tf 14x70 MOBILE HOME 3 BR 1'? bath* $158 per month Coll 754 811? tl BRAND NEW DEMO doublewide 24x44 3 BR ? full baths completely set up ond delivered A steal If interested coll 754 8194 tf $99 SALE COST j PLUS $99 Uf AI tf ED TV HklVLII MOBILE HOMES CKADBOURN 654-4128 OTHER PROPERTIES f % C ? ten Hpidtr ? A/WV1 fcft. l K r. .ar ocfc MOBILE HOMES 5 I'om HofteocH 2 ft* 5 fcC*H Kiwwlod 3 d*c*I ?***>. bo^r Wo V <>9? s.:? htrrwth^d ?4?*0 ? -** ?"X3 *TXX^ me-'# W?cs A,? i?(tC pr*o6^o Nc*?*? 3 M 1 botft 2 k-w?d po*c*^-i *1??00 f*r?COd ^4 C?'?*? 'rCTK ^ 124 <*X a Ad FOR SALE AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVERS Three moles three femoles. $200 each Ready in time for Christmas. 842-6276. tf SPECIAL RooiSeoi 23!0 5 9oi R.E. BELLAMY & SONS Main St 754-6733 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD 3"? year old male, obedience trained. House trained $300 (negotiable) Coll 207-6472 Dec. 26 pd ^BUTLER^ STEEL BUILDING Available thru Hu\ Lanier Heal Kstnte 579-4545 FOR SALE Portable flashing signs with letters. $275 each. Coll 042-6306. tf Galvanized $399 Underpinning a sheet I R.E. BELLAMY & SONS | Shollotte 754-6733 | MB CENTRAL HEATING ond oir conditioning unit. 7'j tons Corner S2 000 Coll 842-2620 tf Full line of Water Softener Products available at: R.E. BELLAMY & SONS Moin Sl Shallolle 754 6733 MONUMENTS Why poy o salesman' Buy direct Granite bronze marble Cole Monument Works N 701 Business Whiteville 642 3503 Jan 16 Rabbit Food 25 lb. & 50 lb. bags R.E. BELLAMY & SONS Main St., Shallotte, 754-6733 NEW 1986 29 travel trailer A C. selfcontained. 21 awning For more informa "u?i lun J'T /011 rt '* Landscaping Cross-Ties R E BELLAMY & SONS Shallotte 754 6733 OAK WOOD lor sale Half cord lond scaping and yard cleaning Call 579 6276 Jan 2 pd 1980 900 Custom Hondo motorcycle very good condition ? helmets $1 500 Call 754 9740 Jan 9 pd MJJIUUMii I FURNITURE Couch two chotrt two end tablet cofiee table and ottomon tolid wood with vinyl cushion* $125 Co1' 842 7910 rt USED McCUllOCK 1010 bow chom tow $175 754 4949 Dec 26 191 CO.OR MAGNAvOX $90 19 colo# Sonro $90 Coll 579 2491 Dec 26 ~AUTOSllRMO(f 1964 NISSAN SINTRA 72 (XX) m.ln .ry good condition Coll 647 21 49 or 7S4 8609 H 1963 PEUGEOT STl ,Efi 5 tpeed power >f?en??g power broke* o-r c^tditionef cru te power window* ond doer lock* tun rooE AM fW *terec cottett# 42 000 r*?le* 542 2910 rt 19?8 'G?D rAiftAAGNt Good conditon on# owner $900 negot?able Coil 753 64 X H 1976 FORD f '50 P?kup lo* vol# $! ?95 ?S4 6990 rl '975 FORD fllTf e?c#'i#r.t condition cedent cond?t?on $1 000 Of b#*t c^ler Coll 5*9 769? Doc 26 pd MOBILE HOME OR BLDG. LOTS SxAilOTTI SANOftS FO?fST Ion !ro*n U S00 OCI *>< T?A?. | J4 iX oc*? MA VIUAG* ?r?^> k 500 lAAfWQOO ISTATIS 15 ?*00 OCIAN Arfi 15 OC oc* NKX Hkl S?SC do**?* ISO p ?r month' C TMf *S VAff mTH |AST TilMS* BUILDING ion W*?V< COvl VAlAOf POINT SUN ?J SAMS T'V- ?UANS ?M?C"5f .ONG.VOOO ITOT* D?m -nus OT?t?S SQM* IN P?3VATl ANO M ClUVvt ANAS